The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1901-1982, December 21, 1922, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Mert To you, who by your ti we extend all good wis to learn to serve you be inate happy faces abou1 CHRISTMAS OVERCOATS Real all wool coats-made in Rochester by Mich ael-Stern. Coats with plaits, novelty cuffs and pull up collars. The smart belted styles give a swagger air to these truly good coats. They will keep Dad's body as warm as toast. Give the dear old bread winner one of these srnart, useful overcoats and watch his face brighten with a happy smile when he gives you his thanks on Christmas Morn. Priced $25 and Up. TOPPY COATS FOR BOYS We never forget the boys. Our showing of boys' overcoats express our thoughtfulness of their com fort. These coats are nifty affairs-smart and full of pep. You should see how the fellows like to snap into them. Bring your boys in and let us show you how they can '"sense'' style and value. Sized 4 to 17 years Priced $6 to $12.75 The News and Herald.erWhrtesaebdlins WINNSBORO, S. C. twspaigshldbmde P. M. DEES Fbrr.Rmme htyuc Editor gnd Publisher d odjbo paiguls Entered in the post office at Winns- yusol e bu etn boro, S. C., as second class mail mat-pupadlsoreyurim ter. $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Godpuigwchsabou ORCHARD DOTS FROM THE sryna ti sls os COUNTY AGENTdedwoanbrnhsttsh How about that orchard, Mr. Far-famrfiltpunmoest mer? If you have an orchard nowthyavnosuabeolsfrp is the time to see about spraying andin.Eeyfrrshudav pruning. If you hav'nt an orchar d pi flpigser n now is the time also to see about set- pi fhn has ting out one. Practically every far- I orodocadi bu mer in Fairfield County can have at yusol oe-otm nsen least a small orchard bearing excell-botstigutathrne ent fruit if he will only make up his yuwl aet oi ogti o mind to do so. The failures of most wt orCut gn n e' of the orchards in the county are duesecthergtvitesfryu1 to lack of attention. The time to yuweeyucngtgo re control the scale and brown rot that araoal rcadas nt kills most of our peach and plum yuhwt e hmot trees is during the winter months.Ifyucntgtheseoab heway to (10 this is to spray with rlsrypmgtyu egb conunercial lime sulphur, using one t oi ihyuadyu o g~&ouoflim t nne alon ofwa- gt wpaing shelouldo get mae, r< er.W~ on galonof imaonowum ad athe rabt hefis ly Christmas to -ust and confidence, have mad< hes of the Yuletide Season; and tter. May the genial glow of ti L your hearth. GIFTS * THAT LAST For Him For Her HATS GLOVES BELTS HOSE GLOVES PURSES CRAVATS KIMONAS SHIRTS COZY SLIPPERS SWEATERS HANDKERCHIEFS OVERCOATS WARDROBE TRUNK HANDKERCHIEFS FUR SCARFS HAND BAGS SHIRT WAISTS BATH ROBES SWEATERS E Z SLIPPERS STATIONERY HOSIERY COMFORT ROBES THEPROPST COMPANY "The Store You Hear So Much About" of REMOVAL od SALE ely4 ore ray1 ud ON JANUARY 1st, WE WIILL MOVE IN THE STORE lit mNOW OCCUPIED BY MR. T. M. HAYNES, NEXT DOOR TO HORNE BROS. UNTIL THEN WE WILL MAKE me 1; YOU SOME SPECIAL LOW PRICES ON ANYTIHING IN OUR STORE FOR CASH. Bruce Furniture Co. ~t All 1 possible our success, for ourselves only ask e'Christmas log ilium INDIVIDUAL CHARM Expressed through dresses fashioned by Peggy Paige of New York. It is important that the youth ful woman choose not only a pretty dress, but one that will best express her own individual charm. Our showing of silk and wool frocks is most allur ing. Pleats! Tucks! Circular draperies! Beautiful tints! Fabrics that present absolutely new weaves And textures-every one in the most authentic mode, and every one an individual conception fash ioned by Peggy Paig . We might write much more about these altoge er captivating frocks-but come and see them for yourself-they most beauti' fully and economically answer the question of what to wear.) Frocks For Every Occasion Priced $4.95 to $39.75 LOVELY UNDERWEAR -real imported Philippine hand embroidered gar ments. The soft nainsook garments have been made beautiful with hand-embroidered designs by the na tives of the Philippine Islands. This underwear has met with instant favor with ladies who care. We will be glad to have you take a "peep" at these dainty, imported creations. Teddies Priced $2.50 Up. Gowns Priced $2.75 Up. STRICTLY SANITARY SERVICE ome in anid see us. We have a comfortable plIace to csaf; and we are always glad to see you whether you vant anything or not. Of course it is a pleasure to serve ou when you need any work, and we appreciate the busi less. Children's Hlair Cutting a Specialty Service Barber Shop . G. TENNANT, W. E. ANDERSON, Pronrietor. Manaer.