The sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1906-1909, December 08, 1906, Image 1

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H E SENTEL-J0UR . 1 ) ered April 28, 1903 at Pickens, S. 0., as second class matter, under act of Congress of March 8, 1879. VOL. XXXVI PICKENS, SOUTh CAROLINA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8,- 1906. NEWS FROM EASLEY. Items From This Thriving Town and Commuunity. Personals and Other Matters. Ealoy. S. U., Dec. 4--This morninE as the Pickens train was making th return.trir to Pickens.Mr. James Dal t<un was struck and fatally injure and died this afternoon at 6 o'clock Hu never regained consciousnes enough to speak. Dr. 0. N. Wyat dressod his wounds and did all co ~~ieve hisgusferuig. Ii lun were t rished and severa I1 were brpkon. 'I'ho accident ocucrrod just w her the Pickons road branches ofT fro n the main line of the Sonthorn. I will ho renmemblored they run paralie for about a half mile. Thu train was in charge of Engineor Joancs and Cap tain Taylor. Engineer Jeans saw the man on the track and could have stop p;ed but thought of course hie wouI( d got off the track when he rang the boll and whistled. In stead of gettins off he steuped to the middle of the track and was struck by the tender, al the engine was running backwvards. There seams to be no reason to blame those in ebarYe of the train. Th< only explanation seems' to be tha Mr. Dalton thought the train was 01 . the main line. Mr. Dalton was about fifty years o age and leaves a wife and severa children. le bad started out inti the country to purchase some cattl< when the accident occurred. It i generally concedec1 that be thoughi the train was on the main traoci. The "D oodle"has not been makini a early trip in the morning only sine, Nos. 42 and 41 were put on and he waa ly not expo eting it. Mi". J6hn Craig left this week fo Nashville. Okla., where he has goni to lok after business interests. A representative of the Fisco Towr Site Co., came through this sectioi not long since selling lots in the towi of Nashville, a town comparativ el: now. All those buying as many al tivo lots wero given free transporta tion there and back. Mr. Craig wil join the excursionists in Birminnhan and will be gono for about twent, days. Mr. B A. Bentley, of Waballa, waw in the city to day Mr. Bentley waa married to Miss Mavmo Torbe Ias Monday at the home f the bride'. father in Atlanta, )r. John E. Whit ~ofliciating. Mr. B3ent.1ley is ai 190s graduate of Purman University icna. is now practicing law in Walblta. Mrs. C. WV. Martin, who has heoz visiting relatives in Easley, has re turn-u to A tlanta. Dr. W.O Singlotary is now in chargc of the Palmetto Pharmacy. Dr. Sin. glotary is stopping at the Mountaii fViw Ilotel, but expects to move hi family here a little later. Mr. . N. Mullinax, who lives abou three miles fr em Easloy, had hiu barn destrod by fire Saturday nigh about 10 o 'clock. A lot of fodder corn and other feed was burned to tether with two cows. The tota llos is about one thousand dollars, witi only two hundred dollars insurance Mr. Mullenax was in Easley whei the fire occurred an does not kniov how it caug ht. 'Mr. Bob Lathem has moved into hi home here which he 'has reicently com p1 eted. He has one of the nicest res idences in Easley. It is located on th highest points in Easley and is equip ped with water works and electri l1ights. Miss Ma rgar let Geer, accompanle by Miss S adie Gregory, Mary Gee and Sallie McGee, all of the Green ville Fema le College, spent last Suri day "'It h her pa ents, Mr. an Mrs. .Johii M. Geer. Mr .Alex Robinson of the sophomor class of 0 lemnon, spent Thanksgivin with hiN parents, Mr and Mrs. W. W Robinson. H lon. .J. P. Carey, of Pick~ons wvas i Easloy todlay. Mr. E. P. McGravoy wont to Andeg son yesterday on business. The) manny froinds of Mr. J). TV. la tte il b~I e glad toi learn he( i gai able to he outi. fg'iature ap atona eh. 'na~ -t Unit ]DOOR CLOSED TO HONI Count Assaults Mne.Gould'e Concierge When Gard Is Refused. Paris, Dec. 3.-Count Boni do cas telano drove in a motor car to the marble palace where dwells the Am erican woman who divorced him. Al ighting, the count gave his card to the concierge saying: 'Send that to Mme.Gould." Mme. has given ordera that you must never enter here, sir." answered the a concierge, coldy polite. Livid, with t rage, the count raised his cane and dealt the man a heavy blow on the head. As the consiergo reeled, the blood spurting from his scalp, Count Boni sprang into the auto and whizzed away. It was necessary to call a sur geon to attend the conciertte. The Paris Figaro says: "Mme. Gould and count de Boni Castollane both will marry again shortly. She is engaged to a11 Aneri can millionaire. She will pass sove ral months of each year in her palace, which is the most beautiful home in France. Nothing will be chnged in the sunptus current of her life, save that her dinner plates and carriage pillows will not flaunt a count's coronet. "His, too, will bo brilliant marriane. Boni do Oastollane hopes to revive the ancient glories, to entertain kings again. His future wife is a widow, a millionaire who owns a chateau in the provinces, a splendid hotel in Paris, a yacht, race horses, and has great Influence with the newspapers " YOUNG MEN WANTED FOR CASHING BOGUS CHECK. Columbia, Dec.5 -Chief of Police Owen Daly -has been warned against two young men who worked:the bogus check game in Camden Monday. Giv ing their names as J. M. Cole and W.J. Beiley, they presented a check for 875, bearing the alleged signature of the Chattanooga Hardware compa ny. Shortly after it had hnen cashed the check was found to be worthless, and efforts were made to arrest the men, but they had gone towards Sum ter and could not be located. Both the men are smooth shaven and apparently abcuit thirty years of ago. Colc is usually the spokesman. NEWS NOTES FICOM EQUALITY 'ostolco MIay bce Abe 1h143d and People are Indignant. Equality, Dec. 4.-The small cot ton crops of this section have boen gathered, but not all aoll. Those who Can are holding it for eleven cents and nothing less will buy it. If the cotton crop is as short over the south and west as here, the ton million bale amount will not be reached. Corn is quite good . There will be plenty of ''hog and hominy" up this way. 'Thsle are numbers of fine porkers that will Soon make their last squeal. O'possums have been plentiful and the ''nigger" is happy, for to his palate nothing is so delhcious as possum and 'taters. Thankgiving was hardly observ ed in this communmty. Everyone up here takes his holiday Sat.urday afternoon. It is almost Impossi ble to hire a negro to work on Sat urdlay. - Mr. Luther Prince has moved near Carmel. Mr. Mark Prince is moving into the house vacated by his brother Luther. Mr. Jim Th~cmpson and family will shortly move to Williamsburg rcounty, much to the regret of their -many friends here who are loath to give them up. Mr. Thompson is a most worthy gentleman. The Sundlay school at the Pres Sbyterian church is to be reorganiz -ed next Sunday. It is hoped thlero will ho a full attom danice. The post master bmore~ hias b oon . notified that this oflico' is to be discontinued a fter .Jani. I16:h. Pa -trois of this otlico and( of irauta No. 1 are bitter'ly opposed t,o it as it is thought liout No. I will be abolish-. ed als~o. There'n is' also talk that R Iouto NYo. 7,, w.ill1 make on v thi"o i'ouil,di p i Wo'k. T['b goudl leoOle (of.1 his seetionm wt to knmow wvhat Ithne havn (Iloni to~ dwiv' sneh Sam. Miss Sadie Haynie of Belton is again teaching school at this place, and boarding at the home of Mrs. Prince. . Miss Sue Crawford of Clemson has been visiting Miss Lillie Whit lock.'who acoonpanied Miss Craw ford home Saturday. The young yeoplo has a most on joyablo dance at the residence of Mr. Jim Griflith the evening of the 29th. Mr. Frank Gleon has s curod a position as guano inspector for several of the.northeast counties and will enter upon his duties Jan. 1st. Miss Josephino and M iss Zoe Rankin are staying with their sis ter, Mrs. W. M. Watkins at Fitz gerald, Ca., and attending a busi ness college there. They will grad. uato the last of December and will then accept positions as steno graphers. Mr. E. F. Allgood wass called by telegram recently to Oklahoma to see his brother, Van, who was ill with pneumonia and died short ly after Mr. Allgood arrived. ACCIDENTAL KILLING IN AIKEN. Luther Craig the Victim of a Fatal Accl dent. Aiken, December 2.-Luther Craig, a white man, was shot and I killed last night by the accidental discharge of a pistol. Craig was going home from the city about 8.30 o'clock in a buggy and as he was going down a hil just on the edge of town a piece of the har ness broke. le had a revolver on the seat, and when he got out of the Buggy to fix the harness the pistol was in some way thrown out on the ground, and it was discharged, the ball entoring.his left side, and he (lied an hour afterwards. le was 38 years old and a prominent mem ber of the I. O. O. F., Red Men and Junior Order of United Ameri can Mechanics. His remains will be interred this aftercioon at Town Creek Church. He will be buried by the Old Fellows. NEGROES IN A GUN IiAT'I'LE, Seve,, Are Woundedl, Three Fatally in w Fight in Alabama, One Having hil Tongue Shot OIW Jacksonville, Fla, December ,2. Seven negroes shot, three of whom will die, is the result of a general row and shooting affray, growing out of *an old feud at Marietta, seven miles from this city, this mornin)g. Those fatally wounded are Leater Brunson, Alex Prime and James Hadley, They are in the hospital here for treatment, as are the four other wounded men Seven negroes, charged with doing the shooting, have been arrested and are in jail here. The climax came through one negro, striking another with a fence picket. Friends of each armed themselves and the war began. The jawbone of One of the negroes was shattered and his tongue shot off. STAIIIING AT oOLUMBIA. Man Nanmd o3hariey Manney suffering from a Knife Thrust. Columbia, December 2.--Char. ley Manney, who was stabbed last night in a fight near the Olymp a Mill, is getting along very well, although his lung was penetrated by h knife. The wound however, is very serious. Maniney and .. b logers were ini an al1terecatio,n aiid Rtogers's father, Willham~ l{ogora. ailso took a hand. It is said that both hather andl son use'd their kijs. Mannres hasi a wouInd uIndfer the ribs ion the loft sido, anrd ano theor undal'r the irighit sh oubmlo Pr lde, Thle liogers miien aie unrder ar let. GEN. YOUMANS DEAD ATTORNEY GENERlAL IA98ED AWAI IN COLUMBIA Snecoeded Mr. Gunter. Attorney General Lfroy F. Youmalis died at his home in Uolumbia Monday morning in his eventy-third year. He had beein in failing heahh for some tim1e, but recently h seemed to be re. covering, nt:d his death was unex pooct ed atnd at great shock. Mr. Younans was nale assistant at. torney general last year, Vice W. l-. T!ownsend, renigned, antd-became ,tornov general i few months later -n the death of Attorney General Gunter, lie offered fIr elction in) the primary this sulunmr and mnldf, a spllndid race, althougIi he Vas too feelble to att'nd any of thel(1 'amnpaign leetigs. He seik'ed he Coilfederacy as a 1unber of Company F. Third South Carolina Regiment. He was a member of EIampton's admini istrat.ion, sne eeding Attorney General;Connor, who resigned in 1877. and was after ward re-elected to the the place. e was four years district attorney ifter=that, and was a circuit solici Gor before the civil war. Mr. You, mans was one of the finest orators n the South. TAKES THE LAN DER COLLEGE Vel Known MetiodiNt Sclhool Now Un ter Methodist Conference. Columbia, Dec. 4.-The Metho llst conference accepted the Lan ier Female College yesterday, af. ter a heated debate. The vote was very close, the proposition for the Boufernceo to acce)t the inlstitutionl Winning out, by the close majority of four votes. The acceptance of tle college was forced by the statomn,lt of Rev. I. A. Child, who said that another denlomination wanted the college, having made a Ilhtttering oll'er. Hr. Child, who is one of the largest stockholders ini the college. did not want to see it pass out of the hands of the Methodists of the state. The fi iends of the Columbia Female College fought the proposition for the conference to accept the charge of the Lander Dollege, stating as their reason Lhat they (lid not want to assume mother debt, when thore was al ready a debt of 84,000 on the Co lumbia Female College. There is a debt of $12,000 on Lander Col. lege, but the confeience accepted the college with the debt. The plant of the collegej is worth $50,000 and the attendance at the school this year was 137. Mr. Nettles Rie-Elected Rev. S. A. Nettles was re-elected aditor of the Southern Christain Advocate. the official organ of the Methodist church of the state. TILLMAN'sS ONS TO LEAVE 5. C. Rleported That theby WVin (to to Okilahoma to Live. A dispatch from Columbia says: l'ho Edgefield Chronicle is authori G.y for the news that Senator Till rnan's two sonis will likely move to 3klahome, where it seems that Benator Tillman has acquirod|someo property interests of value which B. R. Tiillman, Jr., and H en ry C. I'illmnan will control. The Chroni sle says: ''Benjamin RI. Till manl, the >Idest of the two sons of Sonator B3. R. Till man, lef't his hom'' iIear >ur towni a wveek or mlore age ftor he new State of' OlIahio,' whire, o far as wve can learn, I.. aitl his amiily will m ake thir homett. Mrs. he* f t'nhily of' S('len *' fTLua. andIl homa. We understand, too. the Henry C. Tillman, who lives i Greenwood and has lately married will also move to Oklahoma." The above cannot be eustained though it hag bon known tha Senator 'I i mlr had interests tI tne new Stu tt of Oklohona. Charges Against Payne. New York, Nov. 2S.--Charges. tha Louis F. Payne, when state superin. tenident of insturanee demanded $100, 000 fromn the llutual Reserve 141fe in Surance rcompan.y under threat o showing that the coinpan.V was in. solvent, and that Pret,d-ent F reder. iclk A . [itrn!:ant had saidi that he had paid 'lr. 1'ayn $10,000 were nadf by Aasistai )istrict Attorney NotI in the trial of Ii. 1. Burnham, Jr. Found Dead in Lumber Yard. New Orleais. Nov. -.---''he drha body of a nuIn hI)liecvd to bc' Jatlea ivenport , of Cincinnati ..., wa fa;itnd in a litnuber yard here. l'apers and an acident it uralnce policy found on the body bore tlhe iame of "James havenport, Cincinnati, O." Thu cor oner 'rendered a verdict declaring ap oplexy to be the cause of death. Robbed and Left To Roast. Steubenville, O. , Nov. 28.--id ward Coulter, a. teamster, was at tacked on the West Virginia side o the Ohio river by tramps, who tool his money, stripped him of his cloth ing and left him :inconscms will his body lying across the still burnini coals of a fire. He revive4 suffi clentlyto roll away from the fire, an gave a description of his assailants who have not yet been apprehended Coulter cannot recover. Daughter Kills Mother and Self. Upper Sandusky, O. , Nov. 28. Coronetr Stu.t, has. rendered a verdic that the death of Mrs. Henry iar man and her daughter, Mary, wa's case of niurder and suicide. He sayt the daughter cililed her mother anc herself' with -morphine. It was at flro believed that the two women hadl beer m%phyxiated by escaping gas in theit home. Birmingham Loses $60,000 ley Fire. Birmiugham, Ala. , Nov. 28.-Fire in Morris avenue totally destroyed the buildin;; occupied by Bell & M'y ers and Do)uglai Bros., prodrtce tmer chailtA, entailing a lose of. about S$60,00. Caputin Teeter, of a lo cal hose compatry, fell tkrouigh an elevator shaft and awut.aie d'ous internal injuries. Germany Owes $950,000,000. 34rlin , Nov. 28.-A nnenorandniu submitted to the Reichstag Tuesday deakag w'it leg1elttion concoraung public ians si 1675, shows that the imperial debt- amoun'ted to WO, 000,000 Oct. 1, 1906, and that morl ..h "n half that sum was speat on thu avm.y and navy. A Most Valuable Agent, ''The glycerinef emptloyetd ini Dr. Pierce's medielntes greatly (nnc tes the mtedichtial p)roporties which it extracts from ntative mediinal roots tand( holds in soltiona much batter thatn alcohol would. It ab-o posssses medicinal properties of its own, being a valulable demutleentt, nutrItive, antisaptic and antifermenit. It adds to the efficacy ocf the Bilack Cherry bark. Blloodroot, Golden Seal root, Stone root and Quteen's rotot, contaiined in "Golden Medical Discovery " in sutbdtning chrouie, or Ilingering coughts, bronchialI, throat and lung affectoons, for all of whtich tthesO agents are recotmmended by stand ard medical authorities. In all cases where there is a wasting away of flesh, losst of a ppet.ite, wit,h weak stomach, as in the early stages of cont sumoption, there can he tno doub t that gI y cerlino acts as a valuiable ntutrit,ive and( aIds the Gloideni Seal root Stonn root, Queen's root and( iack Ciuerryvbark in promnoti ng digestion andio bil d ing up the fkesh and strength, conlttroll ing the coutgh and( britnginag abhout, a heallthy contdition of the whole syst,em, Of course, It must niot ho ex pected to work miracles. It. w ill ntot eutre com,umpi jtiont ex,cepJt it its earl ier It, will (cu14~revr severe, iibsti nat4. hang-ott, chironie Icouitg hs, bro nch IalI an tlairyngt.ea Itt4 itru les, andi 'I chon ic sor'o thrt wittt.h boti rseness. I int cte coutghis t,.sn tsoeffect lie. It. is itn t.he I lingerinzg ha ntt-ont otughts, or t hose of lontg st audfing, luntgs, tha;t it hais perftormedu. its most5 nti \li.d. (oIllue.e (htcengo. says~ of gly Iianufa3 l3 t a prod:, s;3 Ib p een i..n 'CRUTCHFIELD ON TRIAL1' FOR SHOOTING WIFE Much Time Was Spent In St.. curing Jury. WIFE MAY APPEAR IN COUR1* Dr. James N. Ellis Was the First Witness Called-Gun and Cartridges Used in the Gun Are Exhibited In Court. t' Atlanta, Nov-. 2S.--.. H1. Crattch. field, the iiachiniery aigent, was plac- ;' i cd on trial in .he s.up or con rtrt , tcJi e crii tinal di vi'.'. n,.1 .tidge linan p,res.d ing. \\'dunesda lilurniuig. Ti'h( (.iargte agai-n-si hint is -b;>ctig his wife, \irs. - Sallie ('rt( hifi"ld., with intent .( kill.' Alucl lotne was spent in sch eting the jury. The reinnants of . veral .)aIei's were usetd to cht/osc t;:c jury from, cisidrrablo difliculty be;.g ex peri(Iec 1. 1>r. Jlamies N. EllIs, who atit nded i\lrs. ('rutchlidd, in ier illness, was the lirsl witness. Th'll.( gtn us.ed1 by ('rutchfilii when he shot his wife apld the cartridges wve (xiitiled in cl)tult. Alrs. Hattie Barrett, who t0.-:lt ahout C rut child's alleged thrcaI l,a in the court room. It was stated 'that an effort n .ild be made to have Mlrs. Crutchil1d 1 brough, into court if she were ;. ic ally strong enough. Reiitwn It. Arnold, V. A. l.atch I elor and .1. E. AlcClelland rept. :ent Crutehiield. Threatened to Kill Rockefeller. New Yo4k, Nov. 28.-Vhar:ed ' with threaetning to kill John D. lk et'eller unless he paid her a million dollars, Mrs. Rose Delinax I( a-:ols Ianditeld, 40 years of age, was ar rested in front of the ofllces of the Gtrardianl 'Trus-t company in U(,,:or Broaidway. The arrest was mia(i(" on a walrrantt tssu'c. by a police malt,is traI(e. At. the di:t-rIet attorney'> of ice Ilandfield said tinit her hushau(l had Ieen iiin the oif Iusiiess but that he had been ruind b.t :h Stanlaii Oil colrpany. Alrs. Irla.d tetl is charged with having forced herself into the office of Mr. ? :e feller's secrotary las Pi 'rlday anl '[e CIrIr v h ;t' \ya1tiitetl a million (!( ':'s and that if shit did not get it 1"::;h with , 'he "'ould kill Mr. Rockefeller and! huu'it (Oll th(e buil(ling w (i. t the c0111iny's otticew are lcarnted. Luther Frazier Was Convicted. MtIanta, No1. 2\.-- Iulher F44ra zier, the negro vho enteted the house of Re'. T. b. liryan, a Mothodist miuister, on the night of Sept. 20, and in a partially dtisrohed condition, sought to e'sault. Miss Orrie Bryan, was, convicted in Iie superior Ciourt of attemplted criinlal aseault and sentenced by Judge' iloan to fifteen r years in the penilten'tiary. Frazier, who in about 20 years old, will have to face another trial upon an inditot mlent charging attemp)ted crimnat as- - sault upon Mr's. . Bryan on the same occasion. The Caus~e of Many Sudden- Deaths. f'here Is a disease prevailing in this country most dan ,erous because so decep ''"" .tive. Many sudden * deaths are caused by it - heart disease, .'pneumonia, heart J - failure or apoplexy .. are often the result kidney trouble is at-. lowed to advance the ' kidney -p ois one d blood wilt attack the m.vital organs or the kidneys thuemselves break down and waste away cell by cell. B!adder troubles most always result from a derangement of the kidneys and a cure IS obtainecd quickest by a proper treatment of the kidneyz. li you are feelIng badly you caln make no mistake by takin gDr. Kilmer's Swamp-R~oot, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects; inability to hold urine and sc:ald inlg painl in passing it, and overcomes that. unp:u~ant necessity of being compelled to go ofteni during the day, and to get up many tim: 'duinig the night. The m4ld and the ex.irw>rdinary eff"ct of Swamp-Root is soon uib t. It stands the highe:;t for Its won.. di' f. I cres of thImo:; d.istretingiiy cacas... 1 mr-I..O't is pleas;ant t o take aund sold by dugg:-.s i fity-entandone-dollat botles.. (oiu ma-y - Ic w n':.f-Id newti . rvan a book thait ' tfr' by mail. Addrc'ss Dr. Ki!mcr &A.Co. imch:vnon i, N. Y. WVhen writing mention. o oiin' t'6i generous~ offr in' thb. paper. Don t miake any mistake, but iemomboe a name'. Sw.imp-Root, Dr'. Kilmer' a :ic R ot, and the addrcss, s3inghaimton,~ N. Y. ont o.vcry bottle. P' '