The sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1906-1909, February 09, 1907, Image 1

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qL%v T"i 14 y 4 at, Pi kens, So 0.1 tit{ in utntt 1, uuder net of ppyy r 'ti.tIM1 , 1StWRI It ". lR"AMtNLrt" tr J t t rl llA4Alrp'ArtC'w1".r1 "'r'4.'t"\r.t. .. . r..".. rr r.... tAMw>f1 1WtMt1M lVt'I.l .\.W' tiYwr VOL. ? xVI 6 ICK! :'';,, SOUTH CAROL' 1 rO7. 4 40 Nursing baby? It's a heavy stra Her system is ca I. nourishment for tw Some form of n< 41 be easily taken up is needed. Scoft'. Ema greatest possible a ment in easily digest Mother and bal helped by its use. ALL DRUGGW Business Locals. Not'ees of 'ale, Wants. Swaps, etc, inserted in this Column at 5 cents per lino for each insertion Nothing taken for less than 10 cents. Dr. W. M. Horton, dentint, will be in Pickent Mondaya, L'hArty Tueadlnys, Central Wedu'"d v, Pendlntoit 'PlTura dayR, Clertaoni Fridays and Hat.urdnys of eaoh week. O,c diy only. Co-ote:early. FOR SALE-The 'Kennemnre lot in Piekeus on Pedtletou arenue. 2} ares, J. P. ary, (;. E. Rtbius'. FOR SALE-Good work male. Alp ply Wim. N. (.tntt, R. F. 1)., 3. Liber tv. FOR RENT-W. H. Johnson's resi dence in Piukt us. Apply to C. E. Rob iue nn. A1; WANTED-To rent a shingle will. and hite a man to run it. Addrems, James M iDarr, 41 Eauley 8. C. FOR SALE-In Oree'twood enuty. South Carol nit livi buludrvd torts of averapa farming lan.l. A hig bargain on easy terms. H. 8 B ackw.ili, s Lauruns, S. 0. FOR SALE -GO tbiling lots in the towu of hoke., iear tb buines pat of towIA tf .1. J Lewis NOTICE--A fter 1)eenhor the 25th we will giu cottosi only on Mwaudy of each week. de t22tf Pickrnu Oil Mill Co. ContagIous. An Irish lad on the east side was obliged recent2y to seek treatment at a dispensary. On his return hote-rem the.firt treatment he was met by this fhquiry 'fr4m is mother: "An' what d1i the doethor man say was the matter wid your eye?" "He, said theme was. some furris sub stande i-n It." "Shurel" exclalimed the old woman, with an 1-told-you-so air, "now, mnaybe, ye'll kape awaiy from thlm EyetaMan boys I"-Success Magazine. Hieu Inupression. "Nowv I have an ImpressIon In my bead," said the teacher. "Can any of you tell me wvhat an -impression is?" "Yes'mn. I can." replied a little fel low at the foot or the class.' "An lem pression Is a (dent ini a soft spot."-B3ir mingham (Ala.) Adlvance. Natural En.oughu. "They say that Bradley goes on like madI since lhe iherl'ted his vast wealth." "Whlat dioes he (10?" "Oht. he acts like one possessed." Lipplincot t's. Generally the peuchase of a book Is mistaken for the acqluisltion of its eon tenfts.-Schlopenu ha ner. HIT ROGEN . i can be, 8-4/gthat has AVAI AnL ing 3%4 I'OIIOlRIC )~ phosph<c -Is necesi a . ok in on mother. 0 led upon to supply o. urishment that will by mother's system g tb rilon contains the i mount of nourish. ki ed form. 'o >y are wonderfully ti - dq Ts: 50a. AND $1.00 fl THE BEAT OF THE PULSE. it It Varles Greatly In Different Pe h . som and Co'ditlons. ' i The pulse of women generally beats a at a slightly faster rate than that of men. It may be said that when a per- I son is at rest his pulse, that of any t adult; may he from seventy-five to t eighty times a minute. Great variation exists ip different individuals In re spect of the number of beats. After L. exercise the pulse quickens because of the atimulation of the heart, .and the same result applies to the effects of t taking food. A dose of alcohol will also stimulate the pulse somewhat, just as the use of tobacco, especially in excess, will tend to have an opposite effect namely. that of lowering the rite of the pulse, because of the depression of the heart which results. In fevers and t inflammatory *diseases the pulse rate tends to be very much increased and also in respect of its character. Instead "c of beating quietly the blood vessel In u such cases exhibits a very full and bounding movement. On' the other hand. where depression exists and the ( temperature of the body falls, the i pulse may be unnaturally .slow aqtd its character weak. Physicians are accus tomed to distinguish other characteris- i ties in the pulse, such as become",valu- i able hints in the discovery andl deter lination of disease. The practical les Pon we learn here is that where the pulse continues for any length of time to have its beats quickened to an an- I natural degree and where especially a t rise of the temperature or heat of the body accompanies these symptoms we ought'to sUspect somse kind of feverish condition or othe' to be represented.: e The* ptlse alone forms a valuable enough gulile to this state of the body, but ltd value is very much increased if C to ~the information given us by the pulse we add that which the use of the thurmometer supplies.-Cardiff Times. n Liht Rlestored. h "There are many more women living than I used to think." a "Is that soT' li "Yes. Before I marriedi I used to il think my wife was the only woman in the world." Illuminated. Benedick-That luminous paint is a splendid thing. Singleton-What do yotu use it for? Benedick--We paint the baby's face, so we can give him a LI drink hi) the night without lighting the gas. ECgoIsma of Authaora.I "Very fewv literary men get rich." "Perhaps it's just as well they don't." * answvered Miss Cayenne. "If a literary () man1( got rieb enioughi to f'ound libraries lie wouldn't permit peop)le to read anay but his own books." - Waishington Cd Star. i wtIely Inaa. a "Did any one everx read1 your wri.t- c] igs?" aked the artist. "Certainly!" responded the haughty poeat. "Every editor in tho 'euntry hs real them." Cl crops of Corn lepended upon from land been liberally fertilized omplete fertilizer contain-. r % nitrogen, 8% available ric acid and 9% 0 otash Low and why 9% of' Potash, ;ary our booklet will show, ERMAN- KAU WORKS *3 Nassu Street. orW Ati5ntm. Ga.-1a24 Candler Sulldna n " l(lt1'' UWion Bureau of : 4adh,eted by the outh ('iro;iua Flarmers' 1'.du,entionu~ - t 't lat. v le duriot, h lent .hould be tiddresed to J. Q. Striuu1I entietont, South Carolina. V OUR EFFORT. Whel is the gain to you if yuu ti ow large crops, if other:t git vi a to prr l'%;.... hie nan that can see no good the Farmers' Union because h( 8 adw's o' a trilling maln that he n'gs' to . the Union, is the same a nd of man that would.have some- F uing to say about the hole in tho 0 )ughn ut that some good woman we him.. ..... .. Kill;oft' the lien low end then I is it icbtide6t; n growers i ]be forced to gr,W their own )>4"' rpps,.thps itcidentally firc ig-diversifieJ farming, to the great ensfit to l*aandnm'd na. Killing at the lien law would reduce tht mount of mortgaged cotton grown y British 'moiy that enables the hriftless oasa of coftot4 . growers ) get eno'ugh.ohiAp cotton .to kei' ing while. .he New. York Cotton xchauge worries some of the .bet )r class of growers intd '"B$ling hi ir cdtton for less tha t...' Down -with the lien law and ti nerchant. will have more cat.h rad, , ;iebtt' Class of time cu8 oIer,.t..hile the poia' mn can hin get his godeleaper oir 'aic otnt of itnpiov.etent s as to riek ~ the wind' asid' weather crop lnortgage system that can hy run nly on the grafters pla8i, whye lit1, the sure pay tiat,is ai de. t t ip pay for the loss u1. John, th." nan that alwaye: c14ns. out be Down with the lien law and you aduci the number of bales of cot tn accounted in hand by Lthe N w cork Cottoa Exchungu. Cut.out forf+ign cot ton wires and ,l such grafting things as the 101n law sy6tel, then the South iFn control her greac money crop -cot ton. Step the loolish howling at the tortgaged c"tton grower to hold r Is cotton off th0 losing maarket, t ld kill out the grafter system if el law that takes these poor dev t CGTTON BEA RS LOOSE Look out there, boys, the Farm-2 'a' Union hear hannds h)ave struck .i t rail of several New York Cor - >ln Eixchanege menoz that are' pirowi ig arronnd through thie cotton >wns of our State. It. is said b. >me w~ho have caught a gl imp r them that they are ramblhiing ound after game thuarr. th)E' il " COtton Bu r,eer.' ' wiIech i >thinlg more thai a ic kn,a,r.m <r regular New Yi rk C(oet.on Ex ange oflice. rt is suppos(MeI at ths cut toni bears haive new 'ouche~d in their lair about, Colu.a. a ready to eprmng oult upon1 ur y unures brought before th e Leg liaturo looking toward th dii(o 1 ucti' n of their ch'ancm ini cot ton mesO inl this State. Comne, boys, let's make a drive r cotton beCars by having a und-up and a general heu hb -rt Sfor cotton bears dIown about Iluimbia at Once, Gov. Corner. of Alabama, who is large manufacturer of cotton, id also a manly publis citizen, its himself on record in a state ont that the New York Cotton kchange is a fraud. lie also ates that he bought 21[000 bales cotton from them and only out five halbs out of ever hnndred are fit to spin. Then we are pre rod to say from this evidence at the chief stock in trade of the tt c rrt k 4.row.r 1 111$ ; ( W 1tr1) Ui " t : I . hile they l)ber c!o iv 'wing a big (ri pJ .i' te t ewSpapf)rs, and1( a ik. mil they pr,c.-"edi to <ir' .V nlnuatl profits over s; ires they are now atf - 1 1 I 5o0tth CaroIiu.t: i.' er - hops art' knocked out 'Thr lien law was plnnu (tor tl e war for the exprel '. S1 OBe of puttinig the niegro in)~. f the .cott.on growing I; cstc, iaking it. prey for -ln peculators and nanufactur,41rs i.r mil (Ai large fortunr's trum cot.ton. :ill it out. NAMES OF DAYS. le Lntin and Saxon Terrna Frons Which They Are Derived, Our names for each (lay are derived From the Saxons. who n'obnbly bor rowed the Week frou some eastern peopk'. substituting 1lmlei of their. nwn divinities for those of the clas leal gods, an Is easily seen when the ames are tabulatel: . Latin. Saxon. English. Dies .Solis....... Sun's day......Sunday. Dies Lunne..... Moon's day....Mbnday. Dies.Martis.....Tiw': day..... Tuesday. Dies Mercurii.. WVoden's thay.. Wednesday. Dits.Jpvis...... Tior's day.... Thursday. . Dies Veneris... Friga's day... [riday. Dies' Saturtil... .Seernu 's day. Sat. 'ay. Atnoug the ancients the belief :.. the luftigeuee of' the planets - upon the iife of 4en was- so strong that many in se lecting their daily orinatinents would Weir Only 'the gem asso(iated with the planet of the day. Thus on Sunday only . yellow gemis and gold should adorn the lingers. Pearls and white stones. exceptlug dhimouds, belonged to the Moon day. Tuesday. iny of Mars. clalined rubles and .all stones of fiery luster. TIhursday. Thor's (lay, demand ed annethystx and deep colored stones of .aliguilne tint, while iritday, domi intated by Vettnut..reigned over the em erald. color of jealousy. which Is love's shadow. Saturday. dedicated to Sat urn. oldest of the gods. had for itv distinctive tahiman the most splendid of ii! gems, the diamond.-Chieago Rec, d- iera ld. ,ils' Time Fht IDrfnking. In the days or river driving on the Eeenebee river In Maine old Unele Jim 3ilbert was at well knon..ctaracter. 3e was hale and hearty and had an norznous appetite. The men used to ome clown the river with at drive of ogs and get a iaal at a tavern in L,ugnsta. One morning. arriving late nd with appetite shart ene.l, old Un. le Jim sat down with the first set of men and ate diligently during the time hee men made at meal. A new set of uen came and still Uncle Joe ate teadily. A third set came, and the avern keeper, becoming alarmed, tried o hurry up tile protracted meal by aying, "Better drInk your coffee, un Ie, anmd have another c'up!" "No," said( tile old man. "I never [rink tIll I'm halt' thuroughi"-Boston lerald. Bile Poison has a very bad effect on your sys te;n. It disorders your stomach anid digetitve apparatus, btts your blood anCl causes constipation, with all its fearful ills. Thed fard's Black-Draught is a bland tonic, iver regulator, and blood purifier. it gets rid of the poisons caused by over-supply of bile, and quickly cures bilious headaches, dizziness, loss of appetite, nausea, indiges. tion, constipation, malaria, chills and fever, jaundice, nervousndss, irritability, allelancholla, and all sickness due to disordered liver. It Is not a cathartic, but a gentle, herbal, itver medicine, which eases withor. Ir tatin. U Pet2B at all n..Uas. . ACARCUNA I Ion. Wm. 0. Hunter Uses Pe-ru-na As a Family Medicine. WIEN a man of undoubted reputa tion comes out squarely in public rin t, giving unqualified endorsement to household remedy thero must be some hing genuine to account for it. Hon. W. G. Hunter, of North Caro ins, well-known in Washington and hroughout the Southern States, says of Peruna that he regards it as the greatest amily medicine ever discovered. He does not hesitate to say that Peruna invigorates and. gives fresh trength to mind and body. Such testimonials as this ought to nake Peruna popular. No advertising known to the arts of man, no commercial management could wver raise Peruna to such a high stand .rd of appreciation'as the fraik and un qualified statements of such men. Peruna is an P&RU-NA ideal household A Redaab hRmedy remedy.It wards For Colds. ~ off colds and re lieves eatarrh in all its formp and phases. By ridding the system of catarrh, it cleanses the'bddy of those conditions which invite chronic diseases. Cold Affected Head, Throat and Lungs. Mr. Matthew O'l1are, 145 William St., Fall Itiver, Masp., writes: "About four years ago I consulted a physician to get relief from- a cold which had stopped head and.also settled on my lungs, resulting in ca tarrh and also throat difficulties. "He gave me some medicine, but fctur months faithful use of the same did .me no good. I the tried other doctors, but it was just the same. "So I decided to try Peruna and after using two bottles my lungs began, to heal, I did not cough nearly so uich and.slept better,. "In six months the cough, oit*rh and throat difficulties were all cured. "I was pleased with the result and wish to write you of it. Seven botfles of Peruna cbred me." . - A. L. Hewitt, J. P., West Berlin, Vt., writes: "I am happy to be able to write you this letter in ielation to what your Peruna has done for my family. "When I brought the frt bottle home, I found aiy wife and daughter both sick-my .ife with.indigestion and my daughter with a severe cold. They were both oitred. "I am willing to state that Peruna, taken in the beginning, will auro the worst cold id 24 to 85 hours." IT'S BIG IN THE I High-clas P er Cent Discount And it is to your adivantag Semi-.Bnnual Sale and take advw ONE-THIRD DISCOUNT ON ( * CHILDREN [he valules we are offering y< style goods, but this season's g the workmanship is the product acturer, Schloss Bros. Co. Eve s richly worth the original p worth your consideration. It bi turers' cost for the same goods t No goods charged at Sale p)aid for. No goods sent out on apprc We Have Bark Come ar Job Printing-the t TrAdvertising in this1 Aj LEGISLATOR. M 0.WM. G. H UN=tEN .#ough,Ilolds, Catarrh e e u .by. Pe- ru-na." Hon. WmG... ..Hunter,. ex-member Torth. Carolina Legislature, wri rom the Census Office'Bulidine Wash ngton, D. C.; concerning Peruns: ''.Ths. greatest tamily ' aedklae ever dispovered,' in" my opinion, which 'comes from experience as well as obdervation, is Peruna. The most common affliction to hu-an - kind is-a bad cold. Perusa driives -1 It out of doors,. wards off c nano, invigrates and gives fresh stregti' to mind and body. I give Pesru my unqualified endorsement.". Mr. G. W. Taylor, Clendenin, W. V.,, writes: "I think that Peruna is the greate -. tonic that was ever put on the axkkt. . For several years bdy eyes bothered -m so much. The pain was so severe ega times I would think they would srely burst out of my head. "I tried Peruna and Manalin andasa to-day a well man. am sure I shl .; have died had it not been for D:MarS. - man's wonderful medicine, Pernm.e Such testimony as the abovo Waa. given Peruna a high standard in ieew. timation of the public. :A RICE OF-: tJd Co ing: I Per Cent6a -op. Disconnt [^ ____ ____ ___ ____ ___ hae e to visit our store dui5ng10 ntage of the L.OTHINe, OVERCOATS st SUITS. i ti m are not shop-wvorn, < oodls. Right up in Styl11. of America's foremost I ry article we have in th: as rice, and the one-third" 'mi ings the p)rice below m: ' .oday. prices. Alterations n' val (during Sale, Of Sor ain s. fo ~d Get e 120 South Mi.. Greenville asty kind-t'A wihlefte paper brinigsor' th