The sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1906-1909, January 28, 1909, Image 2

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e to nor of Sdresses ion were Mel. and rrison and address was w members ty and young of e e''nstitu forone single pur respect for, and do so far as I may be memory of our dead hial. Bowen was born *0 Creek, Pickens 1,!oept. 8, 1830. His o Irish and Welsh nt, and came from Vir :and d near the Sa river/n the hill country a, very soon after the of the Ameri- in Revo Tution. R. E. Bowen grew up on his ther'sfarm,getting in the coni mon schools of the day a know. edge of the Efiglisi ianebes, ind learning'surveying from his ather. horseback to -emaind in ear, teach ths, and of the ver the e came ed his ears. tober, Srth a ui dr"Ti which for Mor was their I tiol ii, R. E. cla Confederate "Ili nant in the aregiment. ear 1853 he k of colonel, he serv" . Lear Chat- sco s de his umed AtC And ta is na active part le for the ivilization Nor Puritan:" pointed chair- Nor 1cfommittee to ds perpe- 'Y gs and r negro days 1n e~ eport al- S' And O'er a--mW ge rted T th. e, speaker, Life be er so called, f thes-g chairs on the S -r s stand in the hail of ' hli several the house of representatives,L nfrom when a bloody riot seemed immin* showed nent, when a hasty word, or eswere blow, or shot might precipitate I aons slaughter in the state house, and ' i war outside, Col. Bowen Ana quiekly walked from the senate charm er and stood behind Col. Fa .l1 take Wallace's chair, towards which Cze She knew if any shots were firedl o s tim: te'the very first would be directed. for the Calm and unmoved, as Regulus, "T co-the Roman, before the mob atf atral office, )nth. Th Carthage, he stood thpa nnriflI T~i Assured then that n o~ would follow, C'ol._ back to his duties "~And ' Troubles Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cer tainly cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, consumption. And it certainly strengthens weak throats and weak lungs. There can be no mistake about this. You know it is true. And your own doctor will say so. 'The best kind of a testimonial "Sold for over sixty years." Ivad 3 C. A"er Co Loell, Xu&s P SARSAPARILLA. PILLS. Ayers .. O We Lavc no secrets! We publish th* formulas of all our medicines. Keep the bowels regular with Ayer's, Pil!s and thus hasten recovery. efforts in this direction, like those of Robert Y. Hayne, were unsuccessful. Mr. Clemson, in his will, named R. E. Bowen as one of the seven -life trustees of our intitution. Two of his col leagues-both like him soldiers of the Southern Confederacy D. K. Norris and J. E. Bradley, went before him to the rest un der the shade of the trees on the other side of the river. Col. Bowen was a Christian, and was for years an elder in the Presbyterian church near his birthplace and his life-long home. About sunrise, in the home of a relative at Fair Fo v e t e quiety ei asleep. the loved ones went to wake they found him in his bed, gra sleeping tiol te sleep that knows not brealing. dai n of toil, nor night of waking " noi riewing him in all life's rela- h is, we are constrained to de- tra gre Ne life was gantle, and the elements not s) mixed in hin but t nature might stvid up an I say to a,l the world was a mian.''w e r me, in conclusion, to ~on the fresh earth that in his mortal remains a gar- hig -athered and woven by t~ vise horn near the moun- sha at guard the western guo Sof his native state, ecol , too, has reached his four- coti c-e years; and who, like our for ited trustee, was a lifetime sha of forest and field, and his and twv-man. tha an aged man upon his bier, der 'i hair was thin and white, and onno his brow *e r 1 of the cares of many a yer.i; gil res that were e:ded and forgotten ma' now, twhe e"nas s :dneEs rouid, and fact s w(en's tears fetl fast, and clhi! Saltering accents, to that weeping o tr ain, o hiv mnourn ye that our aged friend Toi is dea"'? a h; e are not sad to see the gathered an( graim,ec when the ir mellow fruit the or- e chards cast, bot when the yellow woods shake down tim the ripened mast, sigh not wh- n the s-n, his corns con fulfilled. moS *s glorious course, rejoicing earth, era' ie soft evening, when the winds are the stilled, kin aks where h's islands of rferesh- Isan mient lie. leavts the smile of his departure,co spread .CO the warm-colored heaven and ruddy T mnountair. head. will y weep ye, then, for him, who, ing having won dosi e bound of man's appointed years.un at las', blessings all enjoyed, life's labors T dkne, lent -enely to his final rest has passed; say( e the soft memory of his virtues.,il yet, srs like twilight hues when the bright sun is s.?t. youth wvas innocent, h's riper age, rked with some act of goodnessj wat ched by eyes that loved him,1 4 enim. and s-ge, l'd h's !a'e declining s ears rful lie gave his being up, and went :are the holyJ. ife that waits on a Sp life wel'. sp) nt. fra hlfe wa.s hap every day lie;b -4 for the falir xistence that 'k fancy ., , a not her ch lie. no k hhu he: anto mis- W azt,nic to:-tures racked his aa i limlb, - B azury and sloth had nourished to Dono for hinm, t am glad that he has lived thus4 long,. glad t'aat -he has gone to his~ -eward: sem h it indA1 Ae id him' Charle Janvier, Vice-President of the Canal Louisiana Bank of New Orleans, made an address at the Farmers' Union meeting, during the morning session cf the last day, that pertains par ticularly to what it is hoped will be gained by building a big sto rage warehouse for cotton at New Orleans, one of the livest subjects now before the Union. He aroused much applause, speaking as follows: "Instead of being compelled to summarily sell your crop to bargain-hunte-s as rapidly as it reaches the market, you should be put in a position where you might be able to use some' dis cretion and to dispose of your cott n at its natural value and not at artificial prices dictated and fixed by temporary, unfa vorable conditions. Instead (f having yo-ir cotton swhished from your fiek's and hurried across the sea into for eign warehouses, there to be held and distributed in the natural order of trade, you should be able, yourselves, to hold and dis tribt te it from a market of your own, and yourselves receive the benefit which under present un natural conditions accrue to others. WHAT IS NEEDED. "This consummation may be reached by providing a safe, in expensive and convenient place in which may be housed that hich time it comes to market, re to be held until, through dual and healthy assimila is, a temporary superabun ice has been disposed of and -mal conditions restored. at place will be a great cen I warthouse located in this at metropolis of the South. wv Orleans will then become only your convention city, your market city. TY A GREAT CENTRAL WARE HOUSE. In my opinion, the first step bly desirable conditions is creation of facilities which 11 afford the safe and ade te fireproof warehousing and siomical handling of your on and the issuiance there of warehouse receipts whichL Ii be so safe and so secures generally known to be sc any banker or money-len in the financial world will et hesitate to accept them As edge security for loans Doctor's Prescription. to any good prescription eand get the following. mne otificimiixitniT syrup Sarsaparilla, and one ounce is compound. Add these to Ins ilf-pint of first class whiskey, use a table spoonful before( bi mc al and at bed time. The ble must be well shaken each e. .lthough this is seemingly a imonplace formula, yet it is t effective known for the lication of acid poisons from blood, absolutely curing all s of rheumatism, and at the ec time restoring the whole em to a vigorus, healthy dition. he enfeebled body and nerves -- feel its remarkable restor effects after the first few D is, but it should be continued il health is fully recov ered. Is b Ihe prompt use of this excel-th mixture will be found to many a dollar in doctor Ofi and much suffering. Resi _____ __ ______the D ~LOOD e live by our blood, and on We thrive or starve, as our P od isrich or poor. There is - thing else to live on or by. hen strength is full and Af rits high we are being re- pu sshed-bone, muscle and 1ao tin, in body and mind-with whiti ratinual flow of rich blood. is is health. a big hen weak, in low spirits, no They eer, no spring, when rest is the r t rest and sleep is not sleep, profit are starved; our blood is bo,g or; there is little nutriment trimn it. atve ck of the blood is food, N av keep the blood rich. When 'attrac ails, take scoTean ho Land So iach That eertuizer Cannot Make It Better You use fertilizers for the profit you get out of them-and the better the land the more profitably a good fertilizer can be used en it. Do not imagine because land will produce a fair crop without Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers that these fertilizeis cannot be profitably used on it, or that they were made only for land too poor to produce without them. If poor land will show a normal increase when fertilizer is used, good land will show at least double the increase. Use Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers to increase the quality, as well as the quantity of the crop-and you will increase the profits from your land. "I have been using your fertilizers for a number of years" says Mr. William Fraiser, of Glasburg, La., "andfnd that it not only pays to fertilize, but to do plenty of it, and use the best fertilizers to be had, such as your brands. I have used a number of them and found them to be as recommended and to give better results than any other fertilizers that I have ever used." Every planter and farmer should have a copy of the new 1909 Virpnia-Carolina Farmers' Year-Book. Get a free copy from your fertilizer dealer, or writp our nearest sales office. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. Sales Offices Sales Ogres Richmond, Va. Durham, N. C. Norfolk, Va. Charleston, S.C. Columbia, S. C. nia-cmfin Baltimore, Md. Atlanta, Ga. Chem Columbus, Ga. Savannah, Ga. Montgomery,Ala. lemphis, TenD. Shreveport, La. HILL'S Ceace Hronjie quinine TABLETS Will Cure That Cold You Have Ice 25c. For Sale By BOUI CO.5 UP-TO-DATE DRU 'TS, Pickens, S. C. MENTION THIS AD, achanan-Scott Co. 'ROITS0 lEO vBEC goods Must 0oE Big Clearance Sale of every article in the house/ for this re week. From %4 to %r off on all Goodls./ Cloaks, inery, etc. Marked belowv cost.j ' Sprinig Goods aro ,jfriYinlg~ An. !Mlst Me Room For Them Winter Stock MUST GO. Price is no ohject with us. Big Bargains in New White Fabrics, Laces, Embroideries rtions etc. jeneral Clearance SA LE Cash Department Store GREENVILLE, S. C. -. F. S. Porter,JFE M j o Located in Pickens for practice of his profession. Liberty, S, C., ~e Upstairs in Freeman Bldg Keeps always on hand a comn dence at P. H. Boggs for pie stock of J.) present. M1 GEN E RAL Pr R. LAWRENCE ROPER, DENTiST,MERCHANDISE - D ETlT,A full line of the FAMOUS l KES.- - S. C. PENITENTIARY I THAT GREASY TAST1E. ~ ~ . M ad er wadirg through the Christmtas poli '~red fruii. e e hacve *disp atfs h, suc> as faL nmackorel and THE MOST and BEST GOODS valu fh. L.-DIES, IFOR THE to d holesalac hou lain c ron. NARSt M OD t. come to me much cheaper than 1 tin ensutorb tl J.~nl( F.JENNINGS lonpies. Liberty, S. 11. Sorr aqe alin o gat s aer oas Notice to Pensioners. Hea tive in quality and p)rice. I w-ill be in the court hie ave you money on hour, I bouaht every day in Januar months ago before tee rise. NuC h " Things were time becaust tie didn't know tne eIeL having a checking account in a good Bank. That is no -eason why you should be siib jected to be subjected to such incnvenience One of the most pleasing conditions of modern business methods is a checking ac count in a good B, . BANK, Liberty, S. C. Cabbage 5 Plants,4 THE BEST EVER 20c per 100 PICKENS DRUG C CRAIG BR The Bargain Stoi Don't Forget those Bargains in c.per p a don't stumble on~u s~v,e..seset can av ney also on Men's Dress Shoes. Don't forget that we buy hens by the pound and wil better tu sell that way than by the head, Reme we give coupons for Cash purchases except heavy es. Don't fail to see our beautiful premium goods IT PAYS TO BUY FOR CASH.~ G BR One-Price '%., S~_tore. The Anderson Phosphate & Oil Company has bout a high grade phosphate rock (bone phosphate of lin an~d high grade ammoniates, blood, tankage, etc.a is making a high grade blood and bone fertiliz There is no better fertilizer than one with a blood bone basis. Fertifizer is like bread; you can't good bread unless you have good material to m wvith. Flour is the foundation of bread.and phosp rock (bone phosphate of lime) is the foundation o tilizer. There are as many different grades of phate rock as there are ot flour. We have bou phosphate rock (bone phosphate of lime) wh' usually exported to Europe where intensive f is done, high grade fertilizer is wanted and' results is required. Our ammoniates, bloo etc., are the best we can get. It is going profits but we will have the satisfaction o fertilizer that we can offer our home fol door neighbors, with confidence, for we is nothing better made. We want you want to sell our fertilizer at home. We the money that is usually paid out for freig ping goods away from home and put it in h fertilizer that we can sell our folks at hom pay you to try some of our goods. R. Vandiver, D. S. Va esident. !M 0005S, fllOI, liD We are now rounding up our winter's business. :y not to carry a.ay goods into the next season that - ose of. You will find in our place sone es, in winter goods. The time is shce ispose of the goods, so the -ice Knife will be ap. M & Ladies Cloaks, $[ 2.oo and-414.oo no~w $7 " " $ 8.oo and $10.00 now e big bargains in Blankets. Ker-eys, Frannels 20 per cent unde vy Wool Dress Goods Reduced