The weekly herald. (Newberry Court House [S.C.]) 1865-1865, June 07, 1865, Image 2

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THE WEEKLY HERALD. L NEWBERRY, S. C. WEDNESDAY MO?.NING, yUN.E 7, 1865. gg We understand that a hail storm of some -severity, was felt some days ago, in the vicinity of Pomaria, doing damage to the growing crops. .Other sections also hae experienced like visit lngs. " It is exceedingly mortifying to hear. the numberless complaints of ubscribers not getting their papers, when it is' regularly printed and mailed. Everything and everybody is out of gear now, but we are still in harness, and send the paper -regularly. Gbnerous. The kind friend who sent us a silk worm in payment of subscription will receive a world of thanks for so timely a relief. It will be impos sible however to send d paper in return as no name was signed to the ipteresting document ac companying the worm, an omission greatly re gretted, for we don't like to be the recipient of a 'retail' generosity without being able to return it. Many thanks. Sale-Day. This time honored 'institution' brought'a large number of old faces together on Monday, beside a sprinkling of -foreigners. But little business was transacted. A seedy war-horse was offered to the highest bidder, but contrary to custom was not sold to the highest, the bid being. too low. Our friend, the general, concluded n'ot to play with leyr, so made it a' draw game. Knots of eager, hungry news-seekers, swarmed the - streets, much tq the gratification of the few who love to disperise a b\udget of 'bearsays,' to open "mouthed listeners. We did hear- of-an anticipa ted raid, Intended to end the performances of tie. day, but believe it was postponed in consequence of the party threatened getting up a counter af terpiece, in which the prineipal characters sport ed guav. School Eaminaton. " An Interesting little afftir came off last Thurs - day .night at Helena. It was an examination of 8 the pupils belonging to Mrs. Braziel's schocl. The various. Zompositions were appropriate, and delivered with 'happy effect. The ladies we're graceful, at ease, Their fine culture speaks well for the preceptress. The pleasures of tbe' evening were increased by a number of ladies and gentlemeu who lent their musical talent to the c-ccasion. Beautiful songs and duets were sung with delicious sweet fiess. Several ladies presided in turn at the piano, with the skill of artistds, and, aided by the soft melody of the flute, the sweet 'strains "Came o'er the ear like the sweet South wind, That breathes upon a bed of violets, -. Stealing and giving odour." IrFishing and Moonshine The number of parties,. pic-nics, and fishiung V froie, alresdy past .and yet to come, shows f.)at the Johnnies, W.illies and Tommies have come home, and that. our Sallics, Betties anfd- annies, are aware of that fact ; hence the frolics. 'i1 - the good things and sweet, that the creative fant' * cy of the young ladies, mixed up with smiles and *boquets, can cencoct, are brought into 'requisi tion to entice the s'waitis into lovng subjection. The fishing frolics are all moonshine, and "the mute little fish,' thoug they can't speak they wish." beg that all fishers might leave them as free to their sports as the above class do, for they seldom disturb' their quiet. There are "ether fish to fry," and the bait used is 'of too delecta a ble a character to -waste'- upotn the 'finny tribe. How dblicious to munch pound cake under a June ap'ple tree, with such charming right and left hand support.ers. We regret that old married folks 2are not privileged to enjoy-these little festivities, but fashion-makes it right, 'and so it 'must be. Some of the girls are sad mad-caps though, a-s 'lately we heard of invitations being sent out, for a party that.did not come of, and that a number of young suckers had a vain gallop over the * 'country from pond to pond in search of the 'girls of --.' Take care young ladies, the boys must not be trified with.. MILITARY GOVYENNENT IN~ COLUMIA.-We 'deem it proper to advise our pu'blic that .the mil itary government of the-United States bias wholly -superseded the civil governmeiit.of the,State and eity. There is now no other authority here than a mtilitary authority. This being the case;'it will. be well for the citizens to ask~ what are the requi sitions of the ,mil.itary e omman dant of the ~city of Colgioia, and, to comply with them. Lieut. Col. Haughton, the conmmandant, has his quar ters in the brown stone building, .on the South - side of the Colle-ge Campus. The Acting Pro evst Marshal, Lieut. John Waltcn, will be'found. in the'same quarters. The latter officer is pre Spared to want parcles to soldiers and to admir. Mter the o,ath to all citi:rens.. ,We be-lieve that this isanecessary condition prior to the transac 6i~ of any business.-Commis ?xniz. - Amnesty Exclusions. To a gentleman, lately from Charleston, We are indebted for the following, said to be the except ed class under the amnesty proclamation by Presi dent J.ohnston: All men in the army above t'.e rink of Colonel, in navy above,lientenant ; ' who have left judicial stations under theV. S. Gov ernment ; all who left the U. S. army and navy to engage - in the rebellion ; all civil and dfplo matic agents of so-called C. S.; all who mal treated Union prisoners ; all who engaged in the raids from Canada ; all who incited in the Fort Pillow massacre ; all who have been engaged in violating the commercial and revenue laws of the,U. S. in any form, shape or way ; all who, having over $20,000 worth of property, gave aid and comfort to the rebellion.. All applicationsfor special clemency will be considered by the Pres-. ident. The proclamation is, an append to the amnesty proclamation of Mr. Lincoln; 1ass Meeting of Freedmon. The Augusta Chronicle if Sentinel gives an ac count of a-large meeting in that city on'the 27th ult. The audienice was estimated at five thous I and, mainly freedmen. A military banid enliven ed the occasion. The stand was occupied by military officers and some citizens, and amongst them the Mayor and Bishop Pierce of the M. E. Church. Dr. French, chaplain U. S. Army, ad dressed the freedmen on their new relations to society and government. He sought to impress them with the necessity.of supporting themselves by honest industry and not by petty pilfering or by more flagrant. violations of law. He greatly pr'ferred that in all eases where they were not treated with cruclty or injustice,tha't they should remain aith Lheir former masters. That they be cheerful, contented, and do more work and bet ter work for their employers as freedmen than they had formierly done as slaves. To love and respect their former masters who had provided for them in childhood and sickness. As-to their status, they were fred citizens of the United States, but their political and social rights were still undefined. a. ch good advice, touching ma ny df their besetting vkes, was given, which eeme-i to meet the hearty approbation of the audience. At the 'conclusion of Dr. French's address lapt.. Bryant,- the Superintendent or the Bureau of Freedmen, proc.eeded to address the me dng. This gentleman said that the war just closed had not been waged for the abolition of slavery. But, said he, while inan proposes God disposes. Contrary to all human expectation the events. of the contest had been so shaped by Divine Provi dence tthat slavery had been subverted. You are now free by the decision of th&Unite i States Governme;t, but it i for you- to de nou strate by your good conduct,' that you are not udworthy of the boon conferred on you. . I concur in the advice giveg you bj' the rever end gentleman who has just addressed you, that undet ordinary circutmstandes you shouid be will ing to enter into coiitra'ets for ivages with your late masters. And when~ these contracts are inade,~'abide b'y them in good faith. Don't form habits.of vagabondism, for this will not be per mitted. Anid I wish to say further, that while you will be shielded from oppression and injury you shall be punished for your evil deeds. We want peace and harmony. Discord has resigned long enough in this sunny land. Go forth then in the spirit of freemen to performp your parts no. bly in the Drama of Life. In this way you shall shane your enemies and justify the confidence of 'our friends both North and South. The foregoing is a very imperfect outline of these addresses. They contain however the sub stance of what was said, and we commend them to the consideration of tZe planters. We omitted to state that the meeting- was opened with prayer by Rev. Robrt Drayton (col ored) and after.singing the doxology was closed with the benedietion by Bishop Pierce. THE DANGER OF IloRsE TRADING.-We learn that a military court is now in' sessi'on in M con, for the ivestigation of charges against eitizens and soldiers who have been engaged in horse trading. So time since, we warned our people against purc.hasing anything which belonged to the late so called Confederate Government, unless it bad the "condemned -mark" of the United States Governmxent upon it. Thousands of horses, mules and wagons. have been illegi timately disposed of by those having them in chrge. They .must~ all be returned to, the. proper. authorities at the various military posts. Those parties having them in, their possession now miay endeavor to disposo of them. It wili, 'however, make no difference with the Government whether the*"party who hs tbe property in their possession when' found bought it from a soldier 'or a private, citizen. Government' property is Government proerty, no matter how obtained. We N,therefoi-e, caution all not to purchase anything in the shape of Governient pr-oper ty, unless it .has -.tirst been condemned by Government officials.-[Auegatz. Chronicle, May 20. *Halden has.been appointed Governo"' of North Carolina, and is. empored'to call a convention to-change the constitution of that Star:, by the proclamatieni giving him 'authority so to do. Ne' groes- are exclud ,d from voting. FARt rp Nryw YosK FR3s SmAVANIA.-The, passenger fareirtm Savannah to New -York is $1mi a m_ ad $20 in steerage. To the Benevolent and Patri ntic. The undersigned beg leave respee ly to recommend to your consideration, Lieut '. Monroo H. Harman, Co. K. 20th' go. Ca. Vels., K. 'haw's Brfgade. Lieut. Harman is from L ezlington Village and early in 1861-entered the se. rvice as a'private in Co. 0. Ist So. Ca. Vols;, com manded by Col. Gregg, and Bonham's Brigade. ' ;i -to Virginia and there remained until his R eginent was disbanded by the expiration of its t ersn of service. Shortly afterwards he again volu ateei'ed and was made Orderly Sergeant of Co. R. 26th So. Ca. Vols., and upon its reorganizatio a -was elected 2d Lieut., and some time afterwarc 'was promoted to 1st Lieut., of 'the -same con ipany. FFrom the time he entered the service h, t was always prompt and energetic in the dischard e 'of his duties and during the whole period fromt that time to the present was never in a Hospital' but' a very few days, and ,never absent from, his command until the disastrous battle of the y9th October'1864, in the Valley of Virginia, whc in he was'in.command of his company, at'which 'tim he was wounded and taken prisoner and was retained by the enemy until about the 10t'' of February last, when he was paroled and, arrived at his home on the 28th of March, but in a con ilition which unfits him for any further service to the Country and inability to assist himself. Iis wound was through the right eye taking it out entirely, and the lod'gement of the ball under the left eye deprives him of sight. The little he had has been spent in the service 'of his Country .and. destroyed by the enemy, his little property con sisting of a House in the Village of Lexington which gave shelter to-his aged Father and Mother and which was burned by Sherman's army, in their passage through this District so that he add they are not 6nly left without clothing for food but even a shelter, it is hoped and believed that a grateful people, will not suffer such a soldier to want for the' common necessaries Of life, his neighb'ors would glaily -come to his assistance but by the invasion of the enemy have been deprived of the means, and. hence this appeal. '1 Most respectfully submitted, by F. S.'Lewis, State Senator, Lexington District.' .no. H. Counts, Representative ; S. P. Wingard, Clerk of the Court; A. Efird, Ordina.ry henry A. Meetze, Com. in Eq., L. D.; J.4 S. Derrick, T. C. L. D.; George' S. Swygert, S. L. D:; L. H. Russell, Lt. & E. 0. L. D.; W. Berly, pastor of St. Stephens, L. D.; Rev. H. A. Smith, local mm ister ; G. A. Fink,. Editor Lexington Flag. LOCUST GROVE, May 8th, 1865. I have this Aay.carefully examined Lieutenant If. H. Harman, and find him totally inc apacita ted for any business whatever. :His devotion to the South, patriotism' and unt,ring zeal,- jurtlry entitie him to the worthy 'consideration pi. a g'rateful' people. F.- S..LEWIS, M. D. J. J. CHISOLM, h. D. S.i'L FATIR, M. D. WRoNG.-We notice some of our ex.hDnges are endeavoring to inculcate the tallacious idea into,the ininds of their readers that "if three- fourths of the States do not adopt the constitutional amendment enacted by the Fedgra' Congress, that slavery will continue 'to exist." 'ihis is all wrong. The 'idea is a wrong one and it is decidedly wrgng to'en-, deavor fo induce the .community to. build their hopes o&a foundation of sand. There is one thing which is a fi'ed fact, re pugnant and disagreeable ": it may be to many of onr people. It is this. Sjavery is an institution which has ceased to exist. It is an institution which was killed by its pro fessed friends. This being the case, it will be fir better for us to shape our course in accor dance with things as they are, than to en deavor to stem the current and be overwhelmed with the mighty erushing torret6t of public opinion. Slaveryis nufi>ered among the things that were. This should be kept constantly in view in all our transactions and in every arrangement we make. By remember in the fact, and not allowing ourselves to be deiuded by any falso hopes or to be deceived or misled by any false.lights, we will in the end be much 'better off.' Reader, when you .see a newapaper.editor, or a pot house politi cn trying te prove corret whaj '"commuon sense teaches you is not so, follow him not. Remember that by so doing you would sim ply be'-illustrating the parable of the "blind eding the blind,"-both of you will stumble andfall together. 'Our late bitter experience ought to teach us a lesson never to be forgot ten.-Auwpsta Chronicle and Sentinel.. -THE \V'aLSHINGToN ABsA!INATIoNCNPRA oRs.-It:appears to be extremely .diffcult for he Washington assassins and .conspirators to' obtain lawyers to act as couzisel.. They have not succeeded in getting any 'ome as yet wh" will a#ree to under~k task of defending em. was thoughtC thrst that IReverdy. Johnson, Senator frpmgarfland, would appear for some of them;bit.he has suddenly, "been obliged" to gfo"geltdin Pennsylvania to look after,an im pfttnt4ilroad case. (j?ye,'the assassin who attempted to kill Mr. ward has made full confession, acknowledgeing, i guilt, and made two attempts to committ sui cide and save himself front being hung, wilich fate heifully, expects to be meted out to him. He is .describe'd as being very brutal in appearance and' looks as if he possessed but little ramd and heart.* Augusta Sentinel. The Chinese washermena in Sai .Francisco iron their clothes with a greawt frying pan. full of charcoal, sprinkling them by filling their mouths 'with water, and spirting it dexterously and et'en ly forth. The first. passenger train from Macon to Atlanta reached the lattet city on the 81st -last Friday. ' Vice stin,gs i.s even in our treasures, but virtue. consoles us even in our pains, 1 HEADQUARTERS, UNITEi STATES FORCE, CIrY OF C?trMBAr, S. C., May 27, 1865. General Orders No. 2 INFORMATION having been received at these headquarters of the existence of armed bands of marauders 'infeating the country and committing depredations, bn the . property of peaceful citizens, it is hereby ordered'that-all per'sons composing such will be conmdered and treated as outlaws, and if.-caught, will eceive the severest punishment of military law. The United States Government is-desirouwof" protecting all peaceful and law abiding citizens,* and they will confer a favor on. these headquar ters, and do justice to themselves by giving anor information, they may have in their possession respecting 'the names and niovernetat of such bands, and, if possible, aiding in their capture. The time has arrived when it behoo'es every citizen to do all in his power to assist the military forces of the. United States to restore lieace and harmony throughout the land. By orde- of Lt. Col. N. HAUGHTON, 25th 0. V. V. I., Com'dg U. S. Forces, City of Columbia. W. J..KYLE, 2d Lieut. 2th 0. V. V. I. ELEcTRIcAL; ExPERIMENT.-A piece of gold leif, two and a half inches long and one and a guarter inches wid is cut into the form of a 'kite or fish, placen a piece of paper and piresented to the knob of a lar&e L,yden jar. charged with electricity. When detachedby' a, knife the leaf spring towards the knob, but stops within two inches, and remains hoter -ing in the air, the tail waving like . that of a fish-When-the jar is moved, thie gold leaf follows.and continues to float for nearly an hour. The experiment may be made with a smaller jar and with smaller pieces of gold -leaf. The famous Belle Boyd has come' to grief in England. .Sbe has been turned penniless out of her hotel, and the land lord retained her bagg age a3 security for his bill. She has also parted.s with :01 her jewelry, and is in a state of great destitution. _ Jo5h Billings says: !'That if a men is 'ping' to make a business of serving the Lord, .be likes to see him do it when he measures out otions as -*ell as when he hollers glory hallelujer." John C. Heenan, the bruiser, - lias married an English girl, and "retired from. public life;" to spend his declining years in keeping a: inn. Imnortant Notike. I will exchange four bushels coarse Liverpool Fklt for oie barrel of Flour ; and one bushel S:t - for two of corn ; and will atso purchase Wheat for which I will pay the Market Price in c'ash. .' . - A. HARRIS. .Jnne.7 tf Medical Card. D R. JAES McINTOSH offer3 lis services, it the 'practice of redicine andSurgery, to the ditizens of Newberry grd vicinity. Office-3-that formerly occupied by the late Dr. Th.owrpoon. Residence a'ti Mrs. Hliggime. June '1 tf Wanted immegately. r 0 RENT, a Melodeon or Piktno. The greatest I care will be taken with the ingru:ment. Enquire at this office.-' June 7 Medkcal Card. Da. S.- POPE offerA bh professional. serrices to the citizens of New berryr. Can be found during the' day at the Drug Store of Dr. Williams, at night, for. the present, at the. residence of Dr. Peter Mon. . '. May 22 3 To the Public of. Newberry. -: RS. J. I. CARROLL, having located per ILmanently in N~ewberry, offers her services as insti-uctress in Vocal and Instrumnental Music also'French, German; and Italian .language. For terms? &c;, apply at her repidence, over Mr. Wicker's Store, Main Street. . May 23 St NOTICE..* Rf .-G. W. GA RMANY offers hit'profesioip .Lservi,es . to the. citizens of Nebgy Helenja and surrounding country. Ome af. Dr. Ewarts.. All orders left there will.he.prsmpt ly attended to. . May 23 . - * ~ NOTICE I HEREBY warn all parties not to tradid a~ INTY E giyen by4ne tb MICH4L fr EAU) for a Thqusand Dollar,, in the year 1864, as said note has been paid.* - May 4, 1.865. -A. M. WICKER. NOTICE. T HE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE LADIES' CARD FACTORY.will take Gre wdod, A&bb ville District, o" the ftft .ia~ inJunenet, at 2 o'ckdek,?. M. The mnembist - generalHy are requested to attend, as ina2ters t interest' brought to the notice of.tha e - ciety. . - By order of Executive Qommittee. J. R TARRANWT, - ay 13 ~.Secretary and Treissurer. SALT, SHEETING, AGATE BTTIONS, FINE * NEEDLES, &c, TObarter for Bacon, Bufter-IardrCorn, at - WANTED A T the Martin House, all kinds of produce fot wi be paid at Nfewberry prces April 15