The sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1906-1909, March 28, 1907, Image 2

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Pickenls Senltinl1-Jollnll * Yti.IsH!ED EVER Y t IsIISDAY MoIRNIN(1. The Sontinol-Journal Company, TirOMiPs,'N & ICu II.Y. I'Io's. J. L.. I). 11IT lM P'SO N, 1":IIt.R lbscript ionl ;1.00 Per An1um1. Advertising Rates Reasonable. ute,red at Pickens I',stoflee a:- Second (;lass Mall Matter 1'ICKENS, S. C.: 'THiltS)AY, MARCH 2.4 1907. March 20th was the hottest on :record for the date in Charleston and Atlanta. Officers captured a blockade still on the very top of Glassy Mountain in the dark corner. A fire in the Atlantic refining works at Point Breeze, Pa , done over 11,000,000 damage. A thief burglarized the depot at Belton, S. C., and secured a number of express packages. Several Italians were killed and others injured by the collapse of a building in Cincinnati, 0. Joshua Harrison, on trial at Eliza k'eth City, N. C., charged with kid napping and murdering the nine year-old son of former State Senator Beasley, was found guilty. Two colored women were shot t , death by a mob near McKamie, Ark. They were charged with using a ra. '.or on a white woman and her daughters and kicking her son. The weather bureau at Washing. ton predicts that the hot spell will be followed by several weeks of cool weather. :It was snowing in tl e New England states on the 24th inst. T'he cotton crop for th+i year 1906, according to final census report as sent out from Washington, March 20, was 13;290,677 bales as against 10, 725,602 in 1905, and 113,697,310 for 1904. The lining of the new furnace of the Woodward Iron Co. at Wood ward, Ala.,. fell in and hundreds of tons of brick and mortar buried the workmen. Five are known to have been killed, 'T welvo- thousand .people paid 10 cents each bo visit the Jamestown Exposition grounds la'st Sunday. Thiree thousand men were working. It is expjected the buildings will all be completed for the ophning A pril 26th. A posse0 is in hot pursuit of a no grio n)ear Fairmont, Gau., for attempt ed assault on the wife of former Mayor James Colvert. Hie entetred the house and demanded $50. On being refused be seized the lady but she broke away and ran for assist ance. The negro then cut the throat cfa baby and escaped. Heo will be Vynehed if ca~ugh t. The Hiendersonv~ille Hustler states that M. (3. and (3. F. Tonms have just received a cheek for $976 25 for tht ir~ crop~ of ginsong raised on) a patch of ground 50x70 feet on .J ump-Off mounItaint. We should take that story with a grain of stalt, but we know that the Messra. TJoms tire reli. able men, and the Hustler can be de - pended on. So we belipv-o it. l"oley's Honey aind] Tar cures the m ot obs tiate coughs and( expels the C old from the~ system as it is mildly hr Xtive. It iS guaraniit(eed. Do not risk 1 a k intg tany buet thce geniio in thie vol-' t o wv packntgo. Par~kins PhIaitrmacy, Lif>er te sidi s from chrie conut ipttio n, wvh i'.b is qmhliky cuired by Dr )i'Vqvsne i1i. Is. TheIiy remove till poti'sonous gerirt fro mn the system ande infusei 10 ie'ai vig or,(jj~( cure our itomatctht, naniat, head ichi o, etziness and cohie, withut grip-. ig or discomfiort. 23c. Gutaraniteed by Pick 1ns Drug Co. A cold is much more easily enre l wvhent the howels aire opem-'d. Kennedy's Lixt]ive 1 oney' antd Tar o'pens the hojw els antd drives the c'old oeut of the 5stemt in younmg or old. Sold by Pickens'Drng Co. Grippe or Influenza, to cAl it, is one of ti diseases known. * .~ Sco t's Emzet Liver 0 and Hypophos gested form, is the great known to medical science It is so easily digeste the system, making new and strengthening nerves Use Scott'.s E Influenza. Invaluable for.Cou, ALL DRUGGISTS: 5 JUST AR_ A-R V19n MURTi. I= aMI I$ w.4 As you can see they have jus are the advance guard for Spring We are some hendsome~ and Wholesale anid Re WVe have just rceCived:t three c~ of Hlay. Wec also have a fuRL st< Chops, P>ran, Shorts, Oats and coi Cole Guano Distribu tors and Cott you money by b)uying !&om us. Phone or wxrite ns. Your ord< tention. G ARRISON Wj y A'j OR C A N I ZE D LIBERITY L.1HimTY, DI R ECTC S Accounis of Merchnants, Farrmers, F2irms, I Caiwful mnangement, andl( liberal treatmnen whichever you like Le most weakening Dn, which is Cod phites in easily di.. est strength-builder cl that it sinks into blood and new fat, and muscles. tnul,rion after rhs and Colds. o. AND $1.00. - LCNVES ~] .XX. t arr.ved Irom the train and an Summe stle. nobyefecs.Beatth ~tail Dealrs th in an Ald Suinw.-. styles. rnoads offecFs.ur a the >cyoaCtto CodMel '0. WeC sell the. celebrated on Planters. WeT~ can save ~rs will receive pIromplIt at tours for business, T ( (;oMPAN:71 ?"ocut hi CaroHmJIji. 1901. II, C.0Sunua:v S. C 11( II(lVidiflE000,C00(1 ton00,. 3et a Move on Y( And buy your DRUGS, ST AT and TOI ET ARTICLES fr< BOLT andi 7p-to-Date Druggists, i Dr. Earle's old stand W. E Freeman "AT TIE OLD STAND. We have opened a nice stock of GENERI )ISE consisting of Dry Goods, Notions, 1 Shoes, Groceries, Hard nd we have bought of these goods the very Lffords, and we have bought them right. We ask your inspection of our stock and v ell you when you see our goods. There is r >rag up our stock-just come in and inspec )ut of you is a call. If our goods don't sui rou to buy. We are thankful for the patronage that 1iven us and we feel confident that the quali >ir prices and our fair treatment will makc and steady customer. Come and see us. Your trade wili always md we will always do onr best to please you. W. E. Freelan "At the Old Stand." Pick PS.--Highest prices paid for chickens, eg oue.eithcr cash or in trade. J.iMcD). Bruce, i President. THE PICKENS PIOKENS, SOUTH CAROL CAPIT'AL- - - PROlFITS [- - - D)EPO)SITS - - - - --5 Per Cent Interest Paid On Dep, Directors .F. Banister, 13. A. Hagood, WV. J. M. Stewart, I. M. Mauildin, J TF. N. Hunter, H. '\ Richev, 0GET as much as p)ossible for thel natural desire of all. In dealing wv ,WILL (GET MAMY TItlES TIt 4'' THEIR MONEY, for I shall givt~ LUTfELY FREE on the 4th of Ji COOKING RANGE. I have i'anging in mn S,ourd, the person FIlRST guessing nearest t< seedls will receive the range FREE, one gues )urchase. Remember, I shall sell you I )r Shoes, Grocer tes and General Merchanudise a :an buy it elsewhere in town, andl gove you tl D. B. COC )urse~ IONER Jo . ?ickens, S ( & Co., L MERCHAN Lillinery, vare etc. best the market we know we can o use for us to t it--all we want t we don't ask has a .en ty of ds, ofy ..nd be ed -COB ens, S. (. gs, and country NI. Mauildin, Cashier. INA. $20, 500.00 ,20,532.o 1 -y>,0oo.oo VI. Hlagood, .McD). Bruce. j. P. Carey, ' r nan the ith .* NiME EOF : au SO Lily adle y st<I .rge >)the.....of with every 5oc I y Goods, Hats, s cheap as you ie Range Free. >PER.