The Pickens sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1909-1911, September 30, 1909, Image 3

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CRATE FOR CATCHNG HOGS Must s Made of Strong Material to Stand Strain. This crate can be made of most any kind of strong material. We used 2x2 for posts. 1x4 for slats and inch boards for bottom and lower side: boards. 0 Crate is about five or six feet long, 2 % feet high and 1%feet wide. Five-six tee"th-inch bolts used at corners and through lower end of lever and at cross at top where levers slide. Run any size hog or pigs in from back end and have -man catch them as they stick their heads between the lever *1ta. A boy can hold the largest hog 'very easily while being rung, etc., without injury to either. When ready to let them loose, direots the Epito mist, throw levers open and hog goes arough outside and is separated from unrung hogs. We also use it as a crate to haul one or two hogs. This Is worth $25 to us and can be made for almost nothing and in an hour on a rainy day. TO HOLD A RUNAWAY. Chock Strap Which Holds Horse Un. der Complete Control. A strong strap 48 inches long with I stout ring in each end is require4 to make -the device shown in the ac. How Strap Is Put In. companytng Illustration, says Prairie Farmer. It is fastened on the top of the bridle, brought down on each side and passed through the rings on the bridle. The lines are then at tached to the rings on the str4p and when the horse starts to run it is very easy to hold him as the bit is drawn If your liver is sluggish and out of tone, and you feel dull, bilious. constipated take a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets tonight before retiring and you will feel all rivht in the morn ing. Sold by all druggists. - King Alfonso is quite satisfied with his position, but sometimes he feels as if he should be drawing a larger sal ary considering the risks connected with his job. Smokeless powder and noiseless guns may be all well enough in their way, but what humanity really needs Is bloodless war and costless prepara tions for it. You can be sure that the man who deserted his wife because she was too affectionate was looking for an ex cuse. "Let posterity look out for itself" is an argument which will doubtless be seized upon by the contractor who uses cheap materials. When the digestion is all right, the action of the bowels regular, there is a natural craving and relish for food. When this is lacking you may know that you need a dose of Chamberlain's Sto' - ach and Liver Tablets. They strengthben the digestive organs, improve the appe tite and regulate the bowels. Sold by all druggists. Don't bank too highly on a man's record nowadays. It may be a pho nographi record that he's boasting of. A woman arrested in St. Petersburg had dynamite in her muff. She was probably laying for a purse snatcher. Never argue with a woman and you will never know how easily logic can be disposed of. The 'wnsus of the lawyers of New -York. city shows that there Is one for every 250 persons. The flavor of the moth ball 'will shortly begin to pervade the homa. Do You Get Up With a Lame Back? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everyone knows of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy, be Scause of its remark Sable health restoring d - properties. Swamp - ~ e Root fulfills almost .41 every wish in over ,coming rheumatism, II ~ pain in the back, kid-I - neys, liver, bladder and every part of the --. urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often through the day, ar-d to get up many. times during the night. Swamp-.Root is not recommended for everything but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble, it will be fou'nd just the remedy you need. It has been thor oughly tested in private practice, and has proved so successful that a special ar :angement has been made by which all readers of this paper, who have not al ready tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root, and how to findoutif youhavekid. neyor bladder trouble. When writingmention ~ reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., n . Binghamton, N.Y. The regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles are sdld by all druggists. Don't make any mistake but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad-. - a res,.Binghamton.N,. Y,,on every bottle, Wast of Life In Coal Minn. During the year 1906 nearly 7,000 men were killed or injured in the coal mines of the United States, and Indi cations point to an increase in that number since that period, due to a lack of proper and enforceable mine regulations; to the lack of reliable in formation concerning explosives used in mining, and the conditions unde'' which they can be used with safety; to the presence of gas and dust en countered in the mines and to the fact that in the development of coal min ing not only is the number of co miners increasing, but many aV: from which coal is being tz:- a.., either deeper or far-'her fro L: 'el trance, where good ventilation is more difficult and the dangerous accumu'a tions of explosive gas are more fre quent. To remedy this state of af fairs, says Review of Reviews, th United States must adopt the means that have proved successful in Euro pean countries. in 189> our rafo of killed in every 1,000 employed in mines.was 2.67. In 1906 it reachod 3.40. Effective mining legislation tel3 a different tale in Europe. In th!s country 50 per cent. of all the fatal ac cidents and 39 per cent. of all the non. fatal accidents weie due to falls of roofs and coal. In all European coal producing countries the use of exce sive eharges of explosives Is prohibit ed by law, and definite limits are set to the amount of any explosive that may be used. In the United States there,is no limit. In this country dur ing 1906 11 per cent. of deaths in coal mines were due to gas and dust explo sions. Abroad, governmental testing stations are maintained, where inves tigations into the use of explosives are conducted. Shake Into Your Shoes .liz-n's Foot Ease, a powder. It cures painful. swollen smarti.g, nervous feet and ittantiy takes the stin- out of cortis and bt;nions and makes walking ea.y. Try it to-day. Sold everywhie; Sawple FREE. A 'dres4, Alen S. OIni sts-i 1-R-. N. Y. 'ie iurtheoming trip by Mrs. Roose velt and a party of her friends up the ! Mississippi from the gulf to St. Paul is evidently a direct result of the president's journey down the river when on his way to the Louisiana bear huit. He expressed himself publicly at the time as enjoying the experi ence, and no doubt went home and talked enthusiastically about it. The tour planned is well worth taking., re marks the Indianapolis Star, and when it is ended the travelers will know many new things about their country. River travel has many attractions for people who wish an outing and are not afflicted with the mad American haste to "get somewhere." FOR Bliousness Constipation Headache Indigestion Dyspepsia Flatulency Malaria Chills & Fever ,aundice Sleeplessness Nervousness Loss of Appetite and all disorders aris Ing from Torpid U.ver. -TARB IT NOW.,3 THE GENUINE has the RED eon the front of each packae and the signature and ceal of J.H ZILIN * 00. on the side, in RED. A Chicago man proposed 365 times before he was accepted. This was not so much for a Chicago man. If It had been a Baltimorean the case would have been different. As the autocrat of the breakfast table once pleasantly remarked, says the Baltimore Ameri can, If you wrecked a Baltimorean on a desert Island, he would be parading the beach with a pretty girl the next morning. Mexicans are accused of taking shiploads of YaQuis out to sea and drowning them. Mexico probably wonders why It never hit on this plan of answering the Indian question be fore. weakest organ. If~ there is weakness weak link in the chain of life which may "'weakness " is caused by lack of nutri cf the stomach and other organs of d w.eaknesses of the stomach and its alIi< Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. '3 cured, diseases of other organs which se have their origin in a diseased condition other organs of digestion and nutritio The strong man has a stroIJ Tak, the above r'ecommendE ery" and you may have a si ach and a strons bDody. GIVEN AWeAY.-Dr. ?ierce's Common Scn new revised Edition, is seat free on rcce expense of mnailing only. Send 21 one book in paper covers, or 31 stamps for t uime. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffal AS The Kind You Have Always D in use for ever 80 years, h: ~m and hm AU Counterfeits, Imitations a Experiments that trifle with Infants and Children-Exper What is C Castorla Is a harmless subst gorle, Drops and Soothing S contains neither Opium, Noi substance. Its age is its gua] and allays Feverishness. Ib Colic. It relieves Teething T and Flatulency. It assimilal Stowach and Bowels, giving The Children's Panacea-The CENUINE CAST Bears the E The Kiild YoII Hai In Use For Ov T"E CE:NTAWX COMPANY. "V MUMK CATTLE AS A SIDE ISSUE. Probable That They Pay a Larger Profit Than Cattle Otherwise Raised. It is probable that cattle as a side issue pay larger comparative profits than cattle raised in any other way. The farmer that raises a small bunch of good calves can frequently feed them at almost no cost. The statisti cians that figure on the cost of rats ing beef cattle always put in the cost of the pasturage at a certain fixed price. But in the case of the pasture being otherwise understocked, the feeding of a bunch of steers actually costs nothing. On many of our farms unused opportunities go to waste. TL's opportunities include acres of eorn stalks in the fall of the year: sough grasses that the s mailer stock do not eat: pasture grasses in excess of what the other stock will eat: silage in a greater abundance than can be eaten by the dairy cows. Sonme times these opportunities include u.n-. used grazing areas in the woodlands. The farmer to utl,ize all cf these lets some of his calves grow up into beeves. The men that think they know that beeves do not pay cannot convince the farmer that he is not ahead under the above-mentioned con ditions. - Dysentery is adingerous d iseace but can be cured. Chamiberlaini's Colic. Cholera and Dianhoea Remi'dy h'o ben successfully' used iO nine ildem!ic, f d3sentery. It haN n:ever beeni know?' o fail, It'is Equally valuable for chii! ren and -.'dults, and1 whe-n redlucdedi vdith water and awati.ened, it. is pl -:ssi o take. Sol 1wb ali draggista. Each Unite~d States soldier In addi tion to his toothbrush and package of shoe polish is to be sup;plied with a "housewife," which is evidence that we now have a maternal government. Men who say they have never taken a drink, Dr. Wiley observes, suffer from "mrollycoddh'tis." Still, as an extreme, it Is better than suffering from "sozzlitis." Diamonds are about to take a great slump, it is announced. Leap year is eginning to look like a conspiracy against the fixed and co'nfortabla achelor. I i bu0ying a c'oughi nm dicicw, dlon't bi fraiid to get C m,mherlain's cough Rem dy. There se no danig"r f, o ni it, and re lief is sure to followv. Ewpecially re-com-* m -nded for c< ug1.s. coldls and w' hoepiny ough. SUd be all dIruggists. A dry floor well covered with litte. eeps the hens contented when bliz ards are raging outside, and it fills he egg basket when eggs are worth nywhere from 30 to 50 cents per ozen. Change the feed lots often. It im roves the land greatly and improves the hog more.-A. M. Worden. It Is claimed that fine pork can be ade on alfalfa for one cent a pound. -A. M. Worden. Each of the chief or gans of the body is a Sl.nk in the Chain of Life. A chain is no s tr o ng er than its weakest link, the body no stronger than its fstomach, liver or lungs, there is a np at any time. Often this so-called in, the result of weakness or disease gestion and nutrition. Diseases and organs are cured by the use of Dr. v'en the weak or diseased stomach is r remote from the stomach but which I of the stomach and 1 ,arc cured also. stomach. "DIscov-s nOD ctorn. eMedical Adviser, I pt of stamps to pay eat stamps for the i cloth-bound vol o,N. Y. | iught, and which has been Is borne the signaturo of ; been made under his per ipervision since its infancy. to one to deceive you in this. ad " Just-as-good'" are but and endanger the health of ence against Experiment. %STOR IA [tute for Castor Oil, Pare yrups. It is Pleasant. It -phine nor other Narcotic -antee. It destroys Wornis cures DLrrhcea and Wind roubles, cares Constipation es the Food, regulates the healthy and natural sleep. Mother's Friend. OIA ALWAYS ignattu'e of .e Alays Bought er 30 Years. MAY STRCCT. ftCWV09WKCrV. Return this ad, with $2.95 and we will ship you by Express. prepaid to any Southern Express office. one 2-gallon jug of Straight White or Yellow Corn Whiskey, reduced in proof by the addition of di tilled water only. Guaranteed by us under the Florida and National pure food and drug act. If you consider the 2 gallons worth $5.00 keep it; otherwise drink what you want; return the bal ance and get all of your money back, just as cheer fully as it was received. This offer is made at a direct loss, and for the purpose of obtaining 10-90 new customers inside of GO days. Order today. Soathem Dstriburro ro any. Jars i!!e, fler!da. WhiSky2.z59 One religious paper, tho. Su:-!3 School Outlook of Boston. h'. i:l the Santa Claus question in tir a for the benefit of anxious paren1ts: Teach children the myth. It says. b;o as a myth, not as fact. They w!! c:. joy it as well as3 they do any mli: fairy story, and children are alwa - ready to. "rP - L fairies. Then they can he tau-xht the~ real significance of the day anid ents' Into the spiril of giving, ratho: than be absorbed in the selish thought of gif-ts to be received. The idea is rather a good one. In these days faith in a genuine Saata Claus lasts but a brief time at best and peCrhap)s the child fares best who knows the saint only as a fairy and so suffers no dis 1usionmien t. IF YOU ONLY K 7w . oW - would build you up, incr:me yea.: weight, strengthen yv:- weak throat and lungs and pu-t :-ci in 1condition for newc wc"r', y.e ~would begin taking itne. InLke It in a little cold mni.k cr--. '50c. a:-d $1.00. All Drn.s.z kaVCntI-/e ('; 7 .. *Peoplce gi::ed w: a it.a i:nor ton are sometines5 the i s 'i8s Ci strange p)owtrs of~ in at: :. A:1 ori?i of quaint iders come to them wvhici: would not oiccur~ to the onl-nary mn. and these they miust perorce wori: out. Cenius has bpLn defin:ed as th capacity for taking inliniLe 1:ai:<. br' genius is seldom p)ractical in iancial matters, end only too often it falls to another less imaginative person to perfect and protect the invention so1 as to apply it for general use, while the Inventor himself probably gains little profit out of the transaction. his, we believe,'was actually the case with the inventor of the mackintosh. which might otherwise have been known to posterity by the name of Iorrson. At the bcganni-nz of th: ast century a Scotchnman namied Mar. rison invented a wvaterproof miatcria: ad, In order to test its reliablityv. ha :lothed himself in an entire garh of it Ind went out in the piouring raia. Th" ;arment kept out the rain, hat it alm >revented all evap)oration from th - 2eated body enveloped in it. Mr. Mari. -io died as the result of his l::pii ent, and a subordinate in his clcieu :ook out a patent and rescu;d the vaterproof from oblivion under theo tame of the mackintosh. This is proef ostive, remarks the New York Neekly, as to the importance of atenting any invention Immediately. iven if It appear to be a montN.r of imall consequence. The mackintosh ias now a world-wlde reputaitic::. and he original patentee or his heirs must ave profited considerably by the in en tion. TN sure and Ii:. 'mabe. Un's Xo. Cholent ut I h; en IttNir -iv withI vin wvhen st- -'e our trip is sum -r. It ca-m- b "i . ; ned on ard th. trair s or sterin -ban ges I water andI rimxa e often a evm iudden' tt ks of dimboeh(a. andi it ii he to be. Trtur e A . h,I m 4 -.- - L.i I ig --I L: According to t wrah!!: emnus eion in 1ome, w'lich has rvis-d ali titles, a youn.:4r slo of a counit is a Nobile del Cont:-a noble of the counts. Ther-.fvro Cout Senni can put on his vi:-r can!s abovo his Christi.n and family na:un the crown ef a count an:d. courtesy. iz called "Conte." Ilis v:ife may call h-rscIf Nubile Donna dci Conti;" others will call her "Cont's.a." Even on ecu:t An :.iations her naue will lirire iii tat Illinois fr.i ie rs are sid:1 to be in :1cing 6hir- :.ive-c to help Ai the corn :uskinxg by (; fwi: eo a :Ik dress :i'Mce wi:en th' --.'.: :.; -!er. But if til wt en wern I-:::: :. h- a the job ;onid ecst if ina were hi h . for the service ;.ehap ~they rculd biy two flIrCsScS cavh. The seceT O th e'zarinI's I is ut. Lh: has b a trying to redilce L w!ight, no] 1 as ov.rd::ne t1 . - :t .nt. 1' ::2 u* it hard t . i se 1 b . i l A ir. Kin ! g Leopoilis s-: s- vey scorclied while in a L:ath in Pa:. Wihen he can't keep the Congo ues .on out of the wat:c lo'd btier avoid such dissipa:ins. Somv ego, iim g e ': su . :1 ing s:hort, pri!.';ues i:n ia r j were fod larg-y on berV. Tn A was the in:ediate cess:"ion of new bTei-bzri casi . The Fr'ci eh'man wh s:. it i absc1:u:'y i: i~ 2:- 0:1 ..I than :l:K:. a yt ac W: a ' lo 'hings i:~ hi h.'r ,a: a .. * . ' he': is the wife of a ; c:r :n: untol m s . fr : ..p t fr -N rer. . a - ' i. .'. sh' c'abi r - i eote. rin n11 . r .: - . !: ::: ..: - r : peti.e. I ilv .- 2 : il i New dou'>le e-igi, :--- - row out v:']th the for'mer chj':t i' n .Y ' f''sta':s Elim:Iated. It shoub' be noeted. hoiv rvr, that the ob.jeM'::.1 a I he:: '.wa:' not so trm: bm t a I !. reaily at paoro . The Jhm4. :1 ': : I:: . ge of 90) w ..:.:. l : a d ollar for " ar ~ :... . - leiis. r - - - 4) IO .'' . i- - - - . ; . 8 1r .. \ -- -- - AutomCt C - -r'. by b:.:ing this 0 reliable, honest, h Yhgade sCw* - ir.g machine. STRONGEST GUARANTEE. National Sewing Machine Co. RELIDEnR TILTTNOIS. 1hn you are sic, c ilnade peell)~ti.'.tr 10 WVOf af ~~ duN tha wl-nown and wimen. Thousands of wo been bene-fited. Why I K chan CIes. Get Cardui, remedy, for women of al 3. vMmia 'orzan Sn Without 7-b1 i a Pl un. At lat I took (arin told uarv laics about C. womcn." Try it. AT ALL DI Making the Ccct c f ht thblird nwst v1 in a *r:l S er r2 owna, sh,ut of r m a", th', :1P - and activ:tics ( h : - (h)terasd is. n l ess el1 . I1 .ay ofhe ms co:Ume:e t:'1 : cy :.1 I-cc- ith r0 eve- r 11:(:,u with full sens-s. tSly.t s! -- ~:.ry of th-e New Yt . ail f2r thn ti: "On the sa :tio a bl;d Si nnema iP he: iS ' 11ly ellloyed. I 1:su....ha.e her to (o mywt!k for r. : -.: tiat sh2 \:ake fewer tyVl:.g2a;.:c: errors an of the othe: ...he I C1 tc head of ou 1 i,: com ny i .:; ott hoI r +fo l bln v.: c:ar:y That.; a ya :us. I hI t . plasur oi wit him the ( aW st( hWi4td at rur nev ofie-e ani t him tl.ere were now in th .h 't , ity of t;o i;h-si S'.I. . i. - ty,WhOre the; X::ete 1a* bance~~ calls and othe: t in buiiness to:lrcomi Of a Yvtiy ape:. T ree C t .ijai)ae ot.r. ncy. W:at th h'indusaOs tu :itiy. and the move:t to give themn ei por: :mit shouldi enlist the symi,'athyv a! help of all. A Nikh R der's Raid. The wvar- tught riders are calomel. et on o:! or ioes~ pilis . hley raid your b1 to re-t vm of r':st. Not so with D)r. Pi-'s Ne v Life Pills. They never dis Ir. -s or ineznieniiuuce, but dw;-ys It.:; iih - s e n, c:rin: (3 Is. Head a:.*.:sti a ticIi, 31tlaiia, 2>c. at all The report by the Illinois Pupiis' Reading Circle that, during the year 1907 22.7.'9 hooks vere distributed aog the school chii le of th I:a tate n:t.y w -!! '': nlao.h formia,ion of -2: . ! >irarie's in every l)l.1tus "c jot in ete s : :: F : I :n tr the 1 : w;n1 . A tmi.e watt ' dior. attl et i the groundIt that ........' hat hIe has no time' oIk fo the suppiort nrt l. . : hg' a:taint with -I t' d.! lir at ver b)eing able to * t pu11:le of t he femilnine ego, T h !t'r of one of the fashion pa. * 6::'ae that the men of Sa't I-k City <VS b)'tter' th:m (10 those of NewImk Te edi tor should re me-nhe:t: the mecn of Stilt Lak.' City ba*e b 'en a long w;ay from~ Wall :: tl di:i:: t .t few; monthts. .bl new:'x a wvoman wr~tie asts. Wc. os marriage ma0ke' men like -alms?" Bkcautse it miak's 'em happy, :4t course. Tihe A!t cona man w'ho discovered an .sh-buitrnintg chemicatl last summer ap :ears to he waitintg a long time before arketin ius stuiff. SomeI characters can change their ru:, seittC's as quickly C.3 their P.A '' P . p.urifies the blood, but - '. h.rt .t :ekn ess. l myfe - sa without fear of contra< the 'xerid.. hoense sy.toema are poisoned - "n to men;trual irregultarite C :2n iJU andI bioodl cleansing pre p'. V- LIPPMAN. i'. 1 1 (e, I d u(en -takeCar uc i fu-l remedy for wo iln 1re used Car4aui and lot VuU? 'DoI't take any5 lhe l, reliable, oft-tried J40 elp o c 1 1. Ten.n., wr-ites: "CF', Len dt 2, and . i . any ren?:-:He n:md - i een do my hou;:cwork. '~ r .nd onncied it to all si A tU G S T GRE vE o Fad for Shc'eld Plate. mqary wmen collecting Shefile Sat(.. which -; silver on eoier, and a: 1 noe has 1 becnmm- ctured for more than h,lX a century it itj worth mor than vnV'd silvQr. Th.2 pieces are ver. fe:-utii'il:: decorate:,. and unlike old china it s really worth collecting, -s its value increascs wi age and i! cnnot be broken like rhina. In Thrifty Germany. In certain in Germany hous holdcrs are (-ol,l)enp1d by aw to sor. c::t thi, liuse du;t. They have i: o:ib thrce rec '-one fe., G*. for uu. Ld bhe to,_*! i: Botanic Blood Balm (IL B. B.) Cores Through the Blood BIaod Poison, BONE PAINS, CAN . ER,SCALY SKIN, PIMPLES, Rheumatism, Eczema, Itching Hlumors. mI ' i- of pure. r:ch H I dOl r1:t to he ':i -'rfacie, bo) joi. macl way i!! il r's. u e'rs'u pi es. - r pl r u ben'* . i :n cue. p nIi acI lii I ' l -: t y t i . e n SP iU 0.C'1 M R Soild at Al Druo' S&om4s. P. P. P. wIll purify and ritailIze your blood, create agood appetite and give your whiole. system~ tone and strength. A prominent railroad suiperintendent at Savannah. suffering with Malariam, Dyspep. sia, and Rheumatism says: "A fter taking P. . P. he never felt so wvell in his life, and feels as if ho could livo forever, it he could always get P. P. P." If you are tired out from over-work and close confluemeninet, take P.P. P. If you are feeline bade in the spring and out of sorts, take P.p .. If your dietive organs nee~d toning up, If you su tirwith he'ndehe, indigestion, debility and ~ weak e P.PA.. If you '. ffer with ne.rv'Ous prostration, nerves ur Ltrm: an:d a general let down of the system, take PP. P. E . For P>ind. Poison. P,henI'.tiem,* Serof -ula, Cld oris. M.iLri, Chroni. Fende Complaims.., take P. P. P. Prickly Ash, Poka 130ct 2O0 i'Ol.:S l. The ben. L.ood purifle' in t::-. ord. A liction tat :.P . bf.b-a ami v:' 1.100rl is sin Lamp ra (c'i ,are 1:ecul. iariv benfet t"id by i. .05 perties of P. P. P., i a -5 S AVA NN AH M.. )