The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, May 02, 1919, Image 1

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I "THE BARRAGE IS DOWN?LET'S DRIVE" "MAKE VICTORY SURE?BUY BONDS" The Lancaster News 68TH YEAR. NO. 51. SEMI-WEEKLY. LANCASTER, S. ( ., FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1919. .COTTON AND COTTON PRICES IN RELATION * WOULD* AFFAIRS Some Facts as to Production New York. Ma; and Handling of the Staple N< Nv 1 1 tlon at tno Hosing in the South. its annual convc resolution urging I OTHER SECTIONS RUOI IT Kr"SH \0 n p :,! or years the war-time ing the second e Wealth Untold for the World Tho rGRo1 "*'?>? < * a j * .. ? ... ret ph. "crude an reated Hj the South s Cot- character and bui I ton Rut the South Has Not newspapers and t Secured It. affectliiK the carrli were ill-suited to country. (Manufacturers Record.) r,H' resolution It is a pity that men professing b?r?r(1 anv new intelligence should undertake to dis- ,ne ra,<>s efTecl cuss matters pertaining to the nr ,,l(* war 1,0 ci south, for that matter to any sec- commission be api tion, of which they are as ignorant ln,? ,,l? operation! as Germany Is of honor and moral- in r?Kard to canity. The disposition of some people matter. This com to talk, learnedly about things of certain the actual which their ignorance is so dense ?rations with a \ that it is almost impenetrable is j|. j equitable rates, lustrated in a weekly circular of W. The election of .1 W'ollman Co, tnembeis of the a contest for the New York Stock exchange, who nn- assoi'a,'on hetweei dert tke *o tell the south what it ?r 1,10 '"rinlnghatt should do in regard to cotton from '"cumbont. and Hi the ([iiestion of how to grow cotton Springfield. \ to how to handle u. (tie statement. ^'r Glass was rewhich is typical of most of this "K> eight dtrecto amazing financial rev ow. is tie fol expired were lowing: 1 -n "PI,,. .t . l.V/W /\n in"- ii mi 11iiiii i '.ill lilt" sou' It ' '1 IVIil'ii^W > I M( vasu < ;i 1111 u.iIiy in 'In- handlinp of RFTURN OF tlio cotton i-rop is prcatct tli.iu tlo-. total oi dividends pit ii out on all 11n*1 railin nls in the United States, and SyM,?,t1H um ,,;'y those in 1 ! 1 fi amounted to $H42,- nu'iil Control to Oon.OiHl. Density of compression a' a) >|i?lnit*Ii the pins would save hunilri'ils of millions every year that now po fo' j nha'illiiip. extra haulaue. needless' Washinpton, Ma spare taken up on railroads and 1 Ceneral Burleson steamships, loss in transit, claims ,,er returnIn(, {h? for d itiwrps and nth?*r Itoms. ^ of , . the south has set its fare stuhhorn-j \ o t i? i o 'y npa'iist these modern improve : "tidnipht May 2. men's and elnre to aneient metli- 'postmaster ods." | oted at the direr It will he news to the rot ton pin j Wilson follows: nnrs of the south ami to the income I "The marine rat tax forces of the country thai the United States, and cost of i n'iun ??f-.??* jr ?u|ti. ' a r into m-litd'ny a!' the hnnrrpds of millions every year, purtenanros theret Indeed th's reninrktilile statement all material ami i says that "hnmlre is of tuillions", session, rontrol. sn rottld he saved apeiiallv hy urentor it'o* of whieh w densit\ of n'Mte on It is scarce- President hy proi jv ro"-e'va'de ' an other hoy. second day of N'n atdc to writ' his name, eonhl have tie exercised hy heen pu'ltv of pnttinp forth stich postmaster penrral asinine statements. son. are hrrrhv r I Density <>f compression at the respect ive ow ni"s, gins Is Important Hotter baling direotors ami and better handling are of great im- ''fleet at midnight, portanee. but the utmost that any-' "Representatives one h:>? vet claimed which could be tor general now saved by this improved system is properties wilt tak< from $r>0 non.Ofin to ftift.flftft.Oftn a' to onrrv tills order year That is a very big Mem. but -*m it is far and away behind the $.141',- THE REVOI T 0(1(1.000 which this bankers' eireii-| , lar mentions Since. according to! HOLSHfc\ I Wollman Ar Co.. density of compression would annually "save bun- Olonetz, I to Miles dreds of millions." we are wonder- trograd. Throws ing Just how manv hundreds of mil- . , of I .eil ilic at lions these bar kers have been figuring on as possible to' be saved certainly far more than the $142.- Stockholm. May 000,000 which they have mention-' *:,nts oi Olonetz. ed as below the saving that could be '"'^t of I'etrograd effected ea'h year. ment of Olonetz Possiblv the e bankers. whose ' '' v density of igmanco about cotton is roivo,, h"r? n,,,, " far great, r th >' tie density of the ! " norths most deti e|\ r< inpr< <1 cotton 1 'til t bales, are not aw re of the fact that ,:"'l 'long leaders In the s ,uth have for years sought to bri* ' it it b< tt. com '' " '' 11 "" presslon of often. but tba' tb ra I ,^l> Opega Ob roads of thi- eel ou. owned >nd <et w. . > 'aire ftp. dominated e'u" "tlroly in \*. V ' > 'I n ar tb York an.I t i . . .. w I , ntlng mnnv nl ?t t i<u?pi i-s-es ii the ' el I.ak.- < south, have i m ill v . ui'n j for< ? i-- about 1" slvely sought tn pv voi t the letter- north i monf of "ifn I.1 ii Th > have refused In time; pi ' to give a hot- ' r'l \l< XV X tor rato for properly ro? p?e*set| *-l.l/k XXII.Ill' 9" cotton than foi I :?f 11 > halo?l rot?on, W.ish't ton M though thov oouhl entry f*r nioro depnrtmoot was ail of the hotter "i'Mi'"'',s nl hates to a lire nr t'e .Xmorica car than thov emihl ?f the present or t'apo Horn by baillv baled cotton Many voars ago, I thoritlos on the i when the round hale was being In-1 en t ried munition* t trodnced, the entire ootton-hanriling The schooner. wh system of the south could have been Galveston, was en changed If the railroads had not ag- can territorial wati grenslTely fought against giving any the advices, and tal advantage whatever to the linprov- where she Is helm ed hale as compared with the old charges have not bale. Steamship companies doing red, but the atat< j making official In (Continued on Page Two.) i reasons for the sei j#~ - u , % - - v . . . ... . - 16 BOMBS FOUND .... MAIL IN NEW Yd l(N F. I*. 4 tlUSS President. Were Addressed to Prom ? Men in Different Parts < y 1.?The Anieri- The Country. ublishers' assoeia session Friday of ntion adopted a I HE WORK Ok TERROR the incoming con suspend for two , a(.T nf jpi~ r.,ls. Authorities Think They lass postal rates. Unearthed Nation-Wide jelared that such ? * > . . . , of Assassins?List of d unscientific In densome alike to dressees. heir subscribers,' jge of newspapers ^ v ? * - , ..... <> I !\ . .>1 ; I V I . JS me needs of the ... . bombs in parcel post package . . dressed to I ? prominent men. also asked that . , . , , containing sufficient dvnamit legislation (hang blow the recipient to pieces, t at the outbreak ? discovered among the mail a naoted an exper.t . . ... . general postofnee here Wednes [minted to inquire . . ... A preliminarv investigation s of th" postoflice , , " ... , . vinced the postofnee authorities ying second class , , tbev had unearthed a country mission would as- . plot of terrorists to assas; cost of such op . hlgblv placed persons as a il< new to assessing ... st rat ion on May 1 ... A sweeping Inquire hv pes officers developed , Inspectors, agents of the di presidency of the meet of iiistn c and police e' n crank I . (.la s. . , , was begun at once into the ; i, Ala., News, the .... ' t'es of anarchists and reds u ichard Hooker, of lass.. Republican. i r" ' , m tt<e same time a wa'tmu elected. p our of issued bv 'lie district attorney rs. v\ hose terms . . . , I flee to all public officials, espc j jud '?js In \' ritcll for package! ill? lit be delivered to them ; DEKS 1 HE | guard was thrown around the THE CAHEES Inril courts fiulld?ng The addresses on the 1 fi pac i soi/pd iioro wore :ill tvpowr .v I rom ( vpriiT'ii. siv'o :?'? ! n rouplp of mini I il\nt? Ow in .s con livl o flip I ills to IioIIpvp t It ;i it. Mil) II. ; (! lri> intr was ilono by ;i fore The addressees were: v 1. Postmast?r Those Markod for Heath, issued jip \\ illinin AT. \\ noil. 1 .u -ion. A Atnerlean <-; lil<> Frederick i" Howe. cotumisi wners. effective at n* InintiRratioti. Npw York city Hon A Mitchell Palmei. I KPItPrni's ordpr is State-; attornpy general. Wastlon of President 'on. J' ' \ntbony Cntninetti. lot mm n n iIp systi-ms of tin- toleration. Washincton. I> <' every part thom- Hon. William H Wilson. <pi i|iii|iP<pnt anil up- rv ot ' ' or. \\ a hineton H ' o whatsoever. and Senator T i.nrry Kyra. (Mi utppHes. tl?p pos- I'd. pprvlsion and op-! William H l.amar. solicitor s assumed by Hip' Washini'ton. P. (' latnitiop of the! W 11 Finch. department of vp in bp r, 1018. to York ind t'lrouirb tin-1 "on A S Ptirlesnn. postin Mbort S Hurle-. peneral. Washincton. P r pt ti mod to thpir Hon J. F. Hylan. mayor. JVi.'in:iJ3[0!^. hn^rilq ^ ot k city. . . 1 W' inrit. IS ;!) :;tKfi ilirn IMII'lt'lH pollee ('< 11 May J. 1019. j sloner. Now York oitv of tlio post in as- J,,hn n Rockefeller. Tarry operating said ^ ^ > immodinto stops' Mll'ani I RraefTor. attorney into effect." ernl- "arrishure. T'a ^ Hov. William C. Sproul. Ch 4 / ' 4 1 \'v?rn ^ A ' ' 1 lion Olivor Wendell Ho SM SPREADS T'nitod Statos justiro, Washln Jn. c. Northeast of Pe-| .1 1* Morgan. Now York oit i OIT tho Yoko v s,if ?n tho i,Brf "f ,h? S( , ~ . , of tho infornal ma rhino, o o id Irot/kv. with tho ?h;i'"n wits of a post oloik. woro all that prevoptoi 1 1 ho inhalii- homhs from bointr dolivorod lit' in' os 'Mir'li-i 1paokaftos woro mailed Rati in tho govern- nitthf in a ho\ smnowhoro ii liavo rovoltod neighborhood of tftth stroot fiki. Reports ro- Jtrondwnv Tlioy had tlio < < hat tho revolt is postneo for the pa r< > I post r,t wero sealed u ' h rod w afers (IT'l's advjI'W'Wjl "m I.fn >> ("lll'd hp aeeepteil oil t!io Murmansk fir-t o'. ;s ntattor \nor I st reported an- fliev WO tp sept 111 the gem-mi rtlieiti -.hole of o(llie . he referred liaek t. in.'t' is situated gender 'I'd l.ake I.a- I. inlet Itrollie-v | ,, M iii iivinsk rail-, ,, .(.,r , ,, 1on? ih.' western ,I(>, ,1 (??i If :??>( -'me"! (>! ' ri ll"t ' " ??! " 1''^ t?l 111" f.,tll w.T I t l\ litis T j i- ir Charles Kupl: 11. a post clerk. while on his way homo I I lllil.I I II S wr?rk *? ?! in a tnornin: i?:i|i??i o ^ ^ lUMlN'KIt litnil, i.iit to Senator 11 i r< I \\ i v ' Ihi* state flonrpia The description ?' v;s- i1 ol ih" si''? p-tnl;; cor in in die the hoinh s ii fishing nrhonn h'm ii<J he hurried hack t< th?' Mexican an- post office and examined the pa (round th if she i(<> then notified fhe siiperint? i oi revoiuilon sfs (,f his suspicions ami the pa<| Ich hailed from were sent to Chief I'ostoftlce In Pthied in Mexi- tor W K. Cochran. f?rn iircnrfllnf tn I ? " " 'voioslve experts were ralle ten to \era ( rux pv |^^p,.0f0r Cochran and or u hold. Forma , fho parrels was opened It ron yet hern prefer (l(j a sma|) phial fastened > o fin department is nf a polished hasswood ryllndr <|uirh?M into the izure. | (Continued on Tntfe Three IN PRESIDENT WILSON 5 IRK; EXPLAINS COVENANT ! I inent Document Designed as ( lire for i i>f Wars in Future Adopted at Plenary Session. I ISTS ONLY SLKJHT C H A N CKS t t Have'And These Are "Mere Changes r Plot of Phraseology Intended to ' | Ad- Clarify the Meaning" of the ( Document. ? i i\tor>n Paris, May 1 Fnllriwiin* i- . ?"- 1 T s !id- text of President Wilson's speot h i each before (ho plonary session of th' , a to peace conference Monday: t were "Mr. President: When the text f t the of the covenant of the league of na- j \ day. tions was last laid before you I had , con- the honor of leading the covenant n t i that extension. I will not detain von to- \ -wide day to read the covenant as it has . dnate now been altered, but will merely j s mon- take the liberty of explaining to > . . t some of tho alterations that have , lattice j heell made. , ppart "The report of the i oimn !' < has] j vports beep circulated 't u i ir op.? ? | . ictlvi- have in hand the text of t! ? c v< | v i this nant. ami will no doui ha . coti- el , t'taf most of the charm that have, , r was been made are iro-o ' of 's of- phraseo'ouv, no hang* - ot <ui. , ciallv stance, and that. besid> th t. invli h I of the ll.lll'o < . int< -lied t \ md n cbirifv itie d i unieci i lr i Print- Intake ex] i ? i what >\? il' 1 > , j stinted wn implicit in tie e* t ka?es as >? w - i i irinallv e < o t to \ e, , itten. Hut I hall take tie ot >a'l ir er- 1 itu votir attention to t < new I'ea | j t the tnre -ucji as they a ?. Some > f j ., ikiht. mem are'considerable. the 1 t t * i ^ vial. h "The first paragraph of irtie'e 1 t is ii?*v . In view of tho insertion of i r doner the covenant in the p.;i > ti?ai\ .Is specillo provision as 1?? li s.u'ta r nlted {..fjcs of the treaty, who won hi he-' t diln>!- conie int-nihers of the lejivno and il ' t so as to neutral st ites to !? Invited ,i '"1- |0 ;t, , |o 1 U?' eovenan" re i vioiisty necessary. The j-aram; (h rre'a also provides for t' e -m-' od hi ' i which a neiitial stnte nnr - ed? ' ' "'er | the covenant I "The third paragraph o* -'PI. 1 L''' j is new. provid ni; for 'he withdraw 1 al of an\ member o' the l.-ae ie on ; ' ' 1 notice ulven of two vem "The second pa a era ph of itt tl I is n< w, providing for a possible. ' inctease in the eouncil should other' <i powers he added to the Icatriie of r nations, whose present a es<ion is ' lllllls . II?H Mill K ipaKMl 1 p town "The two last paran phs of ar-j tide 4 are now. providing specifb ' K#Ml ally for one vote tor ea<h member of tin- l< airne in tin roundl. whieh n ester vv;,s "'"'orstood before and provid- N lnc also for one reptesentativi of ^ member of the league iiton. "Tlie |lrat paragraph of article .1 . ? is new. expressly irw orpoi at inn t ?v provision as to the unanimity of (*nler' v,>"n^ whieh was at first taken tor, Up,,.? : granted. , s tofTlee! "The second paragraph of article I the . has had added to it that a ma The Jority of the assembly must approve I ir.l iv the atipointment of Mi? - ret.irv ^ i the general. and "The IIr-~t paragraph of V-ticb >rrect names of Mi -eat of " but loarue and is dlbwi 1 bv a <?t : nd pa a. r i ph wli h y > M on* ! lv as power to < 'abl.-b ' a' -l v 1 pi f . | ion i v d ; : ' '' ' "T'>e Mi m1 nam -oh r:t- e r f- i . e-'uMi hint- .11 ty o* (M?n - to v ' v the tea ' ' i ' '1' I:: p v. it ,-n ; i >m bno' 't ta Ve to . v e i c : < ? ot ti p o"i " v. hicb iii rem rall> V ibie fot from ' ?> - ii i i i 1 't at u 'ipt r-i ik ,il ( if the what have latteilv been called ' k. ?f ticin 1?1 < ' ((uostions !"Ph.; * i hill i . r.iph ! :??11 I" rru<k js n,.vv This i: i h iUiH-niliiH i v 1 i 'fPiinlir'K doni" fi" rsili'h n ' ' that \vh?TO tho conn il fii'<ls that a j, <|iM'st:on nrls'n < it '?i in??>rna <.iK<'s tiona! (Ifs|iut<* afTivts mat torn w )i < ti vir'v i:?iil?r tho il<?m?'stl<- ju p ! rlo.ll.a I t - I MOUM II1MI i?I Wll?" I > I I ? IJI II?T |?il n ' H (J ' | it is to report to t'uit effort itn<! w 'p i tr.iiko no ioromn.ondatlon. |{) itii'n j "The last paragraph of article 1 r< l p '"P is now, providing for iin expulsion i ?r 'II from fho league in certain exfraor-l > l Continued on Page 7 ) | h SENATOR OVERMAN n MISSES BO KB BY A NARROW MARGIN I?*l?l I"f at I'ostnflirp iiinl Suspicions AroiiMil 11 \ "(iinilM'1 llros." LiihH on I'iii'kaui*. Siilisbury. May 1 Senator Tap Oxorinan 'his afternoon \vit'ies>-i.,| |? bp ili-s'ruction of a deadly lmmhj hat hail been sent him through tin- i nails from N< York and whi''h Si lad tii'i'n held up in the Salisburx lostoflii i' until Insppi tor 11 T Jregorv arrived and olfli-iat?*d at tin 'lowing up of tho boml). The hnnil> onrno hern last night. Nit several ili.vs Somitor Overman's i wo daughtors who worn marripil I ast night. have been receiving fh "5 nnny presents through the mails J ra hat several deliveries we e made , r<1 ho Overman home eaoh day. The r'' oral office planned to make the last, lelivery of presents after the earlx rains had run last nitht htit most | ortunately not enottvh packages."' irrived on the trains to justify a ,M perial trip So the deadly bomb ay in the offict until today. Knrlv his morning a survey of the parcels! rn eady to he sent t<? the ?enn'( r-l tome disclosed a small box that at; . ''' aereil in every part' ulnr th< d? icription of the j" I on :. ntereented In New V< k 1? withdrawn from the t- il- < :? tllv ind lmtnedi:?*e|\- bernn ?!>< ?.> t . if inlet I '".i tie ei ! t ;t \ Thi a ft S <r tve?*? n is two se re< . M- r w ? it .1 Martin. V -mast. lb.yd- i ?' \ 4 ^.i?11 i: t / in.) . v- I ale ircompa nied |- sport or C}recot\ to ' he ill ot town 1 ve the boni > ' a-- buried and a dynamite cap > \ ,,:i billed under it \\ h < ! onlv tore in way 'hi' outride past I ?< si '<1 l>. \ ' eating :i cvllml<T of tine haswnod eo irh'v polished and beautiful Then *t his was buried and 1" dynamite s:' aps exploded nnd< r it tearing oni tl id?' away and diseasing the int< fp for Tito whole thing was idopth i at O the ones opened in Now Ycrl< it' ho linn d hnvtpg been it) the top d jo.'(! in ' ? bottom of th<- f(> ylintlor. ca ri"inti,r 0\ rman li. < 1 no warning a\ look on' lor tie infernal nia vri h II' bns\ with the na >tr event ot 1. t 'vetiini: and po infornt'd ' th wholesale di it^ : 't< ot the instrtiments of tloath fo otn New Y ! !< Ilatl the iiontli < :f 'i vnt to tim Overman home last at glit 't would have arrived when T* h? house was full of townspeople tp ad visitors attending the wedding eh option anil would doubtless have he en opened along with the wedding w< Senator Overman lias re, ??ntly ir ro eived son)*- threatening black hand Iter* which h?- attributed to ene s.. lies made l?y the prosecution of in P(| etications into bolshevism, I VV ^ and brewery inteiests. by ttie ^ . mate committee of whieli lie is hnirmnn. This was Salisbury's ^ rst brush with a bomb and it ftp jf>. ist;ed almost tin* sole rc>|?i 'or <lis ro ; ssioti today. (| ^ TATE FEDERATION OF WOMEN'S ( 1.F I IS tb e.l inoiial Mretiiiu t'onxeties .it Win- ' throp < olleu? 1 'nli Women ol soiilli ? iirol i ii.i (. it Inn at tp. M l. \| \ t >" e 'i Iec;11 on ot W'omet . 1 > .. in . . .1 P Whit' IP Ml ' ... T e?da' whnn <? v'' , . \v t lb V I T T,II. h. % n (] ( ') M> i 1' if i . .. prfsi.1. t \(< i . th rn L" i.' 11? * * (i1 t lir l< i Mr I'liponn iMi'v ChnrloM >m ' ' cro"lM . < ' "in \nr'1 <' . in lh? f' 'I'" Minn. ii 1 Mi Nil- 1 niii'ti' KuriL' of ''hif.'iRfi v ' ' u: ili<> .Mional .> 11 f ift (in Ion' i (itiiMiil'ff. il?'| \. r?'i{ r> iiispiririR ;nl<l! ?*? on Mw vi. torv an \riio-- Movnol' . mthiop (li'liahifil ih? ;tn*!i?*n III h?'r vocal ^oln K\ Senator \V J'1' P.illo. k flrlivi"? (! a ni;i t"il\ ail- M < I I _# k.. .1 In I ? WII /y i /?:<! U ur *?l .NJtMOIP ,w hteh was much appreciated t?> the t? irgc utiilienc* Pre*l?> tcriiin Conference. All Presbyterian men aro urged | > attend a conference at the court ouse tonight at 8: HO o'clocl ivu i i\/ > .t> ?.<m; ?\ 1 r, k EBATE ON LEAGUE STILL IN PROSPECT a.jor Objection is Sending Troops to Europe?Feature Admitted to lie Keystone. I Hi lt SENTIMENT ( I.EAR "... ' - ihiu1 mseoverecl I'opular Sentiment in Favor of 1 .ramie to Prevent War in I lit ure. Wiishi'iftnii. May 1 Senatorial dnion en I)"' prospective defeat or titication of Mie leae-ie of nations ivenant is ? xpe< ted lo ervstalize pidiy ti \\ that I lie amended form th< covenant i> available for ta lysis. In veekinr anticipate the anion the .. mat. two considerations nst !?? kept i li'arl) in view : First, at .-fine < ruM-e ailjotit tn d and ntitors have sounded the sentient of th'-it > oust it tionoles they i\o .li -ovf icfI incontrovertible ovetn e ( the existence i a tremeti?n and o\ erw lielminu popular ntintent n ' \ "f ol l< nmio of II iot: p . ot w ;i r in l he fuS? it ' ha? tie >\enjint hie' t . t ' n ll eet i.e .. , ,| nt til" t. to the ! ! ' tI t ho covelilt. p."<o ??v i ilii eonsider. ins would 1 > |> i 111 to abatelilt lit' fippo * i I?II \\ tii'll I ltO I'OVPiiit com' before t|n? somite. Havp in iniml what was i< 1 in the tiiifo. it would in- ail in issililo to nrlude that thi' plan of the 1? 'apue ill fulls short of bofnp entirely tisfaetory to ninny senators. Probitv sotni' of thorn woiihl vastly prer to pet 1'iitk. without any league all tlo'v wish tin' subjert had ver ootio- up to V?'\ thrill. Put it iliil romi up: tho proposal r a leouur o in' .ui is hero. It niii>t In- - ui ! -I tint :11 11 on upon it ?i?l 'I Tlii' p"i -il,': it iiiont f;i>rs tho poneral idea . f a concert of itions in tiohalf of intornat ion; 1 are. horo - a h in1'.- plan Willi h proponor ts preo should ho ofI'tivo p. ' *?; '*- 1 tho object. rr nnot v otj t? 1.1 a ,| jn ihe sen e pt'. opi il or rejected u-v tuny not like the loipne of na ins. hut the countrv ?oenis to Inimorinp "or ttie eiul What's to done alioiit it" The answer inhl tippear to he fairly obvious ooi ?,i i ' r:r ""ho opoound the vi-iiiim hi iii<* macno it?, tirst rnt have declared in interviews ire eonuress adjourned that if th?venant were amended to meet the tjor objections urged against tliey II support it. Senator Itorali. for example, holds it the amended form of the ivue designed to proteet the Moil > dextrine, doe* not meet the relireinents and he finds fault with her amendments, while still conndlng that the famous article 10. one whi'h would eatise til? l'liitSt.ites to partieipate in settlemi I' ! T upi d -put e?. eon fins to l.ind. Tl ai t io' Will the puhl o ire j : : inalvize with l <3 [ II 1 yet .11 the boa a t?... , r will popt I t* I that -mnato * 1 11 tinn at ! acre- f. e em ona tit Wh 1 ' 1 the m : jor Ob1 tl dt all of the vi ' ' ' fe hav ? ev m ' 1 'rt titers of the 11 ' amendments; i diet have tried trv I the follow \ 111. ' - : ph> ;??=? in < !" i Momr< .> doctrine " n, m1 jfioation or uslon l>\ the league, r miiii "ii of options of dome ! i c ' omi ihe purview < f lt n . T'u to cover tin- il iration iiue?t n>n Incorporation oi a provision ffi. ' mbcr s'.if-- -hall decide uhi 11 11 o th? \ shall contribu' tin- force t<'(|nirP(i liy the leag ? carry out its mandates. Ilerogn it ion of the right of met r nations individually to pass n limitations of armaments. Provision that mandatories ovo (Continued <t>n Page 6.)