The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, November 01, 1905, Image 1

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. -i.* The Lancaster news LEDGER 1852 REVIEW 1878 ENTERPRISE 1891 VOL. I. NO 0. SEMI-WEEKLY. LUNCftSTEIl. S C., NOVEMBEH. I, 1905. PIIICE-FIVU ( EMS PEI1 COPY. Mrs. Sims's Double Afflic= tion. While Attending the Funeral of her Mother in Lancaster County, Her Son is Killed Near Columbia. *4? o: < ?? iiiic mis. foiin onus, (ii y Columbia, was in this county last week attending the funeral of her mother, Mrs. Wesley Hilton, whose death was noted in The News at ttie time, her little son. Master Hilton Sims, was shot and killed. A special from Columbia in the News and Courier of Oat 27th gives the following account of the sad tragedy: "Hilton Sims, a wtiile hoy, about ten years old, was shot and to stantly killed today. A little negro boy, Hal Gordon, about nine years old, is responsible for His ileal b. Young with Oscar Fordo and Alvin Sims, about the same age, were in the woods near Benedict Ins!i;u'.e. They h-d w th them a single-barrel shotgun.? Some ol the bovs had slimr-Hints. an?l they all laid the gun aside and were shooting at biids Wilu their slings. While en paired in this, the liMle n? gro can e up and hegan handling the gun, the olh er boys not noticing him. Sml denl.v the gun tired and a shot from it penetrated young Sinis's chest, striking the heart, and kill ing him instantIv, The other Ivoys immedia'ely alarmed tiie neighborhood, bin nothing could tie done lor the unfortunate boy. It is pre umod that the killing was purely Iroin careles-mess and ignorance o<; the part of the little negro. The coroner was duly nolitied The dead hov wan the son ot Mr .lack Sim-, who is employed at the Southern Railway shop*, and who lives in the eastern su * burhs, on the Two Nntclv road. j Another Arrest in Gaffney for Criminal Assault. OafTtiey special to Spartanburg Herald Oct. 28: 1, I) Holmes, a young white man living near this city was arraigned bolore Magistrate C. T. Bridges '.iu morning h>r a preliminary healing on the ciiarge ol assault with liitont to rape upon f 111 > ftAPwAtl i ? I \t ru M ..... I I.: .1. II ' |/ i. " ? " iuiutv i/i piv; ii. The alleged attempt is said to have been made about two miles from tliis city. Ail parties are while. . Ilo'mes is a young man about twenty five years obi who lives on tlx- land of lite G fluey! Land ami Improvement Oompa' v :k. about two or three miles from ^ u (i 1 < I'o'ii In* and .\rri)? si i'1 ar. 'v, 11 known here At the p.\ limiiiary hearing litis | morning Messrs. Thos. B. Butler and J. B. Bell, conducted the prosecution while .J. (J. Otts appeared loi The magistrate bound him over to the Court of General Sessions convening lore in February. lie' was later released on a four hundred dollar bond. k. ... ? ' A Sign of Prosperity. Many Private Land SalesBuying and Selling Con- j stantly Going on, and at Good Prices. One of the evidences of the prosperous condition of the country?due to good crops and fair prices?is the present activity in real estate, valuable plantations changing hands almost daily. Among the notable sales made last week, through the Carter agency, are the following: Wliiti is known as the McMurra> place, six miles north ot Lancaster, containing 105 acres, was Hold by Mr. li. M. Welsh to Mr. W. M Morris. The K. K Mcllwawi residence in the town ol L itfeasier, south ot the depot, was purchased by I)r. E. S. Mc Dow. What are known asihe Everali .....) i' i i? - ...i i mil, \ ,1(1 lien |?l<ices, IIOllM <U Mil caster, were bought by Mr. S. Iv Stai nes Iroin Mr. .1 L*. Steele and iho estate el the late W. ('. Cant lien. The Howie place, four miles north ot Lancaster, o ml unif-g (>5 acres, was sold by Mr W. A. Steele to Mr W. B. lhvier All ot these lands weie t.oin a good prices. A number ol othc: trades are likely t'? b* om<uMi mated tiii-? week Fire Near Town. Barn and Stable on Senator Hough's Plantation Burned. A Horse and a Mule ; Perished in the Flames. A new burn ami s'ablo on Sen-tor \V. C. Hough's nianta ?i??Ii near town was <teslr. y I -?1 i by lire las' Satnnlav mult', oe-| I ween S rod It o'clock A horse belong i o 10 Mr .1 :un?*sh Barn n, who live > on t bo pi are, in J a mill* i be onuim: to M cur \\ .> wei? I burned to death, .Nli- . H irion aEo lost alol ot (mirier, er. The total lo<s is several hundred dollars. None ot the parties lrtd any insurance The origin oi the fire is not, known, hut it is thought to have been accident d. W. H. Vanderbilt's Grand-j son Gets Three Months. Paris, Oct. '28?Elliot Pitch Shepard, oi N >w York, who is the son ol the .tie (Jul. Elliott. E Shepard and gi indson ot the late Williaiji II V .ndei hid, and wl o ran over and killed a girl while motoring hereon Ati^u-i 2? I.' t, was condemned io I ay to mpri HOinnent for three months and to pay a tine oi 600 francs. The sum ol 20,000 irancs damages was also assessed upon Shepard jointly with I lie firm which own od the car, as Shepard was exhibiting it to a prospective pur-I - ? ' ? unuHer wnen me accident occurr-1 od. ! A Sad Death. J. D. Gibson, of the Lancaster Mercantile Company's Office, Cut Down in the Prime of his Young Manhood. Mr. J 1 tnes I). Gibson, who lor the ya*t \ear was employed in the olIh-M ol the Ltncaster Mercantile company, died last Friday evening, ol lever, a I. the home ol hia lather, Mr Abe Gibson, in the Rossvillo section, Chester county. He lett hero about two weeks ago. Mr. Gibson, who was about 22 years old, was a young man ol exceptionally fine character. It ia said ot liirn thai he was never known to utter an oath, and that he never tasted liquor or used to hacco. He made friends of all witti whom lie cainc in contact during his residence in Lancaster. Toe announcement ol his untimely deal I will cause general regret. An Editor Hard Hit by the j % Darlington Failures. The many friends of A. (i Ivdlock, e.lilor of the Darling ton N? \vs, will regret Jo lpirnj thai owing to the heavy losses sustained m the failure of the Independent Oil Company anil Dirlington Trust Company, on J see nint ot his endorsement ol the negotiable papeis <>t those concerns, lie will go into bankrupicy. Mr lvol lock's iiabiltti s are $30,000 and bis assets Irotn $20,000 to $25,000 ? Clieraw Citizen. Shocking Accident. . Small Boy Loses Both Hands in Cotton Gin Machinery. Sj> irlanbury I) lily ILiaUl. S iinmic , a si von yo >i olil lad, met. with the senoiiR mis tor uno ol lo.invr boih his h ai the i:in of IV. Mills in ti< 11 nhvsviilo st-cti >n yesterday nl I c rnoon. t he child, w lather, Mr. Thomas Chesney, is engineer .r ' Dr. Macs' uin. was pia.. mg on ill heap <>l oo 'on hear the gin, and j filial) \ walked loo close to the machinery. in M?me manner tiie boy's hands wore caught in I he ma chinery and were terribly mn'i fated. Medical aid was quickly summoned, ami his pain ami suffering wore alleviated as so- i. as possible. The I*r? gb\ i j ians of Ivansa nave eudowtd a chair ai the Sta e University, and elected Dr. Francis Wilber to the position j Hi-- duties will )<o to give in-I structmn in the Bible and related subjects and to look after th*? artiriinul ?n I <? il.? i? v/j. <><> in;: i (l l o III lilt; ^l)U I resbyterian students atteiuliug the university. Two Runaways. ? i Two Mules Killed in the One and a Man and his Wife Killed in the Other. Rock IIill Herald. Ahnut noon on Wednesday while se Archie, colored, was driving a pair ol mules to a wagon filled I wo i. <- i ...... nrru uihmmi, Mie mines ne-1 came frightened, ran with the wagon a long ways and after reaching the railroad crossing bei??w Ogden, were killed instantly hv a local freight train going south. The mules were runnii g and plunging at break neck speed and just as they entered the railroad track they were mashed into jelly. The wagon which the mules were hitched to was disfigured, tint not by the train. Fortunately the driver was not hurt at all.? The wagon ami team belonged to Mr. (i. I). Pearson of Ogdi 11. Mr W () Yonnghlood and wile, while driving home from Yorkville <?n Wednesday, were I thrown with their buggy lr< in a bridge on the Charlotte road ? I'he horse becoming: Irightened lacked the buggy oil the bridge and leii on top ot the wreckage. Both Mr. and Mr-<. Yuungblnod \v?-u- fiiionslv injured, the latter more than her husband. The tall was probably t .ventv f-?et. Call for a Mass Meeting. To th" Prohibitionists of Lan Cniinttr 'Pile Lancaster County AntiLiquor League was duly organ ized at Lancaster on Monday, Oct. 30th. 1905, by the election of a IV'sidon', Vice President, Secietary and Treasurer. The object of this organization will be to see that the law against the sale of intoxieat ng liquors in this county is enforced. With a view of establishing branch leagues thr? ugliout the countv and for the transaction | of anv other bu-iness that may come before it, a ina^ tne< tins* I of the prohibitionists of the! countv is hereby called to meet i in the courthouse at Lancaster on Monday the thh day of November ;it ! o'clock, p. in. Ii is earnestly requested that each, and every township in the eoun ty be iat'gely roj resented in this ineeliii I>y order of the "Lancaster! County Anti-Liquor League. .John T. < <reeu, Pres. W. C. Tiionwn, Sec'y. Marriage Postponed Account Illness of Prospective Bride TIlM IIUl t ' l ur ? M V .... - ?' '? " " . \ t 11' L?e JtMtMiis and .Mr .1. I.. 1 >11 i, which wa>. o hive taken pla "O in Koek liiil Wednesday, has been post polite] on at count oil the illness of't.ho l ifter af his home in Kershaw Hi? physician' says lie will be confined (o his j bed several weeks.?Chester Lan- j tern. . r Si J '* V Deadly Work Of an Illinois Farmer--He Kills Two. Men, one his B r o t h e r-in-Law, and Wounds Two Other Persons. Clieiioa, Ills., Oct. 28?William Leduc, a tanner, enraged over domestic afTiirs, today shot and killed Mayor Charles N'iekle, Ills hrot hcr.i 11-I? 1 -e .? , III 1 IIC o.tllK Ol Cherma, and Hugh Jones, a l)iick mason, slight Iy wounded two pedesfrairs and, drawing Jones' body into the bank vault, partly closed door and defied arre.-t for many hours against ofliceis and citizens with whom he exchanged scores of shots. Lale tonight Leduc surrendered to the sheriff and the dead body of Jones was removed to a morgue. Leduc, well armed, came iit Ironi the faim litis alU-moou, walke 1 into the bank and without warning shot Nickel, who u eadiier of .the bank as weil a*' mayor, dead. Hugh Jones, Cashier N'.ekei's son and another boy were in the bank. Tito boys escaped through a bsick door. Jones attempted to grapple with Leduc, and was sho'. Two men passed along I hp street ami Ledue apparently feeling they might attempt to capture him shot I hem, one in the head, Incut her in tiie hands, hut t heir wounds are not serious. An immense crowd, armed, gathered in the bank in an attempt to capture the slayer, but Leiiuc, witiiiii the vault with .Jones' body would allow no one to come within ran^e o| hit weapon. Leduc told officers thai Jones was dead. Ammonia and chloroform were used i)lt?nti!nlly m an attempt U overcome Leduc, but the partly open door admitted enough air to ilnvnrt iheelb'ct of the drugs. Shenll Kdwards and depuiiet arrived later nut Led tie, who was a? :I Mip()iied with ninmtMi! .1. withstood the .attack ol the oi!. cers. Seventeen Girls Poisoned Kurlinfilon, Vermont, Oct. 2' ?Seventeen jiirls tanging troiu t.wo to ->x years < hi were taken suddenly il! a' St. Joseph's or pana^e asylum lu-t n x I?J at;! I line died three hours. An aulopy tod iy revealed the fact ot poisoning but the cause was not made Known. ine I vat ion Ai ni,y is making much \ ixress it, Gj-rixxaiiN un <r !." > ( .ersldp ol Coinn: u <J"? (l.iphaiit, who, I lie Fran iu i.*r '/. i nnir declarep, is almo-' is in leieatii.^ a character as Geil. p....i i. i.. . - iswvsiu. in ii rereni Hdiir* - s li? referred with pride lo il'.e lad that new students at the IU vet aity of Berlin .had recoiv <1 p-.-rinission from the r?rtor in Aritfitheir dissertations lor the doctor's degree on the fcmlvaticui Army.