The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1901-1982, December 03, 1901, Image 2

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NEWS AND HERALD. PUBLISHED SEMI-WERKLY, --Y WINNSBORO PRINTING CO. 0 o J.FRANK FOOSH E, . . - EDITOR TERMS, TN ADVANCE: One Year,---------..................$1.50 six Monts.................-..- . WINNSBORO, S. C. Tuesday, December 3 . - 1901 President Roosevelt performed a double service yesterday in the formal opening of Congress and the Charleston Exposition. It is an expensive sport that costs bodily injuries, broken limbs, and even death some time, yet in the football games there is hardly a one in vhich some of the above accidents do not o,ccur. Where the returns are for such heavy investments is somewhat beyond our comprehension. Rev. W. R. Richardson has been elected editor of the South eevn Christian Advocate to succeed the Rev. Jno. 0. Wilson who has filled the position for several years, giving a better paper the past year than at any time dur ing his entire term. The new editor will prove a most able one if he is as 'able on the editorial tripod as in the pulpit. The newspapers of the State are very active in exposing the various easy-get-money schemes that are being worked so vigor ously all over this and neighbor ing states. Some say that this is bevond the bounds of the news paper. Why, we do not see Surely it is the -duty of a news paper to serve the public. As foi ourselves we firmly believe thal the conditions of these scheme, are such that somebody ius necessarily lose. We, therefore are "agin 'em." Several times within the pas few days we have heard variou ones speaking of the value c wheat as a forage food for stoc in the early spring. In the fir place it is said that wheat is on of the surest crops to be raised i this section, standing the wintt better than .any ther . gra= ThenfUther-it-i contended thl t -- of th. succes thtthey will so* much wheat to Ibe used in )ilis way the next ~ring to make up the great de 'ciency in their corn~ crop. As about all the farmers of Fairfield * county will have to face this feed problem of their stock next spring, we advise that they cast around now for the best methods of tid ing over the trouble. From what we can learn, we think it would be expedient for them to try this wheat plan. is lHogs are Fat. .Afew weeks ago I was greatly perplexed as to how I .was to fat en my four hogs" said a pros perous farmer just the other day. "My corn was out, and the re turns to be secured by -feeding on corn bought at the present prices offered nothing encouraging. For tunately however 1 had raised a goo'd crop of turnips and so I de termined to try them. In order to get the best returns 1 cut the turnips up and boiled them well. Then I mixed this cooked food thorough ly with shee*ts." Then he added with a great degree of satisfaction: "You just ought to see those hogs. I neverci 5:1W hogs fatten imore rapidly." What the above farmer hia- done should be a stimulus~ to other farmners. If turnips serve so well for fatt tening when coru is scarce the.1 would serve eqia'ly as we l i'. the time of plenity. Peruys other farmers hnve the turnips but are not using then wisely Turnips are not much o a fo if fed raw, but they are fine i fed as above, and still better food can be made by sourinig the above mixture for a period of twenty four to thirty-six hours. But I haven't the turnips some' will say. Perhaps not this time, but let this be a warning to plant an abundant tuinip crop next fall. A. J. Snell wvantedab-attend a party, but war, afraid to do so -on e ount. of pains in his stomach, -whid heffeared would grow worse. He s-iys,- "I was telling miy tioubles to a lady friend, who said: ChamberlaTn's Colie, Choflera and Diarrhoea Remedy w-111 put you in condition for the party., T bouight a bottle and take pleasure hi stating that two doses eured me and enabled me to have a good time at the partyv." Mr. Snell is a resibent of Summer Hill, N. Y. This remedy is for sale by Mc Ridgeway Personals. Ridgeway, S. C., Dec. 2. lisses Clara and Daisy Sawyar, te f Johnston, attended the Boyd- N awyer wedding. w Misses Bessie Lyles and Bessie at uattlebaum were the guests of ir irs. Team during the Boyd- m awyer wedding. a Supt. of Education John Mc- fc dahan came up ou Saturday and eld a teachers' institute. Prof. 1 iitherow and daughter, Miss R dary, school commissioner, Mr. Leon Rosboro, and Miss Bessie dcMas:;er, of Winnsboro, were in c tttendance. Miss Ellen Bookhart, of Blythe wood, has been visiting Mrs. Walter Ruff. A party of young folks went up 1 to Winnsboro last Friday -night I to attend the Mozart Symphony Club. They report a very pleas ant evening. Mr. Hamp Mellichamp has been called to Brrnwell, owing to the illness of his wife. Mr. C. P. Wray is improving and able to be out again. H. T. McIntyre, St.. Paul, Minn., who has been troubled with a disor dered stonich, says, "Chamberlain 'S Stomach and Liver Tablets do me more good than anything I have ever taken." For sale by McMaster Co. rIarriage at Ridgeway. Ridgeway, S. C., Nov. 29.-On Wednesday last at 9:30 a. m. in the Baptist church, Miss Lulie Boyd and Dr. Olin Sawyer were married, Mr. Freeman officiating. The church was well filled with friends and acquaintances, and gracefully festooned with garlands of evergreens. In the pulpit re cess and around the organ, a mass of palms raised their stately heads, grace, added to stateliness, by the drooping fronds of Boston ferns. Under the -killful fingers of Miss Bessie Lyles, of Winnsboro. the full notes of Mendelssohn's wedding march fell upon the ear, the ushers entered, followed by t the groom and his best man, s Capt. Claude Sawyer, of Aiken, If up one aisle, thg bride on the k arm of her broher, Mr. EdwardE it Boyd, up the other. e Immediately after the cere 11 mony, the, young couple, ami r showers of rice, and good wishes lefton esoun ibounmd train fo 6t Geo.gioin.. The. bide wore a green broad-cloth gown,- tri with velvet and stitched bands of afeta silk, and a beepming hat ofj green and grey. Dr. Sawyer is a rising young physician, filling a position with' the Atlantic Lumber Co., George town.I The bride is the youngest| daughter of the late Dr. John Boyd. The young couple have many friends who wish them a happy and prosperous journey together through life. - "I had long suffered from indiges tion," writes G. A. LeDeis, Cedar City, Mo. . "Like others I tried many pre ~aratiols but never found anything that did me good until I took Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. One bottle cured mue. A friend who had suffered similarly I put on the use of Kodol Dvspepsia Cure.I He is gaining fast and wihl soon be able to work. Before he used Kodol Dys pepsia Cure indigestion had made him a total wreck. McMaster Co. Bennettsville, Nov. 26.-Court adjourned to-day. The case against Dr. J. C. Moore for prac ticing medicine without a license. was continued because derfendant's attorneys intended. to attack the. jury law. All 'civil cases were continued for the. same reason. Special to The State. (ureq Vez.-ma and Itrhlng Humeri Tuirougha the~ Jlood.-tgts ta hing to Try. 1. . B. (Botanic Blood Balm) is a criniai andl sure cure for eczema, ahing skin, haumors, seabs, scales, water id isr, pimp'le~s, aching bones or joit, Iboils, ca rbuneleks, prickling ni in the~ s;-in, old eaiting sores, uleers, .te. Botanie Blood Balm cures the wo ):st anid mo~st det.l pseated. cases ly en i -hiig, purifying and vitalizing the loo . ther,-by giving a healthy blood ppvto the skiun. Other remedies m:jJj ysv, but B. B. B. actually cures, iials every sore, and gives the rich glow f iehi to thme skin, iakingr the blood ed uourishing. Especially advised for 011, obstinate eases. D)ruggists, $1. Trial treatment free anid prepaLid by writing Dr. Gillanm 213 Mitchell St., Allanta, Ga. Descriie :ouleand free medical advice given. It is said that George Mc Cravy, late sheriff of Laurens ounty, now deputy marshal, has his ee on the Laurens postoffice. The term of Pcstmaster Robert o expires in January. DeWitt's Little Early Risers never disappoint. They are safe, p~romplt, gnti, effective in removing all impu rities fronm the liver and bowels. Small and easy to take, never gripe or distres. Teachers' rleeting. There will be a meeting of the 3chers of Fairfield County at t. Zion Saturday. Mr. McGhee 11 be present, and the course of adv announced at the last meet will be the program. These eetings are being well attended, id a good attendance is hoped r Saturday. )UGHS AND COLDS IN CHILDREN. ecommendation of a Well Known Chicago Physician. I use and prescribc Chamberlain's ough Renedy for aiinst all ol)Suinat, nstrieted eoughs, wih direct results. prescribe it to ehillren of all ae. mn glad to reconmnienkt it toall in need id seeking relief tom colds and ugis and bronchial fflictions. It i on-narcotic and safein the hands of le most unprofesisiomi. A universal anacea for all nankin1.-.MRS. MA ax Ms nM. D., Ih. D.. Chiesa, 11. This remedy is 'or sale b; M: aster Co. Sales Da. The folloving tacts of land vvere sold yesterdayby the clerk: Wessinger vs. Nessinger, 50 cres, $25. Bought by plaiutiff. Estate of Richal Matchett, two tracts, bought by T. H. Ketchin, $100 each. Winnsboro Bank vs. Gco. H. McMaster, 1,500 ares, $1,375, J. E. McDonald, Att. BY THE SHEWE. Douglass vs. Powd, 153 acres, $810, H. P. Green, a-orney. G. H. McMaster. house and lot, $1,000, J. E. M)onald, at torney. The following traG were sold by R. C. Gooding, tritee: Red field, 120 acis, $1,7705 W. R. Doty. Frazier field, 17Q aes, $1,810 W. R. Doty. Armstrong place,135 acres $470, W. R. Doty. Town lot, $95, D. Walker. Guignard Place, 45cres, $115, W. R Doty. Weston place, 850 ces, $1,600 J. P Caldwell. Garrick place, 316 ses, $1,505 D. V. Walker. Wyr'ck place, C, 80 acres $1,005, D. V. Walker. Wyrick place, D, 10 ScreE $720, W. R. Doty. Wyrick place, A10 acreE $1,255, D. V. Walker. Wyrick place, G, 2 aere $410, W. B. Doty. Wyrick lace, yolis place, V. B. Doty. Flarity place, 45ae,$0 . R. Doty. Douglass place, 85 a~cres, $5O . B. Doty. A Startling Surprise. Very few could believe in look ng at A. T. Hoadley, a. healthy obust blacksmith of Tilden,.Ind hat for ten years he suffered suc! ortures from Rheumatism as fev' ould endure and live. But> 'onderful change followed hi, aking Electric Bitters. "Tw< ottes wholly cured me," h< writes, "and ~1 have riot felt: winge in over a year." The' *ogulate the Kidneys. purify the lood and cure Rheumatism feurlgia, Nervousness, improv< ligestion and give perfect health 'ry them. Only 25c. at McMaste: o.'s drug store. The governor has appointet 3eo. P. Bryan probate judge fo larleston to succeed Judge Bol ;er, deceased. The appointmnen vas recommended by the Charles :on delegation in 1he general as ~embly. A Glood Cough fledicine. Vrom Gazette, Too'woomnba, Australio I find Chamberlain's Cough Reined, Ls an excellent medicine. I have bee: uuffering from a severe eough for th Last wo months, anb it has effected !ure. I have great pleasure in recon: nendng it.-\ . C. Wockner. Thisi :he opinion of one of our oldest an nost respected :esidents, and.-has bee roluntarily given in good faith thia thers may try the remedy and h enefited as was Mr. Wockner. Thi enedy is sold by McMaster Co. ing of ConscienceCost Owner S$d 660. Washigon, Nov. 25.-Secre tary Gage has received from a: mknon person through collee r of customs at New York oonscience contribution of 816 There will be a meeting of th? negr achers of Ithe county at the negr raded school in Winnsboro on nex aturday for the purpose of organ izinl County Teachers' Institute. Al egro teachers are requeswed to attend .. A. Tillnm will be in charge. W. T. ROimOR(ilfI74 JR. * LZS. 'Iblie y.a:r' 11 is so nr goue th~t te:rK ar.' to, tfiy days remainig. '*o* the ir 102 there are soxn~ thi.7s you should I attend to. Aug tlas: are the paying of your suoscriptiou ac conuIU, if y a have not already attendoI to it, :>t to my any 4 in"y thing of ohEr s devolvin upon vo. No loubt you ave )Lit off this smaA account to look after some 1:;uCr ones. If you were the onV one that had (lone so with us. then it would not be a mnatt(r os eme l c usequence; I but you are ono of severIl hun dreS. Now tia:.t we h ore w-aited so ptic-Itly on you, we as that You give this iatter yonr prorpt attenit io. Wi usboro .'rinting Compmy. Ci m . i n's Stomach And Liver Tablets. ry*' themn \WhIe on youel . u, l after cating. WIin you ha . nz qppute. When you a ba: i tadte in the I 'ouf i I. WhV our1 O i ver iS torpid. Whvn .our iowel= are constil-ated. Whin yu have a iwadache. When vou f:el 1bii:us. T eIyI( x-ili im ove yuu.r appetite, cle mse anid inigoraite yourL st~omach aw1 rg11d te youi Iiver anid bowels. For sale Iby -I: Isteir Co. T iI TAX HOTIU21. I A'M NOW RICEIVING TOWN taxns at No. 4 Lw Rtinge. Otiiee Iours from 9 o'cloek A. M. till 2 o'clock P). MT.. andt from 3 o'clock P. M. to 5 o'cloc. P. M. PenIal*y will attach after the 31st .iNO. J. NEIL, 12-3 Clerk of Coundil. se s0 more\ he b1 o ~ ~ ~buy very thing peeded for a good' Thanksgiving dinner. a a .1e of the strin gency of the hard times, then be up and doing. rDon't be grieving over solt milk and saying if I had only done "so and so," then---. The thing to do is to face around to the future, and shun the paths that have led you to your present position. Be the wise builder that counteth the cost. See that each cent and dollar that you spend are spent economically, Make your t money go as far as possi ble. A ipply this principle, and better times will come , your way,--and you will surely trade with us. Our stores are fiiled with bargains for you, and we want you to come and see what great assistance we can give you in tiding over the present situation. A visit to us will convince you of this fact, and noth ing short of this will. So start at once to save your moey-=that is, let your next purchases be from us. .1n OC EBOAG. STOP! LOOK J Tlere's a "Big Racket" in tow buy your winter goods from ot in the habit of buying from tI will positively cave you from I See our line of Wash Silks at Waist Flnnels atdim per yar; Ii-t Plaids from .5c per yard 10c Fl.;n-tuletts at 7c per yard 7e Outings at 5c per yard. Oil Calicos at 5e 1er va". Yard wide Bleaching at 5c up Yard Sea Is al e. Canton FIanrnel from c to 10c Best shoes for t!.e least nrone; Big hue of the latest styks of rivcd; going at rock botton If you lave never bought fron be convin--ed. Your hard time frieu he Winnsbo: C. B. GLADI WANTFD, Hickory, Dogwod and Persinunon Logs. 'outhern Hard wood Co., Charleston, S. C. 11-264n1 CHAS. S DWIGHT, Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Railroad, land, and water power sur reys iade. Plans and estimates fur nished, 11'6 ha te Garden Sot of Fai ld cointy. In one of the.inost healthful and favored sections (with good neighbors) half mile from fine church and a goot graded school, is a fann of 160 acres known as the Gladney Place, which ] will sell in lots, or as a whole, at $( per acre. Rents for $300. Also 150 acres, known as the Hop kins Place, of fine river lands, goo farming and pasture land, at $10 pe acre. Rnts for $250. Alsor78 acres, known as. tJ .no. B Stevenson tract of the DouiltanO good fa'rms and the best rier in. the contf. - T0 All of .the bo smpew.vith new twvo agid ro4 . to Horse ta i rse or t com havse me and I real lec you have one that will giv you satisfaction. CATT LE. I have four very fine Milcd Cows that I will sell or trad< them for dry dattle, A. Williford. One Barrel Saratoga Chips. - One Barrel Malaga Grapes. Kalamazgo Celery. Cape Cod Cranberries. Stuffed Persian Dates. Heinz's Mince Meat. Heinz's Preserves and Pickles. Prunes, Nuts and FIgs. Hecker's Buckwheat. New erop New Orleans Molasses, 0 Genuine Maple Syrup in cans. Large fat No. 1 Mackerel. Full line Heavry Groceries always or han d. F. M. HABENICH. Fine Groceries. g~rAsk for trading stamps. Trespass NtiCe. All parties are hereby notifiel not to hunt or otherwise trespass on our lands. Violators of thih notice will be prosocuted. Mrs. S. J. Hall and children, ND IS TEN a! Don't rush headlong and hers simply because you are enM, but first visit us for we 5 to 35 per cent. 25c per yard. up. in town. Men's and Boys' bats just ar pri-es. us before, give us a trial and ds, ro Racket Co. )EN, Manager. My Stok i COniltm HARDWARE. New and large variety; best assortment we have ever had, and prices to .suit. ROCKERY. Best English and Amer can granite, plain and decorated. In this line we make extfa etoi'an4 offer special barg n. TINWARE. A 0 1.4 thl Our twc~ore up a' cO1p1e day Goos. suit both younga IPrices to suit the hard .tims Our goods are bought t - sell and sell they must. Call early and take: your pick before the assortment is Ibroker. Prices to suit you. JMt. HI. MESTR & CO. Druggists. Phon e39 LEASEs AND SEE OUR ASSO RTMENT OF JEWELRY. SELLING OUT THE ASSORTMENT I 'AT COST, McMaster Co. Phone No. 9. MONEY TO LOAN. I will make loans in reasonable amounts on first mortgages of farming lands at seven per cent. straight inter est Payments in instalmenits in not less than five-years, and no brokerage or comisisions charged. Apl to J. E. McDON , Winnsboro, C, 0 or . E. DAVIS.