The Newberry weekly herald. (Newberry Court House [S.C.]) 1865-1865, July 19, 1865, Image 1

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TRNNEWBERRY WEEKLY HEALD. - Derited tithe DissemInatien. of Geferal Information. VOLUME 1 NEWBERRY, S. Q. WEDNESDAY, JULY I9 1865; NUMBER 80. THE NEWBERRY WEKLY HERALD IS PUBLISHED AT NEWBEIRY C . HI., Thos. F, A R. 1. Greneketr TERKS, $1 IN SPECI%, FOR SIX MO TIIS, 'OR 31,50 IN PROVISIONS. (Payment required invariably, in advsnce 4 Advertisements inserted at $1 per square, for firat insertion, 60 cents for subsequent insertions. Marr'age notices, Funeral invit-tions, Obituaries, and Communications of personal interest charged as advertisemtents. 9 A Pic-nic on Eneree. iLast week the writer was noti&edt by some of his old com anions in ar- 'dat there would be -a pic-aic gifn to CompL. "E", (the Quitman Rifemen) at Sondley's Mill, (formerly Brazzie man's) on .Erioree River, with aa injunction to bring with him some Iady-friend. A kind and hospitable family in the neighborhood were ao good as to send to town for me the day previous, and after a ' y packing up of a few articles of wearing apparel, I seated mysilf with some alacrity by the side of the young Jehu of- sable hue, who rattled off the nine miles upon the smooth summer roads in good time, thcugh it was wih some difctilty that hecould keep awake between the soothing motion of the buggy,. and the eomnolent ecuts of the afternoon sun. TLe pleasant reflections of a sirive into the country, with a pleasant visit in perspective, and a ri-union of old comrades on the mtotrow, mat this little. jaunt a pleasaot one, and the hospitable reception at the cnd%f the journey was a no less agreeable sequel. The morning ef the pic-nic was bright. and uncloud d, promising to besultry, but pro: i.g to be a bret-zy 'ummer da.y, whiif night have been joy-iuspiring but for the unhappy cdan diticn of o'ir country. O4s I rode to the place of rendezvous ira xarri 'ge with a lady-frieind, we pAssed through a section of congy of long set tienent i sd ancient cultivation, whose succesa-ve red and yellow hills. w Vre ntill c'iothed with pro m:i .iig crups of corn. The summer fruits give promise of speed abudance, and the road-sides were f iuged with the proliic blackberry bushes whose lingering crop of glossy red.and blackber rie', mlbgted}m rich atnf betatfnuI conitratt as ti huig-in pe;dent chaster'" the hedge ro % s. We pessed the handlrotme 'residences of se'-ral thriving planters, and one exenie ne gro q:arter where.a e"ry len; row of eahius r:ac built in an extn'rnire grove of shade trees, both of which reacied farth-r thun we could see, a the row of hou?es was bnilupon a gently descenL fug lope which teriiated in a slight' ravine. A rrived at the place -'of - rendezvous we found , ost of the company d posed-in groups at. uis taut ipterv:zls, the main body or reserve hig T t"arer. the river, seated on cushions and engaged in ganewot cards or flirtations. They were very quiet when ie t' others joined tli'em,. and we were met with the rather s ddening intelligence, that the expected death of a young lady near Mavbiaton had prevented a large numbcr frau :ttending: Tkis and other co:'sideratipns threw a damp upon our enjoyeut, and 'I for one wae not dis'po.4e to be hdlarious. *There were buti fe~w of the Q-tmuan's present, and the meeting to me was marei sad than rrerry. Even our cl-de-1 rant Captain whio-m hrity rarely ever flag;. and whose flow of spirits is to me a source of wonder not to say envy, seem'e i at first to feel the con -tagious infl.inence of the quiet party, but as -his motto seems 'to be, "begone dull care", he gradually worked himself up to a reason'gble pitch of enjoyment, and with his usual brus uerief teased and worried othersintQ- a state'ofp ayfed excitement. He was looking unco:amonly well, owing to his suJcccssfCa defence of care and his natural good logks and 'merry-heartedness. A numnber of swains and elderly gentlemen remained apart in'groups, 'a la Americane', and did not' * jomn the ladies and the mxain,body or reserve till the attack on thme viends was made at the hourI ei noon. The dinner 'a! fresco' was laid under a wide rpread:ng mulberry tr'ee, wh,ere there w:ts plenty of shade and ift grass, in a ecol nook near the springr, wMec was situated on a little rise just above, under the canopy of four or five large oaks. Tihe vianids were very tempting m: deed, conSi=tinlg of cold ham and mutton,' cold chicken prepared in various m:-des, cika~. salad, potatee salad, pickles, bui5cuits a la mode,_ loaf bread, pound cakes, fruit cakes; sos. g;nger bre'ad, fruit pjes, custairds, preserve patties, * blackberry. m..rmnalade, apples, peaches and waterme'ons.~ Every one partook with great zest of these good things, proving the fact that the good people and especially the ladies of tbis ; .neighborhood are very successful catterers og pic -nic occasions, which arc 'common occurrences ait them. Ther merrimAent of the party was percepdibly augmented at very social- repast ar.d the flow of~ mirth was kept up pret y well till the time..of departure. After dinner mn t of the -Qitmans had accident:lly seated th'emseives upon a kind of semi.circular bank or shelving terrace near where the collation had been spread, and thus formed an imnpromtpfu tab!eaux to which the attention of the rest of the compay was .d1 rected, and which was facetiously called a line of battle from the fact of our being in a line, albeiL a rarve. By accident our latercommander, Capt. RI. II. W--, was seated or rather reclined -with myself at the head of the row. Hi.s genuine admiration of the fair sex bad been gratitied en the occasion, for alth6ugh he had formerly not been a professed lady's man, he had on this day been unusually attentive and seemed to have had a pleasant time ina his quiet way. Near to us were seated three of the smaller mienbers.of the comn Dany, 2e lively, the good-hunoured Sam Murti b.,a prim'nr fromr Point Lookout, Wi lie s--, '"le beautiful, the bkre eye'd", and Jef~y *B--, the good looking little ex-courier. Then wc au-rGwr T.-, an at er ea-eotriev. an d fo; merly of great personal energy, though now ap parently mote subdued and something more "spirituelle," then came rollicking Jim C--, who also 'bids defiance to dull care and practises the Latin mottQ "carpe diem:" -Little Edward C-, was also there with-his Scotch-Irish physi. ognomy, and John M-, who is also not very large in size but who has always had a good time, and a fund of good humonr. Lieut. T. S. M-, who also ranks in s;.e with the above named, camne in at the eleventh hour and was looking uncommonly wrll. L. K. G--, was there also and is-atso one' of the iiminutire. There was scarcely one -of iue "tall grenadiers" there, J. C--, was the only one of them present. The hilarity at and after dinner was of an agreeaole character without being at all uproarimas, and the parting was rather sud after all, though I returned to the hospitable mansion of my friend' -where I spent some days.most agreeably in social inter tourse, whilst at meals I was regaled with the abdunant "creature comforts," whieh'that minEi9n is famous for, espeeially with abtindance of fresh fash, which the mala.members of the family sup pliEcf in buaheIs for several successive'.days, hav ing caught them in the novel ttode of grabbli-ng as well as seining. It was a .nost agreeable jaunt into the country, and a sojourn which I shall tong. remember. Q. E. Headquarters Department of the 'Siot. Lu.roN BLaD, S. C., June-27, 1866 GsziAz ORDERS, No. 102.. With .a. view 'to establish and pteserve good eiar, settie dispute.4, encotrage industry, Odn. peI obedience to laws and orders and educate Vie poor, the following . rules and.regulations are lereby established, and ,will be put in operation thrcnghout this -Department with as little delay as practicable: - 1. District Commanders will divide their com mands ijtto sub-districts of suitable siEe, each conaprising one or more counties, parishes or congressional districts. Treach sub-district they will assign a commanding officer, (with a suitable. number of tro9ps) an As'istant Provost Marshal, and an .slstent Provost Judge. A permanent Provost Guard will be plae:-d under-the imme dixre ord- rs of the Asrist nt Provost Mars:al. II. Within each sub-diStrict Superior Provost Courts, and Circuit Provost Co.urts, composed of not mord thun tiree' members each-shall be held at stated times and places. The superiot and Circuit provo-t court., to have concurretlt jirisdction ove, all eases as hereinafter specifed that can he properly tried before them. 111. The Superior Provost Court will habitually hold its saious at .ub-distrci. headquarters, and wi:l be presid-d_ovr h ' the AQ iait.Povost -agv wo m.,V olnate with h m, -e. m -respectable loyal citiz'-ns, giving the priference to -local magistrate, other things behig equal. IV. Circuit 'Proio-t Co(urts held at iw portant poiatr,a:,d at statei timies, withiu the sub-district, andshafl be presided vver Vy one of the inembere of ihe Superior Provost Court, de signated by the sub-dis:rict commander. for that purpose. The pr-id. t' of i Circuit Provost ourt ntat associate wh' him on ,or two leyal. ;ti:ens or mngitraues. 'V. The co-irts above named shall have power to try all case4"hetween. citizens, and between citizens and soldiers, and. all crimes and all viola ZiOns of military orders and the laws of the Uni ted States which do not come within the jurisdic tion of a court martial, and -to is-ue tle usual process fo- the attendance of witnesses, and de :rees forthe ptasession of property, and for the payment d dcbts, damages and costs. The de rees will go ony to the right -of posseaion and at of property. They ma~y impose finez niot ex eeeding one btndred dollars ($100,) andi imprison not exceeding -two moaths. Offaces by citizens reqiring a severer punishment, t~ill be tried by a military cornmission. - They will appoint tbeir cert and other officers, and shall keep a record ot their proceedings stub,iect to the reeision of sub district; and higher oommandlers, .and wil adopt rules and forms of procedure, whfich' shall be. es simple as possible. Citizen memnbers of oorts may be allowed three. dollars for eaJh days' attendance. The feet charged will be merely suficient to pay ill expensea. VI. Appentla from the Provost Courts will be had to the sub-distei.t a.nd 'distriet enmumanders, under such rules and on such terms as the district comanders r.ayvprovde. VII. All parties to suits before the Superior or Circuit Provost Courts may employ counse.h l3t all personsa.bringing suit c- apj,eaing as g1ounmsel before said courts, as well as the cmae~.n memnbers of said courts, will be reuaired to gihe proof that they have taken the oath of allegiance. iii. It iz the ddty of the military authors thoughout this D'epartmnent, when called upon to de so, to aid the assistant commissioners and agents of the "IUareau of Refugees, Freednien, and Abandeed LandJs," -in the execution of 'ntis under the laws of. the United-States and the orders of the commisi>ner of said Bureau isued in accordance therewith; and, when there is no such assistant commi ioner or agent upon the spot, to take e-agnizance themiselves of al .vidtions of sumch laws and. orders. All cases el such violatior: may be tried before the coutst herinabove auithorized. IX. All cases r,roperly comi'g v-iithin the jur. isdition of these courts will be brought to trial promptly, and all unmecessary arrests of citizens will be avoided.. X. The existenee of the courts heremabove athorized, will oease whenever and wherever, the fuaaetions of the officers of the coyl laws are resored to operation by proper tjithdirity.. XL. District and sub-district' commanders ari directed to provide; whenever practieable, for shi Ieducation of the chmildrm. of the poor .thi theiy commada, and for that purpoee they are author izedjo det(il regimental chapl..ins-and non-corn missioned ofiicers and-privates for teachers. The education of the children of Rlefuge-eflu Freedmen will be relinquished into the han8s o Sthe assistant commissionlers and agents of tA Freedmen's Bureau, wh:never they are in readi .ess to tltecharge of the same.. B~y Command -Major-General Q. A. GIL~LMORE, -W. L. M. Buntiau, - Omcm : As:ti;t Adj'itan*. Geueral SJuy 19 t 'd Q'rs, Military Dst. West'a S. C. FOURTH SEPARAT BRIGAD'. NEWBERRY,J LY 15, 1865. - GEN. ORDERS, No. 3. f I. Thecase of John B. GlymPh, by his own statement, shows that-he bad a cotversatiarw with a freedman, on h' plintation, abont the contract, who wished to coisuit .a United States officer to ascertAin itit was ccrrect,atl so told Mi: G:ymph. Glyp h was indign. that the colord man shotd not confidi,e ine him, and,when be s,iar.ted fok this place, seizedI a shot gun and deliberatelycrW, the contents entering the arm and back bf the negro. A s Glymph has been several days in jailgit is ordered that be be released, on executing a bond, with sufficient security, to keep tho peace and appear for trial whenever called. ii. Wm. Lemons is a c,erk in at hotel at this place. - B.rel Mayes, wh4en no one would supposc to be anythizg buttAnglo-Saxon, has t taint of African' blood, iSdae time ago he" escaped from his master,'rent to Colijbia, volunteered as a soldier, utder the nrame of John Br6wn, in a South qarolina Regt.c was wounded In the battle aiuo Wilderness, cap ured, sent Norih, and finiliy -turned as a prisone# of war. Lemons makes the justi'cation' for-agsault and battey, that Maycs ene into.the b! and requested him to tak 'harge of his car pet bag, passing it over e counter, - T.e next day he returned, procired his carpet bag and went on his way. By some tneans Lan bns learned.tbat Mayes wah tainted with Af rican blood; he became eara;ed,: that a tie gro should ask him to do any service, followed until-he founl and commented beating him. As there is not the shadow of amcxcuse for his conduct he must remain in jail until a competent court can punish him as he de serves. IMl. Job Whitmin charged by a freedwomnan with beating her, was arrested, and on exam nation states that he was iaformed the woman was insolent to his wife, the particulars or provocation for which he did not ascertakin; but he took the woman, striped her nked, tied her down, and then with .leather strap gave 25 stripes. Th;s is ciearly a case of as sault and battery, and would te punishcd:'as suclexcept that Mr. Whit:nact .alleges ,hat he would 'never have ptfniAed the wornan had he not supp osed he had s ri htso to do, Ohio Vol., lateiy con;n:..ndi g at this place, approve.-contracts with* the power inserted to the employer to punish, and also'told them in ntuerous instances thit t.tey could buck and tie up by the thumbs wheneser necessary. Tlfis is the exu. given. for m.any outrages committed upon the.colored poopie in this section of the State, That there may be -no excus+ x') future of fences, th'e Brev't Brig. Genb Com'dg issues this Order, directed to all'the dist-icts in his command, viz: Lancaster,-Fairfield, Chester, York, Union, Newberry.E dgeGeld, Abbeville, Laurens, Spartanburg, Greenville, Anderson ar.d Pickens. Why an offi$ in the United States service shotld approve contracts with such a dang erous delegationWf.power, and in .ddition au thorize the exercise of punish-nent so brutal adinhunran, as seldom to be used in the army, is very remarkshle. -The contract said the punishment should, be lawful. Tet -nn an s stpidbut knows, thsat the lawml pun Fishment which slavery imposes cannot ne~w be alowed to scourge the nzakid back and limib of free men and women. Sfavery aied the hsh are synonous. yon um sepeate one frnrn. the other in the mind-3f th'e African. Yet.a pirl whome insofence msay have been produced, as hometimes it is, by violent and threatening lngage, or insaknea 4f you please, f'-om Ithe white person, wrho ,as of size to be held in Mr. Whitman's' lef ha.nd, is tied~ and beat, on the supposition thair it wii right, becausa a United stites o4ieer. had delegated such power. The colored pecpke 'areteldthey are~ free, yet under the shield of thie United States, government, they are flogged somseof ViACem s they never were before.- Tnere are many persons who feelail te bitterness wh>hl the rebellion engenier ed, and whie broodin~g ovret the sprifincption or defeat, loss Zif 'property,;ard eipanoipation of slaves, exhibit the cruel of wreak ang vengeanlce uport~ the innocent and helws tfreedmen A ftdr the publication of this order, like pf fences will be severely pu.ished. .You. haive wrn to sustain the proclamion of the Preident, consequentty thie aboution of 4a sery. Such conduct you wrill reariy see is violation of your-Darole, a forfeiture e.f your oath. Nearly all tho difbcu!ties attending thec imeiate emancipationl of so -large m class, and the trar.sition; from slave to free la ,or, Icond be remov~ed entirely, or greatly mitiga ted by a cheerful acquiescence or. -the part o alSome veri foolish; if* noa very'~ w$ked mn are contributing nne only to tid~r on injaay, but that of the entire stata JBy disregadit!g and render ueeesar" the presence of..nistAry power, to pre?erit that which they ought not to do, and to accomplish that they ought to efect. To day the spirit of rebeliit with someis strong. The spirit of rebelhion ag:iinst the emmncipationi of-slave-y, rebellion against rithe rights freedom grants tot all, witho~ut re Sgard to color or rank. - No one can denygj1st mnanfy are '3e1ievihtg slatery mili not be desryedhy7 i-efnsal of the States to amnend e c-.ttmn. Many are strm~'ng to em barrass the system of free.labor, with a view to show the -wor!d that slavery ought not to be abelished ; also t6 make the condition of the -freedmen miserable, so they. should feel that their conditidh was preferable in sla ver to freedom. Another fact - iP evident, :haathe freedmen havo no eonfid^nce in their former masters. They look upon them as tho:.e through .hom for ymrs they- have been held in servittle, and who they fear would lose no opportunity -to remand them back to s!verv. Wieh these facts.conceded, the tourse of the forrm;er master is plaii. The dogma of State rights as you understood the fatal and b'gedysielton of see:ioq, taught froryiyour earliest infancy ; Slavery, with which you bate been reared from tLe-cradle, have, in con sequence of . our own acts, been forever de stroyed. Thpy are dead', with no urore hope ofrearret~oqthaa -a sparate Conufederacy, buried . the best blood of the republic, and-amiv ' grsves of hundreds of thou sand.s Wny he nation wili mdtrn for yeats. You put :t *eril yotir ow-.n mst;utions'and your own country-- to destroy this- republic, and failed ; accrept now the fruits of the re-. bellion, b4ter thpugh they be, and carry out the terrns f your surrend?r. and ilegiance in the pirit f ,cbivalri mew.; Do not, becAuse you may be distant.frdim a r:li'ary post, visit upon the harmless and unote'tding negro the hostilities and resentnents you feel against the United States. However obnoxions it may h, every man is free and must be treated as such, that done the whole Is accomplished, 'anad nearly every obstaclr removed. You have been. for years learning the foily of resistance to the Govern ment and -have been almost. ruined. Sur render now at he outset all prejudice against-uireral liberty. Yo'ur own hap: piness and prosperity demand it. Encouf "age the syger of free labor. Develop its resources, and the waste places will blossom once more, and grass grw gre-,n on battle 'plains. Yoir own wet re depends on the welfare of. -the yolored race.' Without his la ber your fields will not be cultivated, your wea;tb not,-increase. When you makd his condition . miserable, it.rea::u nnd.entails the same ipoa yourself Treat him kindly. Learn him by your acts that you consider hiti free and desire not to enslave him again, and you restore his con5dene. . .Aitor four years of bitter war, after you iad.eihaj4e all 4le :reTMdelty; Ction, t r 7rvres 5 aH ask. that we may be. gnient, forgiving, and not exa'peratc your people. What you ask will be granted. Tie Government of the United Stars, its people, its army, every of ficer and soldier will treat you kindly. In .return they ask that what -iS meted out to you who have depe so much of- wrong to yourselves and the republic, shall be cheer fully by you meted out to a people without guilt, who are 'ret becauSe ibey cannot-avoid i.t, who haie uot been even required to stretch forth the hand to take the profYered boon. A people faithfui- while you were absent in the army, neither destroying your jands, houses or family. Yet never known to withhold aid oi betray the path of tbe Union prisoner. You caruot' expect the sudden 'uange in yotrr system of labor to work smoothly at. first: Te negro is to bp la,-ned to discharge.the duties and obligations freedom enjoins, as well as. a true conception of the rights it ~.He .is to .be taught that there .is no immunity from labor ; that in the aw'eat of his brow m', he earn his bread. That-he is no entitled to any share- of his former mas ter's land, or mules, cr stock That' hA has only bcen giten the title t himxsef ;--that he ean no imwe be hobi on -the auction block. Ti:t the wife cannot be taken from his bo.* m, the chzild from hiBside, an~d. .old forever from his sight.. Tht vaerancy, an<t idlenzss and theft will be pur.shed by the proper ruthority, because they are crinies in all regnlated so cety. liat iihilo- he can' make contracts he i bou'.nd iby thu when mar, and must rulill them. Tihat he ormdot throw down the 1c3 and aband!on the crop at pX-asure, but w:ll be reqired V-dthfully to labor and. obey his em >>orin all lawful commxand.X and ot,absent hiself fr"rm his diuty wiflput permtnl That he must be igejpectful aud scourteous, that insolence 'is no moert to be tole;ated from a feea than a slaeV'. nt f~ this intruictiofnnmust be imrp-rted by ther tM'mer o-wners, h ."4 necssar that thy .hoiu1 ieara to recogn~ize the rights and tereiy be f?ated in .a peosui mm~ roee tunflv .to teach the duities of fr.eesmeD. of'y~ the frededni are declinmg to sign cotracts 'rmiess they can he told by proper noth-ity they are riht. -The p'n*er to pu i: raserved -i son:e conltracts,-and the con tihance of the lash, have rmoYed their su~pi inn, and they prefer working on. leaving 11 to th.e emfJoyers to give them, what they <hoose, forsar by making a mark on naper hey will sign ngay somie of their liberty After .consutti(.n with citizenls of tlbissee tion, it is proposed to formn a basis, of . emon raion, a igeneral or'der, shi,ch ihl be jusl to all, to apply wher-no -contract has-bheeri made, anLd whieb will extend to-all the dis. tricts in t& command. The many good citizens who are contribu i., by word and deed, to have accepted th< new older of affairs, will deserve well of heil State, if ther c:on so mould public sentimeat Ithat the same spirit whj$h.led to ars ago may now be p, erkbs to -emnban rss their communities by tbwarting the de ignr of the govenment. rmAit 'eri sooni be established, in ever; distri t with-n this cormp as directed - ders fromh Dep't.'Feaid{Quatars wbe tes. timony of witnesses wf!j'e"taken withoiit - gard to color. In order to assist this section of the Statr, to the extent of hi power, with.a-viei of more fully explaining to :dl, thelante d freedmen,the nature of their rights a ud es, tha Brev't 'rig. Genl. Co.&dg, wild- site three or four places in each distrct,-of ich. nubl.:: notice will be given, where be wl'' meet the inhabitants, and save many the necessity -of a long ride to the Court House town of the District. Planters are requested to inform the' freedmen ' of the time and object of -the;eet' ad en cour;:ge them to be present,.r tei .obiga. tio.s may, be esplained,and nisconcgtiqua s toliberty bd6nd tbelaw, may be correcteii The ciatse inserted in forter coiiacts. delegating the power to. pnish; s hereby de clared 4ull and voiL The laws of this State in regard to.thdbsoW - tiliation of liq s will be e med. Oaty '' fruits in their season, and nocereals, can be distillcd. The - of liqers will be reutla. ted ps your Stae laws provide. ,ereafter none will be sold except by permission of commanding officers of subHhstricts. By command of Brevet Brg.en. - Cj. AN WYCK, HENRI B.'LQOMIS - 1st Lt. & Adj't. 56th N. Y. Y.,- A.>.C and Pro. Marsha. . Important iecte. Thereader, of every class, *ill -do we l to. note tbo following importiit 'on,pied from the Richmond Whig, of M6 2B. The principlelaid down will, as aatttirofeourve, regulate all the rela 'os of debtor and dredi tor, as well as those oflandlord and tenaat: The Court yesterday,delivered its written pinion i. ationto contracts entered intia between latdford an-enant on the -bsts ot Confederats oney. Rent due prior to Apr, 1, 1865, andnot paid, is to be, paid in 1 ac currency, such a sum as %h amount^ of rett in Confederie motney would have deh~sed of gold at the time the-. paymnt was dse. Thus, if the rent: were $9 equaiMr, the sum now paid fortb4 rent du-March 31. is assertained by dividing -the $1,500 by (say) 60, the selling rate'of god, equal to $25. in greenbacks. 'From and after the 1st Apil, 1865,. rent -for the uepired terst I a n Nisarpo0P nes an addition of 50 per cept Tomlin against Giles. Th;s gtse was decf ded, so far as concerns th rent in acco danc. - with the principle above announeed.- The rrent in 1860, as a dwelling house, was $800. If used and rented then for a place of pUblic business, as a portiQn of itnpw is, the rent would have'probbly beeu. -zO. A4- to this latter fifty pe cent, and L. rent as certained w'bich the tenant Sha i pay. BE gMOST.-We remnember seeing, a dosen rcars ago, in pSrominernt letters over-tl*sttdy door of a most useful man the wod3s. "e:or". How ma%h, it occurred to. us,.a_c pree in those. monosrilables, aqy bow-amoehssin g in 'p1cing them there; cells *auats and tedious convers.t-lon, had reyrtwa too * mny valuable pen.pLAt f s tht'was n * be long, its possessor having.dielbeforeJu.m- h ed the age of fifty xiarS.' Yet there is scarcely** i Jesson which mei1r are so slot to learn as this one, " be short." -a- --- thorship andbusiness-in mehg,in speeches in.thie thousand.-and one deta1 ~ oeeryday lite tfierP is a mcarellous -absence o( dipteh- Thes railwvay and telegn .a'ro 0 deing ~ h to eucate the jpple, and yetite~ 4tj 'irags its slow legthalong, is. s@~i thelad. ment-(we had almost said.the vice) of muld de -te number'is not relatively large ritofrnow how tc accompint :ehl, and at the same tinme be brief. Wha passes hrough.u a ainiversary ason.oA 1en through a Sabbath, too--without nsishing at - some poilft, 1:ot foi- ear-trenpets'so much as -~ densers ? T beresuif. i tedium, and kys ofA2 t -a .result that is onien more far reachmog than -u reomed c f. B fe short" These two, Tyy give gret'tesat satisLTction in argument, ir conjver2stion in visiting ini writing, -in .1bugt every thing. They secompIih thingi(ht? too many wbrd' and too och: duanes ie4 i pril.wth failure. They 'reismi time, that .a1 comy.whending and someting we call our own,. on the- right .'d sing use of which depend i,he won'dess of good -w may do6 nd the treasures- we niiay lzi. aip -t,r:sbion0 eeds of eternity. ,Au -or losgs-.aFd ietu spring from -the muisuse. or abas ,of tri De minutes h.ere, .rela.tive to dargtien. ad Aszper. tance, are miore$0 be co etermity. A HoRRIBst5 Avre---A th}aana einb1ican g. h he ry, S. .C.,. were 'int au- s'mea by songe colored . r6~~a~isof the unfortunlate inai'd&~s ~ Ws i ~Richdale. Thiey we a plantation. owned by Win. Lbin a That was a gig&)i$ ng and 'gai laii Uoosier odea ~ ft-ceMn1g a- nota. frmn a lady, "re u~qm pleasare or his, company" at a ety We.gireu ie )'dooese on the evenii-; 'higdated, took his vokslnfee and mnarch:ed them to the ycong las - dence. When it wgsexWghed tni,wta - it was himself alone o.tad heenti i si,"B~ gnity th etrgdcma **