The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1901-1982, August 09, 1901, Image 3

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WHEN ia P' THJS IS A QUES the brain and worries ti tifne. If you want to know buy a suit of well-made tell you. The answer i NOW! Because we place thi :30 Suits at season's goods, all new wearers. If you will come an:I us that NOW IS THE When is the .ight t When the thermometer you want to keep cool. we have at a sacrifice. buy a Straw Hats? N OW[T Because we want to have to sell them to mal Fall Hats that will arriv Where is the place to KICTCHIN ME dUCAL INTELLLGENCE Friday, August 9, - - - 190J -Miss Annie Aiken is visiting in Chester. -Wofford College begins ar ad. in this issue. -Mr. H. Alexander of Columbii is in town again this week. -Now is a good time to se1 out plants for winter cabbage. -Mrs. H. E. Ketchin left yes terday for a short trip to Chester -That wasn't a singing pig. 11 was a "wabbler" and not a "warb. ler." -A crowd of young men had pleasant day yesterday at Walker'i pond. -Mr. R. S. Ketchin has re turned a visit to his sister al Oxford, Pa -Mrs. Jennie Boag and 'her son Orr have returned from their mountain trip. --What to eat is a question tifat Mrs. Habenicht answers in her ad., * .-Mr. A. B. Connor is oui * again after a prolonged sickness of several weeks. -Mr. Samuel Lindsay, of Ches ter, spent Wednesday with his son, Dr. Lindsay. ' -Mr. W. J. Scruggs, of Au gusta, Ga., is visiting relatives iz town and county. -Miss Annie Wade, of Crosi Hill, is spending a few days a' Mr. F. M. Clarke's. -Mrs. Rou, Misses Kate Jen nings and Maggie Gladden left Wednesday for Columbia. -Miss Lois Clinkscalo has returned home from a few days visit to Blythewood, S. C. -President James Boyce, o the Due West Fema.le College spent Wednesday in town. --Mrs. M. A. Duval will returi * home about the last of this week 1from her sister's in Canton, Ga. -Lieutenant Pressly Brice has been made a lieutenant in the a irtillery instead of in the infantry. -An effort is being inade tc get some people from Winnsborc to attend the political summer school at Chester tomorrow. -The News and" Herald ac knowledges the receipt of a cata logue of the Sumter Military Academy and Female Seminary. v I lION THAT PUZZLES ie mind of all men at some when is the right time to good-fitting clothes we car WHY? 5 morning on special sale Cost. These ave this tyles. well made, and good ee them you will agree with TIME. ime to buy a Crash Suit? is ranging in the 90s, and We are closing out what When is the right time to WHY? sell them, and because we ( e room for a large lot of e this week. buy? That's easy! Why, 'kCANTILt CO. -Miss Ellen Miles of Columbia a sister of Mr. (3. A. White's first wife, was run over last week by a locomobile and died from the injuries sustained. t: -A merchant on the streets h the other day was heard to say: v "Free silver democracy never I brought me in any money. I am b going to try 'commercial democ- 1 racy. Stehtn<n -Col. W. G. Sehnoof n the King's Mountain Military p Academy, was in town Thursday fi in the interest of his school. His ec call at The News and Herald's office was highly enjoyed. -Good rains have fallen this week, and the ground is now in good condition for the growing ti of turnips and for the planting of s, winter cabbage. The condition r of cotton is greatly improved. r1 -The following paragraph in n a correspondence in the Chester a Lantern is vouched for: "Rev. t< Mr. Taylor of Winnsboro preached n and those who heard him say e those who did not missed quite a e treat." t] -Winnsboro is fortunate in 0 being included in that section of '* county of which a topographical tl survey is to be made by the gov ernment. The party that will make the survey will be stationed here a part of the time. -Quarterly conference will be n held at Greenbrier to-morrow. a While the pastor Rev. E. P. r< Taylor would regularly not preach t1 here Sunday morning, yet in the in absence of the other pastors of C town he will p'reach at the Metho- c dist Church Sunday morning at J 11 o'clock.0 -Columbia has a "Knocker's Club" that is knocking things e right and left. Should a club ber organized in Winnsboro, wouldE there be anything to knock. What would you knock if you were a& member? Just suppose yourself a member and knock away. Vol unteers are welcome. -Miss Sarah Withers, who is a: teaching primary methods at the sumr school, leaves this week c< orDarlington where she goes to ii take charge of the Darlington tP county summer school. She will o be assisted by Miss Dunbar of bi Winthrop. Miss Withers has T ~justly been a great favorite in the fc summer school work, and she is well worthy of the compliment of J. bing the first woman to take E charge of one of the summei schools. -A two-room extension is be ing built to the Methodist par sonage. -The ground is now wet enough for planting that turnip patch. Don't neglect it. -As the time for the fall trade approaches the streets should be kept free from dry goods boxes, etc. -When the farmers' institute opens at Clemson Monday morn ing there ought to be a good number of Fairfield farmers to answer to the "roll call." -Winnsboro is strictly in it so far as the fight on the mosquito is concerned. Several weeks ago all the cisterns in town, not used for drinking purposes, received a coating of kerosene to prevent the further spread of these pests. Another application is now ready. -The governor has received and accepted the resignation of Samuel McCormick as magistrate at Longtown in Fairfield county, to become of effect on September 1st. Mr. McCormick says that he resigns because he intends to pend the coming fall and winter in Florida. The Fairfield dele ation in the general assembly will be asked to name his suc essor.-The State. -Mr. C. E. Johnson, who is 3onducting the summer school ere, has just been elected super ntendent of the Florence graded chools. For several years Mr. ohnson has served as principal >f the high school in Columbia in Yhich position he has given high atisfaction. With fine attain nents as a student and unusually uccessful experience in the school oom he goes to his new position arrying the full confidence of his eacher friends that he will mee1 ith decided succpss. ] Hotel Arrivals. HOTEL DuTAL.-W. H. Macfic ounty; R. E. Moore, North Caro' na; J. W. Tillinghast, Winsto]J. . .; A. B. Scruggs, Darlington . C.; J. W. Blain, North, S. C. L. L. Smith, Lexington, N. C; SI L. Poe, Atlanta, Ga.; F. 0, fanning, Sumter, S. C.; C. F. [unt, Knoxville, Tenn.; J. Y. [urhy, Chester, S. C.; W. S. ~oglass Blackstock, S. C.; Miss Colored Farmer Following the policy of Clem m the State Normal and Indus -ial College at Orangeburg is to ld a series of institutes in the rious counties of the State. he one for Fairfield county will e held at Winnsboro August th. it will be well worth at ~nding by both whites and groes if it can stimulate the ople of this county to as good rming as is carried on on the )lleges fam at Orangeburg. Teachers Entertained. The Sans Souci club enter ined the teachers of the summer ~hool Wednesday evening at the ~sidence of Mr. J. Q. Davis. here was a large number of the ebers present, and they did 1in their power to make the ~acers have a good time. It is edless to say that in their fbrts they were entirely suc-, ~ssful. The occasion afforded e members and teachers a fine >portunity to become acquainted ith each other-an opportunity iat was fully grasped. flrs. S C. Robertso n. After a long and lingering ill ss Mrs. S. C. Robertson passed way Wednesday night at the ~sidence of Mr. J. M. Stewart at e advanced age of 76. Her taiden name was Sarah Palmer uturier, her family having ie to this country from St. hn's Parish in the early part the 18th century. She married r. T. T. Robertson, one of the ost prominent physicians of his unty and State. Three child n survive her-Mrs. S. C. rockington and Mrs. J. M. ewart of Winnsboro, and M. C. obertson of Columbia. Two her children preceded her to the eat beyond only a few months: 'r. T. C. Robertson of Columbia d Walter Robertson. She was a member of the Epis )pal Church. Her remains were terred at the Episcopal cemne ry yesterday afternoon at 5 lock, the funeral exercises ing conducted by Rev. Mr. illinghast of Ridgeway. The llowing were the pall bearers: W. B. Rabb, R. E. Ellison, s. Q. Davis, J. G. McCants, A. Gal1rd, W C. Beaty. Myrtle Notes. e farmers are now enjoying theitmuch needed annual season of 1 t-laying by season. This is aleason always held in high antipation by the man behind thelow. It is, by them, looked foriard to with more anticipa tiojlthan a legal holiday is b thelong confined school boy or thjordinary workman. The old folks brush up and dci their Sunday duds and seek sove quiet, shay place to calcu lai for the future, while the y~mg folks show their apprecia ti(n of the occasion by going into evry amusement with the same emrgy .that they take hold of fagnwork. The literary society organized sine time since at Bear Creek is piogressing very nicely. The qiery for next meeting is con ctely, Resolved, that slavery in t; South is justifiable. This q stion, though one of the past, s uld be very interesting, as it O ample matter for discourse. .k very enjoyable occasion was ~d at Mr. J. S. Allen's spring, ' he Oaks," on the evening of tJe 1st inst. Quite a number of Jung folks were present. Alto ether the evening was a very de tliful one, and- for the more tient would afford volumes. Ice am, etc., was most generously rved. Mr. E. B. Hogan and daughter, [iss Carrie, of Sumter, spent veral days with relatives in 's section not long since. Mr. T. J. Hogan returned to is home in Greenville Monday fter visiting several days in ihis section. Messrs. C. E. Register and Ounnigan Hogan of Greelyville are spending sometime with rela tives and friends here. Miss Ray Muse of New Brook land returned home not long since ifter visiting friends in this sec bion. Miss Lillie Hogan of Sumter is visiting relatives here. Miss Lizzie Lauhon has re [urned to Columbia. Miss Annie Sessions of Ridge way is visiting in this section. Miss Mary Harrison of Long town and Flossie Crumpton of Ridgeway are visiting relatives here. Mr. T. E. Allen of Greelyville is vititin his parents htre. a' short wh e wit un this section last week. Mr. R. R. Jeffares spent Friday with Mr. B. B. Hogan. Mr. J. W. Brown is visiting his daughter, Mrs. E. B. Hogan, of Sumter. Dixie. August 6th, 1901. Attention, Firemen! Attend regular meeting of Steam Fire Company thii (Friday) evening at,8.30 o'clock. G. B. McMaster, Secretary. Lumnber. 'I CAN SUPPLY THE TRADE with undressed Lumber f. o. b. cars at Ridgeway. Prices quoe on applica tion. W. B. KENNED, 8-2-10t Ridgeway, S. C. Spartanburg, S. C. 48thYear Begins Seiltedber 28. Eight in faculty. Eight departments. Expenses from $150 to $175 a year. For catalogue, address. J. A. GAMEWELL, Secretary. WOFLOR COLLME~ FITTING SIHOOL SPARTANBURG, S. C. Elegant new building. Board and tuition for year, $110. All information gie by - 'A. M. DUPRE, 8-9 Head Master THE LADIES of Winnstoro and Fair held county are most respectfully in. vited to come and see our display of up-Jt).date Patterni Hats, Uuttinmmed H-ats for ladiec, misses and children, and other goods. Having a fir-t-class milliner, atiss Wiri ama, of Bahtimore, we are prepared toi serve you Many hanks for past par ronage, and solicit ing a cotionance of i be Qeme, MRS. BOAG. MONEY TO LOAN. I will make loans in reasonable unounts on first mortgages of farming ands at seven per cent. straight inter ast. YPayme"nts in instalmnents in not less thi . di no brokerage reconn sio .r i. Applto .T ONAI mnsboro, ~. C. or .,AVIS, 7--m Monticello, S. C, KEEP We Have N Summer Gc goods--Figured Lawns, Organ er price roc to 15c; another li stripes, at ioc and 12 i-ac, forr A lot of White Goods at re< pretty styles in stripes and ope We are offe.ring at reducec Coats, Serge Coats and Vests Vests. - These are good qualit, --just the thing for the hot da) Shoe in Ladi from 5C Also so B farga in1, Childre Lot Shoes AT COST. These are We want your trade. We weather, but are always hustlin COME TC The Caidwell Dry SPRUIT MASON'S F DINTS, -QUARTS, - AN ome and get what ydu want f Also an extra supply of Laucderdale A RE LIKE THE DAYS long and hot. It will i at the long bargains we are of We are going to close out a brass fixtures, at 20c each, well WVe have about 30 pairs of a going to sell at cost. Also ou Big line of Turkish Bath Ttc 25C per pair. Big line of men's 75c Dress 1 ,ooo yards Embroidery, woi at loc a yard. Hurry! hurry! Our entire line of Summer Here is where you get your lo, Our bargain list is so long a so we invite you to call and lel Yours for bargains, ?he Winnsbol C.B. GLADDJ What to Eat. Chicken Loaf. Ham Loaf. Veal Loaf. Chicken Tamale. Potted Turkey. Lunch Tongue, English Luncheon Sausagej Corned Beef Hash. Roast Beef.. Brawn. Corned Beef. Vienna Sausage. Herring in Tomato Sauce. Salmon Steak. New Mackerel No. i, 15 each. E. M. HABENICHT, Fine Groceries. COOL. an y We are offering at reduced prices; ods some of them at cost. Bargain in light dies, Dimities at 8 I-3c, form >t, including some pretty lace ner price 15c and 20C. luced prices; good quality and n work patterns. I prices a small lot of Serge also gray Mohair Coats and , well made, and good colors Is. es'Oxfords and Sandals; prices c and up; all at cut prices me gopd values in Misses' and ri's Oxfords and Sandals. of Gents' and Ladies Tan new goods and good styles. do not stop because of hot g for business. SEE US. Goods Company, JA1Z5. qUIT JARS. D - HALF - GALLONS. rom us as we keep the best. Rubbers for fruit jars. & Bryson. OF AUGUST, T'-EYARE >ay you to visit us and look lot of nice Curtain Poles, with worth 35c each. kmerican Girl Slippers we are r $i line going at 75c wels, 24x42 inches, going at Shirts going at 49c. -th i 5c and 20c a yard, going or it will all be gone. Dress Goods going at cost. ag bargains. 'e haven't space for them all; us show you through. -o Racket Co. EN, Manager. New Arrivals Ford's Montebello Hams, the fnest in the market. Fresh Link Pork Sausage ad TEologna, weekly. New Tarbell Cheese. Two barrels of new New Or leans Molasses. The fnest Rib Bacon, a streak of lean and a streak of fat. The secret of making this bacon is not known to every merchant. The way it is made, we starve the hog to-day and that makes the lean, and feed him to-morrow and that makes the fat. 8o you see come and get your groceries from