The Charleston advocate. (Charleston, S.C.) 1867-1868, March 02, 1867, Image 4

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Angry Words Atigrv words! 0 lei them novor From Ilio tongue unbridled -lip; May tin- In-ari's bost impulse ?vei" Olieok ila in. Cor tli'} -. il ila- lip. bove is uuieli loo ptit e and holy ; It leitdsliip i- ioo saCfbd far, l?'or a inoiileUl's ita-!.li - fdily Thus to desolate and mar. Angry words are lightly spoken; Mitel osi thoughts are rashly stinted ; J!: l?littist link< of 1 i 1*45 are hfokCh .Ily a single angry w or'd; lxbl SI UY. She soeketh wobi. and ihix, and wmketii willimdy w l'i Ii her liiiiids. Sh? i> 1 ilo - tli> - itti ri bant-' -hif'S : siiti hfin eth her loe-d hotil aiaf.?lmovi.iais w.i. ki. li; Kyiiio^Oiio?liigli and low, rich itiid poor, who dosil|es ib. live usofidh t dvi rd man, and faithfully lowa'fd l? i. musi bo il worker. It is a Very gn at mistake into* which the poorer classes sohiciihii - Talk when they suppose that people 01 rank ami wealth liye lives t-:' indoli-m-e. The ivyOrds of the \er\ l'irsi tamilici: n fttte that notion, Women are hi t oxi nipt from thipedii ditioil of woi k. A !.. I it i- well i |jf\. are not| l'or nothing is so inisi fatile for mind or body, for health or temper, its indo lence. Idle people arc always fretful, res?lossj and unhappy. Thojt are. in a world where all is activity. The \ei\ 'winds ami waves h prove Hudr indolence; Idlers iliss|ittlstled with themselves, are dissatisfied with till around them. So. ?ny dear readers, yea Whose lot is east among (hose w hose special inheritance is toil, be hot (liseouriigeiil oh that tie count ; there is a blessing rests both o/< your toil and in it. The Scripture lolls its of ii liiii? wlibli Women id* the highest rank had to obtain wool ami manufaetare the cloth : or lla\. and spin and weave I he lilieli, l-'i-r hun dred- of years the entire clothing Of the 'Vliole family depended oil the in h;-tt\ ?f the women. Jo our own country, hi early the lleece used lo be brought llOinC, illlil il was..fieli in large hOUsC holds carded, spini, dyed, woven, and made into garments under the superin tendence of the lady, w ho presided over the liotlSCi So genei'tit were the disi It il and spinning-wheel in sacred times, such as those described in ihe Words Wo has. Quoted ; and in the early hi-lory of our own ami other count rie-;, that women ob tained a name iVbin this their Ordinar*, i uipl?yniciil, and were call. .1 spinster-.' In pioce-.s of time this i-aine to he the design;,lion of unmarried Women only? and the married were called ' MousC-j Nvives.' Not, perhaps, that they spun much less, hut thai they had to manage all the home all'aii'S of the hOll-e. Do my readers indico thai word liyh inyly?" 0h, how much diiiefencc it inalv'es whether the work that liiust 1 e done is done * fillihi//(v." 1 know two young married women, both aie indiis trioiis, hut th. re i ; a great dhl'erem-e in their spirit. Tho lirst?1 will call la r Mrs' Moan?lolls vm wiih it s?gli? " 1 never thought when 1 married thai ihoro would be half the cai o- and troubles 1 havo'foiiiul.' d How so? Your husband seems so 1 or and kind." Oh. dear, yes. he is t hut hi- wn t - arc small, and Lin obliged t" - lave and save, and il sometimes trios ami WCui'ii's mo past bearing, t<> make both ends meet." And this murmuring and grieb h?g w as uttered to the husband, who bore it all palieuly for a time, hut al length he wearied of it, ami then eaniC ihe angry words, How call I help iti'" Ami this brought tears ami discoid, and through the little rift thai poC\ isliness made. I here llowed in the bitter water.-of contention. Do lily readers know ho shell cases? The other young wife whom 1 have in my mind. 1 will call Mis. llrisk. She always sees the bright side. "My JJich ard works very hard for his money, hut what a blessing that he has such good health. And house rent to ho sure is very high, hut I'd rather pinch a little in other things, and have a nice comforta ble little home. It's such a blessing to sec Richard sitting of an evening by our fireside, reading a bit aloud to me. that 1M work my lingers to the lo make all nice and snug against ho comes home. I'm always at it 1 know?my work's never done, but il's shell a blessing to see the children and tho place, and I licit aid, that though I'm right down tired every night ?f my I'm never loo tired to 1)0 happy." The word " blessing," ,My i'cnd?rs will see is often used by Mrs; llrisk. Need I sav lhat -lie is a woman who lias l'eli Ila- mercy of Cod in the gift pi' Chris!, and tliis has made her notice sonioOl'lhe many blessings thai (lod bestowson all. hut whieh the poof, solf cmt i ed. discon tented \\ ouian, ne. ev Itceila. Many cares - daily cni'CS, hourly cares, must the patient striving industri?in Wife and mother have, hai in the mid I of all if she goes to ( idd itt ('irav?r, the power io woih willihgf\ \Vill ho givetb The spirit u lo will and to lo (.ifiiis gO0il plea -m e *' \ ili he ?lnp,i t lei?. Industry Is suri? lo biliig ita own n - ward. The mero hadit <>f a }??oth?r 1 g? U?til'lyj?nlpidyihg una- ivo?!, v a gobd exaiiipio to libi eidldteitj 'flu; ! i v ii! he v o' ! l',i*r ini;ip V<i . Htbv will widd to help lather, 'iia.y \> iii I li ..; : lb he Inly, and ?ji?t ' lui, and tiytb ; .... !.. ; ' hi\- .-how-, '.lain the io he so, and it ! I? llpws that ?li) y(mrs h,j t ;:( jiiid th,d young i\ Ik's are >wd -, up. lhc\ v. heeoniii willing helper*. The nVotljicr's < :.u s may not he less, but he) (oils should I e. a-- la r r-t length hi-ii s u. lad. And d'awl.oh family aie wot kois?n?ne of M.eai wasters^ n nitho rule?ipdesssiniib giout cnlaiiiity copies?thai ihe wditdU condition Of the hiOuKjiiold ilupiovcj-, llu'iviigcs df the sons, ?nd the work of the daughters, add to the family stork. : like ihe bicit. haul >\.'.l-. which 0VCr\l wind blows io dtir shou-.. hearing ih< ir produce for the coin fort and 1 (,,( man. And of the gooil iuilusiribus moth er who has worked he;-. If. liU,\ ItroUirlll up her children to work also, it may; ho >a';d in the word- of s, riplttie1, Mi,. ' inge'tli her f..od from afar." C'tiliivate, therefore, my dear (oiling sister, an ac : live, hop, fui spirit, slatti idh iiesH a> a disease that injures l??|v r i . I soul. \\ oik while il is railed lo-dav, for Hie night eolia ih in w hieh ltd man can work." Sling into Heaven, Tlier? aie in our city two orphan chil dren, a boy and a girl, deprived oftheir parents within the last year. The lad is hut -even yeslrs old. and is u-tained in his grief by an alinosi gladsome romeni hranoe that the last words his patent-ev er -polo- on earth were lo h? in, and dial lie sailg his molla r into heaven. lie lately told the story thu- ; his molla r, il li.iust he remembered, had been sick so hie '.ime : Mv mollici Called me." said he. and told me that she fell ?ke gOiiig to sleep; and lhat if she did she w anted ine lo - ing lo her. and if she fell asleep; she wi.-hed un' to sii by la r bed till the doctorcamc. So," said lie. '-1 ! cgali." Here '.he little fellow, will) great teals trickling down his eheck-. sun- his little song, beginning, I w ant I" be an angel. lo show jiist how it all happened "When 1 wa- d?m," continued lie, " mother had turned over and gone to sleep, an 1 1 .-at over so .-till by her bed till the d< dor came. I told him -he was asleep ; that J had sung her lo sleep. He wen! over to ihe hack side oft he bed, and as sooti as he touched her hand he stalled hack and : 'My hoy, your mother is dead.' So I had sung my dear mother into la a\ cm" (.. ? pity ihe orphan. I low the light froth Ihe cross iVioilows the darkness of his lo! ! We sometimes fancy lhat the Father in heaven, as a specilli privilege, permits sjiinli tj parents to lniidster to their bereaved Oll'spring. It is pleasant, iii a thousand ways, to think of Hod as hOtir Father which ari in heaven." dlle i-, in all points, touched with the feeling of our inlii milie-." We arc reniintlod, in penning ihe fore going, of an incident liai ialetl by an i'.n gli -h paper; of a lit I le boy w ho was found j asleep aerosa a freshlv-imidc grave in a village chnreh-yiiid. My little friend," said a kiml-heai imi man. awaking him. what make- \ou sleep here?" Hesita ting, with the surprise of being discover ed, the child said in broken sentences, They wasn't kind to me at. home, sir. since mollici' is gone, and I came bid hero to tell Iter all about it, and she's heard me, and I s'pOSC I've gone to sleep by her side." Little he knew that his mollici s hand was not any more, to he pressed on his brow in this world, hut he '' Iliid fallii to believe thai her ears were open to the voice of his pleadings, and that site was able to soothe and answer. Trusting faith of childhood, would that we of maturing vcars could go wiill as much assurance and tell our 1'ather, who I never slumbers or sleeps, all the sorrows T of our lu-nfis !.H'is''/ n ..!</> ro/c. AVHII'H SAltSAl'AHU.iiA U :i coii(cntrftt?<U'x. toni t>i tin- i ? loi't, m> rombiteli with i>ili t r SljUsUlltcvs 0? i: rratcr all ri alivt power US to alluni an cllcctual antidote lof discuses Sarsaparillu is iTpiiti'il lo cure. Such a re medy b surely wauled by tlioso jvhp sutler frolli Mruiii'i'i- complain! ?. ami that one w hi- h will accomplish ili? ir cure linist prove, a Ibi? lia -. mi immense fcefvicO lolllls largii i la-- ni oar u?llictcd nllow oai/'ir-. llow mnpli !cl\ (his compound \\ ill dolduts beoti provi :. l'\ experiment on iiiiihy ol'(ho woi'sl I a-i . ioh'o lobiul in the follow ing complaints : Soriiliil !. scrofulous swellings iiiul Sores, I skin i?im .i c-. i'iinpic. Pustules, blotches, Kruplioiis. Mi Anthony's I'm'. Uosii or Ery sipelas. Tei tor di' Sail Idicum, Sodtl Head. liUIJi Worm (;l . V;, . 1 '. > f/'d Dif* ii$C expdh'd from ilio sydoiii i> ilio prolonged u-c oft his Stir pi ila, inni the patient Is h it III lonipara !i\'" la ilth. / I ;mi: can-ed by Scrofula in iiid, ami are this elVoil sOOll cured hv lixraii ol ^ar-apai ilia. I ?. ? in ?t diselliti ibi- invaluable medicine. hi'VatlsO yhll base been linpOsOil upon bv un lllili; pi i :? Ildii?.: I" be .'-ar-ilpai ilia. kVliil? il \V?Si II"'.. W hen UHI 11 :\c U-ctl \ ,l '. I - t ht i; :> !e I n"i iiil ! hell. W ill MM Know ; he \ iilu.i iml sapiil iilili I 'oi1 minute pul lulila i - ol ! ho tli-ea -e . it OllVcs, we i tfer y'iiil ! io a; i'- American Almanac, win h |Iti* ?nt lielow iniliied will l'ili nidi yi?tls l? nil ? ho olili fot ii. ?v l.?;' ?t 'A t Il Alii io Kli.i.s, for J he eme ol Cos? j veil cs-s, daiihdioe; ?iyspcpsl'u. Itali:'. II?ni; Pi cnt?/ryt Ko?d Sionisti h; ll??duchc; Pili -. lil?i iimaii-ie. Ibaiibnrn arising titilli ! I Msbilii i od Si eiiiaeii. P..hi. or Morbid I hue-1 ion ni,.e bowel-. 1 iainbncy. I."-- ol Ap-j ji?iii?t Liver (.'ohiplahil, Dropsy* Worm.-. <til. Sell might, a in I ior a 1 'inner Pill. I hej ale Migar coa'.ctl. SO thai ibvillo-t .?. it - live can tabe them ph a-anlly. ami llicy are lia !" -I Aj t I loiil' ill the world lor nil the put pm - ola lainily ph\ sic. ihojiiired by J. ?'. Au.iavbi,, Loweih, Ma-?..and .-ohi bv all i>riigglsts. VICK'S ILLUSTRATED CATA LOGUE I or Seeds, and Floral Guido FOR 1867, Is now published* It contains nearly 100 pages, ma tino illustrations on wood of tVioi'o I'loivers and Vetje\ablc$t amia Ih (U'tij'?l C?l?rti? Flmn r l'Iute, Kor liontbpieee. Also, descriptions ofihe 1'iM'i l'iowius as11 Vl'aiil'i viijii'.s grnwu. \\ ii 11 tuti aiitl plain il?ivellons l'orculture. )> ?)'" St ai inali vvhodoslro, po-tage paid, ?m- L'ieent.? - 11 > i hudi'thc Cosi, yen! freu tu pili ni) ?u-loniers of I8C?, without beiiig ?r de reti. AiidfOs, .1 AM liS VJ( K. Poi HKMl.K. X 1>t;v ni.Miv W?lth ni i:< nr.u will rnnot, A laaiai.Ait cb.viunu ie>.s?- e. ilio loltiiuns 61 MI IH M tifi ini ?|> i', consistin? or Fo?'l?i'jlitly Sermohs ami iiJjCctsrc Jiootn Talks" ncpbiied i spfi'ssiy l'or'Hie M KflH ddSf. r?Vbwl by Mi:. Bi.icill'i:, nini protO?tcdby eopvii'jht. Aiianucimuii < are also being made lira si'-ries of valtiable Sv.ilSioNs by eui?neut l'iil p?l Onitors ol die Stotliodist ami olliei CIni.Ch ip I. TKl'MSi $2.50 l'Ki; |i:lyiihle In jadvance. ? Liberili Premiums or Commissions are ali low ni '.o ih?so forming clubs of -nl.-ei ilici-.-. Address, 'filli Mli 11P ?lus i'. No. 111 N'assa? Street. X. V. ER?LD. Ili':- Is th? oldest Meihodist new-paper in ' world. It C l'ubli-hetl by the P.osiOS Wi 111 v is Associa i ion*i eoinpose?! of (wolily 1 members ol the M?iii?disl tipi-, opal < Inireh. and i- i In- reeoghl/.eil organ of our church in NcAV Kilgla'id. 'l'Ile Assoidad?ii uinlerlako ilio lish and i are of jutbiicalioii solely for ih, hOlii'lll Ol lbe Mclhodisl l'hureh ami ila t an i oi ( lu i-i. without receiving any fee or re ward wltiuoVer hu'iIn ir sorvii'es. I'liliUeliiosl other MetlKulist j?apeis, iiie I/traiti hits lii'ver reet ived any support from i In- l?ooK i "inio?rn. aiuti-, tlierefore. ei?tindy dependoul oli iti own patr?iiajie, If. after paving ihc ncee> s?ry expenses of publishing, any prolin. accniO, (hey are paid to Ilio .New lin-laml. Maliik, New Hampshire, Providence, Ver mont, ami Last Maine Conferences. L The ?I?iifA?.1) ASI> Jot published weekly; at $2Mi per year. iib<iri<ihie' tit -;.iw vtind, >, All Travelling Preachers in the Mciho lllsi lipi-copal Church are aiilliorl/eil Agents, to whom payment may he iliade. :!. All coiiiiniitiieatieyiis desiglieli for puh licaiion should lie tlildressed io the Kditor, ami letter- mi bii-iiicss should he addressed lo die A[H n/. I. All biographies, accounts of revivals, ami other mailers involving (acts, must be aeeoinpaiiicd w llh the names oflho writers. VA " Wh wish iigciii$ lo .be parileiilar to vvriti'iiu! names of -uh.-ci ilu-rs in lull, and ihe name of the r?si OIlice to w hich papers 'reto be seni, in such nuiimer that thcro can bo no niisuiiderManding IVTISTAH'S HALS AM OF WILD YY Clll'iHKY has been used for t t nearly 11 all'a l Ynlury, w ilh Hie most astonishing success in curing. Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Suro Throat, lntlucn/.n, Whooping Cough, Croup, Liv er Complaint, Bronchitis, DiMicullv of Prcalhing, Asthma, ami every direction of 'l'ho Throat, Lungs and Chest, CONSUMPTION, which carries oil'more victims than any 01 her disease, and which bailies the skill of the Physician lo U greater extent than any other malady, often, \ IFl.DS i'd THIS uk.mioov ! when all others provi' tlielVcclliab AS A Mlddl'INi:, i: \pid in i;i;i.ii:p. SOOTHING, in kf v?a v. SAI li IN its OPKKATION, IT is rssri?i\\ss?;ii ! file ns a preparation. froih hoxlhu.s iugredisiiis, poison . or minerals; milling i'd'll, sclenee and medical kjiowhtlgb 3 ehjii iaiiiull' till ihat is ValuableIli ile- vegetable dngdotn lea iliie class el' diseases, il is and i- onlilled, merits and r.ives the gen eral confidence of the public, SK\ Min i: THA'fi iii:ii. m. l)., of Herman. N. Yd wrlics a- follow-: - dVVlStAU'S ll.U.SAM of (."i IKK li Y glvcf. universal salbliiciion. It seelnsio cure a i'oiigli by loosening inni cleansing the hings, and id lacing irritation, Unni rehiov?ng die cause instead of dryinguji (hecoligli and b avin;: (lie ClUSC behind. i consider the Italsaill as good as any. if not the lies!. < 'oit.uh medicine with which 1 am acquaintc." "?"iipoJ to iteci Tosi iiiiony. Proni ltnv. PnAxcis l.ounr.i.i.. Pnsier of (lie South t'ongfcgatioiial t'lmreh, llr?lgep?rt, < 'unii. IlKiDor.i'our, dan. 1. ISC.I. Gentlemen :?I consider H a dtiiy which I owe to snlferhig humanity to botir testimony m the Virtues of pit, \\i-r.\i;'s UAi.s v.Mioi* Wn.o Cui:i;uv. I have used it?when I have I occasion for any remedy for Coughs, Cold-. J or Sore Throat? for many year-, and never, I in a single Instance, has it failed to relieve ' and i urc me. I have frequently been very hoarse on Saturday, and looked forward to die delivery of two sermons mi the following day with sad misgiving, bui by a liberal use of ihe Italsaill my hoarseness ha- invariably Ibeen removed, and 1 have preached without iMIculty. ' I commend it to my brethren in the minis try, and to public speakers generally, as a certain remedy for the bronchial troubles to which we a: e peculiarly exposed Ibiihcly un.-oiicited. i .-end you this t?sti? , nionial. w hich you are al liberty to uso in j any way you cllh?SC. Perhaps the Balsam I does not a licet all persons alike, bat il alw ays j removes my hoarseness, mid tils' nio for i ho j mini-tor's hard working Hay?Ih? Sabbalh. Very truly yours, Fl.ANCIs Loiuua.i. IrnrUior Tjiipolieitecl Tosti ISioiiy. KaiKKIKI.Ik Me.. April 28, IStil. i Messi. Si.rn W. Frhvi.K'& t'o. t?ciillcuicii :?-Seeing itiuiicrous ecrtllleales in the Maine Farin?i1 endorsing the merits oi" [lhal Creai Lung Peincily. W?STAli'S ILVL SA.M of Wll.i) t'llldlllV, i am induced, and 1 lake great pleasure iiigiviiig publicity ; to die great cure it accomplished hi niy f?mi i ly in year ls.",i;. During Ihesmnnicr of lhal Vein' thy .-on. Henry A. Archer, now Po-i ina-ier ill Fairlh-hl. SonierS?i ( 'ouniy. Me., wa- tit tacked whh spitting ol blood, cough, ' j weakness of lungs, and general de'uliiy. .-<> much so thill our family physician declared him to have a " Si:.\ I l.l > <'oXSI .MCTloN." lie was under medical treatment fora num ber of ninnili-, but r??ijivod ab bom-lit from it. Ai length, from die solicitation bfhiiu 1 .-elf and others. i was induced 10 purchase one bottle of WIST.Urs IJALSAM OF W ild) t'UHlVilY, which benditeli bini so niueh thai I obtained an other botile, w Inch in a short lime restored him lo his usual stale of health. i thilik i can .-afcly recommend this remedy lo others in like condition, fur it i-. 1 think, allit purports ii) be?TlUC C! it K?T ' 1.1 so Pi.Mi.ov i-'O?t i in: i i.mi.S ! 'fhe above statement, gentlemen, is my ! voluntary ollering to you ih favor of your Ikdsain. and is at your disposai. As ever, yours, Aniuuav Ahciiick. V1?1C1? OXE IJ?LLA??A JiOTTLE. riiKPAiti:!) nv sf/ni w. kowli: ,v son, is 'Pnr.vtoNT s'liiia-'/r, Boston, and i on sAt.K nv ai.I. nuut?oiSTS' I\?l?KKlt SLWINt; MACIIINLS, ^Jh ice : Plain fmisn, gli? ami $?U ; . w ith extras, ?10to $100. The only lirst ehiss licensed and warranted inachino sold le-8 than ?5?0 pialli. iiOKN 1). (d.APP, A??NT, 100 TUICMOXT, HoSION. Liberal terms to dealer-*. The new Amorino ranbroidery done (,o order. Tho 15 th. Thous and. NOW READY OF THIS One Volume. Price $2. HUUD & IIOUGIITON, I PUBLISHERS OF STANDARD JUVENILE AND MIS CKLI.ANKOUS BOOKS, I I NO loO liitOOMK St, Nkw Y?KK, PUBLISH I SIX MONTHS I 1 AT THE ! i white house with ABRAHAM LINCOLN. J?Y *\ B. CAJii'tiXTElit ?itritiT, I Vol. l6mo. Prico $2 Road What the Press Says: \llo was inoro I hail a painter, for he was a reader of human nature; and lie studied the ohuraeior of (lie distinguished subject of his art until lie boeanm thoroughly acquaint ed with it.?-Woucr.sTKK L?AZKT'IT. ' li presents the great man nt home, in the freedom of unrest rained intercourse: and no hook that has booh published about him will give posterity so accurate an idea of him as this."?IlAKTi'OHi) l' "Like a modern Boswell, Mr. Carpenter dishes u)> his hero, plain and with all kinds of sauces, we have him alone, idle, and bu sy, in his Cabinet, peaceable and anlagonis lic, as judge, koldier, lawyer, rail-split tor, critic of Forrest and Booth, actor himself, angry lilt iter, the inuulgcnt husband, the sto ry-teller ... In fact, what the hook does not tell of Mr. Lincoln is probably not worth being told."?N r.w Vouu Kxi'KKSS. CARPENTER'S BOOK IS A SIXTOS. llUKD & 110?G1IT0N, PLBLISHKUS. lot) Stukkt, Nbw Youk. SUST Jty MAIL, l'OSTAOK l'AID, I'OU TWO DOL l.AKS. s "\Vaiitod ALL OVER THE COUNTRY TO HELL THIS BOOK A LIBERAL DISCOUNT MADE gasijsaagjssi^^ . '""mg THE HOWE SEWING MaohMes 699 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. rOR FAMILIES ?5D MANUFACTURERS THE HOWE LOCKSTITCH. TII10S? WOt?I.D-Ii10N?WN101) SKWING MACHINES We're awarded the hiahesipremium at the World*s l'itir in Londpnt and sixjirst premiums al the N, Y, Stale Fair of 18 00, and e> An; celebrated tor (loltlg the host work, Us* ing it unteli sniiiller needle tor the same thread titilli tiny other machine., ami by the lid follilo I toil of ilio most ii|)|)rov?'d machinery, we are now able to supply lite very best machines in the world. TIIuso machines are made at pair new and spacious.; Factory at Mridgeport, IConn., under the Immediate supervision of Ihe President of the Company. JO Id AS I lOW 10 j .? ltd ilio original inventor oft he Sew ling Machine. They are adapted lo ali kinds of Family Sewing, Army Clothing, amilo the use of Seamstresses, Dress Makers, Tailors, Manufacturers of Shirts, Collars, Skirls, Cloaks, Mantillas, Clothing. Hats, Caps, Cor sets, Moots, shoes. Harness, Saddles, Linen Goods, li ridirci his, Parasols, etc. They work equally well upon silk, linen, woolen and eolton goods with silk, cotton or linen thread They will scam, quilt, gather, hem, full cord, braid, bind, and perform every specie. I of sewing, imiking a beautiful aliti porfeit stitch, alike on both sides of the articles sew ed. The Stitch invented by Mr. HOWE. in--1 made on this Machine, is the most popular ami durable.; and <tll Sewing Machii \jtcc to the i? 'tncfj>lv inventi li 0>j him. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. AGENTS WANTED. The Ilo ice Machine Company, GOO iiito.unv.iv, Cou. Fourth. Sr.. X. V, hnos. CLERGYMEN arc furnished witli The Illustrated Phrenological Journal; devoted lo Ethnology, Physiology, Phren ology. Physiognomy. Phsychology, ele.?at Chit) rates. ?1.00 a year?Single No.'.S iiOclR* To ol hers, $2 a year. Premiums, of Mclo tleons. Pianos, Sewing Machines and Hooks are given by S- R. WELLS, Publishor, 389 Broadway, N. Y it Is brimful of delightful entertainment for juvenile readers; stories, tables, charades, rebuses, enigmas, ami exquisite wood engra vings. It is beyond comparison the best jv vcnilo maga/ine ever published.?Unitalo lOxprcss. Every hoy ami girl in Vnieriea should havft It. Tkums ; Two dollars a year \ Single or Specimen Number, 20 cents. Is culled from the rich and wide Held of cur rcilt foreign literature. From the immenso storehouse of English and Continental maga zines and papers (hero have been taken the choicest short stories, thrilling adventures, exquisite poems, historical sketches, scienti I lie. articles, racy essays in biography und criticism. The selections are all made wit the object of meeting tlie tastes of American readers.? i'hil? Inquirer ? Tkums: single Number, 10 cents; $5 ft I year. (tICKNOR & FIELDS, Publishers, BOSTON.