The sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1906-1909, February 11, 1909, Image 1

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ENTERED APRIL 23, 1903, AT PICKENS, S. C., AS SECOND-CLABS MATTE UNDEA ACT OM CONGESS OP MARCH 3, 1879. VOL, XXXVIII. PICKENS, S. C.4 THURSDAY, FEBBUARY 11, 1999 of Interest Gleaned Frc Arrarged Fcr U UBLE A:,EA.. q noli Receivers Enter Suit the Southern iA for A ng that the tranisaction was conceir% any consummated in fraud *f right and interests of the stock liclders in the Seminole- Scurities Compa - and that the officers of the Southe Life Insurance Company and its gents in the transaction had knowl of fraud and participated and be efited by it, conspiring and colludi g with the officers and agents of the Seminole Securities Company, and do damage to the irreparable hurt a d injury of the Seminole Se turitie Gemparny, F. G. Thompkin nd o rs as receivers of the Sem inole pany have instituted suit in Ahe -ted States Court here ask Ing th the whole transaction 'be Southet e Seminole Company and the Soule Life Insurance Company be mbu and the Seminole Company u ed the $325.000 paid to the -i t Life by the Se ''nolofficers tion a eal that has sti ed sensa Sout r qensation i Nort and inole me of the Sam mon for the past few ase cf School Term. ntative Garris in the Legis eceived a gccd bit of con n on Wedne-~ arris x dil that if any school with n th of 20 weeks or less could te, h its friends, patrons or trus month ise an amount equal to one like a salary paid the teacher, a State. would be given ed or. e sum of 1-,00 State which has not rom the regular school funds ne the sessio?i longer than ths may have the term ex in the following manner: r the patrons raise sufficient y private subscription or xation to extend Jtbe term th, sid schocl shall receive o extend the term for onal mont-h: Provided, hool shall receive more der the provisions of in y one year. 2. No application shall be unless approved by the rustees of such school and superintendent of county in whekai 'dis ated; and no funds&all ut by the State 'Mn eduat ' mount e sa' scool distr-ict shall e ited with the couxm of such county to the id school in the said r,es; Provided, That no an1/receive more than $80 rmn of this act. hat the sum of $25,000 be necessary, is hereby e for the purpose of this Killed by Accident. 'ar!eston. pxcic.-Mr. D. B. ioy of Walterboro met his an Tuesdav afternoon while hunt birds. Alarmed at his failure ~ppear for supper, his sons, J. B. rifor and D. B. Peurifoy, Jr., in search of him and found it the steps of the target gallerv the top of his head blown off. left batirel of his gun was empt,y. sod that he was refting oved the gun accidentally g it. Uniform Weight aorn, ia, Special.-At the meet Richland delegation Tues sentatives from the upper e county asked that a law requiring a uniform weight At present, it is stated, the measures do not agree d to change this for he farmer. The dele. -nder consideration. Men Instantly Killed. Jo, Seeial.-Three men antl:- killed when Seaboard freight trains Nos. 20 and ed headon six miles north early Wedne:day morning. ead1: Engineer Clvde Moore. L. H. Nickles anal a colored ins were running at high ey met on a lonz tres -- nesday morning andI and ten ears were Acts. Special.-The 'ves Thursday a resolution a's repres do every event the ,renomi Collector he resolu ion of the an unwise ard. Twn freight NA NEWS ITEMS m Al Sections of the State and Busy Readers V FOR SOUTH CAROLDNA WATER WAY. Mr. Ellerbe's Request Meets With Favor. All of the projects for surveys of rivers and harbors in South Caro lina asked for by the various mem bers and advocated in the committee by Representative Ellerbe have p2s sed the rivers and harbors committee. T.he b.ill as made up Tuesday contains :he itetns for survy mentioned a few days ago and one important oie be sides an authorization of a survey of an inland water route from Beau fort, N. C., on down to Ileorgetown through the Waccamaw river. Ves sels which would come down the coast by the inland water route from Bos ton as far as Georgetown would be able to take to the ocean again after having pa.ssed the dangerous Hatteras coast. The South Carol-ina end of the general project has been particularly championed by Mr. Ellerbe. There is a provision in the bill also for Mingo ereek and for the Cooper river, Char lostorr. In a former dispatch Cooper should have been mentioned instead of "Coosaw" for wvhich there is no appropriation. Charged With Killing His Wife. Union, - Special.-The celebrated case of W. T. Jones, charged with the murder of his wife, Mrs. Marion Jones, has been begun. Short. after 10 o'clock the calling f itnesses in the Jones case be Nan, and at 10:40 Jones, in the cus fody of Deputy Sheriff J. G. Long. Tr.. and accompanied by his son, Harry Jones, was brought into court. He appeared to he quite at ease and n the best of hcdh and at intcrvais e his counsel w r'aj%rdng e d.a4y-papers. unt of the large array of but few spectators have allowed in court, as the judge ad given orders that the aisles must be kept cleared, which order was well enforced by Sheriff J. G. Long. At about 11:20 the calling of the witnesses for the defense was con hluded by Mr. V. E. DePass, who is iow associated with the counsel for I 'e defense, which as at present is Mr. Jame.s Munro, Townsend & Town send and Col. George Johnstone of Newberry. Five minutes later coun sel for both sides held a joint con-c sultation. In a few minutes the State counsel came out and then Jones had a conference with his at torneys, while the other side had a conference with the family connee .no eceased woman. It was shortly after 1 o'clock when Col. Geo. Johnstone made the motion to quash the indictment because it did not specify the kind of poison administered or the nature of the bruises alleged to have been on Mrs. Jones' person. This motion, which was perhaps the feature of the morn ing session, and the preliminary skirmish in this great. legal battle, was overruled by Judge Memminger. Dr. Jeter was the principal witness. He testified that Mrs. Jones came by her death from strychnine poison. Locating Post Office. Darlington. Special-Maj. Fred Brackett, superintendent of the site division of the treasury department, spnt Monday in Darlington looking at the proposed sites for the new post office building, which the town is to have, and gathering the neces sary information on which to base his reommendations. There are several of these lots in different localities and private interests in and around them have been putting forth stren uous efforts in their favor, and await with interest the results. New Government of Aiken. Aiken, Special.-Tuesday the new board of cou.nty commissioners took their office and the new county gov ernment went into effect. Instead of being governed by a supervisor and two commissioners at heretofore, the affairs of the county will be in charge of a chief commissioner and four dis trict commission ers. Forest Fire Near Aiken. Aiken, SpeciaL-A forest fire of large extent has been raging north of Aiken. It is stated1, several thousand acres of valuable timber lands have been burned over. The damage is not known. but will probably reach many thousand dollars. The fire originated on Saturda, when the wind was blwing a fierce gale, and soon got beond all control. It is still burn i. but not with such fury as Sat u'day andl Sunday. The fire is said to have originated through the care lessness of some unknown hunters. Four small houses have been burned. To Build New Church. Aiken. Special.-Rev. J. B. Derrick of Augusta, pastor in charge of the Lutheran congregation of Aiken, nas appointed a finance committee and a building commitee to erect at once a fine church building on the lot recent y purchased for the purpose on Pen dleton street. The definite plans of the two committee -not yet been formed, but it is stated th a splen did church will be erected. A Killing at Walterboro. Walterboro, Special.-An unfortu e shooting scrape occurred at Mr. TI S. s ._ [G!SLAIUR[ Doings of Palmetto Lawmakers Told in Br' tU. In a session of 2 1-2 hours Tues day night the Senate voted down Senator Carlisle's bank bill. There was a concurrent resolution, which was adepted,. received fron the house, asking that the Unitet States ecngress be urged to pass laws in regard to the whiskey trnfic in conformity with the State laws. A bill has been introdved in the senate by Senator Sullivan, which has attracted attention from a num ber of paint dealers throughout the country. It requires the careful labeling of paints showing the ingredients in their make up. The following passed their third reading: The following new bills were intro duced: Mr. Weston-A bill to provide for the payment of water used in the public institutions and buildings of the State located in Columbia; a bill to regulate the assessment of muni cipal license taxes of insurance com panies; and a bill to amend an act relating to borrowing monley by municipalitier?. Mr. Weston-A bill to enable cities of 10.000 inhabitants or more to fix the rates and charges for the supply of water, gas and electricity, fur nished by any firm, person or corpora tion to any such city and the in habitants thereof. Mr. Graydon's bill to fix the place of trial in all actions to recover the penalty fixed by statute for delay, loss or damage to frei,ht by common carri-rs. Mr. Kelley-A b*Il to make it a misdemeanor to publish the name of any maid, woman or woman-child upon whom a rape or an assault with intent to ravish bas been committed. Mr. Wb %ton's b!l to incorporate the Green Femlo Tpq.a tJ hn oM --t'.house mir. C. A. Smith presvrted rcsofii tions of rrspeet to the memory of Representative T. A. Clarke, Of ? Florence, who died Monday night. Tho resolutions expressed the pro found sorrow of the house and sym pathy with the family and ordered the sergeant-at-arms to -procure a suitable floral tribute and that a committee of five be sent to repre sent the house at the funeral. Messrs. Ayer, C. A. Smith, W. D. Bryan, Dingle and Bunch were appointed. The Senate on - Wedr'esday dis cussed the question of ballot for as sociate justice and passed ths follow ing: Senator Earle's bill as to pollution of water courses. Senator Montgomery's bill to amend the high school act. Senator Sullivan's bill to require public ginners and public warehouse companies to mark bales of cottou ginned or stored. The following new bills wvere offer d: . Mr. Lide-To amend section 1933, c>de of laws. 1902, volume 1. relating o incorporation of towns. Mr. Otts-To amend seed on 2GS. volume 1, code of laws, 1902, relat ng to returning property for taxa ion. Mr. Carl'sle-A bill relating to telephone charges. Mr. Bass-To repeal an act - en titled "An act to amend an act, en titled, 'An act for the further pro ection of partridges and quail,' ap prved 21st day of February, A. 1). 906, by e'anging the time and in luding Mongolian pheasants and wild turkey, approved 21st day of February. 1903. Mr. Bass-To regulate the statis tis of leaf tobacco sold upon the loors of leaf tobacco warehouses of South Carolina. Mr. G raydon-A joint resolution proposing to amend section 22, ar.. tile 5, of the constitution of the State of South Carolina, relating to juy trials. The House passed the following on their third reading: Mr. Richards-To repeal section 3059, volume 1, code of laws of South Carolina, 1902, relating to the lien law. Mr. Wheatley-To authorize the appointment of a commission to erect a causeway over the swamp on Coo sawhatchie river and build a bridge over said river. Mr. McColl-To authorize the town of Clio to issue bonds in aid of the North Carolina and South Carolina railroad. Many bills of local nature were passed upon. The House held a night session at which the following actions were taken: Mr. K. P. Smith 's bill, abolishing the department of agriculture, comt merce and ir9migration, and Mr-. Richards' bill, amending the act creating the department, were made special orders. Without debate. Mr. Ayer's bill. requiring county treasurers to de posit funds in ebartered banks, pas sed to third reading. Mr. Harmon of Newberry had the bill introduced b)y his brother, Mr. Harmon of Richland, last year, for bidding the manufacture and sale of other than safety matches in South Carolina. The bill went to third reading, after some little debate, andi an amendment providing that the law should go into effect in October. Mr. Mann's bill, making it a mis demeanor for any baggage or ex press agent to wilfully damage or break open any baggage or express. went to third reading. The House also passed without de bate Mr. Brice's bill providing for the following additional changes ir the banking laws. "Every bank or banking institu ion reeceiving deposits shall at all - on hand as a re equal to 15 eposits and soita. shall be the duity tf the State bank txamiher to enforee this and the prt ceding section." Mr. Brice also had passed his bill limiting the time for recording mort gages to 20 days. The act would go into effect in May. Mr. Cosgrove's bill, authorizing the insurance commisioper to ap point fire department officials to in vestigate fires, also passed to third rea(ling. Mr. Dixon's Hill. nRming the aTents or collectors of fraternal societies as agents, in order to fix their respon sibility, passed. Some Sunday lunch laws then oe cupied the time of the House, and finally went to third reading, being a- follows: V"Section 1. That from and after the approval of this act no municipal corporation in this State shall have the right to pass any ordinance pro hibiting hotel and restaurant keep ers or other persons from serving meals or lunches to passengers on trains within the limits of such mfii cipal corporation on Sunda-. and all such ordinances heretofore passed are hereby declared illegal and toid.' The Senate on Thursday took seven ballots for associate justice without effect. Among the new bills are the following: Mr. 'rgft-Relating to compen sation allowed Confederate veterans for property furnished to the Con federacy without pay. Mr. Christensen-To further- pro vide for winding up the affairs of the State dispensary and for the sale of the real estate heretofore used in conducting the dispensary. Mr. Carlisle-To repeal sections 325 to 331, inclusive, of civil code vol ume 1, 1902, relating to tax on in comes. Mr. Otts-To submit State prohi bition and county dispensary to the qualified electors of the State at a special election. Mr. Griffin-Providing for the sale of infirmary for Confederate veterans and disposition of proceeds of said estate. The House killed the Rucker bill, which would prohibit any towns p - ing an ordinance against the se of lunches on Sunday. Killed the bill reducing the legal rate of interest to 6 per cent. Killed the bill for a commission to inquire into the advisability of the State going into the phosphat business. The new bills offered embraced those ofMr. Bowman-To amend see tion 1935, code of laws of South Car olina, 1902, volume 1, by adding a provision for forfeiture of charter of certain towns. Mr. Tobias-To amend -An act to incorporate certain religious and charitable societies. - If Mr. Wade-To amend an act to declare the law in reference to and to remnlate the manufacture, sale, use, consumption of alcoholic liquors, so far as the same may relate to Aiken county. Mr. Dick-To amend section 1228, vol'e 1. code, 1902, by forbidding nepotism in employment fktprofes sors or other employes " ste. in stitutions of learning. Mr. McMahan-To amend section 192 of the criminal code of 1902, re lating to the breaking and entering of railrond cars. Mr. McMahan-To amend section 1989 of volume 1, code of laws, re lating to borrowing money by mu nicipalities. Mr. Dixon-Conferring right of action against telegraph companies doing business in this State for mn juries to person and property and for mental anguish. Mr'. Foster-To fix the liability of common carriers by railroads. Mr. Ayer-To require all rent notes, agreements and rent receipts to be reeorded in offioe of register mesne conveyance. The Senate on Friday passed the bill of Senator Otts as to costs in cases in the -original jurisdiction of the supreme court, with an amend ment. Considered again Senator Appelt 's measure to provide for the appoint ment of a commlissionler to sell the stock of goods of Clarendcn county dispensary. Placed again upon the salendar Sentor Croft 's resolution as to amo eiate justices. Among the new bills of importance were: Mr. Mauldin-To restrict the use of taxes, colleetd by municipal officers to the purposa for which levied and prescribed. Mr. Chiristensen-To provide cer tain conditions to be imposed upon insurance companies of like character for the privilege of entering and do ing business in this State. Mr. Bass-Submitting the repeal of those two certain acts, approved De cember 24, 1891, and December '22 192, respectively, and known as acts Nos. 933 and 2'72 and found in volume 20 at page 1488 and 21 at page 360. respectively. Mr. Mauldin-To require electric street railway companies to affix in losed vestibules to their cars. Mr. Mauldin-To require a prodnet tion of State registration certifica-bs and tax receipts to register for city or town elections. Mr. Otts-Concerning notaries pub lie who are stockholders, directors, of fiers or employes of banks or other corporations. Mr. Earle-Relating to actions foi the recovery of personal property. Mr. Malker-To empower the compt roller general of the State to make certain abatements in assessed value. of certain rice lands in the county of Georgetown. r~ New bills of 4eneral interest in--the Housew . Mr. Bodie-Relating to ponding wate in any stream in this e bhran-Authoriziv ttreasu e fgbt was Saturday fired in the State senate. Upon Senator Appelt's b.l' to impose a license of $5,900 upon liquor drummers the discussion as snmed wide proportions, reaching out to the other prohibition questions be fore the legislature this year. With barely a quorum present Senator Clifton of Sumter held the floor for nearly two hours, speaking first upon the question of the bill and then upon the question to indefiniiely postpone. Senator Kelley had succeeded in having his bill to repeal the lien law which has passed the house, made a special order for Wednesday after third reading bills. Senator Graydon had had his bill to regulate the charg es for carrying passengers on rail roads in this State made a special or der*for Thursday. Senator Lide had brought about the same result for his measure on State-wide prohibition or was about to do so when there arose a storm of protest against making any bill a special order. The great fight on this question arose on Senator Otts' bill to prohibit the manufacture, sale, etc.. of whiskeys, etc., known as the prohibition bill. It had been made a special order after a motion to table this motion had been lost, but after some more discussion Sena tor Hardi, s motion to discharge all special orders prevailed and these bills are now at their regular places upon the calendar. The casus belli was Senator Ap pelt's bill to provide for a license of $5,000 in each county of the State for the conducting of the business of sol iciting whiskey orders. Senator Appelt explained the pro visions of his bill. Under the presont law whiskey drummers can come in and solicite orders and are not licens ed. However, they can not sell the whiskey in this State nor can they de liver the goods here. Amoag the bills introduced were these of general interest: Mr. Walker-To amen1 section 2383 and 2334, code of laws. with ref erence to renunciation of dower. Mr. Weston-To amend section 948. code of laws of South Carolina, vol ume 1, relating to the probate of deeds, beyond the limits of this tSate. In the House the folowig were among the bills intrduced Saturdav: Mr. Ridgell-Po pay to Wm'. F. Bowe $171.85 for services rendered in connection with the State house liti gation. Mr. Way-To amend an act entitled "An act to declare the law in refer ence to and to regulate the manufac tare, sale, and use of aleholic liquors and i,erages.'" Mr. Nieholson-To Pmend sections 2383 and 2394, code of laws of South Carolina, 1902, volume 1 with refer enee to renunciation of dower and the record thereof. The House put upon third reading numerous bills of the uncontested class and cleared the calendar of much of its bur(Ten. The following are a few of general interest: Senator Johnson-Allowing bene ficiary student of the Citadel to be relieved of the obligation to teach in certain cases. Mr. Carey-Allowing for testimony of female witnesses in assault cases. Senator Wharton - Incorporating the Thornwell orphanage board. Mr. McMahan-Fixing the charge for transeribing testiircuny by the tenographer of this circuit. Mr. Lawson-Amending the act for the protection of quail. Senator Wharton- Incorporatin.g he Greenville Female College. Small Part of Canal Put in Use. Panama. By Cable.-The Pacific Mail St.eamship Company's steameci Newport used on Tuesday for the first time the Pacific entrance to the canal which los been dred.ed to a depth of 35 feet. President-elect Taft was not present wxhen the. New port started on the trip and There was no ceremony of any kind. FEMININE NEWS NjOTER. Nearly 20,000 women are employed in Prussia as brickmakers.t An eleven-hour day is the rule. Miss Anne Morgan. daughte" of the financier, started a crusade arainst unsanitary cigar factories. Sarah Bernhardt was mentioned as one of those who might play the lead ing role in Rostand's "Le Chantieler."~ The clubwomen of Massachusetts are fighting against the movement to lower the milk standard in that State. Calcutta, because of the high rate of infant mortality, has appointed a female sanitary inspector at $50 a month. Mrs. William Gould Brokaw, mar ried a little more than a year. sued for a separation, alleging cruelty and desertion. Mrs. Russell Sage and other wom en of large means have pledged S 60, 000 to the cause of Woman suffrage in the United States. Mrs. Russell Sage slipped and fell in the hallway of her home. No. 632 Fifth avenue, New York City, receiv ing a slight fracture of the left wrist. To Bertha Schultz, a young maker in Hamburg, Germany. $10.. 000 was bequeathed on coiidition that she never marries a man engaged in an intellectual occupation. Miss C. de HT. Benest is the first wonian driver of a motor omnibus r~n England. She was the only w'oman to take the examination for motor en gineering recently' held in London; Mrs. Harriet 0. Berg is the first woman to make an.aeroplane asceen sion, and declares thai the.,xperience was a very pleasant one.ohie-bavipe gone up with Wilbur Writ 'She is an Englishwoman. Women of fashion and. wo'ten of the washtub. millionaires and str6et sweepers, paid homage to the memory of Father William O'Brien Pardow, of St. Ignatius Loyola Church,.aa 4hie late pastor's body. lay in state. Granting the e*istence of tha~t sup posed planet beyond Neptune, fts year, astronomers tell us, agues- t'he' ,ew York World; would* b~6 equal to about a thousand of our years. WMt a noise the new planetarians~ must make whenthr-nw' IIRNAD0 IN SOUIH Storms Reach from Texas to Kentucky. SOUTHERN TOWNS AREHIT HARD Severe Rain, Hal, Wind and Electri. cal Storms Sweep Over South Cen. tral States, Killing and Injuring Many and Destroying fropert Valed at Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars. Louisville, Ky., Special-Death foi probably a score of persons, losses ol hundreds of thousands of dollars ix property and the crippling of many telegraph wires resulted' betweer noon and dusk Friday from a series of small tornadoes which swept the south central States from the Ten nessee line to the Texas Panhandle. The storms were accompsnied in most cases by hail, darkness, terriffic light ning flashes and sheets of rain. Most of the towns where loss ol life occurred are off the railroads, sc that news from them has been com ing slowly. Known casualties are: Stuttgart, Ark.-Mrs. Gerfield and a child of Will Story. Mrs. Story is reported fatally injured. Sulphur Springs, Texas.-Mrs. James Ardis and Mrs. C. (Wldwell, from Rolling Fork, Miss., just before the telephone wires broke word came that four had been killed. Booth, Miss., reported to Birming bam that six had met death there. In other towns such as Ennis and Waxahatchie, Tex., and Boscoe, La., many dwellings are said to have been demolished by the wind. Arkansas and upper Louisiana rice flelds v-ere injured to the extent of many thousands cf dollars, while the larger cities experienced rains and darkness and lightning bolts that made large .buildirgs quiver. At Chattanoogf there was a terri fir storm of hail. Reportq from Birminpha-sta~te that several persons were killed by a tornado at Cullman, Ala. Friday afternoon. The home of George Stewart, seven miles east of Hanesville, Ala., was totally destroyed. His 2-days-old child was blowAi half mile and killed. His 2-year-cld child was blown into a grate and probably fatally burned. Mrs. Stewart was caught under some rafters in the house and so badly in Jured- thAt she will die. Mrs. Tom Bowner and iehild who were in the house were fatally Im_r_t Night Firing Tests at Fort Caswell Satisfactory. Washington, Special.-In tests made at Fort Caswell, N. C., Febru ary 1st and 2d of the new system of fire control for rapid-fire guns., the coast artillery corps made an aver age of 50 per cent of hits in night firing at a moving target at range from 1,700 to 2,000 yards. The pro jectiles were provided with lighted tracers, and the target, which was 10 feet by 24 fret was illuminated by searcblights. The test was conducted by a 3-inch gun battery and was very satisfactorv. Seven Dead in Alab,ama. - Birmingham. Ala., Special.-Mayor George H. Brier, of Cullum, Ala., wires !hat seven people arc known ro hav'e been killed in that county Friday afterncon by the cyclone which passed over this section of the State but that wire communication is impossible with the stricken locality. At Kayosa, a mining camp west of Birmingham on the Southern Rail way, five houses were blown down but only n wasin Mr Logan ~ i~a r ritory to h Woman Brutally Murdered. Winston-Sale~m, Special.-Charles Ferrell. a negro about 34 years old, brutally murdered his wife, Chrissie, Friday afternoon us she sat in hcr l'cme on Highland avenue. He fired four shots from a revolver, killing her instantly. An eye-witness says Ferrell began firing after his wife told him she was af!iid to live with hinm longer, she having left him after a fight Christmas week. Haskell Meniorial Home Burnmd; Three Missing. Battle Creek. Mich., Special.-The Haskell Memorial Home was destroy ed by fire Friday morning. Three of the thirty-seven members of the or phanage aie missing. Seven little girls jumped from a third story win dow, but it is not thought any of them are fotally Lurt. James Arm strong. 12 yer o!d. standing on a shed under the window from which the girls had to jurrp, directed thu,m how to make their fall as easy as possible and ca ight two of the small er girls in his arms. Dies Protesting Innocence. Spartanburg, S. C.. Special-Will Foster, colored, who was twice con victed on the charge of muredering John Young, a well-known white man of the country, in November, 1907, was hanged in the county jail Friday morning. Foster went to his death declaring his innocence. After the black cap had been adjusted he was asked if he desnetd to make any state ment, and he replied that all he had to say was that he was innocent.. General Items Condensed. The very latest says a man has been dug onf of the ruins Messitia conscious and with chane~ of life after being shut up there 3S days. The town of Yehama (says a Chi cag disac jjflesthljj1 eet TH L1.1T[ST WARSHIF The Battleship flelwre Laicnei at Newport News SA&dy,Dsc* tion of the Great Sea.Figtr.r Newport ews, Va.. SpeliaL--The great battleship Deleware was sue cessfully Lunched from the yards of her builders, the Newport News Ship-. bu&-Ag and Dry Dock Company Saturday. The lauching was witness ed by 5,000 people. Compared with the battleships eompleted or under oonstruetion, of the navy of any foreign tointrry Delaware surpasses all. She -is ane of four sister ships authorized b Congress which will form an indo=-: table squadron. The other vesoelt sza: the North Dekota, being built at Quincy, Mass.; the Florida, which will be built at the New York navy yard, and the Utah, to be bit W Camden, N. J.. The Delawire is to carry as heavy. armor and as powerful armament as arny known vessel of its c#ss; will have a speed of 21 knots, which is believed to be the highest otcable for a vestel of this type Ii.- elass, and will have the hihest practicable radius of action. The arrangements of her main battery guns is such as to permit a broadside dre 25 1per cent greater than that of the broadside of any battleship now built, or, so far as is knowir, under construction. Her defensive qalities, other than those. dependent upon armor protection, are such as to give the maximum degree of protection to all the vital portioft by means of unusually effective com partmental sub-division, so that in ?onjunction with her armor protection the defensive qualties of thilbtessel are believed to be distinctly superior. to those of any battfeship hereto de signed. The hWll is protected by a watei line beft of armor 8 feit in width, whose maximum thickness is 11 inches. This armor belt gives effee tire protectioil to the boilers, machin ery and magazine spaces. The si4e abor the Tmain armor belt is pro ed by armor 7 feet 3 inches of a maximum thiness o Above the ma' armor amid ships the side is protected by armor of 5 inches thickness, which effords protection to the smoke pives, the ma ior portien of the secondary batter ies of of 5-inch guns and the hull structur.'. Ur. Taft Laves Colon. Colon.. By a Cable.-Preident-eleet William H. Taft and party left here at 0 o'clock Sunday evening on board the cruiser North Carolina for New Orleans acompanied by the eruiser MonUna. . previous to embaik ing Mr. Taft gaVer'* the foowing: "I am not prepai ttf ke a statement rsAoe-reialts . to the isthmTw, except to say .that we have found the work progressing in a most satisfactory way; the organi zation better than ever before, the esprit de corps ezeellent and the de laera.c ofM en.he humblest the canal. I am sure that tl impressed itself upon ee one of board of visiting engineers as it lias upon me. ''With reference to the type of the canal and the contininne of the present plans, the engineers prom~ that they will he able to hand, e their report by the time we la at New Oileans." Razor For'Siie Asheville, N. C., SpeciTlln wife that he was going downstairs to shave, James M. Hyatt a prominent business man of this place, Sunday morning shortly after 8 o'cloek'pick ed up his razor and other shaving ma terial, went down stairs, locking the doors ' slashed his th:~oat with the razor, n-mc after the act was e can be assigned for the rash no). General News in Brief. Charlottesville, Vs., suffered from a dissstrious fire on Friday. the 4th. The loss is estimated at $250..000. Subpoenas haive been issued by Judge L.andis for a new trial of the Standard 0'l Co. Judge Landis be tore imposed a fine of .$29.240,000 on the ecmpany which succeeded in get ting~ a new trial. It is proposed at this late day to .ather the ashes of Major Pierre Cailes L' Enfant. the French engi neer, and bury them at Ail'ngton and to have a suitable monnment in rec ognition of his services to Gen. Wash ington in planning the Capital City. Bryan Denies the Story. Jacksonville, Fla.. Special.-Wil-. lam Jennings Bryan reached Jackson nile at 7 o'clock Sunday morning from Deland and emphatically denies the story sent out regarding the. alleged autemobile accident near Tar poni Springs, in wVhich it was said that he was badly injured and undcr treat ment in a Tampa hotel. The Eico Su,ply Estimated. Houston, *Tex.. Special.-A. E Groves. seeretary of the Texas-Louisi ana Farmers' Association, has given out an estimate e-f the rice now held h:. fiimrers and by milks Acvcording to. his niamues therie ar' 90.000 sacks of oier and : :~ jlee in I.ouisiana :m,l 917.000O in Tex:'. tf whieh latter 510.000 is a neTh. M'-. r:oves esti matt 1(-e :' ?'' a w'hl be need Ma.ccn Har Sie 000 Fire. Macon, Ga., Speiti.-Fire originat ing in a cottage on Wilder street in south Macon. Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, driven by a stiff wind rapid lyrd to adjourning dwelings, amnlete destraiction' Dee wher t e tenee and a it U ag n in Oblah on Tenn.r of th tene Rev destreg Scuth last wr -back .years play ally elf Tbe pany, lu stock toui killad tsrA door and g te sal inh Men left Foi ly a Court license Com sert at 7 is'a *red t at si Ohio, The ed andJee $500,000 . for the It is - dence iSa ex-Presd fl for-in nate - nerary - includ. It is have Stn _