South Carolina leader. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-18??, November 25, 1865, Image 1

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??i'-* . ?il ntf ja *f ^?*-?? ?? 'If ii i y > -tv: : ? i v -tdvt \tH t i h*uib?>; Nt; mimi k? tNjjn K0pai ar*?*? jj? nil feSso ^ '? ^3 lt ? - HT T? UT; ? > } ,m*k&t U>*.i <rfj? aaft UXSV p?Uff 111," WM?i the ear. -Paul. F0TT& BOLLABS. PEE AWTOX > mm ??BW8EEB SS SATURDAYS, At 430 Ha* S^.C&****^*H Subscription Wo* :~roar M*r? * year, tara ^Inadvaaee. ? ? . Bates of Adverttsfog* T?r one Sonare of Tea Linea, one iaaertioa, t&00? for aa?srquent insertion. $1.00. ?literal discount noaie to yearly, half-yearly, and-] ^uterly advertiser*. Advertisements conspicuous ly tjlipj?)ed bf special agreement. v ?. ^ 3 I I Tl I ll I PROSPECTUS ?< FOB THE South Carolina Leader. A Weekly Journal of t&e Times. Tac LEADER will be devoted ta tfcc intered pt Free Labor and general reform. The Federal Government witt be sustained at ail ?ssards; and we hope tja**Jta ultimate posey toward* this SUte wUl.easire peace, prosperity, tad domes tic tranquility,. That self evident truth, contained in the Declara tion of Independence, "That a# awn ara created equal," will be steadfastly adhered to. In matter? of local concern, it will gita its earnest .apport to all important public measures and, practi cal improvements. While fearless in ita advocacy of the Right, and frank in its denunciation oi the Wrong1, ita columns viii never be made A channel of soars* personal ?bow. It will deal with principles rather (nan. naen, md allow the free and candid discussion of all aub jeeta pertaining to the publie good. In ^riving to make thia emphatically a paper for the people, we confidently look to them for the imouot of subscription and advertising patronage, which lu worth demands. T. HURLEY * CO. POETRY, BOX No. 4. -- v RY DELIA DENISON. Slowly and sadly 1 walked downjlia lane When thc evening sim was low, Following tue grass grown foot path Which led to the village lie:ou/. My heart le t a strange loref^oiHng, ? 1 could not divine wherefore, For to thc post-office 1 was going, To peep into " Box No. 4." The village was never so lonely? The streets were never so still, The brook was never so sluggish. And never so lazy the mill. On the pavement 1 halted a moment, Then passed tiirough the hall-open door, And with step ueither firm nor steady Walked up to Box No. i, I tapped on the glass pane slightly ; The post- master ?a ve the, in a. 1; Be spoke to me cheerly*- kindly? Ana asued waat ma *e mc so pale. Ono u?>n, yellow letter he gave nae, Tuis oniy, and nothing more ; I knew 'twas tor me, for I saw it While it lay in Box No. 4, I took it with hand that trembled. My heart beat with joy and with fear, Yet I tried to walk away calmly, And chocked down the r?*mg tear, A stranger hand had indorsed it 5 My heart grew sickly and sore ; Oh, wiiy was it sent to me then? Why came it to Box Na 4? My Charlie had been voided m battle, A minnie-ball in his side, And comrades liad tenderiy nursed him, Else be ere this had died. . ' But now in the hospital lonely, He knew that his warfare was o'erw He knew this would be the last letter Ue shoald send to Box No. 4. ? The papers had said ? severely,1' But I had hoped they might be wrong, And so my poor heart took comfort, Though the days were dreary and kong, ?it now his farewell came to me, In his loving language of yore? in thc fervent, tear-stained letter Winch came to Jfe So. 4, ?4*1 ?Oft 'M. I neither screamed nor fainted, Bat walked through the hine as before, And in my lone walk homeward That letter I read o'er and o'er, I knew that i now was a widow, Though his name I newer bom a Bet he had said ? s&tttkl ? Wfelia** Which had cone to Box No. 4> Ri A year hare I been * widow, Tboogh the weeds I cannot_. dot my iaart isdrtped in p*f$timg And the $ri*f fe? hidden thsre And sometimes that tear-stained lett I bring out and read once more . That letter which made meawidow, Which c?me io Box Na 4. ^ .._ : id as I ^ dear lore that kept ns throng ^ mghl, |L Afr ae?set pt)a|ees> s abolie ai ^ the East withjiwpta?ei of day, 'Ve'thaak* thee* oifeta? God ! I s i?) :i 1 To ?^ioxhee theira^ Tells of thy power and 'glory r s? ^bn?d we, ' Thf ?kildren, duly, with the monrmg light, And at still eve, -apon,the fended knee, ; i 5 ; u Allott ott ?td;l fea <*f ^ Thon know'sj our needs-ThvJnliness viii supply ; Till, visited hy the dayspring from on high, One payer-rone on\y-"Ut.thy will ba done." We breathe *> toge, pit God. 'vf*. H. BURLEIQUV -T * * -* o : ' : --ti-, From the Wsteomaa and Baie?*?* > MY COBRABA STD. > BT MARC a. osxisok. .*Iwaa just folding up my sewing," asid Mrs. Lansing, resemirig her knitting, as Mary took away her bonnet and shawl. * And here let De pause to say that Mrs. Lan*' sing is one nf my dearest friends, and the purest Christian lady of my acquaintance. She had been travelling all the morning by steamboat, and through some mismanagement? not %er own, had missed the tram she intended, and had cabled upon rae to pass away ?he time. Knit ting tn hand, the sat talking until 1 prevailed' upon her to remain with us at least one night.. So, naturally, she resumed the thread of her conversation, w Ii ici. had been broken hy - these proceedings, : ??I waa just folding Up rn*'sewing when I heard the faintest tinkle of the bell, as if a pair of little weary hands had pulled the mp?. My husband look wi up from his paper in some sur prise, I glenee/ftu the clock. It was half-pas' nine.' Who could it be at that hour fr Hanna had gone to bed ; my husband was sick ; and it devolved upon me to wait upon the door. I went, therefore, fearful that some of the neigh* hors had been taken ill. The raw wind blew the Inow in my face aa I opened the door. I did n.?r know a storm had commenced. For a mo* ment I could see nothing; then looking down, roy lighr tithed ?pon e rfttl?chiKi, whose wild, dark orbs starked me. .?Please, ma'am, do you want a girl ? " she asked, a look of piteous entreaty making her ; face strangely old. ? Want a girl ! " I repeated in astonishment. " Yes, ma'am ;I can work if I am little ; and I ain't got anywhere to go." J cast a glance down at her clothes-ragged, thin-her red bare hands, her little, ah i reri?g form. ..Come in where it is werm," I said; "you will perish tn the street,*' und shivering and half sobbing, the strange little creatures staggered within. "Y<>u seel're been walking all day, and Pm von 'o numb like," she said when I had given her a seat within sight bf the fire, my husband still looking on tn amazement. Well he might, for the face was no ordinary one, though it was far from beautiful. The brown hair escaped from ber wet, unshapely hood, ib masses of thick, neglected curls and rippled where it lay along Uer dark forehead in natural waves that no cnmpplmg could imita te. A look of s-ff ring seemed on those small fea tures. She must have been very intimate with sorrow or oppression that all the alchemy of youth could nut overcome. " Where were you thinking of passing the night?" XasJktd her. * Oh, I don't know, ma'am, except I thought God would give me a shelter somewhere. Miss Virginia taught me never tb despair. She said when it was darkest, if I would only pray and have faith, God would always do something for me, and He fias.'* *' Who was Miss Virginia?" aaked my hue band. ': '"' ' "She.was my dear sweet mistress, sir J the dearest and sweetest that Wer lived. Her father was Dr.. Woodward, of Macon, and he owned me. My dear Miss Virginia! she was as much an angel then ass... ia now, OB, dear Miss Virginia j*' She sat with dssped : .AM^ IO^UD^ iuto the fire, and over her swarthy cheeks the tears were running like rain. She looked auch a mite, and so desolate I " Hete is some supper for you," seid L %* You J must be hungry ; eut, and afterwards, you shall tell us how you came here." ' "Oh, I haven't tasted a thing to-day fi abe cried, wiping the teurs that blurred* ber vieW. "Isn't that nice? Oh, madam, you are so kind to me, and yoi. don't know anything'ioout me U ' 5? t^tTT enough in the world' to db much mischief,9* eau! mj husband, who fr Very much inclined; yon know, to se? things in a cnmicej&ht." " ?mi tweire,^ ehe replied gravely t ?? but ? am small milled Tee, ma' am, my nam I can aew, and s weep, ' and Mt some. I eau |Mk.. bed ^Sgfaw Yp^lh 'o.e.b^^^-id l W^wn,,o?,f witt her. ?nd watt apo? ber-yet sh* died. Tri be? ?Md to work. If-if y?B'U let me' etty i^i^P m^m ? SSS 'ii. a. ? . *- - . h* th? pama to pnt ItfMquwu to^f^J oar of- you before ^oroirjg, 4?d yflU r # ' mtfbasbatit?. ; u if MS no#J*wr?* she repli?e} hwita.?ngly ; ? but tbt?A I haven't *i#*ya fbtjnd |?ople ao gojoid. I tawUo ftod a place al] yesterday.^ haye ouiy b*e?. out here two tfaya. ^?'lajt fnigh/) ajept in the afreet,; ander a ijeep, ,dayk doorway. I wa* ?o, afraid; but nobody saw me till thia !UC?i!lR? when the girl that opened- ihe .door,, waked ma ug wt* a aho ve, j?he hurt my arm j but then I supp?t abe tbpMgfct^if I al^pt in that fashion. ? couldn't be much% Oh,.hp? ba4,M:aa,Tvgtnia would haVe\ fe{t jf she had, known it." . fifi Via* yurginia ia dead, ^teke. ii} " , ..Q, sir/'and. the piteous ]ook came baek#in her face, 4? she died ao dreadfully ! You see she would have married young Mr. Mead, who waa a m ajor in t he So ut he? n army, but one day she gota letter that be was dreadfully hurt ? so she would go to the camp. Her mother and, her grandmother and Harry, bey little brother, and" her cousin Matty all begged and prayed her not to go. btu all they could say .did no 'good. Oh, I shall never forget bow she looked - ao white and at ill, aa if tee life waa all taken, out of her ; and ber ?yea glittered nod looked ao arcady at everything, wherever abe turned them, as she kept saying, ..No^I can't leave tfty tp die.alune. I mustio..danger or no danger,* So ?he did go - and ?- and an ambulance brought L# back." "She waa taken ill there r " I said. " Oh woree than that. They told le? he waa killed, and the body had not been found. So abe went to look for it, and. there waa another fight on that very spot, which bad been lost and I won twice, they said. Well, a abell struck her, struck her in the left side, and she tired only a week alter they brought her home. It waa a dreadful time that week for my mistress, her mother, didn't seem to know ?bat to do m trouble. She only wrung her hands and went round the houae moaning in a soft voice - but she looked terribly. I he doctor was away, and though they tried, no word could be got io bim. Ber brother seemed cross and angry all the time beca ute the suffered, and her courin war a? help leas aa the rest. Af ?a Virginia called me tocher and told me what to do. * She said to me, * Now, Nelly, there are ?omg to be dreadful times here, I'm afraid, and I want you io etay by. Let all the reat leave if tivy will, but remember, I charge you to stay. I am going to die, but I am also going to God. It does not make Me afraid, for I lore the iiord Jesus, and I know he baa forgiven me. When I am dead yon mast comfort them.' She ouly lived a li* tie while after/' cm 4 the child with another burst ot grief. We were silent, listening to this pathetic ?to ry from the lips of a child wise enough to teach ns. ?? When she died," continued the mite after a while, " it was just as she said. My master** wife lay down and wouldn't eat; the old grandmother didn't take to her bed, but ah? might aa well, for abe would ait all day rub* bing her banda and groaning. Then Charley cut his foot end waa laid up ; then a letter came thai Dr? Woodward waa dead. And oh, dear ; everything happened at once." 44 Did the set van ts go} " I af ked; ?? Every one of them, and th^y tried to make me. My own mother sent word to me that I must go, and I would.but for Miss Virginia. When I thought of her, and everybody sick, I didn't dare to." v . .. But who took care of the house ? " asked my hubband. " Oh, I did that the beat I could. Virginia's cousin helped me, but aha waa different from my dear Miss Virginia. She would get ao angry and throw anything at me; but I did every? thing I could, because it seemed as if God gave me strength just as she ?aid He would. Then Miss Matty was taken sick, and it proved to be the smallpox. Oh, that time was terrible ! No. body would come to the house, .nobody would go near her-but I thought of Miss Virginia and my duty, and I prayed to God on my knees to strengthen me. -Mrs. Woodward (eft almost the whole house to me, and the rest lived in the cookhouse-? don't know how, but it mast have been very hard fdr them. So when poor Miss Matty died 1 walked sii miles to get some one to bury her, and I had to give a black man arl the money I found in Miss Matty's bo* to do it. I think it was ? hundred dollars. I had some money of my own, that Miss Virginia gave me, and that X hid, for she told me I might want to go some day. Then yon See/' contin ued the Child earnestly, ? the rest of the family would not allow me to come near them, but a kind wo man io the neighborhood let me come to her house, and gave me some clothes to change with. So f thought that hy that time my duty was done, and God and M?*s Virginia woaldn*r-re quire any thing more of me. My good friend aewed up my money for me, enid I ott ont |o leave the place, enid ind some of the Northern j citiee, Where I'd heard they would be kind to me. Se I mvd led all alone, day after day, and j once I was in a train that waa attacked by fie. ritlas, so that'I lost my money, and then I walked and begged my way, and yesterday morning they landed me in Boston. It seemed as if I could hear Mias Virginia say w*t.i I got ? ?*&**li?wt? ty* ?md are goijig to'edu ca** &Wand4fe? old hom* seems ail ?rive. For 1 never knew *peh;a t?i?>;1i?b? fal?f? i ^^sboui?ierg, and she's jthe-lovel? ChTwtan ?lire. I couldn't ?like any than I do her, and if she isn't quite ??reat.^ai ljghrer tj^rkm/\??;:' there's ?th* history of my contraband/ ind I ; shouldn't wonder if ehe'* a' bright ao4 shin?cg yeeraroUronn^"! aOWT E I*B AND. WA^l - ! The Xew Orleans Daily Tribune sa?ys that the to]Iowing caustic arlJcVis t?fym?b'wf? of the Ret. pr. B. F. Ct&ty, t?t?iWW' C**r*i Chjistiari Advocate, *SK Louis, Mb:: v '%?SBI?OTOK* C?UCQB^'' ViB'<ntef?-^Ve would as soon send our son to a pe?-house for health, or to a gamblers' den' for education, as lo send him to this T??lainoas co???g)/. Robert E. ?ee is its President ana we "thu k him the worst man America has produced. He was educated by the Goferiramt ne tried to de*troy, and therefore is an ir grate. He ?wore to d?fend the Government and its Con Ktitution, and violated his oath, and therefore is a traitor and perjured wretch.. He acted as a spy w?ile yet in the employ of tie Govern mern, aucL betray ed the plana, of his ? command er, Gen.fStott. He saw thousand*,of helpless mea put to ccata by the most atrocious cruel* ties ever penetrated, and yet did not. utter . syllable against the terrible wickedness, Altogether he* stands out the ?oit -inexcus able; vilest traitor of the whole ero?d of crimi nals whom he headed* Putting him in the po sition of an educator of youth is an insult to the Government and an outrage upon all re spectable teachers. j What have* the youth of the country done that such a man should he their teacher ? We would not for the wealth of the world be edu cated at such a place, by such a man. Every studt?t who recettes a diploma at his hand? h ou ld be fe?saed through life, fie ought to be excluded from every position of trust and hon or. WV would not permit a son to go to school to a teacher who should graduate under thia arch-traitor. We go in for civilizing Old Vir ginia, and expelling from decent society the trustees, professor*, J?m? stud fits of this traitor college. A more flagrant, indecent, unspeakable outrage than his election hss never been perpe trated in the name of education. PATCHING. Some of our politicians are coaxing Mrs. Co I ?mhia to imitate M the mother," of whom it is ?aid in "The Cotter's Saturday Night," that sho " witt? her needle aird her sheers, Gars auld chus leuk amaist as weel's the new." The mother's poverty forced her to patch ; an excuse which our national mother has no need to avail herself pf, for she is beth able and willing to provide new clothes to replace the torn gar ments in which her wayward children are now clothed. Besides, the "auld claes" are not only torn, they are too smalt for the boys ; and the old lady thinks,?hat if her rebellious tout are peni tent, and wish to return to the old homestead, they should do so in garments suitable toits re- X no vated condition. The returning prodigal was willing to wear a new robe; but the politicians, who love to patch as much as some women love to darn, pester her with criers of aid if she wilj ' only botch the old clothes. If permitted, they will contract to do the job, and present to her the garments checkered with'as many patches' as ever mottled a troop of beggars. But remember ing that these politicians were not so ready with their aid when she was flogging her bad boys in to obedience, she turns a . deaf ear their wheed ling, and puts her foot down against all patching There has been enough of it in the family for the last forty years to last her for a' life-time It did no service, and was not only expensive but s irritating as to beget a four years' quarrel. Therefore, hoping that the boya have learned new ideas concerning their filial and paternal du ties, and are sorry for their misconduct, she pro poses, tn the kindness of ber heart, to provide them with new garments adapted to their growth? anfl resembling those which her dutiful sons wear.. In thus acting,'she thinks she is obeying the advice of Him who ibo wing what vas in man, said to those who sought to patch Christi anity with Judaism, 'No man putieth ? piece of new doth'unto an old garment, for that which is put in to All up,?fcaketh from the garment, and the rent is made worse/' i_ ' ' ? i The editor of the Kew Orleans Times ad vises the colored people who have employment to get certificates from their employers to that efeet* Suppose the editor of the Times and all his white fellow-citizens were compelled et ev ery street corner to prove thtt they were pursu* ing some honest calling, how many white "vag rants" would be found? A STATESMANLIKE V?W, - The Hewberne Times supported Holden because its editor was .' tired of seeing white men elbowed off the banquette by sagr? soldiers." The editor and some other confederates surrendered a long time ago because they were tired of being trashed by negro soldiers, A soldier belonging to an Illinois regiment recectly married a negress at Americas, Ga., whereupon his indignant comrades tarred and feathered him end drove him off. \ He'was pro bably a Southern man by birth ind education, and Hoosiers and Suckers don't take readily to pus PRESIDENT TO CONG?S*. The Chicago Trihane'e, Washington corespondent' has tte following with regard to Preaidenfs Johnson's j forthcoming message; v4s Major General io the eanfideneo of the President-if we may receive his own assurance upon this point-was given to understand but a few days since, in a frank interview witt His Excellency, that the message would receive and convey te Congress all executive responsibility ka ***0r^ t hat His Ex ceilency would say for substance^ Gentlemen of the two Houses : I have the honor to repre sent to your sovereignties that upon assuming office I found a very conciliatory policy alreedy inaugurated, not only formally, as in the reor ganization of Louisiana, but lying ready in the councils of the administration, for universal ap plication upon the return of peace. Coming to the Presidency under such circumstances as shadowed ray poming, I could not think it court eous to my predecessor, or to his constitutional advisers, who were siso mine, to interrupt the course of events already shaped, by the intro duction of theories more satisfactory to myself. I have, therefore, without essential modifica tion, carried foward the plans of your lat* Pres ident, not without the approval of a large pro portion of my fellow citizens, deferring the for mation of a new policy until I could av ail myself of your very valuable counsels, and here I pause for your reply/" A SLAVE TO HEB AUST.-A girl nearly white visited the headquarters of General Bris bin, at Lexington Ky., a few days ago and asked for a military protection from her aunt, a white woman, who claimed her as a slave, and demand ed that the girl should either pay four hundred dollars for her freedom? or return again to bon dage. The girl is the daughter of the lady.s brother, and has lived with her aunt, Mrs. X., for sixteen years July last. The girl, whose name wt will call Sally, thinking she had work ed lon|? enough for Aunt X., without pay, came to the city, obtained a pass from General B., and has since continued to live with her husband who: is a hard working thrifty blackman, and provides his Sally with a good home and acorn I fortable living. The aunt claimed Sally under the Mayor's proclamation as a negro slave, and sought to return her. to servitude. When the case came up before General B., he decided that it was improper for relations to hold each other in bondage and therefore advised Aunt X, to go in peace. -She departed, - yN THE OLD OAKEN BUCKET.-The " Old Oaken Bucket" was written by Samuel B. Wood worth, while he was yet a journeyman printsr, working in an office at the corner of Chamber and Chatham Streets, N. Y. Near by on Frankfort Street is a drinking house, kept by one Mallory, where Woodworth and several particular friends used to resort. One after noon the liquor wss super-excellent. Wood worth seemed inspired by it ; for, after taking a draught, he/ setting the glass upon the table, and smacking his lips, declared that Mallory's eau de vie was superior to anything ever he had tauted. * "No," said Mallory, you are mistaken ; there was one which in both of our estima tions far surpassed this as a drink." " What was that ? " asked Woodworth dubi .a ously. The draughts of pure, fresh, spring water, that we used to drink from the old oaken buck et that hung in the well, after our return from the labors of the field on a sultry day in sum mer." The teardrops glistened for a moment in Woodworth^ eye. * True, true," he replied, and shortly after quitted the place. He imme diately returned to the office, g?aaped a pen, and in half an hour the "Old Oaken Bucket," one of the most delightful compositions in our language* was resdy in manuscript, to be em balmed in the memories of succeeding genera tions. * A wedding was interrupted lately in Colches ter, England, by the levity of the groom. Ail went well unt? the clergyman required the bridegroom to repeat after him the words, ?* I -, take -- to be my wedded wife . . ' for better, for worse/' etc, when he altered the I formula to "I'll take her for better, but not for, worse." The minister immediately elosed the book and quitted the church. A young man in Harrisburg, Penn., an swered an advertisement in a New York paper, which set forth that "valuable information would be forwarded on receipt often cents." The young maa sent the ten cents, and received ?the following, "Friend, for your tea cents pos tage, etc., please find inclosed advice, which may be of great value to you. As many persons ere injured for weeks, months, and years by the careless use of a knife, therefore? my advice is, whe~ you use a knife, always whittle from rou." , Dictionary making appears to be a healthy business, Dr. Johnson saw seventy-five years ; Walker lived to a good old age; Dr. Worces ter, who died recently ta Boston, was eighty one; Noah Webster was eighty-five when he passed away ; and the last English news re parta the death of Dr. Richardson, at ninety. ? monument it to be erected at Moscow to t commemorate tat emaadpatioa of the Bastian psnaaatt. is ? t&l?&u;: y' 1 -j t*ft? \ PROPHETIC WORDS,-Ail Ult great charters of Humanity-hare been writ in blood.. I , one? hoped thai of American Democracy wow io ba engrossed in less eaariy ink $ bot it is plain, now, ; , that our pilgrimage must lead through a Bed Sea, wherein many a Pharaoh wtU go nuder and J perish. Alas f that wa are not wise enough ta be just, or just enough tobe wise, and so gsjisx mu?h at small cost.-[Theodore Parker? l&g, g The process of making pails by machiner* is so rapid as to baffle the eye, and eo ccroicaBf instantaneous ?bat any ohewho witnesscsitfbr ) the first time laughs over it as a most excellent practical joke. There is a whig of revolving ? wheel*, a splutter of white shaving, a procession of little staves chasing one another in the air then another whiz of the collected staves, and th? pail is hooped and made.--E?. * ? FLOWERS FOR PERFUME.-Flowers ara gen erally reckoned rather among the beautiful than the useful institutions. The manufacture of per fumery, however, furnishes employment to great num her of laborers. According to the New York Tribune, tha quantity of flowers manufactured into perfume* in the town of Cannes alone, amounts to the fol* lowing quantities, whic'a we give in tons instead of pounds : Orange blossoms, 700 tons ; Roses,* 250 tons; jasmine, 50 tons; violets, 37 tonsi aca 'ia, 22 tons ; jonquil, 2 tons j - amounting in all to over 1.100 tons of flowers, and being suffi-' cient, if piled on waggons like loads of hay, to form a close procession more than three miles long, or sufficient to fill twenty good sized 1>arnav LITTER FROM WENDELL PHILLIPS. - The Manchester, England, Examiner publishes the following Utter: U BOSTOX, Mass., Sept. 25, 1865. ?.Dear Sir: The Manchester Examiner and Times shows me how kindly yon have watched orer my good name, and seen justice done me in the matter of alleged arguing for repudiation* Accept my thanks. I judge you see our Ameri can pap?is. If so, you will observe that our best guides, both journals and public function aries, are now directing public attention to the very point my arguing which, during the last year or two, has got me so much censure-I mean the point that national credit in pecunia, ry matters is one and the same question with justice to the negro. Let him vote, our public debts, state and national, will be paid. Shut him out fi om .the franchise, and give back the unconverted southern whit? race their old pow er, and there's great danger we shall repudiate. I mail with ?hw the Anti-Slayery StandsM~#?. September 24. Please notice Thaddeus Ste phen's speech on this point. Of course you will see Sumner's speech, and will have or> served Chief Justice Chase's observations. Our journals are just printing an excellent letter of your noble Stuart Mill, which covers the whole ground. 1 hope we shall be wise in time, bat I do not expect that we shall. I fear that Mr.. Johnson will deliver us, bound hand and foot, into the hands of the old tyrant white race of the South. ?? Yours, with thanks for your kind thought fulness, WEKDBLL PHILLIPS. " f. II. Barker, E?q." Mr. Barker, in transmitting this letter to the Examiner, says: "From letters recently received from the United States, I believe that William Lloy? Garrison will visit England next spring, ac companied by his devoted friend and your es teemed countryman, Mr. George Thompson, when I arn sure the people of Manchester wil, give to these great champions bf freedom a most cordial and betitting reception." FOREIGN ITEMS. . The English friends of General Garibaldi positively deny the truth of the statement that the General has been obliged, on account of his want of means, to sell two horses. They say he is sufficiently provided for against such a necessity, and that if the horses were ?old, it was only because they had become unnecessary on the farm at Caprera, A terrible fire broke out on the night of Get. 13th in some of the storehouses attached to the arsenal of Naples. The firemen had to work incessantly until daybreak before the conflagra tion was effectually overcome. The damage is estimated at 2.000!000f., but the cause of the disaster is as yet unknown. It has been ordered in Moscew that in all public buddings the door? shall open outwards instead of, as heretofore, inwards. The reason of this arrangement is to enable people to have free egress in the event of any panic or *cc?, dent occurring. In Crotia the highroads are so unsafe, owing to the bands of robbers which prevail there, that it is thought martial raw will be proclaimed there before long. A notorious roobing chief, Joseph TJdmanio, besides three othera less fam ous, have just been made prisoner*. The French Government, in order to thwart aa far aa lies in its power the Students* Congress at Liege, ordered the ran way companies not to convey any persons going to the congress at re duced fares, and has warned the manager of thc Theatre Francais that no member of his con; pany must play at Liege. ? boy named Joseph Petit has just been exe cuted, at Chalon-sur-Saen, for the murder of his mother, under circumstances too horrible to describe. For a long time be supported hia courage by an idea that they never executed one so young as he waa. The Patrie has received intelligence that a cargo of cotton, gum, etc., purchased at Djedah, by a French trader? has made a passage direct from tha Red Sea to the Mediterranean through the Sues Canal, and arrived tat Port Said* The Appeal Court of Gothic in Sweden has just quashed, on tba grounds of informality, tba judgment in thc affair of Pastor LiN'DBACH, con demned (br having poisoned several of his pa rishioners in administering tba sacrament. A aaw trial baa been caners*. _ - jp *? a it? ~*"f .'* ';?? *? ;. ?5i?ca sa