The Pickens sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1909-1911, February 24, 1910, Image 1

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; .......... ? % i \m . -^Pf ' ' 4f: 'THE PICKENS SENTINEL JOURNAL Vs! i . ? , s Ivntrroil April i!li, lOOIJ at I'iclioiiM, s. r. as nocoiut cIiimm matter, iiudercofoiiKrcMft of ill arch 3,1S71? 39th Year PICKENS. 8. C.. FEBRUARY 24, 1910. Number 40 How Do You Feed lour DO YOU KNOW just tieed, and arc you ft as required and in nl ^ * ? l? * ?. ( r Suppose you should put t box, nail it up and place it in pect tLeni to thrive and grow Hardly ! Well, did it ever occur to y badly mixed fertilizers you ar tion up to your crops?offeri shape that they can't get t0 jt 1 Fertilizers, to do your eroj the soil waters. These are co the surface during the day ai and repassing the roots of the contained in the water?and t the plant can feed. Therefore, when you buy with the idea of furnishing fo same principle tb^t you sho stock. It should not oidy coi Phosphoric Acid and Potash, should be in soluble (or of the fertilizer should he sik absorb every particle of it, an factured from materials that food at one time, but furnish A1- ^ ' me enure growing season. This is the fertilizer you s in only one way. It is impos: this by the dry-mixing of rav this at home with a shovel a someone who Has made it the ence being in the'quantity. These materials must be gi quires machinery costing tin properly. They must then b complete, you have a compc exactly like every other ounc part of which would contain iittie Potash, while another opposite?and all of it contain not available. Remember that tlio clicmic test of its crop growing qual verize lumps and by the use the plant food : your cron i You can take an ajce, brea corn ; your mule can't. Don't risk a crop failure ! Insure your peace of mind Arm< Fertil Manufac Armour Ferl ATLANTA, , EARTHQUAKE IN CRETE. Island Shaken by 8elsmic Shocks? People P?nlo Stricken. Athens.?A terrific earthquake litis HniiKrn *jreie. a village was destroy- [ ed, according to advices received here, and the population of the entire island in in panic. The extent of the lows of life is not known, but-is. believed'to havo been heavy. Seismic disturbances are pervading the entire trough of the Mediterranean, A shock was felt at Malta, and MCQflitM has also been shaken.' The Inhabitants of towns and villages aro fleeing to the country. Hundreds have left Cauea, the chief port, and Candln, the capital. The Ylila^e demolished was Varipctro. Canea su'f-j reren nuuvwy. 13 8tudents Drowned. Victoria, Hi lt lull Columbla.-^-Krom TCnoflhima the steamer Sv.verle brought Ticwn of tho drowning of in students, whoso boat, while returning from an outing, was oapidzed by heavy Boas. Tho drowned students were most of them amis of naval officers. One of the students, clinging to nn oar, reached the beach, but died on tbe sand after being landed. J * c I rops? what your cotton and corn lrnishing it in such quantities t such shape that the II he food for your stock in a their troiifli?wnnld j on that when 3-011 use lumpy, e putting tliis same proposing them plant food in such ? ! >s any pood, must dissolve in ustantly in motion, rising to lid sinking at nii>ht?passingplant, which absorb the food his is the only way in which fertilizer, you should do so od for your crop and cn the uld purchase food for your itaiii the necessary Ammonia. hut above all eise these m?llie mechanical condition :h as to permit the pi int to tl the Roods should he nianuwill not give up their plant a rteady supply throughout jj lioulri have and can |$ct? sible to produce a floods like \r In ?.lw>tli..i' 1 - ** ttyiiKl Uv; ml a scrcon or buy it from same way?the only differround to a powder, and it rcnisands of dollars to do it e so manipulated tliat when mnci, each ounec of which is e, and not a mixture, one too much Ammonia and too i , part would l>e exactly the i plant food locked in ;m< 1 |{ \nl analysis of a fertilizer is no ities. The chemist can ]>ulof various means search out can't. k open the box and get the ? as well as your crop I>y using | ourss | ' .11 ' IJEL 111U1&I .tSOL I I lizers B ? _ turcd by 5 1 il rm jTfc T?f> GEORGIA wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Planter Kills Himself. Natchoz, MisR.? Alfred Yi<ln| l)i:? Sr., a prominent planter, apod If, < rnltted suicide at Ills Jifniir* near C:tn nonsburg, Miss., l),v : IiooMtik him If in the' breast with <'i shotr.nn nr>. spondejicy because of business ir' . vorses is assigned as the caiiffo! T<?rthe act. He Is a brother In lavr"..V,r W. W. Flnley, president of tho South' 16fn'railroad, and United St-it^s Sort^11 ? l _ f _ - " iw.ui urnrn' * imill Ut-lliLIII or Ul'i' ' III, it Ik reported. ' Yeggmen Buried at Tallahaasce. Tallahassee, Fla. ? " Tenm > < -e Dutch." and his accomplice, whose ie cent attempt to roll the Tnllnhnv jpostofllco was thwarted by young Paul .{Wilg, "who-shot and Killed both the jcrunks, were hulled here, both In one Krave. The younger of the two y men was never Identified, notwithstanding the various rumors sent out to,111? contrary. Crime of Bowery Bandits. New York.?Two bandits shot Frederick Devlin at tho WaVerly liot?1, !? Ho"'ery, and holding a crowd at hay , with drawn revolvers, rubbed tho \ night, elerk of tho night's receiptTho robbers escaped. Devlin died shortly I after bclnc: taken to tho hosottaL ncuijiiijj uu me rarmersThe following timely cditoral roii) 111 (' Atlanta Constitution < U'ni'lll >r .?!' / .%>. I. 1 -- ......... vi luinnii'A.iiilluil l ty lie farmers: Warning after warning aA'ainsi planting a hnge crop of otton has been (JusIkm 1 to the iouthern farmers from I he most mimpeachable sources. I 'resident Uarrct, of the farm t\s 1'nion, has early and oi'tei sounded tho slogan of conserv itlon in cotton and.liberality ii r 1. ,l.i111 MM i in* ;ippr< icamy;' se isi >! Daily newspaper- and old, established a^ri ail! nral journal: have laker up I he refrain, Haiti mcriiiL;' homo ill" injunction of short cotton and lon-j; corn will emphasis and pels', >tonce. liast <>i all. pre-eminent 1 v ii;iiilieant. ha; come the intimati ms, recently thricc repeated that t he cot ton exchanges Norl 1 and South expect a hea-vy cro| next i';ill. in anlieij alion ol which fuhire quotations have tumbled dramatic ill> lhe past week. < )ne of t he latest si ; .? -h;i nliner "hints" is the third radical break on the New York (\>lt< n Kx< halite, Kxplainiim the lab record -break in slump, the ni.i. k<'t report says: % ! >.. : 1.1 .. n ii i n>iin\ i iii! sci ill i,u I novel im *i i was original!v ?Iti: toan oCl'orl >1)1 ai11 prol'ii s on l<?ir_r tin s >\\ iny; to I lie approach <>1 I !)< in \v plan I i iii; season, an I oxju'ctation id uioutly incroavn iiva." \\' hen I ho nicii whose ?ri m Irpoml upon IIn ir a' rural 1 n k t .i>i 111< >i < in ; >! 1 ill -1 < >. 11 :in to (list <unt a lar .< crop. i! i iiy;h I ime for t he I'armtTs of 1 Ii j Southern Stall's to 1 i? !_;- avjain j ?' low )>; !< <"- ami ?li ; I? : . There i - 1 >u 1 onr way in whi . ius can he aeooini ii- lied : 1'?y reli^ouslv Jio! 111va" dn\V a re anil pl.'ilitin;; !aa vily ii . >rn and food Mill is 11> :11 i,a u( I,,. ....... The impulse l?> plain lie i\ ii II i-i ?l {: ))>. |>r? '!i? .?1?'.! :i p- >M Il: i mil |?ric(< >1 I lie ; i> in .: -ca.-o:. s a n a hi ral one. i! liduld l> ?li i'("uai tleiI as t he imli vidua! I :rm r would I!?.' \ ' 'he spiimcr< tilw ;>> "lied . > ' :u,:unsl iiik'N po<Mrd f 1:i { ion in ! ho < <>! Ion nun k? i. I is nn t. lie mail who snj?j?! ? - -!aj> 1? l< The oiily i 11 i. 111 i!>S ni 'lhod <> 1 insuring 1 hat sal.'eui;ai<i is i i lie !'ann< r to d [)!) tint h. 11 i i prophecies hv plantinislkthlI.V i' cotton and lavishlv in food <^'op^. h'OL'ewarned is not i'or annru unless aeton !" ?1 ! ;w caution. DELIVuRS HOT Si!OT. Senator Jeff Da/'f., of ArU. nsas. Severely Ar.-;ii( Certain P.irt.ce W'n 1 in 'i >n. <' ij r:;iti ;rar Owens, of Okliiii^tun, With hchiK lit* I< ! (. -I?I in I li . i : s ( ; i; m in i : ! Oil ('fMi.pany, ami i t nit would lik(> to s .1 !mi 1!'v!c!. i'. "\vrnj)|)?ti in !?ic Iluiiv - of 11: * J'." Senator ' ' !">' I > ! v i . dl' ' li'i . i:i<I ft spo'di in tho n . \ iii'h ! thinly ohiinn ti :i/.c I )>\ l:iiii ;i:j "n i lurt ;iiul ri !il off I lie ! I 'i : < rpoocii \va I: . ilprnpi 8 lit' tho offort*; of Mr. <>v. r (n havo ji i ( I ;i Kf'iifi"i 1 ) I i\J : t1, r "lit <>!' wviv (hroniili I ho piil>l ir* lnmls of Arhan: ;is for n i i i > li Al?\ Davis ;i siiltoil 111. i lii )>ii! was i:i tlio Int r< t of t'ic 1 *i ;i <? Cn i cta.i pai.y, W It'll. lb - lit v 1 'ir.n < . . I , - . .1 .1 IK I.! I II I ' * i <|11 ' i I I II1 I 1 (his to \ir? true, lie jtii! I' i' lie co m I It '! if ld'\ I v i ; Hiiv I . 1> ; I hill which \v;i in iii- i ro; 'i< 1 ? it ii t 1m- art 1-1 imisI 1 i of ii: : < ?*. 'iiiis law, ln> -:ii?1. had proved In ho cffi-ctivc, while (he Shi niian t>der ! n ii I i-lrnsl law had dime ;'l : ; dute'v notl iiu,' tn check the t'.ra r?nil ft' I of the Standard Oil (Toiupa :.v. lie ' : I no' forpolt -u the yeri'ir: fir (too, t ut it vanished a fi^st hefi/re the mm. If concluded that the provl ion re.qiilrln^ compliance with tin Sierniim law tu he a "mere :op tr> catch the voir of senator;, who won! I not o;> nlv cast (heir vol'in faverr of tl o s t of Hioivos nn<l rol?'"is, which ( m iInto tho Standard Oil Oonipatt.v." Iv? doc la r( (I tho bill to ho one that no senator couhl afford to :;?ipport ami challf rtgod any to vote fcrr It. A Swell Affair. Ilo? I hoar the picnic was a swell affair. She It was. \\"? all stung !?? \vas[??. STREET CAR STRIKE Philadelphia Service Having Trouble With Employees. CARS WERE SET ON FIRE I.. te n ~ ~ DUiU^alnUU'n Ill >\Vf 1101 i i Vj iv 11 j i IIIIUUVI^IIIU o vjiuni Mill District, the Most Serious Disturbances Occurred?Cars Attacked by Boys and Strike Symphathizers. Philadelphia.?Coming when least, expected, a strike was declared (against the Philadelphia Kapid Trail* sit Company, by the Amalgamated A< ficiatoin of Sfcot and Electric Railway Employees. Two oars wore l>urn< (1. a score more attacked, their crews forced to ibnntfon them, and numerous arrests wore mado. Except in the central part of the city, when* the oars were heavily protected, street car s rviee was almost at a standstill. Cars Wrecked and Fired. I;i Kensington. Philadelphia's great mil! district. tlm ?n:>st serious distrnbn?cos occurred. 11 ."re two cars attached l>y boys and strike pynip'uij Ilii/<t.>:. after the crews wpi-p comi ppltpd I it Hpp, were wvpcUpiI and set ' ii lire TIip cars won- damaged l><> yond repair hi fore the flrcnipn arrived. t!r<at crowds collected in tliis vi clnity, an ! for a time it was fearpd a i i.ii would follow: wIipii, limvovnr, flremen were ordered to turn ti' ir ho.-" <m tile crowd, the mob quickly scnlterod. AI oil'* KniHiiiKirfii avenue. lumD'T ami nlli'T obstructions were nil' <1 on In- tracks. The lisuril hi<; Satunbiv ill yht crowd. out for fun. was in ovi?1 <? (', but t!:o stroot w.-is hoavilv p>. iccl. ami no fui t In - :<>nera1 <lis, onlor ooenrrod. Struck by Missiles. V"< . f l'i'il niolnhia. the southorn eertfon of )!:' citv. flermantown and other pints of Philadelphia alsrf reported attacks on ears, forcing trolley men ami passengers to seek saf'1ty. Many persons were struck by missiles, but no one was seriously hut4 Second Strike in Year. TI a ( n.Uliln n ye n , o.-iiiif so si"' lonly that thoiisnn.U <>f poisons wore r-niipht awav from tin r li'VMU" Tito loadors of i tlin union rl'iin 1'iat tho tronhlo was : etartod bv tho company. Tho oorpo | ration ropl'os tha> tho striko was a 1 {ir'rin'.nt: fil affair on tho part of tho | vmiot' MEMPHIS HAS $230,000 FIRE. | Plant of Br.q Company and Several Warehouses Destroyed. Moinphi ' Tonit. .V Pro do. prt'iy."i i!n* plant ?>1 ,\i( niptus nag r,vi|";irv I llO of Mayor i' lT. ( iiriii). * 11 which was storejil n 1 i" tiofk < f hmrsrles nml barn p-il 1! I ' l-isi nwinlilo r?>-'iin Pom| pfi'iy Tl. 11? on :ill throe is practically cnvorci' bv Insurance. Five box cars In ' ! \y|th biil'lffps for the M 'rnlii i: Company, wore also ilel f-i : iveil Th Ire o'' inatod ui< t:ho scconil floor if '!,r bnj* i onipnny's plan!. The 1/i fmlfl ly snroafl to all parts of tl !ii; ' ! \ iilil to tin- wan-houses n'!.'<!iniii-r Threp fironion were slight iv lii.i iro-i |?y ! ?111 m:r walls. PRO'-I! MEASURE KILLED. Session of South Carolina Legislature Comes to Close. Columbia. S C By thr> operation of ;i resolution killhm all second rendIn:; Kill the prohibit inn measure <1 i<m! rru l)i.- c lendav 01' tho sonato. This means thai for another pear (lie six 'wet" countios will have the county dlspensarv y l^m. All tho other fount icy have already voted tliomRil'OS "dry" at local option elections. State wide prohibition will l>c an issue of the jrube-tiatorial campaign this nuninej*. it was not pressed at this loidslativ<> session, because some r?f j 11!<> prninmnninst nirnibers r?>l( liound 1 v :i eompromise of the hist session t'i 1< t (lie people decide the matter (lirCcflxV APPEAL OF FARMERS. Petition to Fmet Legislation Sup pin" Gamblinq in Cotton. Tulklle A not H Inn - liolnn 1 f?i: ."di- 10(1 I'lroutdiont this portion iir? {ir.' c'pi* '!*<" man (""harlot T.. HnrMolt to ii'i> 1i; infliionro in boliiilf of liic hill (1 : } Is now ponding for fho snp ' pro ion of gambling in colton and i ol ' fan ni'odiifl s. Tlv i IIIon is bolnjj rondlh sicmr-d I bv fiinvior.--. morrlinnfs. professional | iron. b.inW>r<* and other*. If will 1 io . ; if* v ? -.if man isameit within | flu* next fVjv ilnys. COLLISION ON SEABOARD. Four Persons Injured in North Carolinn, But None Seriously. Tlnloiph. X. C Four poisons wero Injured, nrfno seriously, in a hoad-on colli ion af Ahordoon between train No. 13, of tho floahonrfl Air Ll??\ anil the PiiiohttrKt train, of the Aberdeen nwl Ashboro TinIIway. Tho oollMon occurred In the ynrd | nt Abordoon. Tht? Aberdeen nnd Ash j horo train was shifting a Pullman car Into position, when tho Seaboard J bound Rmitl), It In said, rnmo In on | fast speed and eraflhnd Into the Aberdeen nnd Aahboro trnln. Frank B. Noyes. Editor of Chicago Newspaper and ; Son of Famous Journalist. , ! I | ^ .r v_j Prank ii. Noyes. editor of tin- Chiea po Record Herald. is the s<m of tin; late Crosby S Noyes, the famous ed itor of the Washington Stat Mr. Noyos is in his forty-seven!li year. KILLS HIS CHILDREN. Crnzcd Father Commits Awful Crime rt Birmingham. Ala. nirinin:;liain. Ala Ceoi'KO SSI phens. ^ nj?< <1 '!> year-.. engineer on tlie Louis-1 villi' and N vil!i> Railroail, evilently crazed ai (lie tim<", shot and killed throe of his little ehildren. shot :i 11 <1 wounded his oil iiepru nurse ;in<| then blew out his brains He was the y< n \ of Robert Stephens. a nronilnent mlnn operator of thi- district. Ho entered tin* room whore tlie old i negro nurse had the youngest child. Janiis, IS months oi l, on b<>r lap. nnd , l>u 11 inpc a pistol shot the child to death The bullet, went through the little baby's head and struck the nurso in the head, inflicting a dangerous . wound. The crazed father then shot his two little daughters, 'Mary Elizabeth, aged 7 years, and Tllanehe. aged i years, to death and then shot himself. A ten-year-oh'-son escaped from the house. A in te was left by the fatluT. savintr: 'Tin to lilnmn for o ?ii " About 1 months niro. Rioplions' wifo i fliod. II I? hHiovnl tho float li nffcotofl li i in. A TRAIN OF COTTON. Bij S hipmont of Lonq Staple, Valued ; at $100,000. Rtatoshoro. fin. Tho l.ii'frosM s-h lumen t. of cotton over lenvlnj; Stntos- | Horn an<l |n*ol?;il>ly flic Inmost s!iit> motif over received in (leorpla by any firm from an indivi !nal h f; horo ovor th" Savannah ami Slatoshoro railroad for Savnnnoh Tho shippor is U. Simmons. 0110 of tho laruest buyers In thl.c section. Tlio shipment is :VJ ears. I a 1< Inn 7i?r> hales, evi rv bale of \v!ii< h I son Island < aid th \vhoh> vK-s niovt r'M?r ''' - n< / !v $10<Vim.ih at !H> cor |< "- i'r ' >' '' hoon lipid flip: his Ion; tho soasm opoi ' i ; I. : iiuliii'.' tho fnot 11 a? at timo tho price of ih< st.vde wont clown eonsidornldi All (ho w;iilo it was going down lie advised the farmers ti> hold for bettor prices oxnrossing his confidence In flu- price going up again DIED TO SAVE OTHERS. Watchman Was Caught in Machinery of Drawbridge and Crushed. Fort Motto. S. (' Sacrificing his life to save ili?' lives of others, Tlioni as Jefferson. for *0 years night watch man for tin* Southern Railway at Con Karoo rlvor bridge. mot with a horriblo death at his posi, being omight in tho machinery of the drawbridge and crushed to death. The steamer f*it \ of Columbia ar-I,nl ?K,. .... . .ii nn- si iki imp \vi: enin oponod tli<? draw for il to piss, Imt as tin I n No. 1 w:is din- lio linstinvl up tlic track to piano a si cnnl to savn tlio p.nfisonpor train from pivisIiIpi; into fiio watorr. of Iho Coniarr'' <"'>11 i ir? Mark to clnrso tlio draw t!i v>t r)in>nn fr-11 into tlio apj rturo us< for oilin flic miuiiinfry of tlio brid-rp Sli-u-t ly aftorward" t'if> train <t' \v i tho draw and onislu <1 the 1 f< cut of tlio iinr>Af?c/?irme m-in FARMER COMMITS SUICIDE. Wife Found Body of Her Husband Dangling Fro;r> Rafter. Scottshoro, Ala. M I. n.yant. a well-to-do farmer, roniniitio I --niclilo In an onthouso on Ills farm now Packlor. in JaHtson ronnty, h> hanging hlinpolf \v!?h a rope. Bryant's wife, mtssiing him at the supper hour, Institute,! a search and ' fminri the hody hanKlnjr from a rafter. I Snow r c Feet Deep, Frnnkll" 'ountry roads about here are ' . ... .>ut>!e hWAnen nt tifivu snoxvs. Farmers using coal for fuel arc unable ttf roach the mines. Ketwoen Flyberg and Lucfnda farmers | aro cutting ui> tb^tr fences for fuel. A food famtnr threatened, fn some part of Venango county tho huow Is ever fir? feet <!: J . . J J Jj? (7.r ' \:r / *?, rci:o ?.?rr or:: n c nrs o^ KV.* -> . '... ? "* ->v. ?7"/V rhr * * -.*? c *o T . . \ P. r?- n. -% *t. i i c'.'.J com! it . y..r . j y. wjui H j"? : tor : r: . ft : I ioreui i ,iy, will 'l . , ! piii'.iMo !.;?< Li . ' ' ' Clan '.'.' . h s li? y Cos ..... . i i.j... ; { fi Vi n 5- i > J r :fj k huf<\ t ' " IjM *!v A? u / ?..'v >i ; j .... .- / 5 - ' DlVOI." , - . I ; if C. : clil *oU ,$% . I fi^ijh j-.i ; ; jvi Wm Li i i: Ha Ir^rfV.H n T - . JLLiKS ^ ~.JL V^J. A*.. ! sf? ^ n. . ... j add ;s | There I In fl - ? TTT^ _ | 10 a rc iThe mere materials to ol sis require: knowledge, i iof a fertilizer source from plant food is w 1 , A Laen inoRoyster oood: , r/ ; > i with a view oi $ the plant fror P until harvest, W is not o\e fc r time and sta n other. T w c years experien every bag. i 1 TRADE N Hpi Bregist Sold toy reliable cle; the So D F. S. Roystcs II NORFOL Mg ? >?!?? HE an'I rntsusliim.) a: 7, ror.rra r~r> r.TAara or?? xarviua.ja uizi'jur.osnaaaaMBMM [J jj' yon viU ropnin flesh and strength. > V - toofotior:;yasu*iull'l!se*s?8resulting '' (> fr< ia ovortaxini* tnc?j-utom ?vrocured by ?.: > of P. iji P. H i>C(iiC*w)iu? I?1 " * ^.ui.??vp'lWUWIWHI v; | ( vrUoiir'Wo I islnan !:npuroconditiobda? ' ' . {or:ie::i',tr;;;il irrcyuiarUiosarot<oonU*rly >? J, l>C?uii;ud by txiO Vi'oudjrful toulo auA C!SCO ? i i i ii i nimi I'I'iiimi i??? . ssam ^ j^r~ !; b'i ' propartloi of P. P.P., , * l'r' 1. I'oXo I'. lOt Ulid 1'UtfUHllUm. ;',V^ Id (Sold by all Drucjjiata. - q L". V. LIPPWIAN Propriotor . fi:ivannaC?f - Ca. y ttot. nr -zr.jocsnssaaL?nit nil ? ,v-Taswi : ^tESf^ mow ?Erdea to You? ! f J1 <ym i *?> \ H . - : : ! ! f0^ J M ..iik.j, one m j. > es. It jj .lana^cr,or .. issKmisai -Juli-'x-jl. tid'j b l., - Li ' *r*i -nrn ar&k '35 l&lUTfC M utilizer jj talyses Q mixing of M >tain analy- m no special K he value lies in the p which the obtained. p red lent i n W s is solerfrod supplying N ii sprouting i lie plant : a a t one rved at an- Q : n r y - n v c g| cc o-()c s with || IARK ERED H filers throughout | uth. GuaKO Co. I K, VA. ^ ^ ^