The Marlboro democrat. (Bennettsville, S.C.) 1911-1911, October 27, 1911, Image 2

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m ?Vi tt&.l DEM Volume XXXVI, No. 2b Bennettsville, S. C., Friday Evening, October 27, 1911 $1.50 a Year in Advanc? LEGS BROKEN BY AN AUTO MRS BUTLER. RUN 0\?ll BY JAMCLS HAMER Two Wcgro Woman Yi?\\\ Cv? a Man and lioth aro - Wounded Clio, Pot. 27.- A terri! lo iinji -crape odour rod Y\ >?.? night oil tho plantation ol' Mt u j M,\ers. when Mary Isabella Iv j found Pearl Yarhoro in iii" In < . willi her husband. Marj ? mario an c?lOrt lo kill lier I" and I nt4 dusky iluni>ol Pi ? . ' a ra//ir, culling lier hu- ' . se vorcl.v ami almost sew; i . jungulnr vein ul" Poui i, i . Bonncttsvi lu, who drew hoi i in the incantiuHi and took ; ri tho cullin}.', splitting thc ?dui di .Mary Isabella and cutting a? don gash iii her chest. thain.c; Ivy, the man in tin." eas", luis rot linn ? io North Carolina. Tho two \ nm oai wore brought to town a. d vii severe won lids were neall.\ tl ia? b.v Dr d A 1 lamer and lin n tu ned I over lo tho county muli nities ;;' Bonneltsville for I'urther oar? m legal i reat'?iout. Tlie pin tien art all neurons. Il is reported that james Hana i ol' I > i 11 o Ii ran over a .Vi rs with his automobile near l i; sta i line .v?storda.v itltornooiiantl brtik? her K?us. She is still living, inti in a critical condition. M r i lanuu is a son* in-law ?d' Thos J Ina-sam of Bennetts ville. .\L VY .1 t lovington ol' lOvor greed, N ?, has been Spending :i few days with the family ol' Mi Charlie Covington lane, Both ile Mesdames Covington went io lien pottsville Thursday morning. Mr ,1 T Petcrkin ol' I lillon, a son ol' .Janies A Petcikin Ksp, late of this county, is lane foi- a few daw- cont-st manager foi ile "Marlboro Times. 1 have just received tho col Ieee m ago/due from my young fi ?end, .) 1* IO va ns of the University ol ?South Carolina, who is business manager with Mr Broad us Mitch el, editor. Tho tone of the jou rnal is earnest and incisive and clear in its literature. Thank you gentle? nam for the pleasure of its peru sal. On Monday night Mrs K L Ben nett invited the Eastern Star, o! which she i-. worthy matron, to a reception in her handsome, com modious home on ('lunch street-. lier program consisted of seven enjoyable events ami surprised*, adding much to the ol' ihe occa ion. Mrs Barnet', i-. prov in* to he a real tn ii rot) nf tjlio [>) isjith i Slur ami contmut s to ii. hi lo |p r popul.:.ri ty more a-, a Mar her sex on tho : trot i. 'I'M . ?j Cepli ?ii e! i.sed plea, hui ly a lei : OUtr il ;m l s il?pl r:..;r -e. liindVertdntlv .- . ; i . . . ,0 l,f Kt5V !.: ( ) W.dv.u . ii lor ; ? Dre presen) bihci?], Mr Mciv'cilhan ?j? luis re jair}vod io ms pl nv ??? a p'??ft o the. Clio Mule e ?luptiny, ll ft e| Speniiin;/ fl shirl in N ' Carolina a:al al tho home ol' hp p'arOnts near h m, where M1 ? Hogers1 lui'* boon i r sovprul tbiyi rein. /-.. - . y ..iraiay. HOV WolooihC Quick went t< 11 tulls no ii'- li ? ,m il in l 'a\ ?l ? l'jilO on Thursday to have lie ? : ' . talion v. nos ' wi e is ottrien . > Tlie bare ol' the IU*,lo OUOM ?0 lor a while tri tip ii) ijlitds < le- M ? es Mary id ul kittie Mei ?iiurin, -s H have liad their caro foi' . i weeks. < 'ar ?tccoinm alalini-: \. i't'ieti i, t?adger Biggs ol' ! ai ii . lon. X (-, who 1-; new at the d sn .i i' developing into ah elli ci ein nit n ope hitor for the Bell telcphon aoin,.ali.y. Harmony Happenings, I larmony, ( )ei. -JI. Several ( '.he I larmony people have Ix en t Mci 'ol! ami BcnnettsvHIc shop pin this week. ooiiio of tho Harmony folks at tended tho play at Olio last Tues j> niyht, Mr and Mrs ll B Spears and Mrs lill (iioson attended services ti tue Catholic church at Cheraw Sunday morning. Killy dollars, widen was unido up hy id" rural school iuipro? o mont a isocnition ? T i'la ??-?O .? .ii M>| in A t'.?rii, lins ber h iised roi' bd.i lug o'ta i i s loi; (lu sehou . M r VY illiain S pi a .. and r i ni;; ly and Aliss l <>:a \h I ii U?h s j ?iud sa1 U i'd ay hi Ked ti li I. Marriage L??epfc?fl. Nd. h.v>. C-narles IhoWh, ligystVK did Creccy lillei he I !, c Un .?., diaiheiiin Alai i h'd ( ) i. '.<:) oy M i\iel/iiii iii; N... SI. ?'?'.sdi l v \? ; p 'nier' L iii ! .), \ and 1 lourie! i i Tu t UT i I), j While, Lemu'. i v I no. .Muie.O! ) .? i.'.f by d i> (Jli)SO??. No. So? Lui hoi'1 Jaiupheli -I and I ?ebrge lilla iJohnsiid Colored* um. Married Od i i .'? i>.\ Ue\ A M Poe. Nd, 80, Prank (iibsbjl hs ann ! life j ly. I ug t am hs. Colored-. CL??Li ' ii. N ii>? Ai ir. md ( let. - I by M I deLuurili. GALLOWAY PA HUSH I )a\ id I ?. Parish and Mis-, Lau- ? ?si (??llow'ay were married at lia-, h ape ol I he bri ld i ear Man r | yo> l i sri I ' S ul ."> p. m., liOvj Mi'J j 11er ber I performing the ceremony. I'lie ohdal party came ip puce lo Hie handsome cpd ni ry hoini! iii Mr. Pa .'?sh, I lire ' ti i es soulli ol town, where a KV-, pt on and din ncr were .v.iven to a lai'ge m.m au of ln-> neighbors und I rieiids. Ail?ong those who went lion. Ilcnncttsville were dudge Milton McLaurin, Kev. S. d. helhea, Col lom U. 'lamer, T h. M cl a al A. (J Sinclair. 'I ne dinner is said to hilve 'neon one ol MU? h. sl ever given <m a similar occasion in Murinoro ci un awl. vaiv ai^Xi., ?ui'.;,>od.J.hy.| thc guests. The hi ide is a daughter of Wil liam I ?alloway, formerly of Marl boro, and is .> very chariini young lady. Mr. Parish is a mein her ol the comity hoard of regis tration, and a prominent and suc cessful laiiner- They have the congratulations and best wishes ol many friends. Tho Hunting of tho TaliP. Of lill the U;l.\>. <U lill ll ti UK surely that ol' (he hillmen ol (inrliwal ls lile strangest, 'this, iicco'i'diihi tn Sin|nr the 11 ciii. c. <:. liriiee, iii .'Tweiity Veurs la i he lt hun layas," ls their nie! h ?il of UHIitta (lie lain, a loni j s| 1 les ol" i:.I : "| Ia viilti driven Hie lain inn. de.o. rilli;.hs \vl(ij ns' U pri'(M| ':' ii si.! s. out ul ulii. h there ale ee:i. ;:i we.I kno wn nUir ripiki lliiiv i.r ??? . eil II prer The (ff tl .wi? ia Vir I'roi ii Delolier ;a> io S'oveuibor il--4 ('oiiuniihi ti ie s*eai of Unusual A. li v Hy. Th?re iv j il l>r niiniMeineiti aahu'e for vi .??Ui.r.--- io Cae State Kid r to lie held in < '? >l 111111 ii'iii OiJt?bor' 80 to No Vl ililli r Iii The .Uli. . ! .-; uf the Fair haw made arrarigoiiieiils for several l?'i'opla i?e III;; ht s h> ii well Known aviator, A inimher ol antonio I?iIcu have hei n entered for the auto mobile rae. .-. I Ibm ? lass shows havo iiooii .- ?...'?...ii hy i h jj ioanurtoment for Hie M in way ami lhere, will bo a nu tn hi l of a ( i rael |..u:t oh Main fllroot. Tho maii.iaemeiit oi' pio Columbia theatre will offer a nu m bor of high? ela-s attractions, Special ti h'a ti rte ni en ts aro boin j? ai a ?le lo ealerinin tho sovoral thou .-iiuil vlftltor.H thal will attend tho Pftlf from ev. iy e..only In South Carolina, ana of the rallroftdfl havo Kraaled especially low rules. BOYKIN NEWS OF THE WEEK COTTON MARKETED AS FAST AS G A Til EKED Vd: .>;:...! Reopened by ,vMzs. Newton-New kai'iroad fMPifc&U Crowd Po,\ Mn, Cot, ....!.- Messrs ?o nior ( Mvin.vm:) o tu I Jaines GudHol: VlcObjl ?pent Sui/ ay aliena on va .??is section. Ali* a nil Airs Henry, Smith ol Society Hilt rot ii cued home Tues ; i.\ aller spending a fo\v days ' -ii Mr NV alt isaiah's. Several from Cd son will attend Coble's Minstrel"1 in tho opei'a house at t Jilli ein Im I*'.?' l'Yeiay even ing. ,\|iss danie Gibson is spending Pis week with her sister, Airs \\ >.'. ( ?aldw?ii, I I'niun. M ?'.sos Mattie Ilunsuekcr, l.eii A right, Al \ 11 lc h m ley ami Uiith iV'ri gil ti, wno uro alte: d ng school n Southern presbyterial c?i.?go, pt r.i lin* wee!; otu) willi their pti r0.nts near Gibson. Miss Mattie Ilunsuekcr was accompanied b.\ ocr eon-, n. MI SS .Myrtle Allen (d' ' 'roy, N 0. Mr and Airs Lawrence Gibson spout Sunday with friends in Rook ingham. Ah T vY 11 itokabee and famil.S .>l?ent Sunday al Air I", id Stallion's ,.ear Olio Cotton is being put on the mar ket as fast Us gathered. At the low prices tho ilvorago fariner dondis paving iiis dehls. Mr and Mrs F ( ? Liles speid Sunday at Air P L Newton's. Miss Mary Richards ol' CheraW. arn\ ed ai ? iibson Saturday and bc uun leaching t he primary d?put aient ol' the Boy ki n high school yesterday. Miss Richards wi|| ooaid at A|iss .Mattie t-'ovip^',, ?j [evsni lt will bft^'oaiv?, \-.? A,n and returning fi ai school. j Mr and Airs ,1 Li Gibson of l)il-| lon spent the week end al Mr Sim i Gibson's. Miss Pauline Herring, principal thc Gibson graded school, spent j Sunday in Hie. Boy kin section. Mr and Mrs .lohn Al (..(.'allman ol' Gibson spent Sunday with their son, Mr,Ja nos MoCallman of A. and Al. college Air Laurie (Iibson returned Sun day nigllt from tho lair ai Raleigh. I Quite a lal go crowd nltcndcd the >n 11 .rise parly at Aliss Mattie I ll ni.sucker s hist night, coin pi t lUen'.ary lo lier guest, Miss Myr ? tie Allen. I Ai! the y? u:jg folks art* look i nv: ' i; d, will ha a great Coi e io tile large mimi -i r jg' .nen as well as day boar Air ll II au i ' a igii; d tue k.i.en..i ) han o Ked Spi iii. lay iii ( >. I ison? I ?gi I ni ev.rnMi.i- tram ?ri ii I m nd re; I lt titi l a fe da.\ -, al Air W 11 (iib- j M ; 1 !.; ,? n t ildsdUi who i-> '-?aehiir: m Ni ?jj i|s, S G, attended liiO v. ee,?.n... of her cousin, Ali-s . 'arrie B Br< edon, iii Bonnet ts ville iiji'st tveek, ami .-.peut Wethe :iiia.\' light al le-r hmm- near (iibson. Likes Geor/jia. A note from .I Ii Stanton, re Hue tin;;- i ha? the Advocate be seul lt) hiv ip-w Inane at Aniericus, (ia, says j "Crt)pS are good out herc Thc South Carolina boys that are out here are. gathering a bale of colton per acre. This is a lino country," (UREATEST BAND IN THE WORLD TO ME IN BENNETTSVILLE WEDNESDAY. Has P??jted at All InaujlvrAltons and Funerals ot' thc Presidents. .*>? - --- 'l iai United Slates Marine Hand which combs to lieiine.ttsville bil \V(]dne.sday Nov. 1 tor :i grand concert al the Court I louse at ~ o. en., is conceded hy all critics to Ki the greatest military and con cert band in tho world. Organiz* d way back in 1801, this oren, hau l is now In the ono Inindia ?i mid tenth year ol its existence, i - o i is aha.s', as o! d as thc Ndional apila! i * self. When the city ol Washington was a toddling infant, just born on thc hanks of the ma j slie Potomac, this band, then in reality but a life and drum corps, ?.vas its chief play tiling and means pf diver-ion. This is why tho National?, apital bas always boen so proud of it-. Marine Band, riley hav crown up from infancy together, and if today Lhere is no other capital in tho world which equals Washingloi, there is like wise no other governieut hand in ? ne woidd that equal 1 lucie S un* "pet" mush ul organization. Por more thai) one hundred years every Inaugural Procession that hus ie ft thc greitt dome cap i e 1 ( 'a pit ul escorting I hi' Lat ion's new Chief Executive down Penn sylvania Avenue to tho While House has marched to the martial music of th'- Marine P>and. Al every Inaugural hill, at, every Presidential Kcoeptiom 111 fact, on all tele days when dide Sam turns host and invites his own fi I low citizens or the representatives . f och ec nations, to be his guests, he relies very largely upon the cm o.t'i. u ... m^^,^1: 5 -th* iVarir.o Band to add to the merriment ami happiness of the occasion. But all days are not "feto days/' It may be said as truly of the na tion, as of thc indiviual, that "in to each life some rain must fall, some days be (birk and dreary, I and there have been dark and dreary"'days, indee. I, for our na tion when not with triumphal march, but with funeral dil go, and tnnlllod dru..; and muted horn, the Marino Band has led the solemn procession as our "Martyred Presidents," Lincoln, (iarbeirj ami McKinley, have been borne to their (ina) resting places. itu: u.\Ni) IN (iicnSu ?NI?. Tho Richmond Times l)isj ?itch stud: VBofPfe ?m aui lichee bl thia o thousand p.'tipie. v. h cn I \ a inoro liriliiatii audience lias nil. v. inch sal entranced beneath lie magic spell bf Lieut. Sanlei i.em's baton. "Tho ..:. u ran) has nevi- ?us u quailed at any liahu edhcorl given ; lids city. There wein over (lies 'rom the great Opt ras foti t ic msically tail til red, un I ihodieys ?d marches for the masses, with CM- old "I 'ide'" thrown in as an " ITie (I tiled Slates Abu inc Thc Mule Caplured. Mill ly C. I ! trper, who o md le was ti ft.un (ns h une ai Bo 1 'ivs cross; iv ul ; I as I week, has recove i'll 11 his mule. 11 v, as found by Sa o Brie!;, near Little Pock. A ?OgrO who broke into a bon a, in ihe community that nigh! ?md dis appeared, is supposed to have rid* tleu the mule oil a. d turned it loose. ; Phone number IO if you want a Saturday'? livening Tost Prank I McCormac, agent. Philadelphia hi Mot So Slow. "Motlier*" said a thoughtful liostou, child, "is Philadelphia older than Hes ton 7" "Of course not, my son. Thc first settlement wits made in Charlestown in 11130, willie William Penn (Pd lint arrive on thc site of Philadelphia until li ft y two .veins hiter." _ "Thal was always my impression, mellier. How is ll. then, that I'hlhideP phill is mentioned In Hie IM hie. while Boston is not 7" Huston Star. Discovered. Little Violet was one day examining n beehive, which was new tb her. He lm; disturhed, Hie bees came out of their hive.-, and ono ol' them st imp; her. | Tears vaine hito her eyes, nut sim quickly dried Diem aiid cried irhnn pliantly: "Now l know who lakes Die woodlea ont of mamma's cushion."-Delineator. Couldn't Bothor Willi Trifles. "litis your In tina' ever given you any Idea wlial ho thinks of mo?" "No. i really don't holieve fut hoi thinks of you m nil. ile TIMS SO many Important things to lill his mind." st ra v Stories, If you he poor do not seem poor IC you would avoid insult ns well ?ts suf fering.-(?oldsniilh. Consolation. Mrs. Ora mercy M,\ husband ls mix lons to get rid of me. Mrs. Park Don't cry, dear lu thal case lie won't haggle over th" iillnioiiy.- Smart Set Magnitude of Stars. Tho brighter a slur ls Die Smaller ! the mun!.er represent hm Its IliilgUi tilde, mu? consequently a star ol tlie I first magnitude |s brighter Dian one et the second, mid one bl the soeond magnitude i s I wo magnitudes brighter elie Ol' Hie 1'iiir,h. lu (lie same woy stars brighter dian Die hist maa ti i tialo can ho represented i>> numbers smaller Ihtlii ??ll?.'. hy iioeiuiuls. di even by notait ive numbers, sirius is ol ?tie I.I magnitude. Vega pl ii.'J magul ade. nm' sim is ii siiii' ol the 'JU..ri liuignl Uni ', ami il g ft es us in.UUU.tMIII.UIIU (hues as inlicit lighl tis Sirius. Il Die sim were IWiec tis tar away fl'Olil us as it ls it wiaild give niil.t iinoqunrioi' as um,ii ??-.-lit. If it were IUU.Ut?i times lari her Off Dian i< is Its lighl w<uiiil ho tho same intoiisily a> that Of S.;:i;< Pill evi'lj ill Dits or.orui'>us distaiiie the sun would bo only nliont ,K.v ip j|.s .>'? av.\i.v .--i Strm", ex act ly Iles.' Iii .rbis shines willi II Histor limy tim ty times that of our sun New V??ri< World. LONG STAPLE COTTON". Encouragement Offered by tho StafO: I'nh--l l ne Exhibits. Special attention will bo nala to agricultural exhibits at tho State valr to bo held In Columbia from October" 30 to Novomber .'{. A number of handsome prizes will bo given for tho best showing made ulong tho various lines of agriculture. Among tho fen tu roa ol the Fair will be tho < '. . 11<? 11 Imposition to en ooiirngc the growth of long staple cotton In this stat,-. The exposition win in- hold under th? auspices of tho Untied States tann d?monstration Work and $1,000 in prizes will bo given for Ho- best results shown In tho growth of Die staple cotton. Deports rCcelvfd herc Indicate that many l'a rill el's in tho Statt- will Send exhibits ol' finn producta. There will bc a special h ult ding tor tlie agri cultural exhibits. . MM Lieut. Will am H, ?Sanielmann, ( Marine Band which w\\l be in 1 WHY SPEARS NOL PHOSSED TUE MQUOU CA ES AT THE RECENT COURT Because Soma Wove Acquitted Ile Thought it Usv?csj t1 " ry thc Osiers At, ihr liisi 1,'inii ol' court, vlien Solicitor Spears liol pro- .. 1 ?.vj liquor eayes work* il up lo, ? . da u otivi - , bc Inp! the follow lng 'uio inc?il ii!-?I willi thu iccoids , ? tho court: '*Sl ute mont hy Si licitftr .1 Mon roe Spinrs, made, in op ii url.. "A poli I jory bf good ned law ful bien of .Mu ilior > cpu id >itv iiig 11 i ed ii defendant in a . -iso where tho state's Witnesses : tied positively to tim sum o;' I ?< .<>'., and having by their v< iii no quitted him, hu being i cpi i uti d, iqid there being other dofcimautJ to be tie! not. re presen I ed, 1 deem it uufuir io try these men and con vict them, when those represented uv found not guilty upon ll.o - ame test iuiony. " 1,1 lu i efore, because of my own feolii gs :ii tlie mutter (?md 1 want 0 peifeetl.\ fi?nkly '<? your hoiior, iud . have my doubts as ?iros ocufhui attorney), I therefore lol pros nil dispensary cases pend ny o: Marlboro county in which hrs e. itiiesses aro thc pi o "cuting vitiiesses; the facts appearing in t c ? valence that the pay ol' these professional witnesses depend upon .onvic!i n. The witnesses are col ored c ipples in tim employ of a vhile num. their chief ( v. bite mun) ? coi vi ng $1(5 per case for convic Ljui : the negroes for doing thc wi il\ and testifying lo receive 7.?0 i ai li conviction. The jurors ni two c jses rendered verdicts of ot guilty" upi,n their evidence? hereby showing that '2d good men ot ihc c.ouoty won d not convict upon sucio nj;/. .t uniter ^ 1 rials of these eases . .aid bea use less waste of time, eheigy uiid noney, and would tesult inaequit .als." ,1- Monroe Spears, Sol." Card of Thanks. In expressing our appreciation f thc kindness and sympathy bown by the people of Bennetts ville durino tins the saddest hours I our lives, v c cam ot say in wm ds o < ugh to repay > on, May ? ur Heavenly Father bless von all and unidc you so that wo .ii mci i nu h vi d ( i rs fts we aro ailed from this earth, is i r pray \V. 0. Mouthard, Mr. a <i Mis. 0. W. I; ki; bp. m m ?iiiytl?i4u3ftM,,-.-.~....?. . .-J Conductor, of thc United States Jcnnciisville, Wednesday Nov. I