South Carolina leader. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-18??, April 07, 1866, Image 1

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-!' .tr _k_ fr^_(_e_^_^_ H. JUDGE MOORE, Editor. " First, il.o b laclo, th, iii Ll io oar, al l QI- that tho lull co-vil ?ii ih(- oai\"-Paul * FOUR DOLLARS PER ANNUM. 'Vol. I. Cl I A !? L1?T( XNT, S/\ rri ! .RI) A.Y, APEIL % 1.866. No. 27. Jh mum PUBLISHED ON SATURDAYS. Al4l>0 Kiug-strool, Clmrloston, ?.C., ?IV T. I 11 ; UXJ KA." & ( !< ). Subscription Trico : -Futir Dellars ti -car, ?ova richly io advance. 'i'll A liVKlirlSKItil.- 'I'lic I.KAlll.ll bas Un- lur^est j .ii-cililiiinll <.! any wCOk.y p ip. r bl I ho Soul lui li ; Stillos;- circiiliitioi; extensiv, cry In South CuiOlinuj Ntl li ll I lit rill i na, lioutvia, timi l'ioriiln ; thereby len ? dr ri ii;; it ii v?itiaiilo m. .hum lin ilium.' luiv |uj; woutis to iliijiotic ol'. Helos ol' Auvortiaiiu;: l'or ?Ho nt" 'ivii Lilli's, oin* insoilion, ?'i-iiu; \ lol Vin-11 blllisiipi.-ut insvli!. ?l.en. ? lib.-ral discount luiubi io yearly, liiilf-yourly, iitul I quarterly nilverllsers. Advertisements compn-m i:?ly i displayed li;.- special nurccini'iit. AIIII.IUI.II- A..! M.. . M ill ?alu bart, Paul i'oiiisct'i, Hioinii'l !.. Hi nt i tl. ol' Ciiariestoii ; Win. lt. Nash; I Columbia ; Kev. A. W. n il.-, Savannah ; A. (J. I'.ax ter, . .let ryetnvvii. I ' 'i'm: l.l.uil.r. inn be ..Illabo il al Hie 'lloren nfl'; W. 1 Cn* hilen, corner ..( Hem letta mol Klizniu-lh Mn . I- ; und'ul Siiimns V Henny, M.ok. I Str.ii, opposiie An ? son. S M I'. Un.'.ll A ll" I' ll: ih.w. X. Y, ninl .: .i.ti. st. 11, isl i iii: an.I I'.vaiis A I., lenin. H'1 Nus m si. N?'? I-'.'.: Cu iViiaiiiii'.'l.iu St, lt..-;.m. un- mir ttutlinri/cd \ tn iii??.- piners, ta ?.ili.-e. Siili?erl:>??oaj mid Aili ci lisi- . '.u ni- fol- ii i- pnpi-i-. i: \ 11'..?> ni .\i>\ : l.'l isiNii. f-^?-lT'. Unie j .! i ! :i i's } i i'i 13 iii'i-1 :i"iit'{i'.iti I i'yr:'j : lindi I I i.? si ! s;'. 1 ?li I il.- ?ls ? ? .!i ] j .?'i?i?li I :?" j ... I :.;? .. ! I-'? I I" I '.' I "l" i j rViueii i i i j n ; ii ! sMi ; .". | :ta| ??? I Qr eui I "'!, [ :'. I Itt f' iv I i vs i i" i i-'. ! i Iii e..i I li I I/, i J? i :\ I M ,' .'..' ; T? I im ; ' i ..'.' n| Iii' I -'.'. i :::? I ?" I :'. ! '.'ii | loo | ISM | ! Cr:- I", i? i erin Illili, i lor Sipccinl .\..|lr. ?. M my -Is JLta g J Mah 4? j Ili lli-.- dt-SIrions < :" i sn inline ila rlieti'slioii -.: ila ] I.KAIilJt, we nave In cn ii ItK-e.l lo oll'. r lin tollo? liiK lt?? j ol'|ireiiiluni-., ihlrh ls In < v.-rj wily viirthy Ut.-uti. nilen ; nf lilllie wini ni lp I lt .'..silt I*, ilevi.ii I heir alt? nihill tn eilliv a; lue fur ?itih?. I. i n any une i. liding in Da- hume an.I .-a-li .a ?.m. ! bundo il and I... a.: ? ula..-. .t.. i ,. ivi- will tn. teni Wu Splendid Crijiin. rollin;: lo N.-r.' 1'. I*, r ? I'". 0. i .. nu y ..e.- .-. ...lint- I.. .aa Illili.In .1 ?ul.-. r.t-< r?, M ul; the catii, vv.. w 11, |.|. -. nt nut !!. mei W iiM..' Splendid Melodeons, 51-llliu' lu Nrw Vori, I'.. . ."ll?. .'I. i'., an} one hi ll.Iln? i ' ?CVi llty-llve -Ul! iClilmrs, willi the .-aili, II i* ?ill piesrli am- nfl i Ill Sev/ini Machines, jell Infill Itu'l. ni f..i !.<> dollars. '. i'o-iuy one -.-uni- o- f.iriy-ilfp ?ulr-ciil i-ri. wUl. tl c ciel., wi-? 1 I |in ti i'. a H..inti-.- A !.. lilli's Complete set of Chamber Furnilure, \ .ni; at ' '. il.illari1. ? >. n.!i.;,f in. tliii 'y -IV i? ul ill in licnl i if Hal Hi Ifs Sewing Machines, Vial, l.-r m ilollin-. <? M talli e ti? Iwi ny suiitei'l I I -nu . Ith r. H a i I w a y T i m e ' k 3< ; p e r srlltiii-ln New Vuti. na- ?*.-lolbsrv. T. i.i.iii) one M-ialia,- tl- lilli tn uiliscril e.'l-, ?llb lilt' e.-eli, ?twill |.i. t. ni x Splendidly bound Bible, a<i iioi i.ii > ! Il ? tl ll Mil lill Alburn, fOllltiS'la New \ .ni; at i '..lull:.)-'. 1. i ii .-my on.-si n.Hut.-us Hilt ty-Itt c Mili?crll../.rs irilh -.bc casli, wc ?ill w.ri one i f lt H m ifs KPlMiij! in New Vorli LT-tu ilolliii*. i., i o nu j mu- i .-in 111 ti? twi ny suli*.-iiluis, ?llb lin L'asii, ive w 111 jin int 'Ul-, r. v'-lllui:Iii N<i Vial; fi i '.Hi ' 8, Tu mi) liiie M mil nu ni ti ii Miliscrllu is, ?I'll il, ? e ? ill lue-a ni a t|)lenilltl < r In., TI.l?mes .a' Greeley's Ahicricnji Conflict. M I tn I ciisl tu ilollais ii. Til mi y on.- ?mil In;-ni five siilisiiiln rs, ?Uli llieciitih *. c ? Ul |n e-i ut a Family Gem Sewing Machine, (illili-: 1n Nc? i . il. li.r ;. ilot??rs. lu. i o nu J one Mauling u- nm- . ul..nil.ur, ? ll li Hie earli WC ? 111 (Ul I- l t ? lilla,. I ?|,l/| lil.C.,1 ht, ni Abraham Lincoln, ia- Unit-mill''. >:r?-Hl |ili-|lir< jt tin. Triumph of Freedom, worth I ilitl. anil ?V. DR. T. J. BECKER, Dons iii ii ii g Til j sic ia ii, J j HAS loiailcil himself at No. 70 l.'omlii^ Street, .1 I uiicre i.i' ? ill be liiiptiy lo itlicml m culls Inr ?neil ?cul nili'iii'iiiicc. I'u ri icu lar ut teni lou paid tu nil Chronic disease--.. (Jilli e hours, fitmi M a.m., to IJ m., and from lo 7 P-ni. .Iiuilii, tf KOliEUT iJTEVJaNS, FAMILY GROCERY, 444 King S tr tic t Wishes to cull tl.I tent iou of Hu -juhlic In Iiis liiie itock off-oods. 'limy ?ill iilwnv-I'itil a lur-.-ussort iniiit mi hand, which will br sold ns rca sonable a. nt nut oilier hom? in the eily . (Mvu ii- A cul), inn) st e l be ?lock, rroniiil litleiitluii iniiil toidi. O. I. ll. If, iv. IL. HAHN KY, Factor & Coiiiiui^ioii 5 BOYCE'S SOUTH WHARF, March 'lliii ClIAItl.i?iTo.N, S. C V?*^ ? ii ii 1 A V,,:a?' '""'e I?) nay one willi SI.V ?rW? M.U Ste.,,:,I l'onlM. N" rv,..-, ie.: mees lar- . II,,' l'r."id,'ui-, (kishier.i, am! Treasurers nf . ?muK; limorse Um elrenlar. Sent n. . with sanii.le Address the American Stencil iou! Werks, Siirlne Hehl, \ criimnl. ' h W. B. NASH <5c CO., grocers & {'nmmission Agents, COI.UM KIA, fi. C. \\n: wii.i, r.t'v AND SHU, AM, \ I kinds til'('omitry I'l'iuluee, ami rut.oui li) Uli . .rill i :? Inuit tiur frh'ilils in t he . un nt i y. U-leis I" Wils.Ul;. <.'i. i lil ill??; lt.; ll ii N< ? 11 ll rv ; I'.nil l'uni -.'tl mi'I li I tull il ill. I ii:n i< ~ ' l:i:im N ,vsi|. r. i-n? i;.\<. i.; w IM ittJS'l N KW Etcstau?'?mf '& Boarding douse ('( HiI'MI'.IA, C. \y j. THOMAS HAS 6i'i:xi:i) <?.N ? \ . Hciviiis Slr. "I. J ti -1 l'l Inn- iib; t'it.i!. House, where lie hopes by faithful tttleiitii II tu bushle.-S to meet :i sliltf? Ol' |itlblh ptltmil.ip.e. Alf. i Li .1 V M.I. ? Ot-US. (eli O ?til ?8 I >l;KAI>. lilSCl ITS \ '.'Ali KS. -The I ) umlers!t;netl ll. J- lu illf.'riil ?ii I'll' ml ? un? I lie (ilibiie Iii' bus I'ulllilli'lii'i'il III?' I'. ... I'. ..! bread Itisi'iiiis liiul I :iiki'.?, iii MAI j Street, liei/.Ti'iu Meelina ?uni N...? -.nt. If.- n prepared m Sen Ilia-ail li? ta tty {???rt .?! tin- eily . Iii- iiussi'Sses ! ?ie url nfl i liking hi . i J iioii-'<liS|i?'|iti?-*, so t!.:it I hose M te? un-cai nbil, sluu??i ?.Ive li i in t rall. 1.1.nm ANTHON4;' A..ST(?N / Vi L\ lt LT'S MAClil.i ll. .h:.. .] ., (.) N < > 1ST A 'I' 1 <- V X. (Nib ,?i KnUei ii Ihitiiai el,} S pi (?ph ri< 1 to fuiui-b ;.ll kinds nf <!. sse?! Ol' I S prepni L iiinhi ?-i LUiYl DER, BRICK, LIME ."vt CEMENT, At tin lowell rab's. Clilel ti Mt vi .?ll I'fCHS .'. cu. i 'm in-;' Cast r. iy ?.iel limad ; t., I .r tn I'liarle- lient-.m, Kl Cumin : M.. Where hiders tvllibrpr.ptly tittriiili iH??. * l>- !iv HOLMES, GOULD & CO . ?.? ?M/ATT STitl'.l't, NHW VliHK, ANJL) USS ??ANOVKH Si'., HOSTOX. I maier* lu i-vel-i i :.....> Of Walnut. Mulineaiiy. la-sat. ll.....I ?uni Painted C :I M A >l l Ii-ZI i isu irrS; AK... ni' ?lt li ? ul / 7 im/ si i:iu:i> ri.i.M i cm:, \Vlileli ?o-e iiilel? .1 iii tiielu ^esl iiiari;el rale-, .iniuiajv li tl ll nlvilllisl' IMIKMII'M piesciiteJ hy Mibii?. . Chantal lo Sueii tv. t-SC'ii A great chance for Young IVi^ri oui of employment. ? * i ?? hoxi-'.x vu/...' /.\ u a/./.'AS. IT'S HO I-5UIVIBUC! WHAT! WHY! Crane's (irivase EXtr clor. Tliis compound (hnrnuu'hly i-xl rael s * . i < --? e, I'in li, I ir. (iii-. fie., ti mn .-ut:..II, uui.ll.-ii. ?m.I ..ll .Hi. r kimi ul'jiuiuls, uiiiiuui tin- l.'.i-i injin y ii lin- Ibti'-t fabric; IV r rellim bi'i ?rca?c frmn rn it-.Mular- ali.I oilier ,-/itl.iu.-. carpets. &??. Twenry-tb-'iisioi'l '"ix.-* i-ul?l hi the Mli i I.? nf l?'?-uill in ft:\:r weel;? ; in 1! mimili*, ?i Imii.I reit ami fifty ilnni-aml. Th?' I nillir s;i|>|>] it'll ..a rcii?oih(t?lc terms. Au? ul? ivaiili-il. Mauul.i.'tiir ?'.1 ?iiiil snbl liv A.n. i ll \N K & t n t:tu W ishiiiarpii ?:.. illiston, A! . .??. Iul.ilui.'U-ioii ns m ii? v:ilu?' tu h. I nul li al tl.'.s ?iilii'e 1 '. .' iii Vi IT YU lll'NlJUKl) IIOlil.AHS; KK \VA Ul?.-1 he -mu ?if live humlreil dallai- iv ?ll I ??? j ?ai.I (ur nilj Information that wilt lea : tn th. :i| |.:?-ii. ii . . .nut eonvi.rti'Ui of th?' jicrson or person* ivlm i-. , tiered Iteiijouiii >' i??-v. nu Kiti-^ Strei-i, i liar ..-!. nu tin- ni yhl <.( ..-.).. U? Si AN V < I 1 I /. I. NS ATTENTION ! .YS??SOB?S, Oilf! Tcllows, & .^fi(-}!l h-iTs ol' I. L A. NV?i.i. semi a Solu! Hold MiiSonh or Od<i I'?ili'iVs' I'm mi lin- i'vevipl bf .?'-? I ?'il simd a Hohl I Until I 1.. A. Pin ?in the ie. . ? -1 nf 7.1 . v. I ii-i? f. ti'i Ihe Meili??i'iiil Me??al .>:' IT.'-Iih-Iil ?.in e'olii; ?l'iviiif; lin- iiat? nt lus Lit Mt. iit:iui5in;it ibid assassination, siisp?iiiled by itu ll:is.',;iot' ?b ivntk. A?. i N i's WAS rmi--'!;?? ?ihjui i;s|veeial i m I nee nient.s iire iilfereo?. li. I . IIAVWAIM). Mabuiiietm'iii'.' debfller,; '.''|.S louuiluav, N V. l'briies ili.'siriuj! the iilmie can ..-.i\i tin .i- ? ? at the l.eiolei Otlii'e; J ?Ul 1 . 'Slit I . i ?V s',",, ?ti''?* ??i ; ",r;/ ,ti WOOS) IIKiMIT & l'A I TO.I. 'iii IE UNDKIiSinXHI) ll A YI NH I.KASlil) I :i'l"t sllinleil Ka.-t ml ul ( '.-I I ] if ? ll ll Sjliei't. tiir th?' |ilirpose ??I Inn I n u mill -eli,.,;; Winni nul Shingles, will ali.ays kei-p nu luui.l priint? iiualit v of (?AK ami I'I Ni:- WI H H I, ('Y I'll K.SS Sil | Ni; l.Ks I'IIKI (?KAM'?i al s'I, Hay ami I i rain at mai kel pi iee. Will lt 11 ellil tn the |iur?'liuse ni sah- of iiiiy Cuni ui.iillry, .-uni is (?? Knetor lur C?io|ni', A .?li l??i ?uni s.iiiii'i lt i v? I'M n in! |ir?'i'ltieti. Orders from frli-iubi in tin- cnn nt ry bu- Hie |iiirehasi' ni Cotton Sev?l n ill huve pruiupl at I ?n t'en toni iii - pate li. Charleston, Keb -.' STKI'UHN .1. M A X W KI.C SAWYER'S VJ ry s tal Wa s li in;; S? I nr. KDW1X WKIISTKU ?V- CO., Sole A ?ems for the Oily of New Y.oik. No. 32. PLATT ST , (near Willinni.) The ipiality . f this lillie lu iine.qualcil. Ucl lift purely V?yi'lalile, it ai", uni injure the ftnesl fain les, alni ili? -Olves so freely iii water as lu entirely proven! stains. Thetpiaiillty in euell box is inarh J;I. aj?r i han niaiiy oilier klllils of lillie put up io bojees, (?lie sui.ill hii.X I? eijlial at bast tu une i| tari of I ii) ll bl hint'. There is nu limiter frbli, freezing, us in the rase Ol liipiiil bill?'. With our patent box tin re ls rn? iva s te, ami no mri ili ni eau occur mi tile blue i- ayr.I u nbuilt removhi)', I he ent er. Cor lieiilne.?n and roiivi-ub'lie?' il tau passes all othei kinds ol' liquid ur box blue. .Ililli'!,! in I!. I'm sale by nil fi roe er? nuil Illllf/gillS TV UK. lt.. lilli H Vi. Sen., hu? n sinned Iiis (tracilo.;. Kcsidfiici ):.iiiil!.ln Street : om.. . i:tl M > cl 11 : f S11 ....I, -it I'liin ii I ?ni irs I Irnj; slunk I ] ) KO lil \'H1) U Y O'I ? KAU ?NJ n-.NWicK. ; IV a Itt :ii loud itf I'OTI'ON I'rinii St. Helena TH Intnl. Alsojii?l received,'.in.oiiU SIIIM.IT;-. li.-e 2:t, 7 H. EVERY WI A N HIS OWN PRINTER. FOWO'H I inproved Printing presses J inc t it.'In.-I .md cll.'H|i.'.-i portable Cilia .,: ,1 .Inti Plt'si .'- ever llllldc, luid hate hl' ll :: u .11 ..' 'I ' in' M. .l il-. Yiiti will tiii't a |ir?'r.? a 1.?.. Ol" |?lfii .lirij i.ud el.ilil Iv |.ru,tin.; lur vitiit sel vi's ur nc I;; I ii; 1.. '? .Hauy pin iain- tiru sw IM; AND M \ivi\i; MONICY . !,\ 11 -, 11 > ? . mic nt lliclr luiini'i. ur pit.- liiiMlia s ,\' llviiii? may 1.Milord in ali', cit" Or . illume, ?villi a small ?iiillay lur pr?'.-- and I vp? 'nie ; 1??? i .?<. sliiipli. a htiy III dil I id I u'.'lve i an dd ciin: II.Oil ali'l lain V prilll i III; willi CU?.'. < 'a rd ?. Iilll-lll .1 - , lal.-I-, l'.'celp?s, iii rular-, rici call I"- pl int? .'. -tn . LrliliiiK i-.\pi II.-c. I'M..- ?1 ;'i ..--"? : SUI i'll .-.'J.', and ?:i". Price "I Pi,mu.:. I Ifflci I , ti.''! III! ll':: Pres?, i fe 1.1 ij J- .?; I I ?5'i-j ii.d ??Tl. Si ml lui a ? In Hi l.i * \ \ I. PICO'S i OM PA \ \ . .J i M ali i sm . 1 H"-t".,. All itt 1". 11 aaa! ion as m the above io ?... ??bluilir?l i.L ' Uti- OM?o. D?ti J .; i5< )I:IKY. DKKSiStNG FOR CHURCH, Ila? nt,;, lc ly iielir.i hie bc.lj-s You I:- .-: i - lear :n?\ I kiiu'.v iii': weil I'll n ver i I ress in t inn* I'or ni'-rrv "? MI' ,-. .'.une lie';, nie. I .'.ll e~ 1*11 in..:.?' iu> tiiilel very sjihii .. ; Tm sill, i- 'pi.te sublime! Her,'. Ince this gaiter' for nie. du ; " A linle!" ynti .-ay ? plmrue ia'..e thc ?di? ie Pu u.-e, Linty.try nU'I hide it ; .Inst tliitlU, it's Sun.'ay, ami. in;, sun!, I cantiut wear il willi u li?le! 'I'lie .uti wiil surely sp? it! Tliey'rc 'ilwhys peppin;: at our feet. ( lin ni;-* li tn lie Mire, tiny iiceiin'l peep. I Tili: way we hold nur ilii!s.-e?- :) I'll disappoint them, tin tij-'li, t?>->!u? : j " An I o ri t? i in.? .-eli"." pray, Iii?) yuii ?;.;. ': liiiii'l i nu:!! .it HIV ?iitlle.-.'i - ! Niiw, Lucy, pray, iee! my waterfall. I ? ? v,,ii t!iink it lin ire ? Amt it tt>" iii inti ? What ' yther lhe??' things -?ive! Alj tat- liiil mire, ?Iii tin y .?. t .?Irau'ht ? I a a-e hurry' I.m y. 1 know I um Mic - '11.1" i-'r Willie, as I live ! lh.w -?.'.eu li.l'y thc ill; will ru-iV! j Please lutin I my " ..elf a Iju.-tmi; IfitsMo,'' .|_- ....ravi, mel my Iii.,.;.. I Tl .re now. In ihkc live.?kin? ni-si? I?, hurry., and help me 1 \. Voil kunu I t ulumi stoop! " l?.iw sha!) I -.iv my prayers to-day? " A if .mi ls went tu eiliiivil tn play ! I luw eau j mi be MI fn l?isli r I h ie dump lu.s iib!,un in coln"nc - i "Wuat foi"? " tn pa.ut, yiiii silly nile-? Now, Lucy , iliin*l be niuli-'.i ! N nw, I lieu, illy liai- lieux he nliln ii'S ' Tint thin'..' as llie; n? ni! otit.l??ors - The lYitrhtiit! siijrai'-.-cUlp! 'loan!: heaven, III? elua!-. 1? han Uduc tun. I' ?'..-t onuit-h tn bc. I know - s:rai',lifcti this hnirid lump I i I My liandcrchicT au i :;'n>vc- yuti'll fun! .li.?j in i bat'ha? er. Liicy, are y ?iii hiiiiil ? ; 11... .- HIV lireil-i ti;.il ': j j it's .td tin- ia-!iiuii in iv y ? ni know j \ ! ray tl".-- tin- p.i.a: : .id pnudiT s hon ? Thrnuyh my InOse ? jil ': j -?.?in!, ynti, iny dear ? I believe I'm ilrc??'?l ; I lie -unit- be pia sed. ti>0 day m n .-t Conies univ iniee in seen ; I'.,r it ..ti all this lither .: ; This trouble I sin.ii!.I Iv.ivr t?i ii\. I'd never |,? t tn lieaveh ! rm; A MS A beautiful .'.natu eii'i.e lo inc A lu UUliful Lil, am nf (lie hi lt ll ti I'll I Si f - I ) 1 III - v? hum the I bilds soilg li t in the : atm g. She their line wotshipper, \Yh? ie the, v? ihl rose?. stii ; j,Trilling their iodes 'ntl the??.,ul echoes rr.n'??i I ), in vv hal dit um- divine. 11,1th L.i deal ?minio sin ie, j Wlien ei iitlu nii;ht, 'mn! li n t .'s luv? !,, thon.--, j Kohls this i (iii < i j4 ii is t 'iiiiii '.li .1- i a veli-like ?? iiigs. THJ3 STAK ?L'A Tv'Ci-LED EANNJ-Jli. A va rv valuable anil lime-worii n ile nf hy I gone days pf oin happy republic is now, riiid hhs lu 1 ii f.jr some veins pa-t. in possession ol ] the owner, who i- how, ami was lieietofoie, I a rcsiilm* of iliis ri'y, und which iclic he ap I precialed veiy highly mi aeeount nf the i ? uCii.l eoiiitecti ii willi its history vis.j a sw m d-cune of ?"rial iiiitiqiiity, nti??inii,.ly the ptopeity of I>r Wm liain, tin- liii.-ioin frii-nil ol'tin ?hie KiRitcU S. Key, K-Jqthe author of the 'j S ihr Spnii(ji;'il Haulier," ti .'.t heantifni ".ml soiil stmiiij ode, that will list tiil lime shall he no i ?h?l e. I>iirinn the war of 1812 atul loiif4 silt.?(qtietit ly. Dr. Utijiit*. the orignal owner ul" the relic to u li ?elk we allude, n sith tl in his splendid uer.-mu in I'ppei Mailboro', Prince ('loree's Oiiiliity, Md., where, lie ll veil. in ailluenee a.- a weaStliy Cavaliei inri, lohaeco merchant, with all the hospitality of a Southern planter to hoot. The llritisli ile tit, on its way up the Chesa peake Hay to homhatd Flirt Mcileury.and ufior* wards take tlie i?a|ionnl capital, which tin y dui, put in 'il ileiiedict and made u race ns far us tl c ?io?? 11 of Marlboro in the night, ??lure thc lilli? \ leers vvere hospitaliiy eutcrtiiincd nt the lesul ' 1 nee nf ?r. 11 lillie, ??hose edlin and larder, like j other southern planters, were bountifully sup J plicil willi the neci.ssariis am) luxuries of life, j I After los cnlei tuinmcnt of thu puny, tl??- y i? Ihtntd towards their ?lcct, '?ti?! their kind host, I)r. |hiine, to his sleeping aprirtirietit tu rcposc during tliejevening. Mut in this li" win disap pointed; liv tin.- tenn ti "t iii- ?ut wini just theil (li-covcreil that lr-, ti.? Doctor, na- nut a friend tn the enemy, ns t h . y had ?rihiu'Otisly supposed, hut (put.- the contrary ; ibid th y ac cordingly very uncercinonbiusly tobit hun limn lu- hf"! (nut ?'Vi n al!.min:; him tillie lit lirr?iigc hi, toilette), ?uni mounted him .?'?HI un'otO un iv niule taken fruin li? ibiihl?.*--witluiut cveii the luxury nt a saddle--rbihd pliieeil liitn ' ti berni i.m- e f their frigates. Iii- fiu nd Frail?;:; S. Key, i'i-ij.. ??ti li? ?um? th1' ahuve l'a-;-, prnei(.-ti?.'d I iniiDediat'jly tu plead fur hi- rclcit?e. u? Iii', Mr. Ki y, was " man ul i;relit eloquence ?y.:d itiilti eiu-e. Hui ii". t<><?. shari tl t!,'- sanie fate, ami he wm retained n prisoner m ttomptiiiy willi his friend Dr. Hayn?', while tlie lleet in the rn? in time ju nci . (ii il tu Kl jil Mt ll- ni y. in '.si,;,!; they ?'uiiincnceil the butiib.ii'dineuh iv h ii. I? iii. cited fi mn Mi. Ki y (lie biihliuit! sentiments sn 'he.Vut.if'tiily t-xprcssl'il hy liini while juicing thc .leek nf tho Tright?.dinnil" that I? i tibie night, w hich nt the ihm n of the billowing dui hi' lilil?.? j hi-Ltitis hy sujin?, "(> say, have-yob >v-jn hythe 'iliiwn's i ai ii light,"' bio. Aft-i tl. - nu-su i. I ful attempt "nth., furl lie mu? I.:- fm uti, Dr. j Mayne, ih? owner nf th? relit;, were liberated, l iibil iiie! pciii.'tlbbi i;np.y nf tho verses which lie ; had roinposed un thc occasion lii?t niiitle tt? ap I pcaraiir i" in the Hui timor? fiuzettc. ur sbiiie I other pape: 'hen published in Kaltiihorc, Mut j silica [In ii ninny thou-and libpii'S have le i li i? ! surd fr bin otlitr presses thai will i'uir.ortalizc ?.thc :t illmr as a ?met ?iud a [latriot , Alt'r iii" (h ath nf l)r. Mayne, thc ??ftiwf nf I this viiliihlilu ri lie cf which w. s^eal; [?tho I sword-cam ?. lu ( nine hy iuiici itaucc tin- prop ?etty i f i apt. denicul !.. Hilliary ni Mount I Retient, near Mhttlcnslihr?h, that ieiibiiii ' i ?.lace li r ni?es and settling " points bf honor " .'ay nilgie ciiinbat. whose physician - Cap tin ii . lji'.liuii's and th?', ot his amiable family - thc I'presi'iil owner nf the dane then was ; mst!, ii s a tiiktil bf special teenid, wu.- presentid .> hun a ijifi, with the injunction, that, bli ii.KI.hc be !'?i:rtive(? hy his linn liviii" brother, ?lurles, ..:_.!.[ vi ar- wider, ii should hy bequest ?'UH to J him. lu the cnur-te of event-, in 1S?S, (J ha ries j'.lii il, mut the obligation imposed was nf course I rtt-jr^OlV-'d ; and. in iirder tn mjike ii correspond -j'.- OW.ti altitude [which :? les- by many ?ii;. ? \ '.lian ti.a: ni Dr. Mayne, the bilginiil (liviier, who nv. r six feet), he had il model niiicd .?..I i fd ?iced ;?> '.lie length nf tu ordinary walk in-; cane instead of a stud', as il wa- thin viiy lii'ng, a.? ali then wen-ns fur institu?e those ol .A _.!(?!. ami 1-T.mkhu. s' li ?.ie- -rvivl ii: tho National Institute. This cane, !??'in? furnished I with ahiavy iron inp on the lower extremity, 'the only pruciiciil u.-i tu which the mu? i .vu ti pp lied it (apart fi oin ii Aviilkihg-cnnc) ?a- b j make h..l. - in the hells of I.:- beautiful gitrdeii ! in Miad, mimi.;h in which to insert euiibii?--' ami j other plant- in his hurl icu ?rural' ' Tins wits a nour ii pp m tell lo tn rn in ^ the su liri! j into a ??lou?,'hsli.ire. I And now, after nil the incid? nts hy il.un j iind field " which the vein inhle relic luu'.jia-scd I it ear.: ivc?i high boin;; cu pt ti rei I, ivith .[? pre. ! ?int mvber, who wa- a medical o Hi :e'r 'in ililli ?un the ea st i.'f n shore nf Virgin ia, mar Chi. r ri I Stone, shortly hefore I bc close of '.ur nu t io titi i -ti ur; a io-, ii Iii Ti has happily ri..h.I, never, iv i ' tl Ust, I.? h.' I -, newed. 1 ii el ..-.?;.^ from ( 'Itel ry ! stone l.iiiulini! tb Kort M out oe, he. nilli hi j eulorel! sei vant, had to take quarters mi boan I thc sh '* ,iolo," tiieii I villi? at thc iv hut I i ' limn IVIH i.ce he tunk the mad un tl e nw. day, .? lu II soon after the " .1 .!.. " II n i .' l it in ii ere raj.tined with ali on tumid, who bil inti : the hands nf tin- enemy, by ?Itali lucky inri d? ut la- und hi- had the ??oo'd fortune ri eseajie, t.'?ether ivitn the wulkitiir-eane,-. i thei ilise kl I liiiyhl have been consigned tn l.ilih; ! IVisoti or t'iisile J'hutiiiir fur kn indeliniU' pe irm.!. Thc hlStbrV ('I' this interesMii? iiltc na ?iveri hy ieqiiesi tn the Ul ititi of th" I) lil Do utinion moie ihnu one year, and the pub ??iher?i <?f vvliii'h bliei?'il -f?O for '!... po'sses.-iol .l" sb valuable a rt lie, which was ivfu-ed, wit! .!.? riinuiik that altlinu?h h w in funds, his pa ? i . ?* (rit'tisiu wu- nut below ]> II : .t us so limn; naval nuil military ollici rs wi r. anipetitor- i i ? itit pbsscssion. nod the present ' having u mule heir tn uihi rit it. he would j . I y nil \? puttin? it 1111 nt a ral!!", ?.'1 euell, wi ?ie h ivoiil nil no doubt have hein i ead iii ta kin, ?? a uti ni her ?.vere, but eris thc liniil day ariiicd, lu hoi tie- it'li? was Mi/ii >s.'-it un-, sirayei! rtr slob 1 and siibsi ((nently found some inbiithi: niter ii. ?un-lilith'.- shoji ill 1 ni Ism.nilli, Vii-, ulule : iv i? 8 released, lind more highly ju. :.d by il teinpotarj absence. It is simply a '.sir?,'" [nun Jibbi tiiiriuount?d will, un ivory head, on th centre of which is n circulai ??dil jd .;e with ih timeworn it(iit:..i|- ',' ?'<. lt." very i.e .. ;y. eones pondiuj; with those ol'ils pieneiil uv. .,cr, W. 1 - ulindi is a singular co-incidence --jtin 1 wi. hy 11 heavy pecuniar,)' loss l?y tlie hui.ij> nf th midnight robber during the last yent- :u l'ori? iuotltl), noiv pi op?? to rejtair it i:; pai l b olfi iiug to nilli . 1!.valuable treasure ? bin suillcieiil limn tn 1 chances me taken to di pbsf of it 111 this way, nhudi will also alfid thc pu 11 mt ie lover-? bf until) ni ly an bpportuui: nf oblainiu? the pri/.e and, at the rame lim ebntrihule to lepair thu peeuiiiry Ins.- recentl sustuiiied by the prcHC?I owner, lt can be seei us also tlie rest, ut thc billiard roitiu of tl .? C;.tadi I," Nu. -130 King Sliti't. Chiall aton. March 27th, ISCb. FRO.M WASHINGTON M?t?!;/ ol' f/.r Amn-icun lion illili Sf?rl ?i%t? iii fi ?H. tX)uiitiuii ?/" tin: I ?i ?,iiv>v:t? The A nu i ir.m iimnnfrir/ui rr. th" Amvfiruti l'ii ni er''! Iirff. tani nilli/ nulli/ if ii, ,1 ru i/,,irr, . Ii,i' i?'< inuit., t for Am-l ir i,i I'ii'niiif.-i u /ii/i/i/; Cuiiiirryi, iliirrfi.l fl nm ,t\ iitnxt uiij- il.n.t du His lu, ii/lr, MN ii< io/ Uti tish <'"/>,> rfu ail un I l i., ,l, , un- in.'i rv.-.fv. T/iii Uiity of ' 'lin OJpit of titi I'hU'd tim A*yjcttitii}>>i W.? ;ii;v.:"v. Mareil '?I, VS'iC. Tu th" JitHtui '/"'.'.. .>'.?.<.'.'. ? '.(.<..',',! i /. alu . Tili inviting o? tl''* American III. alfi Sd A - - . ? i'i'. inn, in ; "1 - < iii < i II th?.' 'Jv li ii lt tui?; hild H d' siiable ' If I'S in calling the atti utinii nt (j >ti. "T? .-. ttl ll slil?l L tl I-, friltli '?'..'. L'l? !lt Mitljhjilt bf i.hst i nedor., in th.- ?ir limre ?mp irtiinvrsW! f ti.'- imperative r.''j'itri!tr?'.'rt?.i of the gr?,*?! un du .tri al interests nf the winde lountry. Wii n a i- i .ir.--. I'-n r? thu tho Anii-iien? M m lifai'turi'r i- the AMH;i ir'ii'n lrai ui'd'S li -!, at.'! only really unoi!-, ?'i>^*?i*r* i? i- readily MUI t li tit their mt- irs'S ai'- id. iidCrili Wh-u i*. i? cori. siiU-njil til it fruin seventy-livi to uiniiy per cent; of tl. ? cost i>f tin- Aai'-rii' in mtihuf icmred tyiiid? i- yu: 1 ftir A?i?"v;i-iti lihor, to b?: jiiiid in turn for Atheriean f.??itt nilli clothing- ".- ?sU?ilS'J?lj !" f r thie apathy i xi; by nearly tili oui iii) ! tv IK ii -?i (Joii^i --. excvptih?; alway? S?'?jiir?. K ihy iiiiil iii mi'll, of tl.- II .II--. Mr. Spriijpir "f t'.i- ?"L? ii nie, ii ti tl u f. w o! lu i s ii lin are i xi r full}' it ll'vi t.i ll.'- ti'? 1? of th" A'if i i Hi a fattnl r.->, iiianii.'jif'iiirci-., t;i? .. hahics, labon is ami liuay add, ta i;.? tine m?t .? -ti nf the whole pOo V'" Three ml'dict: six hundred n;.?l eighty six th >ti-a ii il idhi' hundred !... I ! ai tit y liol lars nor' I. bf f?>rt'i*>ri thy i?'i . I- ie.-.-?- thniwii it iii the N'.-w Voil; tiftuket ihiuhj? :':.?. %..?. .'; euiiii:({ th? 22nifl mill M veiity-oii-' th.w|.M,| il.rci? hu:: If-I it ntl tifiy--ix y ii ni? ?>f cutt >n an 1 lyboleii cl (J th a weit ?mpoited t . this country fr??'.? I r.gln'ii 1 alon-, during tin- tn J ii th o? November .Mi ur nilli ty htiudri 1 ihoti-tiiifi dnilitr? worth bf iron u:..'. t ! waa import?'! in th - Unjin! rb i!is dur ing tin- Vi fir eliding Jillie il.-!. A Ilk" ?> ir!?:iM bf these gobd* rntist li" pul f >r. eithei m li d.! tn in I'. S. limul- at 2.5 per cent below pat uni at ii htt?h rilli; of inten st. Now L ititi Y h - permitted lp ask, w?.at ??art ot the jj'olii iiud bonds thin our present policy forct? a- tn ?end this..- wealthy l.'i.ti-h ?nfiiiufacturefs will bi- i ?'.jd in t'uin ;.. A.'ii'.rirati vvorkuieii. io he nyaiii ;. .i ! :.> A't.eriti.r. fit ri lit* ri food, und Am?nent-, te.iuiii.'ueiurer*. fi.r fiiod : lir a! liritiiiu tit*ss protiiihed tinto and awaiti to tillie but gratti io fob pnyineiit f<>r all the coo l we would j>u lelia se cf lier. Hut iht) iias not kept her prohiiseii in this or any ot hoi respect. LT ?ion ..!;;- pbiht lliejj'hliudy'iphiii North A'tncri' cnn mid I .Si iiiiiittr, ot '.be 17th i:i>t , >ays : ?. Whilst pri'.ssina lier ^IJ.>'U ?p?ii "'ir irtarKit and '.'va.lin-.? duties hy false invoices, .Of bought hir bieudntuIN chi? Hy elsewhere. if hi; could litiy ii 'tili?-eheapei frbiii the D.iniibuti.. pi mci j>:l i i viv-*? whet" tile boor? Mib-is! "1 on link brer.d and ii-(irked f ir a comp ti-ation even low er thati that dub-.I on: to tb; ?ti'i-'n ?pci'tiliy?s? j-nt frbiii Ki?ypi, where ti." hr.lf-hiikei! :ul! .i leathered laxnriuiit er?>jis when tile Nile-!).? j weie ftivniable - tit liuiii ti.; ti Ids of litte I'ur . u^al. Wm- v%e tn buy fi om tier twice tile inn.m:it i>f mir present libsrn! ptirehnsH, sin wptili! refuse to luke in exchnhi;'.' ""e bii.shi I ot ! ?>riiiu ..-...?ie." I Th? ?.?idLt-Xii tibi uiitauti - imputation of th. : ti ct 4 ot I ireieu liilioi, foreign fobil an.', eapi ' te'., ?.?.? i. in the reports of the Atheiii-nii Iron ?.;i l Hteil Assbcliltioii .i! '.I.vii llil'b'itl^ at i'ibea t;o in May lSt??i iiud confient ii .it tin n meettnj; , in this city mi the ".'Sdi cl lust iiionth. I At i?.e'l!!ii?M!?;o mvelitli; .W. I!. Itei-er. of :h 6hiiinbi:o l'a. Inn; Wot ks,' jiiiiihti.?y v. ui:'.,. , u, ojieiatjoiis a* suor. ii> the present Mock of liiute j iiuis iii e.\bau?ti-<i: CM?rani bi fl??i(?, repiirt?d four n'iliiii; ti..K- with a capacity nf MXtvbti thou-aiid ton> pe: anni.m. bo: ail mb now , ??MI forty blast furnaces, nm- lui tl" bf which an idle. Ibo fitrnai (-s nu anil mat the Allegliiiii^ rtvei I'eiiiisY I viuiia, ii ii in nb r about twtiity, wi::, a ea i jltleity nf nile h ll li di i'd 11: nil ?and tn ll S J>CT Illili o Ul. ' t inly liu'ht "f iii ?i U'h ni" in uperiuioii; ?ut ni ?tune Iii ivt fiirnacei in the Stiilc ol' Missouri, i making aiiniiiilly uhotit ti lt y thousand tons when in full ld i-', nilly tbr'?e nf them aie m openitioli . * >l huir hhift fiiriuii'i's m ir 1 U ??itit, univ one is j in upi tutu.ti. I'.'.-.-Uiu^ liai? twi'iity-llve tolling mills, nub a capacity nt prmliK-iit;? ibriii ?mu sand tun- nf llni'.lted iron m..! ii'iiis t?er annul:: i only ul? nit (iue inuith nf tin m an iii opeiation. j 1 liny iwb nt 'die '?vu li!.i-i furnaces in tin- sante city bein^ in operation. llepoits from Nc;? Yul!; ami bthvr,d'utriets represented in the ?'i iV ventioii, slioivtd a imilaily ilepre-jsed eoiHlition uiih hiuilly ?a? ? xiepiinii ; all Ulis in May, 'tl. At the ie;?,u!a.- meeting of ti..; Association in this lilly nit e rocntL? .'r.'.i i ive lind that : '.The statistic.! i . tb. trade nf ISftO will sh..\i ! a decrease m (lie production nf linn competed I with the returns ?f IS?t, Km aeverni in.n .r? Iduring the p.n ; y-n a mujioiity of tmr roi?u?,; lutlls. f(iri,it4 ant! furnaces, altogether t?r in . an I i . 7 I cea ?ed op+'iaf.on. Ibis eau?>ed H temporary le ! man i fm inm, whieii resulted ii; a revival of the j trade toxi aid- the duse nf the year, und inrsiy j iVifKH ri MIHI? d operations; Hiving, liowever? tn lille gnat rusl of jiiodiiction, caused hythe hi-di I price of labor mid ;neie ised taxation, the pry ?duets could rot bc not.I at r?'tuuiierniivc j) in n inuikel rej;uflited hy a foreign supply. As 'a eunsi(pience, a large number of loliing mills in l'ittsburfi ai.d vicinity ha ve ?-?r?(| operr.tjona situ"'the hegiuitiug :( tho pri . v.t yiar. Id e proprietor* ol'many ? tlithi.-hln. ll'.*, IV llbdl lijiv'J lu-lit strit.t??t?i( i'll?' sitit'? 1 i ? -1 slimmer ?.-.: [;r? si silt??*rm.-t?'?ri that they were n'.-t tempted ??ito stiiit instilen lins hy tho delusive promise:! 'if il io liiitiu'rHtiVL* trad.; held out hist autumn. \ nrnjiai ison Ip'tWCCH thc two |its. y su I.i iiliOM's u decrease of 'jv?-r thirty per cent in th?; productions of Iron in the '?hit?d States; ' . : 11? fui nuces and rolliiii ir. ills repotted Fit" ?i ? :n .?M inti )n, leaving ty? e>r our largest Ano - r. tm li ni works ?die, while th'.' furnaces of '.rt.-at Itritiiin t.i" al! ta foi, bbiri?; 'I lins thron au' ti.m,-.uni.-, ol American workmen out of inn ?it i\ Ul' nt. I. t it hit remet?.hoi ed in tins connection, that line hundred employed workmen :t! 'ii i . Atnuiciin uiunut letori''i furnish a mark't I .-r inure rVihi lic?ii f?rh? pro.U'.c?.' luau thc vlioie Un'.-h ie teni. \\ ithntit unc'iii ployed iv?) r kui r. I tint itu-.e i^'nt ; they ciowd other avenue* of emjiloyiaen!, ?sp?? tally the ii'j i icu hui ul whei t. | instead ol' le in:: puteit?si-rj they beiotivii com P t:-.,: hi tay pi'.h?ishe'l letter of 13th 'if .X-ti^u*t I ipnit'd fruin a letter, then just received ti .ir ti distinguished Aiueiictin in KiigltiioJ, ti.' lyi 1 lou il Lit '.ttri'iit ilfott- will now la- mule hy Engluh, [ capitalists tsiid iiinntifuetuici? iii iudiice Us to re . lace our turtf-. ?iitl permit tn d?l ali ??ur ina ti ii fae tu. in.*. Tht,-y are bc,ti:inii?c, to stir this u.utter uli^.iily. Our wami ?iel-nn?; tr., nil, will lie put for-Wu id to move thc matter - su eh nor. . i- stool! by u .> il u rini: the War. 1 hiive seen '.}.* j cisii'ij evidence or :}...' pm puse her?i They ? l'A : strhe^lc iiaiil v break doun oui lid;!!. S c ii this does hot ptove tun. There will bei ? lei i;hi' j.i - ive iipoil our Uovirutio'iil." It Sieiiis ti.-i- t u.- thfit the efforts made Li t:<< Jv.: vi; ?ii ii^i.itiiiu-in hiive i;.'v:r. ihus for. s ncc t's s tu! tu preveiiiitii? any action, bj <-'. :.-J*?,-. P.: ttii; relief of th? interests ol our cuuiv '. try. 1 hnv, f.-i'*?' It?w?v?r 'ti the timi! iiiumph of truth. \\ have never. Ind n mote patriotic Coiitie-- tiui:i ut the prc-vU tm.' ; tait the lit ii i-h. ' Y..; t?d. und hit :' C'onfeiletitte interests, an- continually i* troduc'ng vexing question ve '? divert ita uttt i.t um ft om ib.- s'.l itnpoi lah t work Itu he dune ~ which is lu lilt a poi'.iou of tl:ts burden ni- laxution from the ahhuldefsni" .Vinci i j can {.limers and uiiuitifueturcrs, where it now n-'?, und plue tt.dii the broiul shoulder.? ol the ! li rit isl. u'.n lufuCf.iri rs, iv lie ic it rightfully bel on vi jiu other-woids, tu protest American. tr?e trade |and tai. i'mlt-li monopoly. \V*itli gtctU re-pec; 1). I.V. CU? a. CII.VIIA'vi ni-ni's ni ' /ms t AM; "-iv.KU?: ..*<'. ?-I'm!. J), tl. Mit hah of Wet Kum. limier whos'j tuition ti -o-, iii mi and wors u h-li at W -.'. y ..nt, . .i'll, hes a lc: ter i'iv i-cine tcmiiiUci-hsvs nf their student life, fi inn uhich th?; following ? rael is tal;en ; .? i iii:.; alu iv? showed lu m-.elf a char think er a steady -a- liker. Il- beiiiti^ed t?i th? d i-? ? if c.'ii.p.?! -ti ung no n IA'ho wontJit their tasi" it ute-, iitd ls'opt at it until tinihed. nevei lie in.; seen, like, the slack--twisted ed i??. y uvi-.n:*.. lolling un ' vib ?iv.- ovei ;'.; ir w Ulki an.I loC'i . ijij! a? ;t ??I?; ii a ly. t,.. Muk do iv ii friitii tn .nt.'.) i i liiiii dy ; j Shel tuan th'.? r.-7?-r-;e of t;it- in monter I l''.i!?vr, iiii'p'tuoiis, r??!I'.*!.>, l?e iiliviiy? woikvd j with a wil ll-'iii?i oil? of tho-e w li J n 1'yroti I siiyst .. (? ii -r t?? sou!- ii a hill." If Us ivasti'i a* work he ?a- in f.-r mischief. !f, v/hil-j .\plaiiiinv - m.'"hu.:; til h;? t'uss un t?o- blue?; - build. 1 he.iril soy ?.1 ig tit dUtur'jiiic?, d?n?tihs; IfOtiii' fun, ' wii's seldom wi iii ;,;:i turiiiitj round in I. >id.:i_' np nty li.i.; r : > Mi. Sin rai.ui. Ii ti: coie \t .? . inore than icpiiid tor any annoyance ut' this kind, hy his irrepivssible goud nature, HUI! by thc ?lea i tili . 11 I -1 and em-iii'i Le threw into hi- ivoili. 'l'hat lu- should a.'cotnpiish suinv'.hu:.; j ! i it; I vi- prepared tu 'c.un. Hut not s-j ir. : (?runt, u IIOAC ruiiiid-, ciieci y, boyisli face, though u. u i...! ivi'li el ar.utcr .md qiiiet iuauiier, give :ii ne of that i i'idoiice ul' M !I I! he ha?.since t-hoivu ltd posSer-S. Ci tant s llii'lita! tu II ci inc is of the poiyeiful l?i\v [iitstutc cia.--, which condon sci its nive, st? i.:u an I ctMisuiitet, tt? own smoke,siid i\ i.; I. li i - ?tea lily h i w aid and drives ul! ?ts objects b? lute . Sloriiniin's bc Um ....?to the high jil SsUr.O ?-'bis-, ll!;.lil leta Oil li.l\ '.V itll a pilli 'and i. (loud, anti dashes nt it.- ivorky;iih resist less vij'or, tb.- resiilt i>f a sound I uiile: and plen ty uf^uel. 'i he question is ?if;en put te inc , il 1,ether ?;h>l>k IKiuli ( i Nttlt Ililli Siie?tu?li 111 j? ie at ineii; To this tl.? ie but on?' reply, l'obier! . I ty alone, v. Inn the clouds raised by passion, pre Ijlidicc aa.! jii?rtistin'ship shall ha ve b^eii ilissijni , teil, truth revealed in a'i 1.? r distinctness, will, be compete!;. t?< pronounce upon'.b'ui.^eiht. lint if gteat du dis, ike ti-a.nlt ot" iujth mental un i iiioriil pun ; rsr of magriaiitioity and geiierosily Unwind pu I Uv mid private enemies, ?ne charac teristics of ?rentu?as, then cunuoi ttie meed eil j ibis cnobHfig pa teni he vrithhcld, in out day, I li Olli either of these tuen." At an evening' party, Jerrold ?"tis lookins .it the daneers. Seeing a MTV tail geiitieihiin ivult/.iiig with a very short Indy, he stud to a I friend, 1 Humph ! there' .? e.uie daoein.' ? with the nub. -Muni. ' Ho ...ho greedily ."eck? lu.iioi.s timi riches, u-ny bc compared-to n ma-.; biitr?ring from thnst which he trie* queiiuh with thc waters of tiie sra, the more he tl rink?, j thc minc he wants to dunk, until at last lie j dies of di lok it, Why ?s prcMil?.'.{ Joluiso like mount Chilli j born ?to in south / tiuricn, because be is the lofii?st' I ?if the Auden. iii? you sec it! Wiiy ought I Andrew Johnson to he mote giateful lo thc I Democrats thin tu thc Republicans: llec.iuau Democrats iha'le him president while thc lw . piibUeatls only mad, >iee pi..sidynt.