The Pickens sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1909-1911, February 03, 1910, Image 1

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, f 1 yL/V a^J THE PICKENS ' SENTINEL-JOURNAL . - \S filtered April 23% 1003 at I'lckviiN, S. (!. uh Mocoud cIu'.m matter, uudereofuiixroMtt of .llnrcli :i,l87U K 39th Year I PICKENS, 8. C., VEliUUARY 3, 1010. Number 37 | Q ^ , ' j? ?, SOME POLITICIAL TALK AROUND STATE CAPITAL Said to be Five Candidates at Least, for Gubernatorial Honors?Several forUongress From the Third, Including the Reverend Mann Columbia Evening RecordThere has not been the usual politicial activity which has characterized some previous sessions of tho general assembly. Tim mootlnnf nf (tuvuviiifs V/JL iiuc ouaun JJrti association last week, however, bringing: together the lawyors from every section of the State and the members of the general assembly, inspired some politi cial prognostications. For some time the name oi three gentlemen from the low ei atjution ol ine state have beei mentioned in connection witl the raco for governor?Lieut. Gov. Thos. G. McLeod, of Lee. Representative John G, Rich aid of Kershaw, and Hon. Rich ard I. Mannincr nf Snmfur The upper section of the stat? will furnish at least two candi dates from adjoining counties? * Mayor Cole L. Blease. of Newberry, and Hon. (J. C. Feath erstone, of Laurens. MK. BLEASE'S PLATFORM. Mayor Blease was in attedano nnnii lVio r\f ? UJL DI1U utaiv Bar association and stated posi tively that lie would he in thrace. He said there was no us for him to say that he was op posed to prohibition, that fact bintf well known, but that he I) lieved it to be the duty of a no enor to enforce to the lettjr an> law which he found on the stat "NT I ?_ - uiu umuivs. iiuwuurry is a pro hibition town," ho said, " an since I have boon mayor I ha"Lpi been giving them prohibition i Newberry.1Ho said that his plat form would be practicaly the same as that upon which b stood in the campaign last year. / MR. C. C. FEATHER9TONK. Hon. 0. 0. Feathers tone, of Laurens, who has been a leadei in the prohibition ranks for number of years, spent se\era days in Columbin last week and was an interesting listener in the senate. Mr. FeatherstoneV views on prohibition and othu'. questio -s are well known. SeNATOR RAINSFORD. There has been some talk of Senator Rainsford of Edgefield us a possible candidate for seere tary of state. Senator Ralnsford. when asked about the matter said that his friends had be*" urging him to make tho ra<v but that he had not yet decide to do so. MR. MANN FOR CONGRESS. Ropresentatatve Coke D. Mann of Oconee is a candidate for con gross from the Third congress io^ * 11<n uisbriuu congressman /it ken will bo in the race for reelection and there is talk of other candi date sin this distrct. CANIDATE FOR GOVERNOR ON HIGH LICENSE PLATFORM Columbia Special to News and Courier. A candidate for governor on st high license platform was the announcement definitely made tonight by one who is in close touch with the politlclal alignment of 8011th Carolina, Next summer a gentloman will certainly come out in the race for governor who will advocate; a system of license for the hanrllincr nf Hnn/\* ?v??v *?vjuv/i tiai" fie in this state. As announced in tho Sunday News, a bill will soon bo intro* ^ duced in tho senate providing for a license system. The bill will bo introduced by Senator Smith, of Hampton county. Such a measure is advocated by tho Senator from Charleston county and will also probably meet with the favor of other senators. While there is, of course considerable doubt that a licenac bill will be introduced in the senate, there is no doubt it is authoritatively stated that there will bo a canidate on this J platform. "Who's it to be," waa asked. ' "That'll not settled yet," wae the reply' "Is it to bo one of those now being mentioned?" "That's not definitely settled yet either, but it will bo one win will stand a good chance." "Sort of a dark horse eh?" "Well, no, not exactly, but he will d(j some running." Tho hi'jch license liquor bill will bo flamed in a few day:and will be introduced in tin senate. EIGHT LOSE THEIR LIVES. Fatal Train Wreck Occure on London and Brighton Railway in England. London.?One of the most serious railway accidents In England since tho disaster to the steamer train at Salisbury, in July, 190(1, when many Americans lost their lives, has occurred at Stoat's Nesl station, near London, on the London and Brighton rim way. iiiigiu near; n:iu about I'.o injured were tftken from the wreck Two third-class cars and a Pullman of a train from Brighton, traveling at ft speed,of 40 miles an hour, crashed into the station. The third-class cars were completely wrecked, and a part of the building was demolished. One account says that the wreck was due to the derailment of a portion of the train, and another, that It was due to the breaking of the coupling between the first and second-class cars. The two third-class oars reared almost on their ends and toppled over on the platform, bringing down a mass of iron girders and timbers from the station with a tremendous crash. FOREMAN NfiT mill TV Bruce Acquitted on Charge of Kidnaping Girl at Rome, Ga. Rome, Ga-?A Jury in the superior court has brought In a verdict or acquittal on the charge of kidnaping against Robert Bruce, a mill foreman at Lindale, charged with having kidnaped pretty Minnie Blankenshlp, 15year-old daughter of Deputy Sheriff W. D. Blankenshlp. The state claimed that Bruce, after repeated efforts, lured the girl from ber home. The defense proved an Biici. i no testimony was sensational and the case aroused much interest. TRAGEDY AT DANCE, Because Fiance Danced With Her Rival, Girl Shot Herself. Springfield, La.?Because, it is said, her betrothed lover danced twice in succession with her rival. Miss Doress Vlcftnalr, seventeen years old, it is said, stepped in the middle oi the dance, drew a revolver from her hodice and shot herself in the breast. The dancers were thrown into a panic. The girl is fatally wounded. She is ? nuugnier or a prosperous rice planter,, who Is a member of the parish police Jury. SHOT HIMSELF IN HEART. Father of Nineteen Children Had Dread of Poor House. Monroe, La.?"There are two many children in my family; all the meat boycotts from now back to Adam would not save me from the poor house," William Skinner ! ? declared | to have said. Then ho shot himself through the heart, dying instantly. Skinner was 52 years old and was the father of nineteen children- He was formerly a rich planter. He lost money In speculation. MURDERED FOR MONEY. Assyrian Peddler Thought To Have Eecr. Killed By Negrnos. Bhreveport, I/i.?George Pedro, a local Assyrian peddler, was murdered and robbed ten miles south of Shroveport whfle traveling in the country exchanging goodH for farm products. He was shot and dragged Into the hrubbery near the road and hi* body concealed. Pedro had several hundred dollars when he left here. Negroes are suspected. Genera/ Draper Dead. Washington.?General William F. Drawer, former American aMii?ooa<iA? to Italy, died at his homo here nftor a prolonged Illness, aped years. Brigadier General Draper was horrn In Lowell/' Mass., April 0, 1812. He sarved In the union army from 1801 to 1864, holding commissions from econd lieutenant to lieutenant colamai /*a?y> tv* a st t m ? - ' - ' * * wniiimliuills, uiiu nlfsu coioium a??\ brigadier gonoral by brevot. He WM twice wounded. Boy Crushed to Death. Ckrvtngton, Or.?Berry Johnson, the 10-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Jehnaon, was run over by a wagon b+lonfflng to his father, and killed al moat Instantly. He was attempting to yet In the wagon and fell under the wheals. He was brought to town as Quitfkty cs possible, but died in a few xantiUs r.fter reaching tho physi talk's office. Th# Qunness Farm 8ol<J. LaTorta, "lnd.?Th? 50-aCre farm ol llh koila ftlinftnim mvi/i limn o.i ? " in/ nan i?hi urn to 4?*th with her threo children In thn Are which rtofltroyod hor htrnio or April 29, 1908, has hcon sold to the upftrlntendont of a hoys' hcIiooI which adjoins tho Gunnesg farm, and at which It will become a part. FOR POSTAL BANKS Bill Establishing Same Reported to Senate. HOW THEY WILL BE RUN Provision is Made To Prevent Concentration of Funds In the Money Centers of the East?All Money-Order Offices Depositories. Washington.?Tlio postal savings bank bill, drafted by Senators Carter, Dollver and Owen, a sub-committee of the committee on postoflices and post roads, has been perfected and by Mr. Carter Introduced in the senate. It was referred to the postoflice com milieu imu pruunuiy win do reported back to the senato. The bills originally introduced on this subject wero considered with great care and a large number of changes were made. Particular attention was given to a scheme to prevent the concentration of postal deposits in the money centers of the east. This objection to the establishment of postal savings banks has been met by a provision allowing banks receiving the postal funds for safekeeping to give indemnity bonds in lieu of collateral security, which obviates the necessity of banks going to bond con- | ters to purchase the securities required by the government. i no urn providts mat mere shall t)o established a system of postal savings depositories under the supervision and direction of a board of trustees, consisting of the secretary ol I the treasury, the postmaster-general and the attorney-general acting e:c ofllcio. 'I Ida hoard is authorized to mnke j all regulations governing the receipt,! transmission, custody, investments and repayments of moneys deposited | with the poBtal savings banks. The j board is required to report to ccru gress at the beginning of each regular session deposits In each stato and territory, the aggregate amount or deposits and the aggregate withdraw iu?, me umcjuni or extra expense Incident to the postal saving bank system. All postofflces of n class authorize'! to issue money orders and such others as the postmaster-general may designate, are declared to be postal savings dopoBltcrrles. They are I tcj riIva flonncltf f " - and are to bo kept open for tho transaction of business every day, Sundays and legal holidays excepted, during the usual postoftloo business hours of the town or locality where the depositories are located. ALLEGED FRAUDS. I Life Insurance Companies Investigating Shady Proceedings. Louisville Kv.?Th/i ~' , - .?Vi IKK H'llil i mill Commercial Life Insurance Companies of Indiana are investigating ail legetl attempts at fraud in which the agents of tho companies are said to have been implicated. The plan was to insure men who were physical wrecks, secure their acceptance through the connivance of the medical director and share in the proceeds of the Insurance when tne subjects died. The body of Walter Rider, a Louis ville teamster, who was insured for $16,000, was exhumed, and It was found he was a hopeless consumptive WC f A DDIcn ~ unnniuu " UI_LJ A tJ t Death Comes to the Man Who Bore the Mascot Eagle Eau Claire, Wis.?Captain Victor Wolf, who carried the famous eagle "Ohl Ahe," throughout the Civil wat as thp mascot of the Wisconsin Eagl. Company, died here, at the age ol ! RC years. Captain Wolf was one of j the few survivors of the company. He purchased the eagle that was later made famous, named It "Old Aho." In honor of President Abraham Lincoln and cared for it during the strenuous days from 18G1 to 18G5. The eagle Is now a relic In tho na nonai capitol at Washington. Drowned In Marsh. IJeaumont, Tex.?Mrs. Cius Prltchlo formerly Miss Louisa Scrllberger, ol Atlanta, Is In a critical condition it home here as the result of the finding of her husband's body In Alligai marsh, near Port Arthur. Fritchle was formerly a member of thp fresroi artist firm of Schneider & Fritchle of Atlanta. YJin body wns found In u few feet rrf wator, tho theory belnri that he |ool his way while hunting atxi necamo exhausted. It was fearod he had been devoured by alligators. A Wall Street Rumor. New York.?Wall street luta heard an unverified report that If tho government wins Its suit to dissolve the ITnlon Pacific-Southern Pacific mer* ( gor, a syndicate composed of John D. , Itockefellor, through the National Citybank, J. P. Morgan, through the First National bank, and Kuhn, Loeb & Co., will tako over the Union Pacific holdings of Southern Pacific bonds and stock. These are said to amount to $12D,000,000. ) Strike In Cotton Mill*. , T.awrence, Mass.?About S50 em, ployees of the Atlantic Cotton Mills i are on a strike for a 10 per cent. InI crease In wages. The spinners and [ doffers atruck, and the weavers and loom feeders left their work also. Cleveland's Mew Mayor. Herman C. Bachr, Who Defeated Tom L. Johnson. . ( 11 i To Herman C I'.nehr belongs the distinction of defeatlug Tom !.. .lolinsor* for the oflieo < * mayor ??f Cloveland, O. Mr. r.ju-lir Is a Republican. DEPOSITS SHOW GAIN. Marked Increase of Money to Farmers' Credit in Southern B^nks. Haltimore. A and ? '<:tmn?*h< n sivo survey of llto eon.ii; ion of formers in the loi'.i eeti southern state:; and in Oklalmna at:.I Mi .ottri is given in the M..:n ?': ? rer ' Record. In eight paj-.os cT l:ri T letter;; from hunkers mainly :i ? >.i:?Jy .-eats oT those states. I! i.; a s irvcv of progress. In close tench with agricultural communities . ii \i:ally intr rested in all that rum their wcll'-ire, the to measure tbin ; ;;s t : y ;r . A euro ind? \ i- the n.i nt nf ?1? posits bclon^i"" to tin i . iik- . !i. thr? banks. Throu -; out th<> South nencrally there has ' > .1 marked increase of nn)!i' !o i!i i re ;i! of fanners in 1 lie bani ?11 .:? ihe ].a. t few years. l*ov ; i. . . i 1 one West Virginia oily the <!epi !l increased i?i ten yer.v f.. nt $22r>,(ll)0 in two bank:; <:> $7r>(i.ndi? in throe banks. They are r?0 p : 0 . <1 at Charlotte, N. than tin y wore live years nejo and about ] r < it. great" r at points in ,\Ii: < 11: A Mi -issippi iKiniter no: i:ini i i ; i ni"nl in this rospoc 1?:i< < to small farm ors, pariioularly 1' villo, Ky., re ports the large--! <I i >> ii in 11;< ? history of tho five ban!; of ih county, the Virgini;: ; r-nlnsula ; ' nt throe (linos whar tlu-> \wn fiv?i * ars ago, and (ho Incr ;i i 'I? <#r in ranges up to 100 i i r < nt. In an Arkansas (own (ho di pt ' ') limes what they wore fifteen >< ; ; a; >. WAS ALO3T STARVED. man lockcj ir. : uovcn Uny3 Without rood cr Water. Ponsaeol.i, 5'i n * I\in a freight refrigerator ear, Without food or water, w th \ Tit k-<> of I{??1>ort Dick in on. who t.iK? n from the car t <" ?i 1 1 i*i . wit ro i> had hren switched off aft* r lv'p in the yards for several <!.t . <11 n opened tho car and lie; ;i roan found Dickinson iiik ;i ' > 1 o was on tilO vorgo of d ! ">!!. Dickinson sad i id go no into tho rofri>:or for - r in middlo Florida ii wt-t-n m ioic i! wi ijii'll mil. II'' int Midod > W\v Oriiv.ns, but was hcrrii!'.. ! ?:f" (! train pained hcadw \ v ' . si !io endeavored to open f!i< r : 1 I 'Mid !l lock'id. At every vto;> '> 'tun mhm. iI on tlio door with i ; t . ::u I a 11 cut ion, k nppillg 11' 11 11i ' and day until lie toil oxllail . ! ? (loov, COURT HOUSE WRECKED. Dynamite Evplorii: Spreads Death and Ruin In North Carolina. Charlotte, X. man was InKtaill 1V Kill. .1 ) (' (:>! in In mil and several ot' ( hurt when an accidental ,?!< . *i of nanite wreckod the $10(>. 1 h ((.,iit hoie e in ^wnln county, at Silver <'it . N*. ('. Heavy dnina,r v \va done throughout tlw town and f r a time the Inhabitant* tint an earthquake had occurred. Omar f'onley was In, Ktantly ki 1 !< I, t? i* l'.anl ; lost both eyes and a-a ot! - vvi > seriously Injured, and !.< " Kianch, registrar of deeds of Svaln < run' , was fatally Injured. Moths Disclose Fortune. So> ih NoYWal'.., (' an. Moths saved a s nail fortune ! mi destruction hy Urn here A 'iiiii l<> < . . , ~ .. . ii f,m Miring | which had l>' lo.i .> I lo Mary Spitznr, ' an aged ronliis.- w! > led recently, wore about to 1< l >n on a Itonflre when, through a in Hi hole, tin* gleam of a yell(Avi>.-' v.: ii. All investigation i?i*?)iijr i to li^ht $:j,ooo in hills whlrh had h? i <;w< d Into tho lining. Announces For Senate. Montgomery, Ala. -Krank S. White, who resigned as chah i :m of the state Democratic cxecntlvo committee, minion rormoi announcement that ho will seok the nomlnuutlon for the United States :;<m :st l<> sueeood t'aptain J. IT. BanUlieiid. Tho selection will ho ninde at tin; state primary in I August. A BIG FIGHT COMING To Wage War on Gambling In Farm Products. RO SAV5 T IVTM^CTAIVT v??iV JLyi V li.X VJU 1 ViX Georgian Is Quoted a3 Saying That President Will Send Message to Congress Urging Passage of Bill to Prohibit Farm Product Gambling. Washington.?That Pro id nl T:>f! will, at an early date send to <' press a special message ur;:ii lii passage of a bill j>:>11i 1 >it ij11- vai in agricultural products, is ! ! > luivo been stated l?v (V i ston, of Georgia, :i infiii" of southern representatives am! of the Fanners' I'niou held t'i i) cuss ways ami means of hrealui .c ' this practice. Colonel Livingston s-1; <! H>at 1,' prediction wis l>:is?"i m > from a cabinet < Ulcer, v. o: n. : did not divulge. President I law 11, 'i' t I T'nlon, stnted i Hi i > ! I .1 members of hi; or ,ani, n \v solved lo eradicate gar -l eu in cultural products, even if i ie *!?? flfluin.r '?r - = country. "The Louisiana lottery i< nn * fin id President i'arrett. " I'i ment can roliovo tl:o l inn"- i the country from the incubus ! gambling in tlie same v t chooses to do so. We I'. , i & appealing to eon,rre s. V.'e \v. til ri know who our friends are. In t!i!fight the man who is no! r ngainst us. Von have hern 11 i ^ protestations of friendship of ; . i uii mi- liirm. ,m)\v is i!!? ? i lint' prove it." Among those attending i' >< ? ! worn Representative !.ivi Hell, Howard, Mil; h< . li rtl -ll : I Edwards of (Scorgla. Ii?11 of V ITcflin of Alabama, and .lain s o. !< i tucky. FIGHT ON HOUSE RULEG. Success, It Is Said, Depctidr, Largely on the Democrats. Washington.- 'rh<> li; lit to :t i":; tlio rules of the hons<> liv iiu . < . j tho membership of tlio nil- ; <' . j too from flvo tit twelvo will -o;,... ; | conic within tho next ton <| , v v ( stated by tho insure . j cess of tho movouw ill ?1 < j> ml ; on tho attitude of tho !>ti:io." , The Insurgents claim C.O vd! om il, Republican side of the li t: The Democrats are i . :>v r e consideration to tile | "Op: ' *il : mlt fed by t lie Insttl'.i; :. MiUlJ Democrats are in favor <T posed dinnsc, while ot!.< | unwise. The la rue vote <-;;ii ;>< i 1 th?? Insurgents is :?ttrilm' I to i growing feeling anions N<w ! find Western Repul>He::iis i-.'iii!: ' speaker, who still I'ecliiu s to any si?n that. he will ret;:- <Y'> i leadership <rf the liuii <\ (lent is s;ii<l to have Ki\? < hi. ;i;i proval to the scheme. LAUNCH RUN DOWN. Three Men Lo*;o Liv:s In t!-rc iviirs \ rr ! !?! 1y in ii i 1 three n w! "it t launch \v. i. ! .w !. > ' Enterprise <m lloneiieli !' : j The party had been (lii;K 1 n? above Memphis ail day. an I \ .< ) turning home when their I; urn-' engine became disable,!. Captain A. J. Nieolls, nr (or of f towboat, was In tho pilot lvn the wheel when the !:ilin< ;i w ' fitrucU. According to his * it ni "it he did not see the launch u; it \. . within a few yrrds of t' to barges. He stopped the t < ii (endeavored to locate the l!i; m : on the surface of tlie water with uearchtixht, I>ut withont ; ncccr-s. MAY PROVE RICH STRIKT, While Post Holes Wee r i icj OuOil Well I3 Dlscovc !. Bayou Barn. La What >1 1 most valuable post hole In )! < > try has boon cfpenert at a tr flin cost. When a laborer naincl hi price fo excavating holes for post : to 1 plant ert 11 fear here, the own or of II10 prm orty sniil thnl I10 thought it wa-t : llttlo too high. Finally, however, a conmroini e \ i. readied and the work lv uv nparlo of tho laborer unci ' ! ' rxf . 1 it.- - 1 - mi 1111 i11111 i iit |>i:111 I' i i hnvo been abandoned. TRAGEDY AT A FESTIVAL. Quarrel About Price of a Cn'?c P -rui/fi In Fatal Affray. Floreneo, S. ('. In a eunrrel o the price of a r:il<(? s<dd at an;-: inn : a school festival near here, Loft ri Poston wah fatally stabbed by Mo Ra/.en and died five minutes later. Both young men were well knowi throughout the county. Editor Asphyxiated by Gas. Now York.?Harry II. Hell, of tin editorial fttaff of r w York Her aid, was aecld' atnlly aaphyx lated by Ran In Ins horn". Mr. Hoi was born In Louisville, Ky., In ISGH and worked for the I<ori ville Cour ler-.Tonrnal for 20 years nndor Col Henry Watterson. Ho ramp nc/rU throe years fiRo. Last Juno lio bo carnu attached to tho Herald. s ! . . , -. , . . " - ; . , . ... ? ( .. ? . \'.l . :\ . v1iV:r.. j t,.r l I . ! o- ' : :y( ( : ' ' <> ' . . {. 1 ' , . t i . . :. v. . . ;/ \ ? .. . > I ' i ' i Lx --1 : 1 : i- , 1 . / ' ' ( .. ,. 0 , 1 J*, v. ' ' v. I , ' . nil i i . \ : \ j oi'L tu > are i ' . ' i .. > i i * '? < . ?i . 11. )i I V ' i y \Y i 11 cost :. * low;, tl .v . ..TV cc is :; . , / \ r!"o to i\' t. thtf * ' ' . .liT/.cm' Line . _ H ; vr Til IMS 'OR KTItnET; ? 1 * ' w , 'i>?til.Tjlt>&-O.CL,Cfcuttf Mtf.. A.' . \:iL [SlttiM. |N i!: i . .> i . : Ills*s-?v W .. / - \: \ s; i ; r' n r*i /<^.\ jp-rfft /^s. / I.; ; ;Uujn4c .; m M , m < \\ ith your land I sake of Saving < you use a i : on';/ rccomnen I ; | ma lysis, It feqi < i kn DV-, I ido;c * rials to analyses. 1 c> ( n * r?*i' 17^1' fi n ' A ? V / V J t 1 II ? ? ? ter.^s usee, sc over feed the } ' <i time aiiJ. starve 11 This is why Rc are so popular, predient has r ?"> work to do. years expcricnc J floods lor South P enabled us to 1 f. ?"< >/- } I * 1* t\f ' j * O 1 ^ v . i i <?- V C 'j ;i fil": at mar ^ 1 TRAOt" M/ ; b J.? . >:' HECISTE I ' ' . :;; F. S. E??yster : J MOSK-OLI I ' 1 ?: c.r^^Baa BBS j ir.U". KV/Cofslut-i.) J . r -;: / :> r: \cr.3 ov? -- ^ i J . \% v. ::" V"*n:n fionh ami strength. ' ' r nr. &f.! I >11 no.iaofl remitting tuoo'utcm arocurod by > r; ilorrnaropoisonodand i: intmp?rocontliUoDt?no I i.vfi^v.liirUieii&rapeculiarly . i ' j v/ocilorful touks and lllRM f. *1.Mr .maaoMMM :: li i.' -tnf; rroportlo!? of P. P. P* i . . i'o'.ro l.oot tuid Potassium* ' Jjh. L ; ;'.l Uruciji ita. :r V, LIPPW3AN l":-c;5rictor .r"--.h9 - Ca. I _/, ?>o "-* -v"' r:::: rcz^^esx izxn '] %' , ,L~ I U'ck ll^qP .r>,^ ^ i r . i yo i;^ touch with $ fit; ,v cry minute g i" , i'-.v i .or.? through- j| / i -phonos in their || i L.n. iJeil System. The ['' Vs factory. ? n arc st neil Telephone f addivss F t -Imei'.t ^ ' Av' '"" ' 1 " If 1 ^ A :z.r. ; a. \?? ... _ \gfrT*." OCT " rs>tfV k^..^ 'v^j y3 vnnn f'r>r f-Vtp? IhJ i. . iv i j jvsi i i i v_- n \ few dollars hi ixer whose U !. : iron is its || ii:res no spe- |i o rr.ix mate- m The value K y s in the ma- pj > as not to Ml 3i- nt at one at another. U ?yster brands 0 ; Every in- P , ts particular \ Twenty-five | e in making L ern crops has enow what is ; Is Gsi every bag U Ciuano Co. n it, VA. ^JOE2K3K3<( X J? ,