The sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1906-1909, November 03, 1906, Image 7

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Notices of Sale, Wnts,. Swaps, ete. sortedt in this Column at b 'ents per to for each insertlon. Nothig taken r less than 10 cenits. tell in Ltlbert"y Mrs. Callaway will ?tsed to have you call andl inispo ct ew and pretty stock tif Miliiunerv. R SALE: A businie s lot. in the of Lihorty; 64 x IC-1 feet lond well .ter and good 3 toonit dwelling on ' lies well and is between lots of J. . .own and John lRankin ; prie 8800; t half cash und halitnce to Mitt tu r. Apply to J. L. Youtg, Liderty. W. M. Horton, Dettist, hasi lo at Liberty, 8. C., and will make o Pickons, entral auti Pendleton. - .% me wishing hit' profisasitintl ser i- the country, drop him to postal = at Lib,ert.y and he wili cime to {y hom(s. NTEI.-'o miake tramu. with 'me c. -r 20 cords of Oak and 1,11 o'Is of moo.l. I. E. Ghtdwin, 'entin1P1- Il)Iurnatl, .\ l trt ', d our premintum l ol'e. loIpp's ator to all Whts piy ilp und iay 'lr i atiivtucc. S lu) r ald llont! :tlld 1=rnt uOt" paper a :ntd t hc .\' mtrit' tn .\ ;rit+: I ot ye:t- f'r .1;.50. -t"1t!o yourl'waltts inl it i t tlthn un. work, Ilie hiitl yomu wc.ttt, it ti evprices, :.1 Sei i1 .Iuonruml t=ilh''. I beftore; plu"ing ,ytur l'te u o'deir. ;pass Nt'ties, prinuted on elotIh, rlc' eat this ttietl at 5()eints a it doztn. mon t'wnt to sell N our land ml or country or buy fattri or tim , intd or town property see or me and I will save you money. 1. ALEXANDER, Real Estate Agt. Walballa, S. 0. I A. lischey has just receivod it tad of 11oxante and Obelisk R SALE: A Campbell Press d coudition; now running; bed 46. It is in good fix and will Id at a bargain and on easy A pply for particulors to this i have lost your boyhou i sptritx, o and confidencO of youth, we of t new life, fresh courage and frne om ill health in Hollistor's Rocky sin Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablots. 13 Drug Co. you win? You realize that to winl hing theo days, reqtresstareugtli intl and body in tit'ne. A mlan or with disordorol d d'gestive organs in shape for a dei'- work ur a ay. How ctn they expect to wit'! For Dy-epepsit contains the (it ea eos of a hiclthy stontch and %%ill mtr stotuach in shape to ,.,rfortu >ort.mtt futnction of supplyitng the mtd brain with st ron..<t 0 bmtlding - D)igstts whatt youn eat, reiioves itton, D)yspepsia, Sour Stomneh'l, tion of tufe Ho,rit andt (Gonstipa-i Sonld by Pickenst D)rug Co. Stock Prof its ibe greatly increased by giving tial care to) the htealth of overy mal andI fowl' on the farm. sck poultry, shteep, ctile, hogs, rsos, etc., depend on their lIvers keep them well Iack*Draught SStock and Poulvj Medicine --- eps their livers worldng and irofare keeps them wevll. -- Black-D~raught Stock and Poul- , / Medicine is a pure, natural, getable, blood prutlor, and ae.ts regulating the stomasci, liver .d havls, It prevents and cures Hlog Chol , Chicke'n Cholera, Colic, P>ls aiper, Co'aghs, Colds, (Onnstipa in, Fever, Loss of Appetite, ating Awvay, and all the comn in stock diseatsos. It Is a perfect i. edicne for ge. aul farm use. Try it. rice 25c for a large can, at all druggLsts and dealers aded School Notice. ictketns Graded School will comn lts sesston of 1906 1907 0on the 10O h tombher, 1906, Eac'h piupil will be 'd to pity a matriculation fee of ant on ente'rintg school. Pupils *- etster. aind are reqluestedl to do sto, the week prior to the openmtfg, at time they wviii Ipay matriculat,ion -eg gration books wIll be opent *- to-Fl a. mt., ands from 4 to 5 p. -cih day .during week begirnnit, ther 8 in's roomi at itiotn fee ot' $1.00 pot' month fot one( to four t i ncl iu vei ant iti $I les livye to nine incl Iusivye, will It, nuts id e of thet schlttI disHttrct J.l Wu to. 'lWt I "I 'ENB l E-J -us'-m-i-ah SNAPSHOTS OF THE STYLES What Sleeven Will Be Like--Flehn Effect. For Party Gownt. Sleeve fashions run in two extremel -the tight mtouscluetaire sleeve. trim med with buttons and braid. a:ld the very full sleeve, with the material set in box plalits an tied over the elbow withit a huge knot of t'ib' on. Elbow sleeve. ip)pear Oin som11e of the fur coats, with deep cuffs that turn dow\" to tI', wi hI \ re-iuliredl . TI'3 'Iyle is both cO'v1nient and 1;mawrt. T1he 1i1h 10T1 e (10(1Is to be popular11 tis w\"linteI for e\velingl wear', the eniids of the Ileh Ibeintg ncnlry iong' enough to reach to the hemt of the skirt in front, while the "shawl point" at the back is ndm1)iredi. Instep 1s the correct length for the trotting (iress. which is the same all the world over-a frock to walk in in all weather and all kinds of dirt. Colored crepe de chine underwear is consildered the height of lingerie lux ury. The b'1t Illustrated is one of the hap py crea tons of Caroline Rebeau, a fa mous milliner of Paris. It is of soft short halred beaver in an exquisite shade of burgundy. The spoon crow-n is wreathed witit large rosses, toning from dull pluk to a deep mauve. The attractiveness of the model lies In the oolor'ing. J UIDI0 (HOLL1 T. WHAT IS WORN. Laces That Will Be Worn-Scotoh ln"'thions ligh In Favor. MAlt(%e s and cluny laces are going up In popularity. whilo valonelonnes is waiting a tritle. .3paniish laces are bj no means to the fo;e, as we have been led to bellovo thoy would be. High Mspanish coltsm are the smart est adornients for the colffure. They are most attractive on the head when it Is ntacoveroed and act as a support for th itnew hats that tilt well ovr the f:nee. Trhe combs range In price from $4 to well up tito the hundreds. Scoteji fashions are being enthusi astiently adopted thnis season. There are pids galoro to be soon la dress OwN OF GR4EEN CLOTH. t eaterla that no clan in the Land o' Onkos would recognIze. The latest ad ditlio n f tiIngs Scotch ia the cap, whmichi in the millinery wor'id is9 ereat hing qrite a furoe among young wear tim. It is seen in felt, In plnid silk and ha soft fur and is trimmed with n 'ound1 rosette and a iong a'nill. "The correct pocketbook for ordinary iwear Ia a tiat book shape with a short finger strap. In black, soft gray and iti those pocketbooks are favorites, tihcugh onie may wish to match the costume In tone. F~lat chain purses in crusted ith precious and semiprecious stonesi still continue in favor wIth formal costumes. Newer than the bolero or 10ton jacket are the little fall c!oats that combine the good features of both. These mod ela are realily Jnunty poniy jackets cut off' above the waist line and tri mmedi In somie fund iul way with brald. Some of the co(faithve tinly w~astonts. TIhie eoaliime illutstraltedl isi a clharm.i hng little suit fenrriidt outt in greenOi broadlf-oth. Thle (oily Itimmiing lb stlotIh"d hands of vo'lwtt in a lightet .TilI) IC llur.i f ' : The Kind You Have Always B in use for over 30 years, h; ~~ and ha1 sonal i " ~ Allow i All Colu terfeits, Imitations a Experiments that trifle with Infits and Children-Experi What is C Castoria is a harmless subst gorie, Drops and Soothing S contains rneither Opium, 1Moi stubstaiee. Its age is its gutai and allays Feverishness. It Colic. It relieves Teelhin1g Ti aldh Flatulency. It assiniilat Stonm1eh and Bovel,>, giving The Chlildiren's Panacea.-Thie CENU CAST Bears the S The Kind You Hay In Use For Ov THE CENTAUr uoa,tfac.t, iv Mum Will cure any case o beyond the reach of me Pickens )rug C The Seeet of the Ma1le. No thoughtful person who has ever visited a maple gpove in the early spring while viow banks are yet lin gering in sheltered hollows and has seen pailful atter pailful of sweet snp drawn from the auger holes in the shapely trunks ca ituvo tailed tIo' on der whtt forces govern the tlow of the sap. When the warm sun touches the treetops the flow increases. A rise of a few degrees In temperature often seauses a greet increase of flow, if the rise passes the nero polut on the een tigrade scal-tbut is, the freezing point of water. But a considerable change of temperature in which the fluetontlons do not cross the 'eom line . .ses no mnarked etiunge in the flow of sap. D)r. K. M. Wiegand, discussing those and other related factsi in the Amerieana Natur'allst, reaches the conclusion that noither expaiiLon of gas In the wood ner expnion of water nor exp)ans'ionI of wood Itself is the underlying cause of the pressure which produces the flow, but that this prensure arises from the etffects of tempierature in aitering the osmotic permeability of the pith ray coils. 'Thacker'ay and1 Dickensm. This Ia the way Geaorge Hienrty Lew-es once charaI'icterized Thiackeray and( Dickens in the way of service to a friend: Dickens, he said, would not give you a farthing of money, but he woul take no end of' trouble for you iHe would spend( a whole clay, for in staneo, in lookcing for the most suitab)le lodgings f'or you and would spare him1 self' neither time nor fatigno. Thaceko ra.y worki( takie two hiouss' grumb)linlg Indeelsioni andl ho1ta'tion in wvriting a two line testlrnonial, hut ho wouild put hris ha.nd Iuto 1h1s pocket aud give you a handful of gold and bank notes if youz wanted thonm. nlowH1ng. Bowling is one of our games that originatedl in tho middle ages. Trhe ex not date of its introduction is obscure, but it has boen clearly traced to the thirtoonth contuary. The) first howling greens wvero made in England. In bad weather those could not be used to ad v'antag~e, and this led to the construc tion of covered bowling alloys. Hard Im,ok. Caller-I hiaro here several bills which are long overdue. Harduppe (desper Btely)-I am sorry to say that our cash ier is out today. Caller--Oh, wvell, it doesn't make much difference. PIll cafl and pay thema at some futuro date. Good (lay, sir. Hifs hent Bedroorn, An American physician says that while in England lhe saw a vaulted tomb in a London cemetery which hasd the following inscriptton engraved on tihe door: D~r. John Gnrdner's Last and Best Be 9. room. The Ltd1 off. JIolhnle-iay3. pa, who was Palndlora? Johnnie's Pa-Pandora, my son, w'as a little girl who started a lot of trouble beccause shet lat't keep the( lid dIown. Prineton 'Tiger. 'Theure Is ceta~:iinly somiethtinv of o.x nievolenee in tast ofgift .r, nlo JIght, and which has been ts borne the sigiatnre of s been nade under his per ipcrvision since its infancy. to one to deceive you lin this. ad " Just-as-good" are but luid endanger t1e health of enee agaiiist Experitient. \STORIA itute for Castor Oil, Pare" yrups. It is Pleasant. It pliine nor other Narcotlo 'antee. It destroys Worig (tires Diarrhoa, and Wind roittbles, eures 'Oonstipa-tIon es the Food, regulates the iten tliy aiul natural sleep. iMotlier's Friend. OR A ALWAYS ignature of 41 e Alway Bought er 30 Years. 1AV BTARF.f: NEW YORK CITY. NEYCU f Kidney or Bladder Dic dicine. No medicine can ompaiiv, Picksns, Parkeu's Pha Sir Waiter Scott', First nwief. Sir Walter Ecott had his share of th, usual curious experiences shortly afte being ealled to the bar. ills flrat ap pearance as counsel In a ertiminal cour was at .edburgh atssizes in 17tY, whei be success'fu1ly defended a veterai poacher. "You're a luky scoundrel, Scott whispered to his elient when th verdict was given. "I'm Jlut o' you mind." rcturiet the latter, "and I'1 send you a imnkin (i. e.. a hare) th morn, man." Lockhart, who nuvate the incklen3t, omilts to aidd whether th mainkin duly reachmed Scott, but1 ui doubt it did. On anot her occasion Mcot was less successful in hits def'ionse oft hIousebr1eak-er, but the( CulprIIit, gra tefi for his counsel's exertions,5 gav e him, i, lieu of the orthodox fee, whichI he wm ulnablie to pay, tils pilee of advice, I the value of which lhe (tihe lithsebreal er) could professlonally at test: Firs never to have a large waltchdolg out< doors, but to keep a little yelping te rier within, and, secondtly, to put trust In nice, clever, gimerack lock but to pin his f'aith to a ,mge old hieav one wtith t' rustRy h(ey. ScottI long ri imembheredl t his I ieldenti, amld tir yearis iater, at a .lJudge' iinneiir at .1 eq burgh, he rocieeni it in this liprompt rhyme: Y'el.inig terrier, riusty key. Ws'n V Water cott' bSlest .JethlairIttfe. - We,stminirlster' Caze,.tte. WVaNte1Iusklet 'IrreaNuIreN. "1 have'( in my (imploy,"' salid a iealt in nuitographls, "'a inmer' of (clehir ties' houmsernaldrs. Th'lanks to thee youni women.S I secure alt niominal Icos many an antogr'aphic gern. All I asi of' the mai.ds is that they shiy me wveel ly the enntents of their maisteris' waist< hasuketsq. Trhey ha he the sto' rup I buirlap, and every Monday or' Tu'esda it comnes to me by freilght. I go ove it cnrefully, making man finds. Her will he a hegging let ter from a famori author in hard inck. Here in a bile note ai great notor will boatst of hi last success. Here will be a dinne invitation fsom a celebrate'd mllhor Ri're. Sorne c(l(hrities, of course, say their valhuable litters, and some Sel them, but the majrM-y throw Into th wVastebasket most of' the mall they re eelve, and I, Sear('hlng tihe baskot, contents ev.ery Monday mnoniing, tin ray rewardl In many a ietteri worth $11 ar $20." 'rThe nled iand thme candhIAten. JTudge [Harian and( James H. McCrei ry 0on(e ennvassed( Kentucky togethe is thle Repumblica tn and Demnoera t I eri lidatIes for governor. Tlhey trave'e< ibouit the state0 on a joint debattig tril Ind In iany smalli mountali neac band to sleep In the same bed. The, were warmS personal friew'ls andt( 5 lid not object to tis initineay. On night Mr. Harlan got Into bed flrsi Seniator McCreary was not far behind rind( just as lhe entered tihe bed Juidg If[arian raised hIs bulky forms amid Sal iilt is HtVntorilan voiee, "McG reary ther'ie Is one thIing ('erta:in --thle nex gover'noi' of K eniticky' is in t his lied. As lhe spoke thle lied slt 1 ii'boke, ann Jalde I 1lini ennlli..II the em'm, ucs. film Wnme. An unpopular man who was refused memborship in a certain aristoeratte club had the audacity to write to the club secretary demanding the name of the man who blackballed him. The see retary could not resist the chance of sending the following reply: "Sir, I have received your letter demanding the name of Ihe man who blackballed you. Ils name Is Legion." All Arounne the Clock, "'raild{la silys Ils stay III the mIlon tains last suminer did him no good. Ills rootm was right off the piazza, anti people 11111d lave under his window until all hours." "Iut couldn't he sleep after the lov ers went to bed?" -T "No; as soon as the lovers went to bed the children got up." - IHarper's Weekly. A Bright iteernit. Lieutenant (exa mining soldier)--What should you <(10 if you inet an eneuy on the field of battIe? Soldier-Shoot himn dead, sir. Liuteniaitnt- HIght. And what should you di( if you mlet a whole battalion of the olnrny? Solier --shoot the01n Oe:ad, sir. l.irntrnanlt -'You c"ouIlu't bcy yoursrlf. Y':u houlId 1:all h :t-k ad giveI war1unin;. lilt 'souhi yolt do it' you ie :t cow .....ib. .* l -htot it d:i, si,. ili - I ' al ho k 1i d w r:lt1hl1 l 1 lif it 1.y t!:-- 1 h r1s :l bring it i ton ('.u1111'. w 1t"1 llOt, w 1:1t you s : ,lb1 l< " i +. : ' I 1 l 1t 1 in 1!11 lii Ihd. y ii ' 1 o. I. SIhlier-- Fall loeIk :: <l .':ive "warling. Lillm1nlt--\Wrong, situpid:1 1 l'm not i a blttalion of the rneinuy. Soldiir- Well, thnl. I'd11 clt hold of yoil hy the horn:, and leatd you into camlp. Ilieutenant--Y'ou -Lustige Ilatter. Cures Backache Corrects Irregularities Do not risk having ease not Bright's Disease do more. or Dia betes rmacy, Liberty. ii-- i I' iontuag a results from obronii constipntion, which L' is quickly enred biy D)r. King's New Life - Pi11s. They remove all poisonous germs t from the system and infuse now life and I vigor, cure soul' 'tomlael, tiaS, head I acbe, (lZzine'ss and colic, without grip ing or llsromfort. 25e, Gualranteod by Piekous Drug Co. 1 Qi4 ll1K, Slalll tI alil SwIlling (urcd. I "Ii November, 1901, 1 caught cold I and hall 'lit quil sy. ?My throat was i; swollen so I could hardly brc"athE. I L' applied ChambehOrhllill's Pain Balm and it a> gav~e mUe Ielief in a short timet. InI I w( (ldays I was ali right," tsays Mrs. L. , Cousins, OttAlrburn, Mich. Chamber t1 lain's Picin BahnIl is a liin:eut antd is n espimally valulhe for1 Sprains and swel Sliing,. iFor sale( by' 1'iekens Drug (Co. Bears the lho Kind You iiMiB Ahlays Bought ~.Bignature o Th'iis is $ he 0eason oif d1t-eny and wOtlk s. (ined v'italiity. NatureIt is bisn g shornli of y~ itk beautly andt blotoni. Iftiio wold re' tmila . oiurs, fortify yourtl systinii withI H-oll ister's Rockv Alo (unt. ill Tiea. :>,5 001nts, Tieai or P Tablts. Pick-enus drug Co. - Benr the11w Kind You have Always Bought Triute and ri frieds if the faily r--Dc-Witt's Little Earily Risor18. 1U,st rfor reosulths aml hort to take. Rosy (1neeks 11u11 sparkling ''yos foellow. the use of e' ths dI'C1topondble hit'le ill)hs. The etv t not1 gr'ipe orl sickent. Hold byw Pickens~ k Drag ('o. CASTOR iA rFor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the r Signature of ISour Stomach No appetIte, loss of strength, nervous. ness, headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, sour risings. an~d catarrh of the stomach are all due to indigestion. Kodol cures indigestion. This new discour - ery represents tile natural juices of diges r tion as they exist in a healthy stomach, .combined with the greatest known tonto and reconstruotive properties. Kodol Dys pepsia Cure does not only cure indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy cures all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying. sweetening and strengthening itne musous membranesn lining the stomach. ,Mr. S. S. Bali, of Ravenswood, W, Va.. says I was *roubled with aour stomach for twenty years. Kodol cured me and we are now using it In milk ,for baby." a Kodol Digests What You Ea*t. Bottles only. $1.00 Size hoMJint 2%~ tmes the trial size, which seUs for 50 cents. Prepared by E.0O. DoWi rT & 00., OHiQA00. Sold by Picken.; Drugt. Co HIELP IS OFFERED1 TO WOmi VOUNYG PE~OPLEI Woe earnes'tlIy rit<;ne .1:1 all yo- : . r oe.~ nto ma.t te'r a'on, la wrkei. bY' 'ruc 9 , - lyrue:d half-ratGa Treasurer' iTATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Pickens. Office of County Treasurer, Pick Pickens, :HE TRi.VA UlIER'S OFFICE WIL] OCTOBElR 15th, UNTIL MO 1906, WITHOU I 'he late of Si ate, Couut.y, School an i Poll Tax and One Dollar at.d Fifty In aceordalce with an Act. to raise ai annaury 1, 1ft(6, notiee is hereby given thi eken. ' unty will be /open for the collect lotnday, Ootober 15thl, unt ii Monday, Doeot s follows: Levy For State Tax............. ' " Ordinary County 'Tax. ( " Constitlut mon School 1'ax "to" Iasi x .............. Sinking Fund.... ..... " '' For Rbuilding bridge., '' Suipport of Constaltiar" Total levy for Stite and Coun11ty Levy for interost in Piekens 11. 1t. in1) Lv for interest on l'ivkon% It. R. lion l(vy for It.rt .n l''keln li. R. h r *im'<i Le I,-1 l',r ti111 l I)kt. A Poll '1'Itx of One I)ol:r per ca-pita f 21 id 60 years, 'xci'pt 1101 aN ar ex. . A (ommn'ati'1n Rload Tax of Ott 1) t the samelo time as 1 taxcs fron 11 nil 0 years. rxcept such a4s are 1.xeimpt- by)" la larch, 1907, five days work upon the put 1 ',Ixes ire Ipaycablo only in gold and 1. Pn,k Notes and ecut ons of State 11nds I 90. Parties desiring information by mail lie location of their property, and include uxo, by check must include the charges f< POISON IVT. The noting of several serious cases of Ivy poisoning this yonr suggests that some little aeccount of the plant might t be in place for the beoie t of those who may not b' won acuaintei with it. I Whle posen ivy is quite aften found in the woods, it seems to prefer road atce*, fence eorno>al aud serub brnll t pasture lets. It di'ret:n front the V'ir gin.Ia creeper, with which It is often I confued, In having thie leaves, while 1 that has ive. The poison Ivy leaf is also broader, of a smoother sturfnec and posssseos a mere cdge. A fact that iIncreases the danger fromt it is that Its leaves turn to a hanut,iful va rlety of ornnge and red colora lin the l fall, equalinig thoue oft any .)ther shrub or troo, and it is oftten pleked bly the in experenced, who delight In gathering the highly colored autnumn leaves. As Is true with the siting of hoes and bites of other instects, naany people do not seem susceptible to poLsonling from con tact with the ivy leaves. With others it is a1 most virulent poison, they heing so sonaitJve that the prosonice of thle vine In lots adjoining the one0 in which they Live will oa-use an oiutbreakc on their face and hands, aithoughu there is ah H(olt evb(lene that they have not 'Cilmf 14n phIystteal contact wvIth the plant itself. One who hna suffTered mu1ch1 from1 t his mnethuod of contrPactinug the pioisoing tells ius that lie hasu found nothin g t.hat gave so much relief as bauthing t:hm ai'entfd parts In warm11 44weet milk. Thle remiedy 1s liwxpen woul seemflh to be4 worth tryin1g. Thle ('hiklrt'n in the home Ihoul ha:ve the Ivy point.ed out to ltem and44 he gi venu insi4t'u1ction0s4 to let the Iltre leavodt4 .spritirg vIne atlonh, no 4natter h''low briiinitly colored or atit rac t lyve its leaves mai&y be. Thousandso Have Kidney -rrouble and Don't Know it. Hlow To Pind Otit. Fill a bottle or coTmmon ~glass with your Water anid let it stand twenty- four hours; a unhealhby conidi tion1 of the kid ncy; if it stains your linien it is evidcelC of id ney' troub)le; too -- - frequent dlesire to pass it or pain in the back is also conymncingt proof that the kidneys and blad tier are out of order. What to Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-. Root, the great kidney romedy fulfills every wish In curtrag rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part af the urinary passage. It corrects Inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing' It, or bad effects following use of liquor, Vine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often :luring the day, and to get up many times :lurIng the night. 'The mild and- the extra :>rdinary effect of SwamP"Root is soon realhzed, It stands the highest for its won :Jerful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$i. sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discover.y '___ and a book that tells____n more about it. both sent absolutely free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & nomt rnpno Co., i3inghamton, N. Y. When writing men tion reading this generous offs 141i this papor. Don't make any mistake, but rmnember thce n'ime, Swamp-Root, Dcr. Kilmner's v-amp-Root, and the a(ddress, Pinughamrton, t t',* l4 is 3mS County, S. C. S. U., September 15th, 1906. l 1l OPEN FROW MONDAY, NDAY, DECEMBER 81st, 'PENALTY. Special Tax, Including One Dollar Cents Commutation Road Tax. pplies for the fiscal year coiumonoing it the office of County Treasurer of ion of taxes for sauid fiscal year frorn abor 31. Rates per cent. of taxation are . . Mills. ..". ........... i " ............., 1; 0 } " ... ... ... .. 13 " 'axeMM......... 1(i Mliills. is. Pickens 0. 1-1. Tovnshp, 2} mills. els, ITurrietane Township, 2 mills. eli, K <tato" Township, 23 mills. N,. - 2 Mills. 9 "1 ,. Ii) 1' " -j) *) ' "1n . all a-tusl citi zens betweon the ages al>t by law, will be eolletcd. Ollir nIlet l''y Cents will ho collected AIe c"itizeis betveen t.he nUe of 21 and r. Unless said tax is paid by the 1st of it highways will be required. ilver, United States currency, National thich become payablo during the year in regard to their taxes will pleaso stato postage for a reply, and those paying r collecting. El. W. F ARR, Treasurer of Pickens County. Henry E. Jones of Tampa, Fla., irites :"I can thank God for my present ealth, due to Foley's Kidney Cure. I ried doctors and all kind of kidney urea, but nothiog (lone me much good ill I took Foloy's Kidney Cure. Four ottlea cured me, and I have no more ain in my baek and shoulders. I am 62 'ars old, and suffered long, but thanks o Foleys Kidnoy (;ure'I am well and aia walk and enjoy myself. It is a >I0aan11re to recommeud it to those need ng a kidney medicine." Parkins Phar nacy, Liberty, and Pickens Drug Co. They Make You Feel Good. 'Tha plca'ant purgative ef'oect expori need by all who use Chamberlain's tomah aid Liver Tableta, and the t'alty condition of the body and mind vhbich they create makes one feel joyful. 1rce, 25 (11)nts. Samplle free at Pick 'ns D)rug Co. Tle famous ittle DII. Nupe rsil im he 'Tablo No 1 1Flrective March) 10 1900 ltend 1)oown Road -Up, No le Nii 10 STYA'lTION.S Noi il No 0 Mi 'celiNxeiilI lixed M Ixed 4:40) lim Il0: 11) IV, ickensa nr !:55pain 7:35 pmlt I14 pm1 1:15 am l"orgusaona 2:45pmiu 7:301 pm :;. Jiml 110:55 am *Pnlrion'st 2:30pm)i 7:2' pm r':l0 jim 11.0)0 n)) m MA rinulls 2:25pmi 7: 15 pm r,:15l pm 11:1 S am nir lins1ley3 lV 2:1p 7:05 Jiml *Fit SLtations' All trins11'. daily ex (''lt NIlmbrly No. 10i eonnec'ts with Sotlihr n ii alway No 39 NuiI ielIlIlPts wvith Southern11 In'tilway No t2 No. 12conn'itts wit h Sn uthe'rn ILail way No 11 No I ill cnect with Southen'i lPInlw'y NolO J T A Y Ll)l Geni Mantager ClA lt.ESTrON & WE'Nr1'l'lN UAlI(.NA, I(AiI.lW A Y'. Arr ivnlinndi 1)eo, of' TIrain,s, Geen-, villo,.5. U. Eli'octivi A pril 14, 1900. -0* a an, N)). I111 dal e'x)cept Sutnlliay, for Lau rObs anc i neriialitcestations, arrive at l'2: In y ml, Ni). s:3 daily for 14aurens, Clitatoll N ewbierry. ('ohimi,iii Sno ter and1( Chnurlest ,ton.con.nect44ing at(5il Stim 1ter wvith A. C. L. 'Iramu No. 8-2 Iior iI lIhondf, Wasin',ton - an1) llatr cm itles, nn<i at 1.anurensi with '. & WV. C. TJrain4 No. I for Spartanburg and treah) No 2 for G reen wood, A ugusta1, etc. A rrhi'e La ulren,s 1:35 P mn, Cli1nton - -Jll)m. N ewhorry 3ij. p. m, Clumtfbia 4:4:y, Sumlter 602( j in, (9hnr lesitonl 9:40, 'Spartan hiuirg 1:30) p).,m, Greenwa~ood 2:10 p m, p iml A 1u4u'4i1n 5-25 I. mi. 4:40 p m, No. 30 l)asly 'ecpt Snunday. for Lia rIlns aind intermeudinte) staItionsa. ArriYe at, 10:'0 arm, No. 87. dnIly excePt Snnday from L.aurenas and4 intermecdlnte ttitonsi. .00 m l, No. 85, dilly except Stanaday, frotu 1.ntirenHa an iaa lltermaaate staIons ;l:eJ)i m , No,. 52, daily from (Charleston. Sumter. ('oluminha, Newberry, Clinton,8 apirtanh)nrg, A uguseta, G reenawood1 Lauren, e. 't'artaln N o. 52 an) 53F throngh betwceen .1. W. lAgon, Agt. Geo. Tr. Biryant Gen. Agt. I (GR11ENVILL E, 8. C. Ernest WIlliams, 0. P. A.. R. M. tlrand, Traf. Man. A ugusta, Ga. KI LL THE COUCH ANb CURE Tu LUNOS -Dr. King's New Discovery ONSUJMPTION Price F OU0GHS and - 60 & $1.00 ~OLDS Free TrIal. TWROAT and LUJNG TROUB. LES, or MOEY B3AOK. monmeama.- .........