The Newberry weekly herald. (Newberry Court House [S.C.]) 1865-1865, July 12, 1865, Image 2

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*a. THE WEEKLY--HERALD. NEWBERRY, S. C. WEDNESDAY ORNING, :ULY 12, 185. . * Netice the('ags-31Mnt! It sigi fies that your subeription is out, or nearly so. And that when it is out the paper will we sert no more. Bear it in mind, And if you aish to renew see t&ms on first page. To a Few of cur Subscribers. Having enlarge3 the dimensions of the Her ald, we send thi number tomany whose Lime is out. Frequent solicitatiou. have been made to Sy;us not to discontinue the.paper, that many of our readers will rew, and only wait till they can comply with the terms, o? ind a convenicnt way of sendingin their provision.eturns.' We res .ectfully make the suggestion that eaeh 'post of fice club together, and shjp what they have to send altogether ; this ,lau will save us and them selves much unnecessary trouble. After this num ber, subscribers who fail tQ renew,. will fail to receive the paper. We beg that they will signi fy their intealions without delay. t Subsc:ibers can make their payments In Pro visions, at the following rates : Flour, 50 lbs.; Bacen, 12 pounds; Lard, lv pounds ; Corn, 2 bushels, &c., &c. - son. B. 1.. Perry, We learn, has received the appointment of Provisional Goiernor~of South Carolina. The '56th New York-Complimentary. The following wer.mbie and resolutions, bear ing an intimate connection and interest to this community, we insert with much pleasure.' May " . the sentiments'expressed therein find a rceponse in this dibtriet, and the officers and men compos ing the 56th regiment show such a kiedliness of *sentiment and manner, as shall win for them the title of filends : SgMnyL.E, July 1, 1865. GEN. VAIN WYcK, - - Sir: Mine is made the pleas" ant duty of communicating to you; and through you, to you noble old regiment, their apprecia tion by the people oC Summerville. May the 56th N. Y. Volunteers ever make- friends of enemies. . At a meeting of the Citizens of Summerville, eld this 1st July, ';5, the~ following -preamile and resolutions were. unanimously adopted: -Whereas there can be more honiorable amity, than that' extorted from gudem enemies, by 4 mutual good offices and good cond~uct ; and * whereas, true courage is perfectly consistent withg true kindliness of sentiment, the'refore .Resolred, That we citizens of Summerville, un hesitatingly expess~ our respect for, and regret -at the 'departure'from our midst of the 5&t~h Re shanding, wo ourteous and gen t'my ofn *ces, hee n'ot been surpassed by any regiment r - .ever quartered in this place. * iResolevc,- That we commend the officers of the 56th, to the confidence of any. Soutliern commu nity amongst whom they may be stationed, as gentlemen worthy of respect and hospitality cve ry where. . 12esolved, That those proceedings be published in Charleston Courier, .and a copy sent. sent~ to the officer in command of the,56th. Regt. -N. Y. V., to be disposed of as Ke deems proper. Signed .M. THIARIN,-'Sec. .Wishing you Gen., and the gentlemen associa ted with you evely success, in your aforts to res tore prace and amity, I am 'igth gr-eat respect, yours very truIf, -R. J. LJIMEHOUSE, Chairman. yourneyings-~How Made Now-3-Days. The January freshets, and the march of Gen. Sherman's columns~ through South -Carolina, in * F'Abruny, did the business for travellers general: ly. Eighity miles or so of 'the S. C. R. R. out o{f fix, and 25 miles of the Greenville Road unavail * able. The up-country in fact separated from the low country, and not by an "imaginary" line * either-yet peopla-ihave to travel to and- fro * ~businees is inexorable, appointments mnust be kept. At first the only means of transpc#tatiEn was represented by comfortless hfarnr wagons, and peop'e paid $25 or i$50 to get to Colum bia, with the satisfaction of feeling on thgeir arrival at the .capital, as though they had been dragged by the heils 'through a. marble yard and beat with'a * stone mason's mnaleti Those rough, times, are - ,now mended, and we are happy to-report that matters in the transportation way are-much im proved. Mr. LasSalle, the Sup't of the G. & C. . R R. owrn a pca ri to Alstn, in cloe cnnetior, iththedown train from Greenville, on icstdays, Thursdays and .Satpr From .Alstoa .gssengers ye transported to Columbia, In Messrs. Cct:rtenuay & Olne's ligin spring wagon, which .is fitted up for * th.e comfort of' the'travciling.public. This conl veyance offers special induce'ments to famniis, as it is rooiny/ rn coo, Pardes~ on th move, should make.engagements w' ah Mr. J. F. -Glenn, agent, at the New berry d: pot. B-ggg is nec~essarily limui ed to en C g BuC,a *heavy and cuinbenome~ r.ek&e isc:rev:. the comnfort of ps2sEZ:e:3 ar2 preve-. that ds . patch which it i.: a ed 0::culd ~ *taacx: s line. -' . - W'hen far lies or ptrties of six or- ight wish to avail themselves of t'.is convey.gee, r. Glern is autt:,ized to mnale ceagements for the trip oun moderate terms. *ptch~ passenge:s to Osngb-:rg, S. C., or to ingsiille, r.t wih;ri h rr ~. * In this connection we wquld. mention that our uicountry friends. have, by this line, an oppor tunity of forwarding letters to Columbia and be yord, wit.hout other expense than Widl be irn posed by the United States Rost-oiice regula Lions. The mail bag will be at Mr. Glern's office, Newberry Depot. . It is needless to say 4i.'t passetgers from Co lurbia connect with the Up train .from Ais:cn, and ietters left wi:h :e aVen*n .CoiInbia. Di. J. RusselI Baker, w: be promptly di:p-tched. IIOnACE GRE:M.Y' AT'V!Cb TO THE N1YGR. We hear that mar:v otth- back:s: thoroughly distrustin. their old cnaste"s. piace all confi dence in the Yankce who ltee rccently come among tiitm, and will work Ibr thec o al -most any .ters. We regret 0i ; f- while many of these Yankes w"jnify that cont dence, othcrs wili grosly ahse it. New frni land produces man of the .est specime c,f the human rice. ant along with ti-se, some of verv meanest beings that ever stood on two legs-cenning rapicious, iypocriting ever ready a flint with a borrawed kurfe and make (for others) a soup the peel ings. - This class .:en become too well known at home-'run out',-,as tlhe *hrase is-when they wander all.over the ca:-th sh uiTing and swindling, to the injury and shame of the land that bore them ar-d cast then out. Now let it be generallvpresumed bf the ignorant blacks of the South that a Yankee, because a Yankee, is necessarily their fr=iead. nd tiis: unclean, brood will over.pread the South like locusts, starting schoals and'prayer .n eti-igs at every cross roads, -gettiig hold of abandon ed or confiscatcd plantations and hir la _uorers right and left, cntting timber he:e,try lug out tar and turpentinh, th'ere, t n1 grow ing corn, cotton, rice a;nd sugar, . whi:h they will have sold at the eariie,t day ta:i run away with the proceeds, !ca ing t,e negroc' in rage and foodless, with winterjlust'coning on.' The.etp is full-we lavc nanora to Say TrE LABOR -QLESTI.N.-The jw - tohk Herald has the -followin the close of an editoria' upan t}ht. labor question at.the South : "The labor question, which is also included in reconstruction; admits of a.very sinrre so lotion. Those Southerners, wOite or black, who *ill not work, must starve. This is the invariable rule throughotit the Uritcd States, and we'see no reason,to make, special excp tion in facor of either the reCant rebels or the WVe -will. lve rro apendix to the abolition agitation. The negro ought to bd let alone severely for a ye:r tr two, and be will then manage to care ~of himself. We pursue this policy with our white p-yuk tion. \Why should we adopt a diiffrent py'i cy towards the, blacks?7" WE~LL PrP ToGi:r1Ex.-At a prin-t&rs Festi ul in Boston, a short~ time since, the follow ing capital tcast was drank : Tuia ED!To.-The man expected to knowv everything,teill-all he knows.a ad g uesa at _ ___.__a . -n las own good osne acter, establish the reppdati.c'n of his neighbors and elect all candidaes to office; to blo:. up everybod~y, suit cierybedy, and refornt tLne world ; to live for the benenit of others and hvthepitaph on his tombstone. 4Hero he lies at last ;' ii. short,' he is a locomdve runner on the track of rnotoriety, his lever is 'his pen, his boiler is filled withi ink, his tender is'his'cissors, his drixing wheel is his public opinio-n; whenever he explodes it is caused by the non-payment of subscriptionxs. .. 'CHAROAL Fot Tt'RKrxs.- ur tuk'eys were contined in a pen and fed on meal,boiled potatoes and oats. Four other-s of. the same. 'brood were also at the same time confined in another pen, and fed daily on the same articles, but with one pint of finely pulverized charcoal mixed with their meoal and potatoes. They also had a plentiful supply of brekeri charcoal in their peni. The eight were _killed on the sanr~day, an;d there was a differpnce of: orie and p half poun ds-each in favor of tire charcoal, they.being much tr.e fatutet upd. the meat greatly superior in of tenderness. and savor. - In 15301, Philip 1 sent th.e y oung Constab!e de CastRe to Rome to congratulate Sextus V. on his atvan'ement. The Pope asked, 'are there so few roen sin Spailn that your Cin~g sen.ds me ono without a beaird '' 'Sir,' said the fierce Spainrd, 'if is mj.ety possesel the 'test idea thr:t yout. ng;i.e mer it Icay in the beaird, he wou~la hav e depruted a p.atto you anid not asr nteo - WassimoN, Ja:ne 21 -Edmund P..ffin of Virgina, who fired the fir'.t ;un, on Eert Son tar, is d&ad. li contte suicidCe nr ih manfd, on-Satrda bl,v1t, by bic-. ing his hearl off with a en. d memcyndau;n was found armond is 'pers, spirs th Richmondi Repub le, statig that he on .ot. !!<. under the Governme nt of tre. Uited States-that L:e prferred det to doi::c s. -Naro'u..m;.-ThC b:cks for subscrip tion1 t.. 'Pe-Ap's Naional Bank of Soth i Caro'r.a," wex' ::enouncedi ~ Dr.iii yes terday, the mI inst.. :n the banl ing h4use of the Peop ics B3ank, in Chrleston-D. L. Mc Ray, W. H. Iou'-ton and J.'~ . Jtiggs being eh conmssmel.Th d'eteent does i.ot sy forIio-v lone a period'the, bocks tor o be Lept op,en,-Coudrier 4th~ i. TheL N'r York weid says there is no roun~d for the irt' th::t an extra of ' 1 .a Unie Sta e .ngres w-~iU be ca!!ed. and trat ftee i no..h n thie rumors of chan The Rev. Dr. Tahhnan, we tare g'ad topgr elve, has so f:r recovered his health'and ~rngth as to re unle his pastoral labors, at he German Lutheran CLurch in C?harlestion. A French writer-has' said, -that to drean1 oiriosly, you mulst act gloriously while you re awake-; and to brmng angles down to con erse with you in your sleep, you muust labor JR.. DX S -LOCAL IT s. - g We invite the,attenton of our readeA to the card of Dr. -E. Dapray. Dr. Dapray is a surgeon dentist of hig professional ability. Having been atsociated professionally with some of the first surgical den tists, of the South, and'ia the enjoyment of a very large practice in Charles tosi, immediate prior to the' war, he is prc pered to perforn thL most cric nd delicate work to 'e- found in the range o is profession. .s Tfor z:a.--or the past t'4o weeks the th ermometr~has- ranged from 98 to 100 deg. in t ie s hde. 4a tl.; office it would exceed those fipyre=, if put to the test, and unless-we get rain soo, aid a more temperate atmosphere, we wil, is to be ferred, melt away entirely. Wa could rottell. the power of the bir.:ng 'sun :r,dA weh we have "perspirei" for th6 past two we.=, as some graceless scamp "borrowed" oug:rthe r m.ometer. . A we go to press the atn:orphere has become ecol r with a fine pros ,ect for rain. Tir following named oflcers, so far as known, co)ip:ris; the militarygommand of the Western distric't, and of the town of Newberry: Brevet Brig. Gn: CHAS. 1.. V.x WYcK, coinmanding Westerrr District of South Carolina-head-uar ters at Newberry. The 50th~N w Y-k regiment, Lt. Col. ROCWEI.L TYLEn, comnantding, occupy the:Coliege building. GEO.nOE IT. Fossann, Sur geon. HTa B. Looms, Adjut-it &1. D. C., Assistant. Provost Marshal, lgcated in law range. CArT. H. E. Lonn, Commissary of Subsistene, and LIrET. Nonr.r ERjNs. Acl';. Comnissary of 'Subsistence. Goon.-In these t'mes of dmoralizaiion and lay norality, i.ts-arelief'to chronicle an event sueli as this: a faithful Christian rnan las drop upon this community, and if it dges not Improve, whose fault- is it? 'We.hive issedl him long, and his advent is"led'.with pleasure. [ But we regret that he eime baek to, us -it qws tionable company, all of whiili, however, lie soon got rid. ie ackowledges tg having formed the acquaintance of- no les tban six specWes of the genus soldier's body-guar, ;iz. COnfedcrate, Federal, army, prison, rail-road and steamboat. Enough for one man truly. NEW AD TFTISEMENTS.--\t invite .attatetiC to the fllow inz new advcr;sCe::ns 11: tdat 's papEr - General Orders No. 1, revocation .of permits to sell lignors, by order Brig. Geni. Van Wye~ tScaled proposals for food supp'ies for troops, BI .. Loi-d, Catpt.ain & C. S. V.;. Mr. Martin's Ichoice stock n ew goods, at the "corner store," under the 'Mattin Bonse'; Webb & Love.Iace, epimndiid roping and fine stok generdk; Eug li.h and Classical School,by Prof. P. 0. Edwiare, 1>y Ordiney; Notice ; SLore~ wanted; Infnr,a. tion wanted; Duirbee & Walter, Commrission Merchants, Columbia,-S. C.; J. N. & J. C. !gr ti,100 bales cotton, 10,000 lbs. bacon, wanted. - FoniarToN is wanzted, for the publiC benec5 as to the name, whereabouts and chiaracter, of a singular individual who was last seen in the.nei;.h borhood of .Beth~ The singularity of -his conduct, passing and 7'gpassing the same point severai.timles, without appareut object, ex cited no little curiosity'and alarm. .In our opin ion he taken up aid eared for. Infor mation as above is solicited. Sinde the above was in type the rmystgry is all explaiD,ed, and his -Dnime ascertained, ,the poor fellow;overcomne by- the heat -of the d,ay Snd a hearty dinner, feii asleep and dreamed of being. ring-master in a circus company, consequently he .per'ormed the singuilar feat.- of driving almest in a ei 'e. .- Notic6. NEAR FROG LEVEL, July 8, 185. W"herras Dr. R. CalviD Kibler having rerdered e-misfTheoa to ma for'the asloioiCId fispms him, cag.n of being cnpt:in of a pairty w ho .ctrses :si abusdd myself and moth:er-in -law I re ee&fully withdraw the charge, being saths fi d th at I e was not along. I further eta:e I had o uion to his former chaeter. In jsdee to Ca ptai:? J. A. Kiblcer and A das Sheeb:y,I would respectfuily make known to h pahli' thait I am misSecd that every~thinig a:ppar to themi and th.eir k-indred was- false, andI I ami sorry their raies arppared in my cortmu nieniox: amoncg> the others.. * ~ JFLIA A. AUJLL. L mor.S FRer SPI.AS AND BDiasS.LAra egg, well beAten, half -a pint of vi?regar, an ouriP c: ofspiits of.turpentine; a quarfter of an o un oGpirits of wine, a-nd a qudrter" Pf (.tnee of spirits of camnphor ; these ingaients re ti, be mixed together, first dissolviing thec ca$ho: in: the spirits of wine, -then put -theC ixuein a bottle and shake for ten minutes, aftr whLich it is to be cork~ed down tightly to ex:lde the air. In half ari hour it is fit for use. Head Quarters Westerni DIstricT, S. C. iIFl RTH SEPA1R ATE BRIGAUE, -~ Genera! Ordcer ) . No..1. I. All prm'a' heretofore granted for the salef of !e, Wine, Cider, Brandy, Whiskey or 4i!y in tocatiag drinks are hereby revoked, and seling f the san. to any-.persou or peirsons is "proliib :ed. -. -t II. All pei'sons violating this. order 'will be umariy triedend severely punished. By order of 3revet B3rig. Geni, C. H. VAN WYCK, U. S. V., - . ComiTnanding District. HENRI B3. LOOMIS, l i a OFFICE COMMISSARY SUBSISSENCE,. NEWBERRY S. C., July 10, 1865. SEALEt) Proposals, in 'duplicate, for the deliv L ery of Salt and Freshfeats and Flour, for issue to the Troops in the Military District of -Wtstern S. C.. foi- three.months commencing August 10th, 1865, subject to-the approval of'Oe Commissary.General. will be received by the un dersigned, at the office of the District Commis sary, up to 12 M., August 1, 1865. The names of good and sufficient sureties for the faithful performanice of the contracts, will be required in each bid. All further inf rtion in reiacion to terms cohtracE, and.placeA of deli:ry of Fresh Bs,1 can be obtained on appli;ation to-the undersign ed, H. E. LORD, Jul?12 3t . Captain & C. S. V. .0' BALES COTTON, 5\J 5 barrels Flour. - 10,000 lbs Bacon. Wo will pay the highest ma,tet price for the above mentioned articles. J. N. & J, B. iRTIN. July 12 20 3* DURBEC & WALTER. AUCTION AND COMMISSION ME80HAWT O ice- on Asceni4, 1etw.:en Jai and Fasling- - -- ton streets, Cha;.~ia, S. (. W ILL give prorit ittentionz o-the Sale ar.d and Pyrehase of-Real Estate, Stocks, Bonds, Feisonal Property, Mcrcliaa.di. or Pro duce, at Public or Priir Sare. Jaly 1J. WA.'Wc.TED.. A SMALL STORE, in the tan of Newberry, for which a liberal prie' will be paid, 19py at this office. July-12* Information Wanted. M Y wife,. Re becca: Bishop, apd our three chitdren, last M-nday night, the Sd instnt 'She -was accompapird:by a mulatto boy named Jerry (formevly slave of one Bishop.) Said bov is about 25 years of age, siightly cro'scd i,n one eye. My wife is 56, years old, but looks much yonger. She has a mole on the chin, which is quiti noticeable. Informatloli from any one, white or colored, will be gratelully rppre ciated. - Any.inteiligence -can be sent to me or. Left at the. prnting office. J U. BJ 1'. July 12 3 NECORNER STOE i OF TflE -fMAR TIN HOUSE. ?jHE public attention is respec'tfu~lly inted to .La choice selectioni of GOODQES just'receind at the above name Store consisting of CALICOES, - BLEACBED SHIRTINCS, - IRISH LINENS, * - LINE~N HD S - IL~LINEST& - B OSIERY, SPOOL COTTON,. HOOP SKIRTS. *FANS, * "SS.AKF.RBONNNTS,~ ~ *A large assortment of .very sr.perior. HAVANA SERATSt &c.4 &c., &c. On han d a large stock of BBOWVN SHIR TINGS, nd SHEETINGS, JEANS, SODA, ENGLISH COPPERAS, SUGAR, POWDF.R, TOBACCO, &c., &c., all of which will be sold at SMALL PROFITS for CASH or PRODUCE. BACON, LARD, FLOL'T BCTTER, EGGS, CHICKENS, and other .produce ivill bc TAKEiN IN EXCHANGE for GOODS, at the MARKET PRICE. .-J. C. MARTIN. Newberry, S. C., July 12, tf ENULISHI & gLkS88UAL 'Q']Il FA LL-SESSiON of this SCHOOL estab lished by me-in t.he buiMdings of' Furinan Univ -ity, will OPEN' ON- WEDNESDXAY, the SECONI of XUGUST next, a;.d 'ENP DECE3I BEKR ELEVEN T.H. Trhe prese6t, or Spring Ses sior; ceose on the 26th i:st. . -- - I am hiappy toinfori Jhe pu,lic t hat I sh-ail hiave agsoeiated with mne Capt. JYG. F. LAN NE AU, formecrly- Profeser-in Furman U iversity,. and reccently elected Professer-gin the Ci.adel.4 Academy,. whose characr as a' Scholar audd Teacher is well known.^ IInving ilready had a number of applications~ fromu young men rcturned rm the arn,y, and others, who desir-to resumec and complete thei studies, I will. here state that every- facility -w 1 be esxended-to tis i elkss of Students, for whom a Co:lege d3iln ioposed.DO The TFlai'n wiml be TWFNTY-FIVE DL LARlS P'ER SWIN, as heretofore, payale in spccie, or itsequiv1alen1t in Prodacd, at currenti tfes w heu1 aid, - Good Board, exclusive of lights and washing, can be had for-$]2 anid $15 per moDnth, payable im coin or its epdvalent mn pronis;ons at .curreut pices. P. C. ED WA R!S. -Ju!y 12 3 . :s I STATE OF .50TUl CARIOLINA. - -~ NEwnsr~ DisrRtcT. ByJ .P o, t rnry ofNic-j be'sy Di.e-trict. p-NR AS .-A. Ruth&fordI, has aplied to ni ue or Letters' of Admin:istration3ii a~il md singular the ggods and,. chattels, rights mdl e rdits of Dr. Thomans B.. Rutherford, law ofJ he district aforecsaid dea:cd: These are therefore to cite and admo.aish all nd siugular, the kindred and creditor-s of the aid deceased, to be and appear before mue, at ~ur next Ordinary's Court for- the said Distrier,~ o be hoiden at Newberry Court- House, on the 4rh day of A pril inst, to shew cause, if- any by the said Administration -should not bie ranted. . Given under miy hand this 30th day of June, ithe year of otu- Lord one thousand eight " udred and si-t-five. - > -. - d J(HN T. PETEL!SO, o.. e FOR SALE. A LOT OF SUPERIOR MANILLA .ROPE, suitable.for baling eotton,.for threshers, ferry boats; etc. ' Jer b2 2tt WBB &.LO_VtACE. ",i DR. J" EoDAPRAY, - Surgeon Dentist. - FFICE en the North-ide of.Main-treet,for merly occupied and known, a the' Law Oicerf-G. G. DeWalt, Esqr. Dr. Dapray is now prepared to perforrb nI ope rations a:, the OLD PRICES for CAS"- its equivalent. Gold fillings $ each. Ncwberry,.June I, '65. Just' Received , WELL selected stock of DRY GO?DS i Gents Furtishring Goods, consisting- of Calico, Linen, Lawn,. ShakerHoods, Ladies Hose,, Gents' +Hose, Gloves, Neck Tiea, (gars, &c., For Sde at M. Fobtp's Store, -Main Screet, Newb&rryC. H., S. C. June 28 27,4f1. -PRIVATE BOARD. T WO OR THREE CENTLEMEN, can procure Boair, without odging, in a ptivate famtly. Apply at this m. -.Jalc 5 28tf STRAYED, - RO.i me premises a red and white '.nd calf. The m,rks.on cow right..e r co and slit ; left ear. s!it. Also, a red -an i te buli, witii- the atre marks.. A reward of ten dolar.; will he paid for'their delivery a Ml. ion, Newbcrryi 'N. 4uly . . J.B. L&sSALLB. Baptist - State . onventtol of oath .Carolina. rTHE NEX'T ANNUAL MEETlGaf thisbody U will be held with the Cross RgadsBaptist Church; near Ohappell's 1 pot, on.Friday, bifore the fiffh Suzdav in July next.- Detegates com ing bg the Greenville' Railroad till be nietiy conveyances at Chappetfs. J. C. BREAKER;.Sectetary. Important .otIce. I will excnange four tushels coa rse- Liverpool . Salt for one barrel of F!our Y.and one busbel Salt for two of corn ; .a d will 'ido pucbase - Wheat for 'which I Aill py the MarketPrice in cash.A. ARRI. Jnne7tf * - driCE GU. Spr's f. & C. $. NewberrgNay 16,8tg ' O and after Friday nest, 19tf#iay. the 0Trains on this4toad will ran~t Wtrinies Leave Newberry oi Mony W.d.eckdysand Fridata. -- .Le:ave Grcenville on Tucsdaye, Thursdays -and S'aturdars. --/ All Frei.ibts w'1 he carried -eni the asnmger Trains, at regular Frdight -Rate no1t- donble Jus A R R IVEF * - FR ACHICE1~id WEiL ELEd N TOCK. -of GOODS, which I anrprepare&t6 0IBr At Retail for a small advance, and can give -a FAIR .MA RGIN to dtesless in the city and co.untry. My-stock cons.ists in part of:-. Boxes SMOKED HERRINGS, - "COLGATE'S WASHING 80AP. " . TOILg SOAP, - BbIs. BROWN-SUGAR. . Chest YOUNG ETYSON TEA, - Kits'MA~ICKEREL, - Cases. PICKLES, gaarts and pizate Boxes-CANDlY; ass'orted. Frails FRESHI DA1TES, -BoxaT TRlEY YCS, "R AJSINS, -" FRESHF LEIONS. "SOFT' SIHELL AtL0OND;, : iJUTTER CR~ACKERS, G CINGER.CA ES, " *LEMON.. " DAlRY CUEE "SARDINES. "C HOCOLAT'E, Dozs. NORTHERbN B3ROOMS, Boxtes Cogate's PEl-RL, STAEGE,+ " BL ACK INK, in st'.pds " YEAST,PWDERS-irkee~ " Brown's EF. JA MAtcA G1NGER SPA R L ING SCOTCH ALE, -Boxes HAV ANA SEGAIRS, " -NASON'S EL ACKIiNG J)ozs. 860OE BR~USHES, Bores FINE CUEW ING TOBAGCC,D " SMOING TOBACCJO "Fine Cut C~e wing TOBACCO SPERM..CANDLES, - BACON, EiUTTER, LARD, -. FLOUR, MOLASSES, C2A1B.ON ATE.-SO. BLACIK LEPPER, - MANIL~L L. ROPE, FINERS, COTin)N C'A RDS,. M'A'ICES - GUM CAM1PHOT, GiH OPId - QHi.LOROFORMt CAt.0EEL, A snail stock of LHARDWAEEB and4 STA Give m~e a call, and judge for yo elves. HARDY SL G -COLIBQHl&,S. C. In basemuent of Mr. L. Levy's hose Corner of Assembldy and Piair streetsX - Jun.e 14-25 6% -NO'ICE [ HEREBY warn alD parties 'nottotrad for a NOTE giVen by mec to MICHAEL KEh'AR1 >r a Thousand Doi!ars, in the Year 1864,ussaid ote has been paid.