The sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1906-1909, May 09, 1907, Image 2

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Pickens Seintiliel-Journal PUBJJsHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING. --BY The Sentinel-Journal Company. TiFoMPsoN & RICHsEr, PROPS. J. L. 0. THoMPSON. EnTon. 4Subscription $1.00 Per Aniiib. Advertising Rites Reasonable. Entered at Piokene rustofce as Second Claas Ma1i Matter EICKENS, S. C. : THURSDAY, MAY 9 1907. Shun Tainted Money. William Jennings Bryan has praises for churches and colleges that refuse to take money that has been made by dishonest means. He spoke recently in the New National theater, Washington, D. C, under the auepi ces of the Y. M. C. A. He took for his subject the "Prince of Peace." "One of our ricb men," he said, "has reached the point where he sometimes finds difficulty to find people to take his money. And that I regard as the best evidence of the growth of moral sentiment in this country. It means something when a great church pauses, hesitates, r - fuses to accept the money until it knows how it is made. "I believe the time will come when churches and colleges will refuse to go into partnership in spending mon t'y immorally nade. The influence of that public opinion will be power ful factor in the restoring of right eousnessn. These in a ti t u ti o n a should say to a man: 'You do not make your money honestly; we will not share the odium with you.' Was a Mad Man. Champ Clark, of Missouri, madeia speech at Des Moines, Iowa, the other evening, in the courso of which he said that the half had not beon told of the incidents at the Cridiron diia ror at which Foraker and Iioosevelt clashed at achat other. "I was sillinfg a little way from the presiden," he saaid, "aand say, I have seen Six menl-t mteet Violent deaths at differen ti m111es, but I never saw a madder naat than Roosevelt wvas at that time in my whole life. ".if we com el tli e It( a rria.rman l lis Odell gang to telAl the lauthi about thle camipaign conmtributions, we would iweep the country. If wo had a dis$ trict attorney in Newv York that was worth powder and lead to blow himt to bell, Sing Sing wvould he full ofi thiose thieving Republican bosses that their arms and legs wvould be sticking out of the windows." Skill of the Ancients. New Yo-rk t'ressii. "We are losing all our secrets ini this shabby age," an at chitect said. "If we keep on, the Lime wvill come when we'll be able to do0 nothing well. "Take, for instance, steel. We claim to make good steel, yet the blades the Saracens turned out huun dreds of years ago would cut one of our own blades in two like butter. "Take ink. Our modern ink fades in fivc or ten years to rust color, yet the ink of mediavol m)anuscripts8 is nts black and bright to-day as it was 700 years ago. "Take dyes. Th1e0 beauttiful blues -end reds and greens of antique orient el rugs have all heen lost, while in Egyptian tombls we findl fabrics dyed thousands of years ago that rom 'ia to-day brighter andl purer in htue thana any of ou r n,odel(rni fatbrics. "T'ake my specialty, buildn , . \We can't build as the ancienata did1. 1'Te secret of th eir- mortart and cenimnt is lost to us. '1'Their mortar and cement were actuatlly hatrder and moure du (ra ble than the stonies they bound to gother, wihereas ourtts-li-orrors!" The leaCsanit purgative effect e'xpe'ri enced0( by all who( use Obamnberhiin 'a Stomach ai)d Ljiver Tp'>!ta., and the healthy conditiotn of th lady'~(3 and~ min td which 11hey crease miakes one feel joyful. Price, 25 conts. Satmple free at Pic,k ens Drug Co. Leave Them Outside. Don't l-ring them into thelodge room, Anger and spite and pride, Drop at the gate of the temple The strife of the world outside. Forgot all your cares and trials, Forget eery selfish sorrow, And remember the cause you met for And hayte ye the glad to mQrr9t, Drop at the gate of the temple Envy and spite and gloom; Don't bring personal quarrels And dlscord into the room. Forget the slights of a sister, Forget the wrongs of a brother, And remewber the old commandment That ye love one another. Bring your heart into the lodge room, ,But leave yourself outside That is, your personal feelings Ambition, vanity, pride. Center each thought and power On the cause for which you as semble: Fetter the demon Discord And make ye the monster tremble. Aye, to fetter and chain him, And cast him under your feet, That in the end we aim at, The object for which we meet. Then don't bring into the lodge room Envy or strife or pride, Or aught that will mar our union, But lerve them all outside. - [Ella Wheeler Wilcox. How to Run a Newspaper. When a man goes astray, Keep it out, When the critic roasts a play, Keep it out. When two men in anger clash; Wheu a merchant goes to smash; When the cashier steals the cash Keep it out. When the-y quarrel in the church, Keep it out. When a tetacher wields the birch, Keep it u,t. When nine women fair to see W'hi-por something over tes - Print it? (. oudness, gracious Ue! K eop it out. W1'ho1n two statesmel make a deal, eop it out. Wi -t antriher trie to steal, Keep it out. Stories thin e ed stories a I; Aoid and had and big 1and( swtall-. A tL tling that.'s ews at all He ir~ 'e mi shout: "Keep it out!' - [Columin R I~ecord. Found Out. I think thiat there's but, little room For doubt, they're br'ide and groom. She( looks at himui with so unch pride, It's certain she must be a bride. And his adorinig looks betray His gr.omshiip --it's a g'ive-away.t I notice, too, the lady's hat I d wvant no better prooif thani that. But taken with the lilac dIress, It puts the r'iatter past a guess. Then he's so natty and so trim Ther 'a net the least mistaking him. Their baggage! See the silver tag That gleams upon the lady's bag. His suit case! i've seen very few So very yellow, fresh and new. No ordinary married man Would carry one so, spuck and1 span. Andi( --didl you see hin look at her As they approached the register?, J us.t wail, a littlec whi le antd see Whlen she puts sugair in his tea. TIhere! ThImat will shake youir iinbeldie f; lHe's j ust picked uip her hand kerchief. Anid ne te her sudden earii,ine blo.r-mn! 8ure hel. they are bride anud groomi. -[Ch icago News. recuiltsu fromi chroni i constipation, wh ich is qmlely cured b)y Dr1. King's New Life Pills. Theuy remiYove all p)oisoinous germs froiai the sysrtemn and inifuse inew life and v'igor, euro st,ur sitoinneh, iausia, headl- ei ache, dizziness and colic, without grip ing or discomfort. 250e. Guaranteed by Pickens D)rug Go SHOES TICU UEEN Quality They have been awarded ( tionl tid , in fact at every expo Ways awarded the Gold Medal. with any other shoes that you c the prize. The snap and style parison; made in all shapes and a few of the leading styles we a Gun metal, Blucher, Oxfor Style 4o6-Pat. Colt Ribbc large eyeIeto, ribbon lace, 14-8 Style 206--4 button pat. c( less pat. colt vamp and tip, 144 Style 426-Patent colt 3 h patent colt vamp and tip, large We also carry several style Queen Quality for women, Cro footwear for the whole family. unless it combines wearing qual Drop in and see these line, HEATH=B Leaders in Howa Saves You . Money wagon, a carriage,way to figure the harness Is to figure the cost jer yer USe it. If a farm wagon, for example, lasts 20 years and requires only $2 you of that wagon is $3.10 a year. If another wagon costsr only $s, t and requires $10 wvorth df repairs, ti cost to you is $6 a year, at least. Which is thd cheaper? * * There is no doubt about the /as/h qualities of Studebaker wagons, ca riages and harness. It's the material that goes iin them--plus the way they are made Studebaker farm wa'gons he deeper than others, made from Black I-lickory-air-dn'ed from.3 The axles are also rc-inforc bar of steel running from the to the other. The Studebaker Patt are made from cast iro verse strength of over 3, Goti Heath 13 P1 Pointed Paragraphs. Ii We are all happier for a lot of a rings we don't see. Aid is never satisfactory. The best h "S is no. to neced it, Unpre hbly expec more oIf at riend- thani you are willing to give. The worry of to day is usually the *vsult of carelessness of yetea. a B3ravery isn 't much credit to a bull log. He hasn't sense enough to beI if raid. Peop)le would be less susSpici(, Oh t ithers if they didn't know thenII lolves so well. Tfhe man who realiy knmvs a l Iboult wonmni is usuahly willing * idmnit that lie kniows lnothing. No poor1 mni has any~ business8 to narry' a womanit who has a maini 10 ua king noth inig ouLt4 of somethinig. E ven w~lhn a fiend uirygt .~ [uests you to po'uint, out his faults i lon't do it if you1 valuLe( his friendshi p. No storeprOlOlU (( b lee so wel ikes to have hlim go behuind his' b 0o131ter.T CJomaplimenits art1e like wine - .it g I akos a smnall dose to go (t the he~ads f some poople1(, whilo others can stand I good deal Every main ought to malfrry a w.0 nan wyho is a good1 mnaer beca.s j FOR. LAR A Shoes please wo s of Amerioa p( xoid Medals at Paris, Buffalo, sition where stylish footwear < Why? The reason is easy n find and you will readily se is so far ahead of the commoi in all leathers, with the new re showing this season: d, 3 hole ribbon tie welt sole n Blucher Oxford, Fifth ave. Cuban heel. Price $3.50. >lt Oxfords, Fifth ave. sinpe, Cuban heel, custom grade, )le Blucher Piccadilly shape, a eyelets, ribbon tie, 12-8 heel, s at $2.50 for your stylish foo sset for men and Kriders for We will not handle a shoe, n ities. ;: of good stylish fitting shoes R UOE=MOd Low Prices ard Styli; cost to you of a square inch - 22 buggy or a set of ients of the Ut probabiV 50% gr rr as long as you The Studebal; nishing a proper hat costs you $60 are treated with repairs, the cost to to their weather The Studebat dlatso 1 years, greatest improvei See the Studebaker Agent Ve axes ' inch Studebaker is ov selected butt-cut Do you wonde to 5 years. Do you wonde ed with a special tation behind it? heel of one skein You cannot af when you can ge nt Truss Skeins It is poor eco having a trans- ig out money fc 000 pounlt to the a Gct a Studebt o the Studebaker A ruce & Morrow C( lekens, South Carolini ~w muen are any good unless the r'e properly managed. WVhen a mant's first bab y arrivei e wvants to treat aill his friendi lben the sovenith comles along, hi qiects all his friends to treait hio -IC(hieago News. A ca< Tlhis4 is to certify thatt all druggists si ut,horizedl to refunid your money if F sy's Honey antd Tar fails to care you rnngh or cold. It stops theii co'ugi eals the lungs and preOvents seriouts r( nilts from a cold. Cures lat grippe couig tid prtevents po nmnia~ and consump. On... Contains no op)iatest. Tfhe Getni JO iS im a yellowv package. Rlefuse Hut Litute's. Parkins Pharmacy, .ibherts 11d Pickenis D)rug Co. A winmant likes Lii dme1 in a rest atu tit withI her husband so he can' hamte her for it. .A cod is muchel more eajsi ly cure< in n thle b)owels are openied . Kennedy' xativye Roney and Tarns iSho bow Is a nd d rivyes the cohtl ontL of the sy'sten young or old. Sold by JPickens D)rtu 0. .Thle Alask(a P.ack(-ris A.ssociatiou uve hlberatedt fromij the(0 i i htchil Alaskat, nup to 19tdi, thirei heir F"orl mann iiohahry is thi .rgest in the world. ost oblst,titot coughs andl expels th< )ld from t he system as it. ts mildl xativo. It is gtuaranILtl(d. D)o not risl king any but the genuino in then ye1 w package. Pairkins Phiarmacy, Liber ,and Piekens Drng Co. PAR men who the I Europe, Chicago and Charleston exposi :ompetes, Queen Quality is aJ. o find. Compare Queen Quality e why Qeen Quality always gets i shoe that there is really no com short vamps. The following are with tip 12-8 heel. Price $3. shape, welted sole all patent colt welted sole, dull calf top seam $3.50 velted sole, gun metal quarter, Price, $3 twear. We want to shoe you children. Our specialty is stylish o matter what the style may be. PROW CO. oh Footwear. % greater than the require. ited States Government- and cater than the ordinary wagon. er hubs are large in diameter-fur foundation for the spokes. They i secret solution, y y... 'y adds resisting qualities. er slope-shoulder of the nents ever made i .ilding :arryirig the large of wood nto the hub. They r/ where ther spokes are w. The Studebake. round u(lge tires are oil-u ro/d-se1. L'hat's why they noc- .ousu. And so on-point by point-feature )y feature-nothing that will add to hbe durability and long lif'e of the that it lasts? that it is the wagon with a repu ~ord to buy a "cheap" wagon, the best for so little. nomy tobe constantly pay r repair bills. .ker and save money. gent mpany a. The Retort Courteous. The Chicago Chronicle declares that , resident Roosevelt hans beeni "great - ;lv humiliated''tby the complimients (1 paid hJim b)y certain Demjocrats, niotai .Ibly John T'emiple Gr aves an~d M~r Br.-a.n. Th'le Chironicle say~s: "Pires iden1,t- Ro)osevO e asnot deserved the 13 lhIuIhation." It mustL hurt the presidenlt terribly ,o h ear n. Democerat speak a godwr -for him - ocesioIually. Per-haups lhe. would lhke to havet, ls ciolmpa lmiien t come*u elx(lustvely fro ii men0 w-in like John R. Wt~aulsh, prop)rietor of the Cihicagot Chruoni ile, have beeni in dicted over 01ne hiuidred tim4esd for fraud t ullnt, tra.nsactis. t If Mlr. Roosevelt canl prospri with ala everydaliy ent h usijastic inldors4emen L 1by WVaIlsh, he a ,abet s urvivo ani ocea' u-ourd l)W biu .1. le :)lJm1en Iloner. "M~y downVzfall h Uumble 4 menIJOsuiCat , -ace d->.ut, wvas I uv.otastone by ai I N ot rir fromau t he boss. Sprmg~ Cuts. (Goo d flour, d3very saink gluarank i t0 a 84 .25 thle 1bb ; sugar '20 lbs for 4' b, hi& colleo.0( 8 lb s for il ; SI aum.ard oil froii the~ t, uk wangon l5c poru gallon; ai goodl tOoeo 30e t.he 1)ound1(; sal tl100 bs in Agenut, for Tlhoriinill wag~o1