The Pickens sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1909-1911, October 28, 1909, Image 3

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Peruna Secrets You Sbould Knw Root Golden Seal, the root of the above plant, is a very useful medicine. Many peoplo gather it in our rich woodlands during the summer. Few people know how valuable it is in dyspepsia, catarrh. and as a general tonic. Many thousand pounds of this root are used each year in the famous catarrh remedy, Peruna. This fact explains why everybody uses Peruna for catarrh. It seems as though every woman must have a pet. If she can't get a man she must have a cat or a dog. Are you losing flesh through a racking cough that you cannot check? Allen's Lung Balsam will cure the trouble. The man who stands in his own way is not necessarily blocking the traffic. For COLDS and GRIP. Hick's CAPUw_vs is the best remedy relieves the aching and feverishness-cures the Cold and restores normal conditions. It's liquid-effecta immediately. 10c.. 25c. and wei.. at drug stores. Wealth may not bring happiness. but it seems to furnish a pretty good imitation. WOULD HAVE BEEN DEAD 1i Says Temple Clark, of Pope, Had It Not Been For Cardul, Now In Good Health. Pope, Tenn.-"As the result of a fall from a horse, I suffered intense ag ony for about 4 years," writes Mrs. Tempie -lark, of this place. "I was irregular and had falling feelings and other womanly trouble. At last I was induced to take Cardui, the woman's tonic, and it helped me a great deal. I certainly believe if it had not been for Cardui and Thef,rd's Black Draught. I would h been dead. instead of havin 4e blcssing of health. love a dollar, but I have never seen one I think as much of as I do of a bottle of Cardui. I could tell a great deal more and not get tired. I recom mend it to all my friends, for I am sure it will cure others as it has me." Remember that Cardui is a vege table extract, composed of valuable medicinal ingredients. which build up vitality, tone up the nerves and strengthen the wvornanly constitution. For over 30 years, Cardui has been in successful use. Its merit is proven and known. Using it is no new ex periment. It has stood the greatest 'of all tests-the test of TIME. NOTE.-The Cardul Home Treatment for Women consists of Cardui ($1). Thed ford's Black-Draught (25c). or Velvo (50C) for the liver, and Cardul Antiseptic (50c). These remedies may be taken singly, by themselves. if desired, or three together. as a complete treatment for women's ills. Write to: Ladies' Advisory Dept.. Chatta nooga Medicine Co.. Chattanooga. Tenn.. for Special Instructions, and 64-page book. "Home treatment for Women," sent n plain wrapper, on request. STc A PUTR An aching back is instantly relieved by an application of Sloan's Liniment. This liniment takes the place of massage and is better than sticky plasters. It penetrates - without rubbing - through the skin and muscular tissue right to the bone, quickens the blood, relieves congestion, and gives permanent as well as temporary relief. Here's the Proof. Mr. .TAMF.s I. Lu:. of 1100 9th St., -years ago I ieli from, a se:lo'A and se'r ounly injured may back. I ,ulfered terri bly at times ;fromi thbe sm.dl of my hack all around my stomach was ju st :s if I had been beaten with a club. I used every plaster I couldl get with no relief. Sloan's Linimient toolk the paim right out, and I can now do as mnuch ladlder work as any man in the shop, thanks to 'Sloan's Mr. J. P. Evk's, of Mt. Airy, Ga., -'says: "After beiqig afflicted for thrce vears with rheumatism. I used sloan's Iniment, and was cured sound and well and ami glad to say I haven't been trookled with rheumatismf since. My na bal 1wofen frm y hi pto pain and swelling out." Sloan's Liniment has no equl as a remedy for Rheu matism, Neuralgia or any pain or stiffness in the muscles or joints. &1 Prices, 25c.,50c.and $1.00 loa's bo ok on feee. Addlress Dr. Ead S. Sloan, Boston, Mass., U.S.A. THE SEASON'S New York City.- Such a blouse as this one will find innumerable uses. lt is graceful and attractive, it is be coming to almost all figures, and it is the latest style. The long lines given at the front produce an effect of slen derness, and the pretty puffed sleeves, with under ones of thinner material, are among the latest features. In this case, the blouse is made of crepe meteore and the trimming is net braided with soutache in matching color, while the front portion and un der-sleeves are made of tucked chiffon and the chemisette is of white lace to give a touch of lightness and relief. Various combinations might be sug gested, however, and the centre-front could match the blouse portions with the under-sleeves and chemisette made from the same material if one liked. Treated in this way, the cen tre-front would afford an excellent opportunity for the use of embroidery or soutache. The blouse is made over a fitted lining and itself consists of the front back and centre-front. Both the fronts and the back are tucked, but the centre-front is plain, in this in stance cut from already tucked mate rial for a portion of its length, from lace above to give the chemisette ef fect. The sleeves are made over lin AA // Priness owns Thegow cu prncss o blowth hi lnean ter cmpetd it/ dee foune ffodsaddtina /pc fo eboiey,alieexedigqut arond t te tp f te foune'aov th 4onctn em Fasioabe olrs Amngth etalihe tne/o colrstobewon hi sesnae 3Iaze,ceise buet lme ren, in Proinet Gons. hiKine Eand he completed wihu teant-Geneards Badditonl. ac arondrt th e opookptwt thefoucabe Rh onet ing Amongiza the epolsed tones of Persia toeft wnza iCsia seao r: Dr F.ze ceis. tCo, dlimeren linur ingla?ephaad has nghted Liu tnenat-Gusiati BoelPr,.elio. Thoe ev. in i.o the FIdoi-utnrer Syagoguez, deounsed Srahri ofPes left Chriaiaas:ina seara. Dr F.w A.r City.lvrd eoir NEW DESIGNS ings, and these linings are faced to form the under-sleeves, while the tucked portions are banded to form puffs. The closing is made invisibly at the back. Infant's Dress. The infant's dress that is made with a shaped yoke is a pretty and at tractive one, and this model can be embroidered by hand as illustrated or made with yoke of fancy material as preferred. The dress is laid in tiny tucks at the upper edge and can be finished either with a frill or with a hem. It can be made with short or long sleeves and finished with a frill or hem at the lower edge as pre ferred. Fine white lawn with trim ming of embroidery makes the dress Illustrated, but all those that are used for babies' dresses are appropriate. The touch of hand work on the yoke means extreme daintiness and a great many dresses of the sort are made with yokes of all-over embroidery or those that are composed of strips of lace insertion, and the model can be utilized in any way. The dress is made with front and back portions, which are tucked and .ioined to the shaped yoke, and the seam is concealed by the trimming. The sleeves are full anid gathered into bands and a little frill finishes, the neck edge. it* joinedr,o two sapd yke,gt adsh theisleeves re full and theredt inoyands fort-fou itteficiihes d,wt thenec eadsgfwieebreey,fu yadC- bnig treadtre quate yad> f arv dig Brone Lathr Blts JotigsAou Sors Y'al deetdSyaueatfobl by 15 toI0 A.1Kumnwl b/wnyfu 7e, l nJnar fnx er Fan hoesae rsiginte;e YoK bratta uh aqadi onth er4 of"hoi - artmout ha- nes iei e i aeoahes/o, eetn * hsts giulu C1: sash'snt1 e-:ri :'; // Jo no/' taei 0t '.n Ait; htteels2!lb MUNYON'S EIfnENT OCTORS AT YOU14 AERVICE FREE. Not a Penny to Pay For the Fullest Medical Examination. If you are itt doubt as to the cause of your diseaae mail us a postal re questing ame6tcal examination blank, which you will fill out and return to us. Our doctors will carefully diag nose your caie, and if you can be cured you will be told so; if you can not be cured you will be told so. You are not obligated to us in any way: this advice is absolutely free; you are at liberty to take our advice or not as you see fit. Send to-day for a medi cal examination blank, fill out and return to us as promptly as possible, and our eminentdoctors will diagnose your case thoroughly absolutely free. Munyon's, 53d and Jefferson Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Polygamy In Utah. A little while ago we printed a roster of men who are actually reputed, and doubtless correctly so, to have entered into new polygamous relations within recent years, very re cent years indeed as compared with the date of the manifesto of 1890. 'The Deseret News," referring to that list, apparently accepted it as cor rect. and undertook to belittle "the polygamy scare" by saying that if these were all who had gone into polygamy since 1890 the list was a matter of no great concern. This admission, howdve', on the part of the Church organ serves not to limit the number of new cases of polygamy. but as a foundation upon which reasonably to assume that polygamy is alarmingly prevalent, for to every new polygamous case that comes to the notice of the non-Mor mons there are doubtless a hundred that the non-Mormons never hear anything about. It Is entirely safe, therefore, to say, as "The Tribune" has said here tofore, that the new cases of poly gamy are numbered by the hundreds; perhaps it would be no great exag geration to even say by the thou sands. At all events, it is a sure thing that there has been such a recrudescence of polygamy -within recent years as could not have been dreamed of at any time between the outgIving of the manifesto and the conferring of statehood upon Utah.-Salt Lake Tri bune. The evera:,e tombstone is erected In haste and forgotten at leisure, sneers Life. CURED ITCHING HUMOR. Big, )?aiuful Swellings Broke and Did Not Heal-Suffered 3 Years Tortures Yield to Cuticura. "Littk black swellings were scattered over my face and neck and they would leave littie black scars that would itci so I coulda't keep from scratching them. Larger svellings would appear and my Iclothes would stick to the sores. I went to a doctor, but the trouble only got worse. By this time it was all over my arms and the upper part of my body in swellings as large as a dollar, It was so painful that I could not bear to lie on my back. The second doctor stopped the swellings, but when they broke the places would not heal. I bought a set of the Coticura Remedies and in less than a week some of the places were nearly well. I continued until I had used three sets, and now I am sound and well. The disease lasted three 3-ears. 0. L. Wilson, Puryear, Tenn., Feb. 8, 1908." Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Sole Props. of Cuticura Remedies, Boston, Mass. When a woman says she won't, she won't: also sometimes when she says she will. For HEADACH E-Hlcke' CA PUDEN3 Whether from Coids, 'leat. Stomach or Nervous Trou~bles. Capuadine will relieve you. It's liquid-pleasant to take-acts immedi ately. Try I. 10e.. 25c. and 50e. as drug There are men who divide most of their time between patting themselves on the hack and kicking themselves. Scp~rn ad Bruises. so likely to occur in Dicy wahrare quickly healed by Perry Dai'Painltiller. 25c., 35c. and 50c. Sonmc bachelors have never mar ried because of heart failure, and oth c,rs .because of Lold feet. Stop guessing! Try the best and most certamn remedy for all painful ailments Hamlins Wizard Oil. The way it relieves all soreness from sprains, cuts, wounds, burns, scalds, etc., is wonderful. A young man learns a lot in four years at college that it takes the i-est Iof his life to forget. Rough on Rats, unbeatable extermltnato. Rough on Hen Lice, Nest Powder, 25c. Rough on Bedbugs, Powder or Llq'd, 25c. Rough on Fleas, Powder or Liquid, 25c. Rough on Roaches, Pow'd'15c.,Liq'd, 25c. Rough on Moth and Ants, Powder, 25c. Rough on Skeeters, agreeable in use, 25c, E. S. Wells, Chomist. Jersey City, N. J. To borrow $13 on Friday is possi bly bad luck-for the fellow who lends it. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for C'hildren teething, softens theguns, reauces inS]amma tion, allasp,eures w-ind eolic25e a t ottle Wnen a man gets into a hole he is always surp)rised to find how deep it is. Dr. Pierce's Pellets, small, sugar-eoated, easyv to take as candy, regulate and invig orate stomach, hiver and bowels and cure constipation. The further your life reaches the deeper its roots will strike, re:r.rks the Chicago Triiune. Take a hint, do your own mixing. Rough on Rts, being all poison. one 15c:. box will s.pread or make~ .0 to 0 little cages that wvin kill 500 or more rats and mice. lt'e th: unbwatable exterminator. Don't die in th. house. Betware ot imitations, sub.titute Cancer Not a Meat Disease. Exceptional opportunities are af forded in India for the stud'y of the incidence of cancer in vegetarfnsu and flesh-eaters, since the diet is strictly ordained by the c-ustoms of the different native castes. In India the disease occurs irrespcCtive of vegetarian or neat diet just as it occurs in herbivorous and carnivor ous mammals -New York Medica! .fournel. Unavoidedly Detained. A well-known general tells the following story: One day he received a telegram from a subordinate who was injured in a railroad accident while on fur lough, which read: "Will; not re port today. as expected. on account of unavoidable circums,ances." The tone of the message was not satisfactory to the general and he wired at once in reply: "Report as ordered or give re-asons. Within an hour the followin,i mes sage came lback over the wires from the hospital: "Train off-can't ride; leas off-can't walk. Will not report unless you insist." Fidelity sometimes treads a path way of thorns. But it is better by far. thln-s the New York Telegram, to have them at the feet than on the brow. It is a simple and effective hc from a disordered iver. It is Head, Throat and Chest, and is benefit you, return the empty bo B Oxidine has a direct action on orator and reconstructive. It je throw off the pcison in the sy kidneys, which often become cl< form their natural functions. ' pecple suffer from it for yea - always accompany malaria troi forms of Skin Disease, Piles, Er to Malaria, and can never be -el lieves by removing the cause. V restores the organs to a nor-na AS A CURE FOR P NO EQUAL Made in Regular and Taste Buy Your Col in Seale Insist on French BRA No chance for Dust and E It is clean, full weight an Packed by AMERICAN C0F OF NEW 01 Passing of Costly Receiveiships. In the liquidation of the Bingham ton Trust Company, Clarks Williams, superintendent of banks, has again demonstrated that the big fees form erly paid to receivers for failed banks were unjustlined. This band has paid an initial divi dend of 50 per cent. to the depositors. This disbursement comes barely five months after the doors were closed. The amount paid out was over $1,500, 000. Under the old system of court re ceiverships, such rapid settlement of claims would have been unheard of. So would such a thing as an expense to the depositors, including the re ceiver's salary of $10,626.11, which was less than 1 per cent. upon the total amount disbursed. The success of Clark Williams's plan Is attracting the attention of the legislatures of other states. The people of New York owe a great debt of gratitude to their conscientious superintendent of banking for this reform.-New York. Financial World. A One Legged Cricketer. Has any one heard of a one legged cricketer? There is a one legged megber of the Knotty Ash (Liverpool) Club, who has to use a crutch, but is nevertheless not only a useful bat but a capable wicket keeper as well. In a match against Trinity Old Boys he scored ten runs by means of a couple of fours-appropriately , enough, strokes to leg-and a two . and he also helped to add to the score by means of sonic judicious running. He sprints between the wickets in a series of, touching the ground only four times with his crutch, and so lightly does he touch the ground that except on very soft turf he does little damage to the pitch. As a wicket keeper he brings his crutch into use and prevents many balls well on the leg side from passing him by using the shaft of the crutch. -Baily's M1agazine. Aisle of Car in a Wreck. A veteran railroad man gave a piece of valuable advice not long age. "If you ever get into a wreck," lie said, "and have time to follow out this suggestionz. remember this: Al ways stand in the aisle. 3Most of the injuries that are suffered occur be cause the victim is crushed between th seats. If you are in the aisle you may be thrown forward and bruised a little, but there is much less chance of receiving serious hurts. It isn't al'vnys possible to get out of your seat before the crash comes, but if It is f.'ilow that advice." M1UTUAL FORBEARANCE. "Yo-1 and your wife get along ni clyv." "Fairly well. We had an under standing from the start. I wasnt to expect a dollar to buy more than a dollar's worth of goods: and she wasn't to tell me about the fine men she might have married."--Louisville CourierJcurnal. A Clean Man Outside cleanlivess. is less than half the scrub himself a dozen times a day, and at health means cleanliness not only outside, a clean stomach, clean bowels, clean blo new, clean, healthy tissues. The man w: will look it and act it. He will work v clean. clear, healthy thoughts. He will never be troubled with liver, li disorders. Dyspepsia and indigestion orig schs. Blood diseases are found where tl Consumption and bronchitis mean unclen Dr. Pierce's Golden prevents these diseases. It m and healthy. It cleans the dig clean blood,.and clean, healt It restores tone to the nervous syster prostration. It contains no alcohol or hal Constipation is the most unclean uncle lets cure it. They never gripe. Easy t< ne remedy for Chills, Fever, Malaria, effective for Constipation, Indigestion, sold under a strict guarantee. If the tie to your druggist and get your mone OW IT RELIEVES the Liver, Stomach, K:dneys and Bowe troys the germ of malaria, stimulates tem, and flushes the stomach and bowe igged and inactive in cases of Malaria I he symptoms of malaria are so nume withcut discovering the true source of ibles, and chronic Constipation, Rhe feebled Heart action and pains in all p eved without first discovering and remo goes to the seat of the trouble, destr condition, builds up the system and a IALARIA, CHILLS AND FEVEF ess Forms, all Druggists. "fees & Teas, I Cans. Ai getting Opera,Y ND ai cc 'irt to get in it. * d wholesome. tr FEE COMPANY c' LEANS, Ltd. S Fr< anm2 wick ates _ P1 - (Eq whic = = one whic One of the strong features of thec Automatic Smc which makes smoke impossible. evel a novice. Permits instant removal f There is no danger of turning tl smokeless device prevents it. This means a perfect, odorless, fort, cheer and satisfaction. Beautifully finished in Japan or legs, base and top stamped out of -aluminum metal window frames t] never hot. Made in various styles ai Every Dealer Everyw hert$e. car NtA STANDARD 01 (Incorpors A CET 0 CUEFR lE Co Cr.nhe ?,ndle sae n In5 PIPE-VALVES bTTING AND Jc The ightkindof acom odain at theW~O ood home.ok.t ~efg T ST B & K EDICA Pro. Chf~ battle. A man may ill be unclean. Good but inside. It means od, a clean liver, and o is clean in this way rith encrgy and think mg, stomach or blood inate in unclean stom yere is unclean blood. t lungs. Medical Discovery skes a mnan's insudes clean estive organs. nakes pure, y flesh. a, and cures nervous exhaustion and it-forming drugs. anliness. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel. take as candy. and all other diseases arising LaGrippe and Colds in the first bottle does not greatly y back. Is, and is a powerful invig the liver, enabling it to Is. It also strengthens the 'ever, and forces them to per rous and varied that many their troubles. Chills do not umatism, Dyspepsia, many arts of the body may be due ving the cause. Oxidine re oys the germs of the disease, id nature. t REMEMBER IT HAS 50c Per Bottle. MANUFACTURERS, WESTORS AND FARMERS! It will pay to investigate the terri ry traversed by the 1ata, Birmingham& Atlantic Railroad This line penetrates the Garden Spot the South. Lands are low in price, ry fertile and adaptable to the wid t range of crops. Reports show that e crop yield of this section for this ar is phenomenal. The territory is .tracting attention throughout the untry, and those desiring to invest - locate, will do well to communi ite early. Inquiries are invited, and literature eating fully with the population, soil inditions, schools and churches, et tera, will be promptly mailed. W. H. LEAHY, snra Passenger A-sut. Atlntt. Os ive Heat >m the moment you strike Ltch and touch it to the ,a powerful live heat radi from the E RFECTION Dli Heater uipped with Smokeless Device) h burns for 9 hours with filling of its brass font, h holds 4 quarts.4 Per fection Oil Heater is the new keless Device 1 when the heater is handled by >r cleaning. ie wick too high-this automatic smokeless heat that carries comn Nickel-no cast iron to break one piece of steel--damnper top dat heat will not tarnish-handle ad finishes. 'ours. Write for Descriptvwe Circular ency of the L COXPANY ARY Pic, C s rg LT DISTEMPER veacsiy. Tihe sick are cured, and all others Ia o *.OI I s E CU2t Give dttpr. Betremedy ever .w fo mares i e urn'teed to cure one case. s0e and $1 a bottle. a siows how to r.olte thoss. t and BactadlItists. Qoehon, 3n., U. 0.5A. IEMICAL WOR, 4SLa Salle St., Chicago, HIl. OYS and GIRLS WANTED .ell Stereoscopic Vi ews of the G EEATEST JTH ERN Scenery. 40 per cent enmmission. dealter HnnicuttTalIuh FaIla G. STRAPPERS a mofntt aae,r-ra ot UI. CO., Box 799, Colrubabe Ohio. u" weakop8R'sEyeWatar (At-44'09)