The tri-weekly journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1865-1865, June 26, 1865, Image 1

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^MOCOTT, ^ ' i . . . .' ''' '' V ' , . , ^iates-for A: *. 'For one Square?ten fine's'''Ift less?ONE . > DOLL AR nod RlfTY CENTS' for; tlfPflret iqseftioC ' ani ONE DOLLAR dor enieli subsequent , ,'t OniruAKY Not icK^exeeediugouo 'square, charged1 ; ht wVrertising" rates.. ' ,/(- "w\,. . Transient Advertigonionts and Job ' ATork MtTST fiJS PA2U-FORIN-ADY?NCB. V.- ' . v No dc-duetiorvmade, except to.ieurregular'avertsiog patrons. From Wasl^^tciit ' , [SpecialDispatches to the Netir^ork Tftacs,] the oou/ection"'OK JN.teR.vaL taxes. v, .. Washing ton", Monday ?utte 5.>-TIie Sec-r retary of rhe Treasury has." di-vide'd Mississippi, South an<TNorth Carolina ioto'^istricts far the collection otip tergal twei^. \ Mr. Frederick,^. Sawyer Las been appointed (collector, of internal -revenue for the city of Charleston, S. C., Mr. Sawyer is a native of x .Boston, Mass., arid for some time past lias occupied the position'of suporiotciuiant of the public school of Charleston/ v . socxhebj: i'ostofflcfcs, etc. . * ' Government-is, reopening' poStoflices in thelately rebellious States as fast as postal'facilities can he furnished and loyal postmasters found. , > 'During the past .month ' two pestoftices have; been re opened in Maryland^five in Western. Virginia, sevca in Kentucky,'^ apJ fourt^onlm Tennessee. - f Sl?te>idenfrJdpas(a''ljas-diveet<>d'' a suspeo'eioiy '0-{ {throughout the\.South of the sales of rebel bahahiod-tr ' ?/??? ? C j t-vai AUJL uvutpajjuutiw in uwcut \ - iax&s,onierdifby tbp Tax Commissioners in .. ,the'?&ver&i States. ' It-is not known whether audi'* iatfej(poatioB iraplitea remittance ,of tire r* ,.P^aa^7 of -coafiSdition, .or merely a postpone; .meat.-of the sale.': % %. -/, . , (GtTK pSSlANB T)FQy ENGLAND S'OR'DAMXOES. WisanrOToirJ .June 7;?STotwitlrstHnding ^tafifltsfiods-bS'tlfe' British press fa is u-ot " ^tteiatiejrtlda ofdur Gbrernnaent t<* abandon, ofr fe anywise abatfe, tfcodem'afid.upon England \ far -dtmaces;4o -cfar commerce by tlsc nnglo-re"I?be -jiisbanding. of a portioK \ ?bfJths-Army lis no' evidence of a x3ov.'.-, iX^r popffy.. Enough^U!'be retaked to en-j ' i ^fiafe;a?y <deniaadB upen foreign Governments, (BtnfijSs^oeasfcij, .tbev veterans mnsterediottt ' i Iti?ifc?eas%^Bt2mc)onedC:back to tbe Sold-' ' ' JpgigflBOSRECT -.0* i?tll MQNPlOE DO(ClRJ.VE. s SasazaSarssccd .tfeefc .pEelioiiuat/ measures ' ' pmz&tsatig'is&efc talker. .-in /reference .to the 'eaBuBaasac^ >tb& Monroe .doctrine, .and'a ' ' jeti^askK.xeegreeia^n ^Napoletm .tbat^ since . .we~will ] . .to SiiMi>ge?a AviLh those : rv^y pkin | ^^tT1Wla^M^^4^ ^^-3kpoj&on canst .not-obly j . rjm<L 11 ii i? KajJKt^foac ;Jqfro 'Mexico, .but m'uet I , .* 1 v^^eadbi^Eil .''Aostrkn ^tnxips -now! : .IBMIIL J iiiin?5^;-tas,.jpe3p^vi jae^co/iO'dfecidfc: j&ej' ?will ..liav,? nii jamQf&aez-J^aik&rz. ri^etxrise out*. ' Aftrte-sasrEiss: ritat-' &^'l)?e&ns .iavejfair, / : , > ,ffltawiTKn *F<n.i "' ?^une ' ^ ^agJSMfc. .Bwwil]i TT^ihL111 ~ii^ i i (I)}" \0.-. akSfcwwv iV. \#t v^eUii . ; s*x ?v sfjewd 0O/S:'i!J 1 * J;'* * ' / ' ' ' is . 7v- .. Mk>. : - ov V'^CAMBXEK, M0|'j3>AV, JUrSE 2G. . I'O.^Now-Hflj^.ins jidvir-c-s of hie- 5ili -inst., stn^e that Gen. Rood and. siafF, wbo recently-- voluntarily Vurrcndc-re^iliertselvci?, arrived ;he^e|on thac day.,' It is Crrmnrcd in-the NurtWrn'papws that an e::tri Session of Cor^rc-ss.wii! bo Vailed, bpt it'Jjtoct dccidfol on. |' Mr. Dopes, ofSdutli Carolina, is said !o be ontrodd tenn3xritli the President! The President's tie tun to poliey .vic'dl be reserved l iU a-'f er ik> trial? arc over. Ooi-LECTOKStiip of the Poi?t op Charleston-.?I> r AJberfrG. M acker, lias received the appointment .<*f Collector of the.Port of that city.4' ?o -Says the-'.Qfcarlestoy. Courier. . /.<*. , 4 'Numerous applications from all-parls rVf the loyal Slates for tho position of special npentrof tfie Post "office Department fh ilie'rebel States, have been.received at M'^phington."; '] m y Over six thousand rebel officers bclo* the rank of Major, .prisoners of war, have made application to the War Department to take the Amnesty Oatli arid be discharged:, . ' >. %. The 57. y. Herald says, that the "Hon.-W: W.Doyce. will, in all probability, receive the' appointment of civil governor of South ( Carolina. Old consistency, thou art_"a Jewel. v'', ' The Na&ville.'tTJnion'1 his a report from Aygus'ta, Gh., thn<r Gen. .Robert Toombs bad committed -suicide jipon.tly: approach'to his residence of & squhd of' soh -dierfi /ajStifc to arrest him. / . . -requested ti> eay thufc-.ll,? Gatnden-Minstrelj, compoapd of colored bpyfrbelcmgin'g to this town, will give an Wtertai?nlent;fl|fe'ev,eniijg at 8 o'clock; at the. Temperance Hall. ". . . Tbfe States of North Carolina. South Carolina and Mhisir&ppi have been divided i/uo i.nferal revenue districts by the Secretary of the Treasury, and appointments of eoUgptors for some' of these localities have already been- nyido by the President. , Cnpt. -T. N. Coxnep. will please accept our thanks far. a perusal ofthe N. Y. Hernl'd of the 15'; Through -the courtesy of Mr. E. MV G n.r.vSl^jigo' in receipt ofthe N. T. TTora'ld of the lGtlV, also a qop'y of Harper s TFcC&iy and Frank Leslie'* Illustrated, of tho 2-tth inst? " . At a late meeting of the facers* of half a dozer., counties in Tinginia, between Richmond and tho Blue -n ..r_\....? * 1 ? * Jiiugc, uc duvnuuu ui 1-iniuj v\ ii?.i t:i.-vgiii/.uu, anu 11 was agreed as a general rule, that their ''cnr>anerpaled negroes, field hand&, should ordinarily "be paid ' five, dollarsja mvD'.h and'found f and in hrtrrnst tiqr.e one Gofer r. day and*found. " I r Angrier ha? been issued from the'War Department, by-du'ccuon of th?. "President, for the immediate discharge from imprisonment, ,upon taking the oath, of alleging?.*, of all enlisted jtnen-gJ/lie' rebel army and. navy; a?3 officers of th9 army not abovo the grade of Ghpta in', an<l of th.e navy not abqvc the rank of Lieutenant,1 excepting such as are excluded from the .ben-' efity off,the amnesty.proclamation.. ; - 'In.tjiO'Jf, T. Herald o?f rilie lOfli we learn that"by a recent proclamation, 'taking off restrictions from "Sbcttern trade, perhaps the -most important, iE.ll;e ~t 1-1J 1? Al . .m ? jjoi tcuij;.iai.u tyf me- ljcasury jjeparu id cut omcotton brought from within tko inswrectionnry. districts. The Removal of this'restriction, the. jlerdldliHjs,;uas been ^debated for sometime?the President and All. tlio Cabinet,- except' or.-" racn'tV r. tr-er.7;j.' it'"".Tl;' offioc-.vs- .uf 'fvpen!.bo'^i ntiyii , .wurii ?anT..'lJiroieglvmt the South. I'-rrprvsj^iliii i I s lews#* v"?3.s*>'the rcstw- ''i il?c;k'o?nl | j feo'hr.f. .;f.Lbe.Sohthcn^rO;' <<towacfc 1r,..!r.>v.;rnin -i:t, | , .Hi? \\.'i'.iculuv rt-sirL-tior. V- mlw k; a Xcjfb'r > / Til*. CfiXBrtj'nv.??Vc hare been joqjested; bj ths li te authorities of tb,e t'lwmt'hntnte, that'tUp1 Ttcy.of . tto CvTOldry-gafcc will bifobrifF at -Mr, MpCtyEIGUT'.n ?ho;j; andAyb ttre alfeo .authorised to' say, tl'wi' -"llr, M ctjRi-aon r will furnish any one .wishing them at f-yo.dollars each- * ' iJ % * ' > i '1 hc'.igek jvas put' on for the purpose of keopihg cntr tlovout; and 'wo Siti&rely fibpe. 'citizens -risi'ting the Cemetery in earriuges'tor other Tolnclcs will see-that . tlicir servants secure thiyaite; otherwise it wilk be a wdste Of time ond laboi^^plaatV;brnamental trees in 'the ground;-or^veit for jSrivntp injUvldiials to attempt kespitg^lieir'enclisurein o'fjler.. jfdottle' are aflffiud 1 access, the woA ,already done'.,wiil 'be . wcrse' fifim usel<&\ ^ g *. >. $;. ' . y* > , THE ipEoPLH,. iiEAVigo..?ffrc Wbterf(ird; Citizen sdy's tijatnf renvgration troes on ' r.h. chccketl for a'fow yonr?% ir6lii^rl will be. ndm-iv depopulated.Tlie Cork'^roJ/i^rr' Ptfttta thlCt if there were steamers capnbJjvof 'taking five or six thousand per geek from'W^instown, there .iqrould jhc found*. aburiclant^^Hssengcrs* to fill . them,*' ? ' '-ill '* European News# The arrival of the 'Africa*at lwjifax, with *drices to t^ie -38th. nit., pfacc's us in possession of two days bitiV'Enropean' news. .' Lprd PalinerstoT),' in the ITouSe of Commons, -on,tthe 28th. tilt., stated that the diplomatic ''cbiHspondence with respectito the Alabama's depredation was still going on, and that tho question had been discussed id rife timet fri.eniP, , ly and amicable manner... r v $ The London press discusses they question at 'gferrtdsngthThe Lopckm TmK!?irH>imt? credit for British Neutrality," afld says England-'ifafw. stands oft its legal rights' and refuse's to make 2inv coniDensation. 'whero it dhii'fc nr. wrong." . t'' The tiewg. of Jeff. Davis' capture liad created' considerable, sensation,in Europe;' Politically" the intelligence was conaidihrid. favorable; for hnd the rebel-chief escaped to a..foreign .country a European war might Kav6arisen froui the demand for hia. extradition. ' V . The B'rltfsty Govern ni cut wore-urged to asl; the Co-operation of'America for the entire,sap pnession'-of'the slave trade.. ' -" Prince'Napoleon's, eulogy of America and' his endorsement of the Monroe doctrine had Jrawu down upon him the censure' of the Emperor: The Prince had accordingly resigned | his position in the councils of the empire. American securities' bad- again advanced, In London.ou the 27 th-tilt., United States'five-1 twenties Pt(.K>d at 67 1-2 to 68. ' Consols on' the 57th vrere quoted at 91 to !)1 1-3. Ceffton was quiet in the Liverpool, markfetand unchanged. " .i Thermic in the India cottoiv trade was spreading. Farther failhres were announced. u*gcwngga^ii ii inn mi iinir-.-gHgDarggM^^0?^Tq^ ' fisPAUTED thisjife* on ibo nioming'of tiic 10th iast,.? ftt tlmir vecidpnce, Mrs, "ELIZABETH BLOPfiE?<T. Our friend and sister, after a severe sickness, .foil 1 .sweetly nsieop in the arms of her Savieur; and tlicugH , n-n .ifor.nlv mrviifn linr.lne'u VTnriift Vi,r oil n-lm V-..? t.j ? ; , . y .... AUC>Y ^er) we mourn rtot'without hope.' 'Happy are we to state that thoMeceas^d Jlas been for many years' a member of the if E. Ckuych. She .was always at her post,.over ready to discharge the duties rcstiug. upon her as a christian ; an affectionate wife and mother. She jeav'es 'a devotech husband, _ a mother nhd broth* er. and three 6mall children?one an infant?and a "lai^e -circle of acquaintances lomcurn her loss. 'Truly the way#,ot Providence are dark hud mysterious, and pasi'finding out; but in the midst. of our sorrow and in it;h- great bereavemewt let us rena-nmor that .the <"' itukr of ull evfnlsjs toc>3i!>'f r. ant: too ... :> nidrr.vl : .!(,,>;.-.'\vho 2o\ ? he1 i i a'..--";. ,!'< : us lhcuit: ?' to; r:m?r, W kiss -t'h. rM i.; runi iiv ? ::ud prepare .<?: v.' nn v\f: uiiuviitei v., he prcpo'v-^^.j iu <i':r.i:st. r ij. iliahwpi'ld wiuuBji.'.rtitig /'.HOf'?uo\vm : Hv o:.f ivli'i loved! ar. ' '& * lO ' 1 titx'tirx, Ju& ?I, m;\ \ V * V at>vppl.p^fE^iJhi rmaij>\' | Presh^TnJJ, accompanied '6v>t:^i^?flitorMl ^Uciam &lffi "I regret tlic p*t8llcation o^^fmati'stgpdrt at tli's'.. 4 tinia. Sherman lms qee.ftYoo1fiaci/o^VM't>i^l^5*? bo alighted riofe'fojr n nnglp . ot" which Gen. Sherman'is "ihcapabj?^r?TOg^i / wrhicli grew out of sincere pntriptiphJ. I Jhof'e man for the Westerncampaign,because he was ht that'" L$J.; tjine tlto only-JSne who had developed suBieiciVtf qualii '*: ? flftjitions. Jftfther has any other sfhceillustratafjhcr . ^mo nbdily^Shorman's success at'XioldabbTOVn^Ms-^^ sittted piy, own. jit Richmond. Yj^heii' fully uo'dcfttocouia public toifc must dotjrirh oefcteW. v\ justice." ' ' : v;?h' . . ' "vj-v>^ , * , :<jj . - r*0 '-'VV%?% The wAithftr luting the' past wcek;liH8-beei\ . 1*: t. ? x . j * - ? wwin uns siuiry. " . / 1 . 1 | ''^p^^g?^^^c'es.; 11|j ~~~7 ' ' " p^r^teARUCH,:; - ..,:. ' ;V :l OFFERS HI* PlSpissro^iL'|siEy^K^-TO-' .* ' the pcoplwj^.lraiicri . find y^ilyj^'Q^^^bfiMerfy ; oenpietl by Bh T. J.''Wo^kmariy.' ' ' "''" >' ~" .Tu^2?3 - ' * V '' J; '"'lm ' I FFNE^ll AYEliy6 T> C'..' . ^ . *- ^ 2 Blanket?;.1-l^jfc'Clotlr jr.' . 2actaDoj^TronsT^.sets Shovelsati&Tongk; iiottsk Articles too ihim^ouslto^ncnuon; | Asmlflotqf MtffcineS. : Apply to1.:? s -Vv*,4 ?.: '-;:y' '^?Tf?:E. ;, -; V^B-.THE UJfWi'ltSlGNKD. PHYSim%:.OP: > the jown-or Caii??Wo, in cj?j?sUlc;ratiorx ot'theu^)i;ingtMi rrol'atIonsliip existiu^r neUvz^n employer ^-^borcr, ' * lia^e agreed lo" bc^govorbed by. the foll6w^$Twesi in ;; | our liiture prtctied * Whenever wo are scqt fov oy the-', V rtnployer;the<jli8rge \vilMi'; made to him-^whoti pent'.,/ ., for by lhe;labpipr vc wilf Use the samo discretion' tliat wp hft^fortnerry donein'ptacticing^nnioii'g. free *? '*?. liegroes:^*^r\\ ' t' ' . j^'Kie'empltJyer will please always ?oud a Vritlen .. foxier. * ' %,> t: 1 : ..... J,. H. DEAS, it P. , > ' ' . ,T'\L.-M.DJ<]5aussure,M.D.> ,T.W.^Mt>ND,'j?:jD. ."' V ~ Wei Ti T. hire vfenao %r ?. ' , v JJ. xixjiiuiwuJto, ja.V.;- W t*A. A, hoprb;;M^ ..%# : /,; June 23/, ' - >/ ,y, /;-1 2 ' </-V ; cmcu^kn. * . HEA^QUXBTEBS JOHCES^ife ' > ; & " Camdes, fi.'C. June 19,18C&- v;> i fHJLT lT IS OPTIONAL T^n ^bME^r whethorthfey lake thf, Oat j> oi Allegiance. to the Uni? -v" ted State? Government o^nc^but. if thoy expertbold property* they pustdo so. ; '. * ' II. Paroled Officers qpd Soldiers below the rank of Btiga'dier General have again thf Jrigbt to take the /$ v. uam or Allegiance tar ho United States Government j and ill who do not jii> so Kill toe considered as. a'reg? /. iatered Enemy oftlie TJnUed States*, and ha^erflorig^t So claim any pro tqc/Uot^, from'the United States. 'v By order of ( , , '-J} / Cnpt. C. W.'PRPGUSO^, V : yJ -'25th. Regiment 0. Y. V.TnFt , "J| Jane 2V " " Commanding Post, DESffiABLE^JRESIDENCB ^ / FOR SALE, V II 'f\*i LYTTDETON -STKFJBT, CONTAIl?ire-->rfiN ' .v^J'^made liberal?sitheYoa cj?^%r.cgititi3^*#-. \ , . *\ j *' : ^-*|g \V? I. i '. ? sold tie entire Household Puri/Ja!^ of $wd.- Ysl b?, which is large'afid desirable, Xp'ply to ., * . 6.V 'ASTCKEE, - ' 7jj J.uuc at the fihoyc KeM&uu, - - |a|