The gamecock. (Columbia, S.C.) 1908-2006, January 30, 1908, Image 1

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FrHE GAM.CEI 18 K Volume 1 .COLUMBIA, S. C., JANUARY 30, 1908 c-Nme THE FOOTBI With a Light Team markable Ball..-Pr With the Thanksgiving game in Charleston closed one of the most "successful" football seasons in Carolina's history, not so much be cause of her good team or wonder ful success, but more on account of the restoration by the Trustees of the -much-loved game. After the season of 1905 the Trustees abolished football, and consequently the fall months of 1906 were greatly lacking in "college spirit," and everything seemed list less. But, to the great enjoyment of the entire student-body, the game was reinstated during fair week of 1907. Carolina at once got down to hard practice and put out a remark able team, notwithstanding the fact that she was greatly handicapped for experienced - men, there being only one old 'varsity man in college and a few men of the 1905 "scrub team." "Buck" Perrin was selected to guide us, and under his leadership a strong team was put against the College of Charleston on November ALL SEASON Carolina Played Re ospects For 1908. 16th, after scarcely two weeks of practice. This team, nevertheless, showed the ever-predominating "Carolina spirit," and by a hard, fast game we were able to win by a score of 14 to 4. Much praise in this game is due Captain Perrin, Sligh, Cartwright and Gibbes. After this game the team prac ticed even harder than before, prof iting by the weaknesses shown in the first game, and by November 21st was again ready to vanquish the strong Georgia 'aggregatio. This team, from the Medical Uni versity of Georgia, was remarkably strong, being composed of mny old Southern stars. Captain 'Verrin was out of the game on accotint of injuries received in the Charleston game, but his place was admirably filled by Captain Gibbes. The good playing of Gibbes, Sligh, Gonzales and Cartwright figured materil4ly in the victory. The Thanksgiving game in Charleston against the Citadel ended the 'season. It was in this game that Captain Gibbes accomplished the great feat of making three beau tiful drop-kicks from the field, one CAROLINA FOOTBA of which was from the 45-yard lii Thus losed a splendid seas< havingplayed and won three gan in as many weeks. Professor Smi and Mr. Douglas McKay deser much credit for their efficient coac ing. Carolina has no doubt put ma stronger teams in the field, : never before has a team been p out with a better spirit or deteri nation. Coach Smith said: "Lha seen man better teams-North a Soutlahutever have I seen -ap a round faster team." The financ part was most pledsing, and esf: cially to Manager Lumpkin. Of this year's team, Gibbes, B ser, Reeves, Murdaugh, Dargz Parrott, Crouch, Greydon, Coo: and Cartwright will return. V Robert E. Gonzales ig'the 'o8 ca tain, and of him mi iks expect< .Mr. Henry W. Fug es, of Tre been elected m'nager, a alrea<y he has about completed I seh'idlule for the coming season. The management has engag the services of Mr. Christie Ben as coach. Carolina is to be co gratulated on getting him, for i better hman could haIVe been foun He has a wide reputation as an ab coach, and such institutions as tl University of Virginia have be( trying hard to get him. To the management and entil team of 19o8, Tiu.: GAMECOC wishes much success. LL TEAM, '0*7. DR. JOYNES - Ics t Distinguished Educatoi On Camn fly ut The announcement of the resig ut nation of Dr. Joynes was received ii with deep regrets by all of the stu ye ad dents. Yet we are glad to see him 11.. receive the honor which ie so well ial -l er p~ [r. d. n id lis et to dI. le - le DR. E. S. JOYNES n deserved. The committee of the - Andrew Carnegie fund certainly K have selected the man who merits such distinction. We are proud to IAS RESIGNED r Retires From Faculty egie Fund. have had the association of his name with this ipstitution for so mahny years, and we earnestly hope that lie will be a frequent visitor to us. Dr. Joynes is one of our old friends and advisors, and certainly we will be greatly in need of a guide without him. It is hard to think of one's leaving who has for so long been the supporter and coworker of every movement for the advance ment of the University. Our be loved professor was one whose heart was in close touch with the work of the University, and indeed he has accomplished much for its good. The State very aptly said: "When onc's friend, ripe in years, that hay been devoted to arduous work, ri4. i iitfts~fbr ~,its~eI Gos, receiv in the- afternoon of life, -along- wit honor for merit, the material recog nition that enables him to retire from the field of labor and spend the evening years free from vulgar cares, one should rejoice. That has happened to our friend, yet we can not display enthusiasm. "Aftei% giving more than half a century of one's life to the grand work of teaching,. and performing that work as a scholarly master, .)ne is surely entitled to rest. And in our opinion no part of the im mense fortune An,drew Carnegie has set aside for different purposes is so well bestowed as that which empowers a committee to call upon conspicuous educators that have from youth to middle age and on into the winter of life, done well the great and noble work of spreading light by training minds and char acter and say to them: 'Well done. benefactors of your time. Rest while serenely contemplating the full fruiting of the trees you nur tured and pruned.' "Yet we cannot rejoice at this act of generous justice, because the University of South Carolina with out Dr. Joynes in the faculty will never seem the same to us. He will be missed in the lecture room, and he will be missed upon the cam (Continued on Pnare To.)