The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1901-1982, March 15, 1901, Image 3

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Rather TH O UR! Our 4- To Cash } KIETCHIN M Friday, Marchl15, - - - 1901 -Road bankrupt notice. -Read.notice of town election. -On Saturday Miss Bessie McMaster paid a flying visit to Columbia. -M. W. Dity has gone to Rock Hill and Lancaster on a busess tiip. -Mr. J. B. Tuer, of Stev.~mten, has gone to Atlanita for medil treat ment. -Miss Claire E liott returned 1h0m3 on Tuesday with her father, Mr. II. L PE Ilit. -Mr. C. F Tillmar, of Lincaster, is in town in the interests of tbc Southern Pre. by terian. --The rul~s governing the Damo cratic primary for the town election are pr nted in ibis issue. -Mrs. John De-Portes spent Sundiy and Monday with Le' daughter, Mrs J. B. B yd, ii iRidgew'ay. -Mr. T. WV. Ruff, of Rockton, has been off on an exteuded tu iness visit in the northern portion of ths State. -Mr. Cla k McCants left oa Wed nes~tay for a visit to his brother, George, at the South Caro'ina Collage. -The cacd:dates for nomination by -the primary will please note that this tis the last day for them to file their p'eages. -Several Matons irtm Coluza,ia e my up to take part 12 the exercises <f the Masonic L'ge at its Wednes day evening mneeting. -MrN. B. J Qa ' tieb uum and her daughter, Miss ti. E , are expected to return to Winnsboro on Friday, after a two week's visit to the low country. -Linde~dak & B-rson announ~c an unusually a trac:ive stock of pftr cules in their ad. today, and wanf you to see them to sce th Lt thi4 is no joke. -Mr. A. WV. Brown has returned from bis trip to the N rthern markets where be parcha~s d a very large steck of up-to date goods t>r D. V. Walker & Co. --The yonuz people of the town are delighted at tbe prosp c' of tne inett ing of the Cooking Club on Friday eveniug at the residence of Mrs. W. G. JArdau. -Tuesday afterncon while the fice company was p)racticing, Mr. Derrick sustained a painful accident by having a streamn of water to strike biuni in the e3 e. -Miss Louis: Si'greaves is now :s .ting as li brarian of t be read ing room. The hours at which the same is open are from 4 to 6 p. mn., and all are cor 4lally invited to visit the same. U~ SALE ~an Carry xt W3irptGP, VVG in er of ~oeVX Th)ST 'urchasers. RCANTILt CO Suseke-pers who wish pure l at crack lIng lard, abou1d call on their grocers for W. 8 Forber & Co.'s "Montibello Lard." Every package guaranteed absolutely pure Trade mark-"Red Label."* -Mr. J..P. Caldweli returned Wed nesdiy morning from the Northere markets where he purchased the~ spring and summer stock of goods for the Caldwell Dry Goods Co. who wil: have e. full line of up-to date goods. -Mr. Marvin Jennings, o1 Camden, has g ne to Golumbia to accept a fine position in the Trust and Loan Ex c'>ange bank. H:. has moved hii family with him and is comfortablj quartered on Pickens street near hii father's. -Miss Kellam has returned to het post as milliner for the Caldwell Dr1 Goods Co. This position she has helt for the past two seasons, during whici time she won many friends in Winns boro. Her ability in her work is fulli recognized. -The baseball team of the Sopho more c-ass of the South Carolina Col lege won a glorious victory on Tueg day afternoon over the Senir clasi teatn at the college park. Mr. C. F. Davia, of Winnaboro, is t~he captain ol the winning nine. -Mr. T. M. Crawford, of Arkansas, his mther and his son, are visiting relatives and friends in town and in the caunty. His mother is nOU 87 years old, and the has c~me t< pend the few days left her in her olc cunty. Her ioi, Mr. ft. T. Craw ford, saw her get off the traina the othei n ght, and not expectiag her, or recog nziug her in the dark, remarked thai sh-: w?.s too old to travel; but when he wamked up borne, she was already there, and be wss both surprised and rjoiced to see his mnither after an absence of many years. SCHO3JL TRUSTEE. Please an:aounca S. T. Dunun for re election as the town trustee of Mt. Z:.n Instit-ite. Cit'zens. Bears as Thes Kind Yes Hats Ahtays Bogi of NOT A CANDiDATE, IMr. Editor: Please permit ma space in your valuable paper to say that] will not be a candidate for warden at the coming municipal ek ction. I thank my friends very much for their me? tion of me. Very r espectfully, T~iwanae G. DisPortes. EXTENDED Encouraged by its success so far we iave decided to continue our special mabecription offer on page 2 to April Lst. We trust that many others will ake advantage of this special offer. Very truly yours, Winneboro Printing Co. THE PRIMARY. Tte first primary for the municipil lection will be held Monday. The polls will be opened at 9 o'clock a. m., and will close at 4 o'clock p. m. The managers of the election will be Capt. J. A. Hinnant, E. G. Scruggs and S. C. McDowell, who will be sworn in tacfore J E. McDonald, chaih man of the executive cammittce. All members of the Municipal D mocratic Club will be entitled to vote at this election. All cardidates to be voted upon will file their pledges with the execut've com mittee today (Fi iday) as it ii the last day. The names of all who are filed will be printed on a ticket and ac cording to the rules ad)pted, no vote will be counted unless the ticket con tains the name of one intendant, four wardens, and one school trustee. For Over Fifty Years. MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind calic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take ns other kind. 1-1-17 A LIVELY CHASE. Yesterday afternoon Policeman Gil bert was notified that a negro had just gone from Mr. Ref's store, taking a ham without making any arrange ments for paying for the same. The chief went at once to see about the matter and met him on the railroad just at the reur of the store. lb re sponse to Mr. Gilbert's reqest to ac company him to warm quarters ur street, he replied that he would not ga nor was he going to come. In his ef forts to get away frcm the policeman'" frm grasp, felt the weight of the clut several times. He succeeded in get ting away and gave leg bail In th direction of Mr. Flenniken's. Afte wearivg out several of his pursuers he was overtaken and brought t headquarter-. He gives his natne a Will Brown, from Atlanta, and say Eenne Te Kind YOU Has Ali&i RAISED Uncle Sam has lately determined t increase the cost of postoffice con veniences by raising the rent on al lock boxes. The large drawers whici have heretofore rented for 50 cents quarter, will cost 75 cents after Apri the 1st. The rent of the other oel boxes has been increased from 57 cents a quarter to 50 cent.. The rez of the call boxes remains at 25 cents quarter. The above announcement will not be received with much pleas re. There is no reason why thern sho-ild have been any increase in th rent of any of the boxes. The boxes as is generally known, do not belong to Uncle Sam, but to the post maste in other than first-class offices. Th boxes are of conrse a great convenienc and there are many who would not di without t~hem at any cost, but they ari not going to b3 pleased with the ex or bitant charge that is to be made. The merited reputation for cogrii piles, sores and skin diseases acquirei ~y DeWint's Witch Hizel Save, ha led to the making of wortbless counter feis. Be snreto get only DaWitt' Save. McMaster Co. CLUB MEETING. The Municipal Democratic Club me i the Court House at 8 o'clock, Marcl the 11'h, and was called to order b: President G. H. McMaster wbo re quested J. E Coan to act as secretary 0- m-,tion, J. E Coin was electe< pet mainent secretary one year. The secretary read the minutes 0 the last meetiing, which were correcte< and adopted. The secre'ary read the roll as pre pared wnich was adopted by a vote o the club. The c >rr m tee on rules governinj the primaries then made their repor through its chairman, Mr. J. E. Mc Donald, who read ti~e rules. It was moved by Mr. J. A. Brici and seconded by Mr. J. E. McDonal< that they be received ; read and adoptet by sections which was done, dates lel blank for holding first and seconc primaries beir-g filled in. The first primary is to be held 01 the 18.h of March, 1901, and the second ne a week later. Ech primary tbe:eafter to be held First one, two weeks before the gen eral town election; and second, on week after the first. MBI .Budr COUGH SYRUP cures Hackln Coughs, Sore LungGnppe,Pnu monia and Bronchitis a few days. Why then risk Consumption, a slow, sure death? Get Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Price, 25c. Don't be imposed upon. Refuse the dealer's substitute ; it is not as good as Dr. BUll's. s.vato Oi cum Rhaatiss, Aches ad Pasw. JS 2 a ets. fray expenses of the primaries was then di.cnssed at some length, after which it was decided by vote of the club to assess each candidate for in tendant $5.00 to pay such expenses. The c'ub then went into the elcetion of officari for another year, the follow ing gentlemen being elected: Execative Committeemen.-J. E. McDanald, J. F. Fooshe, 3. J. Quat tiebaum, J. A. Brice, L E Owens. Vice Presidents.-W. C. Beaty and W. G. Jordan. President G. H McMaster being elected one year ego for life, there was no president to be elected. There being no further business, the club then ad journed sine die. J. E. Coan, Secretary. WARDENS Please announce the following for wardenq: Jas. M. Smith, A. B. Cathcart, W. D Douglass, Joo. H. McMaster. Mdany Mimas. MUNICIPAL TICKET The following ticket is put In nomi nation for the combisg town election t( be held April the lit. INTENDANT. T. H. KETCM . WARDENS. JNo. F. DivIs. JXo. H. MCMASTER. A. W. Brown. Many Voters. THE MANAGEMENr OF THI Equitable Life A-surance Society 0 the United States desires to announ the. appointment of Mr. J. M. Ellie .s Resident Agent for Winnsboro an clnity. 'tate Boa selt pduted prices s oE cash. Secon hand books in god condition will b taken in exchange by Mr. S evensor Other stcmnd haud books will have t be carried to the County Superlntet dent of Education (with backs and a] pages). IW. L EOSBOROUG F!, Jr., S3-15-2 Co. Supt EducatIon. AN ELECTION FOR INTE3 dant and four Wardens for the tow of Winnsboro, S. C.. fir tie ensnin I year, witl be held in the Town Hall, a a Winnsb~ro, on Monday, the 1st da of April, 1901, from 9.A. M. to 4 P.& Als, in conformity to an Act of th General Assembly entitled "An A< r to provide for the election of schoc trustees, the management of the pul e l schools And the disbursement of th~ school funds in Spr eial-School Distric SNo. 14. at Winnsboro, in Fairfiel< s County," an election at the same tium -and pla-se will be held for one truste to represent the town of Winnabor on the boar d ot trustees for said scho< s district. SThe following nam-d persons at a appointed to manage the election, viz. . . C. McDowell, J. A. Ilinnant, E. C Scruggs. By order of Council. JOHN J. NEIL, 3-Ed Cletk. t Notice. In the District Court of the United States For the Destrict of Southa Caroline In Bankruptcy. In the Matter John W. Ly les, Bani rupt. To the creditors of John W. Lyles, ( Winnsboro, in the County of Fair field, and District aforesaid, a bani - rupt: f Notice is hereby given that on th 13th day of March, A. D. 1901. th said John W. Lyles was duly adjudi stt-d bankrnp ; ani that the fire t meeting of his cr'ti or' will be hel -at my offi e, int Winneboro, 8. C., o the 28h day of March. A. D. 1901, a . 11 o'clock in the forenaoon, at whici ime the said creditors may atterid prove their c'aims, appoint a trustee examine the hankrupt and transac t such other business as may properl come before said mneetir g. J. E. McDONA LD, 3-15-3 Referee in Bankruptcy. Seven Per Cent Money. WE CAN LEND MONEY ON IM -proved farms at seven per cent. N Sunreasonabie charges. 'A. S. & W. D. DOUGL ASS, Attorneys, Winnsboro, U. C. .1 9oSm EARLY L'PRING ARRnIVAL3z To Give You. a Start on Spring Goods, We are offering new white goods in Checked Muslin, Nain sook, Lawns, Dimities, Corduroys and Piques. In colored goods, we are showing some pretty styles in Piques, Cordu roy, Fancy Gingham, Chambrays and Percals. These are just the thing for early spring waists. A very fine line of new Embroideries in match patterns, both Swiss and Hamburg. A good bargain in short lengths of Embroidery and Insertion at 5c to 8 1-3c per yard. Some thing new in Ladies' Belts, with ribbor streamers and spike ends; also new gilt and silver belting, with tassels to match. Our Mr. Caldwell is now in the northern markets buying our spring stock. Miss "ellam will have charge of our millinery again this season. She is now in Baltimore buying our spring goods. We ask that you see our New Goods; it will. pay you. WE BUY GOODS CHEAP and we are satisfied with a small profit, so we sell cheap. "The best goods for the least money", is our motto. The Caldwell Dry Goods Gompany. NEW STOCK R. & G. CORSETS. ALL SHAPES, Attention! xxxxxxxxxxxxx THE PUBLIC ARE INVITED TO LOOK AT OUR t -STOCK OF PERC LES. et. TKEEPING A FULL LINE OF FAMILY-GROCE. REI A LSO CARR.Y THE BEST LINE OF . Sloes in~ Wirgsboo6. THE BEST HAM ON THE MARKET AT THE LEAST MONEY. J. DMcCarley & Co.'s. AS TILE TIME FOR PLANTING IS NEAR, I wish to atnnounce that I have a fine assortment of both SMULES AND HORSES, ready for work. A .few aecli mated Horses and Mules, for rough arnd heavy service. THE HIGH GRADE ROCK HILL BUGGIES always in stock. Rock Hill Onie-Horse 'Wagons. Try one. Saddles, Bridles, Harness of all kinds and of the best make. Thanking my friends and the public generally for their liberal patronage to me, I very respectfully solicit a continu ance of the same, a .. .z 134. es D. A r wod WIN~NSBORO, 5. 0. SHOES! SHOES! FOR LADIES. f OXFORD SLIPPERS,.FROM $1.oo to $2-50. FOR MEN' VICI KIDS, FROM $1.r~o to $8.50. FOR CHILDREN. ALL KINDS OF STYLES AT BAR GAIN PRICES. For Everybody. SHOES at from twenty-five to fifty cents a pair cheaper thanielsewhere. WAinnsboro Racket Co. C". B. G"2l naAde. Muge