The Marlboro democrat. (Bennettsville, S.C.) 1911-1911, October 20, 1911, Image 2

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Ihz Pee Dee Adv?cale l'h?shed Kvor.V Tuesday. '? H. R^too^o > mocvaf si x mon' hs i ? iOT?Oi' SI fUA i ' - - 1 .} : ,..:th' U.v.!.:-...-'a ?i kv :;- hi . ,'..-.?..??.in for starlin:!- th >. prive < .. ni upward tn ii.y iipli bo I''i W?i irV '. >Uht ?f ill i't hi il ??hie i'i . %k ... ?I ors lo Stic? togei rn":-.' . . -.'Y- believe then4 is tl gier?.' deni i v '. Ito says about tho tmiHioi ?v\ in condition lo tuhve ?;>>v;ti i . i .hi Oidy got stan d. Th . ?.H L'h ps Po ciU/>'U Ol S-nit.i Gar -bb is .botter posted oh th | ; of the money ra hi or ii j %<i : I"brU than -.enalor MeLv:; i j ! bo pity s ulong til fi lino : .. to (iii ilo eiviiii wv ??ht. ell known that thc pri .ri - : '.. >Vi ii; ji??udi lie!, by the i.'I'n'V (&r? i i)) by tho buyers, I fbi by tin v? il,; i, but by the specblalhis 01 .;' )\i ?. York Cotton exchange | 'Cv I) yo rs al) over tito cboht'V VJ . to wait every da.\ lill the Now ?5"?irk exchange begins business ... o"< Ibby get their limbs foi - i day. When lhere are mon . ..vis than sellers ol' future con . ? &cts oti the exchange, cotton goos (gs, when there are more seller.* 'olivers, it goes dowii. A.nd when it gets to going down, .T?cs! ol'tho pure speculators keep & ?< tilg that way as long as tho.v u.V.. Kvcrybody gives it a kick CT . shove. It is like a railroad li Wheil il is given a shove in rta in direction, it keeps going way a good while, unlesssOme them to ride it aud get profited that w ny M mu to nv to tu it back: but whoa it gels started thc other way, they aro just as e?i to keep it going that way. Oh i nally looks blue, ahd dearly ON 'jody ts SU io ii is going lower, ?tr ; ? ? , MI I . M never |?'??u d so i ii i?? ?A' i ci! ? ?J, aitd iii1 ci'ti \S'(\ j il m pf? o'? i ' aup) ivagbii, Wi.a". .Senator M. L ai rip waiii " dd i ow, is d> apply tho b: U A wauls td ti !. li c .owlair i id .i i o, Uli I tuid t'j ?. . thc mark. < ;,1 In kail. 11 VJ thinks it w'll i ' <? ea ... u> give it/U*;sh.ovo upw? . nid no toll i Pg whore it would g< llurihg thc [inst two years, whhi .'otton as froid ti ii to hf teen eg nts. rou coUljd lie.ii people evet\y wileri nig; "Cotton eau never g ailo'.v teil eel ls ?uTiiin. lt is cost iiig ii ape ai" did re lo prpdUeo il Labol' ';. <j vi li hg ' career, and tue tile ?.Miii^uinpti??i of ciittoi^jtfodds i tieri tish'iii tin' >iighditt the world. ! lt is ju??. < l>li '. 1 to stay up.'' ??'it : . !, ii the s ju oin tors got lt stiiiTi o ; Lo jioiiig lioivtt ti few inotitbs ?gO;; . ?st fi jiroijudl on anti the worn s . leiMinds h tal little i llecl on stopp ing lt. ( t lats ii ic bil and oil, ld C i c?itSt? r <;u running do wi I iii} I', liul the la hite r's ul thc soil th have stood by ni helpless wonder it ind have. ibt ni.ule an ill ort tb stop ii. '.'hey have thc power, if tin-., would only exert it, to stop ii in a winkling and send it up fastoi than it has over como down. All they have to do is to scar thc spec ulators and make thom think ii is lioing away up again, Thc spec ulators will do thc rest. Governor Colquit of Texas has called a convention <d" southern governors for t h:t, ''>'K to soo what can be done willi tin-colton situa lion. We roconimon that Senator 1. ?' 1 . ? "" ' t.O Ihis coil ll I'f They Are All Goii You Had Bettei ? one of the lucky ones to get you leave home take a look a Bend Malleable, think of all UK ssible to rid yourself of them : you are having a hot biscuit i Jemonstrater will tell you hov There is a still grea will have to come t< Remember the of Wall':.neel, tnecouoi. moist\u\ bl?? cutt ?II producers, We l< of m? mun who is better qual lb originate :i movement that > ill do something. c i v S c iI, ? I 5 ?V t C k vii I .VU il Ut 1 .?J . 1 > . > :i!m:????'. i??e People . . E?ow (? ?'.ea.l RI: d fi luiiiicyS ?jl.V? iiUkO,V> i . ii ' !..(lons III*?? ila 'il ; ; ... '!! II iv f rc? |?r'i11 . - i ?iicku?.lin is constan i day ?iii 1 II li'ii lucilos ?md diaz.v . . (pi? nip. , TIIIJ won kened lddiuw?j noodqiilel; l e'p. Pon'l (lolnyl Uso ti special kidney i'oiiiody. bonn's Kiduo,\ 1'ills enro sic!< I; ida ey?, .!..' ? k 4.1 iii ina ry il?.sordors. < ' ' ?? f !' >'. ii evideiiee pravos I lu? . . M ley ! ii! -> ??ej.'iJ ? uhllolv ?'>. fi i* ?. 'i'l IM ieeoO <. .. . N..W N III "ll!'. T i Hier: For forty . whole ?amsl VF A HIN l N I. . l'j lV" Nions hoivy lee? wonder why \ selling hundreds do/.eh makes this All The Ev ?oil,', so gooii ,\ o ll t the price. Hy instead ol' ?i few o 50. ?om pany. ! P copie, mm I ng m One Dir r Get in Line Too a set of high grade cc -Your own f t your kitchen range. )se cooking troubles an forever. ind a CUD of delicious ? i v it can oe done. ter attraction but yoi) r> our store to see it given ill tl we will s goods an lars. To th) not liars is that yoi week, and a ticket Cr< in tin4 ii ox dalt any da> i October 30th to h \ mi Bwg Ki ? * " W^j kumarl ; itfiS fy -> KA*^ M m ? : Im ll ?fD 1 ? -.1 Vi"! J,'' tin i t?estii . . ct'u ot ?VI m?e (?o?f?ly, wp hayo lite bestsimd elny roads iii tho ; S i-i. - l'i.'es, the Hub ul' iii ' Sa?n' lillis ?IMS ?.?/. 'i ./'a r.'?d ri ii ! . .'?> Kelioo! i'i f?ei ib" ?ni fl j 111 conyOiloucos Ol' < -ty. : . M ! ils (> i 1 Ls o?oiEilbus crops wien bundled b.V ski?K.d ?'jx'iS 11 i " s i ?. in piuco t<> buy li? i*m huid clio i> nd gol tho br he? !?. of Ibo enhanced valu? for yourself, ! have? ( I -;o M- co 1! K and cl ny r?nd, Ijniles fro tn oily, y ?fl a- r<r, io r Lilil? Uiver, 5 milos from city; on o?- near el ny ?ead T? coigood forillo jd'iineli botioni land on ibis tract nuc? hiigo I ait of ridge bas clay subsoil. 150 acre! adjoining tho ii'?ovo samo distance from town, clay leads rans through this tract. aere.* 1 unie;' on on .volo Hoad ifi io course.of construe lion proposed : o i* li ii to and thi'ouph thu tr? ct, bi>s eliot igh i i th" berlin itt?! improve it willi. Could add lo nicro?go il desired* ;'.'::? ncr s on;- dille and a half tod, about ?0 lie res cloa?'- tl, hits two iciiuiil h on si on it, lies between t wo ?l'y roads and easily roncho 1 from ; i lift :. viu'.v desirable local ion. Thi* nbbv? tracts' for sale, choice, :.t $10 per acre. I have 'ri . ' Vi >' lunns as follows: '.'?..'.J a a . .; miles Out small flwellliiir ?ind pood barns and she', iri'i'.h'? acres iii cultivation, bi'aiieh low grounds that do riot overflow ??? ; tires ol' this typo could bil brought into eultiva ti?rii l!lis i - ' " of thc 1' -i farms in this section. I ! ! acres .". miles ii: i ?in cOi'ti and eottoli farm, makes more thai i bale? < ?'ion to :>.(.: o -o 11 eoi n according. !l it?res .! m bs out iib cl Ch red, good lidusennd orchard, biiib ding's '..or!': the pri?e, bul ii sold quick can sell ut ? lol If), loo Heres .'< mile* out has ? room house, built ami HM O by saw mill mun with a lillie work this house would make ti largo and usi fu! h '"nil house, James Creek runs across one ooria roi' ibis truc? $1000. 1 have many other bargains, improved aral unimproved. Shall be pleased lo show this properly to Marlies interested. Call on meat my olhco or write mc at Southern Pines, N, C. I Ol >> 1 .1 ding to Nov 6th prise Hardware Company will i the greatest range exhibits ever Tis county. During this exhibit Cive away absolutely FREE lounting to hundreds of dol get a chance at these goods you re to buy one cent, .AU wo ask i como to our store during this wo will gladly present you with so. Be sure io watch this space t issue of this paper. Ja k nt! c ?ovember 6th. ompany.