South Carolina leader. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-18??, October 07, 1865, Image 2

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COMMUNICATED. Article* inserted under this hoad" ?re written V ,omsrond<.nts We shall bc &**/*}>}WT: municatibns-oP flierit, but do not hold oumches re vponsibl* Sot th*ir (tentimenti._ THE DITTIES OF THE*HOUR. When war ceases amongst a people, new sources of agitation are opened. They begin to cast anxious and enquiring glances st tkei&sit uation, and their relative pdsition to others. Their rightful possessions ase next scpfctiawzed. They are restive under any that may be made to abridge their sphere of personal move ment, and they now discuss the question of rights and privileges. But amidst the perplex ity, growing out of thc sophisms of office-holders and hirelings, it is often found difficult to obtain claims and insure permanency. In this dilemma we are at the present time ; and hence the pre vailing anxiety and perturbation of mind. That the world has never seen a period of quie tude, history hut too well certifies ; and it is also but too true that important reforms are only brought about by great agitation ; for with the ivorst vices, human naturs-seidom fails to-exhibit ' a contrast of the greatest virtues, when a natron, is in a state of feverish agitation. A reaction is then lite the fury of insanity. The many, the mass must prevail ; and then power will be used to level and destroy. Every nation has within itself an impelling force which tends to progres sive change in its social and political condition. Like individuals, it exhibits its youth, maturity and decrepitude. At times it passes through these stages in a brief period ; in other cases, centuries must elapse. There is, then, no patent process by which the ills of any people can be cured. Agitation, there fore, becomes necessary. It was through that means, and a successful resistance, that the English barons wrested from their King the magna charter, which served as a precedent and stimulus to the people to put a check on both . themselves and the king. Six centuries have passed since then, and during the last two, Eng land has brought one of her kings to the block, and banished another, for encroachment upon the liberties of the people, yet she is far from the enjoyment of equal laws, and a fair repre sentation system. Despite free and elaborate discussion, and continued investigation of the principles of her constitution, and her three es tates, King, Lords and Commons, agitation is still the weapon to be used by the weak against the strong. It was in that manner that the va rious democracies of the United States came into power ; yea, through 30 years agitation by the friends of freedom that memorable edict, the Emancipation Proclamation, was produced, and this nation compelled to acknowledge it as an irrevocable fact. And it becomes us now to be agitators until we, as a people, enjoy, what the constitution of our country declares to be the rights of all loyal Americans. Then we can, in the words of the poet, .thoWer'orb gM?S" flinty Another sun illumes the morn ; Auother star the night ! But an attentive observer of the deportment of some persons would be apt to imagine that the grand point is gained ; or that, having been oppressed so rong;. they are ready to- bend- their necks to the yoke, which others are desirous- of preparing for them already. Already those tn power in fancy see themselves fattening over the spoils they expeet to wrest- from us. In this imaginary possession ofpower, they dare tell us, that our only hope is- to cower and crouch, and kiss the rod of oppression ? precious samples of the temper of those who? are desirous of becom ing our masters !' But let ns not be deceived by them. Let us not be cajoled into compliance by their flattery, nor. silenced by their vaporings. When they strive to-hoodwink under the names of "moderation" and *? prudence," let us tell them that calmness and deliberation are to guide the judgment, and courage and intrepidity are to command theaotion ; and when they endeavor to convince us of our inability to oppose them. Ictus boldly answer,, t??at, in- defcnoe of our liberties, we dare oppose the world* Let them be convinced that blandishments will not fasci nate, nor threats intimidate us;.forv under God, weare determined that wheresoever, whensoever,, or howsoever we a-re called to make our exit, we will die freemen ; for the pomp of this world cannot dignify the death'of a villain \. neither can it taint the unblemis-ie? honor of a so? of freedom if he dies upon the gibbet or scaffold ; for, with the plaudits of his conscience, he passes from this life. A crown of joy aaddmmcst ilky* shall be his reward. The history o5 his life his children shall venerate, and his virtues will-ex cite their emulation. If there ever was a time, this is the hour for us to rouse ourselves and assert our manhood. Our all is at hazard, and the die of fate falls doubtful. It is vain for us to depend upon the magnanimity of our enemies. While forgiving the past and tolerating the present, let not the lessons they have taught us be forgotten. Now is the time for us. as a people, to summon every aid, human and divine-to exhibit every Chris tian virtue, and every Christian grace ; and the wisdom of the serpent, the innocence of the dove, and thc intrepidity of the lion, with the bless ing of Almighty God, we must be successful, and shall surely be saved from destruction. So shall we enjoy the benefits- of? perfect freedom for freedom abridged) is- but another name for slav ery ; and much-wosth living for is lost when a people is politically enslaved. Inspired by the light of hope, have ?ot thousands of our race waded through, seas of crimson gwre in defence of this Government-liberty and?tfle ?institu tion r and will that Government now refuse to ft How us, their fellc*w-Jtten>. to enjoy tka* free dom which we claim by nature,, whioikis con firmed by the constitution,, which has- besa de fended by 160,000 of our sate,. and. which, all Americans pretend so highly to va4ue-? By the sweat of our brow wc earn the little we possess ; from nature we derive ihecwninoa rights- of Oianhood ; and by birth we claim the liberty of Americans. Shall we, under these circumstan ces, pusillanimously surrender our rights?. Are the obligations due lo the many fallen braves ?ischarged r Is thc debt we owe to posterity jaid ? Weil may we ponder, the language *i. the poet exclaim.! Fathers, have yt bled in vain ? ' Ages, mast ye droop again I Maker, shall we rashly stain Blessings sett* by thee : What will our chit?te? sty wfcen they read the history of tfwse times ?Hould they find that we tamely gave away what we had thus far gained wUfcour, one noble struggle ? If we have any respect for things sacred-any regard for the dearest treasure of earth, or one tenderly cherished hope for posterity, and desire not to be despised by the whole world, let us be determin ed to relax nothing until we are able to live and die freemen. Let not the snivelling of cowards who hide themselves in the hour of trial, shake our fortitude ; for if no reward in this life can inspire them, and no crown of glory in the next is capable of animating their dastard souls, let them think and tremble, miscreants that they are, at the whippings of conscience in this life, and the scorpions which their second master shall torment them with htereafter. Be not lulled into security by the vain hope of receiving the protection of heaven without doing our dury a? becomes men. This were to mock the Deity. Wherefore hare we been given reason, if hot for our direction ? wherefore strength, if not for our protection ? To banish folly to correct vice and immortality, and tty stand immovable in the freedom in which we are "free indeed," is eminently the duty of each individual at this day. When this is done, our prayers will 6e answered ; and the counsel and invincible armour of the Almighty will be given us. Though righteous our cause, we cannot, in this period of thc world, expect a miraculous sal vation. Heaven? will undoubtedly assist ?s if we act like men; hut to expect help from? above while showing forth slothfulness, in the exercise of those abilities with which we are endowed, is an expectation vain and foolish. Through *he exertion of those abilities, we shail have the smiles of Heaven. Virtue, unanimity and firm ness will insure success : for with God and justice on our side tyrany, spiritual or temporal, shall never reign triumphant in a land inhabited by Americans. R. CD. THE J^ADER. CHARLESTON, S. C., Saturday, Octabei* 7, 1865. ArTHoRoiwy AV?KNTS : WilJram ?**rt, Pani P?insett, Samuel L. Bennrit?,. of Charleston ; Wm. Nash, Columhia ; Dean I>udWyrBoston,. Mass. SALUTATORY. * TIIK abolishment of slavery in the United' States by Presidential proclamation, as also the entire prohibition of thc same by the new Constitution of this State, together with the variety of inter ests which logically follow so important a change in the status of a large proportion of the popula tion, has impressed upon us the demand for an especial effort to augment every facility for such advancement in useful knowledge as may prove beneficial in the future t<> all the inIwsUtauts. And, as under our free republican government the poorest, as well as thc richest, may ascend tho ladder of distinction and reach the pinacle of fame, every exertion should bc made to open wide t!ie door that leads to knowledge, the best guarantee of freedom to all the people, and oqnaiSry before the law. Feeling assured that aw. independent journal, liberally conducted, will contribute largely to the infusion of correct principles and ra* ional ideas-tb the creation of a healthy public senti ment in community, as also give opportunity for an interchange of thought and feeling amongst the people, we shall launch upon thc waves of public opinion the SO?T3 CAROLINA LEADER. In commencing such an enterprise custom re quires that we should define somewhat our views, and the policy by which wo shall be governed. Independent journalism has found but little sup port in America. Thc successfull newspaper has generally catered to thc taste of some particular party or sect. Our mission is to improve thc whole people, by advocating equal rights to all ; and'if in- so doing we cross party lines or poeta r?an prejudices so much thc worse for them. We are for the Tunion and the Constitution, arrd shall defend the ling against its enemies- wherever found. A?id while ever , frank irr thc expression of our opinion upon such subjects as shall seen? of grea test importance to the general welfare of the peo ple, our columns will he open for others to* enjoy the same privilege. To disscuss all o/>esfions witto- freedom and candor, to tl*e end that the truth shall prevail, will be the right of all. Hoping that The Leader will become an accept able visitor in the homes of many, and stimu late all to an earnest endeavor to be worthy of tl>e wie of Americans, wc bide the result. Knowledge Xmdev Difficulties. An apology is, perhaps,, the poorest thing to commence the publication o? ?newspaper with. But an apology is due our readers fer the man ner and style, character, and appearance of the first number. On our arrival in the city about a fortnight since, we sought to procure printers and commence the work of publication, but our efforts were fruitless, as no printers would work for us. So we commenced the arduous task alone; and having regulated the office, set up the press, etc,, proceeded with "stick and rule" to ?et u&the paper. The prospect of an* early issue looked*dubious. Fortune sometime? fa vors the earnest as well as the brave, lt was a streak of good fortune that made known our wants to the printers of the 47th Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers, doing duty in this city ; and with charseteristje* dewtioo to the cause of freedom, Johnv (sr. Snyder\and Luther Horn, of Easton Pa.^and Joseph Hartnogehof New Ybrk city came forward and volunteered their services. Edwin Coombs, E*j., formerly editor ot the Mass. Ati&rtic Messenger, also g**e tis valuable aid4 But for the assistance of the "Soys irr blue* our issue most have been delayed much longer. We shall ever cherish their friendship, and trust when their term of enlistment'snail expire they will" receive a?hearty welcome home to* the old ! Keystone State. Knowing*the disdvantages we have labored under, our readers will excuse all imperfections. The Kew Constitution. We publish entire the new Constitution of the State of South Carolina, as adopted by the State Convention, that our readers may preserve it for future reference. It seems to meet the expectations of many ci tizens, and is warmly commended by the press. While we are pleased to note its advantages over the Constitution adopted hy the State Convention in 1861, we do not think it as liberal as the cir cumstances under which it was adopted would seem to liave suggested. Thc Governor and Lieutenant-Governor are to be chosen by the electors, instead of by the As assembly, as heretofore, and will serve two years. The freehold qualification for seats in the Gene* ral Assembly is abolished. Slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for crime, whereof parties shall have been duly convicted, is forever prohibited In Article IX. it is set forth that 1 ' All power is originally vested in ihe people and all free Gov ernments arc founded on their authority, and in stituted for their peace, safety, and happiness :" and in Article IV., where the qualifications which ?ntitte a man to the elective franchise are defined a large portion of the people arc ignored by using the words, " He shall be a free white man." Thus the native colored men, however intelli gent or virtuous, is denied the right of suffrage : and the <; peace, safety, and happiness for which all free Governments are insituted, is not guaranteed to tho people, in whom, it is claimed ;; all power was originally vested." Virtue and intelligence in man would have been a better test of the qualification to vote, than the color of the skin. Grand Festiva!. Seward Tabernacle Xo. 2, of the " G. G. A. O.of Brothers and Sisters of Love and Chari ty," of this city, gave an entertainment on Wednesday evening last, at Temperance Hill. Members of Lincoln Tabernacle, Xo. 1, and King Solomon, Xo. 3, were also in attendance, appearing in full regalia, and presenting an im posing appearance, the whol? under the direc tion of C. ll. Thompson, D. G. P. S. The hall was well filled and the exhibition very interest ing. The recitation by Mrs. Matthews was rec eived with much favor, and encored. At the close of the exercises announced up on the bills, the presiding officer introduced Mr. Robert Duncan, who made an eloquent address. Short speeches were also made by Mr. Thomas M. Holmes, Capt. Wall, Allen Coffin, T- Hurley and Capt. Joseph Jcncks. Refreshments were then served, after which the company enjoyed the festivities of the mazy dante, the music for the occasion bein-g furnished by A. B. Mitchell's Quadrille B-and. Much credit is due the Committee of arrange ments for the successful manner in which the whole affair was conducted. ON TESTIMONY, Gen S wayne, the assistant commissioner for Alabama, has taken a Yery j j-ironnrtanf sim lie informs the_ju^e-VMv ftWiSi for the freedmenr as he is instructed to do, which i must necessarily be piesided over by persons! unfamiliar with thc local laws. For this reason ! he would greatly prefer that the usual civil ma-1 gistrates should accept tho agency from him, and make no difference between black and white I i in the reception of testimony and the dispensa tion of justice. If this proposal is rejected in any quarter, martial law and a freedman's court will be established there. Gov. Parsons assists the General, and urges compliance ort thc jrart of the magistrates, pointing out the uselessness of refusal, and of any attempt to r.dminister less than justice to- colored applicants. The ex periment under military surveillance, will be w&tehed with interest. Personal r Major-General Saxton has rem-ovedhis head quarters from Beaufort to Charleston. A large number of citizens tendered him a serenade on the evening of the 29th ult. They als? serenad ed Gen. Bennett on their return. Capt J. Milton Thompson, of the 33d U. S. Colored Troops, has been appointed, Provost Marshal of this city in place of Mijor Levi Stuber, relieved. Reuben Tomlinson, Erq., of thc Feedmen's lkweaur has received the appointment of Super intendent ol the Freedmen's Board of ?ducation for this city. r?^" For peronal favors., we are mder obli gation to Hon. David Joy, at Nantucket, Mass., and to Rev. Wim Jak s on-, of Xe w Bedford, Mass. Prof. Alpheu? Crosby, of Salertf, alsy has our thanks for renewed favors. We desire to have it distinctly uiderstood by the public that the Leader has no connection whatever with any other newspaper project. It is an individual enterprise, and proposes to ex ist upon its merits. We ask nothin* but the price of subscription from its friends. Our only authorized agents are those who have credentials to that effect, and whose ntmes appear as such in the paper. If sufficient support is given, we shall em inence the publication of a daily paper in on nection with the weekly. Subscriptions reciv ed at the office of publication, 430 King stret. NEW STEAMER.-Messrs. William Dart & Company of this city, have nearly complete a fine side-wheel steamer, to*be called the t; Mrk Howard," intended for thc coast trade. Sh?s 75 feet long and 20 feet wide, calculated for pt sengers and freight, and witt bc ready for sea i about H)d?vsv . Citizens of Virginiir, North Carolina, ai Mississippi are said to have addressed theo selves in fear and treacling. ta? the Preside? through dreatPof a riwng of- the blacks. It ? too ??tfe tfe-erfpeet this sort of thing from tl negro; uniess- he perceives a deliber?te design 4 re-errs? a re him. * f \ J J J I i D c tl I] r< 1 H S ai ai Ci ai GOOD FOLKS-.--"With malice towards nonj with charity to all," let'us prosecute the greg \c work of reconstruction, yet/remembering alwa*| ir that the sufferings, the trials,- and the claims o a' those who have been thorough-and persistent ly loyal; entitled them tb a precedence in th|oj behalf that should'not be over looked." ?vi The Oath of Office, The following Oath of office, prescribed by the Congress of the United States, is plain and to the point. An Act to prescribe the oath of Office, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re presentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled: That hereafter every person elected or appointed to any office of honor or pro fit under the Government of the United States, either in the civil, military or naval department of the public service, excepting the President of the United States, shall, before entering upon thc duties of such office, aird before being entitled to any of the salary or other emoluments thereof, take and subscribe the following oath or affirma tion: "I, A. B., do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I have never voluntarily borne arms against the United States since I have been a citizen therof; that I have never given aid, countenance or en couragement to persons engaged in armed hos tility thereto ; that I have neither sought nor ac cepted, nor attempted to exercise the functions of any office whatever, under any authority or pretended authority in hostility to the United States ; that 1 have not yielded a voluntary sup port to any pretended government, authority, power or constitution within the United States, hostile or inimical thereto. And 1 further swear ( or affirm ) that, to the best of my knowledge and ability, I will support and defend thc Con stitutton of thc United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic ; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same ; that I take this ob ligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion,and that I will welland faith fully discharge the duties of my office on which I am about to enter, so help me God;" which said oath, so taken and signed, shall be preser ved among the files of th*' Court. House of Con gress, or departments to which the said office may appertain ; and any person who shall falsely take the said oath shall be guilty of perjury, and on conviction, in addition to the i>enulties now prescribed for that offence, shall be deprived of his office, and rendered incapable forever niter of holding any office or place under the United States. Approved July 2. 18G2. Alabama on Citizenship. The Cinncinnati Commercial has a lotter from Montgomery Ala., in which Gov. Parsons is re ported to have said the following : - I cannot too highly estimate the wisdom of the policy of Talleyrand, who, when Europe, on Napoleon's return from Elba, was about to fulminate extermination against the people of j France, pleaded that even in the cause of se curity and peace so much inhumanity must en danger the cause itself, not merely in France, j but throughout Europe ; whih\ on tho other j hand, limiting the proclamation of outlawry to thc head and front of revolution, Napoleon im- i self would prove the only logical resistance to j rebellion, and make the war a war for Pruner and not against her, and thus, in the end. enlist j instead ot' repel, every instinct ot" humanity and social order involved. Upon thc adoption of j such prudent counsel, rn a few short, weeli?* fol- ! lowed Waterloo and St. Helena. And new that i slavery is dead, 1 can conceive no greater social 1 evil then a class of humanity in our midst so j excluded from the civil pale as to bveonre ;? stag- f nant, seething, miasmatic, moral ress-pool in \ the community. Human nature either improves j or degenerates-It cannot stand still; but ir can- j not improve without the moral incentive of hope j and a human future. Therefore the freedman j must, for our own security as well as hts. be ; bnm$ht at once within tile pale of civil ls-.*,- j His citizenship must ITV recognised. A> a man, ] position, he is-lcTWftta*'^^ \ pursuit of happiness. . With tfcis Vew. I have [ welcomed rhe chivalrous proposition of Camera 1 [ S wayne, and have advised my appointee;.-, tn j good faith, to admit the freedman to the courts." [ i --- r Action of Tennessee Planters, We find by the Nash ville Union of the 13"th j ult., that General Fisk, Assistant Commissioner and Superintendent of the Bureau of Freedmen for the States of Kentucky, Tennessee, and Ala bama; addressed a very large assemblage of cit?2fens including freedmen, of thc counties of Maury and Williamson, Fenn., on the ft'th ult., at Spring Hill, in the former county. His remarks were well considered and appropriate, and had the happiest effect. After the General had taken his departure, the following resolu tions were adopted- by" tito citizens prescht with entire" unanimity. Amongst the names append- | ed are those of some of the most respected and r influential planters itt that section- of the state -men whose pledge may always be relied upon: j " Itesolvcd, That the views, sentiments and I suggestions contained in the address of General j: C. B. Fisk, this day delivered to the citizens h and freedmen of Maury and Williamson coun- | j ties, merit our full approbation, and it is our determination, to acquiesce in, and with our in dividual and united influence to support the line j t of policy therein announced. " Resolved,. That the said policy is not only wise, but humaire, will secure and settle upon j * just and equitable terms thc interest of both j i classes of population, ftild will promote the ag ricultura? and individual interests of the county, while at the same time it secures a liberal sup port and competency for t:.e colored population. 1 Kesolved, That in thc person of General Fisk r ive are happy to know the President has been -j fortunate in the selection of a representative in ?very way qualified for the discharge of the ou ?rons, delicate and responsible duties appertain- \ ng to the position he now occupies, of umpire md daysman b'etwix: the two races, and wc deem 11 t the doty of all od citizens to give him, in d he administration- oflhis offi-ce, there hearty and r mdivided support. ^ Resolved, That' the appointment' of a subor linate commissioner in each county to take nf:- ^ nediate supervision of local- interests^ arid to S inforce the contracts between the two classes is s vise and polite, and all that We ask or desire in a cgard thereto, is that th- appointments may be conferred upon discreet, just and good men": * ?.Samuel A. Pointer, A. W. Potter, H. C. ii Yells,;Nath. F. Chears, Jno. L. Dunlap, M. B. sl lolloy, A. C. White, B. F. Drake, X. H. . enkins, W. W. McCormick, Thos, H. Priest. . J. Wood, J. W. Chears, S\ S. Cambell, ff esse G. Wa lace, S. 'JP. Brcknell, Henry P. Wade, d \ A. Thompson, Thos. H. Bond, M. T. Chears t] L. McLemore, ft. G. Irvin, A. C. White." What the war has cost the North in the ray of men tne world will never know, but to 0 ive our friends some idea of the immense sa- * riflce made ft)save the nation, we give below ai tie results of fifteen battles : - ^ In the desperate encounter at Chickamauga, ; Rosecrans lost ?6;$5Lmen, and at Murfreesbo 3ugh P?,085>; at Pittsburg Landing Grant lost 3,573, at Vicksburg 9,875, and at Mission lidge 7,000; at Game's Mil ls, Peach Orchard, [ avage Station, Glendale, White Oak Swamp,.* nd Malvern Hili, McClellan' Tost 70,000 raen, j ad at Antietam H,426 ;. Hooker lost in his ? impaign in the Wilderness 20,000 ; Burnside !rc t Fredricksburg 12,000 ; and Grant's united | H >sses, from the time of crossing the Rapidan, i his final campaign, to the surrender of Lee, re computed-at 90,000.-Total, 262,8IG. I ti, A Democratic paper says : '; Tho great parte til :* the country stands ready to continue that ser- | in icc it has so faithfully rendered in the past.'' j d' Can They take Care ot Themselves? This question, as applied to freedmen, receives some light. Chaplain james of our armies in North Carolina, says there were in Beaufort about three thousand blacks and nearly the same number of whites. Of the former between three and four hundred wt re applicants for gov eminent aid; of the "latter from twelve to four teen hundred. As to how they were getting along, we copy the following very interesting statements : "In order to obtain some facts upon which I might estimate the amount of earnings to be credited to the free and freed people, I posted a handbill in New bern, requesting such colored people as were not employed by government but were pursuing some trade, profession or calling on their own account, to report at my office the amount of their incomes or earning during the year 1864. The result will interest the friends of the negro, and indicate their ability to sup port themselves. ??Three hundred and five persons, nearly all males, made return in response to my request, reporting a gross amount of one hundred and fiftv-one thousand five hundred and sixty-two dollars ($151,562.) ? The number reporting From $500 to ?1000 income was 110 Upward of $1000 incoms was 18 Upward of $2000 incomes was . 4 Upward of $3000 income was 2 ?.The largest income reported was $300. This was derived from the turpentine bufiness, as indeed were most of the larger incomes reported, which varied from ?360 to .$3000. The average of all the incomes reported is .>'4i)6. 92 a trifle short of ?000." Status of the Freedmen. The following is an extract from the procla mation of Provisional Oovernoi Marvin, of Florida, and is worthy of candid and impartial consideration ; - MBy the operations and results of the war slavery has ceased to exist in tins State. lt cannot be revived. Every voter for delegates to the convention in taking th- amnesty oath takes a solemn oath to support the freedom of the former slav?1. The freedom intended is the full, ample and complete freedom of a citizen of the United States. This does not necessarily in clude the privilege of voting. But it does in clude the idea (d' full constitutional guaranties ot' future possessio?* und quiet enjoyment. Ihe question of Ins voting rs an open question -a proper subject for discussion-and is to be de cided asa question of sound policy by the con vention to Oe eal led. "Upon the establishment of a republican four, of State government under a Constitution which gu?rateos and secures liberty f> wll the inhabi tants aiike, with./Ul distinction of Color, there will no longer exist any impediment in the way of restoring tin1 State to its proper Constitutional relations to the government of the United S'at.s, whereby its people will be entitled to protection by thc United States against invasion, insurrec and domestic violence. .. WM. M.iirvrv," '.Provisional-^ o v. rncr." ITEMS. The retern* of thc Vermont eject-on show a general and heavy falling off itv the votes of j both parties. The K 'publican candidate for Governor is elected by about l?,?tH) majority. ?W?#tai?rlI^S:,c wiU re!iJIlln about l,,e A disease stilled hog-dipthef?a ls now rapidly killing otrt the hogs in Fairfax. Virginia, ami adjoining counties. The animal appears well one morning ; during the day its neck swells, and by the m-xt mom:: g it is defcd. No cure has been discovered. The Xaval School at Annapolis is to re-open ! during the present month. The transfer from Newport, Hhode Island, has beets fully made. Tlie old buildings formerly used by the school at Annapolis have iu-t been put in excellent condition. lion. William Mcdill, ex-Governor of Ohio, and late comptroller af the tfuited States Treas ury, died at Lancaster, Ohio, o? thc 22nd. Daniel Webster, a son of the late Colonel Fletcher Webster, and grandson of the great Daniel Webster, died at Marshfield on Satur day, aged 2?r. The yening man had led a disso lute life, and was 1 opelessly wrecked in health and character. . The cholera appears to Oe receding eastward. At Constantinople it is estimated that the vic tims number 20,000, the number of deaths in a single day having reached a thousand. It is said probably '500,00? people have left the city 'rom panic The Fanion excitement in Ireland is very ili ense, and the order is rapidly gaining ground, hough strongly opposed by the priesthood. Meetings for drill are constantly being held, and vo secret is made of the object. If? South America the war between Para juay and Brazil still coutinues. Lopez has mt himself at the head of his army. The Em. >eror of Uracil is also proceeding to the front. ( The hottest of the strife is vet to come. I rf i " ? tor eighteen hundred years the Hebrews have ! leen dispersed iuto different latitudes and cli mates, and they have preserved themselves-most listirtct from any intermixture with the other aces of mankind. There are some Jew's still ingering in the valleys of the Jordan, Ravin? ieen oppressed by the successive conquerors of >yria for ages-a low race of people, and' de? cribed by trust-worthy travelers as oeing oracle s any of the Ethiopian ra-ccs. Others of .the ewish people, participating in European civi zation, and dwelling in tlie liortnefii nations, 1 - how instances of the light Complexion - the lue eyes and the light hair of the Scandinavian imilies. We see then how to account for the inferences in color, without having to refer icm to original or specific distinction. PASSEIVAWAT.--We have noticed* the death f Mr. Bartlett S Drew, Glen Iiarbor,Michigau. he friend of our boyhood has passed away, ad his well-remembered form will no more be jeri around' the old homestead. Those who new him best will join us in repeating the ten ir wo*ds of the poet over his departed worth. Green grows the grass above him, 1 riend of our better days. None knew him but to love him None named him but to praise.?' ~ The municipal government of Charleston, lins 'sumed some of its functions, under the'Mayor, on. Chas. Macbeth. J A VIRTUOUS .'IE'.''-- A Western "Democra cy editor asks ir his- conscience pricked him, j JJJ And if, through the war, the great Democra- j' c party of the country never failed oPperform- j g- its-duty, it is as ready to perform its whole ; itv now," I SPECIAL NOTICES. Call and See. H. R. THOMAS AGENT 13<) MEETING ST., H and of Kerosene Lamps arnon'' them the wonderful Alladin Lamp with a fine proof coneical chimney that will neitherBreak nor burn. Oii in fire gallon cans, retail prices 80crs.per quart also a new and fire article of Luceme Oil the on!v ar"" tiele in the city which will burn in fluid Lamps. V;.', id lamps altered to burn Kerosene Oil. All orders filled with neatness and dispatch call and see. Oct. 7.-tf. Ransier and Farrar. 4:60 King St. 3 Doors above John. HAVE Constantly on hand a fine assorfmr-ui o? Groceries and Fancy goods, ?om us thc pV .' lie can be supplied with the choicest teas. Pn^r. caa fruits, butter, lard and flour of the very best quail", tiesf also meats in pickle from the Northern Mark-'} by weekly steamers. Here can also be lound rho <?.? . ' brated Trenton Crackers, m quantities to suit ps? chasers. Ail those who arc fond of getting un .. parties will du well to gire us a call before p:::v ... ing elsewherci X. B.Our prices areas Reasonable as am- j; ?? City. ' ' O'HEAR & FENWICK, F?Gt?rs and Commission Merche. F?aving erected a Prc^s on Dr-reef's Wharf (nea-v E. Depot,) we aro prepared to Bale, rebalc and 1'; broken and damaged Cottons All cottons receiv, will be attended to with despatch. We trust, from long experience, to give g?ner, satisfaction. S. o'HEAR. C. KENWICK. CflAKl.ESf?X, ?. C?, Oct., 7th. 1SG5. A Man of a Thousand A ?ONSUMTIVE CURED DTI . lt. J A M E S . a retired physician offres! eminence*, discovered, while in th?- East Ind:?s,3 certain cure for Consumption. Asthma. Uren;-:;; ;.. Coughs, Colds, and General Debility . The nmn-dy was discovered by him.when his only Cliild a dau?jL? - was given up to die. Hrs Child was ctfrcd. and ali ve and weil. Desirous of benefiting his fellow :., - tals, he will send to those who wish it the : . containing full directions for making and sucess!. uRingrthe rentecSy, free, on receipt of their naa . with*two stamps to pay expenses. There U ny; ? single symptom of Consumtion that it does nc; ..; once take hold of and dissipate. Night sweats, y r'.... ness, irritation *rt* the nerves, failure of lusa difficult expeetoration,sharp pains in the iunp>;9< :V. throat, chilly sensations, nausea at the stomach, action of the bowels, wasting away of the n?us ri .?. $3* The writer will please state the name of the paper they see this ad vert ismcnt in. Address CRADDOK & CO.. I0#3 Ratfe Street, Philadelphia. !'.::.. 1 & iv.. LEAV?TT SEWING MACHINE GQMPAB7. M.VNTr Af Tl'KKRS (JV DtPROVED SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINS; Originally Entublished in rS*3. C?ct t2?t? J?est -<rh<? MU'Ht is tile Cheapen The Th a li ci origil . 1 ?K are ;n t<> th?, si ve Jv Stitch iriU not Hip or Ravel, (inri h alii bot ft sides. STRAIGHT NEEDLE, WO*K*XG VEKTTVALLY. ese machines are manufactured by auth??r .jise from ELIAS HOWI:, Jr.. (nml oiac?> tal inventor ot" Sewing Machines, and ? ai: A 4i?>lf?K ?)f itis invention, to .? sae? several valuaDie impn>vcmrut>, HUI*". . perf?K*tion of dewing Machine*-*, st cured ? 1 to this Company by ampie patents. THE FAMILY MACHINE ls superior, in all thc qualitf?s Of a'practically us-i domestic machine, to any oilier* yvt pr?sente:! ; thc public. It is simple and durable in eoustrii '. working" without noise, or fatigue to the operar?: using, with equal facility,- sik\ cotton, or iii! thread, in all varieties ot fanviiy sewing, from lightest muslin to the heaviest cloth They are made in ere ry variety of finish. to i:: The wants and tastes of afr The faithful frieii ; thc hard-working seamstress ; tin- elegant, u~ ornament ol the lady's boudoir, and the one in pensable thing to a well-kept house. THE MANUFACTURING MACHINE. For Tailors, Coach and Harness Makers, Boot I ShoManufacturers.Rubber f>oods, kv., &c, j-ert more and better work than ?ny other. Especial attention is called to recent IMPK*?VJ M KN i s in the machines, partictdarly important ia r!? manufacture of Boots and Shoes ; among which is :b fact that a smaller needle' can1 6e used that I . other, the value of which, wilt ar once be apprecrM Particular attention has been devoted to this t-rai of manufacture, and, it is conceded, with uurirai: success, especially for ?hoe Binding, andFihc^tii ing on Patent heather. The Company Hatter themselves that the result twelve years' experience in the manufacture ui S mg Machines enables them t?? present a uiachiur : sessing all the qualities of a t?rst-class machh:?. greater extent than any other io the world. Information in regard to the machines can b'-? by applying to 2?. hTR-LEY, CHARLESTON. Agents Wanted. Ure agents wanted- everywhere, if von want )!oymentand a goo?! chance tO make mon? v. ? rour address* and receive my circular free bv'nw BENJAM?N \V. HITCHCOCK. *"* * 14 Chambers Street, New i .Or r f,s ?' Hf tl IRv, ti., |?r re *hit )ak & Hemlock Sole Leafier, FRENCH & ANERICAN CALF SKINS, ir.LY, KIP, SPLIT LEA THEII . No. 98- Milk Street, BOSTON. CEO. L. STEARNS & CO., JfASlTACTUJteife OF Patent [MPROVED LEAL) in PK Pure Bloch Tin Pipe and Skeet Lcd, ALSO, DEALERS IN ?\Q AND BAR LEAD, COPPER AND IRON PUMPS, HYDRAULIC RAMS, ACj Milk Street, ?KO. h. STEAKS; Vx. J. BBIDI ri BOSTON. WILLARD & SMALLEY. (Late of'?. S. Navy.) ARMY AND XAW Banking & Collection Offi^ Bounties, Commutation of Rations for Prison^1 Var, and' for Soldiers on furlough. . 3 Prize Money, Bounties, and Pensions sceor??N.( aid. Tay, Accounts, and Allotments caslic?- ? irv Public and Commissioner of Deeds. Certificates of Non-indebtedness procured. ,. ^ Alt Government Claims promptly a-'^"' ommunications hy mail will receive inim*^ ?nt ion. DENTAL NOTICE NOW is the time f??r those who at^ewearin-' A-1*1* eth on Gold or Silver, which they cann?t |:M ^*N tange them for a set thev^can use, ?>n th? ^ 1 ' vsK. Teeth Extracted hv the ViTKOCS ?'Mni - ('H r.O R0F0K5T positively without ?tain ' f.ut^ cleaned and'repaired iii the best manuel". Bi H. DANIELS, No. 19 Tremont Bow, Boston? ldh r0fo ?la ^erst, beerie *f s, det briber* ^trence r,,oi)d t SH?^Io ^nt du y sha] border ir who d to >Hifi or d ifthem P'fnesa < ^ re.