Missionary record. (Charleston, S.C.) 1868-1879, April 01, 1876, Image 7

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?Yew Iiaiwpsliirc Electo??. ? _ The result of the New ??arr suire e?ectii ii vrill be var?on? interpreted, for, like Bible tex. elections will bear many cons tri tions. V>re ar-3 disposed '?o con der that it shows the radical d t?ust of the Democaratic party JL. ?I which we have often spoken, ai tiie existence of which is un ?e.. abie. The feeling toward th party, which naturally grew o of the war and its anteceden! can be changed only by the eley est and most positive cviden that it can be waiely trusted deal with vigor, saga:ity, ai patriotism with, ail the quest 101 of the hour. Bui instead of r i vealing these qualities, tho Der ocratic party has displayed a tut want of them. It has shown L the organiza.ion ot the House i continued subserviency to its ol masters. By its elections of Sei ators, and nominations, as i New Hampshire, to eonspicoi positions, it has indicated the tor of its preferences. It has attem] ted to carry Ohio and Pemisy vania upon a platform of ra monev. It has aimed zealous] to help itself by exposing th offenses for which the Republ can party is responsible, but : has shown no serious, eames intelligent purpose or capacity c reform or progress. It wo uh therefore, be soi prising that i should be preferred to the part which, whatever its evils, is ur questionably that which co tr mauds the sympathy and suppoi of the larger part of the votin population of the Uuion, exeep m the late rebe) Stares. To this must be added th conviction that although the Be publican paru* can not eseap responsibility for the characte or\(] n/^f a,of fhrvc-fP wi)nm if. pLtp^c; .jj conspicuous positions, the event of the last few months show no only the necessity, but the pur pose, of the control of the partj by those who represent its rea spirit of progress and 3 eform. I is the belief that the plaid pro tests and criticisms of Republics papers upon such scandals as thc whiskey trials, the BELKX?I disgrace, and the SCHENCK affair such vigorous denunciations ant demands as those of the Unior Lfa<rue Club resolutions in New York; the general feeling, o: which evervbodv is conscious that the condition of success is ?: loftier tone of political morality in administration-it is the be lief that all such signs show a healthy Republican revival, which still keeps the State ol New Hampshire in Republican Lands. This wre say upon the presump tion that there is some kind ci political sigificance in the elec tion. If there is not; if it be. as some of the napers stoutlv o nd with perfect composure assert, mereh a bargain and sale; ii each party, anxious to secure the first marked success of this year, sent thousands ot dollars into the State and entered into a rivalry for the purchase of votes, the result of the New Hampshire election shows only that the Republicans spent the most mon ev, aad that American institu tions are far gone m utter decaderce and decay. There is something astonishing in the half-indi?erent way in -which it was asserted that the election was carried by money, and that more dollars would have made the victory Democratic -instead of Republican. The composure of thc allegation implies that tho lis nothing very remarkable in Bat it is none tho less an alle? tion that government is put 1 at auction. And this shows, lil even other unhandsome plienor enpn of our politics, the imper ti ve necessity of a reform cf ti svs'cm which makes it "ori while f >r a party to spend mom profusely tor success in an clo tion. That tbe statement whk rcmcscnis the New ii-ampsbi polls as opon markets is large" untrue we have no doubt wini ever. Nothing is easier than . make such assertions, and not' iug is moro susceptible of exa ge ra ti on than the amount i monev which is given and spei for bribery sit elections. Bi it is alarming to see that tl assorti n that tho go ve rn mei cf a State was determined I notorious fraud can be lienciall made without exciting other tha a languid and amused wond< that any body should be so inni cent as ie think it strange. tf??cial salaries. Thc Semite has passed a bi restoring the President's salar to thc oii sum of twenty-fiv thousand dollars. The Hons .viii pmbablv concur, and the we presume tha. the Pr?sid?e will veto it. We suppose so b< cause it is well known that h thought the compensation of th President should be increase*. And if the reasons were imper? ti ve two or three years ago, the certainly are not less now; an he would hardly wish to subjec his successor to inconvenience which he has himself ex perienceo ana which he strove successful! to have removed. The restera lion of the old salary is a meas ure due to the general dem am Jin reduction amH^ibanryaud ? ? the popular indignation wit! what is justly hold to be th great social extravagance o Washington. But the principL of low salaries for high pub'i officers is not a sound one. Wliei Dr. Franklin's proposition tua the honor should be the rewan for public service was discarded and most properly, since it wonk have made the government i kind of plutocracy, the reason o ?the opposing theory should hav< been mor? clearly apprehended ?The ablest administrative genius lu tlie first cabinet was that o ALEXANDER I?AXILTOX, but h( retired io private life tint m might enjoy the income whict his talent could readily command |and that he might not leave his family penniless. HAMILTON could not afford to remain in nubile life. Uk And that is the point: ought not the pecuniary condition ol high and responsible public office to be such that men of the first j talent may be induced to take it; ?The various great positions of the I government at the presents time j require for their successful and I proper administration executive ?talents for which there is always j sharp private competition be i tween great enterprises o? various I kinds. Can we expect a man j who can command forty thousand i dollars permanently for his abili ty to be content with ten thou jsand temporarily? Or, again, jean we woudei, under such cir Icumstances, that the ability j which is called to public position ? compares unfavorably with that which is devoted to private business?. Wise heads arc specu lating upon thc means of attrac ting more generally sunerior men into politics. Honor; as such. has been found not to be enough. The reasons ci the situation are, indeed^ ninny, hue cue of tue chief ani mest obvious is the honorable reluctance of men to sacrifice their families to them selves, Eight out of ten clever and hiehminded Americans, ii' thev are asked why th ev take no active interest or nari in politics, instantly reply that thev can not a?iord it. The small extent ox the coun try when the national govern ment jeni into operation, the snnplicj ty of its functions, ' the roll of fis officers not reaching the jnuinbej of servants of very many I privat?-companies to day, tiie i fceiinoToi a lanre nartv in regard i to thus govern merit that it was, as JEFFERSON bclittiingly called it, a mire Department of Foreign Affairs! and the peculiar distinc tion of the public service at that time, were conditions verv differ ent iro?i those with which wc have t'-deal. It is the interest of thc country to day to tempt the best ability into o??icial posi tion. Thc favorite theory of many worthy people that any ?average American can admirably i perfor?t! thc duties of any office is not justified by the fact. For the higher political posts, the occupancy cf which properly changes with a change of party? ascendency, the salaries should j be so liberal that trained ability would gladly accept' them, and I would therefore put itself in the I way to reach them by participa tion in political affairs; while for the Ipw?X grades of subordinate and miustcrial positions the ten ure should be honesty, industry, and efficiency. Thc question is not, foi] hoAr little can we get this offire filled? but, how can we ffp it gjfeh/Jie .most ability?_ SucJeonsidtTatihns (io not, of course, apply to the Presidency. But it *s plain that ii twenty-live j thousand dollars was a proper j compensation for the President eighty years ago, it is certainly not proper now, unless there has been such an increase of allow anees that the salary has been virtually doubled. THE POWE?, OF THE PEOPLE'S LAN GUAGE.-Thc orator must; command the ! whole scale of the language, f.oni the most j elegant to the mest low and vile. Every oue has felt how superior in force is the lan j guage of >uc street to that of the academy, 'fha street must bc one of his schools. Ought littf the scholar to be able lo convey his meaning in terms as short and strong as the porter or truckman uses to convey his ? And Lord Chesterfled thought th'it without beinir instructed in the dialect of the Halles no mau could be a complete master of French. Thc speach of the man in the street is invariably strong, nor can you mend-it by making it what you call parliamentary; You say. -'If he could only i express himself!" but he do*s already btt j ter than any one can for him,-can alway j get tue ear of an audience to the exclusion I of everybody else. Well, tins is an exani jpleinpoi.it. Tliat something which each i man was created to suv and do, he only, or he best, cap tell you, and has a right to su preme attention so fir. Thc power of their speech is stat it is perfectly understood by alli: and nhl ie ve it to be true that wheo any orator at a?e bar or in the Senate ?ises in his thought he descends in his languago; that is, when he rises to any height of thought or passion, he comes down to a lan guage level with the car cf all his audience It is the merit of John Bro n and of Abra ham Lincoln, one at Charlestown, one at Gettysburg, in the two best specimens of eloquence wc have had in this country.-ll W. JLM?:??<.>H. Beoro P. fiowifl & CoM Advertising Agents, ?0 PARK WW, r* New York. Subscribe ! Subscribe ! if! Mu Subscribe ! TO THE m mp IP ?1 ^ PUBLTSUKU EVERY SATURDAY. lt 12 1 iii IN ADVANCE. ADDRESS No. Iii MORRIS STREET, Charleston, S. C. ALL KINDS OF Tes, $25 00 a day iq guaranteed using orr Vteli Auger and Dr!Us in good territory. Highest testimonials from the Governors of Iowa, Arkansas and Dakota. All tools -war ranted. Two wells r,0 foot deep can he bored in one day, and one well will famish water eufficient for 300 head of cattle. Splendid .work for winter as weil ag sommer. Descrip tive catalosrno fr e. County rights for sale. ?Address; vILZ \~LLL, ?.L'?iSii CO.,SULUUAS,?1O? Aar. ESD0ES5D AND r-RE.^CP.iP.'riD BT 3?0SE laff ing Phv.icia?? than an/ oilier Tonic or s?a ulant n.vir?s ?.?.. Thor aro A sra:-: P:?EVI::?T3T*??. Fur rover and A ?uc Interstitter.:;. Biliousness and all dis sr len arising from malariCus causes; Thcv art h?glilr r.c o:.irr.er..1od a? ac ANTI-DYsPP.PTlC, n: i in esses of ilXCt GESTION arc iv. AM-ACLX. .VII sn APPETIZER ind .".!: CCPEP.AXT. aodin cave? ofGENERAL rCiB?i.ITY ti..* have cc-.vriaa sinrlo icstance faii-d in producing tao most happy result*. Ther aroparricr.Iurlc Bsasras&XAX ?O fc-EeA ESS. Strengthcciogthc bodv, invigorating thettiid, md girier; torio sad elasticity to thc Yihole fcyVtca. Tho UGHS HIT TERS ?re ccipouu lcd with tuozruat'-'.trf care, r.nd no t?a le stimulant ha. ev- r bcf. ro lieea ottered to thc public so P1.XA3ANT TO TDK TASTE and at thc same time combin ing io many remedial agent* endorse! l?? the medical fraterni ty arthe be:.c fcn..? n t" thc Pharmacopoeia. Itcoits but Iib t;>.-to R?YC them r. fair triai, and Every Fami?y fc?o::iis Haro a Bottle. No preparativa in tae vor?! csa ? roducc -o ninny un<?cali ficd tndorseTneim by pbyidcia:... of ihe very hi-nc-t standing lc their proi.-?::-n. y.ndtrtci c.Vo ly the Clergy end Ike iczdir.? dtnemina tionciyr.rirc. Hiv. ?>. X. K. BxrcO'-v. the oldest Methodist rr.iciitor !c St. Loui?. Sat*? the Hose ?Iitcr*;Wcrc ?::o?t {.ratefnl la contribu ting in tao restoration of ray .strength, and an increase of appvltU. OSBOCN J?C. June 25.13T?. renca? grontly debilitated, a? 1 UXT? been, xe l wno raqaira a Tw>:c sr RT?KXAJ?T, need seek !?r nothing better than tbs Home Ritter?. S. ?T. COP?. Presiding Eider M. T.. Chr.rcli. Plattsburg Pistriet. UMT?D STATE? ITABSS llo.prraL. > ST. LOCI* Mo.. OCT. a. IsTO. J ."iura A. JACXify A Co.- 1 have examined the formula ftr ho.vitarthe lait four Months. I co twicer them tac ra?;it va'.n cldc tonic icd stiaislant now in me. Si H. MI?1.CHER. ' li.?ido.t Physician ia char-?'" U. 8. Marice Hospital. JAKES A. JACK?<->* lt Co.-Gentlemen : Ai yo? havo eoe. muaicsto? to th? nr-dica! profession thc recipe of th* -'Hoce Rittsr?.''itear.sct. therefore be coc?idered usa paunt acl icia*. no pateat hav:c; been takva for lt. We have oxaaiaod tho forctuia tor 1: a\iac the "'ionic Bitters." atid uahesta tia;!y ?ay th? combirationl?oneof raro cxcoilescc. a!! tho article* med ic itt coinpositlcn ure thc best of thc cia?? to .which th'er belong, betti< highly Toa:c. Stimul?nt. Stomachic. Carmialtire. r.n i slightly l..-..x.v.tre. Tho ai^de of nrcparja; theta ls Rtrictly ia accordance with the rules of paannaer. ?laTiag med -.hera io oi:r tiri vate practice, wc t:.ic ploaaur? ia rooaci'adicz thcra to person: desirous of taJdcf BUtors, ci boins thc bo?t Tonie nud Stimulant no* offered to tho pub lie. FRANK O. PORTKK; Prof. Obstetrics ?ad Discsucs of Wocj^'t. Coi'.cge of Physt. cians. and late Sieaiber Board of Health. L. C. itoISLINir.RTT. Prof. of Obstetrics and Dltcases of Worsen. St. I^suis Med. Co!l??o. DiCAKK McDOWKLL. M. O., Late Pres't Mo. Medical Co'.iogo, K. A. CLARE; M. D., . irof.Snr.tory. Vo. UeCieal Cc!>;e r.nd late Kesidcnt Phyii? clan Cite lio?uital. St. l.cui? M?.<ouri. HF.ICBF.RT PRIMM. Prof. Praftical Phansaer. St. Louis fniloce of Pliarctacy. J. C. U'UITSIHLL. Rd. Mciiien) Archi??*. >-r. IIIAOOC?. M. D. Pr. C. V. F. Lc:.w:o, C. GsKicki. M. I). S. CEA-.I Xa*a. M. D. C. A. Wxac, IL D. W. A. WILCOX. M. D. T.. C. FRANKLIN. M. D., Prof. Sar;crr, Ilorc^-ir-athic Medical Co'.'.o;*. t. 3. VASTIN'K. M. D.. ' T. (..-COMSTOCK M. D.. Prof. of Midwifery and i)i?cr.i.eii of Women, College of Kocicao pathic I'hTticiaas acd Surg-oa*. JOHN T. TEMPLE. M. D.. ". Pref. Materia Mc-iica and Thcrattpeuties, Uostosopatttle Medi ca! Co'.Uejc cf Missaur'.. JNO. COXZLTfJfAX. M. D.. Leotarcr On D?3oa?o? of Children; Homccopttbic College of Mi?oari. CHA RLES CASTINE; M. D., Prof. of PhT?io'.o?T. Homoeopathic Medical Co'.lyje of Mo. JOHN HARTMAN. M. I).. Prof. Clinical Medicine. Col. Eo-nc-opathic Physicians aad Snrj'i. Thor arc superior :o all ( :h^r St-jtuach Bitter?. " ENNO SANDERS. Analytical Chunxist. No Bitters iii the world can estel them SIMON HIRSCH. Aualy!nea! Cfc?n>ift. EiE?isent Physicians ?f <'bicai:o. Thc'ormula for thc Home Bitter? ha. bO'-a subntittsd to u?, and we believe them to be the best tonic and stimulant fo? general usc aowoffc/ed to the public. H. WooasruY, M. D., G. A. MABINS. Analytical JAS. V. Z. BLAXIT, M. D. ChemisC Prof. Che=?i*try. Rasa H. S. HAHX, M. IL, Medica! College. h. MCVICAX, M. 1)., J- B. WALXIC M. D., Noa'.x. S. BA-U->E?, M. 0., T- S. liovxi. M. D It. LCDLAM. M. D., _ THO?. T. ELLIS. M. D., JA?. A. Comas, M. D.. J. A. HAUN. M. D. ExsiLiccnt i'Snysiciaias in Cincinnati, Nearly nil of-.vhom wc Pro??asors ic ceo or tho other of ti? Medica! Colleges, No other Bittern have ever been offered to the public ea. traci.:; ?o Maur valuable remedial agents. J. L. YATT:EE.'M. P., L. A. JAMES. M. D-. C. T. SIMPSO.I. M. D.. S. P. Bo?x?a. M. D.. C. S. MCSCXAST, M. P., G. W. hicLsa. M. D.. W. T. T.-.LL:A?=rjto. li. D., J. J. Qcw*. M. ?., J. H. BNVMK M. I?., W. K. Xo.-Dw*rji. M. D" G. A. IX.HKKTY. M. I)., R. S. 'W.-.TXit. Chemist. C. Wc.ow.aa. M. P.. G. K. TATLCE. M. P., Jj. W. MCCARTHY. M. D" P. MALEY. M. D., li- H. JoiiNso.s. M. 1). S. R. Tovi.:*,oic. M. D. Eminent j^jyMiciaits in MenipliiB: The lioL-ie Eittm arc ac tuValanble remedy for indi^cstioQ and uiscasf- arisici: !r"ui uiiiarial c-use?. G. B. THO*>TGN. M. P.. ALZI. r.?sxm?. M. D., la charge of Citv li'.,piiai, M. P.. Hot/or*. M. D., J. M. HirDcxss. M. D., PAILOTUY. M. D., }i. W. ?L-!UII;LL, M. D., M. A. K:,ML-SDS. M. D.. KAXWOICD BELL. M. D.. Jot.. E. Ll ?fi. M. D.( i'.ni>'iicn? 3?hysicians inPiituburiirh; lt. I'. PAX?. M. D.. Wu. Ci.owx.. M. ?>.. W. R. Caiti?. M D., ?. H. WILLAH. M. D" O. rt'i-Tii, Chemist, J. H. MCCLXLLA.-O, M. D., AJIS? Kundre<?ri ol" Othci-s la ail part? ??' i'.t? North. West .v_d South. J. li. CAtxsk, ii. P., MiiwauSeei CuOCtl KLL'?rr?. March !T. 1871; JA?=? A. JACX?OS.'-- Co.-Haria;eiamlaed the furaiuli. of ?ti " !l>iiiie Stebach l'.itters." I i-avc prescribed ttcu: ic u..- prac* tice for acme tic-, -Ld pronounce them the heit Tonic Bitters tow in usc. P. ii. MCMAHU.V. M. P. *"7-Pcr .a'.o LT all drug?irti aad ijroccr?. :nu>* A. .?tic-?-.son A Co., Proprietors. ' J_uu."t.u?ry ?J?a-? IJT N. Seeded St? St. Lou:s idisso -t. J! ^msSm. "f KO, Eat a rnax caa com -a-ith this WELL ATT?EK, $25 Per Day zr.y s'ue. end at thc rate ?fXSp foci per dav. At: j?rs made of Cas?-ctccland warranted. AlVayasuc cc?sful ic Qiiiclbnod; Bc ft in the world for prospecting ?br coat and ores, rarm,Tow/nship une C0US?7 riglttaforssJe. ck-rd . y:;ur i'. C.,Co. aad^:t?lv,und cot descriptive book veitii csiT.'u^iitCLt:. A??zcss Au^ur Co., ibc Locii^^lc ^vj^Per pay guaranteed