The clothmaker. [volume] (Clinton, South Carolina) 1952-1984, March 15, 1984, Page page 6, Image 6

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page 6 Engi Clinton Mills began its Engineering Department in 1960 with the modernization of Plant No. 1. The value of coordination amnno mannfarhirinn mon innrnnn ? uiuviig imuiiuiuvlui uig nianagciiiciil, v? V_^ II" tractors and the maintenance department was proven. Twenty-four years and seven plants later, the department has grown to five engineers who share responsibility for operation, maintenance, design, construction and other project-work related to the production of quality textile products at competitive costs. The department was started and is headed by Bailey Dixon, Vice President. As Corporate Mechanical Engineer, Harry Sullivan is responsible to see that the plants' compressed air, boiler, air conditioning and refrigeration systems are properly designed and maintained for efficient operation. Sullivan is currently heading up the engineering responsibilities of the Bailey Plant moderni zation, working with manufacturing personnel on all levels to insure a smooth transition with the least possible surprises and inconveniences. Frankie Harmon, Project Engineer, is an engineering graduate of Clemson University. Reporting to Harry Sullivan, he is currently involved in coordinating various contractors for roofing, piping and building modifications, especially at the Bailey Plant. Harmon works with Bob Wtlkie to see that the company's watershed and forest land are maintained and productive. He is also responsible for insuring that the filter plant water quality and testing are maintained and that the company's sanitary landfill is operated within state quidelines. Jim Barton, Corporate Electrical Engineer, is a registered Professional En gineer. Hp is responsible for seeing that all plant electrical systems are properly loaded and coordinated and that all systems are installed and maintained in full compliance with the National Electric Code. Barton is also the Engineering Department's leading edge in electronics and computer applications. He designed the company's first microprocessor controlled fire protection system for the Lydia opening and card rooms, and he is in charge of maintaining and updating the compijterized preventive maintenance programs. Paul PallavAi hac hoon HaH ? uwi t uiiutv nuj uvvii uaia i luucddiiig d chief liaison with engineering, working closely with Barton to develop programs for monitoring energy consumption and costs at all plants and to see that the department's IBM XT personal computer is properly linked with Data Processing's main frame. One of Barton's present projects is using a Trane Sentinal DEC PDP 11 / 23 Computer and programs to monitor and control the efficiency of the company's two 1250 ton refrigeration machines serving carding and spinning in Plant No. 2. Working with Sullivan and Campbell, Barton hopes to expand the system to control and monitor refrigeration, electrical demand and other areas where energy cost savings are possible at Lydia and Bailey Plants as well as Plant No. 1 and No. 2. The Trane system will also be used to replace the T-6000 air conditioning monitoring system at the Bailey Plant. Silas Campbell is Director of Plant Enninoorinn at tho PIitr?n Dlinlr I r\/- I .? 5>>>VVIIM5UI uiw. viiiiivii I iuiiio. IM^IUUCU ill Campbell's recent projects are a microprocessor controlled material handling lift in Plant No. 1 and a work order system for the maintenance departments to help insure prompt action and adequate follow-up. Several areas covered on the work order system are also computerized to help evaluate costs > (Continued on page 8) neering D WEEKLY PROGRESS MEETING?Each * and Manufacturing staffs review the progre tion in order to make various moves, install the most efficient manner. Left to right, PI tant to VP of Manufacturing Jim Colems Wilkins, Corporate Mechanical Engineer Ha I inlr anH rnrnrtrifn -?l CmmShaa ?'Oil MIIW wvi^rviu%v biwmtai 1.1igil ICCI scheduled moves. 'Amt' at TAX .a?1' * * . .. BAILEY DIXON?"Our goal is to assist C in making a better product at a lower cost." } \ V-J MICROPROCESSOR FOR NO. 1?Assista Johnny Price, Director of Plant Engineerin Vaughan, note the computer technology tha plant as this device greatly improves the various departments. epartmen veek numbers of the Engineering ss of the Bailey Plant moderniza- Kii lations, and structural changes in ant Engineer Robert Cobb, Assisin, Carding Superintendent Don rry Sullivan, Plant Manager Gregg Dixon i Jim Barton review next week's memb* Plant e ing dep 1^ a -fa * J * linton Mills i * * REVIEWING TRANE C and Plants 1 and 2 Engir refrigeration controls. 1/ u r I v rel; int Plant No. 1 and 2 Engineer wit g Silas Campbell and Marshall t has been brought to the No. 1 handling of stock between the r Provide* j npHj n& 1 \SE ROUTE TO ALL CONCERNED?Vice Presid? nstructs Maria Reid to route a series of reports t :rs who needed them regarding installation of t quipment. Maria is a substitute secretary in the kartment while Pat Owens is on leave. 1 Ill v 1 I I ONTROLS?Gerald Satterfield, Toland Snelgr teer Arthur Sanders review the new Trane Sent mm DISCUSSING COMPUTER APPLICATIONS?I ates the many applications of the personal corfl h Corporate Electrical Engineer Jim Barton. H