The Fairfield news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1881-1900, December 12, 1900, Image 3

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IB fib Wr ' PPS^TTN T? ^ CE Wednesday, December 12, 1900 "- GO TO ~ F. E. PROPST'S For Fruit Cake material. He has quantity and quality. I Royal Excelsior Currants 17?e. Seeded Raisins 15c. Citron Fresh and Fine 20c. Figs 12ic. Fruits of ail kinds. Prompt delivery. LOCAL MATTERS. ?Reod Clerk's sale. ?Read Supervisor's report, ?gee advertisement ''For Rent." ?Land for sale. Read advertisement. f?Read annual notice of County Supervisor. ?Monday was said by many to be the coldest day that we have had this winter. ?'This postoffise is now authorized to cash money order drawn on any poaioffice in the United States. The most effective little l?ver pills made are De W itt's Little Early Risers. They never gripe. McMaster Co. ?The D.)ty building is beia ggreatly improved by a coat of paint on the upper story. When finished this buildiDg will loot very nice. ?Mr. Fitz Thompson is back in town and will, next year, be employed j in The News and Herald office. His! friends are glad to see him back. ?When you are in search of a Christmas present do oot fail to visit Jno. H. McMrster & Co. They ad- j vertiss a good list. Cal! to see them ' at^nce. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are dainty little pills, but they never fail1 to cleanse liver, remove obstructions and invigorate the system. McMaster O?Mr. Lawrence Craig, of BJackstock, has been forced to withdraw frem College en account of bad health, w- His many friends were sorry to tee him leave. Mr. Craig was president of the freshman class.?The State. ?Mr. T. R. Ketchin and family I will move this month into Mrs. P. B. Ketchin's residence on Main street. Mr. Preston Rion has rented Mr. Ketchin's house and will move in as soon as the house is vacated br Mr. _^_B Ketchin. H* When yoa need a soothing and heiling antiseptic application Jor any purpose, use the original De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, a well known cure for rvilon on/< obin /^Seoocac Tf hpftt? JSftrPfi auu 9aiu vuowwjvw* v -without leaving a scar. Beware of counterfeit*. McMaster Co. ?Mr. Nelson Hanaban 5a at bit borne here on account of sicknoss. He was taken sick in Macon, Georgia, where "v"N\ he is ia business, and was brought """home by bis brother, Dr. R. B. Hanahan. It is hoped tbat be will ?o?n be able to be out. ?Eggs and butter bare both advanced in price, and the former is hard to get at any price. -Usually these articles bring higher prices just -at Christmas, but it is unusual for tbe prices to advance as early as they have done th;a winter. i Dou't u*e any of tbe counterfeits of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Most 01 them are worthless or liable to cause injury. The original DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is a certain care lor piles, eczema, cats, scalds, barns, sores and skin diseases. McMaster Co. ?Tfce following will be read with interest by those who knew Professor Nfejhr? Deccke and bis father who has often visited Winniboro: "Atlanta, Ga., Ti*h. 8 Mrj. J?i?i>h Dencfee. wife of Pr*f, Deneke, a prominent muiician, has fallen heir to a fort one of $100,000." Capt. C. S. Dwight has returned /rom Camden ana tbe camp is now being moved back to Winnsboro. It will be located at the same place on Capt, Gaillard's place, where the partj was encamped before. The party will (spend about two weeks in camp for the purpose of making estimates. TT Den me uiumacu is meu uai u uiu*i ?- bare a rest, bat we can't live without food. Eodol Dyspepsia Cure "digests Wbat you eat" so that yon cab eat all tbe good food yon want while it is restoring the digestive organs to health. It is the only preparation that digests all kinds of food. Me Master Co. ?See A. Willilord's new ad. which appears this morning. He has several good horses, both saddle and driviDg horses, aud has eight or ten well brokeo innles ready for work which he will sell cheap. Call ou him aud see what he has aud he will be sure to have whs?t you want. He will also duj catue. ?Mr. S B. Rag&dale, accompanied by bis mother, Mr. Gleun Ragsdale and Mr. D. E. McDowell, will leave this week for Mexico. Mr. E. B. Ragsdale, Mrs. Ragsdale and Mr. McDowell will spend the winter, bat Mr. Glenn Ragsdale will return home as soon as the party is settled tor the winter. ?Card* aie oat annoanciug the coming marriage of Miss Minnie Sain, only daughter of Mr. W. N. Sain, ot OraDgebarg, to Mr. J&me? P. Doyle of the same city. The wedding will *-< take place en Thartday evening, December 20tn, aod .Vli?e Laura Geri^ of fhis place is to be one of the bridesmaid?. Tne bride, who has visited her.- veral times, is a niece of Mr. John W. Siigier, and the news of her approRcaing marriage is of great inleiefct to b r frit-nds hare. ?Ttie question of Christmas h >!i dav is being greatly discassed among both teachers and papils, and both are awaiting anxiou-ly the decision of tbe trustees. The pnpils are in favor of bnviog o ;e week of their holiday before Christmas aud one after, while the teachers pref. r the iwo weeks after Chri^ma?, for several reasoni. " The children are working hard for - their to be gained and are greatly execcie-d over it. The trustees will probably come to a decision in a few days, t ?The Clemson ca lets are at home for an indefinite lime, !h* college having been elo?ed on account of the ontbreak of scarlet fever, president Wb Har;zo? hopes that the college may j h be reopeued after tbe Christmas holi^^days, and dario? the absence of tbe -?' ???? SYRUP ^ fgy cures Hacking (Doughs, jzM Sore Lungs, Grippe,Pneu- sis B monia and Bronchitis in a | 8 few days. Why then risk B ?| Consumption, a slow, sure 1 |? death? Get Dr. Bull's 1 jgg Cough Syrup. Price, 25c. I H Don't be imposed upon. 1 Kg Refuse the dealer's tubstitnte; it ?|| gjg is not as good as Dr. Boll's. 1 Salvation OH cures Rheumatism, I (?3 Ackoa and Pains. 15 & 35 cts. cadets the barracks will be thoroughly fumigated and disinfected. The disease being very contageous it would be well to do as the News and Courier, in an editorial on toe suoject, suggests: "Parents and local health authorities should keep a sharp watch on the returned students for any manifestation of the disease among them in order to deal with it promptly if any cast s thuuld derelop after they reach their homes." *\AW?Ann VIATI* UoP 4V>/* t. ixiauj pcievus ua?o uftu IUC enc^ of Mr. Peter Sherman, of North Stratford, N. H.: who says, "For years I soffered toriorc from' chronic indi ges?ion, but Kodol Dyspepsia Cine made a well man of me." It digests what yon eat and is a certain care for dyspepsia aod every form of stomach trouble. It gives relief at once even in the worst esses, and can't help but do you good. McMaster Co. ?A meeting of the executive committee of the memorial association was held at the residence of Mr. J*?. Q Davis on Ss^prday morning. The meeting was held for the purpose of selecting a figure of a |Confederate soldier for tbe monument. The committee made a selection and tbe cut was forwarded at once to Mr. Bye who is to make the monument. The figure chosen is that of a soldier in the Coafederate uniform and wearing the slouch bat. He it leaning on bis gun and tbe whole altitude of the figure-is that of sadness and dejection. It will, make a beautiful monument and will be a handsome and lasting memorial of tbe Confederate dead. The <iay upon which it is unreiled will be a promd ene for the ladies of the association who hare worked lor the monument for so many years. CAfiSTORIA. Bear, y? Tki Kilt Ym Haw Alwyx B ?The little son of Mr. and Mr?. J. Frank Fooshe, Frank, Jr., narrowly escaped being killed on Wednesday. The child was attempting to cross the street jast in front of his home, and it happened that at the time two baggies were passing, each going in a different direction. The little fellow saw one baggy ai d in trying to get oat of the way of it, stepped jast in f*nrk+ fiP ho/^ nfkfr seen. The little fellow, of coarse, was so terrified that he could cot get oat of tbe way of the excited aDd plunging horse. Some one passing by saw the terrible danger which the child was in and rescued him from his dangerous poiition before he was striously hurt. One of the little fellow '8 hands was struck by the bor?e'? hoof and was painfully hurt, and he is now carrying his aim in a sliog. It * ii was a very narrow escape xor tub chili and was a terrible experience for laim. McMa6ter Co. guarantee every bot tie of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and will refund the money to anyone whc is not satisfied after using twothirds of the contents. This is the best remedy in the world for la grippe, coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough and is pleasant and safe to take. It prevents any tendency of a cold to result in pneumonia. ?On Tuesday morning, at about 11 o'clock, a fire occurred at the residence of Mr. I. R. Harby, on Zion street, and i;be house narrowly escaped being bnrned. Mr. and Mrs. Harby both went oat leaving the house io charge of a servant, who taking advantage of the absence of everybody Iccked the bouse and went off also. Mr. Harby retained home at aboat 11 o'clock and finding no one at home went to the rear of the boose to look for the ?ervanr. He found opoo goiDg into a ; " ^AneiimniiAn VVHdUIH|FllVll is destruction of lung by a growing germ, precisely as mouldy cheese is destruction of cheese by a growing germ. If you kill the germ, you stop the consumpti on. You can or can't, according to when you begin. t-i ? r> T"> t_! ?" laKe ocott s r,muisiuii ui Cod Liver Oil: take a little 't first. It acts as a f??d; ^ 1S ^ ill!!!? eas*est 0 ^ Seems not to be | f??d ; makes you hungry; eating You stow strongj The genuine has this picture on it, er. Take more; tafce no other. not too much; enough is as ; much as you like and agrees | with you. Satisfy hunger | with usual food ; whatever I you like and agrees with you. When you are strong again, have recovered your strength?the - gernis are dead ; you have killed tiiem. If you have not tried it, send For free sample, its agreeable taste will surprise you. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 40? Pearl St., New York. 50c. and $1.00; a!i druggists - bedroom at the back of the house that in some way the bed had canght on fire, and before he coald extinguish tbe flames the fire bad damaged the UCUUlll? BLIU \JtL.Ci ill LUC 1 UUUi to the amount of about fifty or lixty dollars. How the fire was started is a mystery and the family cannot account for it as the bed was at a considerable distance from the fireplace. It is most fortunate 1'iat tha fire was discovered before it Lad made further progress. OABTOniA. Bmh ^ The Kitid Yob Hiyi Always BoagK keceived A new stock of midwinter millinery, which will be sold at reduced prices the balance of the seas?n. Those who have not purchased their winter millinery will do well to call as we are able to please the most fastidiou*. Mrs. A. L. McCarley. CARD or THANKS Mr. Editor: Please allow me spac# it) the columns of vonr oaDer to ex prfss my appreciation of the elegant . re?eiit which I have jn?t received from the ladies of mj congregation. Words f zpress, but fetbly, how I feel in the reception of this tokeD of esteem and kindly regard. May the rich blessings <>f heaven ever rest np?n each ->f t' cin. J. D. Croat. Dec'.'m! t-r 10, 1900. 1 t?r Orer Fifty Tear*. MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING STRUP has been used for over fifty years by million! of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the jfums, allays &11 pain, cures wind colic, and it the best remedy for diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be surt and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothiuz Syrup," and take ho ather kind* ~ 1-1-17 McCBOBEY-KELLEB The marriage of Mies Ln!a McCrorey to Mr. Frank Keller took place at the home home of the bride's parents, in this county, oo Thursday at noon. The bride is a most attractive young lady and has many friends here, and the groom is a prominent youBg business man of Gieenwood. Th8 ceremony was performed by Rev. J. L. Freeman, and the young couple left on the afternoon train for Greenwood where they are to live. i. ney Dave me oesc wisnes anu congratulations of many friends. The Best blaster A piece of flannel dampened with Cbamberlaiu18-?&i5-~2aim and bound to the affected parte is superior to aay planter. When troubled with lame back or paios in the side or chest, give it a trial r.nd yon are certain to be more thac pleased with the prompt relief which it afferds. Pain Balm also cares rheumttism. One spplicatian give? relief. For sale by McMaster Co. An Early Morning Fire A barn on Mrs. W. R. Garrison's place was destroyed by fire on Sunday morning at 8 o'clock. Tbe fire bad made great headway before it was discovered and before the fire company could reach the place tbe bnilding wa? almost entirely consumed. Tbe barn, however, vras not far from the dwelt;*w? nvwl rs.^.Trnr.r./l uug liuuec, auu iu? uiciiicu the flames from spreading to otber buildings The barn did net contain mnch that was valuable, so that tie loss did not exceed fifty dollars. It is not known how the fire originated, but it is supposed that some one dropped a spark from a pipe among the fodder, &c , in the barn. % Editor's Awful Plight. F. M. Higgins, editor Seneca (Ills.) News, was afflicted for years with Piles that no doctor or remedy helped until he tried Bncfelen's Arnica Salve. He writes two boxes wholly cared bim. It's the surest Pils cure on earth and the best salve in the world. Care guaranteed. Only 25 cents. Sold by McMaster Co., druggists. EREE MAIL DELIVERY Ta the Business Men of Winnsboro: I desire to give (he basinets men of Winnsboro, S. C., the best postal service of any third-class office in the State, and I will give two free deliveries ol mail per day to all the business men of Winnsboro who will provide themselves with the improved mailing box, from which the carrier mti r>.r>I!prt mai! and riennsH it in ihft box from the outside and the party who owns the box caD deposit and collect from the inside. A sample of mailing box i? at the postoffice and I will be glad to show it to everybody. Respectfully, Preston Rion, P. M. A valuable discovert The place belonging to Mr. Samuel DaBose, npon which coal bas been discovered, is not hie place at Simpson, but is a tract of land akove Winnsboro between Gladden's Grove and Catawba Falls about 14 miles from town. Mr DaBo*e has brought a piece of the coal to town and it may be seen at Tbe "Wimisboro Bank, He f-ay? that the vein it about 12 feet thick. This is a most valuable discovery an<i is o?? that was most unexpected, nothing of the kind eror having been discovered in this connty before. Th? discovery of a coal mine in oar county is a wonderful thing and may be the beginning of a great enterprise. The land upon which the coal ?ai found was considered to be of little value. ? W Marriage ofEev. Earold Thomas The wedding of Rev. Harold Thomas and Mi?s Eadora IA Roche which took place in Greerville on Wednesday evening in Christ Episcopal Cbnrch was a brilliant focial e?ent. The chnrch was beantifally and elaborately decorated by the girl Mend* of the bride with garlands white and green. The ceremony was perform* d Rev. A. R. Mitchell, rector of Christ Chnrcb. The bride wore a handsome dress of white satin and the bridesmaids wore white oreandy dresses. After the ceremony an elegant reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Bentz and a large nnmber of people were present. Mr, and Mr?. Thomas left for a The Eminent Kidney and Bladder Specialist* lire Discoverer of Swamp-Root it Work in " EJj Laboratory. - r There is a disease prevailing in this country most dangerous because so deceptive. Many sudden deaths are caused by it?heart disease, pneumonia, heirt failure or apoplexy are often the result of kidney disease. If kidney trouble is allowed to advance the kidney-poisoned blood will attack the vital organs; or the kidneys "themselves break down and waste away cell by celL Then the richness of the blood?the albumen ?leaks out and the sufferer has Bright's Disease, the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root the new discovery is the true specific for kidney, bladder - ? ' j A| ana urmary irouDies. 11 nas curcu inousauua of apparently hopeless cases, after all other efforts have failed. At druggists in fifty-cent and dollar sizes. A sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling about SwampRoot and its wonderful cures. Address Dr." Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. and mention this paper. week's stay in Washington, after which they will return to Columbia where they will reside in fatore. O ASTORIA. bem tb The KiRd Yoy Hits AIwts Bingtt C?KIX? A2CD GOICX. Mr8. J. G. Mobley, of Augusta, was in town on Friday. J. T. Ban on, Esq., of the Columbia bar, was in town on Monday. Mr' S. M. Eice, Sr., at Union, is visiting his daughter, Mr*. J. F. McMaster. Mr. J E. McDonald will attend the United States Conrt in jwsion in Colombia this week. Mr. John L. Beaty, of Columbia, spent Sunday in towD, He returned to Colombia Monday morning. Hot to Cur? Croup Mr. R. Gray, /who liven near Aoeaia, Dachess county, N. Y., says: "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the best medicine I have ever used. It it a fine children's remedy for croup and never fails to core." When given as noon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the cronpy congh hit developed, it will prevent the attack. This should be borne in mind and a rtf ?>io PAnorh-yJWrnorlr L-phl'ftt" wv,u,w vl lmv 4.v-.v*.; -vr? ? hand readf-fonMlfatant use as ?oon as these symptoms appear. For sale by McMaster Go. > A HOMICIDE Mr Amot X Davis Killed Mr Jas S Lyles, and the Jury Rendered a Terdlct Xx? cmmlng the Killing News reached Winnsboroon Sunday that Mr. James S. Lyles bad been kilied by Mr. Amos E Daris. It seems that Mr. Lyles came to Mr. Davis' gate and told the cook togo in the house and teli Mr. Davis to come if t-v l_ j a j out air. uavn uau ucaru ux mreaia made by Mr. L\ lea, and pat bis pistol in his pocket. When he came out of the house, Mr. Daris politely invited Mr Lyles * *'k in the house, and the laf-t r ' bat he never expected tu c Li ' Davis' bouse' and began to abuse him. Mr. Lyles, Mr. Davis now being out of the gate, began firing his piatol at Mr. Davis, who pulled his own and began firing. Mr. L ee was struck twice through the i. and Mr. Davis was uninjured. ,v.i inquest was h?ld by Magistrate Blair, and the jury found the follorri-.g verdict: "Hut the said James S. Lyles came to his death by a pistol wound inflicted at the hands of A. E. Daris at said Davis' yard ga'e, and said killing is justifiable." Mr. Lylts is a son of C?pt. Thomas M. Lyle3. Both parties are highly connected. The occurrence is sincerely regrettad by friend# of botb. a, Thousand Tongues Coald aot express the rapture of Annie E. Springs, of 1125 Howard St., Philadelphia, Pa., when she found ibat Dr. King's New Discovery tor Consumption bad completely cored her of a backing cough that for many years bad made life a burden. All other remedies and doctors could give her ho help, but she says of thi* Roval Cure?"it soon removed the pain in my chest and I can now sieep soundly, fcometning i can scarcely rememoer doing before. I feel like sounding its praises throughout the Universe." So will every one who tries Dr. King's New-Discovery for any trouble of the Throat, Chest or Lungs. Price 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Mc~ Ma9eer Co.'s drug store; every bottle guaranteed. MR CJtOUT'S FAREWELL SERMOX The service at the Meihodiit Church on Sunday was one which will long be remembered by those piesent. Jltv. Mr. Croat, *ho ha? served the church hf*re for three years, prcached a most affecting farewell sermon in which he Dade larewew rnosi aaecuonaieiy im bi? congregation. After tbe sermon, Mr. Croat called on Mr. R. H. Jennings to come forward, and presented him with a handsome gold-headed cane, a gift from the Sunday school, in token of itair love and respect for him. Mr. Jennings has for year* acted as superintendent of ihe Sunday School, and it is with the deepest re- 1 aret that tbe members of the Sunday School give hiuo up on account of hi? removal to Culnmbi-. Mr Jennings *an deep!) u rcvci by the gift and responded in a few word' thanking them for their remcrahjrauce, bat said that he was. (oo much touched to be able to &ay much. This handsome cane will always be prized by Mr\ J. rriijig? who appreciate*, m -re than tie can oxpress, the loving thought which prompied ib-A zift. The member* of ihe Metl; -list Church are Tery rr uch di?tre??cd u'.er k'?iug both Mr . Croat h!< family*.! I Mr. tanning* | and Jiii firmly wiio betn suck active woikers. Tbey are prepared; however, to give a warm welcome lo,: (he new mioiiter who vri'l arrivep^^ week. d? ft. K W HABBISOX D1AC It is with feelings of profound sorrow that we chronicle the death of Mr. R. W. Harriion, of J?Desboro, Arkansas, which occarred at Memphis, Tennesee, November 25th alt. Mr. Harrison, as will be seeD, was away from home?had gone to Memphis on business?and while there contracttd pneumonia Hit family and friends did not think that he was dangerously ill. Death came however after only a few days slcknesi. Coming so unexpectedly it was a severe shock to his family who did not deem him i gerioasly ill. Mr. Harrison was born in 1865 and was therefore 35 years old. He was the youngest child of the late Capt. ?. H. Harrison, one of the largest planters and slave owners of this section in ante bellum days *nd a brother of Hon. J. D. Harrison, of Longtown. Mr. Harrison left Fairfield about fourteen y?ars ago for Florida where he lived several years? afterwards moving to Jonesboro, Arkansas, at which place be married Miss Maggie Wood, one of the mo3t hrnminpnt nt .Trtneaboro. She with two children unrrive him. We ex'end onr sympathy to the bareaved onesio thia their great affliction. We trust and feel that oar loss is Li eternal gain. Arnicas. DOES IT PAY ToliUY CHEAP? A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all right, but you want something that will relieve and cure the more severe and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles. What shall you do? Go to a warmer and more regular climate? Yes, if possible; it' ? <- /? A;tkAH not pu?biuj? 1U1" JTUU, tucu iU KiLUCl case take the only remedy that has been introduced in all civilized countries "with success in severe throat and long troubles, "Boschee's German Syrup." It not only beals and stimulates the tissues to destroy the germ disease, but allays inflammation, causes easy expectoration, gives a good night's rest, and cure3 the patient. Try 03TE bottle. Recommended many years bv all draggists in the world. For sale by McMaater Co., druggists. JHAlLftUAll SU1IU3 XAUIt vwu A Petitig* Will be Clrcmlated for Israing 850,000 In Bonds to Aid the Construction of the Road to Camden Tha following petition bai been handed ns with the statement that it will b? circulated lor signatures. The petition explains itself; To the Honorable, the Intended and Wardens of the town of Winnsborc. The petition of the undersigned citizens and freeholders of said town respectfully shows: 1. That they, and each of them, are citizens of said town of Winnsboro, and that they are freeholders .of^s&id town, as shown by-its~tax books. 2^1^ your petitioners are desirous *>f""haYi<ig your Hozierable body, in pursuance of provisions of the Act of tbe General A?sembiy?or tne saia state in such case made and provided, order a special election in tbe aaid town of Winn?boro for the purpose of issuing fifty thousand, five per cent, coupon bonds, or such proportion thereof as may be allowed under tbe constitutional provision restrictingjthe bonded indebtedness ef the 6aid torrn to eight per cent f the taxable property therein. 3. That tbe pnbllc and corporate purpose of issuing said bonds is to secure tbe construction, equipment and operation of a railroad from Camden, or near Camden, to Winneboro, S. C.. te be known at (be Winnsboro & Camden Railroad. Tbe eaid bonds, so to be iwued, shall not be delivered to the Winnsboro & Camden Railroad Company nntil tbe completion of said railroad from Camden, S. C., to Winnsboro, 8. C.; or nntil there is no reasonable donbt . ~ to its completion; or unless the majority of the qualified electors of 6aid town, at a special election to be held for that pnrpose, on the petition of ten freeholder#, of said town, shall by vote authorize tbe delivery of said bonds at an earlier time/ ? Now is the time when cronp and lung troubles prove rapidly fatil. The only harmless remedy that produces immediate results is One Minute Congh ? T*. ? t ' - l>nre. xi is rery pieasaui iu toikc ?uu can be relied upon to quickly cure coughs, colds and all lung diseases. It will prevent consumption. McMaster Co. Conference Appointments?Columbia District. The following are the appointments made by conference for the ColQmbia district. It will be seen that Rev. E. P. Taj lor has been assigned to Winnsboro and Rev. J. D. Crout has been sent to Batesburg. Blackstock, wbicb is in the Rock Hill district, will hare Rev. R. W. Barber. E. T. Hodges,. Presiding Elder. Batasbarg?J. D. Croat. Colombia?Washington Street, M L. Carlisle; Main Street. S. U. Zimmerman; Green Street and Brookland, E. P. Hauon; Granby and Richland, B.R. Tamii;seed; Edgewood, R. S. Truesdale. Edgefield?G. W. Davis, Fairfield?R W. Spigner. Fort Motie-F. S. Hook, mppljr. Grinitevillo--1 E Mabaffey. Johnstft. '.J. Clyde. Langley?6. H. Booth. LeesTille?J. F. Auderion. Lewiedale?J. M Lawson. Lexington?J. N. Wright, supply. Lexington Fork -J. S. Abercrombie, Ridgeway?W. S. Goodwin; one to bt supplied. Upper St. Matibew? C. D. Mann. Warrenrille?D. A. Lewi?, supply. vYinnsooro?&. r. rayior. Epworth Orpbanase?G. H^waldell, fcuperiDtendent O'Dell, aBoi?t*nt pn^eriu(?##en\ Paiue In^lmte?G. W. Walker, >re?idei>f. / Sontfcerfli Christian Advocate-Jobn 0, Wilso/j, editor. Co'nn/bia Female College ?W. W. Daniel, president. Missionary Secretary?J. A. Rice. f _ CASTOR IA For Iafaata ard Children. Til Kind Yin Hire Always Bought Annual Notice. ALL pe rsons holding claims againit the L'oantr of Fairfield will pre ent the same to this office oc or be* fore the lit day of Jannarv, 1981. B. G. TENNANT, _^-C?unty Supervisor. f Bjbi Have You z Backache?Tired Feel fli/s Tift-nc* rvv in flick "R UJ-LW VX XM VUW JLS. Color or Scalding Urin They Me The most suecessfi one that has effected sc Yaugh: This is a purely ve ,L1_-.L ill IT Lnai win enecinany cui ly on the Liver and Ki and eradicating all disc READ W Gentlemen il have been sufferii caused trcm the livtr and I unable o lie down except si rated with fluid. Three en I was completely filled ; legs terribly inflamed and ej the influence of an opiate, fortable and able to attend' do t 'T nearly two years. You may publish as mu ferer may be benefited by it Since then this gejitleman vi "Vanghn's Llthontri tow enjoying good health." If you have any of TVOKT MAUTTTPAnTT JLiJLUJLi jjmuuraun and lie will a&< Of all druggists or ?A good deal of cotton was brought to town on Friday. Among the tens of thousands who have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for colds and la grippe during the past few years, to our knowledge, not a single case has resulted in pneumonia. Tbo3. Whitfield & Co., 240 Wabash r venae, Chicago, one of the uooct prominent retail druggists in that city, in speaking of this, says: "We recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for la grippe in many cases, as it not only gives prompt and complete recovery, but a!so counteracts any tendency of la grippe to result in pneumonia " For ?al* by McMaster Co. ' "Persimmon Logs. Southern Hardwood Company, P.O. Box 529, Charleston, S. C. Por Rent. AN ELIGIBLE THREE HORSE farm, on ihe Camden road, three milei from Winnsboro. Apply to THOS. H. KErCHLN. 12 11-2 For Sale. QAjT ACRES OF LAND 4 MILES OV/l) from Winnsboro, S. G. Cheap and on easy terms. Applv to 12-6 2 * JNO. B. MoMASTE&v ' ,'S ; I'AiK L ALSAM VmmolM t joxtuiant gf?W&. . 3&SG3S&Z.. Egj XAgCT Fails to l?esto? Gray l^alr to ita Yoatiifci ColorPRESTON RION, mist rom Pacific Fire lnsar*?c? Co?p**y ?f New York. Glen 11*11 Ia?ar*nc? Company 01 New York. . Rochester Ger?an lnsuraact Company of Eocheiter, N. T. Solicits tbars of public patronage. 9-26-ly CLERK'S SALE. BY virtue of a decretal order to me directed, I will sell before tbe Conrt Bouse door in Wionsboro on MONDAY, THE 7 TH DAY OF J AN- j UARY, 1901, the following described property, to wit: All tbat plantation er tract of land, j lyiDg, ?ituate and beiog in the Coonty 1 of Fairfield, State of South Carolina, ' on the waters of Cedar Creek, ab^ut one mile west of the towuof Rid^ewav, containing TWO HUNDRED ACHES, more or lesc, and being the tract of land dtri8ed by M. A. M. I>gg to M*rv R. Kee. and of which the said Mary E Kee died seized and possessed. Sold at tbe suit of John A Kee v?. Carrie E. Kee et al. TERMS OF SALE One-third case, and the balance ou a credit of one and two years in two equal instalments, with interest from tbe dr.y cf sale, to be eecared by the bond of the purchaser and a mortgage of the premises iold, with the privilege to the purchaser to pay the whole or any portion of the credit insialmenti in cash. Tbe purchaser bhe.ll pay for all papert and revenue stampp. JOHNC. McFADDtfiN, C. C. C. P. Cheater County. Clerk's Office, Dec. 15, 1900. 12-1 ltd |j FOR YOU. r* ^ 2 WlL^= <nir list of? Standard Extracts (to. w suit you).> QC Stationary (fan?y). Qu PlaqMes and M&dalions. Mirrors. . \ I Shaving Sets. \ CO Photo Frames and \ Albums. - \ Tea Sets (all prices). \ Cups and Saucers. H I China Plates. CO Railroads. T* . Sailboats. DC Birds of Paradise. JTj | Vases. q j Fiae Candies, Toys too numerous to mtntioi. Don't forget the same old place. Yours for a Merry Xmas, JNO.H. McMASTE?g?o - J? nrn t my ox 1 nese i ing?Dizziness?Nervousness?Heac ladder?Sleeplessness?Chills?TJrin e. ----an "Kidney 1 ll remedy for all forms of Liver auc >me remarkable cures, is n's Lithon igetable preparation and the only m e Dropsy and Gravel. Vaughn's Lit] dneys, restoring them to their norm) jase. HAT IS SAID AB Cboss Km )fi for three years from Anasarea or general D: Sidneys .My physicians said that I could las aortJy alter being tapped. Every tissue was artcri of a gallon was drawn from scrotum s?r at the time I began using Yanghn's Litbon nding fluid. I was unable to gej ony ;rest c I have used eight bottles of Vaughn7s Litlu to try business. I can now ride my horse, a t ch of my statement as von desire. I am glad t i onrs tralv. EL j. BETSlLL. Maj. 18 Tites under date of Aug. 11,190^ ptlc has effected a permanent cure. I have hi the above symptoms write to the IMG CO., 45 So. FM Street, 1 rise you by letter in regard to your sent postpaid on receipt of p: A dl^EAl Or\e of tl^? Lapg arj disc ^?our-i ^^PrVPTTHM HT7 T 4 A A \/AV JL AV/i.1 M A < Q. D. Williford Consisting of DRY GOODS, onrl ijll rloccpc rif rrc establishment in , These goods must be con order that the heirs may get This is the greatest opportunity the surrounding country to ;buy All parties indebted to said ani settle at once. J. L. Mirr Ad D. A. Crf -FEED, SALE JUTO; OEADQUARTERSfor HORSES, Ml JJL DLE , BRIDLES, ROBES, and e\ L have FORTY H0RSES and MULE nessee). Good Saddlers, Fine Roadsters, extra large Lomber Malts, and plenty me I sell tbe noted ROC HILLB TTG-GF5 "A little higher in price, but tbe Best ? Harness and Saddles of all description. I also have a fine supply of horse m paraxon for healing Old Sores. Thrash,' prepared by the best veteriaaary in Virg purchasing, and I guarantee satisfaction. City Phorna St. HesId?oc? Phone 68. P Poctoflc* Box 134. *Horses z Mes. YOU HATE MADE A BIG CROP * and received a good price; why not enjoy life by purchasing a nice horse from me. I have three or fonr go?d Combination Horses, up-to-date s*ddlere and nice drivers; aUo three nice Mares, eood workers and well bred? ' suitable for brood mara. MULES. VI have 8 or 10 well broke Mulef. i They are acclimated and can stand 1 Lard work.|Some^of 'hem are large moles, suitable for heavy work. I can a sell them as cheap a* yon can bay them anywhere. Also a few plug*. Ome to see me and 1 will try and please yon. Remember, if your h(?r*c or male does not suit yon co?ne t?> j?*e m<* a- d I will trv and let von h*ve one that will nit yon. CATTLE. I am always io the market, ?w>d will bnj any class of cattle that ton haYe ( to sell." Ste me before von wel. A. Williford, \ ( \ Winnsbwo. iS C. UNDERTAKING If ALLWfe?H?AltTMSfflk with a fnlH|#f C*sk?ts, tnrm 6*set *ni ^siMtW ca ka?4, J!* !E, 9fJK^ wW*? r>fit?y. rfili tttwdii t? a: tlJ k?|f?4^-vv TSffi 9LLI#TT MB S?&B, J. M, aLX&STFV A > . 5ym]x lache?Pains Across r) e of an Unnatural " -v <;;9 "rouble/' I Kidney Complaint, Ledicine now in use II ioutripfcic acts direct- m il healthy condition '8, S. C., July 21, 1899. ropsy of the cellular tissue, it but a short tune I was completely filled and saturerai times. triptic, perfectly helpless, >r sleep except while under w jntriptic and am now com- Wt hing I had been unable to o give it, as some poor sufth Reg. S. C. Vo's. 1860. id n return so far, and am t\; ~ .u .ccucai JL/juectux ux ? troBUjn, Hnr Ynk, . w especial case. ' rice, $too a bottle. I I OALC. I est Stoel^s of ? in tine li"D 1 1 JL ?~?? J HE ESTATE OP fi , Deceased 9 IT/NfTT/Wrir* />T /\mTTtlT/1 fl XVUilUN?, Vl?V L "ijWVjr, >ods.kept in an uj^to-date --M tlf? Garolinas. ; M v : ' -:^v;*8 verted into cash-fat once ia J their portion, of; said estate. ever offered to the people of -merchandise.-- . ?J ( state will -please call and inatigfcL, J Lininistrator iwford, A % UVEBY STABLE.-- J JLES, BUGGIES, HARNESS, SADrerything that belongs to 4 horse. ? direct from the florae State (Ten J , and good farm Brood litres; some V tdinm-sized Cotton Males. f'CO.'S BTJGK^IES. Iuqgt in the State for the money." idicines, sneb as uColic Care," pre[V)nH?Hfln PnwilftM. PnrailiTM I tola. When in n?ed, tee me before ? O.A. Crawford, W1NNSBOBO, 8. C. [iOMING! j R. BRANDT, , The well know* . * Jeweler, of ^ Chester, S. ^ . . ..i. . M Will visit Wmnsboro oa. "riday, Nov. 30, ,nd display his elegant line of WEDDING and CHRISTMAS PRESENTS at obear Drug Co.'s store. On? Day Only Thin i? hi* last visit Virfnrp A Christmas. jd Mr. Brandt will be at Ridge^B irayon SATURDAY.^- 9 VEMBEKJ^ MONEY TO LOAN I Oo Improved Farms seco/ed by first iortgag?s. Iuterrst S per ceat. in m ami not Ie?s than $*00, 3 to 8 yeara. ? to commission!. Borrower pays ao> 1 al oroensea. -M JL <5. k W. MV?LA8Ci A Winasboro. & ?. ii IHMl I1 11 X? M I - A??