The Pickens sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1909-1911, September 29, 1910, Image 1

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r - \ ' \ i p i tMM 'el j I rR V lCu(<>r>-<) \|?t-il -i;i, 11)!)3 ?l I'U'Iioiin, s. u* Net-mid claws m?tl matter, under m i of Culture** of .Vlun ii 3, 1S7!> 40th Year PICKENS, 8, C.. SEP. 29 1910. ~~ Number 19 Premium List of Fair. \ Stock Premiums. For cow giving largest quantity of milk?1st prize 'too li.s m\i\ i i.? i hwa iu-;rti. .m;i i?ini |ii i/ju, 1119 ui.ittui l M'?'U lllt'cll. Best beef cow or steer over two years old?MOO ibs com on s<?rd i Tin all SeromJ prize, I year's subscription to*the Sentinel-lour-1 nal. For best beef cow or steer under t^o years old??x>iIon sovil Jiieal. Second prize, 1 year's subscription to tii SeniinoM Journal. For*he best heifer, milk breed?A i^nod enamel bow I -itidj nih'Ki.v ? ' ' ' > For tin1 b< st hull, any age?A goo'l pitchfork. 1k\->t Yoke of oxen A good whip. For the best single ox-?A whip, For the best station?SM.OO Franklin pen l>v ill" k^owtv I >1 L I ' . . i uiiniHU'v. oecono prize, a ^ooci raw nide im^y whip. b'-st family horse or mare?A >o< 1 lap robe. . j For the best bred country mnle from l\v > to fonr y<-;n~ >>l?l?I jy $10.00 sad<lle. Second prize, a good leather collar l?.v u vI r &uy?}dy (Company. For "host horse or mare from country?A pair of <:?.oo -dioesj by \V P?. Freeman. Second prize, a itex.'ill watch by Ht.- I *i? k- i lis Drnp; Company. For tin;best saddle horse or man! from town or mnnii \- t n>I Kooww "Supply Company offers a first-class riding bridle. For 1)081 driving horso or marc; Full ra w hide bug?:v whip For the best draft, horse or mare: a horse rol?<-. Sfimid prize. One year's subscription to the Sentinel-Journal. .For the best pair of draft horses or mules; One paii ??i . In <>k j lines. 'Second prize, a good team whip. I I For the best pair of driving horses from the conn1< \-: Iimm'in- j a? 5c cigars by Keowce Pharmacy. Second prize, a nic.-l.-ij? robe, j For the best farm mule: < >ih* good wagon bridU-. S?'??>ndj prize, good halter. For best pair of farm mules: A uiood nnir te.-mi !?ri?ltos; I JSet:oMd>^v\4|' ?^air mule blankets. For t/he best horse or mart! colt under one year old: 4 m?- Ii-?xall clock by-the.Pickens I )ru^- Company. Second-pri/r. .?l- pair f at s*i< ^ V A * l- - - 1 *- ? -lit - - ' ? * nitr uvHi liiuic con , turner 0110 year oui; A saddle. iSeowd ouc good Kexall fountain pjn bv the Pick'-o- ! >rug Company. For the best brood mare ami colt: A nice buggy bn?IUk. i, i 4 r\? i ? * i - ? i .I* i-?n um; l?CM |iU'?v", WIIU IINIIIMT miller. For the host sow; Out1 meat choop?'r. For the hest hruod sow with nigs: l-l <!??/,. ">0r n;n-l<.< :. s -mck food. For the host pi^ untler six months old: One park ;??;. -mok food. For the bost pig over six months anil un<l?T 12 ntii- ikl;! A irorwi handsaw. For the host hoar nnilrr one ynar old; <)n?- $1. hutrh.-i Umfe.j S?<-od prize. one sack salt. Third prize, one hog nose rinyvi .mdj riuirs. . r'ir iih: (M.'fsi .jriscv cow rcnisicrctl; \ tfooti t ) 1 <* 1111 I*- I im|k! I Kill. GENERAL FARM PRODI'GTS. 1' i ?r t !i< I >cst *2 stalks of cotton: ()n?* Pdne Br! I i nit It 11> ! ?i, t er' bv Moniv iV Manldin. Second nri/r. one (Jcc \Yliiz:> cnliiv i ?r. i\;, ' For 11n- 1 >i\st ") stalks of corn; On?' Lynchburg F.iiiii I'I<.w t.v Fo!Thornloy & < 'o. S'-coml prize. "lit- ('.-irmich.-fl milium , distributer. F<?r i!:t Ivsi peek <>t . !i ,iI: ()jv .SOl'> i k Puiil \ il??nr l.v Th niiis IImIIX'S. S. rn<i<l ?>! : /.-. .?!)? I . r i l>v til** l'i'k"n-l H<Jv .)! / a ..! (ir?>" rv <>. / For 1 lie lx'^t ] ;*< l< Mf n;tl : A .*!i ('h;. i i m* ''Li ? ' (i!'ii i >? X' *2Si l?\" Mfior ik Mil?il< in. A y,?i< < 1 hov<'' Im-s1 S>iiii !!(' ?>1 r>;its; ' >11 i;ooil .mic j><> J; ; k ,! For hi-st pillion of i * ; 1 >m? *_;?? ? i i: ill nisi, i i'n .-isiiiv FV?/ 1 ii? gallon ol liclil ' );u-<li a\vin .c knil'**. For tlif thn*?* )?< s| l,i!l<> of *;mi%miiiu < .im? : ; >n? ! p-n/ki't Kill 1 * i or \ h>> In si uiic halt' gallon lionn nifnit' smiuIuoh: \ re?l osJar l)iick(?l. Sim-oik) prize, a nra<lualo?l nwasnmr.- up v J-'ov t lie lies! }i;iii(i ot lobacco; \ y;oo<l I'Yt'iich briili |?ii 4ft, ', . . , .... , ! For tlx-brst l?al<'of pea vine ha v; .Mowin'u Kor Uic bal<.' ol' sorghum an< 1 peavine hay: \ - I :? >:? . I . ., r or iiw* nesi oaie, any variety: .\ hand axe. For the l>est and largest pumpkin. I ease assorted ~..M drinks I r/hy the IMelceus Mottling Works. j Kor tj ' UuViV1 turnip; Cooking pot. ^ . i For fcli. , am I largest wat<Tin?lon, any vai'u-ty; Itni.her i Jkuife. I ? For (he lu st display of fruit: 4- do/, fruit jars. l<V?r Hin lu.^t ilo''"" "* * ' -a. # /? < m ? m//a i i . \ |'|mf jh'riri . >'or tbo largest .sweet potato; A > ?<I Ixitt! * of perform\ For the host peck of sweet potatoes: A potato lux . For the best peck of Irish potatoes: Set of knives aiel !<. .<s. for tIj? best and largest, beet; A good pair scissors. For the best and largest cabbage; (Jood cooking pot. SPFCJAL PR I/ICS FOR FARM PRODUCTS. For two best stalks of cotton irrown with Swift's ()ii:iin? J'??? If?*aUi-IJj'Uce-Morrow Co. will give one ton of guano as v\s: Islprize 1000 poumU of guano; 2d prize, r.OO j>ounils <<t guano: 3<f prize, 100 pounds of guano. 'S >V>r th?? host two stalks of cotton grown with Wan?l<? uuano* * b A the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. will give through Folger. . Thornlev <Sc Co. one ton of guano as follows: > ! 1st prize, 1000 pounds of guano; 2d prize, (500 pounds of gu- j alio: Hd^'ize, 400 pounds of guano. For the host, five stalks of corn grown with Royster's Guano. ; The Heath-Bruce-Morrow Co. will give one ton of guano as fol-j 1st prize, l(HX) pounds guano: '2d prize, 1?00; 3d prize, 400: For the greatest variety and best selection of corn in the ear grown with Etiwan guano, Folger, Thornlev & Co. will give one i Ion of Guano as follows: 1st prize. 1000 pounds of ^uaiio; 2d prize, <>00 pounds of ^u-! ano: 3d prize, KM). For the best one-half Imsh.l of wheat prown with Anderson ' uuano, the company will ^ivc through Folder, Thornier & C'o.,i 1200 pounds of their j;nano ;is follows: lsl prize. 1)00 pounds of iriumo! '<! mi / > inn iwnnuL?-,f Hd prize, 200 pound" of guano. For the bushel of oats grown with Anderson: Guano tlie Coin pa v will offer through, Folger, Thornley Sc Co.,j S00 pounds of nnano as follows: 1st prize. 400 pounds of irualio: "2d nrize. '200 ni?iim-l? inumo.i ? ' ? I "***"" hv,lwi1'' ad prize 200 pounds of guano. For the (wo hest stalks of cotton grown with their goods,Palmetto guano, ihe Southern Colto.i Oil Company offers through j H. A. Kiehey 1000 pounds of guano as follows: ^ 1st prize, 000 pounds; 2il prize, 100 pounds. For the five best stalks of corn irrown with Pnlnn?Hn Pmnnn I the Southern Cotton Oil Co. offers through H. A. Richej' 1000 i pounds of giumo as follows: 1st prize, i>()0 pounds- '2d prize, 400 pounds. For the 2 best stalks of cotton grown with Richmond Guano, j in*' rompanv win gm? rnrougn liarrett tNc Soil of Norris, one ton i of guano up follows: 1st prize, KMX) pounds: 2d prize, (5(H) pounds; 8d prize, 400 pounds. For the whitest cotton and neatest packed bale, the Pickens mill will give one holt (f>0yds) of their first grade sheeting. Parties competing for the special prizes for farm products ...III w .4- ? .!H -.1 i " - i ii m ur in iiinntm iu coiujH'ie ror me geierai rami products] prizes on cotton aud corn. All parties entering either of the eontests for I arm products will he required to make affidavit t hat the products were raised by thorn or on their farm. POULTRY ASSOCIATION. Premiums for the Fourth Annual Exhibit of the.Pickens County Poultry. Pigeon and Pet Stock Association, to be Held in Connection With the Pickens County Fair, Oct. 19-20-21, 1910. *10 in gold for the best pen. $5 Silver Loving Cup for second best pen. $2.50 for the best pen Barred Plymouth Rocks. $2.50 " Buff $2.50 White $2.r>0 " White Wyandottes $2.">0 " " " " Columbian Wyandottes .-,0 " Silver Laced Wyandottes ^ " S. C. Rhode Island Reds. $ 2 -,0 Buff Orpingtons ?.) -n T 1 .t. v . >? iiii*i* ijt'gin>rn $*2..r>0 " S. Brown Leghorn *2.;">0 " Buff Leghorns ii> S. lBlack Minorcas " Anamas " Cornish Indian (Sanies " " 1 'it Fowls .*1 p.tii I'U-m mth Kockx :mv ' 'm? " W.andottes " %S. ivliodc Island Ki " American Dominiijuos <\ " '* " ()rpinut?'ns anv kind ' h- " fje-honn any kind *. Minoiva^ ;;n'y kin ) " < lit " " " r. i?i mi ;my kin 1. " " I. 1J. Durk* " M. mnioth H'.'k v., ! in keys. i"..' NatitH': ;( lull ttihbons of M ? vari .r> !>:< i!s wili !u< <^ivcii 1 it* usual rules ami conditions i'KKMll/MS Koin'IIKSPm'AI, KAini MSJMiAY. 1 -f 1 Vw ? .<:>() in (?ol<i. %.'<! lVi;v s:U) i mire "1 ii'mlrr" hv M-H-M < < I'd IV'lZO >10 ill ( mill. Itli Prize *"> in Colli. All parties competing for the first prize of Special Farm is plav who have received ;i first prize <>11 the Special Farm Display at an> previous fair will be required to pay an entrance fee of $lf>. WOMAN'S DEPARTMENT PICK ENS COUNTY FA IK. rii.. ?ifn....u /?r ii>.. -a*,........v. i\ * ? ?< t-vs . . ... 111. . . I ri I I <( I I D I '< |>lll I I I It 'I I I ' 'I I III' I ' H'KL'JIS County Fair Association lake this method of asking the ladies of the entire county to cooperate with them in making this the most successful Kair yet held. Kxhihits of all kinds aresolicited. Belou will he found a list of art icles for which Premiums will he offered. The Departme I of Antiques attracted inuMi attention last vear. and will a^ain he an especial feature. Any one having . !??? ..I' IOv-1/.I ?,..? ... ? .... i ...... .... ...... w. . uucHuiuv ? rir III u I Ml I.'.\I11UI I I'lll I US' yCill' | is urged to bring .same. Of course \w must iiavo tho Baby Show. Five dollars in Gold will be given to the finest Baby under one year old. Other prizes for older Babies. Cutt ies of all classes must be made by 10 o'clock on Thursday. The Court House will be the place of meeting. THIS IS YOUR FAIK! Como and exhibit vour |work anrl make it a success! PKEMFUM LIST?HOUSEHOLD DEPARTMENT, DIV. A. Mrs. Florence Griffin. Chairman. Best 10 pounds home made lard Host pound dairy butter Best loaf bread (Sunbeam Flour) Best loal cake nest curea 11am Rest collection of dried fruit lone pound each) Best pound of home made ch? ese Best pound of honey in the comb Best pound strained honev Best piece of home laundry work Uoof 1 > 1 J > up v IVf Best" gallon apple vinegar Division rt. Mrs. K. L. Cm- ron, ' 'hrm. Best collection oi' jellies pre?er/es canned fruits piCKieS. ketchup Fine Arlsand Fancy Work. Mis-; Grace McDaniel, Chrni. Best pioco ot'hand embroidery (white); Best piece hand embroidery (colored); Best pi? drawn work; Best piece of cro rhet; Host piece knitting; B**si rullertion ? !' tatting; 15est piece of hand weaving; Best piece of liaiul >e\vi:iu by girl under 12; Best piece of embroidery by girl under 12. Art Department. Mrs. \V. ?. Findley, C'hrm. T'esJ lliw<i of nointiiiir i?? /->!! U..of 4-:~ ' n-: , .w, ill W1I. |?nrvA- ui | >U 1! 11 111 U, IJII V lllllil. Bahv Show. Mrs. C. K. Kobinson, Chrm. Finest baby wilder owe year old; Finest twins between one and two years old: Finest babv between one and two years. Show will be held the second (lav of the Fair at 1:30 o'clock. Antiques. Mrs. M. C. Smith, C-hrin. The Premiums for the Special Exhibit ami the Ladies' l.)e partmont win t?? puhli&hed later. The program will also appear later. Not Coughing Today? Yet von mav rnn<jli tnmntrnuil Roffot* V?o J ... J _?~fc>"' LIVUV1 MV. |^AVJ7WItu HH It when it comes. Ask your doctor about keeping Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in the house. Tljen when the hard cold or cough first appears you have a doctor's medicine at hand. Your doctor's approval of its use will certainly set all doubt at rest. Do as he says. He knows. No alcohol in this cough medicine. J. C, Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. Robust health is a great safeguard against attacks, of throat and lung troubles, but constipation will destroy the best of health. Ask your doctor about Ayer's Pills. $100 Reward sua Railway Mail Clerks Wanted Tli*1 reAdern of this |iiipan* **"i t be i _ pViKfd ip leum tltAt there is ?t iw-t j|,e Government pays Railway Mai one dreaded disease that science 1ms | . Annn .t . _ , . ,, .. . ,1 biBrKs 3?uuu io $i,2uu. ana otner been able to cure in all its sta-ces, ami thnt is c itarrli. Flat'/n catarrh^ is Employees up to $2,500 annuallythe only positiVH curt? now known t? the , i*i / . . ... . , . . Uncle ~>>?ni will l.ol.1 spring xiiihikhnu'ilical frat'-riutv. CatnrrV b?iitif a .. .. . . ,, , tiona turoti'.'lmiit the (vmn'rv i.?r Kmi|. constitutional disease. n-quir.-H a const i- w ,v mh!i ( |?.?|<s. < u-l??m llo'ii*** i'I.mUk tutionul treatment. Hall's (?ata> rh <'lire nu<I oilier (*<?vernnie> t I'm-iim-iis. is tit ken intenuillv. .tctu'g <lircr|v h|mmi ' '"'|i,,"l"s :i I11"""1'' ' .. ,? iiniil>'. 11v ni o? wOiiui'i >vfi ;v, tin* bloo I and mucous surfaces >t i ?? cii* "i c..11111 r> cum ^"i i'ir"rin"if n ni' . system, hereby destroying the foiln>If- !>? .. , t*.. in >?..> ?> turn "f th'.'iii- and giving tin- p?.. j 1 *'? r?- u >| Iimhicii m. |ii. i, .iuii" tient strength l?y hiulding up the on sti. j ' "'I1'"' I ??. -- it N. Y tution and * sailing nature in ?! | ing its work. Th? proprietors h?\ ho much faith in itsotuntivep ?\v. v .?I Bnj they (liter One Hundred l> dlars for mii1 j case that it fails to eiuv. Si-n I for 1 - j of testimonials. A I lr. s. Botanic BlOOd Balm (V, B. II.) Cures Throiiflh tlie Blood I ^ . ^ linlomi *&2k I No remedy will deaden the ^ ^BlDOU \ OloOn, pain or take the soreness Irom. j?M) DOSE PA1SS, CAN- lij n ,? . v'; hp, scaly skin, /$^)| Cuts Kriusas ' II^Pl FS y IUF JVW M i 9'd tiO u M in# w ' Pc/pnui quicker fhnn Noah's Liniment. j,(u!sni, t.c/.enia* [t anj >()ti(. .ilKj t|u, )jost ^ h'npz Humors. 1K1jn lvm??iy. H.l- H (HoiM-or Kiovi !!!(>" ! - One trial will convitioc you. c?:\ ){(>n?><ty ilinf Kills tin- |n> -?.i Noah's Liniment penetrates; in i it i>:(*1 >'i jim'I t?? irequires hut little rubhing. iiitC i? MoihI <>t pore, noli b'oo?l miiti t< 1 ? lit1 i?k.ln -turf??. I < *ti08 joints > ? ' 1 w'u'rt'vtr tin- (ii-ir i" -s Inrnfrl. I > ?l> Here's tlie PfOOf \vriv *oivs. ulci in iitniMlf8. vi,pin?i? -re'lifiilMil ?!n-l -II..Hi. p.inK >.n<) ltd" ! Mr. Kdward Ryan, who has hocn cm, ' ... . ? ployco ill (ho Old Dominion Iron and if l(li?Miin.*eisi?t s vVt llwu'H Hit)i *?#! i }sjaj| Works in Richmond, Va., for about 15. I!. fi?tii|?'?l?'lv <-lian?t'K ihe )??? ' 1 Mty yearw. makes tlio followliiB stato| into :i Vl.-mi healthy c<.iulil"-n, .'i\'?,u rnont; -WhUo working at my trudo . . , .. iiron worK) 1 f?ei oruiseu and out Tro- < the KKIP the rich. r.j<l hue ->t }> f- <)Uontly, nn<l I nnd that Noah's I.inlhOtlth. B. H. B. cures the woihi "l.t ment "takes all the soreness out and _?o,,o Trv it heals the wound Immediate)/. Have 1"" also used your remedy for rheumatism . DOT Alttir Pi nnn HA! M fi Rf! with the best results, and recommend Dli I Alllb DLUuU UMLllI ? I) u lt to anyone sulTeiln^ with nehes and |>lenHHiit ftinl safe to t'iKo: nmipoapd >( .;<? pains." Ilolunic ingredients. It pur!iic>> hikI esirl< ties thehloixl II 11.11 slr?--ixtl<cii> tllO nerve* ... , , , . . mid build* up the broken ?h>wii Mrii' I> !? t * *' c}?n i! ^ ((ku ii oil I'l l; !, uicji IJ,)T I I,i: wu'i dirtM* for Kheumutlsm, Sciatic.i, I.ame Rack, flo iH fo home cure Stiff Joints and Musclca, Soro Throat, UOIIH ror home curt Colds. Strains, Sprains. Cuts.. Sold at All Drugstores. gou^Crump., CTTtTCTFEX^Tl 1 ftcho "i n fl all \ ' Dr. T. A. Seawright, m'S "Shis and n Pains. The Ken- TO i ?r* ivi'T'i c?t< ulno has Noah's f. 3rTra h DRNIISL A rlt nn evorv package. 25 cts. V P W V V^ . Pickens, South Carolina, medicine.cakG m- kWlllr Die by mall tree. lAk^ll 1H i Office upstairs l-W-mnn DM>>. &aSJ5S*&.0,>- HED2BZQ.