The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1901-1982, December 12, 1906, Image 1

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r~i1i4 V PUBLISHED WEEKLY ESTABLISHED i844. WINNSBORO, S. C. WEDNESOAY, DECEMBER 12, 1906. At: Actual : Cost OR THE NEX I FTEN DAYST We Will Sell All C 'Lothing and Blankets at ACTUAL COST. Posi= tively no goods charged or exchanged during this sale. A call will convince you that this is a : : : : a] d Genuine Cost Sale. ir h L. Landecker. 'ANTA CLAUSi 9' HEADQUARTERS. hi at G That's w h a t everybody knows this store as, and that is just wh at it is, the very place where Santa Claus can get his every want supplied. Our stock o)f Toys embraces everything fo)r the boys and T for the girls too.:: Large stock of Fruits, Rai- I sins, Nuts eind Candies. : :: S pl1e nd id :assortment of Cakes andk Cra!ckers. : : : : C Fruit Cak.e Ingredients=-Rai= sins, Nut.s, Citron, etc. Fruit Cakes;lso. : :::wI U. A. WHITE, BAKER AND Co NFECTfIoNER. FIST 1000 BES20I0 BPECIAL R AT ES will be made e to parties storing: c otton with us, a unitil the aggreg 'at e reaches tOlNE TEOUTS3MTI) BALES Money will ~be loarAed on this cotton at 7 per cent po r annum, discount. The Winnsboro Bank DEATH OF MR. R. M. BRICE. Promising Young Man Suddenly Stricken With Heart Failures. .. shadow of deep sorrow has tgain been cast over the Wood ard community by the death of A[r. Robert M. Brice. Mr. Brice vas a son of Maj. T. W. Brice Lnd was a leading citizen. He vas a young man of rare business act. He is well known in the )usiness world. having been man ger of his father's extensive ercantile business for the last en years. He passed away at 9.35 p. m. in December 5th after an illness I a very few hours. Death was ue to heart failure. He was in is office and attended to his usiness until 12 o'clock Decem. er 5th. At that time he said he -as not feeling well and went ome from the store and lav own; was up again about 7 'clock and took some light re eshment. A few minutes later e again complained of not feel ig well. He again went to his ed. The doctor was summoned b once and all that loving hearts ad willing hands could do was one for him. He was a dutiful son, a loving rother and a trae friend. In his 3ath that community suffers an reparable loss. He was buried with Masonic :nors in the cemetery at old oncord church, amidst a large mccurse of loving friends and Uatives. A Texas Wonder. There's a Hill at Bowie, Tex, at's twice as big as last year. his wonder is W. L. Hill, who om a weight of 90 pounds has own to over 180. He says: suffered with a terrible cough, d doctors gave me up to die of nsumption. I was reduced to pounds, when I began taking r. King's New Discovery for nsumption, Coughs and Colds. ow, after taking 12 bottles, I Lve more than doubled in weight kd am completely cured." Only re Cough and Cold c u r e. aaranteed by Jno. H. McMaster Co., druggists. 50c and $1.00. rial bottle free. Spend Your Money at Ho:ne. Just at this time the mail order )uses are active in flooding the untry with big handsomely got n up catalogues, quoting at ctive prices on staple articles id making all sorts of big sound g claims for your cash. They >not offer to exchange their >ods for the farmers' eggs, poul r, butter or others produce. Gey don't trust a penny's worth, it make you pay cash ief ore >u get the goods and freight be e. If anything is wrong with e goods or they do not suit, ey will not exchange them for u. *They pay no taxes into recity or county treasury, witn Frieh our schools are maintained, ads bridges and sidewalks built. ey do not contribute to our Lurches, charitable institutions r to our poor.-Ex. For Over aixty Years. Ms.. WINstow's SOOTHING SYR~UP is been used for over 60 years by mil >ns of mothers for their children bile teething, with perfect success. soothes the child, softens the gums, Lays all pain; cures wind colic, and tbe best remedy for Diarrhcea. It ill relieve the poor little sufferer im - ediately. Sold by druggists in every Lrt of the world. Twenty-five cents bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs risow's Soothing Syrup," and take iother kind. IVo It This Year. Every year the newspaper int the same Christmas appeal. its substance it is: Will you help to give the clerks ithe stores their share of Christ tas by buying early? Every year, probably, y o u take up your mind to help. Well, why not actually do it is year? No need to nerve ourself for a great reform. imply buy one present to-day nother to-morrow, and so on. r, once you get at it, have it all Lrough with at a plunge, If you will do this, you will not nly make better selections and et fresher wares, but you will iave that warm feeling inside hat comes with the best kind of hristmas giving.-Spartanburg ~ournal. lo Opium In Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. There is not the least danger in giv ng Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to mall children as it contains no opium r other harmful drug. It has an es ablished reputation of more~ thani .hirty years as the most successful med cine in use for colds, croup and whoop ng cough. It alwvays cures and is leasant to take. Children like it. sold by Obear Drug Co. and all medi The Most Craceful Retort Ever flade. Perhaps the wittiest and most graceful tribute ever spoken by a man of his wife was said by Joseph H. Choate. Some one asked him: "Mr. Choate, if you could not be your self, whom would you rather be?" Instantly came the reply: "Mrs. Choate's second husband."-Scrap Book. E. C. DeWitt & Co., of Chicago, at whose laboratory Kodol is prepared, assure us that this remarkable diges tant and corrective for the stomach conforms fully to al provisions of the National Pure Food and Drug Law. The Kodol laboratory is a very large one, but if all the sufferers from: indi gestion and stoiach troubles could know the virtues of Kodol it would be impossible fo, the manufacturers te keep up with the demand. Kodol is sold here by all druggists. Why? Why do we say: "Mind your p's and q's"? Because in ancient times, be hind the door of each ale-house there hung a slate, on which was written, P., which stood for pint, and Q., which stood for quart. A number was placed opposite each customer's name, according to the amount he imbibed. He was not. expected to pay until Saturday evening, when he had to "mind his p's and q's.-Scrap Book. New Cure of Epilepsy. J. B. Waterman, of Watertown, 0., Rural free delivery, writes; "My daughter, afficted for years with epilepsy, was cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills. She has not had an attack for over two years." Best body cleansers and life giving tonic pills on earth, 25c at Jno. H. McMaster & Co.'s drug store. Mrs. Newlywed-My husband admires everything about me my voice, my eyes, my form, my bands! Friends-And what do you admire about him? Mrs. New lywed-His good taste. A cold is much more easily cured when the bowels are open. Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar opens the )owels and drives the cold out of the ;ystem in young or old. Sold by all Iraggists. Letters of Administration state of South Carolina. County of Fairfield. f By D A. Broom, Esq., Probate Judge: Whereas, D. B. Lumpkin hath made uit to me to grant him letters of ad ninistration o# the estate and effects f Ned Patterson, deceased: These ar3, therefore, to cite and ad nonish all and singula the kindred mnd creditors of the said Ned Pat ~erson, deceased, that they be and appear before me, in the Court of Pro ate, to be held a.. Fairfield Court E[ouse, South Carolina, on the 13th lay of December next, after publica ilon hereof, at 11 o'clock in the fore aoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said administration should iot be granted. Given under my hand, this 4th day f December, A. D. 1906. D. A. BROOM, 12-5-2t Judge of Probate. Letters of Administration State of South Carolina, 1 County of Fairfield. f By D. A. Broom, Esq., Probate Judge: Whereas, Thomas K. Elliott hath made suit to me to grant him letters of administration of the estate and effects of Henry Pile, deceased: .These are, therefore, to cite and ad monish all and singular the kindred and :creditors of the said Henry Pfle, deceased, that they be and appear before me, in the Court of Pro bate, to be held at .iairfield Court House, South Carolina, on the 14th day of December next, after publica tion hereof, at 11 o'clock in the fore noon, to show cause,-if any they have, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 4th day of December, A. - D. 1906. D. A. BROOM, 12-5-2t Judge of Probate. Trespass NotiCe. All persons are warned not to hunt or enter npon my lands (near Dawkins. and Strother. The law is sufficient notice, but I wish to prevent possible misunderstanding by neigh bors. I am: providing an area where the gun is: not heard and where game may retreat and multiply. The practice of the= country has been too destructive. Squirrels had become almost extinct in miy neighborhood. Now I forbid even rabbit hunting. A sufficient reason for my rule would be that dogs and guns are a danger to sheep, cattle and hogs, I can make no exceptions in favor of certain persons; others would presumie to hunt and expect to be excused from prosecution. Hence this full warning. Trespass of stock is also forbidden. 11-14tf JOHN J. McMAHAN. Notice to Creditors. All persons having claims agains~t the estate of Mrs. E. J. Yarborou.b, deceased, will present the same, dluiy attested, to the undersigned at Jenkins. ville, S. C. B. H. YARBOROUGH, Executor of the Estate of Mrs. E. J. Yabrough. deeased. ECEMBEI m - e We will o'er Bargain E ing the month of Dec< large and we want it r help you enjoy Christr E cut prices so that you U to buy many things fr, Special Cl Dress Goo Men's 4 All goods sold at reduc U This is your opportunit * MERCHANDISE at BA E U ICALDWtLL L U 15 -Day For the Big SOME BAR~GAIN~ TRUNKS AND =:- : OTHEE Come Fair 1W. A. H C ,*aSu,.essE@E@oE@EmeK ?_BARIAINS. 3 in every department dur- * %mber. Our stock is too e educed by Christmas. To * nas, we will give you some * will save money enough Dm Santa Claus. U .it in Prices.of is, Millinery and 'lothing. 0 ed prices to get the cash.* y to buy FRESH, NEW* LRGAIN PRICES. 1ZY OOOD5 Co Removal Sale! i IN Hats, Caps Pantsand Notions, Coats and Vests . == SHOES AND MANY THIRGSO :== Early, Warning. OD & C