Missionary record. (Charleston, S.C.) 1868-1879, April 01, 1876, Image 4

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d?? issi o n ?rji i?ecs ??z?<-~-' Ail I'omunini'-ntutus slt'?ssl?! he vrw?c >-!'iil?y ?ti :i ?-!:?i!i nvt< U1 >lv li?;u. ?. 'Tin-i-lit .'..;u!!!'?t a-mac rv-vvi'*??; ali Fr?es st?i* i'.? ; paper. 'fae ''j.ir.,>-.- il.? rii't retain n?:<> preseve?iieiiis ?asemos ".viii* Is tivy suv cable l-i jiiiVilsh.'ii;t? c?liih?iuicai?O?IS tat!*? ti:.- rval M:tit:cy?' ! writer. ti?r tliee<:l?lur.s u;.c. wiiaivver ??./.? _..'.'.'< lliey may a&?u?c. feo-?l'UliAV. A i'll LL i. I >'7?.;. Oar Ps$er. To tbe friends of progress ar intelligence we pr?sent this fir issue of tue MISSION A KV RECO* und ?r a now direction-and mai i-gement, while it, continues ti saree name, and the same Edi h as Chid o; a new si ah', and ne organization, it will now be u: ?1er the auspice** of the Publish it Association of the ?. Air. E. ( Conference of*ti C. The need < a medium of communicatioi among the ministers of th; de nomi nation, as well as thc nee of a means of defence or the riyJi mid zcfcmgx of the colored peop of this country so har as tin portion of them in this State concerned, demands the estai ligament, and continuance ci paper that shall speak their sei tituents, and disem?nate sue truths as shall enlighten th masses, while it shall guide to higher, moral, social, pol?tica and religious devehpement of th tace; The Pen and the Pres ?re the two great modern lever: which are Utting up the masse of humanity iroin degredatior to a ?obie, progressive civilization The Negro, being an integra .part of this humanity, must tak par.t in this civilization, and th same -appliances which, mark th development of ot uer race: A. must be his only means. Tue pt c.uliar C'rcumstances of the Sout] ern people, [for there are tw< nature of things.] demand < peculiarity of treatment, uuliki ?ny other, they are decidedly prejudice, to race, casto, and p.di ical interest- these often connie* and become a source of mistrust and retardation to the whole These divisions cannot be broker down in a d:-y, because there i: such a disparity between the twt people, the pride of race on t ht one side, will ever prevent thc present generation of the Saxon.' of the 6 >uth, recognizing the fui meed of justice to their formel vassels and bond mer., a commor interest, ought to bind these twe races together, dwelling upou thc same soil, breathing the same air, basking beneath the raes ol the same congenial, fructifvin" Sun, bounded by all the sacred relations of life, there ought not to be a barrier, to their complete unification as a gre it, happy, prosperous people; the d'?ference? which now divide them, are the resnlts of the systems of education which have been allotted each, in their different sphere of activity, one has been educated above the other, upward; the other educated downward, far beneath the other; Each have acquired, habits and sentiments, opposite to the other, ar d now m the new condition ol things they do not understand eaeli other, by reason o? their past conditiono. The work of the present age and the duty of the instructors o? the public are to un-educate, the educated, instruct the igno rant, moulding and fashioning the former into harmonious, beautv and grandeur, keeping pace with the mandi of christian charity, and truth; while they lilt np the latter to the high i comprehension o? their sublime j rel?t ions to the peuple, and the I age in which they live; anti ?has I uniting, these seeming di s cord .tnt. [elements, and giving a new impe tus to the rising-South, and j perpetual reunion and peace to j the couatrv, binding the whole ?into a mighty tinny invincible in [human developemeiit; such shall j bo the effort and work of our little messenger, under its new j direction. Every interest which j effects the the people 01 the South j ?ns well as the nation at large, shall receive our earnest efforts, j As those into whose hands have I been placed the moral, social, and [religious training ci" the people of I our Church in this State,, we shall i (eel it cur espe?8?<Iiity to watch j that- interest, untiringly. The I educational work and the traiu . ing of the you'll shall be a speci alty of this paper, while the social and m ate n al .. prosper i ty of tile masses shall bo guarded with sleepless vigilance. Politics will not be left ont, and honesty and integrity in government shall fi ave a large considere tion; with these declarations, we launch our j Craft upon the great and I troubled Sea of Journalism, with lull spreading Sails, we take our chances. I Ed?cale the Masses assd aid Civiliza lion. The safety of States, depends on tiie intelligence and virtue of the people; on these two conterai principles, rest, the whole struc ture of society. The most re nowned nations of antiquity, boasted of their powers and pro ess, through the mighty develope menfc of intelligence among the whole people, and the consequent virtue, through that intelligence. AU modern nations who_. sland, j forward in thc progress in human aila i rs pride themselves on the continual progress, being made through Educational meosur s. It bas been, and still is, the boast ol* Amer.ca, that they de voie much time and means to the Education of the masses, their common school syslcms aie prov* er bal. This applies to The north and wes!; the touth prior to the war had no common school svs Lem that deserved the name. The result is, that, she has now a vast hoard of illiterates, of both races, who are the most ready material 'hrough which to make paupers, thieves, jail birds, rowdies, blackgaurds, ruffians assasians and foot pads. fi he report of the City Council of New York, on compulsory education, gives tne following facts and statements, relative io that subject : k:The American doctrine is, that '-'the 2)roPerty ?f rf'e fSiafo shalt ed?cale the children, of the /Statt." This benefits equally the ricbaud the poor, lt decreases crime, reduces taxes, improves labor, in creases the value of property, and elevates the whole community. One of the first and deceisive questions asked in seeking a permanent location for one's fam Hy is: What are the means pro vided for education? A vil'iage, town or State, with gcod free schools, is the resort of families; without them ?I is the home ofcrim i nais. In this city it costs more to support police and police courts to restrain and punish a few . thou sand criminals, nearly all of whom became such from want ol' educa tion, than to educate our-?0,000 children. CRIME X% CON SEO L'EN CE OE IO NOE f ANCE. In Frhnee, fruin ISG7 io I860, one hawthe inhabit an ts co uh] neitlier Kurd nor write; and this one hal furnished ninety-five per cent, o?'the persons arrested for crime, afed eighty seven percent, of l!i<iscc%iv?cted. In other words, an ignorant person,, on the aver age, committed seven times the itu/?thereof crimes that on3 not it/no/a?adid. In the six IVew Er gland States of our o#? conn try on 1\ teven uer cen?, ofi&e inhabitants, above the j age of t?n years, can neither read j nor wiit^ yet eighty- per cent of j the criiu? in tho.-e States, is com I niitted^g^t'his small //l?icrt/jj; in other wjrds. a person lhere with ?out eduction commits fifty three j times as Immy crimes as one with education In Ne)/ York and Penr.slyva? nia an ighcrant person commits on tue alerao'e seven times the 1 o number if crimes that one who eau rcaaWMd to/?te commits, and in the whole United States the illiterate- person commits ten times tht number of'crimes that the educated one does. The albve facts are derived from oilfaTai statistic:' The ai)ov<; is a lair statement of fasts fas it relates to South Carolinarto-day. Thrte-fbrth of i all thc cammais, who iii! our jails and penlenary to-day are the cfT ? spring\s u ignorance, the result of slavery Ind its concomitant evils. If our legislators and the political pai ties wbuid give more attention to the gineroi education of the masses hv compulsory education forcingerery child into the school house, th\y would do more to save the enoiioous expenditures, and .ation, than ar y thing in r i lower tail their The approae?ung General Com ?erence \viil sit in Allanta Ga, May l>t making the Sixteenth Session, marking seventy lour years, of the organization of the General Conference, during these long years-great has bean the work ?ic?omplished by our thurch-iu-evangelizing and eni lihgtening our race, it would be a pleasant review, to recount the victories, and sorrows, of those who labored, fought and suffered, in this glorious cause, if we could make pa^s in review all those noble warriors, who, for the cause of Christ, were willing to suffer for humanity and ex* empli?y their faith in truth, it would, indeed, be an encouraging effort. We must content ourselves, witn contemplating the present great progress, which is now the just boast of the Sons Daughters and successors, of 'he first foun ders of our connietioti, and make such advances, as will bc cern mens?rate willi thc demands of theale. I ne work acaomplhdied, is the re Ai it of a e mliict, sue cessivelyr waged by the votaries of the ca ise ol Uhri>tia;j Liberty, and Efun an Progress, as applied to the Colored race under our guidance. The question is now propounded; are we satisfied with the progress already made? have we accomplished as much as could be, under the circum stances? and eau we make any improvement on the foundations, laid by our predecessors? whoever, looks over the vast held of the Church to day will conclude at once that there must be other measuro.^more advanced, and comprehending the wide ranges and niigiitv strides o?* nation; developement, which this ( ountr is making daily. The fact, th; the colored people of this colin tr j have been enveloped in the .are; nation, by law, and human into ests, precludes the possibility t their ever hmm seoc-rated, fror ?ali the interest, which belong t the whole people; this being tru< whatever advancement is mad by tue nation must effect, th African in all his interests. Tl; Genero 1 Conference, being th law making power of the Churo! must lav foundations in harmon with the work before us, thu work is the perpetual unfoldin of our race, out of the night c ignorance and degradation, int whick two hundred and iiic; years of abject slavery ant outrage have imposed upon ttl race, we are to co-operate witJ all other agencies, under God, t< lift np, and mould this great bodj of humanity into that harmoniza ilion, necessary, to a fud, am equal recognition of manhood this will Lo accomplished, ir proportion to the wise legislatioi of that august body. lt will be appal cut, througl the measures adopted for ou future guidance, financially, am the wise direction of o .r Bool Department, our Publishing in ?forest,cur Educational work, aiu the choice of men to carry inti successful operation all of om measures adapted; the regaltaiom i ia the past, have been good ii themselves, but the complet* fulfillment j of the design by tnos< who have been appointed to mak( them a success, has been in some instances, a failure, then then have been, misinterpretations o; the law in some instance?, wm iel. have led to, ?teria on the part o. some whose du tv it was io nus!. .> their care. Our new Hymn Book has been prepared ov? r Ibm years, and yet we are waiting lui its appearance from the Book department, lhere is a ''Jtitcft'* somewhere that prevents, its appea ance, that work alone properly pot upan the church market, would bri mr to thc con nection ono hundred thousand dolhus properly managed, to us this is a criminal neglect on the part of some party, or parties j whose duty it is to control our ? Publishing department; then j there is the Sunday-school de partment of our Church, which should be a mighty power, it is almost entirely neglected so far ! as the direction of a <rreat enter prise and an important auxilary to the prosperity of our cou ; noes ion, we should have this part j of our work thoroughly crganized ? and in operaci?n, a church with j three hundred thousand members, and an army of ministers, stretching their lines of operation from the Atlantic to the Pacific; and from th** iiockv mountains to the irulf t>i Mexico, should not tjcirlect the vast wons of Sabbath schools, in thc literary depart ment, a vast revenue, would flow j into the Church and enable it to move in solid columns toward success. Then there is the Educational work still lingering by tl e way, demanding renewed efforts on the part of thc church, Wilberforce still warts the more substantial and which the connection should give it, Cokesbury is crying for aid, i i Florida, we have lose a golden opportunity, for lack of means. Every Southern State demands a High schoul under the .control and interest of Education^ in our Church, we shall be called un to educate tne nrinistty, young men ric now cru .v cling our Coule reo ces asking .-fid n educate themselves, we canner l<-t these demands pass un bee led. this demand must bc met by the wise action of the G? lier al Conference. The work ol' missions looms up before ns as a mighty s-a wave, chiin.ing every care, the ou stum of Bishops will demand Ihr less attention than all of these great mo asures. Let the General Conic: ence look these great subjects in the luce and prepare to do all they can to meet them ad best they can, wi di a broad comprehensive 'policy, and we shall have accom plished a woithy work in our day. Church Work. Wc call the attention ci the ministry to the great importance ut a renewed energy on their part, in extending the power and influ ence ot the church work. The world's progress in morality de pends en the higher religious culture of the people. The moral and religious trainings are-in seperable, and the one is depen dent on the other. The efforts of religious teachers, are to be made on i ll, and every held whePsT?i?y may accomplish any good for mankind. There are thousands ii persons, who do got visit churches-who live beyond the influence of Sal bath services. Yee these ought, to be reached, they have immortal souls, lor which the saviour died: now shall they be reached-and influenced? How shad limy be made to feel the iievd of a savior's love? They will not visit the church, then thc? church must go to them, go, where tiley -Jie, ano demand a, hearing, for tile divine master. This can . "bc diTTrC by ini> ?i?'O?er~1- ii. Kl O B ? Ol- ". gan'zatiou. of visiting committees' in the church whose duty, shall be to visit tami des and read tba lloh scriptures, and instruct those in the way of hf-, who now, neglect the dury of church ser vice-and this interest them in the work of religious improve ment, and of morai, worth. The members of the church, have noe looked into the great importance which is attached to their calimo as members of Christ's body. These subjects must be ui?ed by the ministry-con s tan riv uni il hr becomes a part of the life Wot k of the whole churoli to bc co-work ers with Christ amt the ministry, in aavidg souls. Each member has a neighbor, or friend possibly, who do not come to chut eli. whose circumstances, of discour agement are such, that thev have no heart to come to service, go, speak to them, words, ol encour agement, console them in their desolation, and help them to rise up above discouragements; you may thus, save a sinking sinner, you riKiy aid a lodging saint to overcome surrounding trouble^, and tio.ior God. "Society will thus i be-benefiited. Romes will be made cheerful and happy. ! Then there are the hundreds ot children, who are out of the Sun day school, who never receive ' benefits, These are to be cared for and instructed. This is the ministers work inpless than his labors in the pul ?pit. He should-with the mern j hers of his church seek the chil dren of the distressed and needy, ?and bring them into the pale of ? the church, and under its happy j and cheernig influences. The in j structions of the Sabbath School are ot vital importance to the