The sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1906-1909, February 23, 1907, Image 1

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__ TIlE_SETNLJNINL Entered April 23, 190' at' Piokcvs f8. C., as second class matter, under aet of Congreve o ' 34arob } 1879. VO.XXXVI PICKENS, OUIICAROLINA, SATURDAY, FEBRUAR' ( 23, 1907. N.3 PLANS TO SECURE GOOD_IMMIGRATS Adonted at Big Convention In Macon, Ga. -ATTENDED BY LEADING CITIZEN.S President G. Gunby Jordan Calls the First Session of Georgia Immigra tion Association to Order-To Send FidId Corps to European Countries. Macon, Ga. , h .b. 19.-U'nanitnous plans' for a, uniforim nidnho:i or se curing for the Enipire State ef the Soul i the best class of inmnigrants _'re p i tt ii b i( i ly adopte(I by four Ifun(red of tie uost con.:ervative citizens of this state at ihle iniinigra.iont confercnce held1( here 'I'uesulday under The auspices of the (orgia linmitlgration assoriat io. The four hundrl d ((l delegates \who were gathered toge'thr( 1c onstitlt((1 the r(pr-". s(ntation of -the i wo and a half nilliions of people who have been awaL.nled to onte of 1he great est inceds of tIc til . Pr"n oinient leaders of the soulh, as. sis!el by the wislol of officials of flderal departinen.s, governors, in. diist.i lal and ianufacturing represon Ia'I .vs an-d well known agricultural expoeen'ts, niet in p(ace and har mlon' . to -(ieiss coilinllol interests of a colnonll cause. rin the calling of the con vent ion to o1-ler by P'resident (1 (inhy .lor ii dan 'n crowded1 ali.lorium I nt-il thel" aftterno n!I session adljornl fol the toke7 which was given by the M\acon C'hatuber of C'ommero1ce, (enthtu was adopt d and pldgd 1hir Co O!)" 'a1lion (n) the stlggestions mnade h. sth . ,'nu o m t r 'eThe conference was calle for th< pt11r-1)'e of ptting lthe slate a' art in t:lch Wiit the bh uines, l lan d optra'ion of the association lin secur f i.e bo t cla.-s of immlt ligranlts anc to n i t - r and a is ftie of t.he state. The((' paur posi t the it. 'e in was realizdoI by the stilp. ,r por; hi. wa.s frvely offered. TIe( plan ) the futurc work of tIh< ar:so('i.tion has been .)utlinedt in th( ropor( of the comnnitt(e,s (;n resolu lVi \ W lnin moans. s:t.' orgalni za'iont and t:raile and t'ransportatIon, rat eon , Ga. , Fitbh. 1.--he irg s;sin of thE' directors of thie eor gittr ilnigr-ation assocciaito , relat-v to ahe work of the convention, wiic th'ain herr Tuesday iornin at C o'(:Ice . was hld at do'clock in the c'Vein- at the office of Chairman J. A\. 13(jernan, at ihe b.anicir hotel1 F,:ar'y in t.he day fully hal'f the ntemi hi'rs of this body Were present, and( by evening the larger nunirer wcr'e N ready to take th1eir place. The s(... Mon marked 'thle beginning, of then iLAB MA SCHOOLS' GET LARGE INCREASI iegi, laturo Appropriates $850 000 for Them. IMMITTEE HAD REPORTEI ixed Sum at $300,000, but tih Senate Added $50,000, and th< House Concurred-Legislature t Adjourn Saturday. Molltgoincry, Ala., Feb. 19. loth hises gi;reed to pnins by wihi t is expectniId 1 thtadljo-urnmenIICIt fo he rccess will be reaclk d by Marc: I, i the neigihborhood of the en: 'C the thir.y-tif'th day of work. As a nove In that. drection, it wa greed that the two houses will ad ourn from Alonday to WVedttesda' und from 'Thursday to Saturday o his week. The lost interstin.g work of 1h lay was the effort, in the tdnate vhich prOVel a success, to increas he appropriation for the ct,omnlo; chools $:,),lllt insteal cf $:1,0llO 0) LS was reported lroim the coltitte in ianiice and taxation. The hous onetrred. Otrher leatires of the school ef ort of the lay. in the senate, wt r )ills by MIr. Ilia,cml onl, for the s:v.t .o establish free libraries it school hat are not able to proculre hctm ini by \Ir. lteyrolds, to pr"ovide in eahl conlcgressioinail di rict, a big =chool to he located in a town a Some colinty that has n school a this tinci of I h igh schoo gra The onihns salary hill Iimssed g1 house without oppositicn and will h sent, to the governor at one. 1 all salar!'s in the citpitol n pra-c,ically. ilcads o' drlu l c n' w ill r.eceivo $: : lnl ti l[ (-ht'I !" eb .l $1,80 The lulose alno p;cl the hill prevent the exiiib!tion of piet mt', nude mt' nu li:i I'i)wnll il pubht oth than inl art galleres, In the hti'ii t he bill t ?roviel f ithe s:taa ics of tow\"1 +fic r . ; pas.sed , tixing the illax'in ituu salt of n'a orl ul $:.i jrt ) Tli h.Ols lar greater lUiaingha aml for he ti ngerf lowns a'Ind eii ih-o Ipalseu. Tie hill to prevent tipping, and 0 o take iiw 11 nlly for a situit Wi' iet nt t ra'. ish punishabie by deat vc'rc reporl - I r;ta1ra l, to the senatt Tho el"etion cf tle ristee, of tI deaf and im school Was reporle to -hle s011n.11 in a nsoo fromn tl gov1ern110,;a d Ih+' nwmbos', t +;i th hoar tonfirmcd. ;l, f ,ll. 1wi . iii \]c' M Tillatn, C. A. .lro r '. I. Ilur 'l. B. ('ampr ., . 1. l;in, h M. Ilobbs, 8. S. E. Creete. Negroes Are Aglainst Liquor. Af uontmery, .\ l ., I' '. 9 petition Signed by I le ic i"( -f 11ont;gle ry,. i .il ndci;a r: "Othe lcime i'5(1 )ae the resident dllsticts. Tile nlegrae tre canlSP for' in-ereasl i1l. er111 C hCi r race,* and( appeal0 for a il'oe<f ect Ive eni'Orlement of Ia ws Victim of Sandbacgger. Pirmainlghalin, Ala.-,- Feb. 19.- II itrphyll , famiiliarly known as "Iik *urphy, manager of tIll Brown--Alar: :lgar storell, wasi Sarnl'ihaggerl and1 rol. Cd hy twovi unIkno(wln Iingoes . at A. 1n11 F' ansl 7" s ventl 1 wo block. fromli tile et Qii -sr :tl. ily 50 ue l:ock't chtanll .0s t'e red, a tro 11 y car fII rige-:v rs tY ay. Ar..\lurp ftor i erlal:ma etizn o His Neck Was Btroken. Mlru n. Al.iss., I *lb. 19. \vaT - I v i * :' 0! - 1 :- In c I i V a t? a l. I:1 Il Il Ir M.10 "dl ' ). : ri ,nIl WaEeinCr,i I mb r'Ct:'in I the aed Eonn1ece n Kiled: Fiemn. njurled. ieorge M erchan t, was ,blown to frag iones and( .lFiremian Ii. Elliott was sC iouisly inijured0. TPho iocomnotive Is a11d to be the same 01ne -which blew >'n Htouston an'd1 Te'xas Contral road eeOks ago, and( waIs makinag xin;eont ntnr bctno- epnaIred. EXPERTS TO WORK ABROAD. Provision for Their Payment Is Now Agreed Upon. Washington , Feb. 19. --The app)ro priation of $20,000 for the eiploy men-t of experts to work abrcaai to ITcrease the business in cotton prod-. I nets, whic'h has been In conference for several weeks has been finilly agreed upon. The ileni was first stricken from the appropriation bill by a subcommittee. Colonel L.ivings4on in-troducned it a's an amendm-ent (on the floor of t'y. house, andi it was defeatedl. Later it was intr1oducedI in tV e son. ate. by Senator Overnran, a referred to a conteren'ee conimii (' Comiosedl of Represntativs L.1v ivigston and ,it taner and Senato' Warren and Cul 101. r The e,i'en.ce report containing li 'it(m was signeti Mowlay after 110011. 'Phe whole appropriation for extending foreign trale in American i mnanuf'acturers 1s $50,000. Burned Herself to Ocath. Jackson, ky., Feb.' 19.--.Mrs*;. Jen. nic Strong, wif(e of ClIloway S:rng, a arler, wI) llves 5 mlliles north of lt"re, con'.mittcd stilcide by hurnino herself t.o death. About G o'clock Mrs. Strong welnt olll inl the back yard and after saIllratlng her cloth inl- wiLh coal oil, S(' Iir'e to it . Th'le fiames we re leaving four feet allove her haead before she wt"als 'Iiscovered. There was no chance to c'xt ingulshi the f flnams and her h ldV was itrn"d ;last all semblance of hllmanity. Mrs. Stron'g has becen sufrin'ii1g from a men tat malady for several 1111its. She lc'aves eight childre:n. He Resisted Arrest. Collinsvil.le, Inll . T., F )e . 19.--. \1ayor Parry and \larshIl I yneh hve been a'reslts l on a fedeial waria!L charging them t withl 1111rder in the first degree in conun, ion with the death of 'T'hnwmas McQlirlc, an alleg e(1 bi;llmist. They were colunltcd to jail wit.hout hail. An unnown1 womnl,9 camlle to ta;'ln a.-l claienr 1 :l1(Q(uirk as her'l husband, although he declared he had never seen her he fore. The womanu swore out a war ranlt for McQuirk's arrest on the char ge of bigamnly. 'heit mlaiyor ' l4 the Marshal s oug;,ht to 1r"rest Me ) tirk, who resisted antl was killed. Emperor William Opens Reichstag. ferlin, F(1. 19.--i hmjernr \\'ili!:i (pcnicd the n't' ccc: stag Tu(laty, reading the sper'oh from the tbrone in a clear, loud voice, wit conlsit e'rable clocutionary c'fIice. Ref("r ring to -the forc.fgn reiationls of Cr iialy and to international Ia)ce, he aid "The general political situa tion '(nOitI' s us to the assuranc' that peace will Woitin l1 to be pi(served. \ly governmeli' maintains with out allies t1ur old', 11 rti 1 relations anud with tli' other powers good' and correct coi'ditions." Life Insurance Code Amended. W\a-in-.on1, '1)b. lf).---T';e house as ilsmed a1 hIll almen(ding the codo -a a'e Dnstrict of Columbia :ela.tive ') aicsessmet l life inisura'nce compiia 'ieslTh bill1 pr'ovid es That such n-mipanics mu'ist hav'.e $50.,000 assets 'they do not issue polletes above a 'EouIcand. andi S1001,0001 inIvested a.s act s if Cthiey do no I iu large p)ol1 el's. The sin:all sick ben1e(4-t comn Janlie are1 'd 't( reluir'ed to havye a gularan - ty fund ofC at. least $l(l,00l0 and it mu lst be1 ati leas:i :i perl ('en of thir out stjandting lift' r.isks. Roosevelt Commends School. Alile I born, Ky ., l"tb. 19.-43 Eiily Wi t.ers , matrtoni of thle Grace Net t!eion Memorial Secotl of Cum tberlancd Gac-p,.'''i3 T n ., is in reeceipi of a lett.'.r fro.m1 Pre~sicent iRto.-sevelt, in 1 whliich ft w~ork of this mounilltain ill s- ituition! Is highly c'tommcel-led . TPhe flrecihc't enelese':t a 'hieck Cfor $200.h st ag tha0.1 t' mon.iey was fr-om an A-a a pupil of \lisc; W'ciner's when tilt) l1residentlu's - cVdha youncc ladly. Gen. Edgjerly Ordered to Atancta. wh., o retne Iin,-cld bi'pi pl mfen; <if thrt gc'f. Struck by a Tra In. Clevelanld .) . . Feb0I. Ii.-d'~N I iOnkiiss was inIPiantiily ikilledi am1i his wife iprobabily lfatally injnnc ci whenO 0 a carriage inc\ chih timy1 wi- Tin wdasc' slick biy a Oaisfengr tr;ci,c Two Men Fatally Injured, P~alestui ne, ' . , l"ob. U9.-.-T'wo m11e W'n 0Ii I we ft i iju roed whliIle work . inIg inside a box cari In thle Interna tional a nd GreatI NorthernIl railrload roadl yarlds . A swi te.h endne0 back (1d -int.o the oar, diIvinig a lonig Iron r'od, thriottgh the Wood work wich111 pen. Otrated the skiill tof 0. B. I yey and mrangild WVillIHudsent a, T most instantly i; 'to a hiosnItt PICKENS-EASLEY I J t Comeswt High-But Pick('n4 Is i'l>ittin 0 OurI En:Iterpr)1iing Mtoney(L i an<d Shving-(.) Their "c L Compav 101 the A re Vo a " Sticke"? The a1 Few --c( Tre1'o( is nothing slow about us, it'd we prot est against the oppression if th't, soulless corlporation1 known as the Pickens Railroad, and we are just tumbling all over ourselves to -et up to the counter and scratch doii our cognomen for $1.50 worth of stock inl the "gold brick" rapid transit company to be chartered un der the laws of South Carolina for the solo Ipose of peraibulatting g11:so1line wag~ns between Pickeus and Euasley. It may come high but it is the one tihing needed to complete our :;appiness. It will be a thing of be?auty, and a joy while it lasts. .'hat is, if the promoters will paint the "znauheens" in colors that will tiot, be trying to our coil,kplexionls and will lium ouizo with our hair. An. !color will do ats long as it is red. lhere is no doubt that the line will rove protita tle and pay for the gas in 'he tanks. The bslance will be fur nished free gratis. ( reat sclh(ut', and more fun than ehasing ileas. J uwt think of it! W can ride the maslheen downl the hill IT d then we can .jump11) out and push tl e Ima hee up thu bi!l, while oi' t giri its and lookc_ (ow ) on1 us in pily, saying ''Puol' Willie, ain't yon orfully. fired?' It. cones high but it is woirtIi ib, .1( d then Iho.C: hIl r RLS ny hlan ded sioS S.1 oil in i he fieIIs Ib'y the ' )1 i(l(' will know that we an(I our girl "air oin somnewhercs, an' air up inl Ill, w< rid four fc:t more or leas." Then ne can cal ry a little poke of (orn, :andt,cthrow it to the chicken, l)y 1lhe (di-iu(e. And it will tickle (111i girl, 'il !' he tce b1eei it'1d i iggles to f(i t.e ("d r)oo.I(ht' t"Iln. it comesi(' high hnt it. is wo)rh Ii . :h~ d when'm pale1( Luniia she ds her soft. oinRg light like ac shimmering xlheenf o'er th an'idscapti we canI have au to miobiile' parities, providedl the colimny3 wil tendic the sainBecurtesiesi as >iii piopulari liverymnan, Art hur Grave. Iy, doe's with the straw rides.- run1 (mn: 'In tiek. (icores high but it is worthi it. A I lihe moire we ponldor the nmore en11tuiac e be tcCome, and have 111)o iRecd to inclreas ourii subl uript io n toi i dth s(ock to fhe amuniit 'f 81.75, pauyale( sonnI--annuaiilly. W\hoot -1 e t!j)I withI thle gas waigon and*iu down11 wVith Tlyran ciny! The worm,i has turined anal wriggled froin munder Ca~:p. TIayl's iron b'eul. T[ake F y'our hands lf ur thrF li(oats, Captain, andui kiep yo 'ur ineat her eye Cld fr we aure going to striike stracight cIIm, "(hve xls niber , or give usci ,ib ." No', no(. Wei meani gaso line. , youlr cainhg. lii the nmje of a to a uilet:ni p)Jublic, bIy whatuc imiiral u ighlt (1o S io(urg uis fromi ourii (down1y th - ich o tf sitra w, at thie unccan ny hour IH ,f 7 a. mi., whuen we wish to rido your La ram down to) t he crocssinig? 18 thoro or iih brthierly hove inl y'ouri soui? Have h( you placed thce prisons bars around af youir heart and shut in all that is MI .oodi, noblo and aIccomm)odating? p)C uMotlhjs' so, or whoa tihe cook has gi burned the biscuits, the stovo wood wi is wet, or woe are ob)liged to runi to i11 the neighbor's to borrow a pan of sti MRS THAW IS RECA. LED. To the Witness Stand by Defense In the Case. Now Ytrk, Feb. 19).--The usual crowd, hgely conmposed of lawyers, filled the court room wvlen the case L opcued Tuesday inorning. f)r. r3'irtton D. Ev'ans, the defense's alienist, was the lirst of the char acters of the case to appear. When Mir. .lerome arrived, he pass ed closed to ihe alienist but did not speak. Thaw eat;'red the coilit room = when called, with -his usual quicl Step an(1 at. oncc biegan an ali-mated conver'sation with Dr. Evans. A decided surprise was sprung by the defense In recalling Mrs. Evelyn Nesbit Thlawrm thO .11 nd immedl'tiate ly after co'urt couvened. ;rs. TIhaw look.;(d pmle and serious as she took her place on the stand. She appea(.r1 in the sane -,imple girl f ish costm111C' tihar she had worn eveiry day since the trial begun. She sniled siightly as she (aught her hu')and',s (ev. Thaw returned the smile and uhen Iurned1 to .\t torney O'Reilly, with whom he Ialk ed for a miant' ex'mt-' dlv. Th<n i Ie returnel l) his (Onver:sation wiih Dr. Tlrans, hut fror the lost Part kp'Ii his eyes on his wife, only turning Soccastonally 'ii whislper inl the lot'rti's - ear. 100 MEN ARE DEAD As Result of Gas Explosion in a Coal Mine in Mexico. A ol crter i t i xico, e b.c1 ) 1;1.--A dispatch fromn 1.-as 1:::;era'lza>;, C hullla, says th-a.t iltir'ty-nille i1lu''l are known to hi (euil , and I wvelve injured as a r'esult of in exi)loSimn of ;as in f the coal muin(" at thatt ph'::r(. The list of deal and injii'etl u:iy he greatly extended, as 1u1Or( than a Shun1dred1 muln are he(lit'V<d to havo, been in the mine at the inle of the t accident. Iht c"xplo-ion O u(' re' 'd at 7 p. in. in the C'On<(:ista mint' No. : '.'Thir.. ty" de::t bodli;'s havo bt-(n I'aken out, at:;l it is tImated tha' 75 moure are "t in ib: minle, >f I-As Ei'speianzas is lonratd on the lito of I !nt('rnatiOnal railway, ahot st' i(l v-II c' iniles fr(om Eaplc X Pass, 'x. It is the principal co:al.. i ci"' nter it \l(X!,en, a"ti a'aun y n- . including a large number of .lapa fnese. ire ein iloye(. n1i _ _____ Burglars Enter Broker's Office. PAeia, I-eb. 19.----.\ tri ; box, 0 belonging to J. \ mi 51it.hi . a brok h r, at 29l.' \\'iit( all :t.trvet, was found by Pa. rulnen Marl in and 1liir ris In a stairway on Central av\(enue e and of) Itvest igationl at 'INe (l iees of d the brok'r It was asct'rtaint'd Ihat the e safe had be:n cotlilely ransacc'(d, d and iiml)O'ta t pap)er's Ve'e s5:(a0t'ired - al over III(, llooi near it. No clew . was (b'tair h by h e antlhoritiestas to who the burglar or burlar;1(s were. It is thought by I he police that he rob.. be'y was connniiid in oiler to so ('urr t' n;w' tap("s 1hat niight he in \ the broker's keeping. 'Stayed b)y His Dead Master. C<!amb ius , (ht., I'd h. 1P.--Th'e 1body <:.t IDozit'r ineaibr e , a wvil e - mnan, was oinel In thie woo1s, 12 - Ila-i.a county li iw.' lit' had b)een l.ti het k s Iilletd by (C n h i nt ,a ' a In''rI, WU h w: Va li it is 'nreporid hit was 1':: tIblin: 'Tha ile'grt moalr his ko(*lce \\'hen' the bondy we'u ed by a : iiin's dIte. It Is srppeosed lils eib ad maste's s'lile Ito' hours. Neg'o Shoots is Wife. reachl I' it ty of al probte'le d.a'eiii hniouil'lea: fleeh I.-' and, that has greatly arouised ft' nuegr- s oif tha! - is; wift', a.mi hir t wle with a pls to, :ing' her instatly:. lIe than UI i ng~pHhlti a a!b le e e m r Telephen:' Girls Oat on Strike. o ie d t i' a iii to ~ I ay 'Ip Mr end i 'h .,h F ine C r1 -' o ' iti, btten aIr' . a: ' wi 5 Briery,a a t u abu (). 13 .-- Nry. pyer i't V'den. 1)1'leveltul T r lin'i in Ite mat 4 ~ Pleadtod no ,..'"t sire t. Thery under $2, hh. ,.an werei retlased mseach. b- --Y, UTOMOBILE LINE. We iMfiis; 1-ave It. On Airs Some, dcn. arC " Walking Ho1-m0 e" 0ng (I-eeni " Into This Fun of the Thing. Im is .R01oom1. On t1he Lst; for. Tor'e. flour or ration of meat for breakfast, you would hold your ioasly old train an hour or so to accomm1 odlato us. Perhaps it 's your dolight to "rise with the lark," and when the rosy morn chases away tho shadows of the night you love to listen to the whispering of the breezes in the loaf. less treeses. The melody of the song b)ird in the bush as it sends its joy., ous notes toward heaven's gates may fill your soul with music, but you should not forgot that some of us are not built that way, and are nursing a soro head caused by too lato an application of "seven-up," or, worse yet, chasing the paregoric- bottle in the dead hours of night, and we long for "just a little more sloop, a little more slumber," and it is your duty at\d should be your pleasure to send one of your assistants around to wake us up; and it is no excuso for you to say you 'Iid not know you wished to go," If you IYn't know you ought to know, for whal%';e you there for except to see that io l'f, v1ylo a 1.110 train' Captain, you have our syh pathios and our heart thumps go out tCo ou, but unlets you will turn fron yVti Afulb)orne1mof and the error of yoU ways, and run those trains to please each and every one of us, wo shall 3tille our sobs, wipo away the alling tears, steel our hearts against eou and get aboard the gas wagon. Recipe for a Good Town. Grit. Vimn. Sn ap. Push. Energy. Schools. Morality. Harmony. Churches. Advertising Talk about it: Write about it. Cheap property. Healthy location. Speak well of it. Help to improve it. Advertie in its papern. Patronize its mnerch)ants. Good country tributary. EFlect good men to offico. Honest competition in prices. Flaith exhibited by good works. .Make the atmosphere~ hlthli1 aire all loafers, croakers and (load. beats, Let your objec.t be the wvelfar'e, growth~ and promiiotion oi Your town and ifs l)PO Speak wveil of thu pubIlic-spiriled men, and also be one of (hma youirself. Jo honme I fi ful with all your fellow,.men. New Arrval. Major' J. MV. Stwr ea mo dlown wn Wedlnesda5y morning, at anm un mali early hourj, his face a'lo w wvjih at smile that "wvon't ('ome( off." oWas inquiring for the consus-e kor, stating that the pojulsion of r little city had beeni increased, and desired to have it showv immredi-~ Dl.y upon the census rep)ort. The aj. says it is a ,most promising 9 und boy, The attending physician Ves the encouraginig report that thi proper care the Maj. will speed recover from his attack of "son-o roke,"