The Pickens sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1909-1911, May 13, 1909, Image 2

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Pickenls Solltllll-JOllrllal, evniAHRD EVEY THURSDAY MORNING. The Sentinel-3urnal 5Cmpany. J. L. 0. TiompsO.sN FD'ToX. \w. i. Ni.\TH-sy EN .\Ianer. * F 'T4-4ph(rxse 't 6alinwription 31.00 Per Aunum. lAdtein~'[g RadesA ~e-a'onable. C u at &,Cers i,,toi e A Seanud Clags Mail Matter V4K9N5, S. C. THrURi, V. MAY 13, 1909 The congregation of St. Johns Methodist Church in Rock Hill has employed a lady to assist the preacher in his work. Eight years a-o Mrs. Helen Caswell. of Georgia, Vt., put a calla lily in her cellar and forgot it. Last fall it was found and potted and wv has :.."re than thirty lar\ge im':e- . MrIs. Hl1e (. Talboy, tf Sioux City, who was gradut-e last year from Deake Universi tv at the head of a law class of thirty-eight. is row in Dt s Moines taking a Tost-.raenate course. and preparng a bok on rea! estate la w. Miss Claudia McKenzie won the first pr'Ize aid Mrs. Bradlev Jones the eecond in the recent hat-trimming contest held by a clib of women in New York. The first prize is t o be the por trait of the winner, painted I y Ben Ali Hagin. the second a miniature of Mrs. Bradley Jones painted by Martha Wheeler Bax ter, Whcn Mile. Helen Miropolsky made her debut as a member of the Paris bar recently, she was attired in a simple black gown relieved by the conventional wh:.te barrister's bib. Her cos. tume was further accentuated by the black toque which crown ed her jet black hair. It is said that Mile. Miropolosky is strik ingly beautiful. Mrs. E. N. Munson, of Con necticut, made $1,000 last year raising white Holland turkeys, and, as she tells about it, the work does not seem so very hard. She is very careful with her broods and kills every chick tha~t is not up to the mark, which shows what a woman can do when she thinks circumstances demand it, however painful the work may be. 'When vou write for a paper under a fictitious name and your article does not appear, re member that it is your fault. We must know who the writer is, although the assumed name may appear at the bottom of the article. Many good letters find their way into the waste basket for this reason alone. Your real name need not be signed to the published article, but the editor must be in pos session of it. It will be two years before A. C. Dickinson, of Walla Walla, Wash., knows how much mon ey 200 acres of land sold to Gus tav Vollmer brought. Dickin son is to receive for each acre 100 bushels of wheat, and this wheat is to be delivered in two installments, 10,000 bushels this year and 10,000 buchels next year. According to the present prices of wheat Dickin son would get $11'7.50 an acre but the prices next year may be as lowv as 60 cents a bushel. There is a certain member of Congress, a lover of music, who had the misfortune not long ago to encounter au unresponsive listener in the person of a col league from a Missouri town, says Li ppincott's. The music lover had been expatiating upon the beauties of Puccini's "Mad ama Butterfly," which he had just heard, when he observed his friend to yawn. The music lover was hurt "Look here John," asked he, "'don't you think, matter of fact person that vou are. that music is of some practical benefit in life?" "Judg. ing from portraits I have seen of eminent musician ly pianists," '' rplied t gressmian, "I sho ~ it keep the hair frc. An indicted man has been lischarged by Judge Chatfield, >f the United States district :ourt, On the ground that he 'md not hrid a speedy trial, to iv hieh the constitution entitles. Mrs. Viola B. Squires of Chi ago, has refused to pay her a xes and has written to the 'ounty attorney that she no lon er intends t silhnit to the i justice of taxation without rep k'eematjin. Although he sav he has nade more than a million dol 'trs in the prize rin. "Jem" . Mace, the old tihe English Pu- t iiistic champion, has applied I or a pension under the new 3ritish old age annuity act. Iace, who is now seventy ,-ears old, has a record of 5,0 ippearances in the ring and m1lv tvo defeats. Mayor Arthur. of McKeesport 0a., who is a po!!ce magistrate, is decided that. inen convicted if initoxication ninsi s4in papers ermitting their wives to (1aw heir salariks for on v -ar. In -as:eS of uniarried men the next zin will draw the salaries. The dtrernative is six months in the Mrs. Mary C-o ell, of Byron. [11., raises Ihe t ilest Logs in the :onnty where she resides. Not tog nao a buyer of hogs for a packing house dec'ued that al though he was not in lavor of giving all women the ballot it did seem a shame to him that a woman who could raise as fine hogs as Mrs. Crowell shouldn't be allowed to vote. The suffra gists of Illinois at once demand ed if raising hogs was better than raising children. Ex-Senator "Billy" Mason, of Illinois, doesn't give the intel ligence of the voters a very high rating. "The American citi zen," he says, "is always thump ing himself on the chest and ar nouncing 'I am the people.' As a matter of fact, he is just a plain fool. He has to be jumped on, slugged and thrown down two flights of stairs before he understands that he is being jobbed by the men he sends to Congress to represent him." Wont Slight A Good Friend. '-If ever I needi a cough medicine again I know what to get," declares Mrs. A. L. Alley of Beals, Me., "for af ter using ten bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery, and seeing its excellent re sults in my own farmily and others, I am convinced it is the best medicine! made for Conghs. C slds and lung trou ble." Every one n"ho tries it feels just that way. Rehlef is felt at once anid its quick enre surprises you. For Bron chiti, Asthma, Hemorrhage, Croup. LaGripny. Sore Throat, parin in chest or lungs it is surpreme. 50c. and $1 00. Trial bottle free. Guauanted by all Druggists. Jail Yawns For Mrs. Thaw Evelyn Neshit Thaw, who gained much notoriety when her husband, Harry K. Thaw, shot and killed Stanford White, may herself have to go to jail in the near future. An order directing the sheriff to arrest her for contempt of court in failing to pay a fine of $-250 imposed last week was signed in the city court late this afternoon following the an nouncement that the appellate division had refused to stay the proceedings. The order directs that she shall be kept in close confinement until the settle ment of her account. The fine was imposed upon Mrs. Thaw for her failure to ap pear in supplementary proceed ings on a judgement of $253 ob tained against her by Elise Hartwig, a milliner. Mrs. Thaw's lawyers toni ght~ notified the attorneys for Elise Hartwig that it would not be necessary to arrest their client, as the judgment held by the milliner wvould be paid in full early tomorrowv. Poultry Secrets Disclosed. Learn how the succe.ssful poultrymen of the country make their nx oney. Their secret methods and dwscoveries explamn ed fully. FELCH'S Alatiung Secrt of Fertile Egxs. Dr. W(oolyS Eeg-Food Secret, SECRET' of FktRD at 15 cents a bushel, and score - of mthers. '1 h s re vo lutiona' y book. (inel copy ) anid Farm Jour nal tn o years for 50fc. Serd stampji or coin to Wromer Atkinscu Co., 1420 Race St., Phihadelphia, Pa. CASTOR IA' For Tnfants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Boughlt PU P Ides ram1llSs cls in Bloo P. P. P. purifies the blood, buil strength to weakened nerves, expels ( happiness, where sickness, gloomy feeli In blood poison, mercurial poison, and skin diseases, like blotches, pim, bead, we say without fear of contradi purifier in the world. Ladies whose systems are poisoned dition due to menstrual irregularities, derful tonic and blood cleansing prop Root and Potassium. F. V. LIPPMAN, Death of J P. Anderson, J. P. (better known as 'Pick") knderson died very suddenly resterday, in a Sacramento ho l, while en-a.ek ii packing is trunk, preparatory to start in I or San Francisco. Mrs. Ander :o was with h in at the time. Death was doibtless t1ue to he ills incident to old a-.:e, the leceased h1 tvinlg attained hi, ;venty-sixth vear. He was a ative of South Carolna a;n N-as one of the earliest S 9 lers in his part wf ie State. Tim -:-: ict time that 1:e cunlk ti 1:m a)ldt countV is not kiia, n. but it 6vas somewhere in the mi lt ixtik. He N% as or e of th- very irst men to engage inl stocl( r : is ag in this )art of the Sta'. xusiness which L.e fol owed '- it xtraordinarv success i. p to ti a me of his death. He tile I th, rst cattle b-u d in the Co i't' ecorder's cfice, in 187 . *Pick" Anderson was one of the .n'que characten in N._ a i istory. His wl ok life %. a de oted to his business. To the iafanagement of his ranchos hit :ave his entire atten'ion. am :s ing a large fortune. For years t has been a general accepted i fact in Nevada financ'al chI j that he was pos a ssed of mi. e. actual cash than any other man in the State, he having had noney deposited in many Cali : ornia banks as well as those in Nevada. At the time of failure of the California Safe Depsit and Trust company in San Francisco a year and a half ago lie is said to have lost $25,000 Besides money in the banks, lhe had large real estate holdings in S scramento, Stockton and other p'aces in California and owned ranches in Oregon, on Quinn river, in the northern part of this county and on the Hum boldt river near Golconda The latter his been his place of r'es idence for the greater part of the time during the last few years. Deceased leaves a wife and three sons, B. F., J. P. Jr. and Madison. It is not known yhere the funeral will be held, but it will probably be in Sacra nento. The above article was clipped from a paper and mailed to Mr. A. A. Alexander, of this coun v. It was mailed at Willow Point, Humbolt county, Neva a, and was sent by sonme one ho evidently knew the relation f Mr. Anderson and Mr. Alex er. J. P. Anderson was a brother o W. H. Anderson, formerly of his county, who owned the place ow owned by Supervisor E. F. ooper, and of Mrs. Sarah Alex ader, of this county. J. P. was the youngest son of saac and Polly Anderson and ,as born and raised on Big Eas atoe at the place now owned by rs. Harriet Bowie. His nioth r was a Lay and the Lay fam ly of this and Oconee counties ad in Georgia are relatives. In early life J. P. dlecided to o to California to dig gold, but iis father would niot consent un til his older brother, John F., ecided to go. They started and! ere shipwrecked but finally~ reached the gold fields.I John F. died several years ago n J. P. bought up the other eware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury. a mercury will surely destrov the sense f smell at d completely derange the whole system w hen entering it through nucous surface. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions rron reputable physicians, as tie damn ge they will dho is ten fold to the gooid ou can possibly derive from them. IIall-, e2 t-irhl Cure, manufactured by . J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. 0.. contains o mercury. and is taken internally, ecting directly upon the blood and mucous surf acts of the system. iI buy - g Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get be genuine. It is takeni internally and ae mn TI. eso, Ohio. by F. J. Cheney : Co. Te stimonialis free. Sold by ba ug; s:-. P, ice 75c. per sottle. Ta fla U's Fa1%mily Di11 for nst ipa-| 0up. Poison, Rhmatism md 8cr1'fl. Is up the weak and debilitated, gives lisease, giving the patient health and gs and lassitude first prevailed. malaria, dyspepsia, and in all blood pies, old chronic ulcers, tetter, scald :tion that P. P. P. is the best blood mnd whose blood is in an impure Con are peculiarly benefitted by the won Drties of P. P. P., Prickly Ash, Poko SAVANNAH, CA. P. P. P. P. P. P. will purify and vitalize your blood, create a good app-tite and give your whole system tone andI strength. A prominent railroad superintendent at Savannah, suffering with 31alari, Dyspep sia, and Rhemnatism isays: "Aft-r taking P. P. P. he nevtir felt so well in hi. lifte, ani feels as if he could livo forever, if he could always gat P. P. P" If you are tired out from over-work and close confinunent, take P. P. P. If you are feeling badly In the spring and out of sorts, take P. P. P. If your digestive organs need toning up, take P. P. P. If you suffer with headache, indigestion, debi'ty and weaknes, take P. P. P. If you suffer with nervous prostration, nerves unstrung and a general let down of the system, take P. P. P. For Blood Poison. Rheumatism, Scrof ul, Old Sores. Malaria, Chronic FeudWe Complaints, take p. P. P. Prickly Ash, Poke Boot and Potassium. 'eN. 'The best blood purifier In the world. .V. V. LIPPMAN. Savannah. - . Georgia. heirs' interest in the estat.- and from this nucleus he had unass ed a large fortune. Of this fanii v all ar, low gOle except Mrs. Alexander. Kills to Stop The Fiend. The worst foe for l ve:ir- 4 J .hn Deye, of Gladwin, Mica. w z- a running ulcer. le paid doCtors over 0.00 xwit! - out benefit. Ten :Bn' Arnica I ivA killed tll uicr l nil cured hii Cures Fever-S rr1 , Ito is, Fr~< Fete nnt. S i Rheumi. Inifail'ibs ir P. e.. Burns, scalds, Cms. Coiris. Sie> at all Drucgis' s. Observe the ki ili v conider1 atioin of the Senate commIIiilee for the poo;r num 's bnleikfat Ia l]e. It has cuit down the (ty onl coffee substitutes-somn e of wvhich we1 are assured byV peoplte w'ho) have themit to seiifll' ar Hot only jutst as gooti, but a good decal better for our' health. Smashes All Records. As an al-round lxat ive tonic and lien lth-huilder no ot her pills can coml pare wi th Dri King's New Life Piius Thley tone or regullate stonmeh~1. li i :mdu kidnzeys. purify thet lho I, itro thenI the nerve :il ures C(Xi GP a!i D l isp a i. 1HIllio usnes, Jauiii e He. m ! I ache, Chlills anmi Malaria. TiyV them. 2->e at all Druggis:s. Farmers Have Wheat Those Yor~k (Coun1t v farmerll who have a prospect of malkin e'noughi wheat to do themi, ha vt a right to feel pretty comtifot t able over the br1ead questijon, w gardless (f the mlanipuilationls uf speculators.-Yorkville Enffjuir' Notice of Increase of Capital Stock. Th'e Board of Directors or Isaieea Mill having dletermrinle I to increase ihe coumimon capital st >ek f satid nul In hundred thousanud dollars by resoluition passed the .5th day of May 19'i, nime't ing of th stock hol lers of ,iid mill is being called for the 4th dlay < f .une 1903 at the oflice of said mill in the town of Central S C. at 3~ o'ch>i k 1.1. to1 considler saidl resolutien. The maxiimum amount v. hich said caplital stock sha:ll he increased is one hundred t hi usanrd d >dhars whiich will make the total c~oml m mn .e <k two hundred and twent' -five thousand dollars. Pri s. & T1reas. Grinnell wtVL.' (*.X A. i'lo inis. .J. E. O~hlan it. WV. L. G:1sawsvy. Board oi IDirectas. Professional Cards . E. BoGG(S W. . F..I!.N EY1 BO03GS & FINDLEY Lawyers Pickens. S. (. Dr. F. S. Porter, Is Noy Located in Pickenis for the praictice o his [roiession. Office L p-.tali s in F en omn1 Bld TResndlw .Talano-~ll st - MI til c Ir' Dcsigr/ed zrd Fpynr;;'d t V1livensV O1' you." owr bes.-%t service. Iook into our show windo the foremost aakers, they rep winners, Road To hie West. A-Inlly enntr-alt on, of the car).. & Ohio) [a coniplehl. Aillt:ir contracts and! 1iort-daWiv, While others are I~Illishill, Il,, their work. Some will etllplte 1ei1 contracts withihe next fewrs, hley r o thers will be It work until May; 1-5 or tlhe middh.l of Junle. Th'le winrers, f .cArthur Brothers, ha comratarR oacated inl this t Winin (( :p~I theS affairsof the lii. 'i. nledN()i a~ T( W i rk ( iw 9:1 C mtc s I n(1n pleted( ih.V1V f~u-il atther upe oed (i h e t Wrut'l Mray river ileudlste.o unte fiihe Spartanhur of nd o the lintes. The w r h of la ing th es This ork wlnt he '~ !~~1 doneaby McA rt hur Brothers, but the rail road colopa ny. The work will be pu~shedl as rapidlyV as p)os imUGS E .;eOVERY Will Surely Stop ::at Gou i. Waithrop ..iIege SCH3LARiSHIP a::: ENTRANCE -EXAMI4A flON. TFee et'ion :tlmor th" awaird of vae:t scholars! 4 in wVinu iro, (o! ege :and fr t *::ie..i (f new stu lent will te o~ : ii h - C m v C.ourt rubly..1nly :1,at 9} i. mn. p aican n.nll in o than fiftee a~ie~s ef or W.l n chouip;' reu vat sic Ju Jo the~d wil h e twahi dI to tnll maie th Ihihetavrig ion lahnks. Scholarsh'ps are worth $10 and free uitio n. To:. ' r-e~si cn will open ..John~oni, et:' lii 1,.S C. 10 9I 8e Any Time is Bliss Tune Keep a box of Bliss Native r Herbs on hand for all emergen cies-for headache-distress after eat in g-biiousness-con stipation-rhe u ma tis rn-blood disorders. Take a tablet once in a while just for "health's sake." BLISHERBS is an old-time remedy of roots herbs-and barks pressed into tablets-easy to take-200 tablets for S1.00-guaranteed to benefit or money back. Get the genuine in yellow boxes only-made by BLISS in Washington, D. C. *SOLD BY ,a F. A. FINLL9, Pikens, S. C. in One of d(ll-d by I nous man turers, and lead you to a mlirro You look at your rellectii and the hard-to.plas disappea ' ONCE. We have dealt with lots of who came to us skeptical of ability to satisfy them with rc made clothes. They are recgular customev s once you wear our clothe enough to kill all prejudice, spring styles are very sensible attractive. We ha:e tried "o consuli tastes in mnaking our selections sxe believe we have succeeded, hlaRd to ) 18b W s S vs, you will see there a display resent the latest fashions, and Yours to please, The farmers of Anderson county are! going to do more top dressing tIis year than the-V have ever done. Top dree ing or side dressing has been on the in- I crehse in this countv for the last few years and it has paid so well that nearly every lprogrcssive farmer is going to do more or less ol it this year. We hear of one man who put in vers little fertil izer rt year before pj!e.nuon)g his crop. Te side dreIIed liberally and made 70 bale-s of cotton (on 60 arcr. s of groundi. That is the kind of farmin g that p'ays. Farming is a poor business when you work two anid three arres to make a bal- of cotton lbut it is a very profitable 'ousine~es when: vou can make a bale of cot ton (or i(.oreI to the aere'. We have hilgn gran I (m3Imated goods suitale for side drenaik I will take more t uin this for th farmners of A nderson county f ti ey un it as liberal as they widl find it p lothta -bo- , ,, a:. d then, wea s hin~g this fertilizar in Abbe v k.Grten wood. G..rt ennile, 1'1ekers andI 0:onee counties. The farme~a mn these counties do not side dress to the extenht that f armers in Anderson county sidle dress, but they are coming to it and wi doI more of it than ever Ihis year as theyV aren find :nx oujtthat it is ver; profi - ablie. wV len the fe-rtibzer is Put inl the~ groui before the crop is planteli or even whena it ie planited, the spr-ing rains com:ie ablog bef1ore the plant gernuzatej and take root, and the fertibiz r goes down in the ground s >fas'; tt the roo{t (f thle plant cannot esttch mfuch of it; it hajs tool long a leadJ. Whjen 3 on wait until thte cotton comes Up) and is hinned to ai stand and worked out and then side dri s s it with i st-class high grad'e am nioniatedl gooods such as. we mainufacture, the roots of the plant a~re just suirrounded with food and nour Iiehet forn the p!ant. Every particle F i t frtilizer usd in the si he dressing ~ _- ''* o the__ owmg crop. that is t he~ tb j.ctet f ieruilizing. 0on w . :t lie gi ow n(g cio0 to ge t the fert l:z.'r. You wihi e" Ih eo ffe-ct of this in i h growing and ni thle gat hering. The m in who side ire s--s liberally is the ma' who will ~ar, the breg crop; yu can put thatt lown. It miay he that you cannot side I ress your whole cr op but you c mn bide a iies good part of it and that will o - Lhle Youl to see whether it pays or not.t are manufacturing a spelia'ly hand )nme goods this -ear for side (dressing vhich we call "Vandiver's Side D~res- t er," analhzin g 8-5-6 and we recommendl to 'lou with abs )!ite confidence. We eranywuld not iut or name on i f we did not feel that it would p~roe atisfactory to all wvho us-' it. I t is the (a- grad.. (If goods that has ever beenia nanu faetrred in t his co)untryV. it ana. yz - higher atid wve confi letlty believ-' 'vwill give better results thi-n anything -Oui havo ever tried in the way of am-i nloniltedl fertiliz -r. It is the best goodst itcauise it is mtadeI of the best material, ja Anderson Phospi AlNDERS ifac nn n ady Tihe and all and sasac :::: tand rcady to iV )f new mo(leh from some of ,ou will sp3t ti2i at once as the best acthe best blod, tankage atud garbag t Of it to the ton. There s a ill am mnto:ialed good.. The ammo f are the exper sive part of fertilizer. That is where fertilizers are skimped when they are skimped. but they are no-t all skimp -d. There ate other fertil tzf-r manufacturers who make very good goods, but we are not advertisin, them it the! present writing. We are adver. tising our own goods and there is notn ing better andl mighty little as good. They are all right I eeanse we put the ingredien's; bi:>d, tanikage, etc., in them to make themr all right. We will have qjuite a let of Nitrate of Soda on band tio. for side dires-ing: and j'ist in passing, will say that we understand it )4ys a< well to side dr, s~ corn as it does my crop you grow. The corn contest :his ye ar promises to be very intert sting. N great many farmecis will (0oitest for he prises. The man who wiins will be i man who fertilizes heavily. The corn hat wins will be corn that has been side hressed, and probably more than once. You will nmot startd the LIhostcofa chanf 6 >f winning any of thP priiss unless you fertilize heavils and side dress also. In the obl blue back spelling book vhich we all thunibed in pursuit of hat kn')wledlge which semc to have -luiod the most of us we find the doc rine laid down that "the best is the :hespst." If thait dotti-ine Cpplies to pelbing books, and we suppose it does, it least we are riot goinrg to step) to con est or discuss that question now, we re selling fei tilizer now not spelling >ook s; if that doctrine ap~plies to spelling >ocks it certainly applies tofet' ia spelling biook ooints and you find it out you ardl it an I get arn >ther. If your fertil izer turns tout to o~e weak you will find hat out all right enough and you will iscard it and get anothe r. but the rouble is you have lost your crop and a o-ar's work and every hand and mule n your place has lest a year's work be re you find it out. The only thing ou'will carry over frm that year will e the year's deIbte. So, it will pay you .1 get a goodi fertiliz-r at the start, one tar is shown on anal sis to be all that fertilizer should be and in this connec on we call yonr attenmion to the ana tsis of our fertiliz-rs. miad e at Clemson olleg' this year. They have all stood p oin the aalysis and anal' z*e better man wv gua:rantee them to be. We new they wonidf flo it for we Put the iuff in thu-n to imake them do it, We re willing to I-n our fai h to and rest uir case on the fertibz -is thaut we have ianufactureli this ye-ar. The analysis SClemson College show that they are inst exactly right. Now we have got this side dresser and is for s d~e and it will be to your in rest as well as our-, for you to try it rid try it lib-rally. iate & O!' >N, S. C. THE TIME IS inrtrann 1cei, withI the return o' pr. spiri'y :atch fff and al i other goo, j -wehy~ wvil , l'aeki tOo obl prospefrn IyI rites. DI MPNDS ESPECIALLY re l 1.0 :d to go tip We can i offer you )'ii realI gems- todayV at a urice- w are bcs-dutely sure will1 pay a htandsomne r' it t) the prchastrs ini a few mont.h s. , if u-ver. '0. o should b~uy t hat en igenicent ug. H. SNIDER.