The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, March 17, 1922, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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?#tce rotjk I II?? ? VWvnl * &*.?? a nannn 1 I VI nuro I th?r?> thnt nnn himlntuia wAtCi nAm aw Knra "HFLi n" RARRFf) LKCASOB ssm, UAtKJkBt J?I' -I MBgBHCTMBg III ROSTON ! PftYPT liuncD i t a c. DD1VICU Dill e Friday H % ItlKLAmJiSlMJ (SKMH-WHKUT) K?UMldk<*a 18M. I'libUwhctl Taradfir and BY Tkl? , r.AN(?AHTHR NRWH OOI 8. O. (iKOKUK Ul'IJ<A (HI! liana : in the itite eent down jCoIlector Qrleeom for '? Oar Idee ie, however, tl VtMm tjpe machine stuck and , many ftgarea. JACKSON'S RIKTH CnncrpHRniiin Stnvn a check to _ .. According ti Supe $1,750,000. Schoele Burke the V let the lino- j Undignified and dropped too' . .... ,, ? Do not *uy "Hello op the telephone. Avoid "Nope" and PL.ACK. conversation when you nonn mn at YCS. rintandeot a# Papulation # Nearl; Vord la Bath ( Decidedly Cc 8l?v?nly. Ita Char when you pick Kffjpt Is a coun actual extant Fran< "Yep" in your Its area Is some 424 mean "No" or but of tnls total h cent ta desert land miiiiiwii nwkb If Thirteen Million mopoliten in , meter. try exceeding la rts and (Jeriuany. .000 mjuure miles. lore than 08 i>er Inaur sum rorl i in- enlv a rttUHod THE MUTUAL LIVE STO< INSURANCE ASSOCIAT1G OF YORK, S. C. hors<M and mulon against lot by lire, lightning and windHtorm; fi ? ;k >N or damage I 'has b?H?n in r.dihH' ami Manage Matured aw Second (Tlan Mctuber 7. 1V*)S, at the Po; I anriuitu', S C-. under act sroaa of March 3. 187#. KHIlHtlltlPTION PIU< StricU| fiiisli la Adv.r in city ami county, except t delivered liv eltv carrier r. .? 'have misinterpreted th Matter Lancaster News exj stoftiee at t of Con- rw'fln' editorial article o I place of Jackson, and m ence to tho debate on m*e. the house of representati nose Mr. Stevenson anil C and ?j jf }{OH(on is going to e ideas of atatlon ns tlie Athens iressod in a nius' ,luit the use of tli ' according to Jeremiah n the birth- ^ gUj)0rint0lujt.nt t?f llosi aking refer-i u is more In accord the floor of ton culture to say t 'This is Mr. Smith talki ves between a|u l COIlver8l,IK?? "ongressnian 'There are many w sustain its rep- I very scanty noma! of America. it I Important psirt of so barbarisms. slating of the valley K. lttirke. new Kile together witn t ton schools. | covers an area of ll! mice with Hon- or n territory only n (omething like ; ltcJclam. In nddl ug; with whom ' square miles compel ! the Nile, marshes oriis." Superln- j canals, roads am) population. The aucceasf ,i . nald ovi the country con- ? om and delta of the t0ri.0 UI he western oases. horses i .2211 square mill's. Hone little Inrirer than Hon, some 2,S.riO se the surface of and lakes, while date plantations ul operation for nearly Bevontee ry Just claim promptly; does not t >; bus over a half million dollars id an ample reserve fund on band ind mules Insured with us? if not y. Sec. and Treas., York, S. C. or si A. C. ROWELL. l^ancuster County Uepresentat Lancaster, S. C. n yearn; huH two a cent to iiiBurunce In I. Am your .. write to I), ne ive, mi postal r.onea I and S . Oolivere?l by city carrier ar :>ostai tones beymi<l the oiid. per year >i< mouths, oue-half the al> Mo new subscription entei fihorter period than six i: TO invKitnstiip I'he Lancaster News K?uai i tcerlicnr^ A 1 ^ ririjr nirmi 00 " imam cicero llamm id to i seventh North Carolina i *ec\,. . ? ' News carried some r . . ? - v - i ore rales, comment from North C ?d for a pip amj papers with whit aoaUis. I agree, but the though i ?. j Stevenson and Mr. Harm an tees to collusion was absurd. latiim In er. or the lenuom mim-k* says. district. The ""*iX,iU ?,lari; of ,hut distillled ami impolite emarks and its nsi* is coiiiloinin arolina poo- schools, particularly in . ... . : niunship whore knowlei 'h it did not . , ....... | and srumiuntical KiiRli t that Mr. "There is no excuse mer were in 'Nope' and 'Yep' in c i believe that if Host on will check tlii'iiiK.'l ves watch may i?e rover another 1.0(1 moth-eaten. Hi)- Egypt. therefore, la word "llello." 11li well defined m etl in Boston on three sides, nnn classes in sales- 1 nittean on the 1101 l>;o of dignified , desert and the Bed sh is essential, and the I.ihyan de> for the tise of To the south Egypt onversation. 1 point "J."? miles noril school children on the second cat a io tlioir iisi> 1'l>? 1 - H) square miles. 11 small country 1 nt 11 r:i 1 boundaries iely, the Moililer- ?????? rth, tln? Arabian J sea on tin* cast, '" ? sonic of < ; *i t on the west, deielnpment of t extends up to u tinned the fact thi ti of Wadi Haifa. l'?* ?,<?mpany at it nut of the Nile. ,,u' telephone 2,... l> A I _ lllMllt b llatll n lid I early history of the ,.,k Th,f ho telephone, men- ! ,11}( n,||uh!| it in the museum of ne,.(.r ,|ie ,.r|f|( * Itoeton ofllceH mas nf rh#. ' instrument In Ver- ? WH9 Iho / *li?1.1 ?_ i Mm le Mighty ocean?" >ii"!i|?li>. James o. no . ???> * of lit* Hist view "When I s?w the sen ?iv u fen11ternnre lee Lancaster and Lancaster coi itny other newspaper. I'lie News is not reaponsih y ?ws of Correspondents, f 1'itioii il articles on topics o ; li?leiH?st wil' he gladly reco Friday March 17, 1' lintr than ! Mr- Hammer would, i carry his point if he co ~ I | argument is not so t le for the Ihort and voice. He has a voice ' if general dinarilv he heard a hi ired. away when ho is in 01 922. ! versation. Some years ? , wo helieve. a Democrat! of course, i parents at home will uld. but his w,th the,r ?8''1 "My advice to the c ronp as his, t()Q sc1uhiIr ls; that can or-1 "Don't he slovenly in ock or two . ,,S,K Slovenliness Is th | It. ami once tolerated, dinar} con- , cliiiK to nil of us until aco. 1908.' Boston American, c state rnn- I ?? ?-1 i??*- i'm in }mi|mii;i gradually dls- 1"J.740.70.\ as enmp; nr?o in um>7. with liildrcn in B??a and with (l.'Cll.llll totaJ population in.: the uso ?if Kng- thins. O.Ti.OHI Hod" o result of huh- binns. and 'j'Jl.h'10 f? it is likely to us follows; Turks, innture life."? 01,97:1; Italians. 34. tt.73; French and 1 Austin Hungarians. <MM! ??i r.^ypi IN ... ire?l with U.-JS7.- '"In of Hrnttlol !>.7:U ?ar. in 1^)7. nlily 1K78. This ci In 1SS2. Of the C. V. Child* <1 liiti.iMil nre Kll>'p- I w'h" dlsrnvered wl litis. <15,102 Xu- hef"r?\ namely. tli rei^ners made up Rrnttlehoro toloph HP.725; (!reeks. The old tolopln Rrllish, i>0.- dlentlon of nntlqu hjnisinns, : hy hand, and f<?r 7.7i?i: Russians. dnpiierreotype had ' ..Iinii-ri- tlirt*. 1 ? Nk *11 ?oro, VI.. dated |?mh- . its wet nmtioti line to the attention t(, hH|> me mil if C. K. Ohilds On.. (x't'Hii??Is this uit he did not know t|,4. Stendhal i at the t'hlhls of the insipid. I fi'lt one was his tnther. s||?'"?MSteepl? me hears every in* bous Huneker. ity. It Is fashioned i a diaphrnmu an ohl | I heeii used. the pie- ?? isuppolnteil heranae or ?ny. I quote*) Lauder I : 'In this the mighty all? Like the girl li tovel. tvliii found love like linking: 'Is that Jink." hy James Oi^ tTHVRN SON'S BIRTUF ivs the Charlotte Obset % One of our South Caro temporaries was a few days hrtidinR The Observer bf , 'i* now trying to claim ( n: tn Stevenson as a native Carolina ' Well la auo until, the ponerpssmttn hi * I 'LACK. ( vention was held in CI 'Ter: j it was told on Mr. Ham lina con- nearly broke up tho mi ' ilK? UI>^ some one was speaking vause it ' ? ., firmities of the Kepuh T'or.irressof North was t0 have throwr. tiier col- and yelled: "Give 'em 1 msolf la -?-* jarlotte and ETIQUETTE THAT mer that ho . Tab|e Manncrs17~^7 ?etini; when c?r Were of a Deci on the in- *'ve Charac lieans. Ho xahlo manners at tin 1 np his hat cor woro described in loll, old pile Kenneth llnre. :iut>i?.r : Holiihi v in I.iiinlon ir SEEMS ODD pcuns, J.I 1??; niu) To 1 Time of Chaudedir Primi- CALLOW YOUTH tcr. Statement Made Th * titnr of fhau* Real Chance Wn. i a ha-turi' hy Gees A-W mil <>n "A I t 11 > I lavs llf \f t M :l P.-..I i II.- . < <17: otli??r Rdro- Hire on which e rsinns, l.:WT?. j twin jr. I IN DISCARD "Ga?' ? | **Cun mounds" i at He Has Little Texas for the en Middle Age i:em on, nveru^ln*: 'ocmg. uml two feet in h in forest and pralt iv > w.wi?l ill.a. Tl'V:IS Sllllt I . . , i ?< an ho dourly >oon ilounds." I s tin* popular nnmo 111 A A low, ciroular ouil- I WW ll I' JO loot in iliuinotor I ? A 11 oljiht. which ahoinxl B lo regions in Louisi . lii'lll Vl'l..llis:.K mill I'fllf v: \ I I * I nii-wrt-Kiy?1 rnr ?Tads~| [ Uw? VI* lcnn ra ti im ? ti speaking reproachfully of i native state.' and wo bellei r.?i ho denied that Steve soid authority." South Carolina has easily ' via-in on Conpressman Stev Noilh Carolina has on Jarkson. but what we start) ... -w uriver. t as rn.? js forceful when re it will 'tison is boinK heard, but liis a I the present case is weal ' as pood " * enBon as j COTTON EXCHANG Andrew j HUGE HUCfl >d to say j I Chaucer." Ktiquctte m it comes to fcuter half of the K rpument in tury) demanded that i held between two tingei j of the left hand, and i was to he received in pj ! After soup, pike roaste ! flavored with strange at lET SHOP 1 was eaten. Then foil | rousted with saffron, i those days (the worker of Chicago, ourteeiith Mi?s Stoke* does nut neat slioiild In' a!"iiu an ucadc rs and a thumb Mtlinities, observes 111 in inori1, if one graph, However. her {mlitt* society, esting. Slu* Inform: d in claret and an epoch of the 11 id varied spices that young girls plowed partridge "hard-boiled old no loves and gin- youths." The tlapi We regret thai < 'Mjiltunia. (in t {live her own age i mounds lui\ uiii- discussion ??f usci ndinji cas fr? ? Now York Tele- |"?ols, tlu-y are rej views sir** inter- ' ' tenth. A & ? us tliiil this is u'?' ' ! > examine ii?!dlc-ii{;ed heuu ; pules this theory ? et'er as hi)sl>an?ls ??'* ?"* " tunny dis u in haif-imUeu leust sign of <>ii ?er's heart U-uis cov*red. He thii lit* Mi|>|M?sition tluit I Rood order. ** heeii raised l>\ I I'D-Ration mi subterranean oil tinns. et?\, itarded ji.s Indira) iiiR water. Alsi i?\ernnieiil ceolu^'Ni. stove in ro d the mounds. ills ',,'n H f their origin. 'I'liey trieis where not the a kiis Ims Ikm'ii (lit- WILL PAY iik.s that they owe your pusturt complete with extra water tank, ponnoffur attaching to ? it> i? one four-burner oil toil condition. Apply otmh. City. 4 7-2t you n.r.rkot price for cattle. J. K. NiHbet, in. hasn't someone been po at South Carolinians who evidence to the effect that Jackson said he was born (Carolina, and hasn't the < Observer printed the asser Jackson couldn't have knov . he was born except by hea king fun * ? offered Several gilt-embossed Andrew distributed through tl < o I New York brokers, were In South as evidence. Charlotte Those should be calk tlon that tention of the postal t rn where Magistrate McAdoo told rsay? cutlng attorney. UUC.f an(j jnIn tarts ,,n, It was the custom pamphlets. ciotli with the courses, tie south by 0j one feast in which ) introduced was scented with u pel ate to the dish. In Ch >d to the at- bath in construction wi luthorities," miniature pulpit, and ,, sweet scented herbs wi the prose- . .. for the stream to drai 1 Jelly. responsive to the inul to change tlie five. "It startles m , and one read uud we are not atn each new cloth many things startle fume approprl- gentleman who con aueer's day the mony merely as an us not unlike a We are fain to he a bouquet of thun half right, at tl is hung over It reasons. Young wiini v out their re- or so ago did not cor It' i**rson of forty- their filitencv in; she exclaims, ?eUliiig of the grot rprlaed. A great areas subjected t< the lady or the rainfall.?Milwauk templates mutrl interesting study. ^ l_jvj lleve she la more .... ...? .... i ?> what you eoult rnt. and there arc . .. the mar uaw cost en of a generation . ... In ...I,...* with .S. Urn. .Itr Tl, of-llvlnr rcrn.rl fi .Inly lo ll?e unequal | > ">rRiml in poorly-drulued > ii abundant periodic I LjOST? Car or ? Sentinel. between Finder retu ward. T. J. ng Sura. Mill village 1 buy for SI before * $1.70 in lb# aver- jfOW T\ i? 1? the la tea', cost- potato plai 'inn till- mi 11mm I In _ ...i n. r. ID-oi. nnk, Saturday. March my home and depot, rn to me and get reHobortson, House 69. >. 4 6-2t. KING ORDERS for its. government In THAT INCOME TA: A great big hullaboloo is l>e kicked up about that cere ta*. but it will avj ing. In the event the ? ; should be declared uncoost . it will serve onlv tn dels The panpfi'ets wei ^ "Southerners not slow interest story that ever] going to southerner should kc state in- trade in cotton, i lil noth- grains?by Randolph iew law "method of successful < itutional. er8- . . Mr. Rose was cited by iv for h , imtiuuK ii iiu in it n. e entitled I ?a human Th? Man ?n th< r red-blood- Observations made low." How 1920, to February. 31X51 stocks and ,l"m Henry Pickering o Rose" and ,B of t,ie world's . omers and an authorit; ;otton trad- ..... Martian phenomena, tc to prove beyond doubt each of the on thf surface of th in? matured uninet forty-five. The girl i Moon. doing housework, from August, abroad, they eneount , by Prof. Wll- business and elsewln f llurvurd, who they tnake coinpurli leading natron- comparisons ure n y on lunar and youth gets the worn lid, he asserts. That is all there is t< thnt life exists The girls are wise: e moon. The five than their moth* imiMTfd man of ." , 7 a ware at home aonfereniTtow the, go _ r"e tt*Ur* iM M er the veteran* in f?W"" "*n y are .n.i naturally ,n rit>' l,m9 lo, on*. Ami when ?,|ut,ou ?f mde the eallow * "v'nK 18 l? U"1 t of the analyal*. f" * . nU" J Jt he at leaat would r and more selec- t.I?U-ac?> Kvenlni 'PW IIP tholp rmnd. ? i njirv iuu u lit ? bounl. I Rico, Gold lot lower in union ' Yam and Ni ?ho luMutx ou IIvIok your order puy the piper. out of the the city man's cost Mackorell. >ve to the farm. He ? i*h for hla crops, but be sure of a living ' ?L I JIUI r SVCU 1 ui iu on Beauty, Ban una inry Hall. By placinjc early you K?t yours llrst shipment. J. U. 4 5-tf. short time the end soughi soIqiis at Colunvbia, because . time they meet they will effort to pass one that w the test, and they may get put more sting in it. Seriously, however, the : witnesses today as a me t by the ^ foiRKpst firm connected the next, American Cotton excl make an leader in bucketsliop m ill stand Efforts of counsel for , . can Cotton exchange wei mad and their attempts to cross-e nesses by Magistrate Mc state re- 'T am personifying mber of the professor ImHrs his a with the series of telescopic |?h hangt1 and crater with a circtini ethods. miles. Hundreds of p the Ameri- l?r?*bt?tions have, it it e balked in '"v/"*"*'* with mii unhelievuhle ri xamine wit- vttelds of f0|i?K,.t which :Adoo. blmwwMo Just us rnphl a people's disappear In nwxiinti ssertions on a ntothers were, olographs of a ferenco of 37 Babylonian C holographic re- ... . ? . , . . . ^ Ruins of a llubyh staled, proven . , ........ . . ' . back 3.000 years bet ig up at dawn. , * ., . ... , . era have b??en dlst npidity. of vast .. . . . ... 1 . . ... Nyek. Asia Minor, come into full * . ? .. n ? w. ?. named bums; it ?e< lly, and which . , . . . ... one of the earliest hi in, period of It Russian A letter from i ivilization. eelved by l>r. Sal itnlan city dating whlch couluined 1 'ore the Christian TuWc*. T . overed at Knlsu nwl ,lo'd tlw * The city was OOP*" ras i>uMn| ?ras to have been after ib< ontea of feiulnlatu. 'MB tsiin>lrtvly i stniun'a amanMnit. ? Postage. | jggS^fi? he Ukraine was re j pB gter\ f vudow of Baltimore, 1 Ektl ? tC? Mump* valued al ^CO he envelope would > 'mr W tuiupH. ta> u atrip ol I on It to earrj lh? ( Jttf/ r fuee and ha<rk kad red. I <tail?rs* association has i movement to test the new -Stttding to word coming frc Kirkpatrick. president of I body. ,* The statement was mad ing a meeting of the Oreei tail bureau, at which mem started a Pra"d jury nere/ he t law ac- i 8*m1' not ^e permitted witness a question withe >m J. W. 0f tjje district att the state TKKKY FAMILY .1PPK. e follow- TO H"'K *? ... ? ! Hamlet. N. C., March nville re- 4 . ? I the postmasters of liar hers sue- , c i mid. "You days. The plates also i to ask any blizzards, snowstorms >ut the con- eruptions are fnspien orney." says the professor, "a ?sir \ ery doors when* 1 s|ss-ts resembles thn B TIFI> IT* wor,d which the nstn? si on has in past years a *?* and ipiitrwl." a let over a how tlint great ... , . , tlon. The ruins prt mill volcanic . ,, , .. AV, fln.l" "Z"" L "r" llvlns world ?t -"<1 P"?'r ; ... . form inscriptions *1 life in some re- .. , r . m. tolls of the organist t of Mam?a ... , , . which was governed iiomleul pnifes- . , ,' . , , , . . prefect. (insisted I tlerlv neglected . . a woman prefect, v tuti<l to have been | those of their male e >ve that the com- ?? there watt partly -ommcrclal. Cunel V flf W"| ve many odd tie- |l||M ntion of the city. IWIbF ? by a prince and XV Aft JL ' ?y n princess and rhose power* are precisely equal to " y?u wan^ ' ol leagues. Record* ' . . . I America h -J of Fire armer 520: Totall the best Fertilizers ' i _ , ? .. , AdsnuHln Annual Record Loss Averages SCHOOLS y Destroyed. ? fir#* in<?ii rravw?#? iu ? I sested that the Greenvllh ration have the matter loo Alex Meyers, of the Meyere co-pany, department sto ' that the law is uneonatitut <-atiae it conflicts with the tional provision that a ta | |TCI IWU <" 1 .? HI**- I i organi- With the incoming postn ked into. Terry it is n rase of hi >a \rnold t,ie Portfolio of hi8 fathe .. Terry, who was postmas ire, said ; twelve years under the ional he- ^ admjn jKtrHtion. E. Ca constitu- W'as succeeded by R. It. x cannot held the office during th j- n/tminlstrfltton Tlifl r | Ship Ha* 18,o? inster Jink?| We miiy tie cutting s inheriting j ships. There la tin ri r. E. Camps1 ihien*. Thin applies to ter here for ro """iber. ? Take tlie White Star Republican . . The largest at earner I mp? Terry ?ptlv named! Ita t??i Terry who MIUj jt j,, < Hn-y e I>emocrtio j f?>rRs m.tVtO spoons. ) innnlp hnn> i nlatu lit nil i Spoons. ()f ? rejnilnr postnl down our wnr- |tHVW been found, 'dilution 1;? our wr)(jon on bnkod tl sir.?> an '.roll ns Himpe. Keferonces of thn lunik i-liock llnor. Majputlr. (||M.0verpil, a bearor n tho world Is wlllc)l contains inntr in aire Is .id.OOrt (jrvsiw tl( pliv to tin n> knlvos. 10.0(M) jt m glute<j g?,U|. Ib.llOO pipivH of riif?fiw nf lltimi . delivery service ",,,v u,ou,'y rHU 1 ll.e lot tors being ^er Co w D ( lies of h circular to an early form <unon Co., K. 1 system have been check being founil Hilton & McMun uetlonx to the adif person named Lb ^ * K'Btare. or J warehouse In th uuy ro 10 i no ttnrnecessity. "rnlg Co.. Tho For- tionablo va Thtw ago B. Roddey & Bon. panl(? m?. as, W. II. Torry. E. Eire Innuri not only ii . P. Graham at my heIps you o town of Lancas- burning. Property is of quesilue without it. nry ropreaents comh as the Hartford inre Company that inures property but prevent it froui i>? teviea an an income ma other state by a person re this state, and further said era* statute prevents th government from dtsctosta state government Its In records, s# that the tax might check op In this * ae in an- ? ... . 1 seem determined to keei siding in _ 1 office and the powers In that fed- ftpp0jnte^ one after look e federal candidates on their own g to the fence, picking one wit iceme tax ??! th? ? *** cr*i jimlsaion h#r* *rm confid< will remain In the T? until some other Presii |> a Terry in and 270,(100 pieces ( WaHhinRtnn Klntwwnre. in*; over the When one arid* it ( side of the P*"**'*?**. one'* hrnl h both the' *** Ut ,tm ?An#f_. ... ?? < "o the sheehiera r .v I mt the ofQee >rry families He and I dent beaidea "There are three at r>f crystal and GRAVE COST G argn. rrrw and (Up Jahnaon Tatla i In alniont atag-j Should Convoy i lilt a which will Intolliftnt of tho captain. .. "14y canal*. Hani for a dog a con pi* la fad Oap Johaaon agra In a man a "and dlractlv IF INDECISION ter, and boy ^ af Inaldant WMck Tert," and it 70 k Mara I ta thm ?.K Raadar. mattaa aa to fifth 1 Boctlaj. MMM af waak* ag^" w- t | M at Bumpua Rtlgr, J# J, DL raff tha tfac and "Th? Beet by Iltsurfl a went some infor- The coet tint the Bell Weevil 1X5 WKR U end dec 1 In ACKMON k** m a ti ince Fact? of Are Insurance is lan before the war tag daring the war.* er fas. Agwcy ; www Mr. Kirkpatrtck said tfai advised Secretary Wan whose headquarters are ii bia. to hare the matter loc Mr. Kirkpatrtck said that movement, he understai started among; cotton mill that it itf? nultA nooafhlo n' it he has a Democrat or Ropuhllcs namaker. j ?* q Colum- YKGOS OPKRATK ON , , I RAFK AT * >ked Into. Chester. 8. C.. Man a similar jn mercantile e nds. ba? or T G pattrlck. at Wh men, and blown open last night 1 fher hnsi- has been impossible t in Is elected. fnfnr Wrm w?y. having his way way." i-hitk nik ~rh*' rem",,n ? % hitk (mk f,om end|> happ|,y f(| 16.?The lovers Ik generally nn stablishment end at 011." ite Oak. was "It Is probable that >v yeRks. It nn' "v the point ol o learn the J?kPs ?'>?* will see verj inn: Making l?l? four n<t? fw ?dtf in(1 going hie |V|pped the fiddle I shotgun. He hadn't nrf! affair so sal* got gettled mlth th< that one of the g^d he'd rutlier t willing for It ta ?hotgtin. and swnpp | vnrtnlnt. and the fe If a woman ran- ^ to hoot. After ' her husband's 0tud.vliiK and derldi r little Indeed of ? fiddle worse than I*. Pretty MtM he | Halrtman for T1 and *lx bits for a Chen t much mora than p gun than he flglave a dog than a ? ed the gun for th? ! IJer made him give | a spell he got to ' f*d that lie wanted lie <lld a dog. So nA n ?e Virginia-Carolina j ^ ileal Co. THE FARMERS' MUTU/ L'TUI? IVUITIl A \T/'n >. jvnus JK^ 1 ncaster, S. C. I ?. # iL ft ness interests will join wil tailers in ascertaining if law conflicts with any coi ' al provisions. The income tax law pro business concerns and i shall pay to the state go th the re- pxart to?* of Patri t the new HOTKIi WITH $i natttution-j H.\l> LOTH OF Now York, Mnroh 16. videa that ( Mary OUoa, a maid at ndividuala AHtnria- dlpd wep ___ . ' management was under ivernmont, i , , sion she had left noit . linn.' r k "A woman cures n ~ | when their love ulTnlr I v'Hl I . + ' Liv 'W I ' rnn'S ,noSt *'" a WOll KINSi-(M?K jov(, nlTa|r |IHS |>oKtm.* -When Mrs. "It j* the man who I the Waldorf Kenerully comforts the k, the hotel wrongs." the impres- '* ,n"r<" <>r less her relatlvee j '"J.V'm.! ! he swapped with t (in*t for a tnnn gJlve ),|,n $1 t'? hoc Is over; a mail "Well, he kept tl nan before their rnntfed rasc al Header revolved m lias no rlcht who rilled rock, swap; wni.inn who hn> or jjnn. whichever : for one of tne oth true that an |ng $1, or such a 111 no friends. The tinie, till he was o . . ..? " I hp fiddle mnn find >? ! - OF hi* up. gorter like tu the oh! Third ]ja3 unit mill round flip yearn; |?inj; fiddle or do# paid o it happpiipd to lie, has ov or things, nnd Kiv- ample nlliT to hoot every than n ut $19.2.1. nnd hnd wel1 t( nnb l.uniri YORK AND LANCASTER C beon In successful operation for it is conservative but progressive; very just claim; (Ioob not owe u cei er two million dollars Insurance it reserve fund on hand; it has l.een my other organization of farmers tunded. Are your buildings insurei nl?A In ft L? l)n.%nu .. n .1 T-n.. . I OUNTIES nearly thirty has promptly it to any one; i force and an stuck to bettor -their faith is il with us? If the law being elTective or comes. And there you are! But so far as we know tbe income tax law is goin North Carolina already hai In force, and they are tel i 1921 in- uor fioae friends. Publication of tlie n left savings of 116.000 or believe. ,<ittPrs from thrPe "hl . "sons'* and 62 other ? ? eluding brothers, siste i such law niecesj> couBins. uncles illng It up the hotel management Iuifii nrtr in"!*- nun um "Oddly enough, M rws mm sue j ?|,lSt self-posses has brought |on^s to Koine ninu." isbands" two : "Men >ilways say l relatives. In- being flattered, but <b rs, nephews,! th*?no inan has eve and aunts,' whs flattered."?Kroti announced. 81<ln?*y Trenin yue. ii .-n. ) |||f> flog. WllCtl I ? woman who mf> it wiis a dread sed generally he- a),|P to make up hi made up."- Kansas that tii??y loath# n't take any no* pjrst -phone r known that '?? At a banquet r? i "Tattling*," hj offielals of the Ai and Telegraphy eon ed hiii) last hp tohl "'""a,. fill thin# not to he s niiml and Keep It ? City Siar. in Vermont, vently oiip of the iip ri can Telephone ipany, wh!!o recall ? i/. gj. iiwin ; , DCf . >111(1 i I I <|J1 A. C. ROWELL, Lancaster County Represent: I Lancaster, S. C. u i urn. ? \ itive, 4 ! ? .