The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1901-1982, May 17, 1901, Image 2

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NEWS AND HERALD. A 7 PUBLISHED SRVI-WERKLT, -BY WINNSBORO PRINTING CO. C J. FRANK FOOSHE, .. - EDITO. y TERMS, IN ADVANCE: a One Year,......................t. 50 Six Months........................ .. -7 e ti WINNSBORO, S. C. Friday, May 17 - - - 1901 The afp peal that is being sent out to a parts of the country in behalf of the Jacksonville suf ferers should be largely responded to, for while many were so fortu nate as to be well insured there e were many without any insurance whatever, and it is this class for whom help is wanted. t And so Wimnsboro is to have some memorial day exercises. While the program will consist of nothing further than the deco rating of the graves, this is the most important thing of all. Elsewhere in this issue will be seen the call of the Ladies Me morial Association for the deco ration this afternoon. It per haps may be that all can not at tend, but even those who can not could contribute largely to the success of the occasion by send ing in such flowers as they can. For several years a few of the faithful women of Columbia have been running a free kindergarten school at the various mills of tha- city -by means of- money raised by entertainments, mem bership fees, and subscriptions. While planning for a similar work this summer they had a very pleasant surprise in the way of a free offer from the mill authori ties to furnish the money for the school this summer. This is highly complimentary both to the kindergarten association and to the mill-to the former for har ing.begun the work and to the latter for coming to their rescue. The mill of Rock Hill are also to have a free kindergarten school this summer, the iunds for the same hav- been raised by the Rock Hill Ki'ndergarten Associa tion.. With such rvisions as o much towad solving itself. In an address at a school pic nic in Richland county a few days ago Superintendent Wallaer spoke of the ~establishment of a county high school as one of the greatest needs in our educational system. .In this he was eminently correct. It is many a day until the country schools can be brought up to such a standard as to meet the demands made upon them. Leav ing every: other consideration out of the question the teaching force is too small for this-and to say this is only another way of say ing that the funds are too short. The necessary money that would be required to do higher work for a few of the higher pupils would go far towards the sendingo of *them to a county high school where the conditions for their advancement would be far more favorable. The .most expensive schooling in America is that in some county schools where the attention of the teacher is so taken up with two or three pupils of the advanced classes that those of the lower classes must be neg lected'till the others are ont of the way. As Winnsboro was the first to establish a graded school she should also be the first to estab lish a county high school the countet- part of the graded school Furman University is to try the expe riment of a Summer Law Sho.Prof. G. B. Moore is in charge and Hon. Joseph D. Mc Vullough of Greenville and the venerable Joseph Daniel Pope, professor of law at the South Carolina College in Columbia, will be among the members of the faculty._______ Doat Let Them Ssffer Often Children are tortu-ed with itching and burning erz ima and other skin diseases but Bucklen's Arnica Salve heals the raw sores, expels hi fiammuaton, leaves the skIn 'without a scar. Clean, fragrant, caeap, tbore's no salve en eart b a. good. Try it. Care guaranteed. Only 25e at Mfc~as .,ter Co.'. An association composed of the.-stanographers of South Caro *lina is to be held in Columbia soon. Try the new remaedy for costiveness, Chamberlain's Stemaeh and Live~r Tab lets. Every box guaranteed. Price, -25 eents.. For sale by Mc Master Co , d-agise Special Edition of the News and Courier. The Press Committee of the a oman's Department of the South ( arolina Iitter-State and West c idian Exposition, will publish E -ry shortly a mammoth special lition of the Charleston News i ad Courier. This great news- j aper will be a thirty-two page f lition and will have a circula- i on of at least 50,000 copies; I hen these are exhausted, an ther edition will be printed. It 4 ill be sold in every city, town 1 nd villiage in this State, and by j Lie leading news-dealers in the irge cities both north and south. n addition to this, the, paper will : e on- sale at both the Buffalo nd Charleston Expositions; thus tending the inuence of this ,reat paper through the term of n entire year. All the reading matter is con ributed by women, and realizing hat a power such a publication an become, many of our country's nost famous women have con ributed liberally. to make the )aper a veritable literary treasure ouse. Among the well known poetess hose verses adorn the columns f the papr, are EliuabethAkors, uthor .o"Rock.Me to Sleep;" gay Reilly Smith, who wrote "Baby Fingers on the Window Pane;" Louise Chandler Moulton mnd Jennie -Drake; South Caro ina's own poetess. Among fam >us prose writers represented by. specially written , short stories and sketches are S. Rhett Roman, Kate Chopin, Gertrude Atherton, Septima Collis, Mme.. Qustave Lehlback, Belva Lockwood- and ElizabethCady Stanton. There will be a charming chil dren's page, to which some of the most celebrated writers of juve nile literature have contributed stories and poems; while the page devoted to Charleston's land marks, institutions, societies and surroundings, will be full of in terest to all lovers of quaint re cords of Colonial and Revolu tionary days. What the women are doing to make their share of the Exposi tion a success, will be gra hi cally told in articles preparedby the chairmen of the various com mittees and lady commissioners of the woman's departmnent. man,- womnan and child in Sout Carolina should read, and will doubtless be treasured as a souve nir for long years. to come.. The price of this paper will be only ten cents, putting it within the reach of all. Any one desir ing copies should leave name and address at this office, with remit tances for number of copies de sired, or communicate at once with either .Miss Martha Wash ington, chairman press committee, No. 38 Chalmers street, Charles ton, S. C., or Mrs. J.M. Visanska, business manager, No. 2 Bull street, Charleston, S. C. For Over Fifty Tears. Mas. Wrstow's SooTBIme Svaur hasq been used for over fifty years by iliains of mothers for t belr children while teething, with perfect success. t soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all paisi, cures wind calic, and is the best remnedy for diarrhoea 1t will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every'part of the world. -Twenty five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soithing Syrup," nd take a other knd. 1-1-17 HVatt Park, Columbia, is to have one of the finest zoos in the South. No Loss of Tinme. I have sold Chambefflslos Colle, Ch 'lera and Diarrhie Remedy for years, and would rather be out of cof fee and sugar than it.' 'I sold five bot tes of it yesterday to threshers that coud go no farther, and they are at Work again thi. morning-H. R. Phelps, Plymouth. Oklahema. As will be seen by the above the threshers were able to keep on with their work without lo-ing a single day's time. You shou'd keep.a bottle of this Rein edv in your home. For sale by Mc Mater Co., druggists. China ~has agreed to pay the other nations an indemnity of $300,000,000 the same to be paid in thirty annual installments of $10,000,000. She claims her in ability to pay the whole amount at one time. Food Changed to Poison Patrefyintr food in . trae intestines produces effects like those of arsenic. but Dr. King's New -Life Pills expel the poisons from clogged bowels, g atly, easily hat surely. curing- Con stipaion, Bilionsress.-.S'ck Headache, Fe Vera, all Liver, Kidney and Bowel troubles. O:nly 25c at McMaster Co.'s, Sunday night the river steamer City of Paducah went down like a rock at Brunhort Landing, Il linois. Fifteen lost their lives in ADAMS-STITr. Mr. J. B. Adams of Columbia, nd Miss Etta Stitt, of Fairfield ,ounty, were married at the resi ence of hermother, Mrs. Nettie Ititt, on the afternoon of May 8th. The bride being in deep mourn ag, the occasion was a quiet one. Lt the appointed hour a few riends and relatives had gathered n the tastefully decorated parlor o witness the ceremony. Promptly at 3 o'clock- Miss ooper Walkup, sister_ of the >ride, took her place at the piano, md' the couple marched in to the itrains of the wedding march. Che.,ceremony, performe .y Rev R. F: Kirkpatrick, was very ioiem and impressive. The bride wasrgowned in black silk and was ookimg her best. The handsome young groom seemed to feel no coingunctions of- - oiisiece that he haa robbed old Fairfield of 'one 6f its fairest da hters.. happy couple left Thurs day morning for thEni home iti Coumbia,-where the b'est wishes of a host of 'friends- follow them. All-vIrccation prevents smallpox, and quiniue ebills and fever,-- so TEE-' TaIN- :previsats -%Ind -conmerac:s the .ffrets .of. the &ummer'.s -heat. much dreaded by mothers with sragti child ren. TEETHINA relieves . the~ many troubles faci lent to' teething and the hot sammers,: a-ld no mother -is ex cusable for not givng U., for it costs puly 25.cents at druggists; or mail 25 centi te '. J. Moffett, Id. D., St. Louis, MO*. RE,.ELECTION AND RESiGNATION. An announcement of the close of ths'.Lbanon school at Steven son as made in Tuesday's issue of The News and* -.eald 'Mon day, the 15th, the piltons and trutees of the school inet, and they recominended' to.Ithe county board the re-ap ' tiiient- of the same trustees. The trustees then met and J. W. Pope, the secre tary of the board, was authorized to write Miss daines the follow Unpon the recommendation and endorsement of the trons we have hereby elected iss L. L. Gaines principal of t Lebanon Graded school, with thi po6wer to elect her own assistant dmusi instructor for. the next rm. ,In repl.y to this n ' of her elpetion, Miss (aiines. ote Mr. ear Sii-:-Your 1 r notify ing me of re-election to, the~ prin. cigtalship of Lebanon chool re ceived.. I had request that my niame should not go fore 'the board as I bad positive aecided not toreturn. I cannot pt the psition under any consideration. Ithakthe patrons fortheir sup port and the trustees f*f their co-operation. My best wishes go with you always. Respectfully, LI. Gainpe. Richmond, Va , May 15. The trustees very much regret that Miss Gaines couj' tained as she has given, such gen eral satisfaction. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Klai You Hav Alwap beaght Spgature of A large du'ek trust for the con trol of all the -cotton duck manu ~facturing concerns itn tie coutry is being organized. Biliousness is a conditioa charaeter Ized by a disturbance of tpedigeouive organ'. The stemach isf debilitated, the liver torpid, the bowels constipit ed There is a loathing of food, pains in. the bowels, dizzinesa, coated tongue aal vomiting, Arat of the enidigested or partly digested food. and }nenl of bile. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver TbbIets allay fhe disturbances of the stomach and create a healthy appetite. They also tome up the liver to a healthy secion and regalate the bowel.. Try them and you are cer tais to be much pr'eased .withthe re mult. For sale by MlcMaster C.., drug gists. Win. Burlingame and -- Smith, two white men of Beaufort who were leading disreputable ,lives, were waited on Weiiesday by a comittee who. instructed thenm that their presence in and around that town was no longer ired. Ladies can~ Wear shoes' . ne size smaller after using Allen'. Foot-Esse, a powder to be shaken into the shoes It makes tight er new shos f.'ef eniv irei instant relief to corns and banions. .LI's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Cores and prevents ewollen feet,. blisters, callousad sore spiots. Allen's Foot E sse is a certain cure for swelling, hot, acid feet. At a I drgists and shoe stoieb, 2.5c. Trial package FREE by mait.: Address, Allen S. Olated, Wic NOi No Muss A BI( -In order to sell out what this Spring, and to relieve i trade, I offer all my Milliner not yet bought come now Notes About the Colored People. The Z. B. B. Society will turn out to the fireman's hail Thurs-1 day night, May 23rd, in full re gaia. SRev. H. W. Smith, D. D., preached to an appreciative au dience at Wayman A. M. E. Church Tuesday night. Subject: "God's promises to His people." Rev. L. Watson will leave this week for the- district conference of the A. .M. E. Church at Car lisle, S. C. Rev. Rice- is conducting the services in the absence of the. pastor of Wayman. James Goins has ordered a fine barber chair from St. Louis, Mo., for his cosy shop.. It is reported that Bob Crosby has broke off the chain gang. There is a tie of friendship be tween the negro and southern I white man. Cicero. -.Mrs. McKinley's Condition. The latest bulletins as to the condition of the president's wife are exceedingly discouraging. Her death is expected at any moment. She ij at San Francisco, which point the presidential party had reached on its tour. A railroad fi-on' Blacksburg to Johnston is now under considera lion. Should it be built, it would pass by Newberry. Notice. E UPERvISOR's OFF CE. -Wineboro. 8. C., May 1, 1931 Notieis hereby given that a meet ing of thie Board of Control for the County of Fairfield wilt be held in the Supervisor's office on W'riday, June t he 14th, at. which meeting applicants for I the position of Dispenser and Daspen t's Clerk at. Winnb ro, S. C., will I be considered. t Applicants for Dispenser's Clerk I must be pfrepamed te give bond in the b sum of fivae -hundred dsllar< before d appointment will be made. All applications for said por~iiions must be on f1 e wth the Cont y Saper- n~ viser .at least. twenty days previous to e said date. la W. M. CURLEE, Clairman. J. F. BRtOWN. ULYSSE G. DESPORTEi, a: Board of Control for Fair flaid Co. I Match ts the A KLES! * Stov iCO5T S: remains of the large st< ny milliners, overworked y until June the ist at AC md take advantage of t ~e~e~j~e millinery Mrs. A. L.. Mc It is figured that a police cap ain in New York gets $25,000 annually in gifts from gambling iouses, etc. May the 14th there was a street ~ar strike in Albany, New York, md in the riot 4* followed it ecame necess to call out the ilitia. The General Assembly of the southern Presbyterian Church is iow in session at Little Rock, trk. That foot note is attracting great deal of attention on the art of this great body. PRESTON RIO N, AGENT FOR Pacific Fire Insurance Compaany of few York. Glen Fsil Insurance Company or few York. Rochester German Inqurance Comn atny of R3ochester, N. Y. Solicits share of public patronage. 9-26-1y Wanted. One* findr ed good la be rn a for work n mill building. wages 75c per d ty. pply at the New Mill, Lu,.cas:er, . C. T. C. THOM1PEON& BRO. 5 10 4 for the beet Open and To'p agies, Surreve and other vehicles, ud Harne'; QO ard T.'o horse Vagonu. Also Breeching, Gears. et'c., >r cash or good paper. Price. 0. K J. 0. BO AG. Sheriff'sSale. By virtue of auithority vested ini me, have levied on and ui i ell to tihe ighest cash bidder before t he C.ourt Louse door in. Winnaboro, S. C'., on e first Moudtv In June next, thue llowlng described tracts of land, t.> e oold' under the Ac:s referring to einquent taxas: SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 11. W. Hi. Lyles. 560 acre.; bonrdad >rth and east by land4 of A. T. Mc antb; south by Broad R:ver; west by nds of J. B. Tarkeit. J. A. Me z. 1 acre; bounded by ;ands tA. M. Wallace ont the north. east d sontb; on thne west by 8 &. G. . Ri. it. E. ELLk ON. real BLUE IFLAME If your dealer does -not keep them. write to the nearest agency of STANDARD OIL ACO. >ck of Millinery I bought on account of my heavy TUAL COST. If you h'e he great bargains. I am ~CA RL.EY, ijnnsboro, S. C PREER YOIJR IIWJT by keeping out Screen Doors, $x.oo, $r. o, and 2.50. Adjustable Window-Screens ICE CREAM FREEZERS. Arctic, 3 quarts, $2.oo A rctic, 4 quarts, $2.50. White Mountain, 4 quarts Wht Mountain, 6 quarts, $3-50. J. W. EIGL.E R GOOD RESULTS follow the use of good F E ED. Stock fat en up. Co~Ws give a lre vie'd of mnilk aud butler. [arses have more spi-i' and m atcle. Can do and - ik-t t" do the wo' k demanded of them. Buying interior grades of feed to 'ave a t w cents ui.1 spoli all this. Bet~er buy hers. We sell the best, but act at ibe high-,st pr ie..