The gamecock. (Columbia, S.C.) 1908-2006, January 30, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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THE GAMECOCK BOARD OF EDITORS: Editor-in-Chief Robert E. Gonzales, Richland. Assistant Editors W. H. James ..... (Euphradian) Euphradian Society V. 10. Rector . . . . . (Clariosophic) Current Events G. W. Reaves . . . . . (Clariosophic) Clarlosophic Society R. M. Cooper . . . . . (Euphradian) Athletics J. H. Sullivan . . . . . (Clariosophic) Randolph Murdaugh . (Euphradian) Locals T. C. Callison . . . . . (Clariosophic) Y. M. C. A. Business Manager Roy Webster, Spartanburg Assistant Business Manager J. C. Massey, Taxahaw Published thrice a month by the Lit erary Societies of the University of South Carolina. Terms, $1.60 a ses sion, payable in advance. From January 15, 1908, to June 15, 1908, a special rate of $1.00 will be made to subscribers. The Gamecbek solicits h u m o r o u a sketches, essays, verse, etc., and will gladly publish such as is available, when accompanied by the full name of the author. Unsigned manu scripts will neither be acknowledged or returned. All checks and money orders should be made payable to Roy. Webster, Business Manager. COLUMBIA, S. C., JANUARY 30, 1908 EDITORIAL R. E. GONZALES. The first number of THE GAME COCK herewith makes its appear ance. It-consists o 6 Editorial, Athletic, Y. M. C. A., Current Events and Local departments, and has on its staff an editor from each of the literary societies, whose duty it shall be to publish the society news and their programmes. They shall also incorporate in their de partments a sort of miniature alumni department, in this way ful filling the purpose for which that department was made a part of the magazine. There will be a column or two of clippings, humorous verse, etc. Now, the paper will be a small a'ffair at first; moreover, it won't be anything pretentious, or any thing to brag about; but it is, and will continue to be, the official or gan of the Athletic Association of thd University, the Young Men's Christian Association, the two so cieties, and the whole student-body. It will.represent the spirit of Caro lina as emblefied by THE GAME COCK ; the' spirit of "stick-at-it-ive ness," of fighting against odds for the sheer love, of .the thirng; the spirit of 'o3, that -out of a student body of one hundred and seventy five men produced a football team that defeated two of the best in the South, and gained glory for its college; the spirit of "never say die" that for a generation has been called alike on campus, diamond, gridiron and track,--the Carolina spirit. THE GAMECOCK will be another example of that spirit, because we are convinced that no University in the United States with an enrol ment of three hundred now pub lishes and maintains a weekly news paper. There is nothing so con ducive to the fostering of friendli ness as common ownership of com mon property; in that respect, at least, Ti-E GAMECOCK will be use ful. It will bring piofessor and student in closer touch; it will pro mote better feeling between the Normal, Academic and Law schools -which, in passing, is sadly needed -and it will cause everybody tn realize more fully l at University life should mean. - The editor-in-chief will deal with -college' conditious fairly an(d 6iuarely as he sees them; this paper was not established to further the interests' of any college organiza tion,. but the interests of the col lege. The editgrials will be discus -eions of the various questions that we raise among ourselves from (lay to day, and that bear upon our cam pus life. Current Events VICTOR E. RECTOR. The General Assembly of South Carolina is now in session. A straight prohibition bill has been introduced by Mr. Nash, of the Spartanburg delegation. The peo ple are quietly waiting to know the result. Many believe that South Carolina should seize the prohibi tion wave that is now sweeping the entire South, and pass the law along with her sister States. Georgia has prohibition; after June the first the sale of liquor will be illegal in Ala bama; in Mississippi only one dozen places now sell liquor; in Tennessee only Memphis, Chattanooga and Nashville remain as cities that li cense the sale of whisky; North Carolina is practically certain to adopt prohibition at the next ses sion of the Legislature; Texas and Kentucky have a large majority of their counties dIry. South Carolina has always been in the lead. Surely she cannot afford to wait longer for a more opportmI/e time for pro hiibition. The noe w ant the la. Senator B. R. Tillman is now at work in Congress trying to get the interstate commerce laws so changed that it will be unlawful for a liquor dealer to ship his goods out of a wet State into a prohibition State. When this measure has passed, and South Carolina goes completely dry, even the poor victims of drink, who may have voted to keep the bottles in their places, will, in their hearts, take part in the general re joicing. And what class of people will be sorrowful? The students of the University of South Carolina are now making a hard fight to secure the aid of a Y. M. C. A. Student Secretary for next session. *The only thing that can possibly bring failure to this movement is for the Legislature to refuse to appropriate the six hun dred dollars that the Trustees have recommended for that purpose. The students, faculty and alumni are doing their part towards getting the right man, so much needed; and it is sincerely hoped that our law makers will not strike the death blow. A few weeks ago, at a ministers' conference in Greenville, South Carolina, a resolution was passed, expressing the sentiment of that body that the Legislature should pass a marriage license law for this State. This action was taken with -1 view of protecting our mill popu lation against too early and too hasty marriages. Such protection is- needed. Love, with all of its accompanying blessings or woes, as the case may be, is too sacred a thing to be turned over entirely to the flashy, whimsical wishes of im mature minds. . For the want of some such law, homes are being wrecked and one of the mudsills of civilization is be ing shaken from its place. Dr. Joynes Resigned (Continued from Page One.) pus. The many years that he car ries so gracefully seem to bind him more tightly to that old institution for which he has (lone so much the last conspicuous service being leadership in the successful move ment to have restored the proud title 'University.' "Our hope is that in retirement from the routine of the classroom* Dr. Joynes will remain in Columbia and -more frequently indulge the reading public by the use of one of the few fascinating pens that we know. And we may come to self ishly rejoice, if it transpires that the University's loss is to enable the friends hereabouts of the retiring p)rofessor to have for themselves more of that charmingeence-. " Euphradian |/. At the opening of each session a contest is held in the Euphradian Society to develop the promising new material of the Freshman Class. On December 19th this con test was celebrated and a large and encouraging crowd was present. This contest is open to first and second year men only, and on this occasion the classes were equally represented by Messrs. M. R. Mc Donald, 'io; M. F. Bush, 'io; R. H. Hughs, 'ii, and J. S. Palmer, 'ii. After four spirited and well chosen declamations the committee award ed the medal to Mr. M. F. Bush, of Aiken. R. Murdaugh, chief mar shal; J. B. Davis, presiding. Mr. Roy Webster, a graduate of Wofford College, and a member of the Euphradian, as a student in- the Law department of the University, has the most hearty congratulations of his fellow-members in his recent success as a debater in the Roddey Medal Contest. We are assured that we have gained an able man in Webster. Hon. J. J. Hemphill, a former president of this society, and now a prominent lawyer of Washington, D. C., was one of the speakers at the recent meeting of the State Bar Association in this city. Judge J. H. Hudson, one of our most distinguished and loyal alumni, was also a speaker on this occasion and the retiring president of the Association. 0*. Mr. J. Halstead McLure, '87, of Ashland, Va., was in the city dur ing the week and visited the cam pus. There are quite a number of Car olina men in the city attending the Legislature at this season, and among them a goodly portion of Euphradians, Soon after examinations the In tra-Society Debate will be held in the Euphradian Hall. The mem be's of the third and fourth year classes are only eligible for this de bate. And it seems that this year the medal will be well contested. Among the prospective contestants are: Messrs. C. A. Ashley, 'o8; J. M. Hemphill, '08; Jas. Woodrow, '08; B. J. White, 'cx9; J. D. Lee, '09, andl W. H. James, '09. As the next meeting of the Eu phradian will be the regular time for election of officers, literary ex ercises will be dispensed with until March 7, 1908. GENERAL NOTES The Roddey 'Medal Contest was held in the chapel on the evening of January ioth, and the societies were pleased to have a large audience at their first public celebration of the session of '07-'08. The qutery was: "Resolved, that the United States should relinquish all possession of the Philippine Islands, except as a coaling station." The debaters rep resenting the. Euphradian Society were Roy Webster, '69, Law, Cher okee, and J. F. Epps, 'o9, Law, An derson. For the Clariosophic So ciety were A. M. Lumpkin, 'o8, Law, Richland, and M. S. Whaley. '09, Law, Charleston. The question was ably discussed, and by a com mittee of competent -judges the medal was awarded to Mr. Roy Webster. The presiding officer was Mr. W. H. James, '09, Euphradian, and Mr. J. B. Reeves, 'io, of Clari osophic, chief marshal. The annual contest in debate and oratory between the Euphradian and Clariosophic Societies will be held soon after examinations, and close after this the preliminaries for the State Oratorical Contest and the Southern Contest will be held. In the Intersociety Contest the orators are B. J. White, '09, Euphradian, and D. B. Peurifoy, '09, Law, Clari osophic. The query is: "Resolved, that the Legislature of South Caro lina should enact at its next session a State prohibition law." The Clariosophics are represented by Messrs. C. L. Shealy and V. E, Rector on the affirmative, and the Euphradians by Messrs. C. A. Ash ley and J. S. Reynolds on the nega tive. And, here, permit our saying that could the legislators attend our con test they would be convinced very forcibly of the need of an audito rium at the State University. FOOLISHNESS BASEBALL APOLOGIES Baseball I Baseball! in the. air, Baseball I Baseball! everywhere. Baseball suits once more are se Baseball's played on every green. Baseball fans their jobs wills For Baseball teams are again work. Football 231 Skidoo Track I Get out Gym! Baseball's back I -C. T. G.