The Pickens sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1909-1911, November 03, 1910, Image 1

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mm . ^ i y " < \ .. / J J Kntcrud April 2.1, 1033 ?! Plc.Keim, S. <3. as Neoond claim mall suutter, uiidor net nf Ci>i]?t-e*? of >lui'(:h 3, 18 l:f 40th Year PICKENS. S. C., NOV. 3 1910. K umber 21 THE GR Matti "The Ron of man camc not to W HMIUTION moves the tion?to please God exceeding great and promise held out t< Jesus?that, if faithful unto Immortality, and attain a plac in llio glories and honors of 1 bit ion so strong as this, whi hearing ear of faith. Nevertli wo are warned, might beconu may attain the Kingdom is oi derstanding, and our demonst to God mm full resignation Messiah in his coming Kin',<l< will bo done <m earth as in 1 hand of (Jnd that ln> may be Tlio prosper! (if the Kingd even when .losus was for.*11 two of his l)t?!ovod followers, tuned a promise tliiil thvv sin on the left hand of the *ireat This recjuest drew from ( mid ambitious disciples had, ji tion. He inquired If they wc reproach and if they were v death?tho Kiicrlfir>r? of nil r>m promptly responded ns to thei of the Great Teacher. lie nss privilege would he theirs of s with him on his Throne. But his disposal. At the conclusic highest honor in the Kingdot just standards which the Fat rejoice with those apostles i assurances of the Master! At a place with the Master in his The ambition of James an special nearness to the Lor< Indirectly. When the other t the chief places of honor thcj the incident to show how diffi men the aggressive and powe but in the 1)1.due nrrangetneni put in the I i?hest positions. Incident tb ,* Lord based a geti for humility. We are to tak .J ... cT.jurcn rnose wno most serve and honors and seek self-exn an Illustration: they acknowli them so much as did he. Ind to serve others, even to tho e: for the many, for tho world, t condemnation In God's due tli Journeying on the Master as a servant. Two blind mei faith that they balled him as Help, Relief. Instead of pass anyway, the Master stopped i request, touched their eyes. * Sorlnfnmu indl tn?<i without cost to himself. "Vii Jill." (Luke 0:10.) He who was rich, for our tlie humblest and poorest unl spirit of meekness, the spirit ntul, in some degree, conlrol Grout Teacher. If It Is not 1 blind. It Is in our power to h God which the natural eye ha hath In reservation for them i footsteps of Jesus.?(1 Cor. 2: Hon; but let us specially see heaven. 1 !! Mil Wl in ! I II .*Ji illJUIUIB Ayfer's rALLIINtl riAl DESTROYS DANDRUF tngrcrifcnts t Ask your doctor i Ask hi:-! also u f Does r*:>* W*r TT4JrZ.?tOlJCiL.':.*fc7X4-F,Nk;T Do You Hcii M a< !< '>y 111 >iiit (> i>|?iii aut'iiN I or :i in.- ><. s? 111?* That arc ^uarant/'i <1 to . IK) (|U?'sf ions. I Mouse a ! about I lion. Tiioiv is 01 < 11 vjir* ...?a v V ' I .T ' 11*1 I < I Please hear us in mil PICKET Distributors of llalli I -i- y,"i * EATEST?THE SERVANT. iew 20:17-34.?f ?y 21. be ministered unto, but to minister and to give his 'g a ransom for many." world?selfish ambition. A certain kind of ainblnnd to have his rewards, is encouraged by the precious promises of God's Word. Think of tbo o the consecrated, self-sacrificing followers of death, they shall receive the "crown of life," e with their Master in his Throne?as participants Ills Kingdom! There is no earthly appeal to amch comes from the Creator to such as have (ho eless, tlio ambitious awakened by these promises, ; our snares. The very condition upon which wo ir faithful endurance of shame, contempt, misunratlon to the last of humility ntul absolute loyalty to his providences. Whoever would reign with itn, for which we pray, "Thy Kingdom come, thy leaven." must humble himself under the mighty exalted in due time.?1 Peter i5:0. v om was bright before the minds of the apostles, ing his ignominious sufferings and death; so that , James and John, through their mother, imporaulcl sit, the one on the right hand and the other King when his Kingdom should be established, he Great Teacher the suggestion that his loving lernnps, nor ruuy eountea llie cost of such exalta?ro willing to drink of his cup of ignominy and rilling to bo baptized with bis baptism, into his rthly Interests. They had counted tho cost, and r willingness. They bud learned well (he lessons lured them that with this willingness o-' mind tho baring his ignominy and Ids death an-' of sitting as respects tho chief positions, tho.v w to not at >n of tho testings of his people, those i ositlons of 11 next to himself will bo given according to tho her has prepared and established. How we can 11 tho fullness of ihoir consecration ar.d In tho id we also should striv.o by faithfulness to attain Throno, as members of his Body, tho Church. rl T-.l... ....... I- .1-1- ... V. <in mnoNll ill UlL'ir CK'Sire ror places or I Jesus <1 itl not reprove them specifically, but en hoard how these two had sought to bespeak were indignant. The Master took advantage of t^rent is find's judgment from that of men. With rful hold the lordship and dominion over others, t the order is reversed. God will honor most and the humble, the submissive, the meek. On this leral instruction to his followers on the necessity e the Divine standpoint and honor most In the ; the Church, and not those who demand service Ration. Our I/ml pointed to his own course as >dged lilin as their Master and yet no one served eed, he came Into the world not to be so ved, but stent of laying down his life as the ransom price o-be applied for their release from sin and death nc?during the Messianic Kingdom. had an opportunity of exemplifying his position n, learning that he was passing, exercised such the Messiah, the Son of David, entreating Mercy, ing them by. saying. You are only blind beggar?, md called them to him and, in response to their and Immediately they received sight. Other Great Teacher's miracles were not performed rtue (vitality) went out of him and healed them sakes became poor.#humbling himself to serve 'ortunatcs! Here we have an Illustration of the of service, which must characterize the hearts, the lives of all true follower*, disciples, of the n our power to open the eyes of the physically eli> many to a clearer Insight Into the things of th not seen, nor ear heard-the things which God 111111' lovo him f i till * - i?r, iiiiii, iuin;w ill lilt" D>. Lot us. thou, seek the? true. CScxl-Klven nniblk to know and to do the will of our Father In > Masir Vigor jj R AN ELEGANT DRESSING? T MAKES HAIR GROWij II snlpt-.ur. Glycerin. Quinin. Soc'iuni Cliloriil. ?ipsic.nm. S.ric. Altuhal. V/jIcr. fVrlrme. |: f I here if utiylj.-nr* injurious here. j) ! ? ,, t liicrit ncre. ; -l tJh& . ?! ' w.l*. . . .. .. *xrr*c. ^iFxmswu.ZK ~ xr.i .j ovc iii a (iuai'aiihM1 \ i?. i . ii, tlo )i'?i, . ' 11 !ii lis \\ i :i r<? ill s I' l' i'd aJUJL ?i vr fla.! isfa?' i i or <? n id*?ih > baH; and : about llimi an < . -i i?;ok (ii it talks 10 for very diseas *. .V-n I'exall Wat-hi Vns. ltd and <" >111?' to -cc ii;-, \JS DRUG CO. OXCtCL Stom mi's liackacnc: and Kidney 1 'ills. Clerk's Sale. State of South Carolina, ) County of Pickens. J In Common Pleas Court. W. 1). Edens, Plaintiff, vs. A. J. Mauley and J. A. Gosnell, Defendants. In pursuance of a decretal or der mado on the 29th of September, A. ])., 1910, and op file in the. Clerk's office for Pickens county, I will sell before the court house door at Pickens, ft. (J., during the legal hours for sale on saleday in November; 1910: All that piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in the county of Pickens, in the 'state aforesaid, containing seventy-four and three-fourtlis (745) acres (less the four and threefourt lis acres which was conveyad by A. J. Mauley to A. h. Cantrell) and bounded by lands of A. I*. Cantrell, Major Ambler. A A T t - ' < ' ^\. uoixus, joe Dtanson, <Joe Gilliland and Jonah Simmons, it being the same tract of land deeded to the said A. J. Manley by W. I). Kdens on the same date that the mortgage was executed, which deed is recorded in the Register of Mense Conveyance office for Pickens conn i.y, noiiM) uaronna. Terms of sale, to wit.: Ono-half cash on day of sale, the credit portion to be payable in one year from day of sale and t o bo secured by bond of the purchaser and mortgage of the premises sold, with leave to the purchasers to pay all cash or to anticipate payment at any time, the credit portion to bear interest at eight per cent. Purchaser or rmrch.iKnrs to n? v for all papers and for recording the same. Terms of sale must be complied with within one hour or the premises will be resold at the risk of the former purchaser. A. J. Boggs, Clerk of Court. Clerks Sale. State of South Carolina I Pickens County. ) In Court of Common Pleas. J. T. Baily, et. al., PlfYs. v. s. E. A. Lindsay, et. al., Defts. In pursuance of a decretal order made on the 27th day of September 1910, by Ernest Gary presiding jud^e, and on tile in the Clerk's oflice of Pickens County, 1 will sell before the Court House door at IMckens. South Carolina, during thele^al hours for sale on saleday in November. 1010. All that lot of land in the town ol (Vnt ral. Pickens count \. Sout h (lamliua, known in the plat ??f said town as I<>1 No. Id, bounded on the north now or lormerly by lands of .James S11:j!(?*r cY Sons. e;ist 1 ?y lot of J aon s I .1; !oi. west by I< >i of II ('. Shirley aiid;-ontb by i*;ii!r?>;t< street containing one-fourth <>l aii a?n in*>re <?:* less. ,\U<i all I hat ot in r lot in 1 lie I<#\vn .-ii ('< :,i ra! e .'inly aim -i I a! <v at on -ai I j'omaillinn' <>nehalf ; i ro ni hirt y N?d nion or !i . bounded east In .1. II. (iaiia >. north I>\ st reel. west, by lot of I be isiaIe S. W . v'layton, ;ind sonl ii bv lols of C\ Ii. Sniit b .1. \Y . Brock mid ol li?-r-. I orilis of s;ile easii, I 'nrcbaser < ?r | m re base i > innsl eon i |>ly wil b terms of sal*- immediately ortbe lands will lie resold at tbe risk of former purchaser. Purchaser i.. ...... c n i ?i i"< > i"i <ni |>,!|?itn aim mm* recording of thi1 same. A . .). l?r>l^LTs. ('lerk of ('?>nrt. Clerk's SaleState (il South Carolina I Count v of I 'ickens \ 11) courl of ('onimon I 'leas. Thomas K. Porter, et. al.. Flit's, vs Delia Porter et. al., Defts. In pursuance of a decretal order made on tin 27th day of > I\i i > I I ? I > ? I < H M 1 i " ?'" ?/v I'tv HUM I It'll' I',) IJIIMVI VI <11 v presiding ju<Itx.? and on lilt- in tin' Chirk s oliice of Pickens county, 1 will sell before the Court House door at Pickens, South Carolina (hiring the le^al hours for sale on saleday in November l(.)l(),the following tracts of land tovvit: Tract No. 1. Containing 853-4 acres more or loss as shown by plat of survey made by 10. C. j Edens Surveyor on tho 21st day of Ajiflkust 19J0 adjoining lands i of Anwmr Porter, I)r. Cannon i I 1 J..- J aim uj/a i in<>. u ot the i'orter i estat<^jf Track No. 2. Containing: acres more or less as shown by plat of survey made by E. C. Edens surveyor 011 the 21st day of August. Il)l0, adjoining lands of Wade Chastain, James Porter, and track No. I and > of the Porter estate Tratpt No. Containing 00' acres more or less as shown by plat, of survey made by E. C. Edens surveyor on the 21st day ! of August P.HO, adjoining lands | Wade Cliastain, Johson James 1'orter and tract iS'o. 2 of thej Porter estate, these t racts of I land being all the land owned j by .1. F. Porter, deceased, at the! time of his death, except a very small lot near Porters Chapel church which he had donated to said church which does not pass under this s; le. icimn ui tOWli: V MIC-| third cash on day of sale, tliel ! balance in one ami two years! from (lay of sale in equal install- j ! incuts, the credit portion to hear: ] interest at H per cent per annum | | and to he secured hy a bond of the purchaser and niorl^aue of tho premises sold with tlie priv-| ileu,o to the purchase]* or pur-j eil.'lSin'K M 11 i il M I > I (|. ivivimmtl _ ?.v?*vav>|/U.UV JHC ) I I IV lit/ or to pay all cash on day of sale. Purchaser or purchasers to i>av lor all papers* and reconlinu: the I same. Terms of sale must he complied with in one hourorthe premises will be resold at the risk of former purchaser or purchasers. A. J. Botfgs. Clerk of Court. Clerks Sale. State of South Carolina \ County of Pickens. \ In Common Pleas Court. Edwin Earle, Plaintiff, vs. T T AT:,, I J ^ a. x. viuKury, ei. ai-, uefts. In pursuance of a decretal order made on the '29th day of September hv Ernest Gary, presiding judge, and 011 file in the Clerk's office for Pickens county 1 will sell before tin; Court House door at Pickens. South Carolina, during the legal hours for sale on saledav in November 11)10, all that piece, parcel or tract of land situate lying and being in the county and state I aforesaid on the south side of Cedar Creek waters of Keowee Kiver adjoining lands of .J. I\ Carev. Uobt. Stewart. I). IS Mnrphree and others, containing ('?;") acres more or less. ISeiny; t lie t ract of land conveyed to J. il. Yiekery the 'J 1st da v of Januarv. l'.M)?, I?y ('. li. I >illingsley. Terms of salecanh. I'nrehaser to pay tor all papers and !':>rj !li-- '< ( ( w lint;' of the same. '' tips of al-' nn:si In- complied v. eh in oil, 11 oii or I he premises v. il! !?- i'c old at tile risk Oi for-j I nier pnri'ha.- t. \. i. 1 >< . ('It 1 k ol Court, j ' } ,f4B i ; (Y.,{. . j.iir .? '. v , .. - ? /'" "J ' V ' "Vi'ti; A (, ? . i l%%7\ 'V ' bei i jy>mJsm E*;/?ema. ' '1' lr' nX ii ci nr.?rs. !i.i$. I'. (11-?t;t111i liid ' ?!> * Hit I 11 \ HI ml KumhmIy Ih il kills ili" I' "Miii I rn.' Iili <>i| mi'1 ' >M'I1 |< ' ill.'- - H- - li tl .- i. f| ii"! o'* |> .; ic'> IM?i> ' 'iir?'i't l >' In- rlclii -ill!. ? I'OiU'rt jnitltH. iill I \\ 5. j ."V .1 I ! i? (ntV)li-'l. I til H \vii\ ." - ???. . ii..-t r- pii'iiil s. ??r pin ar 1 aii'l * * i * I. j?-. - ic'ii-p ul !;'.?'ii it.i!i m r -ush \ i ii'.'i, ili i i'.. 15. !'. ! 'Hi;?li'Criy^i's tli-- *um|\ ii.'.. . i I > - i vinm nrnain; rwmiimm, 'iVlHU I.he skin the rich, red hin- <?f heai li. ii. It. 11. ?:nn-.t (Ik* Auist -il l cases. Try it. BOTANIC BLOOD BALM BBB pleasant and Hafe to take; composed of |>>n< llotanlr ingredients. It purifies ami eninlich the blood . It *treu>;t!><Mis t!io ueivi and builds tip the broken down 8)s(cm. l>ruK KlKtall.00 I'KIt liA'tGK HOTl'UK wilh dire lions for home cure. Sold at All Drug Stores. V The Kind You Have Always Bougl in use for .over 30 years, lias 1 , S> ? unci lias be SwZo; All Counterfeits, Imitations and * Experiments that trifle wit-li and Infants and Children?Expericne Wha4 1? Castoria is a harmless fuibstitut< gorie, Drops and Soothing Syrti] contains neither Opium, Morphi Hubstancc. Its age is its guarant and allays Fovcrishncss. It curt Colic. It relieves Teething- Tronl and Flatulency. It assimilates t Stomach and liowels, giving 1km The Children's Panacea?The 31 o GENUINE CASTO The Kind You Have, In Use For Over THE CCNTAUn COMPANY, 7T MURRAY BTl iii mini iiiii WORM Ol TO GO AT A FOR Till-: \! ft jp aiA 5 ? i. . c i. ; slock 'ill* <' i. i !. . ' I l a r<!\\ a i (\ Ran<>vs ware, Plows, Culti rows Agricultural i \ i: v .a-a: i viir .vi'u nii>, s rViici!)o\ Nails, and in l?rt, >\\v ni: i,r In K' MM' !,'( .1 ? ! }'i >}r ? ; ; , . Come Kiii'!)' and (?> < nn i \ i>i? ULLna \ ill/ slcy. South it, and which has been jorne the signature or cn made under his perrvision since its infancy, no todeceive you in this. ?Jnst-a?-good" are hut . endanger the health of e against Experiment. n| || 3 a xjnif\ o for Castor Oil, Pare[?s. Jfc is lMeasant. lfc no nor other Narcotic eo. Jfc destroys Worms \s Diarrhoea and Wind l^s, cures Constipation lie Food, regulates tho Itliy and natural sleep, titer's Priend. irba always atuve of ^ ^ Always Bought 30 Years. KCCT, NCWYOflK CITY. nd <;xt -% $vfc J}' I p i ^ y i :iiiss anij .ihMid |>rir<\ ^ *'? ? :l<' of , Stoves, Ti 11ivalors, liart i unpioniGiiTM Pittsburgh Shoes, etc. : is to l>CS sold at . S ? ? i r j ; ;> \ . the ins, c? 1 'n l'olina*