The gamecock. (Columbia, S.C.) 1908-2006, December 17, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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THE GAXECQCK Published weekly by the LIterary So.ietfoo of the University of South Caiblin.4 Terms, 81.50 a Session, payab le in ad vance. "Entered as seconI-class matter November 20, 1908. .at the postolice at Columbia' S. Q., uinder the Act of March 3, 1879." The Gamegqk solicits- hpmbrous skit9hes, essays. 'Vd'ds, 4tc.,- aid 1i1' gladlW pub lish such as is available, when accom panied by the full name of the author. Unsigned manuscripts will neither be acknowledged or returned. All checks and money orders should be made payable to Bernard Manning, Bus iness Manager. Business Manager. Bernard Manning, Sumter. Assistant Business Manager. B. S. Beverly, Virginia. BOARtD OF EDITORS. .Editor-in-Chief. S. B. Rich, Blackville. Assistant Editors. F. S. Speigner..... ....(Euphradian) L. A. Buie.. ..........(Clariosophic) J. H. Brown.. ........ ..(Euphradian) Athletics. J. H. Sullivasn.... .......(Clarosophic) J. 0. Sheppard.. *.*. ..(Euphradian) Locals. k. A. Miller.. ..........(Clarionophic) Y. M. C. A: COLUMBIA, S. C., )E.CEMBElt 27, 1908. NEED OF PUBLICATION ROOM ' Just back of DeSaussure College, on Pendleton street, stands a two-story brick building. This structure has its historic importance in being the K. A. fraternity house wlhen such bodies were at the college. There is one room upstairs and one down stairs. At present the little structure is used for no good whatsoever, whereas much benefit could be derived from it at little expense. The rooms could be fixed up for the staffs of the monthly magazine and Ti-iE GAMECOCK. The material for the publications could be kept in the building, and the editors would be free from the worry of the boys and other college duties when they wished to display their literary ability. Frequently, also, it is neces sary for the staff of the various publi cations to meet together to discuss matters. This would be an excellent place to carry on such business. The work of the editors would be private and the material turned out for the magazines, etc., would be kept straight. Very frequently material handed in for the publications is lost among the books and rubbish of the dormitory. All this would be avoided andi much benefit would be derived from such a room. The big universities have a private room for the editors of the college publications to mect in, and some even print their own magazines, etc. This step which the boys of the University of South Carolina are making would finally leadl up to other things. If the faculty wvouldl consent to fix the little building up and clean it out, the students wvouldl, 1no doubt, look after the furnishing of the rooms. Boys, it is needless to ask you whether a good time is in. store for you or not Christmas. Every student would necessarily answver in the affirm ative, for to a college lad the holidays mean the time of his life. The love sick spend the time with their best girl, telling her of the pangs and pains of his poor heart while separated from her. Some participate in the sport of hunting the partridge, the dove and , the duck. Others spend- much time -eating the sw.eets of the holiays Tn et, everyone is occupied to his fill during the entire time given for Christmas. Jim Hammond expressed the feeling of,.a college marii ditring Chi'istmas to perfection, "All are happy thoughts." Stitdents, don't run off for your hol idays before the required time. Let's pay our duty t6 If a, few leave before the cull'ge closes it really breaks up everything, especially good class work. If the boys leave in a bunch it makes things more lively. Then, in the long run, it hurts the in dividual student, for great will be his fate if the faculty gets hold of him; and woe unto him in February. Dur ing the ten clays you can make up for lost time, if needed. You will get enough of Christmas in the time given. Go home, every one of you, and drink the good time of the holidays to your fill. And ("I'll swing" expresses the sentiment of the writer in mild term) let's come back to the Univer sity with a different kind of college spirit, tle kind that we have never had, but not the kind that we have at present and have had all the year. Make up your minds to begin the year of 1909 with new aspirations. Express yourself on every occasion. Your opinion is as good as any other one student. Work for the interest of Carolina in everything. Each one of you make it your business to be at every meeting of the boys in the chipel and join in the cause of better college spirit. Make good in your class work and your whole college course will be more pleasant. Summing up the whole, let's make 1909 an ideal college year. The Greenest of the Green St. Patrick's Day being the day for wearing the green, I put on my green sweater and went tip to Green's barber shop to get a shave. Here I met my friend Green from Greenwood, and my friend Green from Greenville and my friend Green from Greensboro, all of them being from very green towns. I showed them the city. We went in all the green grocery stores in town, and in each one my friend Green from Greenville bought some green ba nanas. All of us being very green, we ate them. Before I knew it we found ourselves on Green street. I, being a lover of green foliage, suggested that we go out upon the green and see the green grass. When I reached the edge of the green I met Brown eating a green apple, who told me that H. Green, L. Green, E. Green and J. Green were playing tennis out on the green. I proceeded across the green and met E. Green wvho told me that he (E. Green) and L. Green, alias Leon Green, had defeated H. Green and J. Green on the court on the green be cause H. Green and J. Green were very green in the game. L. Green stepping upl about this time, lie and E. Green became involved in a heated dis cussion as to who was greener, H. Grgen or J. Green. I being the only outsider, was called upon to decide the question. The followving was my de cision: "You are all Greens on the green." Mr. W. P. Mills, '08, who won the Oxford scholarship', was on the cam pits yesterday. The boys were glad CLARIOSOPHIC SOCIETY It is indeed gratifying to note the great interest that has 'been taken in the work of our society during the first term of this year. We have-a large number of members and the full attendance which is enjoyed every Sat urday night shows the interest that is society w6rk. The ben efits, derived from the literary societies on the campus are really inestimable, and every student should look upon it as his duty to become a member of one of them before he gets his diploma. The regular meeting of the Clario sophic Society was called to order last Saturday evening by President Allen, and the business of the meeting was carried on in the usual manner. Be sides the regular business of the meet ing, several important matters were brought up and disposed of. A joint meeting was called for by the Euphradians, and the matter of electing the next editor-in-chief of The Carolinian was brought up. Mr. R. E. Gonzales, 'o9, was chosen by the two societies to act in this capacity. He has filled this position twice before, and has done it well. Much is expect ed of the editor-in-chief of next term. The two assistant editors who were elected from the Clariosophic Society are M. L. Marion, '09, and H. L. Forbes, Pdg. Both of these men are ardent workers and will no doubt add strength to the staff. Messrs. J. 0. Allen, '09, R. E. Gon zales, '09, and J. C. Massey, 'o9, were chosen to represent the society in the preliminary of the State Oratorical Contest, which will be held early next spring. After this, the meeting was declared adjourned until fifteen minutes after the ringing of the bell Saturday even ing, December 19th, 1908. Carolina Slighted Students not Invited to Bazaar at C. F. W. Unbeknownst to any one on the campus of the State University was the bazaar held at the College for-Wo men on Friday afternoon last by the Board of Editors of "The Joggler," commonly known as the Joggling Board. The object of this entertain ment was to raise funds for the college annual, and with this end in view, it was an entire success. So far, The Gamecock is in thorough sympathy with The Joggler; but there is another phase of this affair which affects most keenly the feelings of the students at the University. For many years past it has been cus tomary for the authorities at our sister college to at least let their brethren of the University know when an af fair of this nature and consequence was to occur; but alas and alack! Be fore a single student knew of the bazaar, the bazaar was no more, and this opportunity for a pleasant recre ation was let pass, unheeded because unknown. Never before was our student body so slighted, and may we never have cause to feel so again. After having entered a formal com p)laint against such indifference to the feelings of its constituents, The Game cock is glad to announce that there will soon be another bazaar at the College for Women, and every student of the University of South Carolina will be expected to and ith a full pu,. and to leave with an empty one, with a recollection of a pkasaht evening, and no desire to go to the Mess Hall for supper. EUPHRADIAN SOCIETY The exercises of last Saturday even ing were the most enjoyable witnessed in our society this year. The readers and declaimers were all on hand, and all of them had their selections well prepared. The debate was the best that I have ever heard on the floor of the society, and I think all of the members will voice my sentiments on the merits of the speeches of the several debaters. Messrs. Cooper, R. M., and Dilling ham distinguished themselves on the affirmative, and we were delighted to see the decision of the judges rendered in their favor. The appointments for one week hence is as follows: December 19: Rqaders-R. C. Hamer, Haynes worth, H. B. Thomas. Declaimers-Waring Wingard - and Stork. Debate-Affirmative: James Ham mond; Negative: Parrott, J. C. Shep pard. Subject for Debate: "Resolved, That trade unions have been beneficial to the laboring classes." One On the Fresh The Junior, Senior and Sophomore classes are mad. The business niana ger of The Garnet and Black is furi ous. Mr. Howie, the photographer, is in a rage. All lay long he has been striding around the campus uttering awful oaths, vowing vengeance and muttering threats about murder. What about? A very few words suffice to explain this turbulent situa tion-the Freshman Class had their picture taken this morning (Monday). Mr. Howie's camera lies in front of the chapel, pieces scattered here and there, broken shutters, plates, tripod legs, all smashed beyond recognition, and, alas I the lens are cracked, the great beauty of the Freshmen has ruined them. The writer interviewed Mr. Howie in order to ascertain his loss. He stated that the loss of the camera was not so serious, but the lens were very valuable. When asked by the correspondent who he thought was responsible for the cracking of the lens, he replied that he wasund&ec'ided whether it was the big feet of "Red" Russel which were unable to be taken in the scope of the camera, the derby of Fresh Mace or the general appear ance of Fresh Waring. After pondering over the question for several minutes he at last decided that it wvas the general appearance of the Freshman Class that was account able for the loss. "Yes," said Mr. H-owvie, "the Greens madle several cracks, for colors are alwvays hard to photograph; also 'Pos sum' Coggshall made one or two cracks, for never have I been able to p)hotograph a possum, and finishing touches were made by the hatbandis of a few 'Fresh' Freshmen." "Never," said Mr. Howvie, "do I want to take another picture of the Freshman Class if they are as fresh and green as this one. I have learned by experience.