The Pickens sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1909-1911, January 12, 1911, Image 1

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- / Ak Al Entered April 23. 19i3 at Pie en,.. e I t enauer, umier s-t C: of .%:arth 3, 1879 n a PI(KENS, S. C., JAN 12, 1911. weakness ,neYear. 10 n PARK Gereen~v11e .cort1 Caroltn a. "A mnerry Christmas and a happy New Year" to my Pick ens County Friends 1for th'eir leberal patronage whichi his enabled me to make 1910 one of my most successful years. YOUR Patronage ,is appreciated. During 1911, with the help of Henry McKenzie Aand. Burt Wood, I shall try to give you our best service. Soliciting a continuance of your trade for. 1911 I am, ) Yours Truly, }A.K. PARK estEnd. _Be aC ae tiv1e. -.c> IMre Goods For Less Money" ! ~iJa.ltto D1a EMkSY? Use Putnam's Fadeles Dye or Diamond Dyes.. A Full Line of Both. Don't forget that White Pine & Tar for that Cough Hits the Spot! And REMEMBER We Carrr a 6omplete line of I - DRUGS Keowee Pharmacy, VESTA, Is The Brand, if you want high class, Cake, Rolls, Loaf or Buiscuit Jor Christmas. Try onr Vestal Flour. It is the best inade out of Wheat. 100 per cent pure patenti and costs yrou no more than com= mon Flour. Drop in an. let us fill your bill for Christmnas Fruits and ALL kinds of Good things to eat. SNew Lot of Shoes just arrived, all Sizes. Full line Dry Goods, Hats, Caps etc. W. B. Freeman, "Alt the 0 1 Staind"6 XMAS DANCERS 1 TAKEN BY DEATHI ji Carelessitess or Vengeance Responsible. 3 DEAD, 8 rATALLY HURT While Men and Women Were in s Mazes- of Dance Mining Powder or Dynamite Was' Exploded-Dancere tj Wrapped in Deadly Flames. p *0 Three persons are dead, eight may die as the result of their injuries, and ten more are in the Westmoreland hospital with painful burns, as penalty either for somebody's carelessness on somebody's vengeance, while miners were holding a Christmas celebration, at Keystone Shaft near Greenburg.. Pa. . The accident occurred at the home Q Michael Wilding, while- he was en. Cirtaining a party of about twenty five men and women. some of wh'zr a had come from Youngstown, Ohio, tc 9 seek work in the mines there. R It is believed -that one of the rm.en a in the party while- a dance was in 5 progress threw a cigarette butt c2re-- tc lessly under the s::irway of the - 01 Twenty-five poun-is of black i: te powder are said to have been stored cc there in an open can. Rumors were curr::: that ztrihinS L miners had' thr-r:u a bomb under the h< tairway, viz tere was no confirma- w tion of the report. SE 1:iam,*s . . h powder shot Io lhrough b1: room and the aorid a - blinded the dancers as they broke ; )way for escape. to The clothinle -of nearly all the lancers took fire from the explosion. I Lnd although the room was burned and A baekened, the house was not serious y damaged. Men in adjoining housesg AST The Kind You Have Always Boi in use for over 30 years, has . and has sonal Snl Allow no AU Counterfeits, Imitations- an Experiments that trifle with. a3 Infants and Children-Experie What is CA Castoria is a harmless substit goric, Drops and Soothing Sya -contains neither Opium, Morp substance. Its age is its guara and allays Feverishness. It ci Colic. It relieves Teething Tre ind Flatulancy. It assimilates Stomach and Bowels, giving b The Children's Panacea-The]l CENUINE CAST( Bears the Sig Theo KindlYou Llav In Use For Ove FHZOZN R T ATY ]MRA T H TE ushed in with blankets and wrapped hem about the burning women. saving iany from death. Superintendent H. '.-Bovard, of the mine, arranged for special train which brought the in ared to Greenburg, Pa. CLEMENTS SUCCEEDS KNAPP. ieorgian May Head Interstate Com merce Commission. A The nominations of the two mem ers of the interstate commerce com iission, C. C. McChord and V. H. leyer, have been confirmed by the enate. Within the next two or three weeks 3e commission will 'organize and the robability is that Judson C. Clements, f Georgia, will be elected chairinan f the commission, to succeed Judge [artin S. Knapp, who goes to the ew court of commerce. Judge Clements is now the senior Lember of the commission and ac )rding to usual custom would be the gical chairman. As he is very pop lar with his associates, his election considered a foregone conclusion. A telegram received at Chattanooga inounced the deth of County Judge th M. Walker at Mayo hospital, ochester, Minn., where he went for i operation for gall stones. He was i years of age and a native of Dal n, Ga. He was an alumnus of Em -y college, Oxford, Ga., and for six en years county judge of Hamilton >unty. He was'recently re-elected. William H. Troon, president of the ynn board of trade, is dead at his >mic at Lynn, Mass., although his ife gavc hr b:Od in an effort *3 w.,e him. -er slufered from a se:i:-s nasal honcrrhages which wca; ied his system to such an extent that t transfusion was a&-. d.- It fai!ed pro!cng his life, however. Cicero Wood and Marion Gibson, ro young men, quarreled at Cullma.. [a., over a young lady and agreed -.o to the outskirts of the city and ght, and which has been borne the signature of been made under his per rvision since its infancy. rone to deceive youIn this. 16"Just-as-good" are but 3d endanger the health of ace against Experinent. STORIA te for Castor Oil, Pare -ups. It is Pleasant. It hine nor other Narcotic ntee. It destroys Worms res Diarrhwea and Wind' ubles, cures Constipation a the Food, regulates the ealthy and natural sleep. iother's Friend. 3 RIA ALWAYS enature of Allways Bought r 30 Years. e 45 KEG OF '; T. HE SPOT . "shoot it out." Wood was killed a Gibson gave himself up to the auth< ities. Gibson fired five times a each shot took effect, and was himst uninjured. Mrs. Elizabeth Dearinger, a nati of Kentucky, who died at Taylorvill Ill., at the age of 93 years, from t effects of burns received when h dress caught fire from sparks fro her pipe, had 201 living descendani Six children of a family of sixte< survive, besides 67 grandchildren, great-grandchildren and S4 gret great-grandchildren. John Hunter, a well-known farms was instantly killed at Sewell Ferr Ala., by Charles Packer, when the ki ter struck him with a piece of scai ling. Packer claims Hunter had c dered him out of the houSe and th pursued him, forcing him to strike self-defense. E. A. Hamilton, a young farmer 1i ing near Laurens, S. C,. was fout dead at his home with his head almo completely severed from the body at a bloody ax by his side. His wife, w! recently returned from an insane as lum, is being lield by the authoritie Among her hallucinations before b ing taker to the asylum was that si had killed her husband. Mrs. Emily Smith, aged 79, w burned to death in her home at C lumbus, Ga. The family had left tl house and it is supposed she caug] fire from an exploding lamp. Passer by discovered the fire and when thl rushed in found the woman dead. Five persons were severely injur and seven more slightly injured whE a Cincinnati, New Orleans and Tex Pacific Railroad passenger train w; partially derailed about fifty yar< west of High Bridge, which spans ti Kentucky river. AFFLICTIONS. Afflictions sent by Providen'ce melt the constancy of the noble minded, but confirm the obduracy of the vile. The same furnace that hardensclayliquefies gold,and in the strong manifestations of Divine pow er Pharaoh found his punishment, but David his pardon.-Colton. * * * FOREIGN Turkish troops fightit NEWS the Bedouins have driv( ITEMS. the revolters out of the ] Kerak district in the Vilayet of Syri near the Dead sea, after a sanguinai engagement. Official advices receiv state that in the battle the Bedouhi lost 450 killed pnd 600 prisoners. TI Turkish losses were 7 officers and men. A special dispatch from Toklo, J pan, states that the American vi< consul at Dalny, Manchuria, Adoli A. Williamson, was assaulted at a fil market in Dalny by several Japanei and Chinese. The affair will be r ported to the state department. It is announced that Jack Johnso the heavyweight champion, has a cepted definitely the offer made son time ago of $25,000 to go to Paris* April and fight the winner of the a proaching match between Joe Jea nett land' Sami Langford. A Paris dispatch from Madrid stat' that advices from Lisbon describe ti political situation in the new republ of Portugal as threatening. The go ernent is reported as not sure the loyalty of the army and navy. In the Chinese suburb of Fudziadi2 there were twenty-three deaths fro bubonic plague on Christmas da Ninety-eight persons suffering fro: the disease were taken to the ho pital In disorders and dis eases of children drugs seldom do good and often do harm. Careful feeding anid hahing are the babies' r emledies. 8S0tt's Emulsion' Sis the food-medicine that not only nourishes them most, but also regulates their digestion. It is a wonderful tonic for chil -dren of all ages. They rapidly gain weight and *health oni small doses. FOR SALE~ BY ALL DRUGGISTS Send 10c., name of paper and this ad. 3: 'r beautiful Savings Bank and child's *:etch-Book. Each bank containa a -ood Luck Penny. ,0TT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl St., N. I ' -/. ^/:, Id! von)es .u 411dfy 01U News is scarce in this secion, f but as I did not write last week I will send a few dots. re Mr. William Heaton, of the e, ,e Greenville side visited his uncle, ar Mr. J. H. Heaton, of Pickens R. " 4, last week, and reports having had a jolly time. He took a big 4 rabbit hunt while up. Christmas was very dull with me. Of course old Santa bro't me several presents which I ap - preciated very much. Mr. R. F. Burns and wife have I just'returned home from a very n pleasant visit to the latter's pa rents, Mr. W. M. Jones and wife. Mrs. H. L.' Jones was a 3t recent visitor also at the home d of Capt. Jones. Lo Mr. Johnie Capell and family S. have just moved to their new e- home in this section and which. they report O. K. Miss Leila Jones visited her brother, Mr. Holoert Jones and te family one night last week. i Mr. and Mis. H. L. Jones gave the young folks -an enjoyable pound supper on the night of a December 28th. It was greatly 2 enjoyed by all those present. LS Mr. Tint Williams gave the Is young folks a dance on the 2th uit.. and Mr. J. H., Capell, of the Dacusville section,. gave one on the 31st ult. Both were very much enjoyed by those present. Well, I guess I've scared the correspondents all to death, or something else is wrong I know, for there used to be a few letters every week in the paper but they are very scarce now. Now let's commence at -the first of the year and make it a habit of ours ,g to write to the Sentinel-Journal. I think it would be a very good habit to any-one, boys or. girls, men or women. d Mr. Fetz Crenshaw. who has been attending Clemson College 7 is at home for the holidays. Miss Lizzie Sutherland is at home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hughes h visited the latter's parents, Mr. e and Mrs. W. M. Jones recently. e Mrs. Sallie Dill is visiting the family of her father.' - She will c- remain for some time. E' Mr. Dee Johnsoraand wife are Sspending a time with the latter's rparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gilli land, of Pickens R. 4. PSIll ring off for this time. Lonely Sweetheart Death of R. L. Bryant. Last Wednesday evening the Sremains of R. L. Bryant were - brought here from Atlanta, Ga., rwhere he' died Tuesday Jan. 3. The body was accompanied by Shis wife and children and a few other relatives, and on arriving here was taken to the home of J. J. Shipman, the wife's fath er. The interment took place at Sthe cemetery at 11 o'clock Thursday morning, the services j being conducted by Rev. J. R. lOwen. Mr.'Bryant's death was the Iresult of an attack of asthma. He was 38 years of age, was a ntvof Pickens county, S. C., ntiveo a conductor on the Southern between Atlanta and Greenville. About nine years ago he was married to Miss Ida 'Shipman of this vlace. He is survived by his wife and two children. - TH.Shipm an, who was IIsummoned to Atlanta.'Mmmred Iwith the funeral party, among whom was Rufus Bryant,a - brother of the deceased.-Syl van Valley News.. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM