The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1901-1982, December 21, 1922, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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THE OFFICERS The Wini ex1 Season's Best Wi Ne' At this happy thank our custon age, and to exte the people of the best wishes for and a Happy, Pr< *On Friday, Dec. 22, a give 4 chances < all 25c purch, John H. M< Druggists AGENTS FOR NORRIS iS SEE OUR ) AND DIRECTORS of nsboro Bank end the Greetings and t ~hes for the v Year - r season we wish to ers for their patron nd to them and all county our heartiest a Merry Christmas sperous New Year. long as they last, we will n the free doll with ses of any articles. :Master & Co. Phone No. 39 ND NUNNALLY'S CANDIES AND AG PAINT MAkSGOODS FAIRFIELD COUNTY NEWS TOLD BY CORRESP'ONbENTS (Continued from page ie.) Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Black and little daughter, Estell, of Rocky Creek, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Black. Misses Pixley and Sallie Young spent Sunday with Mrs. J. D. Mona Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Monahan spent Friday with Mrs. T. M. Black. MrS. T. M. Black and ai Annie Wack spent the week-end not long past with relatives at Rocky Creek and Great Falls. There will be a Christmas exer :ise at the Stover school Friday aft rnoon at 2:15. Well Christmas will soon be here. You can hear little ones saying al ready, "I wonder what Santa will )ring me." Not only the little ones ,ut both young and old. Mr. Douglas Varnadore, of Great Falls, is visiting his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Dlack. Mrs. T. M. Black has been unwell For the past two weeks. We hope she will soon be h'erself again. UPPER MITFORD Revs. W.. J. Hunnicutt and J. E. Browne, Messrs. W. R. Witherspoon md 'J. D. Grady went on a rabbt. iunt last week, and the Presbyterians ;hot the most shell, while the Method sts killed the most game. They took flinner with Mr. J. D. Giady to fin sh off the day. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Keistler enter ained Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Grady with L dinner on Sunday. 14r. Strother Ford motored to Che er with Mrs. W. T. Raines, - Misses ranie- Ford, Catherine Izleberger and Uma Knight Saturday to get gifts or Christmas. The Mitford school teachers will .ntertain their pupils with a Christ nas -tree Wednesday afternoon. The chool will close/on Wednesday foi he holidays to open again the 3rd of anuary. Misses Catherine Izleberger and Al na Knight will spend the holidays at heir homes. 'The hot su per was carried out icely Frida evening. The sum of 30.00 was collected, which will go n an organ for the church. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Grady will soon riove to their old home at Seven pring, N. C. Mr. Flem Thomasson's family wd! nove to Rock Hill Thursday to b vith him as he is a city policemans. We appreciate the other denoraini. ions helping with the supper anl tve ublic taking an interest in it by con l'g out with us. There has been auite a few ho utchere-i to eat. Lots of lard hrs een made for home use. All farmers! houldi have meat of their own. Four of the Ku Klux Klan visited ~ethesda Methodist church Sundav vening - and presented a check for ~28.50 to .the Rev.' J. E. Browne. A ote was in the envelope telling him vhat to (10 with the money. They valked out as calmly as they camne n. That is one good deed they have lone. I wish the Editor and co-workers Smerry Christmas and a happy New (ear. WHITE OAK Owing to an otitbreak of influenza n Due West, our college boys and irls are home a little early. Mia 3elle Dale, of Mexico. accompanied Iiss Mary Patrick home for the holi invs. Mr. Fred Ratteree spent a few ours at White Oak one (lay last veek. - Mrs. M. W. and Mrs. K. H. Pat ick andl Miss Florence Patrick spent [esday in Columbia. We are glad Mr. K. H. Patrick is vel again after an illness of nearly wo w'eeks. Messrs. Young Bankhead and Mari m Ratteree visitedl in Columbia a part f last week. ~rhe White Oak scfoo! ao-v has a asket ball court, and the young peo >le are rapidly learning the game. H~e hope in the near future to have; ;ome match games. All weather signs point to some eal winter for Christmas. lunders of past years remind us We should shop andl mail -out snappy, Andl departing leave behind us All the store and mail clerks happy. NOTICE All persons are notified not to tres ass in any manner on the lands wned or controlled by the undersign: ad, either by hun~ng, fishing or re moving straw or alTowing cattle to oam on saidl lands. Violotors will he prosecutedl to the fullest extent of the law. 38-39 pd. R. C. Gooding. FOR RENT.--TWO Steambeated of fices on gre2:.: floor. Poscession given Jainua. P t. Winnsboro Bank Special Prices 0.. We are going to give some prices that wili make it worth while to come to our store. We have a full line of Schraff candies, fruits and nuts of all kinds LOOK AT OUR MARKET PRICES: Round Steak ....----.---------------.-..............- -. . 25c Loin .................................. -.-.--.-.--.-. --........ .................20c Roast Beef ................ .... 20c Stew Beef - - -.---... ........ 12 1-2c *Pork Chops - ----...........-... - . ----------.. .25c Sliced Pork Ham...... ..... --- Pork Roast . .................. .. 25c Middling Stew ....... .. . -- -- -.20c Pork Ribs .. ............... -... . . 25c Whole Pork Ham .......... ................. 28 S au sag e ................................. ..... . .... ................................ 30c Liver Pudding ............................ _...... -.................. ................ 25c Souse M eat . ............... ...... .....-.......... ................. . ........... 5c B utter ..........- . - - . ........-.. -..... ......- .. ...-...-.... . 60 E g g ss ...........-..................._..._..............._......._ _........._.................................50---- e- --- 50 CELERY LETTUCE ASK FOR PRICES ON APPLES AND ORANGES BY THE BOX W. B PORTER Phone 151 COUPE New Price The world has never known~ an enclosed car of this type at a lower price. No car at any price has ever offered a greater value. Place your order now to in sure early delivery. Terms if desired. Fairfield Motor Co. Winnsboro. S. C.