The sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1906-1909, May 09, 1907, Image 1

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4 }\ THESINTI SE INEL1 URNAL Eutored April 23, 1903 at Pickeus, S. C., aA hecond olass matter, under act of Congress of March 3, 1879. VOL. P ICERS, SOUTN CAR0I,NA, TURSDAY, MAY 0, 10071 MANY WILL ATTEND MUSICAL FESTIVAL CRITIClMS OF SOME OF THOSE Participating In the Festival-The Chorus of Two Hundred Voices and the Two Renowned Orchestras En gaged for May Musical Fete. May 15,h to 171h are-the dates setl for the May Musical Festival to be held in Greenville, and it is likely that there will be quite a number of people who will go from here to at tend this great event. It is said - that the Festival at Greenville will be an event which will mark an epoch in the cultured life of that communi ty, and the great singers engaged, -together wi't the well known orches tras booked for the occasion, will makte a showing for the progressive little city heretofore unsurpassed. Ten soloists of na.tional fame, a si perbly trained chorus of two hundred voices, and two well known an"l complete orchestras Is something which offers opportunities seldom giv en to "the people of this section. The meat sale in Gr,eenville is said to be something more than merely encour aging---for it has far exceeded the ex pectations of the most -sanguine. John H. Williams, who is in charge of the tickets, has been kept. busy for the pas.t few days filing orders for reser vations. The prices for- tickets for the entire five concerts will be only 4 $4, while the single concert ticket will cost $1.50. Appearing elsewhere in 'this issue are a. few facts in regard to the great event in Greenville, but a few addi tional facts in regard to the great ar tists-or at least a few of 'trem---will not be out of place, but on it other lhand will prove interesting to rea-ders of this paper. Of Mr. James' abil y, the N'ew York Timos' critic says: "Mr. James gave his two solos with beauty of voice and full of conception of the de mands. No one who heard him will soon forget the glorious "Then Shall the Righteous Shine,' nor will Mr. .lames cease to remember the ap .plause his singing of the noble miu 4. sic called forth." The Cincinnati inquirer says of one of the artists: '^Mr. George Rogovoy, up to 'a few years ago, a member of the Imperial Orchestra of St. Petersburg. He has received among many 'tokens of ris linction, a medal from the Czar, and his 'Cello from a Prince. Upon his arrival in this city he was immediate ly engaged as 'Cellist in the ym phony Orchestra, and will maintain the same position 'ihe coming season, in addition to his teaching and con cert work under the auspices of the College of Music. No oth-er artist made so favo-able an impression in so short a space of time as Mr. Ro-I govoy. Mr. Richard Schlewen is Director of Violin and Director of the Orches t ral Depart ment at the Met rop)ol1tan Schooi if Music, Cincinnati, is a na 'tivye of Germ.any, and studied v'iolin murder' thle w~orl d -renown"ied m.a ser's, Jiacobhsen, die Ahna and .J.oachimt at the' Koen igl1che Hochschulo for Mu ?ic in Berlin. Prof. Sc'hlewven has hel-d lerading pl-sitionls in many of thegreat otches tras or IEurope) and Amer'Ilea , apear ing; as soloist in the Concert hauts, Symphony and Philharmontic Concerts of Berlin , 'ihe Theodore 'Thomas, -Melt'opolitan , Damriosch , Van der Strzeklen , the Uahn I"estival Orches tra, etc., and in the capacity of so 4luist has traveled extensively' in this :outntr'y as well as in IEuropo. A New~ York musieal er Iic writes: "Mrs. Beatrice Fine, of New York, seemed to lbe at hter best andli sung 'her way inlto the htears of her hear' ars in three languiag's. l"itrst she gave t wo songs in l"ren chi ''T intuet"'-Ol l5urench , by WVeekedlitn 'and( ''Alme M oi,"o of Chopin's \'ret y :omlpo sititons. Tlh en followy'd ai (erman lullaby of dIainty, sweet expr'essions. 'Sandnmannc'hen"'-"T''i'he Santd Man'" by Brahmis. Another PFetich song, * "iA Follelt," by S. Marchesi1, bright and tunelul, was t'endered , and the rtt group of five dele'ctionts closed wtJ.S. B'ac,h's beautiful complosi tn,"My Heart Ever Faithful. While the other songs were all pret 'ty, the Ia-st one seemed to htave depth, (he ears of a satisfying musical gem. Among the most successful of the younger contraltos now before the public may be named Miss Mary Por t'er Mitchell, of New York. Miss Mitchell first attracted the at tention of the 'nusic world when she was chosen from a large number of applicants for the position of Con tralto soloist in Trinity Church, Bos ton, under the direction of Dr. IIo ratio Parker, now of Yale University, Miss Mitchell retained this posit'ion for two years, before com'ing to New York to acceit one of the best church positions in Brooklyn, with the Cliin ton Avenue Congregational 'hurch. Telegraph Operators Vote to Strike. San Francisco, May 4.-The tele phone operators of the Pacific States Telephone and Telegraph company Friday voted to strike to enforce their demands of increased wages and rec ognition of the union, which was re cently organized. Base-Ball for Pickens. The sporting blood of Young America in Pickens is on the rampage. They are going in for the strenuous, Lut healthful sport, base-ball, with rigor. They are full of vim and Vin. agar, and are putting up good ball. Phe picked tenm and the scrubs fre. uently meet on the diamond, and it s a toss-up as to who shall gain the nasterv. From the aggregation a ood, strong, healthy team is evolvcd .hat knows no vanquishment, or, at. east, they have not been vanquished o far, and feel confident of winning very game they play. The Pickens tamn has challenged and accepted ihallengos from Greer, Clemson, Sen. eca, Westminster and other teams, nd they are very sanguine of sue "ess. Considering everything, Pickens is lite proud of her team, and confi .lent of the standing it will take in the ball world. They are a hefty set -good hitters, sure runners and safe plnyers, and can be depended on in An emergency. Tbr business people of Pickens re Alize the importance and need of a ood ball team and are responding aubly with "material" support, and vill do all they can to send out as good a team as there is in the state. The magnanimity and hearts co )peration and encouragement of the Pickens people is worthy of comimend ition, and we doff our hat to both then and the ball team. Here's hoping all kinds of good luck for the team, and peace, plenty, happiness ind prosperity to the noble sup porters. 'Thl,e Pickens team is composed of Frank McF1all, Bruce Boggs, M. S. Nimmons, G. B. McLeskey, Thurman D.ochran, Jack Lewis, Pat Jennings, Will Jones, J. P. Carey, Jr., Claude Flester, Hmagood Bruce. J. P. Carey, Jr*., manager; Bruce Bogres. assistant nanaIIiger; Mi. 8. Nimmions, secretary; t"rankc ~.\eFll, captain. An Old Medicine. "Ground oyster shells," said a phy sician, ''were usedl as a mediccno by ihe mnediaeval doctors-- a medicine for the rickets andl scr4fula."' "How absurd!" "A bsurd? Not at all. Oyster -hells contfain lime, :iitr'ogen, iron, sulphurii, magnesia, bromide, phos. ihoric acid and iodine. These are excelleint tonics, You knmow how that biensi eat ground oyster shells and thus propace eggs with good, thick, stronimg sheIllOj Well, as the oyster shell pow~der acts on an eggshell so I have ino doubt it act.ed in the middle ages on the bending crumblim)g bones o)f thei rickety, putting strength and( lirmness in to them. Ground Oyster shells, I a convinced, would be 'good things for fr'ail children today. They would strengthein the framei, increase t-he appetite and have a splendid ef-. feet upon the teeth."-Philadlelphia< ilutn. Greater Pickens. Mr. W. A. Thomas, who has bought a lot andtl is building a house, in the new section of town, calls that do tmain "(;reater Pickens." It is a worthy cogtInen. Now evervbodv pull together and make a greater Pickens in reality. The towra of the country are all -xploiting their advantages and ear seeking to locate settlers and invest rs within their borders and are off;r ing inducements to manufacturing 3mterprises and holding out bright prospects to business ventures; and ;hey manage to deliver the goods. Pickens could wake a "quick deliv 3ry," too, if she would only "bear lown to the pain" of making a few macrifices. Her citizens are a noble iearted people, but they are awful flow in a ' business way. It takes hem a long time to conceive, but vhen they do they bring forth good, trong, healthy results. But the peo )le of Pickens look a long time at a lollar before they will turn it loose. mnd then when they do it sure has rot to be a large, and direct, return. L'hey are not willing to turn loose heir money for a small per cent. nd benefit others by the deal-no, he benefit must be direct, and exelu ive, to them. This is an age of push, thrift and dvancemen t, and one person cannot iso unaided; he must have the bel) nd co-operation of others. A. well egulated comurnunity, whereby each udividual is pulling, pushing or cratchinl for his neighbor, and some ther neighbor doing the same for in, is the community that is in the orefront. Wen our people grasp he idea that no man can live unto imself, then will they expand, the 3ockles of their heart will warm up, md, like the petals of spring that are lurtured by the gentle rains and the ,varm rays of the sun, until the time >f their bureting when their frag ance is " afted on the balmy breeze, bey will realize that they are living or the good they can do. When this pirit comes over them, you will see iouses, stores, manufacturing enter )>i8es and citizens here that will nake you proud to call the old town ,oulr abiding place. The idealic predominates here, and whilo other towns and communiities re advancing, growing, developifsg ,nd pushing out, we are still sitting lown awaiting 'for some fa:ry's or Lagician's wand to make of Pickens vhat we are all the time hoping and Ireaming it will be, but neither by vord or action are we putting form h ny material effort to imake the dIream eme to passe,unles,perchance, we see :chance to put a few dollars into one nd(ividual's pocket, and to keep the (ther followv from miaking any mfonley. JTust so long asn such condlitions as hese prevail just so long will the old1 own p)1od alonig as it is, developing dlwa3s to the p)oint that its natural idvantLages causes it. to ex pand -only mo far- -and no fart her. But let it., itizens rise up1 en masse, and1( all p)ut shoulder to thte wheel for amn om vardl andi upwarid plush, and1( see how mmddenly and1( perceptibly1 the ol ,owni w.old begin to expaInd andt ecxt 12 monmths t han hus been( doeo ni the past 10( years. D)n 't youm h - ieve it? If you don't believe try ii Lnd see; and if our satemient prlove 'also we wvill eat the ginger cake. Lav downm that lia-'r >w-imindtel, >rejuadiciail, sel fish dogma, of not vanting to (10 anything b)ecaulse seme me else might reap, a benefit; what f they do? If they are also enter. >rising, y'ou reapj a return'1 from theb:i lealings. T1hrow your heart into the work of building up your town. If by your deal the town is betfitted $100 an1 you clear $25, you have done better than if :it was the other way, for you have a chance, again, a+ld in some other channel, at $100, whc"rens it the conditions were re versed you only have at chance at $25 See the point? Well, if you don't, God pity you; We can't write the articles and also furnish you with braiis to grasp the meaning. The nui that has tea lots in tovn makes nothing by holding to them,. even if he improves them; but if he sells nine of them at $200 each he has made $1800, and has let nine more people have an outlet. These nine begin improvements and each one spends not less than $1000 on his lot; that means $9000 turned loose into the legtitimate channels of trade in the town and "the butcher, the baker and the candlestick-maker" each gets a share of this money, How about this one lot you have re served' 'Ibe improvements put all around it has enhanced its value at least a hundred fold, hasn't it? W ell, how much would it have advanced in 12 months if you had refused 'o have sold the other nine, and refusing to sel; the other nine, how much money would you have kept out of the le_ it imlato chaninels of trade? How much of this 890()0 will eventually find its way back into your pocket? It is hard to esti-ate, but the probability is that., finally, you may have it all. . No, partsanship, petty jealousies, nor niggardly finance wil not do in this day and time. Open your pocketbook, spend your money, and reap a $5 interest to-morrow, rather than to wait 12 montihs and get 50 dollars. l'v the latter method you are a loser of a clear $10, besides not belping the town any. These kind of 'inanciers, thoe who trade to ben efit, themselves vlone, are not worth a tinker's dam to an3 community, and the best thing they ever do for them selves, or the comnmunity, is when sorrowing friends have a marble shaft (pointing upward, when it should be pointed the other way), inscribed with "Sacred to the memory of - . Pull for the good of the community in which you live. Live for the good that you caln do. lDon't be a cJam and shut yourst if up in your own shell; he like the be-"worK for the good of others. Now, let's all take up the slogan, a " reater lickens," and all pull for that oid. Lot us strain every nerve, bend every nerve, to make of Pickens a city of 5,000 inhabitar;ts by 1910. We can do it: nothing under the cun from keCeping our (lsires from being Consununatedl, except lethargy, drones and cron kers. These things can be overcomew; the whip of en ter prise andl energy will remerve leth argy, the dirones can be made to work, while it can be made so hot for the eroake-rs that they will fall in line or leave the community. In the bright lexicon of youth there is no such word as fail. "I can't-I won't" are unknowvnto) t.he schoolboy of to-day. It is "I will ' and( eel can." So apply these terms to every good thing that is proposed and lend youri aid and aissistance, and see how eaisy it is by an optimi p)air of glasses, to do unIseemjinrg w/on d er-s with so little ofi exerution Are you an optimist oJr a pessinust? 'l'his is a personal <p Iccstion, geri e reader, and3( you P rmst alnwer. Your3 friends have classed you the one or the other. HIave they classed you rC?hI lemnembohr, thecre is no3 m)idldle g roundl for you to stand oni. What we say hern is applicable to every towna in the county, and every part of the couty., primarirly, and to. anly part cf the sthte and UiMao,n at gnerai Way; and while we say P'ickmns, primarily, we mean every at large--there for', everybo(y can pull for their ('wn section and make for it what they can. Hrralth for a "GCreater Pickens, hoth town and co1unty. 'The cry is Pickens towni, a1 greater town, and 5,000 citizens by 1910. Are you with us in the fight? Graustark. had sent to him that very night was pinned defiantly above his heart. Quin nox smiled when he observed this bit of sentiment, and grimly informed him that he wag conhtnitting an act pro hibitediun Dangloss' disciplinary rules. Officers on duty were not to wear tosegays. "l)angloss will not see my violets. By the way, the moon shines brightly, doesn't It?" "It is almost as light as day. Our trip is made extremely hazardous for that reason. I am sorely afraid, rash sir, that we cannot reach the castle Unseen." "We must go about it boldly; that's all." "IIas it occurred to you, sir, that you are placing le in a terrible position? What excuse can I have, a captain of the guard, for slinking about at night witli a man whom I am supposed to be tracking to eairth'? Discovery will brand me as i traitor. I ('ainnot deny the charge without exposing her royal highness." Lorry turned cold. Hie had not thought of this alarming possibility. Hut. his ready wit c'amie again to his relief, 11(1 with bright, confident eyes lie swept away the obstacle. "If discovered, you are at once to proelahi iilre at prisoner, take the credit for having caught mne atid claim the reward." "Ini that case you will not go to the casth ', but to the tower.'' "Not if you obey orders. The otTer of reward says that I utust he delivered to the undersigned. You will tal:e me to her and not to the tower." Quinnox sin led and threw up his hands as if unable to combat the quick logic of his companion. Together they inlade their way to the prior's cell, aft erward to the abbot's apartment. It was barely 11 o'clock, and he had not retired. 1le questioned Quinnox closely, hade Lorry farewell and blessed him, sent his benedletion to the princess and ordered them conducted to the gates. Tenl minutes later they stood outside the wall, the great gates having been closed sharply behind them. Above themn hung the silvery moon, full and bright, throwing its refulgent splendor over the inoutitain top with all the brill ia icy of day. Never before had Lorry seen the m1iooni so accursedly bright. "'(ad, it is like day," he excilimed. "As I told you, sir," agreed lie other, reproof inl his voice'. ''We lutist: wait until the mnoont goes d1owi. It won't. (o to risk it now. Can wo not go sotiiewhere to keep warn for an hour or so?" "There is a cave farther down tho mounltaiJiin. Shiall wve take' the( (lie of "'d3y all mteants. I can't enidure the col after' beinig cooped up for so lon1g." They('3 followed thle wuinidin1g road for' Sing at hiast to a loilit wher'te ai smuall aimi brtnched otf. It wa~s the pa1th leadinig doiwnl the sIde (f the steep overlookinig the city, and upon that side, 1o walgoti road( couild he built. Seven thiousanid feet. helow stretched 1tle sle'epting, moon11lit ('ity3. Stain g outt 14n the br'ow of' the iounitalin, they seerned' to he the ontly liing ob je('ts In the work'It. 'Thlei'e was nto sign of life ab ove', bl.'ow0 or' b5esie t hemi. "Ii ow long should we he ini making thle desretit?'' a sked L orry, aL sort of i'error'Il5'5 possing hun11 as lhe lolokedl ''"'Three liurs If y'ou iare strong.'' ''\n hlo1w are we to get inito the eas il'? I il(id't thought of that."' "IThere' is a secret. entra nec," saId QunitnioxO, ma111liously enjoy Iing thle in 5l4et one 11's ne(kniowledgtient 0o' weak ne(SS. '"if wel r'ea'h it Hiafely, I ('an Itaiike you unider gr'oiund to the o11 ldtdugeonis beneaith th le eaLstle. It may1 h e somie ILbove, fot' thle secret' pa111ssa ge is guar'd whoi know of its cx Istencue." "Gr'eat ConfI'ibec is ptlaced in you, I see till w/orthily. I 1a1 m isure. IIow~ is It -thatI you are' truLsted 50 11Impi113'y?'' "I inhlerit the coti idleie. Thle cap (To be conJtinued~.)