The Pickens sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1909-1911, December 22, 1910, Image 1

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" / ' er ,/ . ilfl |{ %i % V, l-\iS ' \l<: ifr v ?#> 1 ?\ Y? \ l\ ".' i v^ .s * ?, ^ '. ?' s ti l Ik \&*J &3 JLy 1 'i Id ii ;jiu|4 J.^ ..... j ...... ^ .> . killvrfil april t? 1 f)i).'5 at V*i<?knilH? S*. <!. *? .( mil i!.i??h ?ih . >i.> i u*<?. or .(<*( ??i C*mii?imvsh ot .YSarrh .'j, 1S7!) 40th Year PIC&EN?. 8. C\ DEC W% 1910. Xumber lit / ' . .x PJ Oreonvillo S Certain names in the busi MORGAN stahds for bai A Pa r?l, jljli jv? jl 111 i ft Reliable Merchandi mat Our stock of dry gooc Quilts, men's furnishings an guarantee our prices the 1 and s(|iiar dealing. II o representation, brim;- then with you. Idded a line of men's at fro.ii the way ihey are sellin pie want. Conu; and s< A? K * West tOnd. < " VIore Goods IF f Cold Wea v *.WE Cold Creams, G; Kinds Of ik Hands. *u 1 ; Hot wa Menthol at mn, Syrup. V ick's partitions tor C ISee Us Fi i st. Keowee NUN S-l i % (\ ^ \ i l1 I i ?\ i \ ^' V \ V / U1 U I I hi l-Vincy I GUT '! Is Th<i Brand, / class, Oalce, l!c lor ( h rist ma Flour. It is 11 W heat. 1 oo p( and cost s you mon U'lour. I you l* bill lor ( ' !i'< 1 j 1\ 1 !) ( 1 S () 1 New Lot of S V-J I I Au I ^ 1 | I 1 I k~'-l 1 Mil I I Caj)S etc. W. B. "At, \SRK loutli Carolina ness world are at once recognized: iking, LLoyds for insurance, and l Stands For . I se at the Lowest Legitie Prices. Is, underwear Hosiery, Blanketsj (1 Shoes is now complete. We j / i owest compatible for good goods 11 r "oods should tail to come ui> to ,*->? 1 i back and wc will make it right id boys pants to my business, and jr, we must have the kind the peo| :e us at the old stand I ! Greenville. O. 3 For Less Money" f T^O I I o ither Goods HAVE 'EM. imphor Ice, and All )l ions .'lOr-'Ghapped ? I ' M ter Bottles T \T\ -\i f n T> mo n An rr>, vv in i d a. 1 ilu, w;u0j_i and Gowan's Preroup and Colds. Pharmacy, N ALLY'S and Get T.I I E Best Soxes tV Baskets. IM I IS BICST. if you wml high .11,. i 4* , i > i,;,i, ; -i M I i J. i< \ i i >.i i >11 i r->^ /11 i i s. Try our Vesta io best made out o1 r ceu 1 pu re pat out, no iiKiiv 1 lian corn* \ .. i j .4* I t M'()| ) II) JUKI I CI US Mil hI'ist'lias Friuis and Good tilings to eat hoes j ust, ai i'i ved, a I i no I )rv Goods. I 1 ats ./ / Preeman, (lie Old ttlilJKl" y . m THE DU PONT IPO} will give a DEMC V&UEiaBgJ I AN "PLOUGHING wi (Subsoil I r i , Sr,.\v on me xarm 01 who has kindly granted demonstration on his proj Every I and all others interested < P(K k w , ,V\U > THE I t*~ ' * .Is nearing- comp] n ess, of 1910 is: st i ting faster. The been ^reatlv mcr the Bargain Com 25c. On these do a splendid assort] Goods, Suitable4j dren . and grovf? want to have pt u n H rrot unnr (r/u'i t V 1.4 VA ^ VJ I' T w * * i prices visit onr I Sales?always ex ,1 list at t his so; erybodv wants fi etc. A ncl to try on r t rade needs \ #ood st ook ot 1 he mas 1 rado. ( :oin CRAIG One-price Oc j i 0 3 IfUlllI li I. 1I<JJ von tii L ii l,. 11 AT 4 I ft < w fc 4 Pickens B R. L. Da' FARMING Hi . WITH ^DYNAMITE i : -Hi J'*'" " % At GREENVILLE, S. C. ' 3i miles from ^ Court Hi lls cm Ifuncniube Koftd. 1 mil" from Monauflnui Mill Trollny V j On l.ui : at 11 a. in. || ' J. !? ifVDER COMPANY . " INSTRATION of J1 Blasting id ;! itti dynamite;53 | Blasting) , ,11. j _ l^ermission to make this : oerty. -arraer ire invited to attend. rU?\. JLisv aiu. . C > jl i I I ACE OF p. loin I et.j on / . Chxr biisl] 111 carti tig and getspeed 19JL0 has e<ed tjytfye/iiser of iters: 5>: lO^iS ajitl uh 1 (!T's. i-u'W , placed tnent of Oh fist mas n>i fVe -frh?? ' r?V? i ll iy ' I J jLiJL' UO; , OA/4. . I' v people.. iv^If - yon en t y oi/company ds at a reu^otiable ) ( ceir 1 ber i Sargai n t.ra valuo^to <dffei*. ison of the year ev uits, nuts/eandies to keep the things vo n 1 \v;iys:pu; in a above lor Ohriste and see us. ash Merchants. AT i(jiifcl OK i#? m m id-Pin IVI rt ill J<J*ES Tiful oitliriff Works, /is Proprietor ^ ,*> 1 1 1 ISRAEL'S KI Matthew 21:1 Hoaanna to the Son of David! lilcssed, floaanna in a I/THOUGH God foreknew nnc nation woulil reject Jesus an theless, everything was (loin known and foretold. The pi llustrates this. Jesus offered himself Ive days before his crucifixion, and 01 if God. bo should have been received icon "passed over" and. :is a natioi u ihmii urrn o receive .Testis at the appointed time irrmijxmont.s. for all of tIn? .lows font Hid spiritual Priests wore selected, emainder of those spiritual, autityi jatherintc from amongst I lie Gentile ivlioni .Testis is the Chief Priest, will 1 >egln the great Mossianle work for t:itions of the world. Thus in due ti in a grander scale than tlicy over <1 iropliets shall be made prlnees or ri Divine favor shall "obtain mercy" o diall beeonio the cliannel of (iod's fa >1 fjraeo. The Sabbath (lay prior to liis cru< >t tin* home of I,nv. Mand Martha son of 1111? miracle performed upon I r>n Sabbath n'uht after sundown. It the precious perfume which Jesus sfragrance of this pe: fume has ronie morning, to fultill tlie Scriptures. .Josi brought. Tlie ass was probably a v the eustom of tlie kinus of Israel to r had como to see Jesus, and l.azaru: Idled with admiration. haded .le<ns \ Groat Kinp:! The Messiah! Certain this and sujCTOsted that Jesus rebul people refused to aeelaim him, the sti been prophesied centuries before, "S thy KInfr coineth unto thee. lie Is n tlnir upon an ass. with its colt, th headed for Jerusalem, the multitude palm branches for the ass to tread v. whom they imperfectly, indistinctly, glory and honor of his Inter reveal) knee shall bow and every tongue coi Four months ago?on April 24tli, w lehem to Jerusalem, thinking tho \\ The road sweeps around the side of i until suddenly a turn of the road Hlnnotn (Gehenna) brings Jerusaleu tlflln wr- walked over part of the ro Httlo procession and wept over the tboa that klliest the prophets and st often wou>d I have gathered thy cl hw nMrkuni oodnr h4>r wtonilfor booae la left anto you desolate. F 'henceforth, till (that day when) je i mm of the Ixwd."?(Matt, 23.37-30. Our heart went oat tn sympathy thejf bare been naOqpalty "left tjoeo p*ro??etrfed, Mfn, ataa, by those wJ specially rejoteed to think that "CI ow thftt the time when they will with Qod wilt soon be at hand. (3er that soon lnvnannol In the glory of flenh Bhall behold .the glory of tbnt Israel the aplrlt of prayer find of u whom they ptereed. (Zech. ,12tlO.) they shall say. "Blefiaod Is he that ci hand. But. we reflect, correspond It Israel must be drawing to a close. That spot where Jesus stopped on? over v )ieh. a little Inter, the ar Jerusalem, and, amldnt famine, fii city, taking, according to record mininn Ann tiiinrlro<1 fhrninnnd \vor< war. The ground around the Cit.\ with crosses, on which Jews were < says history. The (!reut Teacher's entry into lie went directly to the Temple an dove-sellers who had no right wit I filled the prophecy. "The zeal of t the blind, the lame, again had his the time were vexed and considere* and were displeased with the mult! the Sun of David. They rebuked "Out of 1 he mouths of babes and si 21:1(1; l'salms S:2. lest POULTRY Oi 1 >u 1 you know that you i f -a the balance of the \\ |i t day <>i Xuj^iiiit, then if and paid bio-, W . < I'.siul CV( j h is i<> > , \ our hf. s 1 .. : i) a:;d strong, to cur < Of course you arc cxpec lice and for that purpose Instant Louse Killer. t . I 1 I L< ll tl 1' I 4 I II7> I ?l > Si. A ki< ? NG REJECTED. -17.?August 28. t'.t he that cometh in the name of the Lord! i the Highest I" I the prophets foretold that the .Jewish (1 not receive him as their King, nevcri as though the results were not fore- i roohccieK were fuliilleil. Today's study ' to Israel as their Messianic King, just i the exact day upon which, as the Lamb by them, in order that they might have ti, become the aniitypieal from ted the antitypical priests. Their failure <1 i<l not at all interfere with the Divine ml worthy to ho of the spiritual Levite.? although the nation was rejected. Tim leal l nests an<l uoviies ?><x( has been s over since. Ky ami by. nil these, of >e fjlorified (in the spirit plane. Then wiil Israel, ami through Israel for nil the me Israel's expectations will bo realized roamed of. Abraham, Isaac and nil the iters in all Iho earth. Israel restored to f < bid through the glorified Church, and vor for pouring out upon mankind riches ihxion was spent by the (!reat Tearher amf Mary. IT is fame liacl spread by l'ea.a/.arus. \ fori -1 whs piven in his honor was then thai Mnry anointed him with ii?l was an anointing for his burial. 'The down to us through (ho apes. The next <* " is sent f< r the ass and ils liliie colt to bo V vliiti? one. for it is reputed to have been ide upon white asses. The multitude who "v ! whom lie had brought from the tomb, villi shouts, ms "Tim Sou of I lav i(l!" Tho ^ scribes and Pharisees called attention to ;e them. His answer was that, had tho \ Jv\ nnrs would have cried out: because it had ihout, O daughter of .lerusalein! Behold, leek and having salvation; lowly, and sit- ^ e foal of an ass." The little procession shouting and strewing their clothing and pon. as marks of honor to tho great King recognized-not realizing the still greater lug in the end of this Age, when "every nfess to him." e passed over the historic road from Beth'hlle of the groat incident of this lesson. the Mount of Olives on a reasonable grade and the sharp declivity of the Valley of a into rail view in a moment. Time nj^d ad and noted where the Master halted; the City, flaying, "O, Jernaakmi, Jerusalem, opest tbein which are sent unto tbee, bow tiildren together, even an a hep gatberetb safety), and yc would not! Behold, your . or 1 say .unto you, Ye shall not see me shall ?ay, Biensed la he that eoroetlV the ) for the Jowlsh people. We recalled bow . late" for eighteen centuries, ami have been bo hfiye named the name of Cbrlut! We he time of Jacob's trouble'' will soon . be t ?. enter Into the New Covenant relntkmshiD . 31:81; Rom. 11:27.) We rejoiced to think'1 hl? Kingdom will be revealed. and that all Kingdom. Then-the Lord *vlllt poor upon^ luppllcation and they shall look upon him We rejoice to think that "that day" when otneth In the name of the ]x>rd." Is nigh at iKly. the time of spoelnh favor to splrttnnl? to prophesy Israel's- future was the same mv of Titus marched to the (instruction of lall.v accomplished tlu> destruction of the s. ninety-seven thousand prisoners. One i said to have perished through famine an<3 of Jerusalem the Romans planted thick rucifiod until there was room for no more, Jerusalem caused considerable commotion (1 ordered from it the money-changers ami i.:.. it. iw.ii. ,..A.i nu.../. . #..i I I I 11 ll> Mil ll??v\ I'll I v 1 IVIIU'l?*. LJIIIM 1111 him* house lias consumod inc." The poor, ministries. Again the chief religionists of I 11i111 :in intruder upon their {irrungfiinonts it lido's shoi liiitj his praises as the Messiah. Hie 'IVaeher who :l twwel'Pil KeHnf lirnllv iieklinu's linst j)orfe<?t('<l pralso."?Matt. Dr. Mess ' PAN-A-CE-A n Trial could feed I )r. I l<rss i'nuhry l'minter, all spring, in ia :L nntin tl": you arc not satisfied that ii h .s paid M'.v ?.* <.( you i>;i \ v J).i it) ;; . % , lo make \ <>ur C licks erow last, ^npcs. cholera an<j roup. tod to keep yuor pouliay iroiu : we know ol notiint* !> tier th.iii r* 4 v your onirr '">? chey *& :3on.