The sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1906-1909, January 28, 1909, Image 3

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inst., unt .W. A. Price, of 3, a boy. some first-ciass ReI 0. Vork rey, of Seneca, spent -s in Pickens last siness. NT-Good farm, 3C and open. Apply tc Picken S. C. ived a car each of belisk and Roxam H. A. Richey. gie Cooper, a t-harm lady, of Columbia, is time with her friend, Mauldin, in Pickens. ridge is nursing his f m SIe effects se to a torpedo if. av will soon he a- valrrtines from 11 in n look them PICKENS DRCG CO. E. Robinson has to his room for ith 'oat troa ope to on. n erty. All of. re have ar- trouble. business will used for next Monday. taineni known here, Monda hope him much Roark di s a competent jail, he fi II merit the pat- locking eople of Liberty. Llovd, c< 11. with bur d,a w.ell- Garrett(S nd respected someC tin n- died at the Imornmjg on the 23-d aftgts: ering to a cage was en called dflow d the night thej way to 1i1 - s h cage, found. 1~ eut out de fe~ erin< a r' te cuise aPtd sg .rsi about 5-fe Asso-: weighs ab er posi. friends ha Smay be su co-this prison irn elaive The ann (oeihisl Pickens C< wilsotly ation was ] nceinfrmsEaslev honi tio woldof the phn SFriday eve the state, ' eg wer<4 nty. She present in r counties part of th< ion being bership. Tj e work, could be d her itin- most of the rt, there Blue Points s yet to from turkE ce will from punc ounty and brandy the to tea-and -ion the side. 1as toastmas - ent e -r ati~ e ai at an' Hell -has 1: asleep marrh to the Oscs ~e~erty's th-h al-~ last w. (h Wli on ex2ibIition--a1 3d Riddle ueei-horse C halners andi a 42-horse ' ou, - -J- Fa-iin. He did some faney Yo 1i officiating mmiister. rn. Miss Pearl A lex- .n-wiht fl(i!ead audeft 3auldin, bot h kept t he crowd gatheren arounid H. -OUnIty. Mir. 31aul- on th si r 'xu l waeng them haive: of B3ascomn lauhlin, neIs'ing as to what th'-y would (hence is the daughiteri of o mt- tO hayi an - . Thir hot Chs. T. H ughes bas rented the tie ton 30 u witr i up-SIII ir o he n Fre emani Noil 11 much happiness buliding, in Pit kens,. and1 will andt f'i prosperous jouney run it as a puiblio hail. Las swad \.Ionlday ig ht he gave a daince -o oh lI whw was wel Otene and .cI~ !i ew days ah.o and ini wih hairs, ii hti a he w oilon tH hew si ad gi1ve h fail to read the ad of a & Co., in this issu it thereby. .dessie Partridge, of Fair burn. Ga., is visiting her broth er, J. T. Partridge, in Pikens. Dr. A. C. Spain is in Pickens this week doing dental work. Hie wil leave Fridav evelil g. Miss Mvra Lewis, of Adairs ville, Ga., is visiting her rela tive, Mrs. J. J. Lewis, in Pick ens. Master Lonie Thornloy, of Pickens. visited his cousin, Mas ter - Hill, in Walhalla, last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Roberts, and (hildren, of Greenville, S. C., visited the family of W. L. jJenkins, in Pickens last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Boggs, of Pickens, spent a portion of this week v; ith friends and relatives at Calhoun. Sam Weiner, the eye special ist, leaves Wednesdav for a week's stay in Walhalla, fitting glasses at the Walhalla Drug Co.'s place of business. Photographer N. D. Taylor will be in his studio in Pickens next Tuesday, the 2d of Febru arv. Don't fail to pay him a visit if you want some nice work. We are sorry to learn that Lee McHugh, who lives near Clem son College, is very low with pnenmonia and not expected to live. His many friends hope t.ha ay et recover. r. Juli Ce, charg- in this st dma a(llission fee to Dock ;e him for his time and g on a The hall will also be hope hin: other purposes of enter : and amusement. Clyde, Bud Gilsi y night, when She brain fe :I his chores about the erty, is ti mished his word by the for him a ip in a cell, one Lewis >lored, who is charged - dlarizing the store of J. :Son, at Norris, S. C., Tem Ce ago. On Tuesday cloe and when he went to look cbose dand arisoners, he found the,.be o empty and the bird|'o Rev. Ba a. Some time during|o Easle~ Lewis had sawed his Sunday. erty though the top of The sm~ a nice little aperture uisal the steel bars being weather 1 Er. Roark imnmediately . growth. scriptive circulars of ward of .925 for arrest We not ion of the said Lloyd Alabama, nger-cake in color, is Istreets he: at 9-inches high and der'stand h ut 150Opounds. Bob's J. F. Baii e this accident as bad Lovely s end sincerely hope he order of th cxessful in capturing croaking ti -.probability ual banquet of the the pleasur ontly Medical Associ- frosted win zeld at Easley, in the ter has pas ?l, under the auspices Sullivan scians of Easley, on Inew stores aing the 22d instant, rushed in about forty guests in great qu :ludinig the female occupy the Association's menm- erected bel ie menu was all that and J. F. B esired, and took in w.ov fruits, and ran from Tensse to ham sandwiches, onr V y to chicken salad, tecto h to plum pudding hei. rs (sauce), from celery sy ad plenty of ice water tee h Dr. Earle Russell, tee The ter,'made an excel- tdb h Revs. Lander and rs. Je The news the Garrett has re urn her school at Greenville,; Mar an extended visit among hard ~ es and friends at Norris. dne e glad to see you, Mary,faii time. ta gearec o! "Old Bachelor," what straigl ecome of you? Are y ou is hart or are you going to get mule. d, and won't ask any of us~ regula wvedding ofth r Woodson, one of L ib- of the highest and resp)ected Thei ,va visiting friends here straig] sek. Lookout, girls. and sIh it has become of "Old on1 th ," of Centralh We miss groun4 "Old R." (Come r.gain. a~ust not forsake us thatl Ifli rwbe ,. Huc'klebee and 'ail, ,.n noved1 to their ne'.w rstu in Norris. We are glad ist par them with us in ourn lit- an a n. ing at is is coming to the front, plow-s st growing out of her ing fl ing clothes-- back.i< S. H. M4addox is very mua(t - m. v 'r. .ahand'' L. Bolt, in Pickens. For RENT: - One corn and wheat mill and cotton gin. I want a first-class miller. B. P. Kelley, R. 3, Central, S. C. W. E. Freeman & Co. have just received a carload of Pied mont flour. Also handling thd famous "Obelisk." t Lost, in Pickens, on Cedar I Rock street, between Garvin E street and the depot, one black I neck fi.;r. Finder please return f to this office. Ex-County Commissioner J. P. Smith has a job now that just suits him. He is county agent for the International Gas Buggy, a mighty good machine for country roads, and the price is I reasonable. He and his son, J. W. Smith, who is the travel ing representative of the com pany, were in PIckens, Tues day, displaying one of these ma chines, which worked to per fection. Norris. Health good, but news diF tressingl scarce. Mrs. Perry Smith, of Six Mile, visited Mrs. Maqdox last Satur day; also Mss Katie visited her sister, Miss Mattie Maddox, of i Norris. - We are glad to say that Mrs. T. C. McWhorter's baby is im proving. Mi ed af ard poor. plo~ ishop, of Liberty, and I have an, of Ea'ley, v sited g havr etion last week. as stated .ewton, of Norris, has me that I visit to Alabama. W7e how to d a good time. than they the youngest son of tiie of e.) rap, is very low with Lean t] -r. Dr. Long, of Lb- tho way y eating him. We wish dirt-to 01 speedy recovery. the gear BoNNIE BLUE EYES. that you down or Liberty, good plow nth of Januarris at a will be as]I very little plowig has acosu In turni end of the iley and Rev., Lander, unless it v , exchanged pulpits; mule dow: land lies 1! grain crop is looking 4 plow-hlandl fine so far, the fair so the swi ~eing favorable for its clear, and t out of the t: mule in a n ced D. J. Greer, of just as vou circulating on the in wt e last week, and un- "Whoa, get e has sold his .farm to on the fai ~ter. brute what >ring weather is tho~ -" Gee"or 'day. The frogs~ are the "Whos ese nights, but the him to stop. is that we'll liave If you gel e of looking throuigh for not doin dows before old win- the sense ti sed. abuse him. & Co. are opening upjanddcurse hi here, goods .en dadand it t a lively rate, and But go to th antities. They will and when y new stores recently act the mar ween the postoffica act the mui anister's store. aihat n ilard is'back from Remembei He reports a fine. doni'tknowv r there. They have ahead with, ill started up. and water until I ent of it. He also tracks. So b are plentiful over to all dumb country does. not ry, salt and , been~ as badly wors- cannot tell mIiC as this. sick or hun~ papers report J.each jrest. lanta, but that need ex 'ody, as it s lighT" iean i-a ny ork-just the walking-: all. If the mule is not right and the plow not t and held right then it corn Iwork on both' man an(L The back band must be ed accordin g to the height A nmule and the shape or set V pluw. plow-point should go as it forward as the mule, ould be so shaped and set i stock as to suck the~ t without any labor or Nui~ by the plowman. Then n should1 walk in the fur- In all sta ~tween1 the plow-handles, ivitality m ld erect, his arms hang- brkn ~rfectly natural by his chldreni, o The wvalking is the hard- ~ec~L t of the plowing on b'oth giver ever d mule. A man wval- fiva u"aY> armslength behind the f"or mhc ock and calling it plow- wlfndt eds to be butted on the t edeal Icelby a billygoat andr o walk between the plow - sufec fos . That kind of pl. ,ving ache, drag on 111ai1 and niule, and tlar miont tressed se ig~ Vwhen (1one- faint spell n h oatn bn pdhwelplw vrion or mr o po ent or ndte of prt .-m the ol ofprt o S many or c FRE VALUE The price ot cotton -in care oJ our customers thai havE business has made us able to carry carried heretofore, and by buying j lower prices. Below we submit a f Men's Shoes No. 220 Heavy Tan Shoe with Cap and Bats Wing at $2 00. "Wachovia" a lighter shoe than the above without cap-just the shoe to wear when you are doing your Spring plowing etc. Every pair sold with a guarantee. Piedmont, light solid Brogan at $1.25. "Bengal Calf " heavy Blucher Shoe with cap easy worth $3.5o our price $3 o. Men's Satin Calf Blucher with or without cap, a dandy for $i.5o. Catawba Shoe, made in North Carolina-of solid leather- a neat Sunday Shoe .t a $1-50. Sampson Superior Shoes-Hand-sewed-made in style for ser vice. Can't be beat (t $3-.50. Lot of Lace Window Curtains 5 feet Aide by i i feet long, good values at 1.25, 1-50, 1-75 and 2.00 closing them out at 1.25 per pair. 3x6 Window shades at 25c each. A lot of Ladies Purses the 25c kind closing out at 20C. Nunnallys Engineer Overall, a good one at a dol lar our price 95c Good assortment of work shirts at 50.- each 2 for 95c t r ceiv .d lots of bordered Ginghams, Prints, Ons. reciateu - m le rwoa Se ion, lored clot and peculiar Ailments is a ic extract of th choicest nm nal roots %%itll() a drop of on miu tsn plin Englisho liot'nte-AEB nyites the fullest in stiDr- A,-COATSu-Theses arent formula knowig that it w i Seont a vnl n1ees aentmd fPistyadohrco I the different schools of prac-ru sye,sipsadl e cure of woman's peculiar sial o e.o nt to know more about the vr ad h errudfrte "an orprofesinal endore Sfr his free boolet teat vr afford to accept as a substi- ~ remedyvery gentlemannptsdter A-RE T Haders han the ea ou nd fcr ort th Me'san Yun es FisigsCi I ThevOpera Handersou AskFmousSor okot for Ohem. carr All indseSof ore . TaedSpi gods. omtl Oer YOUR As. t rtil, Sof r et , PCKENS . C. d S .y or not. :EMAN & "Where a swest StyessFi New F~ do them jusuce. man who gives the matter of the selection of hisTlothes ~reft eration will do wvell to pay us a ';isit and see the wonderf rra Isome garments that we have had made by the Best ; in the world. YoUNG CHAP THAT WANI'S TO BE OTRIGINAL-be Sthe showing-the world loves winners-ind you'll look e :ha "Winner" with one of our Superb Rex D gsigned Ar t 91:0s1:Ts wIlo- -are P TIU.\ (' If iD n T'TH'seIRn LOThvwrrc [t- here if the wind dot rise. Cotton is going upward by de Yrees,. and it is being brought in i little more lively, as some of he farmers seem to think it nag go on up to 10c, and seem n a considerable hurry for fear t gets to 10c before they get it >ff their hands. The bulk of he cotton is out of the farmers' tands now, and the speculators ,re apt to try to bull the market >retty lively soon, and if the old, armer, who has had sense nough to keep back at least a iart of his cotton, can succeed a getting in the boat "along ide" the bulls, he may get a ew more dollars on his cotton, v his holding. It is in order ow for cotton to go up to stim late the planting of another umper crop, to get .beat of as isual. S. D. Stewart and wife have eturned from an extended trip o their son, who lives rear Pitts >urg, Pa. They had a fine trip, )ut its pleasure was marred by dr. Stweart being laid up by a evere attack of la grippe, froni he effects of which lie is still Terv we.ak. C. The Much-Abused Mule. To tell a farmer that he doesn't mow how to gear a mule, and iold a plow to do the best plow ng in the way that will be eas est on him and the mule, and 1e is ready to give you a "lick ng" without parleying or delay. farmers make plowing , while it is (properly and b above, had taug > good plo had learned i a life-' wor perien ce. 'e gelcse Pure glycer e plow-stock slightly ivc'm"dic ou want to throw the ent.sprinted from the corn. Have PIerethus td plow s.o arranged i d*iigte need not labor, bear knoIn t push the plow to do ti%efor"t ing, or your plowing If you wa tard on you as pulling 'men of the sa w or grubbing. gg a ng your mule at the in of sae row turn to the left, Wute forah's .ould be turning the gascre n a the hill where the slanting. Bear the es down in turning ngletree will swing ?? he mule will not step :aces. Speak to your atural tone of voice, 3 would in conversa person. Never say !or "Whoa, haw!' A m. Just tell your you want him to do "Haw"-leave off $4 - t" until you want mad at your mule g what it hasn't got anud at the Ia: some marvel< >do, don't curse or jewe'ry that You might stand o3ut we also moderate pric m until vou dropped Wae would do no good. Whe e shade and cool off, we anl :howl 'art hatpu -ou get so you can day salis. L tand let the mule l, hitch up and go ___ you'll get there all Pickens -that your mule anything but to go R. L. ut rest, food or te drops dead Tn his Main stre e kind and humane - brutes. Feed, cur- Marnufacturers ~vaterthem. They Trhe wholesale rou ?hen they are ;ry, thirsty-ar need LET US KN "''m Also handles, t will tell vou somi Cigars, Tob armmng. anc arI s to 1 We are still givu e whether you bu .E. FRE it the Old Stand. Mothers andJJ Over-burdened Women " tions of life, whose vigor an'd iy have been undermined and iwn by over-work, exact ingr s the too frequent bearn g of ~~ r other causes, will find i nIDr. 'j I avorite Prescription the most 'igorating restorative strength devised for their special bene ig others wi find it especial I sustaining eir strength tin~ a kndant .urishment ild xctan~ ers too a riclee the bby's coming and rngd, comparatively painless. JJ: Tbe inrm in any state, or condition c onsidi tLe system. nervous, wveak women, who of han n frequent headaches. back ging-down distr'ss low down Maker: men, or from painful or irreg hl periods, gnawing or dis- - sation in stomach. dizzy or THL .see imaginary specks or spots .fore%yes, have disagrceealO, S - Lrrhal drain, prolap-us. ante retro-version or other (dplc omanly organs from wekns ilya fwhethe theyaov ex p -c F.r an eve in a more complete line t .n large quantities enab ew discriptiOns and pric Shoes for LN Mule Skin Shoes for Ladies-4 shce keep the foot dry and has good shapea be beat anywhere at $i.50., No. 936 "Solid as a Neck' 1somelhin stand the rocks and briers at $i.0 "VIRGINIA GIRL" a fine kid-sh*e tip, made on good shape last and sli CAROLINA MAID a fine soe, pateA b!ucher cut, solid leather throughout at Modern Girl Shoes worth 2.00 Our; Carolina Maid, a good patent 7eit A Comolete line of Childrens price from ioc up. Calicos, Madras, Duck etc. A lot of shirting at 5c per y When you buy flour, buy, e you know you are eating tie best aou also sell Ballards. White Fish, new -in kits, 5oc 8 pounds Best G 8 pounds extra Granulated and b Come in and s n the reach ow as others; OUR CLOTHES 'ER. / for mid-season &t for any trn is. Worsreds and Cheviot a rigths-a light weight'Overco ater-proof, yet -dressy. In itre or other occasions. t new sham",=rea r ue that ~Fashion dic LM.DIA.T... 110111 NVIL L1E, S.. C. t Co, L. ADLER BRos., MAx ijne of high-grade wares.