The weekly herald. (Newberry Court House [S.C.]) 1865-1865, June 21, 1865, Image 1

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TotHE WEEKLY HERALD.PE DeVoted to the Dissemination of General Information. VOLUME I. NEWBERRY, S. C.. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1SG. NUMBER 26 THE WELLY HERALD 16 PUBLISHED AT NEWBERRY C. H., TERMS, el IN SPECIE, FOR SIX MONTHS, OR 81,50 IN PROVISIONS. (Payment required invariably in advance.) Advert,Tr,ents inserted at $1 per square, for first insertion, 50 cents for subsequent insertions. Marriage notices, Funeral invitations, obituAries, and Communications of personal interest charged as advertisenents. [CoMM!CTE.) Only a few dayihad elapsed, says the Charles ton Courier, after the surrender of Johnston, when primary meetings were held in many places in North Carolina, atnd delegates sent to Wash iugton to co: fer with the President in regard to the afflairs of the State, and the ;ppointment of a military or provisional governor. The result is seen in the late proclamation appoimting the ion. Wi. H. Holden, Ivith instructions to pre at ribe such rules and regulations as mnay be ne c:ssarv for the holding of a State Convention, composed of delegates selected by that portion vt thc people who may be entitled to the electo ral franchise a, defined by the A mnn:ty' P1rocla tion of Mav U, Ior the pu rpovse of alterir or umend:ing ihe Cons:tittution1 o the S .tte, and tle presentation of siicIh a Reiullic:n fori o State governlment acs lhall entitle the State to ilI the guarantees and protecon o the (;neral Govern merit. Georgia and Alabama are moving in the same directiou. 3lMceiugs have beien held in manv p!asce, xpretsiln a desire ihr the appVintmeii. %t a milit:ry overnlor o that State, and no (ouht it wi!l be tlone :is soon a; the tolvernmiient er atiS1f that it is the de-ire of the loyal por tion of, thle S .e South tro lii t occupies the s:im111 relatio!s to the G neral G1 over t r meas that ot thle borderiing !:t. -s, ald tie sie steps are nIeC'.: vr in e "ISe ior a return to civil j:ri'i:tmon areprv Nentatltl i: he Na:ion Corr-res; -!I, as %w be seen in the caQe of North :ina, the first wp in the appuo.."l-at of a .-: c risional o v errior. N.o one and< r'anda thc importance of such a itp beter ti:. Prf- !.ilt Jlohinston, who served in il' can itV i: lit'ene (1duiing the most tr ing period of -he wa:. is 'experience gives h11:n a thorough krr,nwledgb of the v;ais and re g;uirenlwmefis ( a State in the re-eDtablishment oft its civil functions. It nould emIii that the ti:,e by arrived when the citizens of the Staie s:oueld adopt measures -ftr the tPoin:dtmnt of a 'roviiornld ioveri:or. WXith l:', an appointnrnt ig corne the gradual re-opening of the Itailroads ai:nd channels of tr:td , tj e stabliklhmn r of pos tal routes and v;.crCa::i :.ation of tlie U. S. Couri., aad fital re torn of civil anthrity. TO accomplish these objects there should be a :1ni ed andi ar::hcouious :.tiol on the part of the tople. The mnilitary autl:oities, we believe, are ready and a iiling to give all aid and a sist ance in their power for the forwarding of such A movement, as will be seeni at once by the re port of a meeting held at Sunmme:vilie on Wen rnesdaty last, which was published in our issue of )esterdar morning. Charleston, as the most important commercial ,intnt in the State, should be one of the first to move in the mlatter. Her futuro prosperity very largely depends on the speedy opening of -be channeis of trade and the development -f the resourees of the State. which can only be ac romiplishedl by united and we!l directed etterts on the part of the citizens. Let past jealousies be h,rried, and all meet with one common object, the prormtion of peace, fellowvship andl good will, and the restoration of Soeuth Cacina to her true positioni,in the galaxy of States composing this great Republic. Now :3 The timo~ for action. "Leave not for to-mror row what should be donu to-day."-harleston A meeting has been heid at Suimmerville, S. C., one also,we perceive through the Columnbia press at Columbia. It will be seen, from the above art'cle, that it is n-ecessarv for the citizens of South Carolina, if they wish to return to civil jurisdict.n and rep resentation in. the National Congress, and the appointment of a Provisional Governor from one of the citizens of her own States to take the same !teps as North Carolina, Ga. and Alabama. To secomplish this, primary meetings miust be held th.roughout the State, "indicating that there is a united and harmonious action on the part of tho people to be loyal.'' There is no use in ob-tina cy, stubbornness and sulkiness. If a few are dis posed to act foolish and to "cut off' their nose to spite their face," let the balance,who are a large majority and deeply interested in their social, political and commercial welfare and happiness, take the matter in hand and act. The reopening of the channels of trade, 'of railroads, the establishment of postal routes, and final return to civil authority all depend on the~ hsia t i and oal action of the citizenIs. further postponement. Let the citizens of New berry come forward, call a meeting, and show a disposition to act in concert with our sister dis tricts. W-hat farmer, mechanic, merchant, lawyer, or physician feels disposed to remain out in the cold, under military law all the time, with uo privileges and while tbe sister States surrounding us,have acted,and will soon be enjoying the ben efit of civil government an.d law. . i oRest assnred, citizens, as !ong as you show no dispdsition to be loyal, no disposition to concur with the requirements of the U. S. authorities, who, I assure you, are as independent as you are, just so long will the State be under military gov ernors, military rule, as at presens, with no pe culiar privileges as when under civil government. For once display some common sense. S. Proclamation of President Johnson. Whereas, the fourth sectiou of the fourth arti cle of the constitution of the United States de clares that the United States shall guarantee t) every State inl the Enion a republicnn for;n of government, and shall protect each of them tgains,t invasion and domestic violence; and Wherea:s, the President of the United States is by the constitu:ion made Cormander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy, as well as chief execu tive offleer of the United States, and to take care that the laws 'e failhfuil executed ; and Whereas, the rebellion, which has been wagedl by a portion of the people of the United State against the properly constituted r.,thori:ies of the governcnt thereot in the most viol.;ht and revolting lorm, but whose organize(l and armed forces h.tve now been abtost entirely overcome, has in i:s revolutio(nary progre.s deprived tho pole of the tate of Nourti Carolina of all civil gover:net: ; antl \hereas, it becomes :cccesary and proper to carry ou,t .nd enifurce the ol,hi :tions of the i:e. S!ates to the people of North Carolina in '"ctr. tillm in the enjovneat.ot a republican fo r:n (o' gO vetr::m)enrt. N ow, t1er cOn-, in obieil"nce to the hlgh and solemn d:tti.'mc d upon me by the Constitu tion of the United Stxtcs, and for the purpose of en:blin. the loyal peopic of said State to organ i:wa .ste gorernt:eat, whereby justice may be esta:i,isbe(l, domctic tranquility insured, and loyal citizens protected in all tlh:.r rights of life, :lerty and property, I, S ou;wv JONSN, Pres ident-of the United States and Com:nander-ic (hief of the Army and Navy of the United States, do hereby appoint William W. Holden provis ional Governor of the State of North Curolina, whose duty it shall be at the earliest practica I neriod, to prescribe such rutles and regulations as mav be necessary and proper for convening a convention, composed of delegates to bo chosen by that portion of the peopl. of said State who are loyal to the United States, and no others, for the purpose of altering or amending the consti tution thereof, and with authority to exercise within the limits of said State all the pwers ne cessary and proper to en:able such loyal people of the State of Noi th Carolina to restore said State to its constitutional relations to the federal governne:nt, and to present ;uch a rep-tbtican form of State govertmnent as will entitle the State to the guarantee of the United Statcs, therefor, and its people to protection by the Uaited States against iuva'ion, insurrection and o6mestic vio lence: Provided that in any election that may be hereafter held for choosing delegates to any State convention, as aforesaid, no person shall be qualificd as ark elector, or shall be eligible ms a member of such convention, unless he shall have previously taken and subscribed to the .oath or amnesty as'set f orthm in the President's pro clamation of May 29, 1865, and is a voter quali fed as prescribed by the constitution and laws of the State of Notth Carolina in force immediately before the 20th day of May, A.D., 18G1, the date of the so-called ordinance of secession ; and the said convention, wher' couvened, or the Legisla ture that may be thereafter assembled, will pre scribe the qualiicationss of electors and the cli gibiity of persons to hold office under the con' stitution and laws of the State-a power the pe6 pe of the several States composing the federal Union have rightfully exercised from the origin of the governmnent to the present time. And I do hereby direct: IFinst--That the military commander of the department, and all otticers and persons in the military and naval service, aid and assist the said Provisional Governor in carrying into effect this proclamation ; and they are enjoined to at) stain from in any way hindering, impeding or discouraging the loyal people from the.orgamz tion of a State government as herein authorized. SECoND-That the Secretary of State proceed to put in force all laws of the United St.ate. th' administration whereof belongs to the State, De partment, applicable to the geographical himits aforesaid. * Tan-That the Secretary of the Treasury proceed to nominate for appointment assessors of taxes and collectors of cu.stoms and internal revenue, and such other officers of the Treasury Department as are auThorized by law, and put m execution the revenue laws of the United States within the geographical limita aforesaid. In making theiappointmecnts the preference are to ne performed; but it suitable residents of the districts shall not be found, then persons re sidhg in eter States or districts shall be ap Lpoiited. Fort:Mr-That the Poiotma.ster Genernl proceed to establish post routes an'd put into execution the postal laws of the United States within the said State, giving to loyal residents the prefer enc: of appointment; but if suitable residents are not found, then appoint agents fran other States. F.-rn-That the District Judge for the judicial li,;rict in which North Carolina is included, pro cee- to hold courts -within said State, in accord ancr with the provisions of the ~!.ct of Congress. '!he A ttorney (neral will in!truet the proper of- era to libel and 'ring to judgment, coaisea I tion and sale, property eubject' to confiscation, ani enforce the administration of justice within sa?d State in all matters,within the cognizance and jurisdiction of the Federal Courts. SIxT-That the Secrecary of the navy take possession of all public property belonging to the navy department, wtlhin snit' geograpltcal limits, and put in otleration all Acts of Congress in relation to naval affairs, having app'icatian to said Sate. .r.-hat the Secretary of the Interior put in forde the laws relating to the Interior De partment applicable to the geographical limits Aforesaid. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set m hand and caused the seal of the United States to he afixed. Done a, the City of Washington, this twenty ninth day of lay, in the year of our Lord one thnusand eight hundred and sixty-five, and of ite lndcpendenco of the Unitcd States the eighty-ninth. ANDREW JOIINSON; Ry the President: "I:.A ui 11. S Secretary of state. obor Re!uattl^:i )rnier G :'r. Su nr Fi:r;Mr:N, Aru;:re. GA., eJune l:th, 13., - The fnllov il. rules r,re prcscribed for the hiri: and gov: nleat of colored lhorers of .uusta and vicitit,, and for the treatment of Freed men: Lahor.-rs will be allowed antd encotraged to ma' vohuntary contracts, eithe:- with their foranw'r I:-aste"rs, or cay other person wishing to cmpi,; them. These contracts, whe. submiuted to the Goneral Ruperintendent of Freedmen, will he exai ined by himn, and if found to b. fair and equitable, will be by him approved. But, owing to the extent of country over which his jurisdic tion now extends, and the great importance to the people of making a good crop the preseont season, it will not, at present, be considered ne Scssarl hv the General Superintendent that con tracts, to be binding, should be submitted to him ; but if equitable, and based upon the sche duic of prices hereKfter mentioned, will be con sidered binding. If the *recdm,n:t desire to re mnlin on the plantation of the former master, and he also desires that they should remain, and the workers consent t'o support the non-worker.+, the emlp!over shall give to all, wholesome food, corn h:tabie clothing, quarters, fuel and medicrl at tendance, and divide among the- workers, pro rata, what may be due them, if any thing, alter deductin the expenses of supporting the freed men on the plantation. The Government is not, at present, prepared to support the infirm or helpless ; there fore, until further orders, no per son will he allowed to turn away the infirm or I htple to become a burden upon the public; they must be clothed, fed and properly cared for when sick, deducting the actual expense from thne wage.s of the able-bodied harnds. Should it be proven that any have beni so turned away, at asnes-ment will bo made upon the persons on wo'e premises they were living, when this or der was issued, for 'their suipport, and hc t ill bc heild guilty of a misdemrnuor. In cases when it is absolutely nee's3ary to make exceptions to tihs rule, perm:ssionm must be, obtained from this offiee. T,he following~ rates are fixed ,as the comipensation to be given laborers: - JELD 1iANDS. Male hnandls, 37 per month .I.llf hands, 3 0" Female hands, IIalt hands," Male servants, 1st class, $10 per month Mal se.rvants,d '8d M-rrale s-at,a Feaesrvanits, 1st class 8 Female servantu, 2d class " Female servants, 3d " " - These chi,ses wvill he determined by-merit, and an agneemnent beCtwee-n tine emplhoyers and em ployee. M.-chanics and persens having trado,. will he allowed and encouraged to Lmake their own contracts. The money wages for fields hiands will be paid ca he st ayof (Pctober, and 24th day of Dc c miber ; for house servants, at, the end of cach mioHth ; for mechanies, pe.sonis to!!owing trades and lab,orers who work by, the day, as otten as agreed upnon .btwe'n the paries. Al con' acts for field hand9. wil be for the balance of the 'ear. FoH iTld hand7, house~ "'rvants, and a laborer, ,:cptmn: machan~'s andi persaons fon owr tra.14e" there mus~.t be wer hte '1 'xare in add non tn *'- oay, jo, -i'W ~I?&,. u 2 2t. ~C Ii t .1 U. their freedon impotes upon them burdens and dutie: They must labor and support themselves, their wives and children; and if they desire to l.ecome the o:mners of land, they must buy them,' as oth-r Freedmen are required to do. They nu,t fulfill all equitable contracts ; and if any contract is broken by them, without just cause, they will lose all that may he due them. They are free in all parts of the State of Georgia and South Carolina, and their rights- as freemen will be protected by the whole military force of tb L'uted States government, if nec'ssary. Every act of injustice or cruelty done tham, will sooner or later be investigated, and the wrong-doer se verely: punislhcd. Idleness and vagrancy will not be tolerated; and the government will support none able and yet unwilling to worr'. Wages, for a time lost on account of sicknen, unless protracted, will not be deducted from the field hands or house servants ; nor for any time lost from any fanits of the employer, or on ac count of inclement weather. But both wages and rations will be deducted when sickness is feigned for the purpo?e of idleness or refusal to work when able to do so, and the offender may be discharged by the employer. Whenever any. Freedman is discharged by the employer or his agent, and think himself- wronged, or whenever they are naltrated or deprived of any right due Freedmen, they should report the case at this ofice, and the comnplaint-will be promptly attend ed to. iut, if the Freednian so discharged, refuse to leave, or prowls about the premises to the injuvy of any person; or in case any Freudman commits an offence for which he should be punished, or is conwidercd a dangerous person. he may be ar rested by competent authority and brought, be fore the Prorost 2arshal. Whenever a military force cannot be obtained, a request may be made at this oflice, where it will receive prompt atten tion. House servants are informed that they will be expectcd to remain one half of each Sabbath with their ennployecs, and field hands that they are expected to eork cach day in the week ex-. ce't the Sabbath. Complaints have been made at this office, that certain' parties refuse to allow wives to leave their premisos with their husbands, or parents to tike chargo of their children. Such persons are notificd that Freedmen in this regard have the same rights as white citizens have, and if they interfere with those rights they are guilty of a grave offence, wl:ich will subject them to severe purnishnent. These regulations subject to the approval of Biert. Maj. Gen. R. Saxton, Commissioner of F:eedme for South Carolina and Georgia. J. E. BRYANT, General Superintendent, BArN o FACILrTI.s.-Our highly esteemed feliow citizen, James S. Gibbes, Esq., IPresi dent pro tem of the People's Bank, has been granted permission by Gen. Hatch to remove the effects to the city. It is contemplated, we learn, to -re-establish it as a National Bank as soon as all the arrangements can be completed. The various o..her banking insti tutions, it is hoped, will !ollow this good ex ample. Capital is what is now wanted to give confidence and revive business. Our citizens, business men particularly, owe a debt of grat itude to Mr.' P. H. Kegler, the worthy, enter prising and courteous gentleman who openede the fir t banking house after the occupation of the c" y by the United States forces. Mr. Kegler's house at the corner of King and Baufai.n streets is now, we are happy to say, an established institution, and has met with the success it so well. merited.-Carlesston Couricr, 1st. A RRIVAL OF N.EGRo TRooPs-The. frst in' staiment of-negro troops, designed for duty in Augusta, reached there Saturday last, and marched up Greene street to their company grounds on the Arsenal bill. The colored, opulation turned out en mnasse to look at their brethren in arms, who marched with considerable precision, and gave ample evi dence of the efficiency of drill and'- discipline. Jerusaler.1 is undergoing reesceitation. Many pubic improvements have lately been made and the popuTation has been increased by a great in-. fux of Jews who have fled from northern Africa. it is said that the Jews are much concerned abIout this gathering up the stones and making broad the ways of Jerusalem ; they say. "Now we are certain Messiah's coming is very near. It is said that Major General John C. Breck inridge is trying to get to Europe. But he cnn have no vocation there. Nevrermore wil he have a homei. What a sad moral there is in the story of that brilliant and most unhap PY man.- "c.ouirile ~Journal. A National Bank is to be established in Charleston-probably in the course of a month, The Cou.r;n' states that "a number of otrr heavy mercliants have expressed their desire to take shares." Th~ .news of the opening of recruiting oSU -ers for Mcxico in Ncv 3 ork and WastpngtoD, creetd human tsen in whil- Te gen-~