The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1901-1982, December 03, 1901, Image 1

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PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY. WINNSBORO, S. C., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3. 1901." ESTABLISHED r84. A THANK WAVE HAVI 10 Pieces CONSISTING OF VEL AND C AL One roll of BRUSSELS S pose to close - Come now and buy a carpe at such D. V. Wal WINNSBORO, DEFENSE OF THE SOUTH. Ibolding t ter Race Preju the SOth obeys the I nain-e. The aspu ort] and the South is not settlQ', an( ill not be settled, while thi Negro remains. The Souti cannot treat the Negro as thi -North deminds; and the Nortl Will not try to learn the reason 'The North expects of the whit race of the South wbat it is im possible to grant. The Soatl naturally resents this dictatioi from people at a distance, 'w( ;are ignorent of the facts. The contest is as irreconcilable is it was in former days. Thei the is.ue was slavery, :iow it i equality-social and .political Emiancipation was forced .by bloody war. Th le Negro becam S"the war I of the Nation." Tb white people of the South wer placed under the ban as "rebels; and the struggle began, still con. -tinues, and will last as long as th< Nation exists i its present form. All the dreams and faueies o peace and harmony between tha two sectio'ns have been rudel]' .shattered by one act of Presiden Roosevelt. This is its sigaiicance: It has broken "the truce of Gud,' and sounded the signal .>f civi .strife. I would n'.t judge hiim harshly. I think he aicd fwn impulse. I am tol~l that h( deeply regrets it; still th~e blamefu 'effects remain. It gratitie I the * hatred of Noithern fanaties; i whocked the sensibilities of the Southemn people; and it fillei mnilli'ons of Negr.ats with vaii longings for an impossible eg nal itv. The end is not yet. Why i: * it~ that the South refuses t< tolerate social felatioes betweex the races? "Prejudi< e," says some. It is pairtly prejudice, bu prejudice, with a reason, whic1 vindicates it. Edmond Eurke, ini his "Reflee tiou:s on the Fiench Revolution, alleges that the strongest defence of Great Britian againmt the cont;agion French ideas, was th< invincible prejudicee of its peoph ag inst iutidelity and anarchy anl in favor of religion, virtue and good order. He points o the value in humn affairs prejudice, based upon reson. He( says, "You see, sir, that in thi: 4 eiligtdened aye,lIam bold enougi S to confess that we are generally? men of intauaght feelinigs; tha in.stead of caa ting avoyv all ou old peuiewe cherish then becuse the are preiudices; ant OPFtIING IN STOCK of Carpet, VET, BRUSSELS, WOOL OTTONq .so TAIR CARPET, we pro )ut at cost. t and be thankful you got it a bargain. ker & Co., SOUTH CAROLINA. the longer t re as and .the. more :ailedl,, seek to disco -dom in them, and ti nk it bestt con 3tinue .thiEprejudice with the'rea-. son involved, "because prejudice, with its reasor., has a motive to give action to that reason, yvld aa affection which will give it-prom inence." Prejudice stands .as an alert sentinel on duty. It is ready for an emergency, and does not hesitate or delay. It has no doubts. "Prejadicerendersa man's Yirtue, his habit, and not a series of unconnected acts. Thr-,ugh j ast prejudices, his duty becomes a part of his nature." Let us apply these profound teachings to the matter before us. The So'uthern people have an in vincible prejudice against social equality with the negro. Is there a reason for this prejuldice? It would become the publicists and philosophers of the North to seek this reason. Does it never occur to them that millionas of intelligent and virtuous people, covering one-third of the area of the country, would not cherish : such a prejudice unless tlhere was some g'ood reason for it? There is a good reason. It is that such relations b~etween the races would lead to intermarriage. miscegena tion, and the pxoduction of a hybrid race, inferior to the whites, \entally, and to the blacks, phy s\ abl Such an adixiture would meain the degradation. and u'ti mate~ extinctiona, of the Angl>-1 Saxon in the South. Thiis is a good and sufficient1 reason for the universail prejudice in the South against social equality with the negro. Thus foitified, it is no longer prjud'ce, but becomues a saicred sentiment, a firm conviction, anj inviolable instinet, a fixed habit of nature. Thlese divinely imn planted motives are arrayed as armed sentries at the gates, to guard the sanctity of the home, the purity of blood, the just pride of the superior race. Sulh hal lowed feelings, shared by a whole people, canrot be violated with imptnity. They should b~e re sected, and esp)ecially by the Cief Magistrate. '.1hey weae re-i spected by President McKinley, and, for the most part, by his preecessors. Mr. IRosevelt wrote. a life, of Oliver Cromwell. Let him lear n afrom lis own book that that great judices of the people. Let hin study ,Burke's "Speech on con ciliation with America" and se< how that illustiious statesmai co, selled the English govern ment to yield to the prejudic of the colonies. Let him hea Burke declare that widespreai opi: ions must be held to hay great weight, and that be coul. Dot "frame an indictment agains a whole people." In maintaining its position o' this social question, the Sontl obeys the instincts of nature These instincts speak to her in Most heart with the commandin voice of God. Thos. A. Hoyt, Bryn Mawr, Pa., Nov. 12, 1901 HAT-riCHUB -:1 ALA. Jlui,39', IS71 .1$. C.J. Momrr-Dear Sir: I va ur you that your TE'ETHINA (Teething Powders) ii indispensable t< Is. and in no ingle instance has it evei )roved a failure. We have tried sooth .ng mlicines, and everything known t< is and "old women," a-Ind vour Teeth ng Powders are pre-eminently a suceess aid blessing to mothers and ehildrea. \ours traly. etc'. J. M. DELACY. rhe Exposition Day-Nursery an Play-Ground. Among their other activities ii -onnection with the South Caro ina Inter-State and West Indiar Exposition the Charleston womer ire busily engaged in making provision at the Woman's Build nig for the care of babies and bildren. A Day-Nursery will >e conducted tht-re by the South larolina Kindergarten Associa ;ion, and an attractive play rouid will be enclosed imme Ifately outside of this room. Within the picture-decked walls if the play-room an experienced iindergartner will condnct games Lid occupations suitable to the ige of the children and entertain heim with song and stories. Ina.separate. rqim fresh bs 6ni agle Bran ondense< Milk will be on han to satisf their wants. The play-giound will offer out doo delights in, all gobd weatpr The children will be register and checked, the parents' desirei concerning them noted, and ful responsibility assumed for thoi safe custody anJ return. Ar. rangements are I.eing perfected for evices of doctors and trLinei nurses to avoid any possibilitie Df contagion or accident, ani veiy modern and scientific pre caU on -%ill be used to insure the welfaze of the little charges. Children .of any age will be re eeived from infancy up, and foi thec sum of 25 cents mnay be lef1 fromn 9 a. mn., to 5 p. in, or foi tany p)ortionl of this time, in the' keeping of pro)fessed child-lovers for members of the associatior will be on hand daily to oversee matters and play with the chi 3 ren.-. The attractions of sand to play n and other . children. to plaC eithi will probably for s'urpasi :ose of the Midway oi the ex ubits to the juvenile sight-seer. 5o the parents who could not gr :o the ex position without taking he small fry alonig, niiay buiy thei1 nI easy mindl, assured -th'tt the~ ~an take in all the sighi.s on the ~ronds, niol retarded an-l dis ressed by the. dragging and cry. ug of a tire:' child, but hiaving le comfortiug knowledge that b is playing or sleeping near at iand in the most healthful nor nal child surroundings, well ~ared for and happy. W. T. Wecs-on, Gh~olsouville, Va., ruggi-'t, wvrites: "Yxour One Mlinutt ough Cure gives perfect satisfaction. fyV custoiners say it is it the best rei dy for cou.ghs, colds, throa0~t a1(d IunI roubles.'' MIe3aster Co. Ex-Governor Waite of Colo ~ao is dead. He became noto (ons several years ago by deC laring that lie would suppress he great Denver strike without ederazl interference if he had t( ie through blood up t.) the .ridles. He was qjuietly peelius in apple when death struck him ('. Mf. Phelps, F'oreatdale, Vt., say ichild was Uoipletely c'ured of a h a 'use of eczema by the us.' of DeXitt' Vitch Illazel Salve. Beware of al :,ounterfeits. It instant ly relieves piles \ b.If .ter (o'n NeverPublished Before. A citizenaf Higginsville, M< who had fio daughters saw oi of them ma-ried to a gentlemt named Sh;rt. The next wj wooed and von by a man name Brown. Tio young gentlene namned Pooi and Little led tl third amuI f-arth daughters to ti altar, and n,t long ago, if one our Wester. c.- ntemporaries tel] the trutb, 1ho youngest of tlI little flock gave her heart an hand to an estimable citizen c the name I Hogg. EverythinD passed off pleasantly until th 'guests w p.aitaking of th wedding spper, wiihc the dis consolate Ither got up and said "I have aken pains to educat my daugtrs that they might ac well their art in life, and now ffild that amy expectations hay r come to ndiig but a Poor, Lit tie, Short,lrown, Hoga." We pubsh this story at th< i request olseveral people whc claim it imew, but we have i suspici..n tat it was first told al one of thefeasts Lucullus, and I we believedark Twain has it ii one of ]ibooks as an origina] littie thiu.of his own.-Chicagc Record-Hdid. Stdiing, But True, If evq one knew what a grand medine Dr King's New Life Pills ?' writes D. H. Turner Dempseytn, Pa., "you'd sell all you lve in a day. Two weeks, ns has made a new man ef me." !ifallible for consti pation, stcach and liver troubles, 25c at Measter Co.'s drug store. Swition in Laurens. Laurervpecial of Wednesday to tihe Gavil le News: . Lauren's riienceLa rathej unusuil n t morning when it k that 1kno h eeiez~ Iesi on of the b familie 'n e city. It was af midnig hen residents in t iciity f South Harper str were aro sed and attracted to t abuve meutioned household cries for help from the la.y < cupants who were defenseless the absence of the'r natural pi tector, the husbaud and fath< The first citizen *to arrive e countered and gave chLSe to o of the narauders as he emerg from tho window, through whi they had entered the house, Ca turing fi" after a most exciti chase whieh was terminated by shot frdin his pursuer. Tj young man is not datngerous wou ided; but will probably laid up several weeks. Bis pai ner escaped and1( is unkuon They were in liquor and no e p llanatiod has beeni offered f their coaduct. Maiuy indignla c-t-zens denounce the outrage al prosecution will likely follow. .uck In Thirteen. By se'd in. 13 miles Wmn.SpirE of. Waltoa Fu' 'nace, Vt., got a 1) of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, thi wholly cred a horrible Fever So on his leg. Nothing else coul Positis elv cares Bruises, Felor Ulcers, Ec'upto', Boils, Burr Corns and Pies. Only 25c. Gus anteedl by McMastecr Co., dru gist-'. _ Gen. Wade Hampton gave Ph tographer Reckling a sitting few days~ ago anid a sp'enldid pr fil pitr of the aged warric stateusman ha~s beeni secured. is almost life-li:ke. The negati was lage one.-The State. For Over Fifty Years. MIrs.t\\inslow's Soo0(thin~g Syrup~ 1: hen usel for ove-r lifty years bjy ij lions of mnothe rs' for their childr while teething, with perfect sue It. soothes t he chihil, softens the gun ala:sal ain, eurs wind( eo)lie, a is the b~es r'emiedy for diarrhwa. will relieve the poor little suffei: every part of the world. T went v-li cenlts a bott-. Be sure and atsk "31rs. Winslow's Soothinig Syrui and take no0 other kind. 1-1-1V The1 commit tee in charge of t 4 National Confedera~te Reunion l' be held in Dallas, Texas, ne year, has finally decided up A pril 29 and 30 and May 1 and as the dates for the Reunion. d a. e a We have decided to ck( have on hand at COST. place to carry wagons dui [ sell what few we have on I if you will need a wagon a wid pay you to buy NOW We only have a few on chance. Come early and In order to reduce onr s will sell the first ten stoves So come early and be one stove cheap. G ANOTHER OT st 'Loi Disknee Axles, Duo e - line of Surreys, manufact he iet riage Co. Hfarness of all he die and Harness Eorses,s by . le- Give me a chance and I o- quality. De Ad Hester's Cotton Statement. i - New Orleans, Nov. 29.--In g luding stocks left over at porti a and interior towns from the lasi ae crop and the number of bales ly brought into sight thus far foi bec the new crop, the supply to dat4 t- is 5,576,449 against 4,866,748 fo: i. the same perio l last year. Tota 1- port receipts, Nov. 29, 3,365,304 or against 3,353,284. Women suffer. T, ing from female x troubles and at - weakness, and re from irgl d- ses, ought not is, to lose hope if is, ~.doctors cannoi r- -' -j.\\ help them. Phy. ? icians are sc 9 busy with othei Sdiseases t ha l they do not un O- J/ derstand fulil a / - the peculiar ail o-0 ments and thc r- delicate organism of woman. Whkat It the sufTerer ought to do .is to gine .a fair trial to ?f.?ABFIELD'S Fcaae Regulatos which is the tru~e cure providet as by Nature for all tfemale troubles. Il ii- is the formula ot a physician of the eni highest standling. who devoted hi ss. whole life to the study of the dis i tinct ail:nents peculiar to our moth, ers. wives and daug;hters. It is mad< .4 of s->othin1g, healing, strengthening in herbs and restables, which havs ebenprovided by a kindly Nature t< 'or cure irregzularity in the muenses, Leu. ," corrho i. Falling of the Womb. Nerv ousnesms. Headcache and Backache. In fairness to herself and to Brad. 16e 'leId's Female Regulator, ever' to suffering woman ought to give it xt '.rial. A large $r bottle will do -mwonderful amount of good. Sold by 2 druggists. Sen.t f-- a nirely il!u- tratert f,.,e hook on the subject. The Bradl,:l Pegulator Co.. Atlanta. Ga. :e o -o ise out what wagons we Not having a suitable -ing the winter, we will iand at factory prices. So vithin the next year it hand, so do not miss this 3et a bargain. tock of Cook Stoves, we from this date at COST. of the number to get a AdW&Ie Go. ared by The Br1ton Oarn kinds. A nice lot of Sad 6ud Mares, young Mules, &c. will please both in price sa4 Crawford. Charleston Exposition Rates via the Southern Ra ilway. I On account of the South Caro lina Inter-State and West Indian Exposition to be held in Charles Ston, S. C., beginning December ,l1st, 1901, the Southern Railway Swill .sell excursion tickets to Charleston and return at the fol lowing attractive rates from Bock .For $9.50, tickets on sale daily, limited to return June 3rd, 1902. For $7.00, tickets on sale daily, limited to return ten days, For $4.20, tickets on sale Tues days and Thursdays, limited to return seven days. Correspondingl1y reduced rates from other points. IThe Southern Railway operates double daily trains on convenient 1schedules with Pullman sleepers to and~ from Charleston, S. C. For further information apply to W. E. McGee, T. P. A., Lu gusta, Ga.; W. H. Tayloe, A. G. P. A.,; A tlanta, Ga.; J. E. Forney, Aget, ockHill, 8. C.; B. W. Huint, D. P. A., Charleston, S. C;, Kodol Dyspepsija Curs Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. it gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can't help but dyu.goe