The gamecock. (Columbia, S.C.) 1908-2006, January 14, 1909, Image 1

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_THE GAMECOCK Vol. II. UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COLUMBIA. S. C.. IANUARY 14. 1909 Nn RODDEY DEBATE WON BY I. F. BELSER, '10 Euphradian Society's Representative Awarded Medal. THE QUERRY WAS ABLY ARGUED Mr. Roddey of Rock hill Gives Medal. De cision of Judges Awarded by Gov. Ansel. The Roddey Medal Debate, which was held in the University chapel last Friday evening by the two societies, was won by I. F. Belser, 'io, who spoke on the affirmative side of the question and represented the Euphra dian Society. , This was the ninth anmal contest of the Roddey Medal Debate partici pated in by the Euphradian and Clari osophic Societies. Mr. John T. Rod dey, of Rock Hill, a distinguished alumni of the institution, offers annu ally a gold medal to the best debater of the contest. The right of selection of the query is reserved by the giver of the medal, who always selects a debate well suited for college students and involving some vital question of the day. The medal is not awarded to any one side, but to the best individual debater. This was the first contest of the year, and will bL followed by many more important ones. The debate last Friday was ably discussed by the young debaters and they showed tip well for their first appearance before the public in the chapel. Many im portant points were brought forth by the affirmative and negative sides, and both did much credit to themselves the way they handled the subject. The decision of the judges was ren dered by Governor M. F. Ansel, in favor of I. F. Belser, with a few appropriate remarks, to whom he awarded a handsome gold medal. This was Belser's first appearance before the public in a contest held in the chapel and it was quite an honor for him to carry off the medal over the other debaters. The following was the programme: Velcome by the presiding officer; debate, query, "Resolved, That Con gress should require corporations emgaged in interstate business to se cure Federal licenses;" debaters, af firmative J. 0. Allen, 1. F. Belser; negative, J. H. Sullivan, B. ). Carter; presiding officer, L. Wardlaw Smith; chief marshal, James H-. H-amimond; nssistant marshals, D). C. Hey~ward (Euphradian), C. E. Sligh (Euphira dian) ; E. B. Gary (Clariosophic), C. G. Wyche (Clariosophic) ; judges, Gov. M. F. Ansel, chairman ; Rev. B. R. Turnipseed, Attorney-General J. F. Lyon, W. H. Lyles, W. H. Towvnsend. Every student and alumnus should get the Weekly Gamecock, for it is now edlited by a "Rich" man.' ATHLETICS QUIET NOW AT UNIVERSITY All Forms Will Be Participated in After Examinations. MUCH INTEREST IN MANY GAMES Light Work at Gymnasium, Baseball, Tennis, Golf, Basketball and Track. Athletics are on the quiet at the University at present, but this is due only to the approach of examinations. After the mid-term test the boys will start in full force to participAte in all forms of exercise. The year 1909, from all prospects, is going to be a corker for athletics at Carolina. There w.ill not be any game which will be lacking in participants. In fact, if any thing, there will be many men trying out, which is absolutely neces sary for a college to select a good team. Light work is carried on at the gymnasium each afternoon by the boys in order to keep themselves in good condition. The tennis lovers are also playing out on the green in the'after noon. This is the only outdoor gam'" that is being played at present. As soon as the examinations are over, the baseball enthusiasts will be gin work. Captain I. F. Belser and Manager R. M. Cooper want to see all those who know anything at all about p,aying baseball to come out. The men will be'given a try-out, and only the best players are going to make good. The diamond will be put in good shape and all necessary material for the team will be gotten. There is a crowd of baseball players at the college this year, but the ability of the new men is not known. Basketball will start up, also, soon. There are a good many students inter ested in this game also at the Univer sity, and Coach Brown is going to give the players some hard practice. All those desiring to learn this game, 1Irown will be glad to talk with them. Tennis and golf will also attract a good crowd. The interest in the for mer has been kept up (luring the whole year, but after examinations those who own racquets will use them more fre quent. Golf is not dead at the Uni versity, and after exam. Mac is going to teach the boys free of charge, as soon as their work has settled down. 'lie links are still in shape for the game. A team will he selected from the students to go up against other teams from the city. Gymnasium exercise will also be carried on extensively with the other athletic games. Track work wvill also start up. The institution this year seems to be wrought up over all forms of athletics., Fresh Harper says lie is goitng to put his girl's picture on erhosiIion. UNIVERSITY WON IN TITLE SUIT Supreme Court Decided Important Case. DECISION IS MOST BENEFICIAL Land Forming Part of Gibbes' Green Is Uni. versity Property. New Building to Be Erected on the Corner. The studcnts, trustees and facility of the University of South Carolina were highly rejoiced when they learned that the University had won the title suit for the part of Gibbes' green near the corner of Bull and Pen dleton streets, to which the Columbia Male Academy laid claim. This was a case' full of interest to all those connected with the Univer sity, and was watched from start to finish. The decision of the Supreme Court was rendered last Thursday, the 7th, which perpetually- enjoins the Male Academy of Columbia to lay any claims to Gibbes' green. This de cision of the Court pit a quietus to a case of many months' standing, and means much for the South Carolina University at present and in the fu ture. Although the Columbia Acad emy laid claim to the land, it was the opinion of those interested in Carolina that the courts would (ecide in favor of the University. The losing of this piece of valuable property would have seriously hurt the University, for it would have broken up the plans that are now being laid out by the institution for its growth in the future. There is a (lemand for 1 new buildings, and every piece of land that the college owns will be needed. (Continued on Page Four.) 1909 Greetings. To the faculty-Rest from your la bors. To A. C. Moore-Peace and plenty. To Dr. Wauchope-The euplhuistic tendencies of transcendentalism. < To Professor Snowden-Charleston. To the one man in \Vest Rutledge and the one in -Pinckney who reads every article in every issue of The Gamecock-Congratulations. To R. E. G.-Rest from your stren uous toils. To our Readers-A little more pa tience and self-control. To Fresh Littlejohn-Another pipe. To the co-eds.-Short engagements. To the Freshman Class - MIany nights of wveariness be multiplied unto yon. To the Sophomore Class-May y'our v moments be happy ones ;may your hours be bright ones, and may 'your < years be crowvned wvith success. To the Junior Class-"Standl the r storm ; it wvon't b)e long ; you will an- e chor by andl by." To the Senior Class-May' your last r (lays be l)eacefull. Ii POE CENTENNIAL AT UNIVERSITY .arolina Will Honor Great American Genius on the Nineteenth. )ROGRAM FOR THE OCCASION )r. Wauchope Announces Able Speakers and Delightful Music-Poe Once a Resident of This State. The centennial of the birth of.-I-d ar Allan Poe, which occasion will be [anuary 19th, will be fittingly cele )rated at the University of South Car >lina. The centennial of the greatest gen us of American letters, who has nade so important a contribution to vorld-literature, will be duly observed it other institutions of our country. r'his is the first time that such an event ias been attempted at the University, m(d Dr. G. A. \Vauchope is going to nake it a big success. Poe was at one time a resident of south Carolina and the scene of one >f his masterpieces-the Gold Bug s laid in this State. As a Southern )oet, the University and the city of -olumbia will honor themselveA by oining with other Southern cities in )aying tribute to the genius of Poe. The program for the occasion is )eing made out by Dr. Wauchope. :hairmain of the committee of arrange nents, who has succeed(le in obtaining ome of the best talent of the city to ake part in the event. The details )f the celebration are practically com )lete and the chairman of the commit cc of arrangements has announced the )rogram, which will include: A nm ical rendition by the talented Miss \lexander, of the College for Women, )f several of Poe's poems, an( a num er of -short addresses by distinguished cholars. Professor D. D. Peele, of olumlbia College, .has consented to peak on "Poe; the Mai." Professor lenry.C. Davis, of the University, will liscuss Poe's poetry. Professor Leon rd T. Baker, of the University, will alk on ",Poe and the Short Story," and )r. Wauchope, or some other scholar, vill deliver a short talk on Poe. R. E. (Continued on Page Three.) The Joint Assembly elected Messrs. C. Sheppard and R. E. Gonzales to ,o to Newberry and aid Mr. -1. B. honias in getting the rules of the ;tate Contest changed. 'Tle friends of Mr. D). h1. Peurifov re glad to learn that he has been adl iittedl to the bar. Mr. Peurifoy w~ill ractice at Walterboro, tyhere every ne p)redlicts a b)right future for him 1 his chosen p)rofession. It will be emembheredl that "Peurv'" was the riginator of the saying, "You are a reat character," and other more ex ressive ones. IHe wvas .an - orator of inch fame