Camden gazette and mercantile advertiser. (Camden, S.C.) 1818-1822, July 15, 1819, Image 1

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CAMDEN GAZETTE Vol. 1V.1 .IAD MERCANTILE ADVERTISER CAMDEN, (S.C.) THURSDAY JULY 15, 1819. 1 1 I - ? THE PLDLIC WILL OUR GUIDE?THE, PUBLIC GOOD OUR EJ><D. [No. 170. PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY JOHN CAMBRIDGE. Terms.?three dollars per annum, pay able in advancc ; and in all cases where papers shall be delivered at the expense oi the Editor, the price will be turkk dollaks and fifty cents. No paper discontintd* l>ut a 1 the option of the Ed itor, until all arrearages are paid. Advertisement* not exceeding twelve lines, inserted three times for one dollar, and twenty-five ccnts for each continuation. II no directions are given with an Adver tisement it will be continued till forbid. Cash I!! Would be taken in exchangefor Goods^viz. lush Linens, Cotton Shirtings, Dowlas, Drill Kussia, brown Sheeting, White do. Pl'atillas, Linen, Diapers, 6cc. Hosery, assorted Thread, C otton and Silk, Super fine Mull Muslins, India Hook do. finest quality, Superfine Sattine, Jeans, Mar* bailies, Casimeres, Sec. PAPER, Wrapping, Writing and Drawing. "W.-.n a variety of Goods, such as are in present demand. J ust arrived from For eign and Domestic Factories, and will be given in exchange for the above article, at prices hitherto unheard of. Mo Books will be kept,cxcept a few for ? ale. Not an article delivered without the C ASH ; those who want to purchase, are invited. Robert Davidson, & Co. Liberty Hill, o. C. June 28. 68?7o For Sale. TEN Kegs best Virginia Manufactured Tobacco, one Hogshead Leaf ditto, fifty Gallons Havana Honey, one hundred Gal lons Philadelphia Vinegar, a few Hogs heads N. Rum, Gun Powder Tea in Cad dies, Rifles and Shot Guns ?cc. James Clark. June 24. 67?if Tobacco. Prime Chewing Tobacco* ?also? 870 Pieces of the Kdge^eld wade Stone Hare> consist fag "of Water Pitchers from '2 quarts t;. 3 gallons, Pickling Jars from 2 do. to 6 do. Jugs irom 2 do. to 5 do. Churns from 2 gallons to 3 d<?. The first of the kind, (and superior in quality Co any) ever offered here, lor sale by 11 EH NY ABUOI'T. May 13, 61?ti ..J V |>| g t | For Sale. 20 Barrels Whiskey, A few barrclsCor di*l, 20 kegs best Gun-Powderj of Du poni's make, Carolina Indigo. And a few sets of 'Gi^ Harness, both plattd anu plain, best Philadelphia make, with a large assortment of dry goods, Hardware, Cutlery, Groce ries* &c. James Clark. April 1. 1 " r " ? 1 ? ? ? 1 ? A great Bargain. THE subscriber being desireous of mov ing to the western country, offer* sale the Plantation, and tract of Land on which he at present resides; consisting of submit two thousand acres, about two huntlred of which is cleared, under fence, and in complete order ; on which there is a convenient Dwelling House, Kitchen, negro Houses, Bam, Stables, Ginn House, with anew 40 saw Gincr, Blacksmith's Shop and Tools, and every other useful building, all new and convenient, and a good Mill Seat. ?ALSO? His stock of Cattle, Sheep, and Hgs, Household and Kitchcn Furniture, wi ah complete set of Plantation Tools. The situation is pleasant and healthful, as a proof ot which, it is confidently assert ed, thai there has not been six dollars worth of medicine administered on the Plantation, in the six years that I have resided on it, nor has a Doctor once been called in. For terms, (which shall be accommoda ting,) apply to the subscriber on the prem ises, about ten miles N. \V. of Camden. Joseph iMickle. Sawney's Creek, Kershaw District, July 5, 1819. 69?75?. Bradford's Springs. IT is a circumstance of no small impo? - port&nce to ll?c citizens of this State to have a convenient and healthy situation, To which they ean have access during the Summer and Autumnal months. The Bradford Spring, at this time, ex hibit such a situation. The buildings, here, are capacious and convenient ; and arc as well calculated for the accommoda tion of the delicate and infirm, as those who are in search of pleasure. The situation is, probably, one of the most eligible that this country aHo rds The elevation is considerably above the common level of the surfacc. The rise and declivity ot the hill is gradual and re gular: and its summit smooth and un broken. The Springs empty .out of the basis of vthe hill, at different apertures, where it abrubtly breaks ofi, in almost, a perpendicular descent. The water is a strong mineral. It is transparent and palatable. The ingredi ents which form the composition <>! this mineral, have not yet been accurately as certained bv~ chemical, analysis A few individuals have annually visited those Springs, and those alone, ean fovm an ad equate idea ol'the advaiita^i which results from attending them. The ruinous condition of vhe buildings in all probability, and the want of accom mDelation has, hitherto, prevented a num ber of persons from attending these Springs. But the subscriber flatters himself that he is now, well prepared for the accommoda tion of a number of persons. And he pledges himself to spare no exertions to render the situation of all those who attend tjiese Springs both comfortable and Agree able Horace W. Bronson. April ti" TO I UK I'UliLlC. THE Subscribe i respectfully informs his ti iends and the public in general, that he has commenced the Tayloring Business, at the Office lately occupied by Messrs. Hlanmng & Hoi.mks, where he will exe cute all orders in his line, with neatness and despatch, on the most reasonable terms for cash. Coins made for ?6 50, Pantaloons g 1 75, Vests ditto. John Junes. June 17. 66? v NOTICE. URIAH HLACKMAN. Informs his friends and the public, he still continues to keep a HOUSE i>Y EN TERTAINMENT, in Camden, iatcly under the firm of Blackmail 8c Dye, and hopes by his asiduily and attention, to merit a share of public patronage. March U. To Rent, A Room in the Market-IIonse, either the upper or lower one-?Koi terms apply to WILLIAM O'CAIN. ( amden, July I, 1H19, 68? FOll SALli Oil iO KENT. A large two story Frame Building, on Broad-streef, a few doors above Deralb streut, 50 by 23 feet, with a store in front, and with a kitchen and other out buildingst Any person disposed to purchase or rent, Will call and view the premises; posses* sion will be given immediately, apply to James Clark. April I. ? To Kent. TI1K House belonging to Mr. TIroae phs, it^the upper part of Camden, iately' occupied by Mrs. Hay.?Tor terms apply to the Printer. March 4. Stephen* Creek, Edgefield. FOK Sat> $ valuable tract of Land* Constating of 500 a< res, more or less, situ ated as above, and bounded on land granted to Hugh Nose, Jacob Mott and Robert Starke Esquires. The Title is unexcep tionable, being from the original (irantee. For term*, apply to the Editor of the C am den (lazetie, The Editor of the Columbia Telescope and Augusta Chronicle, are desired to give the above \ insertions, and send the bil la tii the Camden Gazette Office. April 22. 53-?tf BOOK BINDNti. " j*HE subscriber respectfully informs the *? citizens oi Camden and its vicinity, that lie has just commenced the above 4>ranch ot Business in the store opposite Col. Nix on's, where lie will execute all kinds oi Binding with promptness and precisioh, he has* also an assortment of Books and Stationary For sale on very reasonable terms. George Forbes. January 7 tf A bargain to be hacL The subscriber cflejs for sale, a Planta tion and tract of Land, lyiiv^ < n the head of Swilt Creek, seven miles I rum Caniden, with ? tjood improvement, uiul a good Or chard, 8co. It is recommended lor a healthy place and exccllci k\v?itcr. Hclk. July 8, 1819. , 69?71 ? i S ? ? I' # I"?? ? ^ * . " Sale of Land. Elizabeth Maples, et al -_L ? ( Billf,r Parli % r' lion ifc. Matthew James, et al -J Will be sold at Mi's. I)iggs1 on Satur day the thirty-first day of July next, be tween the usual hours of sale, a \aluable -tract ot land, said to e*>ntain five-hundred acres, situated on Swilt Creek, imd waters of YVaierec river Conditions are hall ol the pin chase money to be paid on the iirst day of January next, the balance on thv. first du}> of January after ; purchaser to j?i\e lUmd and approved security, and on lav fuijure of cither payment, that ihe same be r'*soid for cash at the risk of the hist ; uT.laser. Titles will'be executed but ? ot deliv ered until t,h* purchase money is paid, t<> bo paic>on day of sale. liy order of the Court of Equity of Sumter Dis trict. John 15. Miller, Coyxmissirmer. Suinterville, June 2*5. 4 68?72 Notice. ? ALL persons who are indebted to thi: firm of SAMUEL LOPEZ fc < o. either by r.oUi or open account for lasi year, a c requested to come forward immediately and make payment,^ th< i. Notes or Ac cnum? wilite deposited in the hands of J oil n C. Caktf.iv, Esq. Attorney at law,by the first of August next, for collection. buinucl Lopt z & Co. June 10. 65?70 JS'otice* TIIE Subscriber having Administered on the estir ? of Danikl Duken deceased ; lie hereb) # tifies all persons, having any property bi longing to the said Daniel Duren, to deliver it to hiraftm or before the first day of August next, in order that he may make a settlement with the credit ors of said deceased. All persons having demands, are required to render them in properly attested, and all indebted, are re quested to make prompt pay ment. M C. \VIG(iIN3> Adm*t. June 3. , ^ 64? '? ? -Mm Committed * TO the Gaol of Kerihaw District, a Negro Fellow, about 35 or 40 years of sge; 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high, stout built says his name is SC1PIO and belongs to Willilm Bull in Barnwell District* The owner is requested to come foward, prove property, pay charges and take him awav. William Lov e, G. K. D. April 8 An Kstraj. CAPT. JOHN DUBOSL tolls Wore me a Sorrel Horse, about 14 hands high, 8 years old, blind of art eye, has no visible brand; appraised at ten dollars. Said horse has been in the neighbourhood since last fall, aud is subject to fits. , Joseph Micklfe, J. Q. June 24. 67-f^j? An K?tra^. WILLI AM NLAL Tolls before ale, a small yellow Sorrel Mare, about 11 years old, Itf hands high, much marked with the saddle, but has no visible brand; apprais ed at fifteen dollars Joseph Mirkle, J. q. Sawneys Creek, K. I). June 40. 67-tf LIST OF LETTERS, Remaining at the J'ost-iffice, at amden, &. ('.from la* ?April to 30th June, lbiy. ___ ^ A?Ely Adkins, 2 \ James Atkinson, I sham Atkinsom li?Ely Bradley, 3 ; Jaim M. Barber, Mordacai But bour, 2 ; benjamin Barnes, 2 \ James Barnes, Anthony lirown, Michael Brown, John Baker, Jun. Dr. Thomas t>riggs, Elijah liass, William Blanton, Hugh- Bird, Elisabeth Ballard, Sarah Biand, Lucy Braeey, Sarah Beckham, Miss ButTcIHCfl). ? C?-William Cook, 2; Lewis Cook, George (Vim, 2 ; Hardy Crim, John M. Clark, Joseph Clark, James Campbell, Mil am Campbell, John Glanton, George B.i Clemeinents, Daniel Colreath, Jacob Cherry, K. Criinminger, Jesse Carter, Capt. Moses Cap, J )hn Coin, Jesse Curie. t)?Samuel Dixon, 2; William Dix on, 2 ; Green Duke, 2 ; William Dunlap, 2 ; Nobei t Duniap, Olive Dunnagin. E. C. Debruhl, Judith Diggs, Elias J. Dickin son, lidinun Dcsun, Jesse De;l, 1 nomas Duren, James Duren, Reuben Duren, Sa rah Duren. ' - ? E?Colonel 'Thomas English, Charles Evans, Jumi's Edmunds. E*?Abraham Ferguson, Heuben Mim ing, VV iiic Eort, Jesse Eiy, William Eraley, Giomella Erazer, Surah Efake. C. ? Henry Gooclj, John Gooch, Elijah Gaxton, Donald Gillis, Benjamin Lewis or Levi 4-ratluwjy, Currt-gc Gardner. John lioodw.n, C??zua Godbold, Joseph M. D. ' Garhck. ii ? Daniel llolladay, Hollis IIoiton. Luban Horte>n, Miles Hussey, William Hewings, W illiam Huins. John Hug<*nns, Ilenry Hamilright, Elijah Ha good, Hich aid UoHoy, Elizabeth llovxel, Abigail Hixon. J?Samuel Jame*, 3 ; Eli Johnson, I sham Jackson, David Jamison, Darling Jones, Ann Jones, Jane lrvin, Margaret Jonson. K?William Higgler, James K ?ri JoTiii Kelly, Joseph Kell), Llias Kelly, Ja cob Kobingswovtlr. I.? William Lovet Matilda Lenoire, Mary ^ imbecker, Jane Lisenbe. M?Daniel M'Leod, William M'Leod, Allen M'v askill, z ; Peter M'Caskill, 2 ; Anders M'Pherson, Robert M* Knight, 2 ; Thomas Morris, Jr. Archibald M'Dowel, ^ ho rick Mathis, John M'f^aniel, John M'Kee^Chtirlcs M'Kennon,Syrc M'Huffy, Robert M'Cainc, Elizabeth Motley, Maia chiah Murphy, Richaid Mosley, E. \r Whorter, Hugh M'Call, Edw. M'Gcrry, Robert M'Kinfton, Aichibald M'Vair, Aithur Mangrem, Hugh M'Kenaie, Wil liam M'Gill, Joseph Mickle. N ? William Nettles, Hiram Nettles, J. H. Nettle), EljeNunn, Briton Nichols, James Naver. O?-James Oram. P?Thomas Porter 2, Jamrs C. Postell, James Pattison, Mr. Phelps,George Peach, Christian Pa^c. R-?James Hembcrt, John Robertson, James Robertson, Thomas Rutherfo.d. Abia Reaves, Hugh Randolph. S?Samuel Smith, 2 ; Joseph Sanders, Rev. Mr. Sanders, Warren Sanders, James Scrugg, James Steen, John G. ^mi.h, Thomas Strode, Stirling Sexton, William Lowell, Steplun Stuckey, Willitm scott, James Sinklcr, Levy Mvain* John Stiaw bridge, 2; TTuinei * tark, Justinus Sloll, Abigail Smith, Rebecca T. Sanders, 2 ; Rachel C. 8loan, Ann C. Schrock, Sally Scote, Elizabeth Stark, Mary Strange, Amanda Starke, Elizabeth P. Sayeis, Mar garet Sowell. T?John Trucsdel, William Truesdel, George Turner, Ruth 'Ihornhill, John Tims, William Trapp, Elizabeth Trupp, Agncss Thompson. \V?Zachariah Williams, 2 ; Irey Wal ker, James Welbonrn, John W hite. James P. Walker, Mason Wood, Amici Williams, John N. Williams, John Williamson* Joseph VVriglu, Arthur Walding, George Wels, Thoma* Warren, Miss VValker. ISAAC SMITH, P. M. CfimderiyJuly 1, 1819. 69>? liOSt or mislaid, A NOTK, OF If ANI). friVcn to me by Zachariah H Nettles, John H. NettUsand Zachariah Nettles, all of Fait field District, South-iarol inn, tor the sum of Nine Hun dred and Kightv Dollars, dated in May 1815, and to draw interest fiom th? first ol January, I81<S payable the first of July, 1820. Which Note 1 have stopped ti payment of; and this i* to foreworn ail sons from trading for said Note, as it is property, ai?d 1 have never received a sin gle cent for the same. John Rirkft. Sumtmille, July 3, 1819. 69?71 RELIG10 US. REPORT ON THE STATE OF RfcLltifON. The following Report was occa sioned by n comm?? icalion laid he fore the Board of Managers of the, Bible* Society of CharleStAi? being a letter from Mr, Walsh, of Phila delphia, to Gen. Thomas Pinci;nj:v, containing a request, that a state m'ent might he furnished him of the. number of churches, charitable reU gious societies, &c. and of the state of Religion generally in South-Caro lina. This gentleman, it was uodei stood, was, endeavoring to collect accurate and complete information ot) this subject from all parts of the. United States, with a view to repel the charges of foreign journalists against this country, as not sufficient ly alive to the , interests of religion# nor doing her proper lion of duty iu the great schemes tlmt ^rr~in? operation for evangelizing the woijd^ To meet his laudable views as for a* possible, iu relation to this State, a Committee of Enquiry was appoint ed, con>iiUiiig^tf the following gen tlemen :?Timothy Ford, Esq. Hit.* Doetui s lJi rcy, Fur man, Flinn accl l\Umer9 and Jumes George, Msq. the result of w hose investigation is contained iu the follow ing statement: The Committee of ihc Hoard of Mai. &??!*? of ihe Ilible Society of Chauieifc ton, to whom it was referred to inquii * and report concerning the progress an-.t present stale of Religion, and of the means generally adopted for cultivating I II. wit dtfe, i.nd diflubin* the light of Divine Truth,, in S^ith-Carolina, REPORT: That within the-short period that has elapsed since it was committed to them to collect information on the. above sulrject, your Committee have not had sufficient opportunities for extensive inquiry, and have been obliged to avail themselves of such , resources of intelligence as were w ith in their immediate reach; and al though in some instances their infor mation has been particular, in others it is known to be general, and in some degree impel feet; and they have been obliged, to content them selves by forming estimates; in the doing of which they have aimed lo avoid exageration. In the state of South-Carolina, there are the follow ing denominations of Protestant Christians which Com prehend the principal part of the population, though there, are consid* crable numbers also of the Roman Catholic persuasion. These are the Episcopalians, the Presbyterians, the Methodists, the Haptists, the Con gregatioualisU, the Lutheuns and the Secedrts. Of most of these denominations it may be truly said, that within fifieeu or twenty years they have greatly increased, and some of them are daily increasing with rapid progress. To state the numbers of congregations and peo ple iu their severul denominations, though practihle as to some not l>c. ing so as to all; is deemed by your committee t6 be inexpedient, and for the purp **4 contemplated by this Report unnecessary. W ithin the or \ w ? HckN above mentioned, some of tin id liaviS increased three fold, some have more than doubled, and moat of tliem have advanced in a proportion far liejohfl i/wgrt*w*iu;? popula* , tion of the state'. JrTotS^TO best in formation your (\mnfrrtt*e I wive l>ccn able to obtain, they find that the Gos jxfl is now preached to about Oi4* 'congregation?* of. Protestant Chris tians; that there are about 2W2 or dained clergyman, who labor in word and doctrine amongst them, bosiUff